Here is a new piece of insanity from the increasingly desperate regges at Flag boasting about “speed of auditing”…
Among the numerous claims is that it NOW takes one year and six months to two and a half years to complete Solo NOTs.
This begs the question that I am sure is blocked from the minds of the sheeple.
What have those people who have been on “OT VII” for five, ten or more years, going in session 6 times per day, been doing?
What is it that is SO MUCH FASTER now? Are they locating BTs and Clusters faster? Blowing them faster? The people that were doing hundreds of 10 minutes sessions — because they were SO BLOWN OUT they could only stay in session for a few minutes? We have all seen and heard from them over the years. They told their astonishing wins of having persistent floating TA’s and other amazingnesses that were intended to communicate that they were somehow doing the most important thing anyone could be doing in this universe.
Was it all fake?
And no C/S or D of P noticed?
They were not really “blowing” their BT’s? And nobody noticed?
Or they weren’t really finding anything at all? And nobody noticed?
They have had dozens of “6 month checks” and in the course of those nobody figured out they were “doing it all wrong” and taking 5 times as long as “today’s Solo NOTs auditors”?
Really, all these earlier Solo NOTs auditors, including some famous names like Chick Corea and Kirstie Alley who were “On the level” for MANY years were just incompetent and doing it all wrong?But how can you BE incompetent at “blowing BT’s” — you either blow them or you don’t? There isn’t a whole lot of room for anything else to happen in a Solo NOTs session.
Were they all just making it up?
Or could this just be another arbitrary?
Is there really no end to how many BT’s you can find and “blow” and it’s simply a matter of “COB” deciding that now you are allowed to attest after 18 months rather than 18 years?
L. Ron Hubbard never finished “Solo NOTs” — and he began in 1979. How if he didn’t complete in 7 years can anyone else be “faster”? Or is it because he didnt have the “benefit” of the “new” GAG II Student Hat and Objectives so he was not “properly set up” and didn’t have a full grasp of his materials?
The cognitive dissonance of this really has no end. It spirals into an endless “Interstellar-like” black hole…
But of course, nobody inside the bubble asks these questions. Or apparently even notices. Or if they do they are just happy they don’t have to undergo the torture and pay for the 6 month sec checks for 10 years or more so keep their mouths and minds shut.
Want to be one of the first 10,000 on or through New OT VII?
Here are some facts regarding getting onto and finishing New OT VII. This is more doable than ever before with the Golden Age of Tech Phase II!
Technical Estimate for OT Preparation auditing:
Average Tech Estimate for OT Preps for those going onto New OT VI and VII with Purification Rundown and SRD complete is 1 to 2 intensives.
OT Eligibility auditing:
Due to the Mark Ultra VIII E-meter, almost all OT Eligibility Checks for Solo NOTs are completed in 1 intensive.
As a New OT V arriving at Flag, you can be onto OT VI Part C in less than 3 weeks. This means, you will have completed, OT Preps, OT Eligibility, OT VI Part A and OT VI Part B.
a) Advanced Solo Auditor Course (New OT VI Part A)
b) OT Preparations (done concurrent to OT VI Part A)
c) OT Eligibility Check (done concurrent to OT VI Part A)
d) OT VI Part B
e) OT VI Part C
The major sections of the Advanced Solo Auditor Course (New OT VI Part A) are:
- 13 Basics books
- Metering (all 27 E-meter drills done 3 times through)
- Solo Metering (all 11 solo E-meter drills done twice through)
- Simulator (the basic auditing skills needed to solo audit through new OT VII).
- Books already studied on any course, including extension courses, may be credited.
- Books may be completed on extension course or in any org or mission prior to arrival at Flag.
There is no longer any testing done on the New OT VI Part A course
- Golden Age of Tech Phase II trained auditors are credited with earlier studies, bringing course time down to as little as 3 to 7 days dependent on volume of prior training.
- Prior training on the Golden Age of Tech Phase II Solo Course can also be credited to the Advanced Solo Auditor Course. (Again reducing time down to one week on OT VI Part A.)
- Flag averages 7 to 12 OT VII completions a week!
- A cross section of recent OT VII completions shows that it is now from one year and six months to two and a half years, for the majority – to get through the level.
You can go OT now easier than ever before! I can help you get there. Please call me or write anytime for anything!
Barbara Dews
Flag Service Consultant
1308 L Ron Hubbard Way
L.A., CA 90027
Just the fact that a street is named “L Ron Hubbard way” pisses me off! Lol!
I’m betting the spelling and grammar errors are intentional to create the effect of the twit being a troll. Sad pointless effort by Scamology.
I thought I had heard it all but this article takes the doughnut.
It is more than obvious that Mike has no clue whatsoever about Solo Nots, has no idea what procedures are used and thinks that Solo nots is the same as Audited nots done solo.
No wonder you are the way you are.
That is what happens when you you listen to untrained imbiciles like Logan.
I fact you are worse than I first thought,
I thought you were simply PTS and could not take responsibility for your losses in life being booted in to the hole ect.
That was the only post you were any good at by the way.
The Hole I/C LOL, LOL
I now understand you have become a totally suppressive lunatic.
It will lead to your undoing in time if not sooner.
Hahaha. I would be willing to bet you are no “NOTs auditor” and probably not even NOT’s case level. I would also be willing to bet that I have studied more about NOTs than you — having been through ALL the original notes, recorded conferences, CSWs and submissions and compared them to what was published (one of the few people who was high enough case level to do this for the David Mayo case).
But you probably know nothing about that. Or anything else that happened with the materials after that.
Nor do you likely know that LRH was still trying to handle SP BT’s until his dying days.
You are just given something to post as a troll and don’t even understand the significance of what is in your post.
I couldnt be worse than you first thought. There is nothing worse than an SP.
But let me ask you something. Who Are You? I hope you understand the significance of that question.
Hi Mike,The more names you get called, the more posts put forth to distort the Truth of what you say the smaller & smaller these posters become until there is not even an echo of their ways.Always Ann B.
NOTS Auditor, you sound awful happy there was a hole and someone was in it.
very religious of you.
Please someone give this person a bull horn. No one has to speak. Just let this person reveal the hatefilled distain that is beyond obvious.
Here we have a person “Nots Auditor” who is claiming some higher standard and understanding but being so………………………………. dark with hate.
This one blogger has single handedly illustrated soemething.
Hey, NOTs Auditor, change your handle to NOT an Auditor, troll.
The hidden cam at NOTS Auditor’s cave is active now…
Why does this Scientologist still have ser facs? And why can’t it tolerate the changes Mike makes? Quickie grades?
Hi Newcomer, No reply button on your post about throwing out the tub with grey water.I loved that.The baby I found must have been a baby BT! XO Always Ann B.
You are a horribel person! You enjoy people bring treated the way they are in the hole? A thing you publicly acknowledge exists, something which goes against any and all human rights? ARE you the product of all this auditing? Another excellent reason to stay far away from Scientology! Thank you for showing us the good it brings about in people (obviously I am being ironic, not sure you have the intelligence to pick that up though)…
Those old-timers who did OT VII and took years over it did not have the benefits of running round a pole. Do that for a few weeks and their OT case would run as smooth as silk.
are all BTs bad? why couldn’t it be possible some of them are messing with you in a good way. maybe providing you with some good skills but then you shoo them away.
sounds like old surfer dude has a few cool ones hanging out with him, it’d be rude to send them away.
A cow named Dudley, with a synthetic leg has more Facebook likes than David Miscavige.
I never came anywhere near OT, but from what I have read, even if those cotton picking levels were free a lot of people still would have gotten screwed up by doing them.
A lot of people were happy with OT VII .. not so much at last, because they came always back to it for many years .. about 20 years or so .. it is old style that you have to go back on the bridge for incomplete actions .. which sounds all confused, because it neglects the question why you were on OT VII ..
I mean if it is intended to handle the whole lot of BTs .. you can start doing it with the comm course .. would be normal – or not? What I mean is: If you know very well that most or all human aberration stems from BTs .. a normal person would write it down in a book .. and would never go arbitrary with handling a mind which you mock up yourself as the final cognition for clear .. I would say, you mock up all this BTs too .. only a little bit bigger in size, because you will never really know when all are gone ..
What is an engram? You have pain and be unconcious .. What did do the BTs at such times? Why they are with you? Why you are connected with them?
As a young man I asked: From where came all this thetans on earth ..
