You will be very pleased to know that the IAS is now informing their public what they are spending their money on.
Of course, the IAS doesn’t waste money on things where there is no return. Buying buildings sounds reasonable, until you understand a) the building then becomes a church asset and b) in those areas that where the IAS is funding their ideal org building, people are EXPECTED to donate to the IAS “to purchase the building.” Really, the IAS acts like a bank — they front the money to buy the building (other people’s money – just like a bank) and then they collect the money back they fronted.
Though NONE of these buildings appears to be going anywhere.
And then they proclaim they are engaged in the “biggest dissemination campaign in Scientology’s history.” But, again, this is seen as an investment to get a return. These expenditures serve two purposes a) toi convince the sheeple their money is being well spent as they run a few high profile ads, and b) at least in theory, this is an investment for a return as it will generate more income with more new members — though if that is the case, it must be happening in some “other” countries than the United States. But it still beats giving money to poor people or building schools in Africa or even printing and distributing WTH which all just goes down the toilet as far as the Vulture Culture is concerned.
They proclaim their humanitarian work and objectives. They DO only what is good for them.
They are a perfect example of pure capitalism. Use other people’s money to make more money. Hardly humanitarian.
Of course, not a SINGLE specific other than a list of cities where they are supposedly buying buildings and that they are sending some packs of CCHR materials to army bases. (Meanwhile CCHR frantically tries to raise money to do this campaign…. this stuff is also considered a waste of money by the IAS).
Not a single humanitarian activity mentioned at all.
IASA Briefing Data
You may know that the IAS is currently funding more grants than any time in our history including 3 AOs, the ideal orgs of Bogota, Valencia, Tokyo, and Harlem, 9 Narconons, the biggest dissemination campaign in Scientology’s history, as well as our different educator and information packs for all of our 4th dynamic campaigns.
But currently, we are also involved in one of our biggest efforts to expose psychiatry and their involvement with the military. This is a comprehensive campaign that reaches any person or terminal that can do something about the fact that 90% of the military in the world is under psychiatric drugs!
So we are sending information and Educator packs to all military bases, all military academies, Veteran Association hospitals, with huge billboards and introducing our documentary Hidden Enemy through TV and cinemas in all military bases.
We have never had as much feedback and responses on this with any other such campaign and the media has started to expose the atrocities committed by psychiatrists with the military in the U.S.
This is a huge step forward in our battle against psychiatry and this is only possible thanks to people like you that have stepped up and have the courage to support our group.
Oh, hold the phones. Just received these shots of some of the magnificent IAS promotional items now available for donations of $5,000, $50,000, $100,000 and a million. These things look like the cheap pens and crap my bank gives me at the drive through window…
I REALLY want some of those IAS sunglasses (the ones in the shot with the girl calling two people at the same time “Give us your money” only needs to be shouted once to reach double the number of people)
DM probably most regrets that last bottle of scotch last night.
The girl in the IAS glasses and working two phones is CUTE! Shame she’s likely to be badly abused and only going to be thrown out in the trash when she’s useless, too sick to work the required 116 hours a week, or escape when she’s been hurt so badly that she can’t stand it any more.
Wadd’ya want to bet that the cost of those pictures and props exceeded the “take” in that latest round of begging?
The IAS DOEs nothing except accumulate money for Dwarfenführer to expend as he chooses — no strings attached. Certainly no accounting for it, no established policy for its use, just DM’s most current whim. I’m still waiting for him to announce the IDEAL Fgagship: 1100 feet long, more splendiferous than any other cruise ship made. It’ll only take a BILLION dollars of fund-raising to acquire the hull and build it out properly.
Give a man a bank and he can rob the WORLD!? Tubby sure demonstrated that: He invent the Bank as his justifier, then robbed so many of us.
DAMN his pimply hide.
“90% of the military in the world is under psychiatric drugs!”
Where is this datum from? I need to do a comparison Mr IAS vulture.
This nonsense that IAS is “funding” three AO’s. Funding what?
Half a dozen toilet rolls for the student on course?
“Never use lies in PR”
But then they probably don’t know who LRH is only COB.
This is so stupid, to think that someone would want that gaudy crap. Although Mike would look very sharp in the pink pair. I have family in the military and their claim that most are on drugs is total bullshit. What a ridiculous generality. Not a mention of the wins of pcs and preots and well trained auditors…..sigh. As MJ would say, that’s so last decade.
