What is needed?
You don’t need to tune in to get an answer to this question.
It is IAS Anniversary event month and there is no IAS event. They are scrambling…
Money, money, money is what is needed. It’s the only thing that is ever needed. “We need to keep our 4th dynamic campaigns going that are helping billions of people every week… blah blah blah”
Hubbard laid it out:
Scientology is exclusively about money. If an activity does not generate income it dies a very fast death in the scientology bubble. Sometimes they try to dress it up to seem like it’s altruistic or humanitarian, but that’s just for show. As you ascend the bridge to fully immersed true believer, that pretense falls away. In fact many of the hardcore bubble dwellers transform into the most craven money grubbers. Think Tom Cummins….
Leah has mentioned several times that Christian churches don’t shun people. But in my experience with a couple of fundamentalist churches, they do. I have experienced it. And this in 2 Presbyterian churches. I know it seems crazy, but it is still happening in some congregations.
Hi can you please go into more details about citizens commission on human rights. you mentioned it too briefly in the documentary series but i was horrified to learn that they use other organisations success and claim it as their own etc. I would like this info and also how much is made up at events including other stats as I had to sit and listen to events for years and even now in my personal circumstances am being fed info (to convert me back) about how amazing CCHR is and the prison programs etc etc and I have no data to counter it.
Eight you are, Scribe. scientology’s excesses make the Catholic Church before the Reformation look like Sunday school kids.
BTW, anyone got a good handle on how MUCH the twerp™ guzzles a night (or day)?
I expect it’s being consumed by the barrel load at the moment because he’s terrified that he could be dragged out of his secret bunker and be paraded in the public spotlight. At a guess I reckon he’s broken Howard Hughes record for hiding from the world at large.
Exactamundo Scribe. Great posts.
WHAT IS NEEDED!?. SOMEthing which:
is wanted by ordinary people, works and
can be DELIVERED, I’d say.
Failing that, they’ll forever fail.
BTs and clusters
And all things forbidden
MAAs perched on your head as they’re shittin’
Bank accounts emptied and tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
LMAO Scribe. You made my day. Made me want to do one.
Sung to the song: Let it SNOW
Think I’ll Blow
Oh, my senior uplines is frightful
and bankrupting DB’s is delightful
And since my stats are so down low
Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow!
Screaming Seniors don’t show signs of stopping
And I’m so enturbulated, feel like popping
My stats are so fucking down low
Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow!
When the event finally stopped tonight
I’ll hate facing my senior in the morn
Think I’ll stay out of site
My stats suck so bad I’m forlorn
Oh, the fire in me is dying
And, my senior is screaming, no denying
And as long as my stats are so low
Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow!
The food they feed us is frightful
Rice and beans – it sucks; not delightful
And since my stats are down so low
Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow! Think I’ll Blow!
Allow me to contribute to the motion:
Oh, my senior tonight is frightful
And Dave’s smirk is so damn spiteful
Since my stats are at an all time low
Gonna blow! Gonna blow! Gonna blow!
bravo Scribe! You are gifted. Thanks for making me laugh.
😊 Thanks NBT!
That is a wonderful interpretation> Made my day brighter.
BT & Clusters & Money…Oh My!!!
Re clusters, I wonder why L. Ron Hubbard insisted on auditing them instead of eating them. Enquiring minds want to know!
Please see the Reg. They can sign you up for a tailor made rundown that will address that issue.
I did my research and discovery for many years.
I found out a fella is only trapped in this universe when he is conned out of all of his money, manipulated into deep debt he cannot confront, lied to, scammed by a cult that promises super powers in exchange for free labor and tons of money…
When Scientology, via the 3rd party law, puts a person in a vulnerable state by getting them all alone, labels you an SP and other derogatory terms, feeds you lies about “others”, purposely gets you confused so you are easier to manipulate…
you lose all of your power as a thetan and a human being…
meanwhile the cults drains you of all assets, friends, family and sanity
Born in Scientology, I now know the truth. Scientology is evil and it harms people.
I am also willing to tell others and won’t stop until the cult is shut down.
Thanks for your blog and the work you and Leah Remini are doing Mike. It helped me wake up and smell the truth.
research and recovery from scientology be a bitch. It’s more depressing than I expect it SHOULD be. Of COURSE there’s no one-shot process to excise all of it completely. Feels like I’m going through Tubby’s endless BT/snipe hunting except that sometimes a layer of dreck peels away.