Out of work BT looking for new host. Guaranteed drug free until next month. Host be accommodating enough to allow relatives (ten to fifteen thousand or so) to visit every million years or two. If you are interested please contact me at Mt. Vesuvius BTonon.
Perhaps a big reason why they push people through is the verification intensives they do in the Flag AO after you think you’re done – and the whole track sec check at the ship. I know of an old ot 8, who redid her ot 7, then had 10 int’s on the ship during her new ot 8 setups. Her husband commented he was astounded she could possibly have that many overts. Mimsey
“We in RTC told you that the new Mark Ultra VIII Quantum meter was 50,000x faster than those crappy old meters,” said Church spokesman Ken Delusion.
“This explains why OTVII is now being finished in record time at Flag.”
“And more to the point,” Delusion emphasized, “the Ultra Mark VIII was designed with lithium ion batteries in order to achieve unparalleled new heights in the sacrament of religious electropsychometry as standardly practiced in all of the churches in the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the Church of Scientology.”
“And yet,” Delusion continued, “the wog designers of the Mark VIII failed to predict how the extreme speed of blowing charge in GAT II sessions would lead to a localized overheating situation within the new meter.”
“This overheating problem caused the big fire in the Tierra del Fuego Ideal Org yesterday when over 1,400 Scientologists were all in session at the same time.”
“GAT II trained auditors using the the Mark VIII were blowing so much charge so quickly — and on so many cases — that fires broke out in virtually every auditing room in the Org!”
“Per policy, the MAA called ‘HCO Bring Order!’ whereupon a safe and orderly evacuation of the Org ensued with no injuries,” Delusion added.
“So yes get onto OTVII as quickly and possible and move at lightning speed — but be aware that the newly issued Flag Order 93189 requires smoke detectors to be placed in any room where SOLO auditing is taking place,” Delusion stated.
“We in Scientology don’t want to clear the planet so fast that we unintentionally burn it to the ground.”
Guess COS now will have to do fundraising to rebuild the Tierra del Fuego Ideal Org after that big fire. 🙂
As far as the Bridge goes, I was always looking forward to the Total Freedom and OT abilities promised, OTVII, which I spent 14 years of my life on was more like an endless swampy labyrinth off to the side of an difficult road full of ambushes than a step on thr Road to Total Freedom. I went through something like 17 Ints of mind altering sec checks and FPRD where it is continually implied that you have far more crimes than you could dream, constant correction and re-correction on metering and tech basics, Flag had an awful lot of trouble interpreting LRH materials it seems, no sooner than they’d retrain us one way they’d go and reverse it at our expense. No wonder Rex Fowler walked out of there and shot his business partner. Painful doesn’t begin to describe it.
But even before it became real hard at the launch of the GAoT, they were promising faster times through everything, all the while it was getting longer and longer for both six months checks and time spent auditing.
Fact is you never stop finding those pesky BTs and they’ll keep answering up until you end up in a straight jacket jumping up and down on a couch, if you want introversion, here it is; every time you have any physical or physiological malady, condition, sensation or age related issue you ascribe it to BTs somewhere in your universe and you hunt and blow them while all the while your condition becomes more confirmed, basically because you aren’t addressing the real cause and are merely grooving in magical and illogical thinking until you couldn’t find your arse with both hands in a well lit room.
It’s the squirrel wheel to insanity and just to take it to the level of supreme irony there is a cadre of hungry regges waiting each time you arrive at the overpriced hotel to pay for the compulsory six moth check that’s going to further remove you as the driver of your fate. These guys tell you how privileged you are to be experiencing the miracles of OTVII and how you must pay additional money to them at the IAS, Planetary Dissem, WTH, Super Power Project, Ideal Org scam in order to keep in your exchange.
By the time I got out of that it took years to get my thinking straight.
Hey Kevin, your story needs continued telling. I really feel for you guys who went through that. May all be healed. Sounds like a nightmare.
Warm regards,
Hi Kevin, I really feel for you.Wow what you went through.So proud you are out & free of that mess.Best Always Ann B.
Thanks Brian and thanks Ann, I did write my story and posted it on ESMB when I first got out of the Church. I hoped it would help get others out of the trap.
Yes Kevin, welcome to Mike Rinder’s blog!
There are a lot of resources out here on the Internet for a Scientologist just fleeing the church such as yourself. I know it’s controversial, and I am very low-toned and possibly psycho for mentioning it, but did you know that L. Ron Hubbard originated fair game and even lied about his war record?
It’s true!
Kevin has been around here for a long time Alanzo. Long before I even started this blog…
Thank you Alanzo, honestly mate, you sound like you have some serious BPC. Can I suggest you get a good tech handling, maybe even a sec check and an LIC, maybe even a bit of rollback wouldn’t go astray.
DM created discontent with his black dianetics, and you really could get that all cleaned up. Just sayin’.
Mike Rinder is correct: L. Ron Hubbard never completed or EP’d SOLO NOTs. We know this because Ron asked his ranch hand Steven Pfauth to go to the picket fence to find a BT, When Steve reported back that he did not see a BT on the white picket fence, Ron asked Steve to build an electric shock device so that Ron could blow off that final badass BT. This was extremely out of character as Ron was so vehemently opposed to electric shock in any form.
Given what we know about Ron’s final days and David Miscavige’s lack of Bridge progress, it would appear that both David Miscavige and L.Ron Hubbard are stalled OTVII’s of long duration.
Given that neither Ron nor COB have never completed OTVII how can any publics hope to finish the level?
FLAG = Fantastic Lies And Gimmicks
I totallyagree
The church is making it easier to go OT, it’s less money and less time. Any takers? What if the church offered OT levels for $25 each and threw in free meals at the nearest four star restaurant? I would go for that myself provided each level could be attested to without actually doing it. (Or waived entirely)
I’m sorry, but I would need to be paid. When I test drugs or participate in some grad student psych study, I usually get paid for my trouble. Don’t see why it should be any different for that mind numbing, dangerous crap. And given the choice I would probably choose a neurostimulation study over this stuff. At least it would be interesting, and you really participate in the advancement of science, since that grad student will most probably publish someday as opposed to these clowns.
“L. Ron Hubbard never finished “Solo NOTs” — and he began in 1979. How if he didn’t complete in 7 years can anyone else be “faster”? Or is it because he didnt have the “benefit” of the “new” GAG II Student Hat and Objectives so he was not “properly set up” and didn’t have a full grasp of his materials?”
Yes. We have been paying attention. Hubbard was an overt product maker. David Miscavige had to intervene and cancel the certs of all of the auditors Hubbard trained. Hubbard mistrained everyone. He had totally buggered the “bridge”. He didn’t even make a hat write up or post for a “religious leader” or a “C.O.B.”. No post for it, no hat write up, no check sheet! Poor David had to fill in all of these unholy gaps for Hubbard and clean up a hideous mess!
Worse, David had to implement a workable ethics system. The Hole Ethics Rundown. New ethics gradients Hubbard had omitted. Beating, punching, drugging. stalking, lying, etc etc.. There were ethics rundowns and gradients Hubbard was blind to that David had to fill in. The ethics conditions proved wholly unworkable too.
The amount of time a level took on the Bridge has always been a function of what the org NEEDS, not the PC. If the org needs money, you’re TE just went up.
I had completed my OT Preps, routed onto my Solo I and a few months later I was R-Factored that I needed to do more OT Preps because I was taking too long on the Solo Course. I told them I wasn’t interested. It was a classic shakedown operation. I stood my ground and after I finished Solo I magically didn’t need more OT Preps. Because now the org needed someone started on Solo II.
What a joke.
Some arbitrary standard came about during the GAT I era in that if it takes a pre-OT much more than 1,000 hours to complete OT VII, supposedly something is wrong with the case. 18 – 24 months without interference mixing in actions such as sec checks and FPRD every 6 months is quite doable for some if the solo auditor puts in a total of 2.5 hours or more of actual session time per day.
Maybe they dropped the refreshers and/or needless interferences?
Also on another note, newer and better GSR meters, esp. auto-reset ones in my book minimally double the auditing speed in comparison to the Mark VIs used in the late 70s. Some of the latest tech toys render reads accurately that show up as ambiguous movement on earlier meters.
At one point — circa 1989 — doing 1000 hours minimum was the requirement to “finishing” OT VII …
In the end … it’s all BS to me …
A friend recently told me that she is HAPPY that she was in scientology because LEAVING scientology took more courage than she thought she had. She now realizes she is much stronger than she thought possible.
