Now, remember, out in the real world, we KNOW what this “rundown” consists of.
But in the scientology bubble, it is “confidential” and is not mentioned unless you have paid your entrance fee and are ushered into the special floor of the SP building, where you are then told that this “OT Rundown” consists of….
Running in circles. Literally. For a few weeks.
There is nothing else.
You are told to run around a fixed object. And to keep running.
Now read this latest Mintzmeat hype and realize they are charging people $5,000 to do this (not including what they charge them to stay in the building and eat in their dining rooms for that time — its the most expensive one month LA Fitness membership ever and you don’t even get a personal trainer but you do get a t-shirt and running shorts).
One true statement: it IS “staggering in simplicity.” It could only be simpler if the “rundown” consisted of sitting in a chair…
And it is apparently amazing that they have learned to tell people to “run” in 16 languages. I could expand their reach by connecting them up to Google Translator if they would let anyone on the internet. Or maybe one of those little handheld translator devices would work….
Staggering in simplicity, awesome in power, the Cause Resurgence Rundown rockets your cause and control.
Interesting facts about the Cause Resurgence Rundown you may not have known:
– The Cause Resurgence Rundown is delivered in 16 languages with 15 specially trained Cause Resurgence Rundown delivery staff.
– There are an average of 25 completions weekly and over 1,200 completions since Grand Opening.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
The minimum case prerequisites for the Cause Resurgence Rundown are the Purification Rundown and full Objectives case completion. Also, one must not be in the middle of any major case action.
This rundown is an OT whole track Objective process like no other. A thetan exterior process you can do in a body.
Yes, it is an OT action addressing the thetan directly, but not limited to OTs. It can be done at many points on the Bridge – as a Preclear, a Pre-OT, and OT. And, it is an unlimited process, a rundown you can do multiple times with greater and greater gains the higher you are on the Bridge.
On average, 2 to 4 weeks. The length of time varies for each person and is not related to where someone is on the Bridge.
There is no official limit. We have had completions of all ages, with the youngest so far at 12 and the oldest so far at 89.
A recent completion’s key wins from doing the Cause Resurgence Rundown:
“Through doing this rundown, I realized what it really means to generate your own energy. I created more and more of it so that all of those ridges, odd energy flows and past upsets would simply dissolve and melt away. The more energy I created, the easier it got. My energy flows straightened out and I have never felt more in control of them. This led to such a certainty of space that I can now be uninfluenced by all those external influences and be cause independently. This is something I thought I was doing before, but in actual fact had been missing my entire life.
“Towards the end of the rundown, I saw that absolutely nothing is as joyful as creating your own energy. Every sensation furnished from an outside source, like the body or the environment, is absolutely second-rate compared to the feeling a thetan gets from his own energy. This made me realize I am cause and it's me with my own energy that will create my own future, not anyone else's. I don't know if I can think of a time where I felt happier than at the end of this rundown. In fact, it got to be so much and I created so much energy that I almost couldn't bear it physically.
“Another huge shift I had on this rundown was that I completely rehabilitated my desire to go up the Bridge. I have never wanted it more than now, and I have never had more certainty that I will absolutely make it to OT. I'm no longer the spectator of my own life. Instead, I'm the knowing cause of it. It's like I got turned 180 degrees towards my future as a thetan, not my body, not this MEST life, something I haven't been able to see for a long time. Looking back, I was trapped for eons by all these odd energy manifestations around me. I wasn't able to emit enough energy to not have them affect me. I have now broken free of those things. My awareness and perception of present time has increased 1,000 times. To say I feel revitalized would be an understatement. I can honestly say that on this rundown I, as a thetan, woke up.” – F.L.
I would love to help you come to Flag and experience this amazing rundown and Flag itself.
Please call me or write anytime for anything!
Jeff Mintz
Flag Service Consultant
323 893 6690
This “success” gives you some idea how people inside the bubble can be induced to say almost anything to make themselves look like they are incredibly smart for spending their hard earned cash and time AND try to persuade others to do whatever it is that they just did. Because others wanting what you already have is the definition of status. And that is the “heaven in the here and now” that scientology sells. Status.
No doubt there is some therapeutic value to running in circles — exercise is always good. Extroversion of attention cannot hurt. Focusing is a feature of meditation in many systems. But for this action to transform someone into “knowing cause over life” and his awareness and perception “increased 1000 times” is ludicrous. But it makes clear why the sheeple so easily buy into “monumental expansion” and “straight up and vertical” and “Clearing the Planet” — everyone in scientology is immersed in hype. It is part of the scientology way of life. It’s expected and if you aren’t engaging in it, you are “BI’s” and there is something wrong with you.
L. Ron Hubbard paved the way with his categorical and over the top pronouncements decreeing with utmost certainty “how things are.” He was not the shy, retiring type. And every scientologist is expected to take his word as gospel. If he says he was on Venus, one is supposed to accept it as truth. And that lays the foundation for not only accepting, but espousing oneself, more and more hype that ultimately becomes laughable.
There are those who will proclaim the wins they have had on the Running Program. And that is great. Anything that brings a peace of mind or better outlook on life or resolves their back pain is all good. Many will tell you they achieve similar things from exercising. Or yoga. Or visiting the chiropractor. If it floats your boat, sail on.
But to call this an “OT Whole Track Objective Process” (best done without a body…) is silliness. And charging people $5,000 for it is obscene. And then telling them they can do it more than once to great benefit…
It begs the question:
If this is such a wonderful “OT rundown” that can be done “anywhere on the Bridge,” why isn’t it made available to everyone in every org? It must take all of a day to train someone on how to deliver it. I read EVERYTHING L. Ron Hubbard wrote about this in about 30 minutes.
And why isn’t it delivered at COST? The prices charged for auditing are always justified with “it’s expensive to deliver, we have to have trained auditors to deliver one on one counseling.” Don’t need that for the running program. And you don’t need a $200 million building either. It costs virtually NOTHING to deliver this.
Yet, according to “F.L.” and by extension, the church, it can increase your awareness and perception 1000X and make you “cause over life.”
Why is this being denied to everyone on earth by making it a “Flag only” “rundown” and giving it some special, secret sauce status?
Of course, the sheeple inside the bubble don’t notice. They buy the hype and ignore reality. And those who are sucker enough to pay up and start running want to bask in the status of their accomplishment, so they pretend to everyone else that this is some sort of magical, “OT” thing that literally gave them superpowers.
They truly believe that this is all “what Ron wanted” because that is what they have been told. And good sheeple always accept everything they are told.
Including being led to the slaughter where they are bled dry.
Someone just forwarded this to me from FB. Someone ALREADY “re-doing” the Running Program.
It’s a status to be the first to do it twice!
Check out some of the comments in response. You’re SO awesome!
I wonder if Hubbard stole this idea (as he stole much of his BS from other original sources) from HMP (Her Majesty’s Prison) Wakefield in the UK, around the turn of the century when the prison started to gain its reputation for housing some of the UK’s worst male criminals, they had groups of prisoners run round a fixed object in the exercise yard and claimed it would make the criminals reevaluate their lives and mornals and was part of the rehabilitation process at the time. Just a thought.
I heard that the TR’s and Objectives course has been changed and renamed. Is this the Survival Rundown now? I hear this course comes with 800 hours of Objectives included with the course fee. Apparently everyone is required to do it.
They say:
“HOW LONG DOES THE RUNDOWN TAKE? On average, 2 to 4 weeks.”
Do they not know what the word “average” means? An average is not a range.
You might as well say US presidents are age 40 to 60 on average. No. An average is a discrete number dividing the value being averaged by the number of instances of that value. The current average age of presidents when they take office is 54 years and 11 months.
What Scientology probably means to say as they struggle with failed word clearing, is that “most people take 2 to 4 weeks.” That still leaves it squishy enough for them to evade a solid answer.
Of course we already know they have no clue on growth rates, graphs, numbers, measures, or statistical analysis. Not understanding a simple function such as “average” is therefore not a surprise. In the bizzarro world of math, getting one more person on a course for a total of two is straight up and vertical — a 100% increase!
Do you think Miscavige will come up with a service for melting Emeters like Hubbard melted his specially made Emeter at the end of Hubbard’s life, as told in the final pages of Lawrence Wright’s book, “Going Clear..”
I could see it, “Come to Flag, do the Special Emeter Melting Rundown, just like Ron did!”
That’d keep sales of Emeters up.
y’all know if you tell anyone what the rundown is after you’ve done the rundown, you have to pay the church $30,000 per each person you tell and even if that person tells more people. i’ve done it.
Anybody know what the EP for “Cause Resurgence RD” is? I’d like to know if I guessed right and ran it in 15 minutes or so, sitting at my keyboard. Well, even if I cheated and floated outside for a few minutes. I like to cheat a little, thought not a lot. Cheating a lot gets you in trouble, but cheating just a little often opens up new vistas on life, like learning to read a dirty book in a clean bathtub, and making up your own definitions for words you aren’t sure of – I call that ‘personalizing’ words. Like, for example, if you’re stuck in the north during winter and aren’t sure what “thetan” means, well it could be “the tan” which takes you to a beach in Aruba in a flash, which opens up new vistas, but has drawbacks, too, because if you ARE a “thetan” then how are you going to get “the tan”? Because spirits don’t tan well, that I’ve heard of, and sun block stuff … really? Pfffft. And besides, it’s like oxymoronic. Gad, I mean, like get a California of your own, already! Or Europe. What’s the difference between an Aruba tan and a St. Tropez tan and a Melbourne tan? Not able to tell the difference? Or the difference between a $10 EP and a $5,000 dollar EP? How is the innocent and disinterested bystander supposed to know the difference? I probably didn’t get the EP, because I didn’t pay $5,000 dollars for it. I just can’t be sure. Like Maria or whatever the New Ninja’s name is. I must just have some cheap imitation. Darn. Talk about a crash. Now everywhere I go, people who know EP’s will whisper to each other, “”Aw, look … he got the cheap EP. He looks like so un-happy.” I hate that. So I want to know if anybody with the Designer EP (for $5,000) knows if I got the real EP or just a knock-off ‘personalized’ EP?