Better is getting good sleep
Mike said (referring to money), “It is the only thing needed … ”
I would like to offer a tiny addition to this that I think may have been missed as a TYPO. I would prhase it like this: “It is the only thing needed and it is ALWAYS needed.”
It is always needed but you are not needed at all. To that end, please be certain that you change your wills to leave all your cash money and assets that can be converted into cash to us so that we may continue to stuff Dear Little Leader’s pockets and buy great big empty buildings. In case you don’t know, the buildings must be OH SO VERY BIG to help compensate for the fact that our DEAR LITTLE LEADER is SUCH A TEENY TINY LITTLE PIPSQUEAK WITH SUCH A GREAT BIG HUGE VISION OF HIS DELUSIONAL SELF-IMPORTANCE! Also, when he is finally thrown into the penitentiary, we will need lots of money to pay for all the expensive Scotch whiskey he will drink. He can only drink the most expensive kind of Scotch Whiskey due to his medical condition, “Self-Important Delusional Drip Drop Twerp.”
If possible, we would also appreciate if you could arrange to do the same for all your aged and possibly senile relatives so that we can get our hands on all of their money when they die. We really, really, really need their money and we really, really want that money. We are OH! SO GREEDY. Don’t you know?
Don’t even wait until you’re dead – cash it all in. How about borrowing against it? Or unsecured borrowing? Or sell a kidney. Money: Scientology needs it now.
Right. You don’t need that pension, Insurance, 401(k) or IRA… You’re not likely to live long enough to cash it in, and what’s ONE little retirement vs your whole ETERNITY?
MONEY is the only thing Hubbard and the Twit™ understood/understand. Receiving it, of course. SPENDING it is anathema to Dwarfenführer® except for booze and buildings no one’s using, and was unusual for Tubby, other than accumulating his toys, like boats which spent most of their time shackled to the BANK while he and his intimates lived on shore.
So true. At first it was about the tech, making clears, clearing the planet, etc…
Now it’s all about buildings, donations etc.. Hubbard never mentions the IAS once! Because it came later. Just watch their laughable TV network, it’s all about crap other than the science and tech!!!! What happened? Well, of course it never worked! So now they try to put the focus else where and hope it works if you invest enough and brain wash yourself
TOTALLY spot on Camden. TOTALLY!
I remember the day’s when the only staff who tried to sell me anything were the registrars.
But once miscaBitch took over all staff had “a duty” to raise a buck. Even my auditor would “hit me up” after sessions. Sometimes I’d get sent to Ethics where the dolt would go through his rhetoric and at the end would try to get me to buy some book or lecture series. Totally disgusting! But hey when one gets paid only $50 a week maybe commissions earned from sales of shit are truly needed?
Glenn, that $50 was GROSS pay, wasn’t paid every week, and turned out to be barely enough to keep people in cigs and soap. I don’t KNOW how the women handled their specific needs.
Hey, Glenn! Ain’t auto-correct WONDERFUL?
Cayden: I believe Hubbard was about delivery
Davey-boy has always been about the money, to the point where he created the IAS so nothing was even implied as an actual product to be delivered, unless you count the meaningless pieces of paper and bowling trophies.
Still, it may be TRUE that they might get more case gain from giving until they bleed than they can get from what DM retained in what is left of scientology.
What is wanted from the LA Field over the next month is a big push for votes for their preferred candidate(s), but a tax-exempt so-called religion can’t be seen in public pushing their members to vote a certain way.
What is needed from the LA Field over the next month is a big push for answers: what exactly does all the money get spent on; how is Shelley and the other disappeared high ranking executives; where is COB DM?
Hey, grisianfarce: That wouldn’t stop them from “suggesting” who were the ‘better’ candidates in “private conversations”. NOT that scientologists could EVER affect an election’s outcome OTHER than by having it known one candidate WAS a scn, or as we saw in CW, that ONE candidate was interested in slowing or stopping scn’s rampage.
They could use a half dozen or dozen members to do disaster tourism cosplay for PR/propaganda purposes, though. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen anything out of the vulture ministers, in spite of quite a few natural distasters for which they could at least have packed those inadequate hygiene kits. There also doesn’t seem to have been much more of their similarly misguided and ineffective pandemic-related efforts recently.
I’m guessing that Scientology and its members are more concerned about keeping their distance from ‘wogs’ and feeling as safe as possible now, than in even the appearance of helping out in the world. Which leads me to wonder if this will result in a permanent scaling-back of such cynical ‘safepointing’ operations.