I did my OT levels out here among the Indies totally free from all CO$ harassment and BS. And it’s the best thing I ever did in life. No regrets. But based on reports by many others who went through the CO$ horror wringers, it would be doubtful I’d ever have been interested doing them at the church.
In post-scientology college I took a course in logic and critical thinking. It was the best thing I ever did. I am still getting wins from it as I have the ability to know the difference between what makes sense and what doesn’t and why. I wonder if there is an OT level with an EP as liberating as that.
And how fast can the new meters tell you that any reading they come up with is bullshit?
True freedom only comes with admitting that Scientology is a lie from start to finish.
Hi Espiando, I’m in total agreement with you.It took me years & years to finally shake that lie forever.But I did.XO Ann B.
So the AO is now a ’boutique business’ too.
Yeah after doing any thing 3 times, I get faster at it too.
Sending all the income streams to the right place must make DLHDM little head swim.
During my first 6 mo check, I told my course supervisor that I thought I was making these BTs and clusters up. She had me study the OT 5 references, and said to keep auditing. It took me 10 more years to realize that I had in fact been making it all up. The major “super soul” ability I gained was the realization that it was total BS.
I suppose that’s what you’d call going full circle.
LOL, mike that is in a way the actual EP of OT8. you saved yourself a level.
A good friend of mine or should I say former friend bought into the ‘arbitraties’ off and went to flag in the early to early 2000’s and yes she did get on the level in record time but………….. and here’s the rub…… they got her on the refresher’s! 100’s of hours of sec checking before she finished the level a decade later. She was unfortunately ‘qualified’. (I have notice those less qualified, had less sec checks. ) She never talked about her wins, more about how great it was to be finished.
On the subject of releases Hubbard talked about how a release can be a situation where one is stuck in something and then let loose. That seems to be the big wins from OT VII these days. I finished! I’m off the level!
I won’t be surprised if people who finished before the Whorehouse meters were released or before redoing Purif and Objs don’t get to revisit the OTVII yet once again.
One time shame on your, two times shame on me, three times you are a sucker!
Sticky Wicket Mate.
I have been on OT 7 for a year and doing well . My business is skyrocketing
and dynamics expanding, but I don’t see any universal time
to complete solo OT 7 , it’s sales hype .
The Warehouse OT 8 meter is a money gimmick
and another way Miscavige can pry into peoples lives for extra avenues of cash.
Now if the COB releases OT 9,10,11,12,13,14,and 15 and thousands are completing
each month,ohh look, I see pigs flying over the Sandcastle.
I am alive and well and without cancer because I:
1) Didn’t route back into the Flag AO to re-do Clear
2) Didn’t do my OT levels.
Tom DeVocht said he’d heard Miscavige complain that kids’ “BTs” might jump off the kids onto Miscavige.
If this is a real “case” consideration that LRH ever wrote about, it’s a serious “case” reason that other people could have, that they’ve picked up NEW “BTs” even after they’ve attested to OT 7 (which is where they finally say they’ve gotten rid of them all).
Does anyone have recent C/S info from Flag, that Flag OT 7 C/S’s (case supervisors) are directing formerly completed OT 7 Scientologists to find more?
Because, what I understand, is IF an OT 7 is case supervised to redo lower bridge levels, that they’d then be case supervised to again look for their additional BTs and BT clusters, once they redid their lower bridge SRD and Purif and even Cause Resurgence Rundown in particular.
Does anyone know what the OT 7 case supervision on Flag is doing to “older” OT 7 cases who’ve been relagated to the SRD and Cause Resurgence Rundown or to the Superpower rundown? My guess that this is all part of just “handling” the people, who must number most of them, who are “bypassed” cases, who need, even per LRH’s C/S instructions, to be put back and redo lower bridge in order to then come back and retry MORE exorcism on OT 5 and OT 7.
this is also backed up by Science of Survival basic “case” history, Hubbard claiming this is natural case handlng tactics from the Dianetics days of “case” handling. Case handling tactics of peeling away case that had not been found the first time, and needed going back to, to peel off more.
Also 1970ish, Hubbard case supervisor admissions that some people’s cases take a lot more case peeling off than others.
In fact, this is how I held on to the bitter end, justifying why so many of the OT 7s had to do so much solo NOTs, it was because they really needed to go back earlier, and get their lower bridge re-handled, since they were “bypassed cases”.
In fact the “bypassed case” case assessment is just a huge convenient cop out by Hubbard, to dump on anyone who didn’t GET the supersoul abilities! Hubbard said they just needed to do MORE and a repeat of lower bridge.
Trained Scientologists know this. It’s accepted, and Hubbard said this.
It unfortunately can delay the dupes from realizing Hubbard conned himself, and has conned them, with this style of delaying tactics, blaming them that they need to DO MORE to their lower bridge cases, so they can get the real supersoul gains on their upper (exorcism) bridge (OT 5 and 7).
Chuck said:
“Tom DeVocht said he’d heard Miscavige complain that kids’ “BTs” might jump off the kids onto Miscavige.”
These doctrines as layer out by Ron WILL make a crazy person. L Ron Hubbard created the idea that our culture, all society, is teaming with invisible beings suppressing your ability to be happy.
How in God’s name did people get to this place?
The OT levels are the lynch pin. Pull out the pin and watch this whole delusional house of cards come tumbling down.
There is no Xenu.
There is no implant station.
There is no planet Farec.
Psyches are not controlling through perfume
There are no invader forces
There is no Piltdown man
Ron is not Buddha
There are no doll bodies or bodies in pawn
Ron is not the anti Christ
Jesus was not a pedophile
Criticism does not equal being evil ( it is if you are a true believer)
There is no clear (in Scientology)
L Ron Hubbard taught a false ideology based on imagination.
It is my opinion that he actually booby trapped the road to real spiritual freedom with ignorant falsehoods.
He spit in the face of the Supreme Being by declaring the individual ego the final arbiter of spiritual truth.
“The only God that ever existed is you” L Ron Hubbard
“Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law” Crowley
Hi Brian, I just got the chills.Spot on post.XO Always Ann B.
Hubbard was good at one thing: Telling stories. And making shit up.
Yep. All you’ve said is a given.
Dangerous “imagination” therapy at best, and pseudo-quack therapy for sure, and thrust down people’s throats who gullibly expect to achieve supersoul powers, but never do.
I’m full blown atheist, so don’t even believe in the historical major religions’ miracle stories though.
The nicest way to interpret malevolent L. Ron Hubbard is say he failed to attain George Smiley cult leader status even.
PS: George Smiley is Hubbard’s 1940 story “One Was Stubborn” successful cult leader who trained up the human population up to spiritual transcendence where each human became their own “God” with a capital G, except one character failed, the hero, the retired farmer who is the namesake of the story, he’s the one who was stubborn, and failed to attain godhood status that all others on earth attained. George Smiley did make people into Gods of their own universes at least.
“our culture, all society, is teaming with invisible beings suppressing your ability to be happy. ”
And you can find most of them in $cientology upper management or over at OSA.
Brian….what you said about doll bodies? This is very important…I will explain later,but…what does that mean?????
Greetings Ann:-)
Hey Surfer Dude
Greetings Chuck. First time talking to you.
I have great appreciation for atheists. They have a reasonable argument in light of the fact of the loonies or simply ignorant or even insane spokes people for this part of life. Not to mention those with an enthusiasm for separating heads from torsos.
I have resolved this issue for myself by learning the art of neutralizing the occilations of thought through daily meditation. When the incessant unconscious manufacturing of thoughts are stilled, then a finer perception arises effortlessly. This perception is the spawning grounds of love, wisdom, joy. It is causeless
No more belief. I have found the source of happiness within. Having which gained no other gain is greater.
I have put to rest forever this question of the soul or God.
God is the ever present Now, alive with ever new moments of ever expanding knowledge and joy.
Ever free, loving and anxious to serve others.
Liberation from suffering is real for those students who still are curious about life.
Believe no one. Experiment and prove what is true for yourself.
I find it curious that the activity in scientology always involves subtracting something from you as a human ( including your money) and that this is somehow supposed to make you something more than human.
First it’s the bank, and then BTs.
That’s also what happens in exorcism. And in both cases it can end very badly. It’s not good for mental health to suppress your human traits, to negate who and what you are. Separating feelings into good and bad, and then forbidding yourself to feel some according to that artificial classification can seriously mess up your capacity to feel genuine emotions. And that’s something that’s not easy to get back.
