The annual IAS event has come and gone once again without an actual “Int Event.”
The reason for no events for the past few years was supposedly COVID related.
But that is no longer an issue, the world has basically returned to normal.
Yet no event.
This is the BIG event each year for money-making at the event itself and lining up future revenue with re-showings of the events and videos and “medal-winners.” There have been no IAS Freedom Medal winners for 3 years now.
The only explanation for this is that the COB is scared to appear anywhere in public for fear that he will be served a subpoena. He could have done the event at Flag in the auditorium and snuck in and out from his office that doesn’t exist in the SP Building across the walkway into the FH… BUT, had they promoted the event in advance, it would have been used by the attorneys in the Baxter/Guider case to prove to the court that he IS in fact in Clearwater and the lie that nobody at Flag knows where he is, where he lives or where he works would have been laid bare. And you could not hold an “Int event” without promoting it, what if not enough people showed up to even fill the FH Auditorium! So, for the sake of prolonging the process of having him served in the case, the IAS event was not held for another year.
It used to be that the whims and well-being of Hubbard trumped all other factors in scientology. Today, that power resides in David Miscavige. His personal comfort is the most important thing inside the scientology bubble these days.
It’s satisfying to know that David Miscavige is living an uncomfortable and restricted life because he fears being required to testify under oath. He is living in a prison of his own making. Which is ironic given his history of making the lives of those around him uncomfortable, and he put dozens of people in another prison he made: The Hole.
PS: Just a note on the accomplishments of Caroline Collen. Who ho has heard ANYTHING from the “prison system of Indonesia” since she got her medal… By now, the entire nation should be “using Hubbard tech.” Like all of these things, it was a flash in the pan. Once the video footage was captured, whatever token gestures of “implementation of the tech” had been there fell apart.
Not nearly uncomfortable or isolated enough–dude has slaves that lick between his toes until he’s apprehended and even then, his attys that enable child sex trafficking and abuse will cover for him.
I am wondering if contracts simply expired during Covid.
If you work for an Org you sign up for a certain number of years.
During Covid years passed by. Why should any staff return? Maybe many found a paying job and probably felt much better.
BFM, it’s likely it’s a mix including the waning of the boomer generation and impacts of the pandemic. Though while some staff may have been afflicted or become too old, it does also make sense that some just got their ties to the org broken – and that goes for members, too.
In particular there are signs that some may have gotten sucked into other political and conspiracy theories instead, in a sort of”cult hopping.”
It can be looked at two ways:
– Scientology as a “movement” is in long term decline, but Tony Ortega speculated once or twice on Twitter that the decline may eventually slow down since only the real hardcore members are left. Miscavige might see that as a kind of “win”, or at least buying him some time to delay the inevitable.
– Scientology is approaching end game. There is virtually no new recruitment and no succession plan. Scientology has always been a manpower-dependent religion as well as a virtual real estate business. The lack of numbers will make it more and more difficult for them to justify their holdings, let alone maintain them in usable condition. The successions of purges has eliminated almost anyone remotely capable or intelligent who would be a potential successor.
Most religious movements have proven adaptable to circumstances with only a fraction the financial resources than Scientology. Hence their survival prospects are considerably better.
Agreed. As a never-scientologist, I don’t think it concerns Miscavige too much as long as his personal and organizational efforts insulate him from accountability or any kind of harm from the “wog world”. Being a malignant narcissist and a criminal, he is first and foremost for David Miscavige and is all about power and control for himself.
I honestly believe he doesn’t care about the wreckage of lives or of the ultimate wrecking of the organization itself as long as it sustains and protects him while he is here. THAT is the only thing that drives him. I hope he likes hiding and increasing paranoia because that’s what’s in store for him in this lifetime.
I used to like protesting these events, especially when I lived in England and it was a short trip.
Oh, well, if the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology cannot keep it up, I’ll visit England for a lot of other good reasons.
I wonder at what time the Co$ starts buying off the former victims (1)… I could go for a tour of the recently sold Saint Hill. The buyers would be well advised to organise paid tours. Although the busts of Hubbard would present a problem. Either put bullet proof glass around them, or risk that some defacing transpires..
(1) once defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is faced with the prospect of being dragged, kicking and screaming, into depositions
I am almost done with the book . It was an incredible read , the fact that Mike kept it so personal made it more real than any other book on the subject . Story of a life . I loved it , the raw honesty made it the most damning account of life with Miscavage , of Miscavage the sociopath.
I dream of the day there will be a knock on the door , a text , a phone call from loved ones , for all of us who have lost too much . Unconditional love , if only they knew .