Using cheap sun glasses to fund raise fosters grants. Sorry, but this situation
screamed “horrible pun” and I was compelled to respond.
Dig the name – very creative. Again, still laughing! A friend of mine has also used “Sir Vis Facsimile”.
Let’s see if I can find it … ah, yes, here it is. An excerpt from my writings about the IAS and a stated purpose for me to raise my status by donating. Doesn’t sound like a humanitarian objective to me. The IAS Reg was Howard Becker. I have another part I can excerpt about what happened preceding the IAS 25th anniversary if anyone is interested. Rachel
“~19~ Escorted off post and out of ASI
At this point, Dear, it’s time to address my participation in Writers of the Future. I still find it fascinating I was escorted off post and out of Author Services shortly after your memorial service in November 2004. Truth be told, that shows how much common sense and compassion was present when LRH’s doctor’s widow, and a dedicated worker for twelve-years was treated that way.
Shortly after I was escorted out of Author Services, I was contacted by an International Association of Scientologists registrar. Yes, he’d lost his brother and he felt the IAS was the best way to make earth a better place. The registrar asked if I’d seen the Tom Cruise commemorative video. When I replied, “Yes,” he asked me, “Don’t you want to be like Tom Cruise?” I said, “No, not really.” The registrar wanted me to take out a home equity loan on our house and donate it to the IAS because “COB has a really big problem.” The registrar also wanted use of the Denk name so he could get others to do the same using your name as an example.
I remember thinking at the time of this conversation, “Boy, it’s a good thing I’m not on post at ASI, as this would flap sky high.” And, therein lays the reason for the tactic. I was off post and out of ASI so I would donate to the IAS to help solve COB’s “really big problem” and thereby regain favor in the eyes of the powers that be. This is crazy shit and I can see you shaking your head in disbelief right about now.
These days we have a term, “thrown under the bus.” It means to sacrifice another person (often a friend or ally), who is usually not deserving of such treatment, out of malice or for personal gain or self-protection. That’s exactly what was done to me. Rest assured, Dear, I got pretty clever from that point on. The trick is not agreeing with the crazy stuff, but simply out-creating it. I learned this from you, so thanks!
As it turns out, within a short time I was told a “mistake had been made” and I should keep working at Author Services on the WOTF Contest. There was a new head of the activity named Ria. For a while I could only be in the office when she was there. Funny stuff was going on, like I was considered a security risk.”
The more I read, the more I start to fathom the depth of depravity of this so called religion.
My god TWD, I get flabergasted when I read this sort of thing. Such good people being treated so shabbily! What makes me smile though is knowing what Ron would have done to those who treated you and your husband so despicably. Being torn a knew one, might describe it!
Makes me smile too. Nice picture you present.
Rachel, I find your narratives fascinating. Thank you for sharing it with us. Is this for a book you are writing? And why did they declare you? What was your “crime” in their eyes?
Hi Cindy, I appreciate your comments. Thank you. These stories come from something I wrote a couple years ago. It was very therapeutic to me because I started remembering all sorts of stuff and putting it in electronic documents. There turned out to be thirty stories in all. No book planned as the work is woefully incomplete and really wouldn’t appeal to a defined public that I can see. These days, I simply post the stories or excerpts when I feel they are pertinent to the topic at hand. I’m not sure if I’m declared but have heard I am. Haven’t ever seen anything in writing. I expect my “crime” in “their” eyes was hooking up with Marty and/or Mike and/or whoever AND declaring my independence from the corporate church.
Thanks Rachel. But back when they “escorted you out of Writers of Future” or wherever it was, that was before you read the blogs. So what could make them do that? Were you too much a threat cuz you knew how Ron really died (the state of his case and mind and body) and they were afraid you’d talk?
Yes, I was escorted out of ASI before reading the blogs. I expect part of it was because Dr Denk passed while on OT VII. That can pose a threat. There was also an underlying situation well covered by Marty Rathbun on October 11, 2011 “Settin’ the Record Straight.” I knew the correct information about Dr Denk’s exchange with LRH/his estate and that possibly posed a threat to whatever had falsely been set up back in 1986/1987. It remains a situation after all these years but is likely the least important situation to be addressed at this time.
These guys are so full of it. On one hand, the IAS is beating the psychs to death. On the other hand, now 90% of the military are taking their drugs. I would say the psychs are doing quite well if that were true.