Oh…good god! I can’t believe Barbara Dews is still regging this nonsense. Someone told me, a long time ago, that she was paid commission for regging for FLAG. If it’s true, I hope she saved up for her retirement cause she’s getting up there in age. Soon, she’ll be out on her ass and may have fall back on Miscavige’s – LHD (Let Her DIe) retirement plan.
Oh you KNOW Barbara Dews is still selling Scn services, she’s a proven liar. She’s making what 15% ?
For those of us unfamiliar with the many, varied, & utterly mind-boggling acronyms of Scientology, would you consider making a glossary available on your site? Thanks much
Sadly, trying to follow the smartest ex members means suffering through ex members just mouthing off LOADS of lingo.
If you google ANY of the words you read here, and also put “scientology definition” (use quotes also) on the same search line, you will be taken to internet sites which have glossaries.
– chuck
ex OEC/FEBC Course Sup Flag, 1977-1983
You might want to try googling, as by now there are many glossaries. E.g.
I wonder how many will be found ” Un Clear ” for the umpteenth time while auditing on OT 7. My Ex was told that on three separate occasions during his YEARS on 7. Then of course there is always ” New OT 7 “. LOL So, when you finish one 7 you can do another one !! Is that definition LRH meant of a ” Held down 7 ?”. Hee hee
What is so important is to tell ALL Scientologists the stories from Sarge Steven Pfauth about LRH’s telling Sarge that Hubbard wasn’t able to dislodge the final body thetans bugging Ron at Creston Ranch.
This case fact alone of ron’s failure, and then Ron’s plans to go circle a distant star (and to tell all Scientologists the full details of ALL of LRH’s “running program” [Cause Resurgence Rundown] advices, where LRH says ancient full OT souls that co-existed with humanoids on ancient advanced space civilizations where full OTs (fully exterior, no bodies) did duties with humanoids on humanoid planets, that those full OTs would go do their own running program to rejuvenate themselves as full OTs. The point is Hubbard’s statements, most personal private statements, to the bitter end of LRH’s life, if you know the tech, know all he wrote in the tech advices, then you know he himself thought by going doing the circling of a distant star as a pure OT, in other words like Pat Broeker said in the LRH funeral briefing, that LRH was going out to do research without the body, that just meant LRH was doing like LRH told Sarge Steven Pfauth (and this is another huge reason I wish to fricking gosh that Pat Broeker WOULD talk publicly today and explain MORE to these final details of LRH’s life and Hubbard’s own final case “research” at the Creston Ranch).
Point being LRH was actually self C/Sing himself for the OT rejuvenating “running program” as a pure full OT.
This is today fantasy to me, but shows how deep the man called L. Ron Hubbard believed his own line about re-doing lower bridge case handlings.
The out of the body OT running program, is itself a lower objective OT rejuvenating program, of which the Cause Resurgence rundown is the human body “case” version which Flag’s building prominently and importantly, from a top “tech” management view, like from Ray Mitoff’s view, is why Scientology puts these eggs out there for the followers to partake in this Flag building basket of services at Flag, their “mecca”, today!
Redoing lower bridge, redoing even the OT objective process like the “running program” (as human or as pure OT soul as Hubbard is supposedly now doing himself), is just the Hubbard Science of Survival back and forth retry, retry again, re-battle, tactics against “case”. Case one didn’t supposedly see before.
In fact, it’s all of course part of why the Hubbard laid out con is a con.
No OT superpeople. No clears.
Ortega’s site has endless proof. Marvin Minsky’s asking Ron to read the newspaper from memory and then Ron dodging this by lying that Ron hadn’t done enough case work on himself, too busy, a convenient Hubbard response, and Hubbard was trying to the end of his life doing his pseudo-therapy and OT 7 exorcism, to no avail.
Ron saying when he dies he’s going to go do the OT running program, sounds like just the same old deflecting hopeful lying. Of course it is lying. There are no OTs, no OTs out there doing the OT therapy running around stars either.
but it’s not hard not to see why people (Scientologists) are suckered into Hubbard’s lore/stories/hope for us the souls (who really aren’t, but so many humans still wish us souls to really be souls down underneath all).
My favorite line in all of this:
“Due to the Mark Ultra VIII E-meter, almost all OT Eligibility Checks for Solo NOTs are completed in 1 intensive.” (eye roll)
This is an unbelievable statement! It is so pat how this meter can explain so much. I’m sure because this Mark Ultra VIII E-meter didn’t exist before my time (1973-2013) is why I felt like I was raked over the emotional coals before I was “allowed” to re-do OT VII and OT VIII. If only my auditor would have been able to see those reads 50,000 times easier, I might not have muddled through so many sec checks and reviews and additional programming along the way before completion of New OT VII and New OT VIII.
Darn, if only that meter would have been released sooner (rather than held up in some warehouse for 8 years). I’d be Mary McCarran Kahn – OT VIII, rather than Mary McCarran Kahn – SP.
What most people don’t know is that the “guts” of the “warehouse 8” were installed in the shells of “mark 7s” at the FSI to pilot the meter TEN YEARS before it was released
Every bit of hype about how the new meter makes the auditing so much better at the FSO since it was “released” is totally imaginary. It’s what has been being used since the early 2000s at the FSO.
Well then what explains my effed up case?
Your CI and lack of confront, Evil Purposes, you are PTS, you went past MU’s, you’re a bypassed case… I could keep going. It’s one thing that is perfected in scientology, reasons to blame you when things don’t work as promised.
Think where you would be now if everything had gone off without a hitch! Drowning in Kool Aide!
I think you made a great choice. Welcome to the SP world! It now means Super Positive rather than So Pissed!
50,000 x 0 = 0. Oddly enough, 47 x 0 = 0. Ergo, meter sensitivity increase equals expansion speed increase. By magic coincidence, it also equals the amount of ‘research’ actually done by hubturd, the value of scientology and the net worth of anyone in the seaogre.
Zero. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
For being the Most Competent Beings on the planet, the “church” finds its core products to be thoroughly screwed up on an amazingly regular schedule.
The head in the sand phenomena over this whole thing is amazing. This applies to the cult members who are no longer in the “church” too (Indies).
Hi John Locke,Yes that sand can be tough for some to completely wash out.Takes a lot of confront I feel.Take Care Ann B.
Having been on OT7 for two years before bailing out, I can assure you Mike that every question you have asked is exactly what was going through my mind. The day I handed back my materials was literally the happiest day of my life bar the births of my two beautiful daughters! Nuff said!
Good for you, de mac! Isn’t it amazing how life is just go great when you leave? It’s really is like night and day! Wishing you and your wonderful family all the best!
Yeah, it’s a puzzler all right … right up there with why do people park in driveways but drive on parkways. My guess is that maybe the BTs know the gig’s up with GAG2 so are more cooperative about not holding on. Or with the Earth’s booming population, you gotta figure a BT is gonna wanna latch on to a new baby body rather than stick it out any longer on a broken down 70 year old solo auditor body. As far as Ron not finishing 7 … he probably needed a purif and TONS more objectives (not to mention mega sec checks … just on money, federal crimes and ogling his 13 year old messengers in their hot pants. Yeah … continual overts’ll do it.)
Wow! Get through the complete BS scam, that has no basis in reality whatsoever, FASTER? Where do I sign?
There are no BTs there .. were never .. so you can audit it in 5 seconds or in 15 years .. or forever .. if you believe in such stuff you can surely do it forever .. there will be no end of it .. you will always find more of them .. there is nearly an infinity of possibilities ..
If you start with OT III and doing it, you may find some charge around (you can call it BT charge, but it is not true) .. it can not be true, because there were never at any time BTs around .. excerpt you call every of your body cells a BT .. maybe this is true, but why you should audit all this stuff? Each body has billion of body cells, and each one can live for them alone .. do survive without the body at all .. so all of them have an own mind in some way .. they can survive for themselves .. a liver or a heart builds up a cluster and all this cells do cooperate together as a group .. an organism ..
You are the chief of all this .. you postulate the good or bad for all this stuff .. it is not aliens work which conquer your path .. no .. but let me tell something what I found ..
You can come in trouble when you study too deeply in this scientology or LRH ideas ..
Scientology blames you always for overts or out ethics .. agreement with SPs and so on and every one has the same problems .. if there are BTs, they do nothing to you only if you fight against them .. and then they may have a protest .. and do not work well ..