Either spill your guts or sit in ethics for the rest of your eternity!
The E/P is “I realise that I must move up to the next IAS status level no matter what my financial circumstances are”.
“Cause Resurgence Rundown” = “Cash Regurgitation Rundown”
The Rundown with the E/P that you have done it therefore you must have made gains. The more OT you are, the more gains you are supposed to get. It makes you more at Cause to write checks. After, when the ability to write checks fades, the Cause Resurgence Rundown is waiting for you yet again to make you more At Cause(tm) to write checks. It’s the Rundown that keeps on giving you the power to keep on giving.
After all these years it continues & this is still absolutely the most accurate & best description; o)
Every success story I have ever read is virtually interchangeable with every other story. If you removed the action, level, or process specifically mentioned in the story.and entered in another no one would know the difference. They are all reading from the same vague, generic script provided by Flag. Never have so many words been expended to say absolutely nothing and tried so hard to avoid any statement that could be mistaken for a concrete or mesaurable result.
After reading this post my space has expanded, I am truly at cause, fully owning my own space, my ridges are flat and I truly know my place in the universe. Ha!
This could be a very beneficial service for a person to do, but you are right Mike…..$5000, plus the requirement of staying at the company hotel for a month??? !
I knew a couple of people who were on one of the pilots of this rundown who were so excited about the benefits they got from it that they told me about it even though they were not supposed to do so at the time because it was a confidential project. But, $5000 ????! That pilot was done on the outdoor track at Los Angeles City College which I believe was also being used by a lot of other runners at the same time. I doubt that the COS paid a dime for the privilege since it was open to all.
In any event, running is a well known for improving physical, mental, and even spiritual well being. There have been several books written on this subject. I have little doubt that LRH developed a practical and unique in-gradient program that can be of great benefit to many people. And it would probably be a good thing for people to do this. Unfortunately, not too many are going to be able to afford to do so if they do it at the Church of $cientology. If anyone really wants to do this program they should probably get a hold of the written materials, start a little “running rundown club”, and do it at a high school or college track which are usually open to the public much of the year.
I read somewhere that one of the major components of the CRD is the pole in the center of the track, and keeping it in one’s peripheral vision while running and, IIRC, always running clockwise. Thus the palm in the center of the torture course at Gold and the lighted pole in the center of the SP Bldg track.
From what I got, that is what makes this an OT Whole Track process, per LRH.
Circle a star, anyone?
“Incidentally, Supermodel #1, the head of the Global Capitalism HQ supermodel contingent, happens to be a Ph.D.-packing wellness consultant, massage therapist and world-ranked masters-level endurance athlete. She absolutely recoiled in horror when I told her about what this rundown entails. She points out that running in a circle is a great way to destroy your hips, damaging all sorts of nerves and getting all sorts of back pain. Running for hours with the asymmetrical stride needed to run in a perfect circle, is a really bad idea, even if you run in the opposite direction the next day. That’s why she doesn’t do workouts on a track, but runs instead on the streets of Manhattan, or on trails or back roads when we’re out at the country house. You can deal with the effects of running on concrete, but you can’t protect yourself against the injuries you suffer running in circles.”
That’s the sanest reaction to the CRR I have ever seen – CLASSIC!
To see the Church extol the Cause Resurgence Rundown leads me to wonder why it took 32 years (!) to make it available to members (other than on a very limited basis). As Mike observed one can read all LRH ever wrote about it in less than an hour, so there is no huge complexity. Nothing in the brief materials could ever be used as a justification to insist that an ornate, white elephant building, funded by gang pressing members, be built before it could be made available. Observing the actions of the Church (and by extension its most exalted leader) is observing insanity hard a work.
There is an LRH tape in which he speaks about an insane man chasing someone all over the universe or being chased by someone — can’t remember but surely someone reading this blog will.
In any case, the upshot of the story was after eons of chasing someone OR being chased … the mans was no longer insane. He ran himself sane.
SO — since it’s not possible to chase OR be chased by someone ALL over the universe – I guess the next best thing is a pole and after weeks/month running in a circle – perhaps its mildly the same as “all over the universe”
I believe that was the original “story” and thought process behind the running program.
Surely by now — we all know that most/much of what evolved was LRH’s stories that he created into processes. Some good. Some bad. Some completely out to lunch.
BUT people did have gains.
IMHO because people WANT to be happier, saner, kinder so give them a book and a bottle and they WILL have gains because THEY WANT TO.
AND that is their human right. To be happier, saner and kinder …
“Please call me or write anytime for anything”.
Very cool, Jeff. Listen, have you ever made cornbread? I’ve got this recipe my aunt just gave me and I could use some advice. Thanks so much.
I’d like to make a general comment here about a couple of posts I made earlier and to clarify something.
Internet forums are strange places to conduct a conversation or seek assurance/agreement/information gathering of opinions etc. and at times can get out of hand and go psychotic. I like the aspect of Mike’s site where the “replies” are restricted to only a few. For better or for worse I think it’s an acceptable compromise to keep things relatively sane. Anyone that’s ever posted on ESMB and Ortega’s site knows how nutty things can get and how downright forceful and rude some posters can be.
I made a comment that I think there’s a potential ‘witch hunt” for Scientologists brewing with HBO and generally as the world of miscavige is crumbling and the onslaught against him is relentless, especially on the legal front. This is a good thing and with any luck the whole shebang will come to some sort of reckoning this year.
If that occurs there will be an increased number of “scientologists” coming to their senses and reading the net for some sort of information and closure. Mike Rinder is gaining a good reputation as a fair and equitable human being. A little research of ESMB will show you what sort of spectrum of comments and how naïve and vulnerable some people are when they begin to realise the scam and mental trap they were involved in with Scientology. Coming to understand the magnitude of betrayal is a very personal thing and the stable data they operated off for years is shaken quite severely. What I mean by witch hunt is the severity of which some people take it upon themselves to ridicule anything Scientology and they don’t take into account that the someone they are “setting straight” by often forceful invalidation may be just waking up to the mental trap they are in. Making wrong at that time is not a very nice thing to do to someone. My situation was that before Scientology I was a mess physically and was quite psychotic, lots of prescription plus other drugs and alcohol to excess. I was quite a dangerous man to cross, especially as I was recently out of the army, lost my career and physical prowess because of injury and was sick to death of being told what to do when none of it worked anyway. Dianetics and then Scientology processing actually set my head straight, got me off drugs and alcohol abuse. I took up the arts, ending up with a picture framing business and selling my own artwork etc. 10 years on staff were in there somewhere until I woke up and saw the light on what miscavige had done and the inherent traps within the organisation and walked away.
Even on this site I have been ridiculed that none of it could have possibly worked because all of scientology and its technology is a scam/lie – bullshit. I was even told proudly that a wog knows more about Scientology than I do. How in the world can anyone else tell me it’s all wrong and therefore so I am, and they assume I should go back be to being sick again, that’s better for you than Scientology. Geezers I’d hate to have that on my conscience, karma is a bitch. By the way, I’m a declared SP & consider it a badge of honour.
I don’t have a problem where wana-be experts are concerned, they exist in all areas of life, it’s so easy to be an expert behind a keyboard. All I’m saying is pick the right targets and as a scientology information site as this one is let life breathe a little, don’t put life in a cage.
I’m hoping this site doesn’t take the same path as ESMB and Ortega’s and becomes a hate site. Book burning ideas are dangerous.
Good comment. I generally agree with what you say here — I try to remain aware that there may be NEW people coming to this blog to find out what they can and it may be the first time they have ventured outside the bubble. As you say, assaulting someone by telling them everything they have ever known or experienced is “wrong” isn’t going to help them see the truth. And there ARE people who have found things beneficial in scientology and who is to say they havent.
Great point Iyawnalot. It is important to keep in mind that there are new people peeking out of the bubble and they need a somewhat “safe” place to get information and confirmation of what they already know to be true (for them). We all have different agreements on Scientology and what it has done for us.
There are some public in the church who are already under duress there and don’t need to be made a laughing stock or object of derision when they visit and speak out here. I think it’s important to let people have their say (pro or con) and if anyone doesn’t like it, they can skip over their comments like changing the radio or TV station. Allow people to come to their own conclusions, which they will over time anyway.
This blog has been a great source of information and support for me and I hope it continues and helps others out of the cult too.
you purposely misconstrued my comments and your post reads as passive aggressive.
you were never told “all” of it was bullshit and in fact told your wins are yours.
you are not being fair.
you did not understand anything i wrote.
many people here didn’t understand.
i don’t know why it’s hard for you to understand that YOU crediting scientology for your physical recovery does not mean it works.
that does not mean you did not experience whatever you did, you got a gain from it, no argument there………ok, you got that part? yes you had a “real” win.
but that is not proof for non scientologists. they will continue to say it doesn’t work.
that was in response to you saying “i don’t know why people say the tech doesn’t work”.
that was the context. you came back with “why have to prove to the likes of me”.
because you said you didn’t know why……..and i just gave my thoughts on that…….
why does that mean your wins are bs? where did anyone say that? one thing has nothing to do with another.
you wondered why. i told you why, you have to prove it to people. that’s how WE (secular people) feel about it. that’s all. that’s WHY.
if you don’t feel you should prove it, that;s ok, but people we continue to say it doesn’t work until you do, that’s just stating it the way it is.
why any of that should offend you, i don’t know.
bear in mind the term “real world’ is a synonym for “wog world”.
and note the standards most commenters apply to this topic and then look at the standards others apply to the tech itself. it is virtually identically.
there are other people on the other end of the judgements we typically make here on this blog, you yourself and many exes here are invalidating those people. you are deciding if their wins are BS or not, exaggerated or not, whether it’s squirrel or not…… “you” are not granting them the beingness you ask for, that is true.
so that is a conundrum for you.
in fact by your own standards you have to grant even miscavige his beingness. but when it comes to miscavige you apply a different standard then the one you ask for yourself and “others”………even miscavige is an “other”.
there is only one way out of that conundrum, one EP.
one day you just might think of me as a friend..