The IAS always wants it both ways: we are obliterating psychiatry, so donate money to help us continue to crush them. On the other hand, the Psychs are doing well because they have everyone using their product, so donate money to obliterate them.
I remember when the IAS was taking credit for passing out The Way to Happiness in Israel about 5 years ago, causing peace in the Middle East. Really?
The IAS is planning to fund 9 Narconon centers? Wow. Wonder what the time line on this is. My guess is that they’re funding a move for Arrowhead. Are they funding an activity in the Maldives where Ali Asgar has been trying to get going for a few years now?
IAS = I’m Against Scientology (while purporting to be its biggest defender).
Hell, that makes us all members!!!!!!
Not me, I don’t purport to be its biggest defender.
“….the IAS is currently funding more grants than any time in our history including……………..9 Narconons,”
So Dave, when you say “funding more grants for 9 Narconons”, does that mean you’re building more of those death traps or is this to fund all the attorney’s you need to get your stupid ass out of the hot water you’re in over the current Narconon’s? The attorney’s are slowly connecting you and your band of thieves to the entire scam. Hope you had some Scotch at the ready when OSA reported this to you today:
The RTC I/C For Global Flaps and Flops has just announced that Dave’s scotch consumption is highest ever!
I wonder if they had the sun-glasses made by the same Chinese company who made the Easy-Bake E-Meter? My guess is about 60 cents a piece.
Buy a 100 pair and get a 2 cent discount plus prime balcony seating if they ever use the Shrine Auditorium again.
The cost to hire the actors to fill it is too over the top these days. I think it seats 8K or so and having to hire 7500 actors cuts into Davey’s meal ticket a bit too far.
Okay, but the 2 cent discount still applies. I just don’t want you to think we wouldn’t honor our end of the bargain.
I want my discount and I want it NOW!
Call 800-FUCK-YOU. Operators are standing by!
Now now, you know the rules: you must buy a huge package to get the discount. Will that be cash, check, or credit card?
After a quick google search (actually the very first search result) I found a company with those same clear plastic wayfarer sunglasses. With printing on one side and the mimimum order of 100 – 249 pair they cost $2.35 a pair. Even if you kept every pair it’s still far cheaper than donating to the IAS to get the “free” gift sunglasses. Maybe you could even make some money selling them to members for $5.00 a pair so that they could give their friends the impression that they donated tens of thousands to the IAS while actually not raiding the retirement account to do so.
Or you could just consider this: Who gives a shit?
And here’s another company that puts your logo on the lenses for a starting cost of $1.52 per unit. Both of these probably cost more then the IAS actually paid since I’m just looking for starting point for a price for these drawer stuffers.
The IAS has funded 9 Narconons?? And NN is run basically by volunteers/cheap labour, so the overheads are low – yet judging by what Tony Ortega is reporting on the litigation involving NN it costs a bomb to get through the programme. And then when it suits Miscavige he has nothing to do with Narconon. They use our donations to set up a lucrative business which has nothing to do with them when something goes wrong. I wonder where the profits of NN are funneled and where they (the profits) end up. Interesting.
Wendy — those Narconon guys according to some recent information that has come to light have been taking in salaries well in excess of $100,000 per year as a result of their insurance scams.
Reminds me of a song by George and Ira Gershwin: Nice Work If You Can Get It.
Go to and look at the 990s for the various Narconons to get the true picture.
$100,000 salaries while they harm and kill those that come to them for help. Evil beyond belief…
Wow. The plot sickens.
Yes the staff at Narconons finally got paid, actually overpaid IMO.
But then you have to also know that some of these guys were
working in the NN’s for many years and most of the time their
pay was below poverty level. Partially what changed was the
same as in the church. The focus on money instead of caring
for the individual in front of you. Now with at least 19 court cases
levelled against NN, ABLE and even DM they are in royal trouble.
Why not keep the Ideal Orgs fundraising a local pgm?? I think this is the plan they have: by buying buildings, the IAS can now show results in the form of physical buildings (and not waste money on good works), and so these buildings will make it easier to squeeze more money out of the sheeple because they can “see” the “good” that IAS is doing with their IAS donations…
Of course all the money collected by IAS is unaccounted for, as opposed to money collected by local Ideal Org fundraisers, which ARE accounted for. The local Ideal Org fund raisers do NOT have the ability to create the IAS unaccounted slush fund going into DM’s pocket. If they did, the local ideal org would be guilty of the same fraud committed by the SP building fund.