So on, so on .. so on .. all fighting has the idea in it to destroy. Handle BTs has the idea in it to make this thetans to clears .. but hear me clearly, if you can handle a complete unable and degraded thetan in 10 minutes .. why you need so much time to clear you for yorself .. okay, you have all this BTs around and have to find your own view .. but if you do it in an equation .. you will find that it is a lie .. cannot be true ..
The shortened time for getting OT VII completetd is simply do not figure too much in the line of body cells feelings .. and you can do it good with new SRD and Objectives .. quite normal .. only it has nothing to do with becoming an OT .. nobody will ever become an OT with the cherch .. complete impossible ..
The way is that universes are spaces which can be invaded. So is the so called MEST universe from LRH. It became invaded. You can see some spaces in sky, but you do not know if this spaces do exist now .. some of them do not longer exist, and it is a great problem for physicists .. they do not accept that mental flows do run through the whole idea of universes. LRH called it thetan .. but in his idea is everybody an OT .. and all of them have an own universe .. maybe .. at the beginning of all beginnings we were maybe alone but now we are not .. and this is the game of life .. and if there are BTs it seems true, that you have to be a BT yourself .. you are surely a body thetan ..
I audited on OT 7 for years. I would sum it up as a waste of time. It’s one huge bloated cash cow.
If you want to meet someone “at cause” and self determined, just look for those who were able to get out of the trap called “Scientology”.
Well said, Mat! I think Flag is shooting themselves in the foot again. Because if setups and elig for OT VII only take “1 1/2 to 2 intensives” and one can complete the level in a year and a half to two and a half years now, then how will Flag get money? Their fleecing came from making the elig cycle very very long, like 12 intensives for one poor soul I met there. And the years and years of 6 month checks where the person spent tons of money to get through those Sec Checks and also had to endure regging form the IAS and Planetary Dissem and WTH etc while at Flag. So now there won’t be years of that which means they have cut down their money stream to almost nothing comparatively. It is a definite foot nuke. UNLESS they are trying to get a lot through OT VII in order to release OT IX and get these newly completed VII’s on the Ship for VII and IX. (When I say OT IX, I am of course tongue in cheek as there is no OT IX. But DM will release something and call it IX and fleece the public for that too.)
Oops, typo in my post. It should read in last paragraph “UNLESS they are trying to get a lot through OT VII in order to release OT IX and get those newly completed VII’s on the Ship for VIII and IX.”
Mike posted a flier a while back about Flag sending a mission to the LA area. He said at the time that he thought that Flag was desperate for bodies, and he’s also posted pictures which show it being pretty empty.
So this could be a desperation move to get bodies in the door. Once in the door, it can be found that they haven’t all the prerequisites, and they can be sold on additional courses which they need before starting the advertised level.
This is all guesswork of course. But it would make sense.
What you said!!! true! What are the OT 8’s doing now? The “wasband” is totally brain smucked; his mother is self centered coo coo…
“Per calculations done when the [10,000 on SOLO NOTS] target was first launched it was estimated that these OTs, now Cause Over Life or close to it, would produce a large enough volume of field activity to get all orgs to Saint Hill size and consequently bring about the release of New OT IX and X. It was a mathematical equation, all extrapolated out.” Barbara Dews, 2010. A mathematical equation, no less! Well that proves it then.
“There is another aspect to this: the technical fact is, that as one progresses up the Gradation Chart, one has a direct destimulating effect on the fourth dynamic.
“When one hits the Second Wall of Fire (New OT V to New OT VII) this become a real factor. In fact, it has been said, very truthfully, that this level of The Bridge, “Every session counts.”
That “cleared planet” is so close I can almost smell it.
Good point Martin. I found that mathematical formula you mentioned:
10,000 x $40,000 per year x 10 years = $4,000,000,000
You sure it isn’t the Sea Org slaves who can’t afford soap and deoderant that you are smelling?
LRH didn’t know how to audit as well as dm. DM has replaced LRH as source. Dm sent a telepathic message to LRH that he has to go onto the RPF even if he is on target 2… Tom Cruise is now the #2 man…
Hi Tony DePhillips, Love this thank you. Take care, Ann B.
oh dear, the nonscience keeps a coming!!! I detest all of this hokum and crap that destroys ignorant souls’ lives.
This reminds me of how it was back in the late 70s. Orgs and AOs were starving for business while the missions were full of pcs on grades and dianetics. Suddenly, it was “discovered” that there were “natural clears” or “dianetic clears.”
Suddenly, local orgs were deluged with “clear certainty checks.” And suddenly the AO filled up with people on the oatee levels..
Now days, they must need people to go to the fleecewinds to do oatee 8 or go to flag for stupor-power..
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding
I was one of those Sir U. I think there were lines at AO waiting to attest. I attested to going clear in Buddhism (my brainwashing would not allow me to attest because of Yoga because Buddhism is Scientology’s officially approved other practice because Ron was Buddha).
Scores and scores of people, friends were all claiming they were with Ron in past lives and went clear then.
I think we were all FNing because we knew we did not have to pay for clearing course. Lol!
I borrowed my wife’s clear bracelet and wore it proudly. My ego now had a name: clear
It’s like shifting identities.
One day I’m a wrong itemed, by passed charged, un acknowledged past life clear, and the next day I’m super cause over mental MEST.
It’s a house of mirrors ladies and gentlemen. A magical thinking, shut down your mind club.
The first time we agreed to not self audit, was the day we assigned L Ron Hubbard the responsibility to think for us.
Then self transformation became equated with money. Lots of it.
Do you remember the stress of knowing how much money we had to spend, and not having the resources to go free???????
Like a sick feeling in my stomach, the prices kept going higher and higher and higher.
I was so jealous, carefully guarded of course, of those with the 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars to pay for THE ONLY WAY TO BE HAPPY.
In retrospect I know see the truth in it:
I was lucky to not have the money. Spending 100s of thousands of dollars for make believe. Those who I use to be jealous of are now perceived by me as victims.
“Lead us from the unreal to the real
Lead us from darkness to light
Lead us from ignorance to wisdom
And lead us from death to immortality”
The Upanishads (chapters from the Vedas)
Hi Brian, Oh my gosh I just recalled my green leather with “gold” lettering on the front copy of Hymn Of Asia.I had forgotten how @ muster we got the Ron was Buddha for days.And how this book was a magic carpet ride to my past lives with Ron.The Upanishads are very beautiful & true.Not like some other big shore stories I won’t mention.XO Ann B.
Almost, Sir U. What they finally realized was that Flag, out of their desire for a steady GI stream from the every-six-months sec checks, was strangling the SS Mesothelioma from any income, since the number of people attesting to OTVII was kept at an artificial minimum. This is why the Failboat has so much time to host Make Penis Fast conferences instead of its primary mission, the delivery of Untruth Revealed. Now that there’s so much more Flaggotry to be had with Stupid Power and the Jog Yourself Crazy Program, Flag can loosen the choke chain a bit and allow people to actually attest to OTVII so that they can generously provide the Ship with some income for OTVIII.
Remember, Scientology does nothing without a price tag attached.
SS Mesothelioma. Man that is some funny shit.
“SS Mesothelioma” Still laughing.
Hubbard, the Great Bricoleur, probably did not even originate the idea of BTs. Edison in 1921 posited the idea that the human body was made up of about 100 trillion “life units” (bits of theta or BTs?) that had combined into clusters and bands, and that upon body death they might scatter and maybe reassemble to take up residence in a new body.
In short, the man who claimed to be “Source” would have been referred for student conduct investigation for plagiarism at any college or university. His main achievement, and it was no small one, was to take disparate, already existing ideas and invent a new language to dress them up in so that they formed a relatively cohesive body of thought that looked like new work.
Back to BTs:
There was a New York Times article on this (from the 1920s) and here is a link to an image of one such article:
And the following quote from may be of interest. The master entity appears analogous to the thetan in charge (you for your body, I for mine)
“Thomas Edison firmly believed that the personality was evidence that there had to be “master entities” directing the life-units within each life form …”
Or see this book excerpt that gives a bullet point list of Edison’s beliefs on this topic:
Thank you, FOTF2012! I’ve been looking for this for a very long time. I mistakenly attributed this (which I had read many years ago) to Einstein, so gave up too soon in my search for it.
You are welcome McCarran! I have a vague recollection that one ancient Greek school of thought might have had somewhat similar views, but I’m not sure. As I’ve learned more over my years being “out” I never cease to be amazed at how little there was that was actually new under the “Scientology sun.”