Right, Peacemaker: They DO love their dressing up as something other than they are, to play-act that they’re GOOD for something
When you are good-for-nothing you have to dress up and act so as to seem to be good-for-something.
Right, Jim. You picked up on what I intentionally left unstated.
Scn speaks about spirituality. But there aren’t even closer to this state or understanding. Looking at the history of the cult it has always be only about money.
IAS is an implant installed into the cult by DM and was created to be a money machine. No results of any kind from there in more than 30 years.
When they are looking for you is ALWAYS for you money.
LMR, good point that Scientology is not about any truly profound aspect of spirituality. It’s in many ways a product of the 1960s, and one of the later criticisms of that era was that there was a lot of superficial “spiritual consumerism,” or superficial “seeking” pursued just because it’s popular or faddish, and for the purpose of being able to claim something like bragging rights or, well, status – which indeed starts to sound a lot like Scientology with its (expensive) levels of initiation, and now of course out-and-out statuses and bowling trophies.
Peacemaker. Thanks. Very interesting what you say. Studying the historical evolution of scn one can really understand better what this cult is all about.
It was enough for me to listen a tape of hubbard (think is called battle of the universes) where MSH is at the meter and he is doing ITSA talking about a lot whole track stuff and trying to fish reads. He keeps asking if it reads. A real pathetic disappointment.
When I listened to that tape I was already deep into the tech and went: Wholly S**t, Ron has never been in session. He is a total self-audit case. Explained much to me.
Jim. Exactly just random self auditing and doing “it’s a…” fishing reads. Embarrassing. Perhaps all his researches were coming from this same line.
Did you mean research or rearscearch? As in pulling it out of his rear.
Listening to the PDC tapes I concluded Hubbard was channeling, at least on some of the tapes. Whether the channel was ‘his higher self’, or part of the Akashic Record, or Crowley/whoever I did not know. The student was left to sort out the slop from the substance.
jim rowles asked:
“Did you mean research or rearscearch? As in pulling it out of his rear.”
I’d choose “rear search” for 300. 😉
Jim. Laughing. I think the ‘rearshearches’ is more appropriate.
I think he has read a lot of things and has put them togheter in a way they would fit.
Now I can believe there is some collective consciousness (note: not ‘thetans’ stuff) so one can fish there ‘past memories’. In regards of his ‘higherself’, well to activate that aspect you need to having really got rid of your ego (and understood as well that the analytical mind is as well very reactive) while Hubbard’s one was quite big and active.
LmR, it’s been 70 years since the start of the Dianetics fad and we’re ALL getting older, hopefully wiser, though my wife insists WE keep our “inner children” well fed with what they need. She’s SO smart!
Jere. I agree, she really smart. It a good way of looking at life
LmR, scientology, because of its founder’s mindset, has always confused greed for “spirituality”. A “prosperity” ministry before the actual “religious” leaders thought up the idea. Hubbard didn’t overtly go straight for cash, he professed to try to DELIVER SOME thing throughout. DM ditched that loser idea, and is all about “donations”, even if it requires the equivalent of a gun pointed at the poor slave’s spouse & children
Jere, Napoleon Hill in the 1930s advanced the “success” ideas that Oral Roberts turned into prosperity theology in the 1940s. Hill, best known for his book Think and Grow Rich, was, by the way, a very Hubbard-like figure, a conman and liar who believed in the power of unrealistic or irrational optimism.
I’ve found that there is almost always an “earlier, similar” for anything that might seem to be an original idea of Hubbard’s. I think he gets too much credit in a certain way, unfortunately.
And as I’ve said before, I think DM is working off of Hubbard’s playbook, just forced to change things up a bit due to the bad and shortsighted hand ‘source’ dealt him. Hubbard – who did sometimes hit up rich followers for money, including loans he never repaid – could deal with the problem of being unable to deliver as promised by continually creating, new, “latest, greatest” tech that raked in the cash from hopeful followers, while Scientology can now only pretend to clean up commas and other trivial fixes while thrashing about for new income streams.
Plus Miscavige is stuck in a media age where he can’t readily hide the cases of psychosis, suicide and murder that seem to inevitably result from the flaws and dangers of the ‘tech,’ the way the old man got away with in his era. I think the Lisa McPherson case put the nail in the coffin of delivery except on a limited and highly controlled basis – which still regularly results in bad outcomes including deaths and killings – and now it looks like the Danny Masterson case may be another where following Hubbard dictates has lead to a modern debacle.