So, the master plan is for IAS to collect $20 million for a building they paid $10 million and no one will be the wiser!
Great legal and promotional plan. Problem is, they are running out of public and whales to harpoon…. Ouch. Too little too late.
When the renos get underway they also raise more cash by fucking over the General Contractor by withholding final payments and extracting additional services.
The Sac Org decided to convert the below floodplain basement into conditioned space ( I think they ended up putting the assembly room/chapel down there) and last I heard, there were still leaks in the basement coming in from the sidewalks above and the contractor would not return to finish due to financial irregularities.
I don’t think there is any other type of finance in the cult other than criminal, I mean irregular ones.
Is “pgm” short for program or pogrom? Either one could work.
Pogrom. You’re welcome.–rMvDksATjtIDwAg&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=600#facrc=_&
Hey, most of these models are cooler than the IAS ones and more ethical cause they dont hide the issue at hand! Thats more like it registrars!
Note the reference to Narconon in the list of buildings. Seems to negate the church non-involvement plea in the current court cases.
And the next annoucment should make the public aware that a lot goes to DM. But what evidence actually goes on increase of wages.Any one that does pay in while in, and is blind to review and investigate themselves are subject to being PTS to the church and to DM. Get out.
Most glaring out point is the generalities and I have the feeling it is also being done to calm the fumes that have been circling on the Church ripping off millions from parishioners and the zero expansion and results together with the 100s and 100s departing their turf. It might be done to ‘show’ the law of the land that they are not a scam, but, too late mister, your crimes have been and will keep being exposed.
So, to answer your question on what the IAS is doing? it is basically stealing money and evading taxes on it.
Love the sunglasses and wrist band.
They surely will make an impact on
others as the IAS bots wear them out
and about.
Although what is written by the IAS
is complete BS (DollarMorgue nailed it)
I think it was written because of the pressure
this blog is constantly and relentlessly putting
on the church and all of its avenues to pull
in the money, where the money is really going,
along with the exposure of their lies on what it
is being used for.
Anyone in the church could see this if they would
just take a peek.
On another note…..I just heard a guy on the radio
talking about his system on buying and flipping
real estate…..didn’t sound as good as what Miscavige
and the IAS have going. Maybe this guy should join
I doubt anyone would wear these things. What the heck do they say when some stranger asks them what it means?
They are for internal use only. Like those crazy Moammar Qaddaffi styled gem encrusted Silver/Gold/Platinum meritorious “pins” that they so proudly wear when they sit in the front row of the seal clubbing events. But they would not be seen under any circumstances wearing them amongst “the wogs” for fear that normal people would think they were totally batshit crazy…
IAS – I Ate Silver, I Am Sexy, I Are Stupid, It Are Silly. There are all sorts of “shore stories” you can use if you get caught accidentally wearing this “bling” any of the above match the utter uselessness of the bling. I would actually donate to the IAS get me some of that unbearably tacky bling so I could give it to Mike for his photoshoot if it didn’t mean the money would be going straight to David Miscavige’s pockets with about .02 in spare change staying with the IAS to pretend to “help” someone.
I’d love to get them for you, Mike. I’d like a pair myself. I’d wear them everywhere, and when questioned I would state proudly that I was given them by the Church of Scientology as an award for having donated thousands of dollars to one of their programs, and that the initials stand for, “I Am Stupid”.
Hey, for anyone interested I have an OT VIII gold bracelet that I may be willing to part with. Might go nice with that wristband. Now that I think about it I had better have it examined. (And yes, I have already had my head examined for buying the thing in the first place. They looked in one ear and when they saw daylight they just sewed it up)
I wonder what the actual value for that apparently solid gold bracelet is. Serious here …… I am going to take it to a coin dealer friend of mine and verify. I will report back on this!
My money is on “sentimental” as its value….
Coop, please do report back to us. There was one IAS Medal winner who took his gold medal to try to hock it when times got bad and that’s when he found out that it wasn’t gold and all that glitters is not gold. Let’s see what those OT VIII bracelets are really made of. And just to be fair, if you find it is real gold, then you can’t say Scientology didn’t work for you. I hear the price of gold is hefty now.
It’s a good thing I only spent about 500K to get it. Thin air is definately cheaper but the ride isn’t as fun!