Fascinating stuff FOTF2012. Thanks for the links.
Oh my.
With application of GARL (Get A Real Life), I have gone from MSOM (Miserable SO Member) to VHFM (Very Happy Family Man) in less than 5 years.
I went from all my belongings in the back of my truck and a few thousand cash in my pocket to 6 digit income, owner of a house, 2 cars and a boat, husband and daddy to 2 kids and already several hundred thousand in the bank.
Don’t think a Phase II is necessary.
And the other day I was flipping burgers too. Because I can.
Love it, JB! I am so happy to hear that there is life after the SO and life after Scn and that one truly can flourish and prosper. You’re an inspiration to us all.
And the irony of this may be that some of the things you learned in Scn might have, just sayin, might have helped you to be able to rise from having nothing to create money in the bank, a house, boats, a family and happiness. It might have been a combo of your own attributes as a person and applying the things that worked for you from Scn. I know some people on this blog will jump me because of saying this. But I feel like each of us will take from the Scn experience what worked and will throw the rest out. But I don’t feel like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. At any rate, you survived and flourished and that is a win.
Hi Cindy, I certainly will not jump on you. In my case if I had not thrown the baby out with the bath water I would have no sanity & no body either.Well done to JB & I am happy for him.However I will never be able to see Scientology in any light what was done to me was darkness.But you are positive & sweet & we each have to walk the path that works for us.XO Ann B.
I threw it all out Cindy, the whole frickin thing tub and all ……………. there was no baby in it…………it was all just greywater! Just sayin that’s what I found.
Duly noted, Coop. May the force be with you!
Cindy, if anyone jumps you for honestly sharing your reality with your own Scientology experience I would consider it out of line and damned offensive. I myself make no apologies for saying that I got plenty of good out of my own experience. Why should I worry or apologize for this? Whoever disagrees has to deal with it just as I need to deal with reading how the tech is all crap and doesn’t ever do anyone any good ever ever, etc. Well, that wasn’t my experience but a number of people not only got no good out of the tech but were harmed, and their experience is no more invalid than mine, and vice versa, and no matter the experience, we each of us need a safe space in which to honestly communicate, a place wherein we can agree or disagree like civilized people, and if its the latter, to engage in a civilized debate on the topic without degrading one another with insults and personal attacks. OK, end of rant.
That was one heck of a good rant, Aquamarine! Thank you! I agree with you. We gots Reality.
Great Success Story.
And you didn’t HAVE to thank anyone.
i wish & wish that the ex could have experienced what you stated. Best of health and luck to you & yours!!! Great!
problem is that indeed, no BT has ever been located nowhere in the whole universe!
Only one dwatf from hemet and one ill guy from the ol’1911’s series has been…
(sounds of partying, laughing) Hey Roger, my BTs think your dissing them! We’re currently having a blast in my backyard! I really think you hurt their feelings.
OSD, Just a great post.You are lightning .XO Ann B.
To assign cause of your own thoughts and feelings to BTs is the road to a delusional understanding of the mind and how it works.
The cognitive dissonance in Lientology is represented in the OT levels.
Seeing one’s own problems as BTs is the very essence of victim hood.
It’s not me who is creating all this, it’s someone else.
You came into Scientology to be free from the body, now all you do is put your attention on it and spend thousands for it.
To equate ones own thoughts and feelings with someone else’s is delusional effect. Scientology has the dubious label of being delusional cause and delusional effect.
I don’t think whats being posted abot how long it takes to get thrgh Solo Nots ie takes 6mths and 2half years to get thrgh solo Nots . It was already a year and more way back in the late 1980’s
Hadley, it doesn’t take ANY time. Why? There is nothing to “get through”. Except self-delusion.
Per Marty’s last book L R H was trying to commit suicide by electro shock therapy to rid himself of BTs.
Does anyone see the absolute irony in this?
Ron was asking Sarge to run around the ranch to find BTs.
Does anyone see the insanity of this?
Running BTs forever became the goal of Scientology when exterior with full perception failed as a goal on the “standard 100% workable tech all you need to do is put your feet(money) on the bridge to freedom.”
Why doesn’t anyone ever question this?
The goal of 100% standard tech use to be exterior with full perception. Stable exterior to be more accurate.
No one ever attained it, not even Ron. Yet folks still spend thousands and believe believe believe.
I have now come across 4 OT 8 completions that think the whole thing is bunk.
Maybe that is the goal of Scientology. To see it as it is.
Being in the alter is is more comfortable as far as faith is concerned.
The 100% standard bridge has always been changing and being altered.
It’s a product problem. End phenomenons have always been changing.
When natural clear was created, the 100% standard bridge started changing and changing.
What you are running on the OT levels is your own thoughts and feelings locked up as a persistent solid feeling with Ron’s Sci Fi imagination superimposed over it.
I ran OT3 without ever doing Clearing, OT 1 or 2 or a have CS. What I did was supposed to kill me by freewheeling and getting pneumonia.
Do you know of one, only one person who died because of what Ron said.
Why is no one questioning this?? Where is the demonstration of Ron’s wise and cautionary injunction? Where are the deaths from pneumonia?
They did not happen because the whole thing is Ron’s unconscious Sci Fi mental impressions.
What you are running is your own thoughts and feelings.
“Why is no-one questioning this?”
As a never-in, I think it’s because their sub-conscious is telling them that to question it is to break the spell. And they don’t want the consequences of that (from feeling stupid all the way to nervous breakdown).
it’s clear that many still-ins have questioned it and don’t believe any more and are taking the path of least resistance by pretending to believe. For fear of suffering worse consequences from the psychopath at the top.
Well said Mike!
” I have now come across 4 OT 8 completions that think the whole thing is bunk. ”
Make that five Brian. 🙂
Thanks Newcomer. 🙂
Make that 6, Brian.
:-)))) Thank you Roxy………. very much :-))))
I concur and will add this:
Tony Ortega posted an update yesterday from Jon Attack about “false memories” — and in that article as I recall he said that the MORE someone audited on Solo Nots and other stuff the CRAZIER they became.
It was my experience watching people close to me who audited on Solo Nots for 4-6 hours PER DAY for years (I btw could never “afford” the luxury nor the PAIN — only did tops 20 minutes IF that) they would come out of session with a scowl, bad mood, tired, and it got worse.
Secondly — Hubbard IMHO assigned the thoughts HE was having — reoccurring or otherwise to the zone of body thetans. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to not have thoughts — the more you attempt to stop thoughts, well, the worse it gets.
TRs were a p*** poor example of beginning meditation with THIS TWIST. It was aggressive to the extreme.
Meditation CAN slow the cavalcade of thoughts down. This is the beginning of meditation. But at the beginning one becomes aware of just how many thoughts one might have in a minute … and they bounce all over the place.
ANYWAY — this is a blog about LRH and DM and the monster of the church — and not about meditation but IMHO Hubbard would have been way better off – ultimately happier had he just found someone to teach him meditation.
BUT then — he couldn’t have founded a church (others came before him by a few thousand years), made a fortune, and imprisoned his fellow man thus fulfilling whatever revenge he had of getting back at his dad 🙂
Windhorse, the auditing on VII is 4 to 6 sessions a day, not “four to six hours” a day as you wrote. But I didn’t understand your reference to LRH “getting back at his dad.” What is the back story on that please?
Back in the early days of Solo Nots, it was hours not sessions. You were to get in a minimum of an Intensive a week. It later changed to sessions per day.
Cindy — the D of P “order” was 4 to 6 sessions per day HOWEVER I KNEW PEOPLE who did 4-6 HOURS per day. Which is what I wrote. Raindog commented how the D of P requirement changed through the years … (I never managed even the 4-6 sessions per day).
As for the backstory of LRH getting back at his dad … no backstory — just plenty of rumors online and elsewhere that LRH had a seriously damaging childhood. Perhaps most damaging with “his good friend Snake Thompson” — or whatever his name was.
LRH — like all of us are products of our 1) genetics 2) our upbringing (or not) 3) our environment 4) our education (or not) … etc —
Look over LRH’s 1-4 and you can see some pretty serious flaws. Which has been continued with dm.
Some of us were fortunate enough that in spite of 1-4 we’ve escaped. How? Not sure but be thankful you are amongst the escapees 🙂
My x wife Likki from the Scientology celebrities The Incredible Stringband got a cert, an award, from Saint Hill AO (or whoever) because she was auditing OT3 8-10 hrs a day for years. She was so proud of it.