Geezers… give it a rest, you don’t represent the secular or the wog world as you call it. Even when I was in Scientology I never agreed to or liked the term “wog” – it doesn’t register to me as a legitimate term and I found it invalidative when Scientologists used it and I find your continual reference to it disgusting. Your personal delusions of grandeur and generalities about my standards and what I think are so far off any accuracy I certainly have an opinion of you now.
You delude yourself thinking I care or will pay any attention to what you think and no you are not a friend or ever will be when you attempt to do my thinking for me or the people I know who have never been Scientologists yet belong to the general group you call “wogs” – they don’t agree with you either, trust me on that and they well and truly know I’ve been a Scientologist and have benefited from certain parts of it, those people I call friends.
However, the reason I’ve commented on this line of thought and engaged with you is that I know what it’s like to be on staff and believe the hype and when they realise their error in life it worries me that people like you will prey on them if they post on line – please leave them alone. Check out ESMB and the comments sections of Ortega’s site, there’s lots of commenters there who will agree with all you say and do.
i would have given it a rest. you chose to reference my comments in a veiled and twisted way.
i don’t “prey” upon anyone. that’s a terrible thing to say.
OK, time to give it a rest now.
Everybody really listen to the text of this song:
The gal that was doing the Cause Resurgence Run Down Twice: Sergio Ruiz wrote: It didn’t work the first time? With a frowning face.
I wonder where Sergio is now? Being sec checked? Being forced to hand over large amount of money because of his comment? Kicked out?
Mike Rinder, thank you for your continuing service to humanity.
I salute you.
I’d like to take a shot at answering, “What is Cause Resurgence?”
In the Scientology tech dictionary one definition of thetan (spirit) is, “An energy-space production unit”
So the running program is simply rehabilitating and “reminding” the runner (a thetan after all) of that simple definition of himself. The motion of the runner vs the no-motion of the pole is all that is required to trigger the process into action. As hard as it is to believe it works and will start phenomena into action. A resurgence takes place in the thetan as he rehabilitates and smoothes-out what he already is -An energy-space production unit.. ..IMO
That’s an interesting explanation. One of the problems in trying to be accurate in descriptions is that it’s possible to describe something accurately from very distinct viewpoints – the parable of the five blind men and the elephant comes to mind. Just so the anti’s don’t get their panties in a wad: a thetan is also capable of perception and comparison (analysis – some might say duplication). And one of the axioms of Scn has it that a thetan is capable of postulates, considerations, and opinions.
To get the anti’s panties in a wad: maybe part of it is that the thetan comes to compare that he is orienting around the pole, something along the lines of realizing a bad condition, when he should be orienting the pole about his viewpoint. He’s running around the pole by his own considerations. It’s unlikely the pole is sitting there considering the thetan is running a body around it, but some beings may actually consider that to be the case, if they’re that used to MEST being at cause over them. (I don’t know if the realization that he’s paid $5,000 for the privilege makes it all any more shocking to him.)
Let me rephrase something. In The Factors LRH points out that a being can arrive at a point where, because he sees MEST perish, he considers that he too can perish. I think most around today do consider they can perish (even if they know better than that), and most do consider MEST to be senior to them. Thetans do not perish (most religions in the world hold this in common in one form or another, even Ancient Egyptians), so perhaps MEST is not, after all, senior to a being. Yogi’s, advanced martial artists, fire-walkers, and perhaps many others seem to demonstrate that a being can do remarkable things most consider “impossible.” So perhaps running around a pole for an extended period of time, with attention on the pole, brings the being to realization that he is in fact only changing his viewpoint on the assumption that MEST is senior to him. There are also other processes which perhaps more easily accomplish the same thing, such as SOP processes(Standard Opening Procedure). More than one way to skin a cat, as they say.
Enjoying and admiring the acute wisdom in your comments.
All that money and time and exposure to Flag reges etc. to run around a pole! You’ve got to be joking… what lunacy but if taken at face value, I’m ecstatic!!!
I EP’d an OT level at soccer training when I was 9 – WOW… think I’ll find my old coach and write a SS.
Some appear to get gains from this. Ronit Charny delivers it successfully. How is the actual EP worded, or perhaps better put what criteria does the C/S use to
determine its reached EP?
“Cause Resurgence” sounds like supper coming back up.
Good one 🙂
Don’t give them any ideas Mike!
Wayne, It will be billed as the Cause over Exhaustion R/D!
A R/D one can do as many times as needed as one Walks the Plank (oops, I mean Goes up the Bridge…)
Doesn’t LRH say to do that to raise your confront?? I’ve seen an SO member do just that. Sit in a chair in the registers office with a do not disturb sign. Am not commenting on the spiritual value of it, just that it is a process that can be run.
I could probably achieve a similar end phenomenon going around the pole on a Segue or motorized skate board. Or worse yet I could walk around in a large super market all day with an average female.Too old for that, it makes my hips hurt.
Oops, I forgot to mention the circle track should have been banked like a bell curve and cushioned so that a runner could seek out his or her neutral angle. No highway engineers were involved with that one I guess.
I’m not sure that going up the pole is the same thing as getting unstuck (exterior) from a pole trap. I know that sweeping a very large aircraft hangar with a push broom will do it; I loved it.
Driving a formula car at 150+ on a two lane road course will ease one out of a body, anything with the the threat of death is always good. Time shifts can be part of the phenomenon.
Before I got into SCN I went for the white light as instructed by Lob Sang Rampa and after a month or so I was able to confront it. It was an incredible experience and things went right for about a year and a half. This could have been prolonged if I had had a better understanding of ethics, tech and responsibility.I don’t knock the tech and yes I give LRH credit for making the universal knowledge understandable, attainable and usable. Thanks Mike for making this blog an “ideal” island of healing sans the trolls of course.
Way back when, OT 3 was the top of the Bridge, the Mission CS was having a Wet Bar built in the Ivory Tower. It never got finished and the CS was busted and Declared for CS’ ing drunk and other gross things.
Fast forward 35 years and change and this is the NORM, standard operating practice.
Mike, As a never in I am having a difficult time grasping the pole running. Are you suppose to listen to a tape or focus on something specific while running? What do most people think about while running? Thanks for all you do!
Ann, there is a pole (or object) in the center of circle and you run with your attention fixed on that. You don’t have to stare at it, just keep your attention on it as you run.
Many thoughts will come and go and other phenomena will come and go-No tape or entertainment is needed as the process is interesting enough on it’s own, You stick with it until you reach the purpose of doing it. You’ll know when that is because the program produces a rather big effect on person when done honestly.
I wouldn’t recommend it if someone is making you do it, you have no interest or hope of gain or you have upsets all around the place in your life.
I really do hate to admit this, but I blew charge imagining what you described. So much for that one, though! If I can blow the mass without running, you won’t see me running. I wonder what the heck the basic for that process is? I mean, when you think about it, we spend life after life after life on a planet running around something we have our attention on – the sun. There are an awful lot of things in the universe that spend all their time running around some fixed point which is a focal point of their existence. And there are an awful lot of things that are round. A lot of very big things are round. (I wonder if you get anything out of rolling downhill inside a tractor tire? Besides bruises? And probably arrested for violating some obscure town ordinance?) There are also any number of things which are triangular – the Great Pyramids, the Inca temples, and Californians with their hollow pyramids hanging over their beds. Then there are many actions besides In ‘n’ Out Burger which involve interiorization and exteriorization. And a lot of things besides eyes and ears which come in mirror images or twin structures. Maybe there is some substances to the kookie Californians and their weird Hollywood belief systems, that people are stars? Gosh, that’s scary!
I’m a big cause-and-effect guy. I want to know the causes of things, and the reasons why. Show me some logic. A lot of people get a “natural high” from throwing themselves down snowy slopes on little wooden sticks called “skis.” Others get similar highs sitting on a river bank with a pole in their hands, hoping. Others just toss it all and go to the spa, then a good restaurant. Which is what I think I’ll do. Oh … it’s cold out. Pizza. It’s round.
Nickname, loved your comment, but have an MU on “Californians with their hollow pyramids hanging over their beds”. Is that a joke, or…
Also, I have to say again, that just the idea of auditing, any kind of auditing, whether it be the running program or whatever, being forced on someone, just makes me so sad and angry. Frankly, I don’t think there could be any worse crime.
Aquamarine – So sorry. I forgot how sensitive Californians are about their hollow pyramids. (Yes, I was trying to make a joke.) Scientology cannot be enforced.
Nickname, no apologies necessary as I’m not in the least offended, just puzzled. I don’t get the joke! I’ve never heard of “hollow pyramids” which hang over peoples’ beds.
why isn’t anyone commenting how this post and most comments are invalidating someone’s wins?
somebody can say it’s squirrel tech but even so, if someone got a “win” from it, who are we to invalidate it? shouldn’t we “grant them beingness”?
and if they did get a real win from squirrel tech, then i guess squirrel tech works too. we certainly couldn’t question their win and why should they have to prove or answer to the “likes of we”?
that line of thinking makes the squirrel tech unimpeachable.
do you see a parallel there?
consistency in thought is important.
Whitestar, I think most people can vouch for the benefits of running. I’ve run several races myself and am training for a half-marathon this spring. If someone says they had a “win” doing this, then great. But is their “win” any different from what other runners experience, Scientologist or not? And is that win worth the $5000 that they’re charging, and the untold thousands more to stay in their hotels and eat at their restaurants? I don’t think so. And even as the promo and testimonial itself is over-the-top, it’s also carefully couched to avoid saying just what it was that caused this amazing experience. It’s massaged to maintain the hype and mystique. It would be as ridiculous as me coming home huffing and puffing and sweating all over with my gym bag over my shoulder, and someone asking me what I just did and me saying, ‘can’t tell you’.