I think the Freedom Medal should go to the first person that serves the subpoena on Miscavige.
That would be too funny! Miscavige places the medal around the winner’s neck. The winner then places handcuffs on Miscavige and escorts him offstage.
Not gonna happen, I know, but fun to imagine and dream about.
Yes, Shortarse Miscavige is being unfair to we professional SPs by denying us the chance to stand outside the main gates at Saint Hill with our placards and chant things like “what a load of rubbish!” at the entering whales. We demand our right to spread chaos and entheta (before retiring to the pub at sunset)!
Miscavige’s discomfort gives me little satisfaction, just a cold, hard temper. I have more compassion for a rabid dog, for at least I know it’s suffering can be terminated swiftly with compassion and that it’s the right thing to do. The poor dog doesn’t know why it is like it is. But Miscavige does, yet continues to foist his “poison” onto others intentionally in his misguided effort to lesson his own misery. He is literally chasing his own tail now and cowers in hiding like the coward he is. He is insane. One of my biggest frustrations has been seeing the endless debate over the years of why he does the things he does – insane is a good word but is the toughest to comprehend. An insane person doesn’t make sense and doesn’t operate as normal people do, they can’t! It’s not a matter of won’t,
There is real truth in the term, ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ and Scientology is the best example I’ve ever seen of it. I know, or should say, knew lots of people involved in Scientology once. I can honestly say from my perspective none of them are happy with their involvement with that organisation. It sure didn’t make Hubbard a happy man, nor anyone in the SO or staff that I ever witnessed. Dedication that turns out to be exchanged with betrayal is such a sour, dehumanizing thing. One has to fight their own fight to put their life back on the rails again. Some do better at it than others.
Victory in the battle to end Scientology’s abuses, while essential is a situation and fight none of us saw coming with the first wins experienced in the subject – fuck Hubbard, his dipstick Miscavige and the associated lawyers & goons! As Greta Thunberg once uttered with contempt, “how dare you!”
Is COB also afraid that he cannot fill the room post covid as too many people have left? In 2015 they only got 2,000 people to go to the Media Productions opening in Hwd. Even Kirstie Alley did not go and she lived nearby in Los Feliz at the time.
Question for those who have gone: Volume levels. Are they insanely high to leave you brainwashed and senseless? I’ve been outside their tents protesting and the volume levels were nuts and I was 100 ft away outside!!
I have heard miscavige say “just do the usual” so many times that this indeed speaks volumes.
Where is David Miscavige?
and Where is Shelly Miscavige?
To: L. Ron Hubbard (Ha,ha!)
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Several outpoints.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC (ha,ha!)
From: Alcoboy
Re: above comment.
No love at all.
Maybe LRH no longer has “the rank” to ask about Shelly.
Maybe Davie Boy should buy a Blue Bird motorhome and “hit the road” as as to escape all the worries of being served, found guilty and put in prison. After all, that’s exactly what Blubbard did so it would be “on policy” don’t ya think?
Someone should drive one around Clearwater with a “For Sale” sign in the window.
Oh yes!!! Bet the diminutive midget would bite on that bait.
Mike, I have your book now.
Have you read it yet? I want to read Mike’s book as well as the new one out by Ralph Macchio!
I went to went to waterstone . In uk and your book was sold out in 2 days.
Amazon in uk have no supply supply also
I pre-ordered moths ago from Amazon UK, and am reading now.
Maybe Miscavige realizes he’s got too much money to deal with.
The tiny Scientology movement has accumulated just too much money! it’s a problem, Miscavige can’t figure out.
Best to start throwing money at lawyers, to come up with ways to spend all the money.
Lawyers seem to be the solution to everything, for Scientology, so throw money at them.
Even start throwing money at whoever wants their repayments, I would hope, soon.
Real justice, I feel, is giving Scientology’s money BACK to those that donated it to Scientology, and loosen that spigot.
That at least is some kind of justice, and lawyers who help cause that, I would consider the best most moral of lawyers.
You are surely right with your idea or whatever… but it is long way back for some people, and are now declared. So it is dificult to get the money back… you cannot longer ask for because of being death filled…
All those former sea orgs without any social security or savings. There’s no retirement community of old sea orgs. What happens to them. Scientology has more than enough to build social housing for those of all creeds, races, and planetary status.
The fasted growing demographic of roofless folks is senior citizens. Are some of our unhoused neighbors former scientologists who were no longer “useful” to the org? How one treats the needy, sick, and elderly says everything.
4 foot thirteen giving money back. You made a funny.