She became a homeless person and was last seen crossing the Arizona desert on foot. Never seen again.
Hi Brian, Got to figure out how to turn off this stupid spell check.I knew Likki was not spelled Likky but the gremlins got to my IPad.Wherever she is I send her love & peace.Love Always to you & yours. Ann B.
Thanks Ann. I send her love also. I hope she is happy.
“Meditation CAN slow the cavalcade of thoughts down. This is the beginning of meditation. But at the beginning one becomes aware of just how many thoughts one might have in a minute … and they bounce all over the place.”
Agreed Windhorse. Most forms of meditation don’t try to get rid of or suppress thoughts. Many a novice Buddhist comes to meditation practice trying to avoid thoughts or make them go away. If they stick with this view, boy are they disappointed and frustrated. TRs are kind of like meditation, but not really. With TRs a wall of confront is built and there is most definitely an element of aggression in place. Hence the blank, un-engaging, 1000 yard stare that scientologists are known for. Quite the opposite of the results of a long term, steady meditation practice where the mind becomes stronger, more supple and calm. The thoughts never go away, but the ability to be with those thoughts regardless of what is happening in ones life increases.
Perhaps this is like the infamous BTs out there. If they truly exist, maybe it is true that they will never go away but one can become more at ease and make friends with the little devils rather than fighting them and trying to make them go away. Just a thought, pure speculation on my part. Thoughts, BTs, maybe they are one in the same thing. Bottom line is, who cares? I still haven’t seen or encountered a single ‘clear’ or ‘OT’ and I’m still waiting to meet someone who has.
I would like to raise a point. You say “L. Ron Hubbard never finished “Solo NOT’s” — and he began in 1979”. I am not 100% sure if that is correct that LRH never finished his OT VII? I was at Flag about 5 months after LRH died and the first people were just arriving there for their OT VIII set-ups. Please clarify for me, do you mean LRH never finished the AUDITING he required to complete the level on himself or he never completed the research needed for others to do so? I find both of those theories almost incredible. I think you know what I am asking. It is as if you are saying that DM & Company released the rest of the tech posthumously regardless of whether LRH had completed it or not. 🙂 This is an important point I feel, because most people would tend to think that if LRH wrote it and released it, he must already be an expert in applying it.
Go to Marty Rathbuns site or Lawrence Wrights book and read the account of Sarge Pfauth about LRH being obsessed with BTs til the end. On that basis I say he didn’t complete Solo NOTs.
Interesting point and well worth some thought.
There is such a thing as overrun though. I personally think the spirituality of life is addressed in and about here somewhere. Are we a body or not? If the body is infested with these entities when is point of erasure complete or when do we separate out where erasure now becomes negative/introverting. Maybe there’s a point where that’s your lot with that particular body? I believe man is incredibly arrogant to think the human body was created for the sole purpose of spiritual possession by a single thought generator. Possibly the bodies reactiveness is unsolvable at a base level? Maybe Hubbard had questions to the very end.
Know when hold ’em, know when to fold ’em. I suppose.The tough point of life I’m seeing personally as my body is old is that bodies are messy and painful things as they wear out and are preparing to exit the scene. It comes to all of us, even Hubbard.
Got it.
Lawrence, there are at least three different versions of OTVIII. This is coming from first-hand information, from people who have taken OTVIII and are now out. OTVIII wasn’t released until after L. Fraud Flunk-Out died with psych drugs injected into his ass. So I would say that, yes, DM released Tech posthumously without the old fraud having completed it; if that wasn’t the case, there’d be one version of OTVIII.
Dear Barbara Dews,
Please contact your local longtime FSM and assistant public fleecer Penny Jones and give her a hand. I saw her last when I finished OT VII and she had been auditing on the level for something like 12 years …..and that was in 2003!!!!! Maybe she is done but I had heard that she was not yet able to complete,
Seems like it was related to being connected to a suppressive group (which she was having trouble locating) or maybe it was trying to deal with committing continuous present time overts. Anyway, I’m sure she is pretty well cooked so you might want to check…………just sayin.
Newcomer, I think Penny nee Atwell Jones blew long ago. I think her BTs have taken over. She used to have a real personality. Back in the day when she first read OTIII, she turned in the materials and left the building. lol That was when she still had some brain cells. She should have stayed away. Obviously she was ‘handled’ and improved to a new and more complient Penny.
She did kind of remind me of a cluster when I met her.
It never ends does it, the bullshit just flows and flows from that organisation.
What’s next, just send us a check and we’ll email you your success story & completion cert?
OT7 is a fraud anyway. It’s nothing more than assist program at best and should follow on after 3 only if required but the greed of the RTC spiritual criminals turned it into the biggest load of crap and come in sucker bait and switch they have ever dreamed up. But hey, it’s not for anyone of intelligence anyway, wouldn’t wish that crap on anyone. Think about it, would you trust your sanity to something the Cof$ is trying to sell you?
My God those people are the biggest liars ever to set foot on planet Earth.
And once again it’s proven true – the biggest and loudest liars spruk the virtues of something they have never done themselves. I wonder if they are same as the genetic modifying scientists – they wound never eat their own product.
I Yawnalot, wake up! El Con was doing “7”. Do you think that he took something from RTC and ran it? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wake up Indeed! I only really comment on stuff I was personally aware of and affected by. Hubbard isn’t my arch nemesis, I don’t generalise on hating him. It’s not the first time in history money corrupts. But I suppose Hubbard was never allowed to have any according to most. If something doesn’t work for you, fine, I’m not shoving that down your throat. But I see a great variance between what Hubbard was doing and what RTC presented and 6mth checks weren’t on Hubbard’s watch and continuously altering the procedures both technically and administratively weren’t either. Tell me that they were the same procedures in 1979 as they are in 2000 and onwards please…
Maybe I don’t see the way the world is according to you, you go back to sleep and have a good laugh in your dreams that I’m like you.
All I know from my perspective is OT 7 is a procedure that was marketed to make money and is a fraud and screws up people. I did it too & feel ripped off, it’s bs as a level.
You know… I’ve never originated an invalidation of another on-line but I’ve sure responded to lots of them on me over time. I can’t be bothered most of the time to even respond as it’s just a crack in the record of this Hubbard hating phenomena. Sure he was human and lied like the rest of us but I was happy to purchase what I did in the 80s from Scientology. What happened to it from the mid 80s and into the 90s is simply criminal – and for having that viewpoint I have been relentlessly invalidated, especially by those who have never done or experienced what they are talking about. I find that particularly interesting. But I guess you don’t have to be a Catholic to speak out about priest child molesters either.
I guess it’s a rare thing – tolerance on-line concerning anything scientology.
But I do agree the organisation of the CofS needs to be legally erased from operating and it’s exec’s before the courts, but once that happens I won’t be witch hunting.
I Yawnalot, I couldn’t make heads or tales of half your post but, you are correct in one thing. El Con was trying to electrocute himself on 7 to get rid of BT’s. RTC hasn’t included that in 7 yet. ROFL
Yeah, I like to rant a bit sometimes but I keep my invalidations only to responding in kind, not originating them. Hubbard is what Hubbard is and most info about him reflects more of his ethics folder content than anything else. Of course he hasn’t done anything truthful… not even his Pep HCOB written in 70s about sugar and carbohydrates, must be bs – it’s from Hubbard for Christ’s sake, but Paloo is now catching up with a version of it and a lot of newer scientists are discovering that they got it all wrong with high carbohydrate diets. Too much sugar/carbohydrates is pretty evil stuff, an epidemic of fat people & diabetics confirms it.
All I will confirm with any of this is that from OT3 on up it became more of a game of money than anything else and it fucked up everything, including being and ceasing the subject of actual scientology. I don’t recall agreeing with you or originating that Hubbard wanted to electrocute himself though, that’s your input, not mine. I don’t care if it’s true or not, startle tactics don’t work on me.
I think it’s fascinating to compare a similar type thing with a guy called Robert Shroud – aka Birdman of Alcatraz. He is responsible for massive advancements in the poultry industry and aviary owners across the world with his books on bird diseases (researched and written while in prison) but he was a low live murderer, never to be released. He wasn’t allowed a visitation by his brother once by the warden so he stabbed a guard to death – lovely type of guy. Does that mean all of his studies or technologies are not applicable now? Per your performance NO! he’s a asshole.