“The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.” L. Ron Hubbard
Translation: Give us your money or you’re fucked.
Nicely put Scribe!
That’s been the Registrar’s primary tool since the 60s, I believe, scribe and it’s no more applicable or true now than it was then
I guess you could say we had a comm lag on our cognition. 😂
I remember in the 90’s they became very demanding that you attend events. If you did not respond to their phone calls, if you did not pick up the phone or return their messages (and there were dozens) demanding that you show up to the event you would be called into ethics to answer up for your crimes of omission. After 1988 at some point, that I heard (did not personally experience this,) that when one finished OT8 they were demanded by MiscaVitch that they become very active as scino’s in the field or else. They had to open missions, or FSM full time, run an OT committee and raise money for the ideal org pushes etc. I wonder how they will reinforce that kind of participation from a zoom meeting like that above? LOL I wonder how they go about collect their money then? I guess PayPal might work but it’s a bit more like herding cats than before. They can’t lock the doors behind you. Just thinking out loud. LOL
Can I confirm you for the New Year’s event?
Scribe asked:
“Can I confirm you for the New Year’s event?”
No. I stat in walking distance of my BED on New Year’s Eve. Too many amateurs are out on the roads that night. 🙂
Would you like someone else to have similar gains?
Scribe Asked:
“Would you like someone else to have similar gains?”
Of course! I’d like ALL current scientologists to experience FREEDOM and the ability to think for themselves, read what they want, believe what they want, and to be suitably recompensed for their labors. That’s why I’m an enthusiastic supporter of the Aftermath Foundation, which is dedicated to helping them get started on their TRUE lifetimes.
Of course! I’d like ALL current scientologists to experience FREEDOM and the ability to think for themselves, read what they want, believe what they want.
You need to go see the MAA. Now!
Sorry Scribe, but I’m not able to do that, even if I were inclined to.
In other words, pound sand, MAA.
All you’ll get from me is a calling card for the Aftermath foundation if you darken my door.
Actually this was demanded of people when they were getting onto OT7. And then even MORE was demanded after OT8 (the unspoken and sometimes spoken threat was that they might not be “invited” to do OT9 unless they “took more responsibility.” )
Rosemarie, I guess the solution to that is to take the easiest/cheapest route, then be a total downstat so Dwarfenführer® gives up and declares you. You’ve already GOT all the OT powers you’re gonna get, so what’s it matter?
Preach Brother Mike, preach!!! Hmmm, needs more exclamation marks….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet the Regs are asking for the money every minion who attended any Tent Event to pay the airfare and hotel bill they saved by not going this year.
It’s not a disaster, it’s a fund raising opportunity.
Do I log in and waste time watching, or can I just send my credit card info to the vultures?
They’d prefer it if you just sent the darn thing in, of course.
What if you do neither?
More important things to do. 😉
TrevAnon, you KNOW there’s NOTHING more important than following DM’s ORDERS? To the LETTER. IMMEDIATELY.
There are no “More important things to do.”
Hubbard explains what a pyramid scheme is perfect. 🙄
IAS funds used for construction projects, no matter how useless in the long run, at least works its way through the community. There is nothing worse for an economy than to sock away money into accounts that do nothing, that spend nothing, that simply accumulate – a drain and a dead weight on the local and area economy, when what it needs is spending at every level, to keep workers in work, businesses in business, and payrolls paying.
Who gets all that IAS money? There is no accounting, just lies. No doubt lawyers and PIs take a big bite, but when talking about the billions the church has, even spending millions doesn’t amount to much.
One day, after Miscavige passes, the unraveling of accounts may begin. If COS accounts really come to light, that will be the day Scientology truly starts its death roll. The walls will fall when people, especially those impoverished due to their donations of time and money, begin to see for real how they have been scammed out of billions, only to create a big hidden piggy bank under the control of one man, the COB, David Miscavige.
I can truly imagine formerly dedicated staff, and even Sea Org, walking out to never return, and not even bothering to lock the doors behind them.
I think that’s a reminder, that churches need to be required to provide financial reporting as part of their tax exempt status, like other non-profits. As you say, a lot of the shennanigans and abuses would come to an end if followers – not to mention the general public – knew about them.
But that’s another account on which popular and influential prosperity gospel ministries, and others where ministers and officials are raking in embarrassing salaries and benefits, work to keep the status quo even though it benefits or even enables the worst of cults as well. I doubt things will change until or unless the influence of those larger groups wanes.