Last time I looked, which was recently, Tokyo is the largest city in the world, with over 30 Million in its metro area (NYC was listed at just above 20 Million in its metro area). Despite this, and over 10 years of fundraising, the locals have not been able to raise the funds for their Ideal org, and this is the only org in Japan. Says volumes about both Scientology viability and the Ideal org program. Why Bogota and Valencia? A lack of ideal orgs in South America after more than 10 years? And the three AOs (Canada, South Africa, Mexico)? Doomed before they even open due to a lack of demand. Its a question if they ever will open, or if they do, why did anyone bother?
What a shell game. The IAS was originally created to be a war chest so that we could fight our enemies in court since there was so much anti-Scn stuff going on (raids etc). And it still is producing war chest products since their money does NOT go to humanitarian causes, but instead funds the 20 lawyers and one retired judge that showed up to fight one lady with one attorney, Mosey Rathbun. And then there are the other lawyers to be paid who are fighting the Narconon lawsuits where people actually died from the church’s negligence and out tech and false advertising. And then there are the other lawyers to fund who are fighting Luis Garcia over Super Power. Super Power was opened solely and only because of Luis Garcia’s lawsuit. And then after the fanfare, there are very little SP completions rolling off the line now. It was a lot of Hoopla and not much actual products coming off the line. Not even met the number of cornerstone members who were to receive SP first before anyone else. Wonder why they didn’t all RUN to get SP processes first? Where are all of those whales who donated cornerstones and thus were entitled to receive the auditing first? Why didn’t they all show up clamoring for the Super Power processes?
I didn’t get my invitation goddamnit. Where do I file my complaint?
CF officer LA Fdn. Good luck.
They were declared.
We are the IAS: Idiots, Assholes, Slime. And yes, I do realize that that’s actually an insult to assholes which actually performs a useful function.
I definately feel insulted! I like it.
I knew you would, Coop!
“90% of the military in the world is on psych drugs”????!?! Where do they come up with this crap? More like the serious drug use is by these schmucks, anyone who has ever given them a dime or anyone who has yet to drop scientology like a no-deposit bottle.
It comes out of thin air. Same place LRH found it.
…”out of thin air” is what this cult is all about. Lost tech, my ass! Inappropriate comma’s and other punctuation errors, my ass! Coop, they should call themselves the Church of Make Believe…That way, members can “make up” their own beliefs! Beats the hell out of being in scientology…
Amen to that! Call it the Cult (I mean church) of Thin Air. I expect the IAS will start selling it before long. They have taken a lesson from the Fed; print some money out of thin air and lend it to the taxpayers.
No doubt when Davey got in bed with the IRS they both agreed that the stupid taxpayers could foot the bill.
The International Association of Sociopaths will be running out of oxygen soon, just not soon enough for me.
I about spewed coffee at that one! “90% of the military in the world is under psychiatric drugs!” Wow, under psychiatric drugs. Um does that mean they are lower than psychiatric drugs, that they are living in hovels made of psychiatric drugs, WTF? Another stat pulled out of Davey’s ass with nothing to back it up. I wish I could send out my promo without worry of my readers questioning the “facts.”
I wonder how much the grants were $10, $15, $20. I’m sure not much more, if that much. They probably weren’t even given, no need to actually give the money away to those damn downstats when you can just lie about having done it and get more out of people.
Seriously — I want a pair of those sunglasses. I want them for a photoshoot…. If anyone can get their hands on a pair I would be most grateful.
IAS, I Ate Shit.
LOL ………… this is going to be good!
We need new T shirts:
International Association of Sociopaths
“Bankrupt a person and get a free armband”
“Ruin a family and get a pair of sunglasses”
“Turn in five of your UTR friends and get an autographed photo of COB”
Most excellent Cooper !! lol It would be a hoot to wear those and picket an IAS event…
For a small donation of $10 000 they can be yours! Quick – while stocks last!!!!
For 50k you can be in the photo with COB. Maybe it takes 100k. Not sure on that one.
Someone please change the logo to IA$.
Awww, don’t be shy, IAS. Go ahead and tell us how much each of those “grants” is for. Also, share how much you’ve collected this year vs. how much you’ve disbursed (invested).
The approach to the mental health issues of returning veterans is textbook IAS:
1. Pick an unfortunate problem facing society as a whole.
2. Blame it on the Psychs.
3. Ask for money to fund a stick-it-to-the-psychs campaign!
How about getting an IAS reg to clarify the generality of ‘the psychs’ and give some specific names and documented evidence of what was done by whom. Whoops.