End of rant II
Robert Shroud’s discoveries were based upon empirical study not his imagination. (His research had actual notes) His discoveries were found be be consistent with the known facts and proved to be useful upon independent testing. Any further comparison of this Bird Man of Alcatraz to Ron Hubbard would have to be in reference to criminal deeds, not redeeming contributions to knowledge. That’s what I think anyway until I hear a contradictory opinion that makes more sense to me.
Quite correct Roger. It is also hilarious when I hear someone call for tolerance for an evil cult. BTW, if one were to bother reading the DoD (Army) data on meal prep for troops dating back to the second world war it had the carb & protein data that El Con “discovered” and put in his Pep HCOB! LOL
You still don’t get it John. Your blindness amazes me.
My tolerance is not directed to a CULT! The Cof$ needs to be disbanded and its execs put in jail.
All I’m saying is that individuals are allowed to think and do what they want as long as they do things like a cult does and harm others.
Are you so stuck in your hate, you’ve forgotten to give life as well. Or are you still hating the Japs, Krauts & VC. I personally moved on from organised scientology in 1998. It’s simply a criminal organisation.
I just don’t believe all auditing is evil & one has the right to question the mind and its workings, no matter how distasteful is may seem to others. Hubbard put forward some interesting shit but sure as hell he lost his way putting it into society. Is society that pure that it is offended or where on the list of evil does Scientology as an evil practice for individuals occur – before or after banking, politics, weapons or drug manufacture? Maybe in front of 3rd world hunger maybe?
I Yawnalot, New flash! Scientology is a CULT. El Con was a CULT Leader. You are asking people to be tolerant of a dangerous cult and its now deceased leader.
John Locke says
“I Yawnalot, New flash! Scientology is a CULT. El Con was a CULT Leader. You are asking people to be tolerant of a dangerous cult and its now deceased leader.”
Well put. Theatie Wheeties abound, they’re just everywhere, like body thetans.
You fools!!!!!!! Everyone (who’s NOT degraded) knows that the only reason LRH didn’t finish Solo NOTs was because he didn’t have the Mark Ultra VIII E-meter to audit himself with!!!! With that E-meter he would have been able to complete Solo NOTs 50,000 times faster. Can you imagine that?? He would have done it in less than a week. Do the math. You people are missing out and you know it! LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!!
(sound of me slapping my forehead) So that’s the reason! At $5,000 per Mark Ultra E-meter, well, that’s just damn cheap! Sign me up!
I guess you know when yer incompetant at “blowing BT’s”, when they don’t light up a Kool cigarette once you’re done.
Hi Sejanus, Thank you for another laugh today.Take care Ann B.
I think I figured this out, Mike.
Things have gotten sooo bad in the CoS, that even the BTs are leaving.
Ha ha! Good one, Statpush!
Hi Statpush,Thank for a laugh today.XO Ann B.
Hi Statpush, This spell check I meant thank you for a laugh today.Ann B.
Yes, the BTs are, in fact leaving, statpush! However, my question is, are they leaving with their BT jewelry? I don’t think any self respecting BT would leave with out it.
BT Bling 🙂
Brilliant, Statpush. You’ve made my day!
Mike, you wrote that Hubbard never finished Solo NOTs. This is the first time I hear this and I have a few questions:
– How was he able to develop OT VIII as he has not finished the previous level himself?
– This seems to confirm Marty’s remark about the non-existence of OT levels above VIII. So OT 9, 10 etc. simply do not exist and they have neve existed, right?
See other answer about Sarge. He developed a lot of things without doing them. Purif. FPRD. It is an assumption all scientologists must make that LRH had to have done something himself in order to be able to tell others to do it. That is not a correct assumption. He first said he was doing OT VIII “research” in the early 70s before NOTs even existed.
Mike, I think that your ‘blackhole’ analogy is the best yet. That’s where they’re all disappearing to!
And a special hand to that Mr Hawkins guy for assuring us all that nothing can escape a blackhole. In fact it would’ve been what I’d have used to get a handle on the little zenu overpopulation control problems he was having…if I were he.
It never came up in my past life auditing so my data is/maybe somewhat lacking in this area. But it is certainly fun to think about!
Mike,my aunt was in Scientology for years. She was an auditor,left in the early 90’s in the middle of the night,showed up at my parent’s house,etc….she has gotten amnesty,and is living back in Clearwater,but not in the center. She recently came for a day visit,and said she is doing solo auditing and really wants to go higher. We pretend NOT to know what a cult Scientology is,nor do we ask many questions. Does this mean…she has to pay,to go higher? And higher means,the OT levels? She is so frazzled. Growing up,and even when she showed up at my parents in the middle of the night,I just thought she was eccentric. Now that I have watched the documentary and read the book and also read tony’s book….I know she is not JUST frazzled.
Yup, the data I have was that he was in very bad case shape most of the time and stopped having auditing altogether because he said his case was so bad it couldn’t be addressed by it!
Pure fantasy created by a mad man. No further explanation required.
+ 1. Right on the money!
Pure fantasy created by a madman who wrote FICTION for a living!! And his biggest fiction was CoS!!
Yes, and he coined a mint in the con. Pity he couldn’t enjoy his stashed millions, dying in a trailer sick as hell and on psycy drugs!
Peter, even “VIII” was total crock. It failed to deliver the ONE thing El Con said it would. Just as ALL of the “OT” levels FAILED to deliver OTness to a single person on this planet.
“Church” aside, I happen to have really liked a few of the old OT levels. Maybe I’m the only one.
Anon, I didn’t say one couldn’t like them. I simply stated a fact about them that nullifies ALL El Con’s lies about them…
I know several OT 8s who are still auditing. Huh? Not yet rid of the body thetans?
Perhaps this is a desperation move, intended to support the BIG LIE that the church is really expanding. By making it easier to get through Solo NOTs, it increases the number who get through it, i.e., it creates fake statistics that support the big lie.
Dear Visitor,
In the comments on Tony Oretga’s site, are daily, repeat mentions of great YouTube and other links, showing how deflection tactics work. One YouTube video asks the viewer to concentrate on persons dressed in white passing a ball, and count the number of times the ball is passed between one white dressed person to another white dressed person. Funnily, a gorilla walks right through the video. And most people after watching and successfully counting then number of times the ball was passed between the white dressed persons, people WON’T have seen the gorialla! They were concentrating on the white dressed people’s actions. Just stage magic deflection.
Scientology’s side activities, the massive bureaucracy of Scientology, ALL of the staffs of Scientology doing endless detailed step by step Hubbard written rules and regulations, even the fact of having spanking brand new “Ideal Orgs” quarters, are ALL deflection activities.
there are SO MANY lower levels of steps, and steps to RE-DO when you DON’T get the expected supersoul abilities, and the fact that even use ADVANCED bureaucrat dupes and dupe staff trainers, like myself, WE just took forever to NOTICE the Gorillla!
The gorilla that we all were deflected from seeing, is Hubbard himself, NOT being supersoul demonstrated powerful.
One of the biggest “coming down” moments for me as a long term dupe trainer dedicated Sea Org member, was when I asked Janis Grady, did LRH ever demonstrate ANY OT superpowers/ESP or “OT abilities?”
Janis said, like I should have already known the answer, “No. He never did.”
LRH was not an OT.
There are no OT supersouled people.
there are no clears with perfect memories, like Marvin Minsky on today’s Tony Ortega’s blog video tells Marvin’s story of Marvin asking Ron to demonstrate perfect memory of what LRH saw on a newspaper,and LRH says he haslt done enough work yet to be a clear himself.
PS: Besides Janis telling me she never saw LRH do any supernatural OT thing ever, is then reading LRH’s “One Was Stubborn” 1940s written fiction story, which I’ve review on Amazon, it’s one of the “One Was Stubborn” story reviews on amazon. “One Was Stubborn” is the alpha omega story for me, today, L. Ron Hubbard’s own wished for life is just a fiction story he wasn’t able to really be. Ron failed at being George Smiley. George is the cult leader character in “One Was Stubborn.” If I could today give all Scientologists a free LRH Christmas gift, I’d give everyone a copy of “One Was Stubborn” next Christmas, like in the old days when LRH Christmas gifts were a given to receive in the Sea Org.
+1. Outstanding post, Chuck!
LOL Chuck I didn’t see that damn Gorilla the first time I watched that video!!
Great post, Chuck!
I was the one who couldn’t even see the people in white because that damned gorilla is so intrusive and BIG…