They want to hype this as something only they know about. But really, it’s just running. There’s nothing exclusive, mystical or expensive about it. And running is good for you. These people should realize they don’t need to be in Scientology, much less go to Flag for 4 weeks to realize that.
I am not into supporting what the Co$ is doing these days and for quite a while.
Just for the record, there are different ways of running. Some go for mileage, some go for speed
records, endurance, obstacle courses and what not.
On the Running pgm one ‘RUNS TO EXHAUSTION’ and then one rests. That cycle is done over and over.
It is not comparable to what one sees most people doing, jogging in the AM to get a workout.
It’s different.
If the program gets enforced = pretty much bye bye any wins, especially when forced to run in
SO uniform in the desert heat as Mike had to do.
I enjoyed doing the pgm doing it 5 hours/day. When the time got extended to 12hrs/day and then
even to 13 was another story.
I used to be a long-distance runner and ran races and a marathon. I went exterior while running and it felt so great! And this was before I ever found Scn. So whatever floats your boat is valid therapy and the old man even said so. So why not just do fun key-out things for free like Nickname mentioned? I’m thinking pizza and a good wine and a day at the spa, and and and…
I don’t think it’s invalidating wins necessarily that some are really talking about. It’s more how wins sometimes can be coerced or forced because of the nature of how these wins come about. It’s SOP in Scntlgy to ask for wins at the end of every course, auditing, or even more insignificant actions. Not only do you know you’ll be asked for your wins and “would you like somebody else to achieve these gains” etc but you know that it is what’s expected of you, you’ll get admiration flows, and you won’t have to redo or go to ethics. + there is the justification factor, “well I didn’t really get all that much gain, but I have a hard case that will be handled later and I’ll realize these wins even more then. And it wasn’t such a bad course, I learned some things” etc etc. And no nattering, no case on post, be uptone, be a good example, etc. I personally have had some good things occur in Scientology. I’ve had case gain. I’ve experienced a lot of bullshit too. So I will not deal with any B.S. anymore, but I also will not invalidate those things that work or have worked. But I will admit, a lot of the wins you hear have been embellished per the above.
Ah, look at all the kool-aid people
Ah, look at all the kool-aid people
David Miscavige looks at the mice in the church where the public have been
Lives in a dream
Stares out the window, drinking the Scotch that he keeps in the bar by the door
Who is it for?
All the kool-aid people
Where do they all come from?
All the kool-aid people
Where do they all belong?
See Danny Sherman writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, crafting big lies in the night when there’s nobody there
Nobody cares
All the kool-aid people
Where do they all come from?
All the kool-aid people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the kool-aid people
Ah, look at all the kool-aid people
David Miscavige left in disgrace and was buried along with his name
End of the game
See all the minions wrapping their wits ’round a man so completely depraved
No one was saved
All the kool-aid people (Ah, look at all the kool-aid people)
Where do they all come from?
All the kool-aid people (Ah, look at all the kool-aid people)
Where do they all belong?
I think it’s safe to say that Sir Paul would be pleased by this rendition.
Yes indeed, I heard it from a blackbird singing in the dead of night.
And the blackbird took those broken wings and learned to fly…
We were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly, into the heart of the black night…
Brilliant, MM. Your masterpiece, I would say.
Many thanks Aquamarine.
Love this Michael. Genius.
Thanks Pepper. You just inspired a West Side Story rewrite!
When you’re a Bot,
You’re a Bot all the way
From your first Div 6 course
To your last dyin’ day.
When you’re a Bot,
Let them do what they can,
You got sheeple around,
You’re an IAS man!
You’re never alone,
You’re an upstat respected!
You’re home with your own
Won’t be wog world infected,
You’re well protected!
Then you are set
With a capital B,
Which you’ll never forget
As you shatter SP’s!
When you’re a Bot,
You stay
A Bot!
When you’re a Bot,
You’re the top cat in town,
You’re the gold-medal kid
With the heavyweight crown!
When you’re a Bot,
You’re the swingin’est thing.
Little boy, you’re a man;
Little man, you’re a king!
The Bots are in gear,
Our cylinders are clickin’!
The Psychs’ll steer clear
‘Cause every one’s
A lousy chicken!
Here come the Bots
Like a bat out of hell
Someone gets in our way
Someone don’t feel so well!
Here come the Bots
Little world, step aside!
Better go underground,
Better run, better hide!
We’re drawin’ the line,
So keep your noses hidden!
We’re hangin’ a sign
Says “Visitors forbidden”
And we ain’t kiddin!
Here come the Bots,
Yeah! And we’re gonna beat
Every last friggin’ psych
On the whole friggin’ street!
On the whole!
Ever –!
Awesome and Dramatic! Now I’m going to watch West Side Story over again.
Got any ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ as in If I were a Rich Man? I would love to see what you come up with.
Staying tuned…
You asked for it!
DM dreaming and singing about Bill Gates being his latest catch:
If you were my bitch, man,
Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum.
All day long I’d biddy biddy bum.
If I had your wealth my man!
I wouldn’t have to work so hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If you were my biddy biddy bitch,
Idle-diddle-daidle-daidle man.
I’d build a big tall morgue with rooms by the dozen,
Right in the middle of the town.
A fine gold cross with real marble floors below.
There would be one long staircase just going up,
And one even longer coming down,
And one more leading nowhere, just for show.
I’d fill my bar with chicks and minions and sheep’s and ducks
For the town to see and hear.
Squawking just as noisily as they can.
With each loud “cheep” “squawk” “baaa” “quack”
Would land like a trumpet on the ear,
As if to say “Here lives a wealthy man.”
If you were my bitch, man
Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum.
All day long I’d biddy biddy bum.
If I had your wealth, my man!
I wouldn’t have to work so hard.
Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum.
If you were my biddy biddy bitch,
Idle-diddle-daidle-daidle man.
I’d see my little Shelley, looking like a battered wife
With a proper double-chin.
Being served rice and beans to my heart’s delight.
I’d see her losing her hair and walking like a zombie
O, what a gruesome mood she’s in!
Screaming at the four walls, day and night!
The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!
They would ask me to advise them,
Like someone that’s truly wise.
“If you please, Dear Davey…”
“Pardon me, Dear Davey…”
Posing problems that would cross a great man’s eyes!
And it won’t make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong.
When you’re rich, they think you really know!
If you were my bitch, I’d have the time that I lack
To sit in my castle all day.
And have a golden throne in my toilet stall.
And I’d alter the basic books for the sheeple, several hours every day.
That would be the sweetest thing of all.
If you were my bitch, man,
Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum.
All day long I’d biddy biddy bum.
If I had your wealth, my man!
I wouldn’t have to work so hard.
Idle-diddle-daidle-daidle man.
I who sic the lions on the lambs
I decree I should be what I am.
It would fulfill my vast eternal plans
If you were my bitch, my man!
The only cognition I ever got from the running that I had to do in the US Army is that I hate running. Four knee surgeries have proven that I had the correct E/P.
Putting me and my knees aside, why can’t the cult do the smart thing and promote a combination of the Purif, the Cause Resurgence Rundown, and Super Power as a holistic fitness program? Wouldn’t that bring more fresh meat through the door, especially if you have someone like Grant and Elena Cardone pimp it on TV commercials? Oh, wait, they don’t care about MEST bodies, and, besides, Ron didn’t say anything about physical fitness.
Mike mentioned that the SP Building is the most overpriced LA Fitness in existence. The best way around it is to treat it that way. Too bad they’ll never figure that out.
I think I have finally woken up from my stupor. As an auditor and an OT, I would never ever think of invalidating someone’s wins but this one is SO over the top, considering the “process” that I have decided that either:
A) The person wrote this to satisfy the examiner, CS and staff OR
B) The church wrote this as a “win” for promo purposes
WOW seeing through this BS is really enlightening considering how many years I ate up all those Advance magazine “wins” and all other promo shit.
Thanks Mike for rekindling my OT perceptions. If anyone wants true wins, buckle down and read, research and confront the truth about what this lunatic church has become.
Just yesterday I posted over on Ortega’s site looking for an answer to my conundrum
that had managed to “stick” me to Scientology for over 35 years.
“Before attesting to “clear” my uncorrected eyesight was 20 – 400. I was legally blind without corrective lenses and It was totally impossible to even navigate around a room without my glasses. Then, on the night I attested to clear, I tossed away my glasses and for the next 3 days had near 20 – 20 vision. No glasses, no problem navigating and/or driving without corrective lenses of any kind. Swear to god!
Then, on the 3rd day I awoke, once again – “Blind as a bat.” What a mystery…..”
Then, I got this post back, which goes a long way in explaining the miraculous recovery.
“Hi there – your note was fascinating enough that I did some quick googling. There are apparently some folks who found temporary vision improvements with use of hypnosis. I wonder if that helps explain your experience?”
I bet if one had the knowledge of knowing where to look, you’d find logical, intelligent answers to most abilities – OT and otherwise – that one gains in Scientology. But i would love to hear other inputs on this subject.
grygrmr, what conundrum? It seems that you already have your answer. If that is the case, then the problem is Psychosomatic in nature, and the answer will be found there.
I’m not big on running….never have been. I played many sports but running just for the sake of it?….no thanks.
My father was a doctor and I always got a kick out of his rants on running not being that good for a person….he would say,….hell think of how a person’s organs bounce up and down when they run….that can’t be good for those organs. His best comment……Have you ever seen a person jogging smiling?
You know what chafes my nuts? It’s the whole “create energy” thing. I know that this subject is about magical thinking, and it’s absurd to pick on particular points of unreality, but really, there’s the pesky concept called “conservation of energy,” and I happen to think it’s a useful thing to understand. No person is creating energy. The only way you add energy into your body is by eating and digesting food (plus a relatively tiny amount of heat energy from sunlight on your skin). Where your thetan gets energy, I have no idea, because thetans are all in your imagination.