Why would any of them think to lock the doors? It’s not like there’s anything valuable in there.
ammo alamo,
When DM passes, what’s then left of scientology will explode into a fight for control by whomever is left and cares a whit for what passes for power in the organization. That will be the end of it. I half expect that Davey will fritter away all the cash somehow…. Perhaps he might (accidentally) do some good for humankind in the process. As I re-read, I’m thinking that pickling his liver might be the best deed he could have done. Of course, I’m told that cirrhosis of the liver is not a very comfortable way to dispose of a body, thetan-wise.
Alamo Ammo, any benefit DM’s actions are to the society at large are largely accidental, and he’s typically changed tacks when anything has been shown to be useful.
“Think’st thou, Hortensio, though her father be very rich, any man is so very a fool to be married to hell?”
“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Speaking of Shakespeare, COB’s takeover resembles Macbeth’s, minus the guilt.
Dave, I’m so happy not to have to give you birthday or Christmas presents. Ripping off starving Sea Org members is the lowest. You’re not a squirrel, you’re a weasel.
My apologies to my furry friends.
I don’t remember reading the play, but wasn’t Macbeth ENTITLED to what he got? As the crown prince and all?
Yes, if you’re into assassination.
IIRC, assassination was a valid method of moving up in the world in those days, Scribe. If successful, there was no one to naysay you; you being King and all.
Scribe, I doubt our furry friends will even notice that little slip. 😉
Glad to hear it. My pet rabbit gave me what I thought was a questioning look.
pet rabbit”? Isn’t that an oxymoron? A fiend of my wife has had a few “rescue rabbits”. Darned things couldn’t be let out of their cages, which makes them prisoners, not pets. Inside, they chewed on anything they could reach, like power cords. Outside, they ran away and became the neighborhood dogs’ and cats’ playthings. They were even outmatched (terrorized) by the local squirrels. AFAICT, they’re really only good as a lower-cholesterol meat, but I couldn’t do THAT. I had a little remorse when the pigs my sister-in-law raised came back from the butcher. NOTHING like commercial pork; closer to beef, IMO, but those hogs were almost pets to the family, as smelly and messy as they’d been. I’d me WORTHLESS as a survivalist. Too empathetic.
From MacBeth.Try listening to the opera of this play by Giuseppe Verdi.Much more dramatic and the lead baritone gets to vocally shine for about fifteen minutes.Even more dramatic than Scientology,more imaginative and cheaper.
Familiar with it.
Does the opera come in English? The ONLY Italian words I know are music instructions.
Scientologists should save their money, and instead go check out some Shakespeare from the library. They would certainly learn more about the world and the human condition than by reading LRH’s muck smears on paper.
Key word is should. Should they disengage from the mind fuckery which is Scientology, then they can begin to be receptive to new ideas (no Ron, that’s not a bad thing) and begin to think for themselves.
Even when you do get a true Ronbot to read outside the Hubbardsphere, or watch a movie, everything is viewed through the cult lens and re-interpreted. Apparently George Lucas knew exactly what being OT was like.
They just need to become unronboticized.
WAYC, scientologists SHOULD do many things, starting with using the Aftermath Foundation to get started on their lives of FREEDOM, then paying the Foundation back as best they can. Oh, do I wish I had had something like the Foundation when Flag kicked me to the curb.
In Giveusallyourmoneyology speak, “Hand over the moolah and then eff until next weeks never to be repeated meeting.”
The Bridge is passé, we need to bilk some rubes today. Join us for the biggest push in planetary bank account clearing in the past five hundred years. If we make it, what will be your answer to the question, “Did you reg?”
Scribe, “If we DON’T make it, WHO CARES? *I* certainly won’t be around.
Neither will Dave. He’ll be in Bulgravia bribing the authorities while he spends MOST of his time passed out on the couch, a perfect case of good scotch, abused.
Scribe asked:
“Did you reg?”
My answer, even while “in” was “No, NO, a thousand times NO!” I never wanted to sell, couldn’t sell myself out of a paper bag, and was unapologetic about that aspect of my ‘Bank’.I still can’t. I lack the necessary LYING gene, I suspect. I am incapable of even the little white lies though I can ALWAYS find something good to say about my sweetie. 🙂 🙂
Jere, all I can say is that there is Ron’s tech, and it is standard dreck.
Dreck is right.