The thing that hits home for me is the uniformity of bullshit spewed by every customer. Many years ago I had experience with a LGAT cult, of a much less totalitarian and destructive nature than Scientology, but a cult nonetheless. The practice of this group involved (among other things) the writing of various testimonials, and at the choice of each participant, reading them to the group and being engaged in discussion about it by Charismatic Leader. The formula for the bullshit was easily learned and imitated. Everyone was efficiently programmed. Same for these Scilons.
hgc10, per the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, at SOME point in time energy HAD to have been created or the universe could not exist. There is no extant theory (per the definition of the scientific method) that currently disputes that conclusion based on thermodynamics.
Hi HGC10,
I am sorry to hear your nuts were chafed by the scilons’ success stories.
Perhaps the people that wrote that they can create energy are delusional and really think they are creating actual energy.
But that’s not what I think they meant. It’s certainly not what I meant when I commented about my experience with the Running Program some 30 years ago.
It’s a mental energy I’m talking about. It is real and it exists and can be observed. If you doubt this, talk to a few people who have been severely depressed. They barely could muster the energy to get out of bed, let alone get dressed in the morning. Contrast that with”go-getter” people. Different people, different energy levels. One in control, the other not.
HGC…a thetan doesn’t get energy from anywhere. A thetan is an energy (and space) production unit.
Essentially, a 24/7 365 day factory of energy. Probable the only hold on the production is how much the individual believes he can or is willing to produce.
Actually, the theory of thermodynamics is great but it’s a lot like the theory of gravity. It works and gives you correct predictions 99.99% of time. Unfortunately. That 0.01% go completely against what was once considered law. For example, if you assume that energy is added to the universe than the whole dark matter thing is no longer need to explain the lack of mass. Now Science has not yet come to accept it this but I believe it is starting to. The proof is already starting to be accepted by Science. It’s called Vacuum Energy. A vacuum delivers energy though all most all of it is self canceling. But particles are believed to appear out of no where. Now, how this fits into your own spiritual view of the universe is up to you.
Quite incorrect from83. “Dark matter” may well be just cool brown dwarves. There are probably as many of them as all other stellar types. That has NOTHING to do with the 2nd Law. Also, we do NOT know if particles newly appear right now. Most likely, per currenty quantum mechanics, they are just moving from place to place. You are WOEFULLY behind in your astrophysics & quantum mechanics studies… Where did you get your degree?
Seriously? A debate about dark matter? Like anyone reading this blog actually cares which of you two are the REAL astrophysicist and which is the imposter?
I care, because as someone with a physics degree (The University of Chicago, in case you’re wondering, Mr. Locke), I want to see what both of them know, and then laugh. Just like I did when I read All About Radiation and figured out quickly that the author knew nothing about the subject.
Seems those years I spent jogging on circular tracks must have made me OT without my even knowing it! Good thing too, because now that I’m older, arthritis prevents running anywhere, let alone in circles.
Re the FB comments.
Sergio Ruiz: “It didn’t work the first time?” I can see the KR’s now.
Yeah, Sergio is not with the program. I think it was tongue in cheek, but humor is J&D inside the bubble. And J&D is the stuff SP’s are made of…. They may have just spotted another one.
🙂 Here we are Sergio!
i did, JOKING & DEGRADING in the Lemon Tree Restaurant at FLAG back in ’81. I did a mini show about two local boys from Hawai’i. One the auditor, the other the PC. The local boy auditor said to the other, Hey brada! Hey! You rock slam, bra! (then he turns the meter around to show him) and says menacingly, Hey bra, you not tinking of me are you?!
The pubic loved it. The staff, eh…not so much! But I had most of them LOL!
Practically a prison of belief.
And mathematically speaking, lets assume there have been 25 completions a week = 100 a month. If the cathedral has been delivering for 13 months that would total 1,300 completions. So, no it is not a good picture and don’t forget staff and outer org trainees get counted as ‘comps’.
They don’t export it as otherwise Flag will be totally empty, heaven forbids.
The promo and success stories for this R/D make it sound like one can be OT
without doing the OT levels. The fact that it can be done more than once then
makes it a tool a Miscavige loving C/S can use to have someone redo the R/D
at a regs convenience (assuming it is 5K each time one does it or maybe it is $2500 for each redo). It can be added into any repair/return program at any time. Or if some Miscavige loving C/S/Reg
just feels at the end of doing the Grades or some other level that the pc now needs
to redo the R/D to “enhance” or “rehabilitate” their OT abilities so the runway for
Clear & OT is a “smoother” run to glory. I can see why disregarding the overrun
tech can be very lucrative for Miscavige indeed.
Or maybe this is Misavigae’s Groundhog Day….Purif, SRD, Cause Resurgence R/D,
new C/S….Purif, SRD, Cause Resurgence R/D….new C/s Purif, SRD, Cause Resurgence
R/D…..etc. Even the most diehard sheeple will eventually get tired of that. Even in life some things
can go on too long.
Mike, I think I’ve read that COB made you do this Rundown of running around the pole when you were in the S.O. Did you get anything special out of it that one wouldn’t get from just straight jogging down the street for an hour?
I’m sincerely interested in whether or not this Rundown has any benefit over just normal long distance running. I once did a lot of long distance running three times per week is why I ask, as I know those benefits.
Yes, I was sent out to “run around the pole” a few times, along with the rest of CMO Int/WDC who had incurred the wrath of “COB” that day. It was when this was his go-to solution for all the CICS that surrounded him (before the Hole became the all-encompassing solution). I was not there with the intention of achieving some “case gain” and it was a heavily enforced action. I got nothing out of running around a pole in the hot sun with dress black shoes and long blue uniform pants.
Who knows what people get out of it. It could be anything. But I suspect that many just SAY they got some “alignment of flows” or something because they are “done” and want their cert. Does anyone get anything good out of? I am sure they do. There are people who post here who think so. And I dont doubt their sincerity.
Thanks Mike. I certainly wouldn’t have benefited from that bullshit either. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad you got the hell out of there.
If Cause Resurgence is an auditing rundown, no one could benefit if forced to do it or if it were used as a punishment. My God!
Yeah — it was used that way from the VERY first person ever assigned to it. David Mayo. Funny how what was a “remedy” for SP’s has become an “OT rundown”…. You can read many accounts of the Mayo incident. And that was ordered by L. Ron Hubbard himself.
Mike, some ethics officer somewhere reading your post just had a heart attack. Either that or he just now realized it’s all a scam.
I am one of those people that did “the pilot” when it was simply called The Running Program. It was 1983. I was on the program for months.
I derived great benefit from doing it and still regard it as one of the most worthwhile things I did when I was in scientology.
WHY it worked the way it did with me, I don’t know. But based on the changes that happened with me, and the more or less permanent changes I saw in two fellow runners (who had been very “solid” individuals), the benefit was not derived from some endorphin-fueled temporary runners high.
Most of these success stories written by recent completions, although quite breathless and unctuous, mention something about regaining control over their own energy flows. Although that sounds subjective and vague, I know what they are talking about.
So yes, I am one of those who had “wins” doing this activity.
That said, I’ve read many many accounts of how Miscavige turned the running program into brutal punishment. Anyone who had been subjected to that is not going to find anything positive about it and I get it.
It is absolutely correct to say that The Cause Resurgence Rundown is over-hyped and over priced, like just about everything in scientology.
And there is one truly dangerous aspect to it–Hubbard stated that “if a somatic turns on”, the person had to “continue to run until it blows”. Nothing about medical exams or x-rays first. And because of this bit of “Tech”, I sustained a knee injury doing the running program that I have to this day. Whatever.
Those of you who have been reading my posts over the years know that I am not often an apologist for Hubbard, or Scn but in this case, I have to go against the flow and state my experience accurately.
I did the Running Program 32 years ago. No telling what it has morphed into by now. But during the running, I changed in beneficial ways, changes that stayed with me to this day. So it was probably the most permanent “gains” I ever got, unlike the glow that fades a day or so after the typical auditing session.
But I also paid for it with a permanent knee injury. There’s some lulz there!
Your honesty is appreciated John Doe. 25 years ago I too have experienced being practically forced to go into session for auditing as I had a terrible sickness for 2 weeks that wouldn’t go away. After an hour I walked out of the session completely well and that sickness never returned. And all I did was answer the auditor’s questions. And it wasn’t any kind of euphoria that critics to LRH talk about. This isn’t an advisement for any one to skip going to the doctor. As on another occasion I had a completely different kind of sickness and was unable to go into session. One doctor failed to fix me but then I went to Dr. Gene Denk and he fixed me with a stroke of genius that I am still amazed by. His evaluation skills were so very high that it only took him 5 minutes to solve my horrible illness which fixed me permanently and he did so without writing a prescription. That was about 23 years ago. There is some balance I feel in all things.
Good story, Al.
Al, Denk was amazing. He cared about his clients and getting a result. That was the difference between him and many other doctors. He would take the time to research if his current knowledge didn’t cover what ailed you. His passing rattled my entire family.
Thanks so much Al Brown and John Locke. Seems like I needed the Dr Denk kudos today. Be assured that Dr Denk fought for his life so he could continue helping people. It simply wasn’t to be. Rachel
You are welcome Rachel. BTW, you sent me a story some months ago on some blog about how Dr. Denk chose the medical professional when he was young because he liked helping people – instead of going on the pro golf circuit as a career. I did get that story but never got the chance to ack you for posting the comment. So thanks.
You’re quite welcome Mrs. Denk. I cannot begin to even imagine the level of loss it was to those who were his family.
God Bless
Thanks John Doe. First hand accounts are very valuable.
I think the ‘spiritual training’ of running around a pole during an indefinite time, might be inspired by similar trainings in Zenbuddhism.
E.g. there is (in Japan) a walking/running program that consists of walking a marathon during 100 days, following the same path again and again. The monks doing this program are called ‘goya’, spiritual atlets.
There are more similar training programs. There is one essential difference though: when the goya thinks he will not be able to complete the program, he is expected to commit suicide …
Adding: the monk runs this marathon every day for 100 days in total.
As usual, all great points.
Just like OT III, if people don’t do go through a lot to get here and aren’t prepped with a lot of hype, and don’t do this in a special place, it won’t “work”. IMO, all of scientology relies on these components:
1. Cost
2. Hype
3. Environment
Take any of these out and it’s less likely to have any effect at all.
Mike, your intro was gold.
“This led to such a certainty of space that I can now be uninfluenced by all those external influences and be cause independently.”
So, this person MUST have left the church if they weren’t lying about their “win”.
Mike, before commenting on anything else, thanks for the immediate laugh I got from paragraphs 1, 2 & 3. Its understandable that this rundown has to be highly confidential. If it were not, no one would sign up! Still laughing.
Aqua, that reason is precisely why El Con made all the Ad courses confidential. Unless one had done enough prior steps to become thoroughly hypnotized, the whole scam would have folded like the cheap tent it was. Thankfully I was around enough “OT’s” early on to realize the scam he was running. Thank God I had decided to study the philosophers from the Classical Period as a child. They taught a subject that El Con told his followers never to study or they’d go insane. That subject was LOGIC. El Con had a damn good reason to disparage it. Knowledge of it proofs one up against his type of scam.
The one single common denominator I have observed with those who are still scn’ers (in or out of the church) is the almost complete inability to understand the subject along with scientific principles. (which are closely associated with logic. It isn’t IQ that’s lacking it is knowledge of how to think.
John Locke, got it on everything, and have quick question with no sarcasm and in all sincerity: where does LRH say that one must never study the subject of logic or one will go insane?
Aqua, I don’t remember the name of lecture or written reference. I think Mike posted it here once. It is well remembered by those who have studied the majority of what El Con has written & said. I LONG ago liquidated by El Con library and lost access to top level S.I.R. program.
Data Series 2, page 10, Management Series vol. 1
“The term itself is utterly forbidding. If you were to read a text on logic, you would go quite mad trying to figure it out, much less learn how to think.
Yet logic or the ability to reason is vital to an organizer or administrator. If he cannot think clearly, he will not be able to reach the conclusions vital to correct decisions.”
“Whole civilizations vanish because of lack of logic in its rulers, leaders and people.
So this is a very important subject.”
This is the beginning of the Data Series where LRH writes about the subject of logic for the next 177 pages. Personally I didn’t find this to be sinister. Some college text books on logic can be a bitch.
Dan351 It IS sinister because El Con then went on to NOT teach the basics of logic that are necessary in order to “learn how to think” while saying that is what he was going to do so after telling people to NOT study the real material. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I do this on roller skates and get the same effect
while drinking Starbucks coffee? Would the price of RD double?
I always thought it would be easier to do it on a golf cart. Obviously you don’t need a body to do this (“It’s best done without a body”) you just need “attention units” or something… So, why not sit back, relax and whiz around in a golf cart…
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t pay $5,000 for it but… if it were done in bumper cars I might be tempted to spend a few hundred for a few days of it.
In the early 1970s I looked forward to receiving my Advanced Magazine. In it were OT success stories. These OT success stories in Advanced Mag plus Hymn of Asia is what pushed me over to become a Scientologist.
I remember some stories as if it were yesterday. I was only 18 years old and very impressionable.
“I was driving on a road and it was too late for my car to stop. I saw a chain link fence. I unmocked it and my car drove through the chain without touching my car. Thanks Ron for the OT levels. I am cause over MEST.”
Every month, I think it was every month, there were scores of stories just like this. People were making the weather do things, making objects move or disappear, making people do things and thanking Ron for their super powers they attained from doing some OT level.
It was push advertising on steroids. It worked a charm on fools like me.
Tell me what the difference is between these stories and this story above of people having OT wins from running in circles?
People are being hypnotized by way of “Altitude Instruction.” Google it, try to find the original writing by Ron called Altitude instruction.
He basically says that you can put people in a hypnotic trance by these few traits. I paraphrase:
1) by being someone who has special knowledge no one else has
2) by making a subject more complicated than it is
3) by being the “only one” who can figure it all out
There are more traits. To me, this writing of Ron’s on Altitude Instruction IS the reason he was able to get people to believe in lies and delusion as truth.
People paying $5,000 to run in circles and trumpeting great “OT wins” as a result, are in an hypnotic trance, just like these OT success stories from the early 70s. Nothing different.
At the Bunker today, Gerry Armstrong’s discription of Hubbard is eerily similar to DM.
Ron was a master at deception. And we, believing in that deception, deceived ourselves with a world of make believe.
A world of specialness, a world of conscience degradation and prison of belief.
“Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.” THE WHO
It is truly incredible how, for those in, one cannot ever have a win, of any kind, without attributing it to either LRH or DM.
“I ran around and felt better…Hail LRH…thank you DM.”
You always have to thank them now or something is deemed wrong with your actual completion of whatever it is you just attested to.
Wow. You can’t even take a teensy bit of credit for your own persistence. It all has to be LRH or DM. Way to go, slaves!
If you don’t acknowledge both of them, ESPECIALLY the clown dwarf, you have to pay for it again because your “win” really wasn’t valid…
the worse part is that one has been conditioned to believe all good feelings are due to LRH or DM tech. they can never been because of one’s own actions or thoughts…Sacrilege!
downright creepy
And the cult says you can think for yourself inside. YEAH, RIGHT! That’s the one YOU CAN’T DO!
I for fun sometimes take this to the next LEVEL, you’re not allowed cognitions without paying for them!! Example, I am out and about and I realize that I left my laundry in the washing machine. Damn it now my cloths are going to be all wrinkly. Double shit, I just had a cognition; better write another check to DM since we all now unpaid for cognitions are overts!!! 🙂
Here’s the real deal:
Wow!!! Now that’s a runner, Michael!
No doubt Dude.
By the way Mike, your analysis of how and why Scientologists have bought into the hype from LRH’s earliest stuff to PT is brilliant!
From The Dark Knight:
“And I thought my jokes were bad.”
“Costs virtually nothing to do this” couldn’t be more true. As Mike knows, those of us who (got into big trouble) piloted it in 1982 simply ran around a tree at Int all day for weeks. Eventually, even there, it was ‘upgraded’ to a dirt track around a palm tree surrounded by nice bushes–all of which was unnecessary except for Dave’s penchant for spending money. Now look, it only took a bit over 30 years and 10s of millions of dollars to get this prepared for public delivery because, I guess, no orgs including Flag have a tree. No wait. Flag did have a nice big Oak tree. They spend millions digging it up and moving it to make way for the future home of the running program. Makes sense.
Don’t confuse the Survival Rundown as an action for the members to get better or improve their lives…
I just saw the list of people in the local Org and EVERYONE is re doing the Purif and Objectives.
I saw names of OT’s,Clear’s doing it again…some for the 3rd and 4th time.
THAT Folks, is how Scientology Survives.
I know a long-time Still-In public who is Clear, and re-doing Purif for the 3rd time, and whose spouse, also Clear, just re-did Objectives in the HGC which entailed hundreds of hours of auditing.
When this person and I last chatted on the phone, I received that faintly patronizing and condescending attitude, that familiar, go-to tone level that Still-Ins employ when they communicate with anyone suspected of being “not with the program”.
Being with the program:
Running around a pole is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.
Running around a pole that you paid $5,000 for the privileged is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Well…except for OT 3.
I can hear L Ron Hubbard laughing all the way from target 2. 1200 people paid $5000 each to give the cherch an income of $6,000,000 from this process alone. Run mother fuckers run.
“There are an average of 25 completions weekly and over 1,200 completions since Grand Opening”. Which means, even by their inflated lies regarding completions, the Super Power building has only been open 48 weeks, 5 weeks shy of a year. I must have been confused about what they were doing back when the two Mikws took to the sky in a helicopter.
“I don’t know if I can think of a time where I felt happier than at the end of this rundown”. Yippee!!!!! I get to quit running around in circles. Yes, I would guess a feeling of euphoria could definitely be caused by that.
It seems to me if the success story people really wanting to do their whole bridge was true, they would pay you to do this rundown simply to get you moving on the bridge.
I am pre-caffeine rush cynical right now, but every one of those success stories simply say “look at the emperor’s beautiful clothes” to me.
I guess if I had paid for one of the most expensive gym visits around, I would be saying the same.
The rundown itself sounds so underwhelming that you, as the emperor, simply have to imagine the intricate gold patterns woven on your new garb. Anything else would mean you have been had.
Given the success stories and the church’s own faith in the SP RDs and OT levels, I am fully confident that the combined might of all completions will be sufficient to knock HBO out of the sky.
What are you waiting for, guys?
It reminds me of those donkeys attached to a pole, going round and round a well, pumping water, except in this case they pump money for the deep Miscavige pockets. Sad, really.
“And good sheeple always accept everything they are told.
Including being led to the slaughter where they are bled dry.” Well COB said so and since they had done the bridge to total freedom they were free to fall into the COBWEB.
I got a copy of this e-mail from one of my contacts a few days ago. What struck me at the time, and what bears repeating is that out of 8 million Scientologists around the world, they claim that 25 a week is evidence of massive success of this program. Think about this: that’s a much worse number than 25 OT VII completions a week, because OT VII is itself years of work, coming only after you’ve spent years getting to that point. In other words, that’s the narrowest part of a pretty narrow funnel. It’s a funnel like the one that takes the millions of kids who go out for intramural basketball in college and give a few of the kids playing college hoops an NBA contract.
But the Running Program appears, by contrast, to be open to virtually anybody. It appears that all you need is a measurable pulse and a bank account. You don’t have to be Clear, much less OT, to participate in this mind-expanding rundown to get “wins” like no longer being “trapped for eons by all these odd energy manifestations around me.” And it’s a bargain, at $5,000 plus maybe another $10,000 in food and lodging and another $10,000 in regging, versus the hundreds of thousands of dollars you’d spend on OT VII after all the cash you’ve spent to get there.
Incidentally, I think that the 25 completions a week number being claimed as the current run rate of the business has to be a significant exaggeration, because that means there would be at least 100 people running around the pole at any one time. I can only imagine a bunch of 60+ year old Scientologists, who are probably not in all that great a shape to begin with (all those years of smoking to “run out” the radiation, as Hubbard claimed) wobbling around the course and crashing into each other in a series of slow-motion collisions reminiscent of some sort of surreal sitcom in a rest home. Wheelchair demolition derby, anyone?
If you accept a number more like 25,000 worldwide members instead of the laughable 8 million figure, only 1,200 completions total after a couple years of high-pressure sales is still an utter disaster. Figure that out of those 1,200 completions, a disproportionate number of those were in the first few months as all the “true believers” who were sold before Super Power opened and who were champing at the bit got to do theirs in the first couple months. I suspect you’ve got a number that looks more like 5-8 completions a week these days. The word has to be getting around among some of the more “under the radar” crowd about what Cause Resurgence really entails and the pool of suckers has to be drying up.
Incidentally, Supermodel #1, the head of the Global Capitalism HQ supermodel contingent, happens to be a Ph.D.-packing wellness consultant, massage therapist and world-ranked masters-level endurance athlete. She absolutely recoiled in horror when I told her about what this rundown entails. She points out that running in a circle is a great way to destroy your hips, damaging all sorts of nerves and getting all sorts of back pain. Running for hours with the asymmetrical stride needed to run in a perfect circle, is a really bad idea, even if you run in the opposite direction the next day. That’s why she doesn’t do workouts on a track, but runs instead on the streets of Manhattan, or on trails or back roads when we’re out at the country house. You can deal with the effects of running on concrete, but you can’t protect yourself against the injuries you suffer running in circles.
Always nice to have you add your comments here JPC. You raise the level of discussion and make us all smarter.
Excellent info as passed on by Phd packing Supermodel #1 Mr. JPC. Anyone who has ever walked on a beach for any extended length of time knows exactly what she is talking about. The continuous movement in one direction combined with even the slightest incline of the beach sets up a condition for some nasty leg and hip pain. Better to mix it up a bit by running on the back roads of the country estate. Better yet, for anyone engaged in the “Cause Resurgence Rundown”, running directly out of the building and to the Tampa Airport would be an even better path.
Just as Hubbard re-shuffled the deck of cards of the philosophies of the ages to create his own brand, so too, with the running program, he took a theraputic process and used it to circle the wagons around his own cause.
As with many of his iconoclastic processes, born of thinking outside of the box of the status quo, the Case Supervisor (C/S) was sometimes the biggest barrier to acknowledging a simple cognition. At Int, some of the best cognitions while doing the Running Program (Cause Resurgence) occured while DM was cruising by on his motorcycle. Just one of the fringe benefits.
JPC, was that your created energy or mine of the mental image of “Wheelchair Demolition Derby.” I guess I’ll have to run in a circle to find out.
Whatever. It made me laugh.
JPC, I think you might have given the cult their newest idea. Cause Resurgence Roller Derby! Same circular room, just with roller skates. Nothing could be more ’cause’ then elbowing someone out of the way and knocking them down, right?
I can only imagine the liability contract. That would be great doc to see.
Indeed. For those wondering why this is restricted to “FLAG ONLY”, there was a good deal of discussion back in the 80s of how to reduce the legal liabilities of making people “run thru somatics” [read: injuries]. Also, it was felt that not every org could find a bit of real estate, or city park in every city and basically take it over delivering this program.
The solution of Flag-Only is actually fairly good, if you want to limit exposure to lawsuits and really control the running conditions.
But as Mike Rinder points out, if this program is so frigging good, having it at Flag and no where else vastly reduces the number of people that can do it.
But judging by the relatively low numbers completing it, it wouldn’t be successful if it were delivered at every org.
It boggles the mind that they’ve apparently had a twelve year old do this. Hopefully that’s just hype/lies.
Maybe not so much…My 10 year old twinned the Purif with me, 8 hours/day, 7 days/week, 7 weeks!
If that wasn’t abuse, and it was, then letting a 12 year old run in circles damaging her/his joints isn’t abuse either.
If you’re an infinitely old being in a small body, why would this be a problem?
JPC and others,
Not to make less of your top of the line wellness consultant…I am sure she knows her stuff real well
but I doubt that you showed her the actual issues or told her about ALL of the aspects on the Running program. So she didn’t have all of the data when giving her opinion. To ONLY look at the physical aspects is just not enough.
There is/was no ‘defined path’ around the pole. The ‘path’ got erased daily. There is no comparison to running on a slanted beach.
Personally I only had problems when running in boots in the rain. That caused hip ligaments to be
overstrained and it was incorrect to ‘run through that’ -as if it was a turned on somatic- when this actually
was a NEW injury. That was on the pilot RD at GOLD.
Gradients WERE applied so the body was being built up.
I was able to handle physical and mental aspects on this RD that I had not been able to handle in
auditing or otherwise. These were pretty amazing energy phenomena.
Rather than causing back problems, this RD specifically HANDLED a lot of back problems for a lot of
people. It certainly did so for me.
I liked it so much that I kept running this way for years AFTER the Running pgm. Call it
‘Runner’s High’ or whatever, it felt great. Maybe this comparison helps: If you are riding a horse and feel
comfortable doing so, instead of a horse you ride your own body and feel as comfortable doing so at high speed. Look at the definition of the ‘GOVERNOR’ in the Tech Dictionary: “mentioned in a lecture in the autumn of 1951. The speed of a preclear is the speed of his production of energy. The most important step in establishing a preclear’s self determinism, the goal of the auditor, is the rehabilitation of the preclear’s ability to produce energy. (Scn 8-80 p33”), (p.65 in the 2007 issue).
There is a big difference in reality between having DONE an action and voicing an ‘opinion’ about it as some do here.
Great comment Greta and perfectly true.
I did the RD on the RPF in the early 80’s and enjoyed it very much as well. I was just 30 years old at the time and I am sure that a 30 year old body is much more resilient than the bodies of the typical in-their-sixties Scientologist. I think the cautions about circular running here make sense and interesting to consider.
I agree with Michael completely on what he said about the availability and cost. The way that I remember the advices from Ron connected with this, is that it was one of the few things in Scientology that he did not claim to be his own invention – he mentioned the rundown’s genesis as being very early on the time track and that it was not his invention. Anyone else remember words to that effect.
The RD is, indeed, very simple. Those 15 delivery personnel probably are at desks around the track with stacks of CF folders and huge letters out quotas.
Dan Locke,
As I recall, LRH did claim credit for inventing the rundown on the distant back track.
As I recall, the account he gave in one of the Running Program “advices” went something like this:
Eons ago, some guy owed LRH a lot of money, and got quite snarly about not paying him back (whoever LRH was at the time). The guy was extremely psychotic or something.
Then, all of a sudden, the guy takes off “running” across the galaxy. As I recall, LRH nor the guy had bodies.
LRH-thetan was pissed and took off after him. This went on for some time until suddenly, the guy stopped running, turned, and now quite sane, made payment arrangements with LRH and went on his way.
LRH noted the change and attributed it to the running the guy did, so LRH decided to make a business out of it, setting up a pole in space and collecting up somehow, all these thetans in sorry shape and just enforcing them to run around this pole. He said he had to collect payment from them afterwards because none of the thetans were in good enough shape to be able to pay beforehand.
This was in a sector that had heavy implanting going on at the time and LRH’s singular efforts with this program prevented that sector from going into a full decline.
He said the program had so many participants, as one approached from space, one could see a glowing donut of light in space, from all the energy created by the running thetans.
The pole slowly turned and had weights on strings that stood straight off the pole, and that had the effect of making the pole appear motionless to the participants, giving them a “stable datum” of sorts, an element that he implied was part of the therapeutic effect.
The “May Pole” of today is, of course, a dramatization of this ancient therapy.
It’s a fun story, notwithstanding the gaping holes such as how did thetans without bodies “run” or have or need money.
I can’t guarantee my recollection is fully accurate, based on my memory of reading it 30+ years ago, but I think it is fairly close.
The point of this is to correct this idea that this is the one bit of Scientology that LRH didn’t claim credit for. Of course it was him!!!!!!
An epilogue to this story: in Sarge’s account of the last days of LRH, he said Hubbard informed him that he, LRH-thetan-post-death, intended to find a space rock somewhere and run around it. I knew this meant he was going to do a version of the Running Program and I think it shows that LRH believed his own story.
Is it called the Rundown because you ARE literally run down and so exhausted by the end you’ll attest to anything?
I’ve been run down
I’ve been lied to
I don’t know why
I let that mean woman make me a fool….
Gregg Allman, 1969
Jeff Mintz still selling promises after all these years.
If anyone needs Sec Checking its him.
Corrupt. The lot of them.
” a rundown you can do multiple times with greater and greater gains the higher you are ”
I can think of a couple more ’cause resurgence’ activities that would qualify ……. and they are free! But of course you would have to be free to run them……………
…greater gains the ‘higher’ you are?” Well, that proves it then! My love of cannabis is the reason for my Super Powers! Now, I always knew it would give me the munchies, but, powers beyond my imagination? Wow! Wait until I tell all of my stoner friends! We can all go down to FLAG, get high, and then run around a circular track to gain UNBELIEVABLE SUPER POWERS! Who would have thunk it…
It’s simplicity boggles the mind.
Oh, I’m sorry Newcomer, I got the munchies and didn’t read your last post.
But, you are correct: It’s simplicity boggles the mind! Of course, my mind is already boggled.
Yes simplicity boggles the mind. But what I don’t get is why you would want to pay megabucks to run on a hard concrete floor, that screws your joints. around a pole in a building that is gassing off chemicals from construction materials and air conditioning when you could do this in the fresh open air and collect vitamins from the sun in the process.
” you could do this in the fresh open air and collect vitamins from the sun in the process.”
There is no status in it if you do it that way. Status is $cientology….The Only Ones who have the Only Tech to give what you already have back to you for Only money.
Putting the Run into Rundown, I guess…
Mike, I totally agree. The over-hyping definitely started with L.Ron. Going back to the Dianetics book and the chapter on the Clear. There was no evidence of such abilities anywhere. Not even from him. When asked to demo an ability, he would respond that he wasn’t going to become a circus act or if you knocked hats off at 50 paces the meat bodies would all attack you.
I specifically remember him saying somewhere (can’t remember where) that Scientology was the only thing great than life because it handled all aspects of life.
The hype was always totally unreal to me. I really loved most of the services I did. I loved OT7 and OT8. But not sure what it means that I’m CAUSE OVER LIFE. Pretty sure I’m not and if I ever was, it was but a glimpse in time.
I would imagine that people really enjoy the Super Power rundowns. But I STRONGLY DOUBT that any of them have SUPER POWERS.
I’m still hoping that some day, there will be a more sane cherch where BS is not the order of the day, disconnection does not exist unless you actually want to disconnect from the person and saying NO twice means NO.
A bad bad (to Scientology) thought popped into my mind while reading your comment.
COS has no desire for people to be “Cause Over Life”. They would get smart and leave, sort of like you did.
Just to follow up on what Sheldon is saying. I had a life changing win on a clay table process in the early 90s. Maybe one day I’ll write it all down here for y’all to read. It changed the way I looked at how I approached everything in my life. Got me excited and enthusiastic and feeling I was ready to play every part of the game of life. The win is not nearly as strong now 25 years later as I get older, but I can rehab it a bit by thinking about it and I would say generally I am still putting that win into action.
So I have no problem with the over the top wins on the simplest processes. BUT … I very much have a BIG problem with people asserting huge wins who THEN demonstrate in life a great lack of ARC and really just common decency to not only their fellow staff and human beings, but to long time friends and indeed to their children or their parents. I think Scientology processes do in fact work to great results, even if not the exaggerated ones Ron and the CoS have promoted all these years. But a person has to follow up on the wins by leading a life of kindness and caring to others, or they become NUMB and robotic as a being as they dramatize the kind of “no sympathy” for others which continued involvement in the CoS demands.
Sheldon and I worked together close to forty years ago at an org and we were just decent good guys working to help others win in life. And here we are today still fairly decent fellows I would say. A good friend of mine, a Class 8 auditor and CS left the CoS a couple of years ago rather than disconnect from her children. Sheldon and Sata Goldberg also refused. I left when the CoS attempted to put in control on every single aspect of my life. Mike and Marty stopped playing the CoS game as have many others. (then of course we were “thrown out and declared” ha ha). So not everyone in Scientology stays and dramatizes stupidity and not know and the lower areas of the Tone Scale. The ones who do? Y’all know them. They are the ones who DON’T leave and who are still active in the Church of Scientology.
I know a few who have “left” (drifted off forever) but still talk Scientology PR when you pull on their string. Leaving is one thing, recovering their own viewpoint in another.
Thank you Joe, for your reflections about all this. Pretty well describes the way I feel about the subject. There’s decent things connected with the subject, and certainly wonderful people.
Interesting point Shelgold, I agree with you. I recall another datum from years back, something about a thetan, “going up the pole.” A phenomenon where a spirit transcends all physical boundaries and arrives at a place – atop the pole – where perceptions are what they really are supposed to be all the time. I’ve discussed this with others – most said it reminded them of an acid trip, where for a few hours they could hear the wings of a butterfly flapping or the gentle padding of insect feet along a window pane. Reality or delusion? I always thought it was possible because I had moments in my life sufficiently close to believe. If you read about the Buddha, it sounds a lot like his journey.
I think Ron went up the pole. He somehow, some way, broke through and saw things that changed him. Whether he wrote of his experiences or his beliefs, I’m not sure, but after listening to many 1950s tapes, I can say with certainty that he believed the spirit could do almost anything. How he communicated those beliefs – now that was a problem at times, at least for me. It extended the “ideal scene” for thetans so far beyond the norm that it was hard to follow or accept.
Like telling a bunch of minor league ball players that with a special program, you’ll raise their batting average from .250 to .400 in a year. It sounds really cool. You know you want it, you know your life will change if you had it, and that hope, that enthusiasm, overtakes most rational responses and you dive in. You don’t think that the last time this was accomplished in the majors was 1941 – Ted Williams. That no one in 75 years has done it since. You grab hold of the possible, some portion of that reality and run with it.
LRH created quite a landscape where thetans could play. It was truly out there though. But despite the hyperbole, there was still some really cool things happening closer to home. Really special abilities gained that helped people with day to day life. If “flying and other super powers” weren’t put on the menu, weren’t made possible expectations, most of us wouldn’t have minded.
Are any of these abilities possible? Can man evolve to those heights, or close to them? I know how I’ve felt about that. The same way I felt when Star Trek first came on TV in 1966. I thought it was fantastic but possible. There was enough “dots” connected already, having been a science and sci-fi buff, to know, it was possible. And that was enough.
I think Ron believed the same – and then somewhere along the line he came down that pole and it left him wild with desire to return. I think that’s what we experienced through his actions, his Policy, his attempted Ethics overhaul. All efforts to get (him, us, everyone) back to where he had been. Part of me doesn’t blame him. Another part wishes it was all a more measured approach. Slower – saner- less manic and over the top.
I’ve grown to understand more of what he did and why, and at the same time, agree with it less and less. Funny how that is.
Odd Thomas, regarding human potential and spiritual abilities as described by the ancient texts of India and her sages, read Autobiography of a Yogi.
One of my favorite books, Brian. I even attended services at the Self Realizations Centers he had. I actually read the book twice. He was a very enlightened being. Much wisdom in that book. I think I’ll purchase the e-book version of it for my Kindle.
Yes, I’ve read it a few times also Old Surfer Dude. More of a portal than a book.
I would agree with that. I believe he transitioned to the next level of life at age 53. I remember seeing a picture of his face. Very serene on the day he transitioned.
Shelgold–I was wondering if you would mind sharing why you loved OT7 and OT8? I have asked other people but they say it is confidential. Living with a OT7 person I don’t see any benefits and I only see negative things due to the sec checks and constant supervision by the MAA. thanks
Ok – Pete2 – Why I loved OT7 & 8 is not confidential. I really enjoyed solo auditing. I’ve been a tech guy for 40+ years and love the e-meter. I love the way it responds and find it to be quite accurate. So, when you are solo-auditing and spot something negative in your mind for what it is and you feel a big release of mental energy and see the exact expected meter phenomenon accompanying the release it can be quite thrilling.
When you do that 4-6 per day on OT7 you accumulate enormous momentum. The sec checks weren’t a big problem for me. I figured that OT7 cost me around 15K per year of tax deductible dollars. I finished in 2003, before the crazy over the top demand for ancillary donations became prevalent.
I could continue, but I hope you got the picture. You get to a point where you are complete on the level. I am not interested in auditing OT7 anymore. I did it for approximately 10 years. I audited thousands of sessions and always felt better at the end than the beginning – no matter how good I felt at the beginning.
That is one of the things that is such a conundrum for me: why LRH felt so compelled to exaggerate everything. As stated several times here, I am quite satisfied with the vast majority of scientology services I’ve received – even sec checks. They sound worse than they are. Some of my biggest wins were from sec checks.
I was just never a “dedicated glare” type of a guy. Nor do I ever intend to be. I think much of SCN is fantastic and much of the policy/ethics is insane. So, there you have it.
thank you, any insights on OT8? I am just curious if you care to share.
Sadly, “Cause over life,” means that you read and DUPLICATED R2-45…
Question: If “Cause Resurgence Rundown” = Running, what is “Survival Rundown”? Is it just auditing?
Objective processing. “Look at that wall”, “walk over to that wall”, “touch it”, “turn around”, “look at that wall”….
Yes, the Survival Rundown is done to Present Time Scientologists to obtain max. control over them and their wallets….so Scientology CAN Survive…
Here are some of the Processes:
Put your wallet next to ours and contribute to the motion….Did you empty it? Thank you.
Look at your bank account. Thank you. Now Empty It. Thank you.
Touch your IRA Account. Thank you. Now transfer it to the IAS. Thank you.
Walk over to that Savings Account you have put together for your son’s College Tuition. Thank you.
Empty that Savings Account. Thank you.
Been there, done that, but, passed on buying the T-shirt…
Mike, if I run around my block (it’s a big block) twice, will I then be awesome too?
No need to waste the effort. You are already awesome. Go catch a wave, that will really key you out.
Genius, Mike! Pure genius! I’ll be out this weekend and thinking of your wise words. And you’re right about surfing keying someone out. And…we don’t pay per wave…
You walk to survive, you run to be cause and you sit to obey ……. and write checks or run cards.
You post comments on blogs about assholes like Davey ……… to improve morale and make your day!
You work hard to shine the light of truth on a mad cult to gain eternal freedom (not sure about that one!)
It is a new name for what they used to call objectives, they have dug up a whole load of old processes from a book called “Creation of Human Ability” and added these to the previous objectives line up. I know of one pair who have been on this every day for at least 6 hours a day for the last 3 months.
It isn’t the only thing which has increased in length either – the purif now takes at least 3 weeks, I know of people who did the earlier version in 2 weeks or less – at the time of course they wrote rave “success stories”, which are now all forgotten about as they slog away for anything up to 2 months on the latest “all standard” edition.
A little off topic but is anyone else being well and truly bombarded with scn junk mail at the moment? For the last week I’ve received at least 3 copies of the same mailing repeatedly – perhaps this is their tried and trusted response to the HBO debacle.
IMHO, it’s exactly that, Gimpy. They are scared shitless about the documentary coming to HBO and, hopefully, a theater near you.
I know of someone being on the Purif for 6 MONTHS.
If you get yourself blacklisted or declared it will all stop. Really wonderful process. Under the radar will probably result in a continual flood of the same old crap.
Doug, being on the purif for 6 months is abuse, pure and simple. I was on for 3 weeks or so.
I guess it’s just another way to abuse their members…
Yes! I’m a never in and have no idea how they got my personal information but have begun receiving their junk mail last week.
Oh! Lucky you! Have fun trying to get off their list!