That would short circuit they’re collective brains…or what’s left of them. They would stand there in mute silence unable to speak. Hey, not a bad idea!
So this is basically stating that the IAS has more money than the church corporations, and that the church cannot fund its expansion from services, even after 60 years existence.
As I helped CCHR occasionally, I know all too well the mad scramble to raise money to make good on IAS ‘promises’. Those DVDs? “Donated” at retail prices, produced by Gold (slave labour) and volunteers slaving frantically in the last-minute background. Funded by the IAS my foot. More like a brilliant scam to move money from one corporation to another while making even more money off it in the process.
Re the newly added photos: puke. I can feel the IAS’ withering contempt for “the public” from here.
Yeah, but aren’t the sunglasses way cool dude?
Hey, my 8-year old granddaughter might like those sunglasses. Well, they would be a bit young for her, but she might tolerate them.
Dollar — yes, the IAS has more money. Well in excess of a billion dollars in CASH.
And you have the CCHR story exactly.
To paraphrase Dylan:
“No reason to get excited,”
My friend beside me spoke,
“There are many here among us
Who feel that Dave is but a joke.”
All Along The Watchtower Lyrics
There must be some kind of way outta here
Said the joker to the thief
There’s too much confusion
I can’t get no relief
Business men, they drink my wine
Plowman dig my earth
None were level on the mind
Nobody up at his word
Hey, hey
No reason to get excited
The thief he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But, uh, but you and I, we’ve been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us stop talkin’ falsely now
The hour’s getting late, hey
All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants, too
Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl
Dinky Missedcrabbitch, do ya hear that wind?
To quote Oscar Wilde
Then, turning to my love, I said,
“The dead are dancing with the dead,
The dust is whirling with the dust.”
I again quote the bard who sums up perfectly the IAS briefing data (ha) written by God knows who: “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
MJ — check out the newest addition, the absolutely cool gifts the IAS is now presenting….
Wow, how far away from auditing and training can this get? What’s next, an Ideal IAS barbecue unit made in conjunction with Black and Decker to be sold at local fundraisers?
Those are definately not Oaklies!
Dave has big plans to finally get into the dildo business.
Well in his case those plans had better be revised downward!
“Dave has big plans to finally get into the dildo business”.
Now, THAT’S a gadget that begging for the IAS logo, Dave! Think of it: Scientology’s most prestigious award for your very highest donors with the first one, of course, going to Tom.
This is actually in reply to threefeetback, but I can’t hit reply on that level. Dave is already in the dildo business. Haven’t you read Monique Rathbun’s lawsuit?
Hey Dave, Martha Stout, PhD, claims that a sociopath has fleeting moments of regret. What is it that you think of in your fleeting moments? Shelly? Heber? L. Ron Hubbard?
More like “sorry I didn’t eradicate Rathbun when I had the chance,” “could have gotten more money out of Nancy Cartwright if I had offered her a part in Tom’s next movie,” “should have had the lobster last night, not the suckling pig, gave me indigestion.”
Or “sorry I didn’t take down that 2002 video where I brag about Narconon” or “sorry I didn’t delete references to Narconon on our website” because he is now involved in lawsuits involving Narconon.
That Mike and Marty escaped and he never got David Beckham in. I think that covers it.
My bet is that He wishes He had the likes of Rathbun, Rinder and Cook back in His stables. Now He knows they are coming for Him and they have managed to stir up a huge nest of folks who now have nothing left to lose in exposing His Crimes.
Yo Dave,
Know this ………………… there are very many of us out here on the fringes of the internet. We are adding new members daily. We communicate, have some fun (yes, it often is at your expense) and we will not rest until you and your corrupt cult is toast. And, we have nothing left to lose in this game so no matter what we do out here in the big bad world of wogdom; every move, every statement, every thought and every intention has a positive effect of lessening the damage or the potential for damage that Your Cult tries to inflict on other living things.
We will carry forward, inch by inch, day by day, lawsuit by lawsuit, cult member by cult member to terminally handle the damage you and your fellow sociopaths create. So don’t think for one small moment that things are going to get one iota better for your or your sleazy cult. Change your operating basis right now or leave the building. We are coming for you good buddy!
And remember this; the whole world is out to get you. Call me if you want to discuss your options. You have my number.
Well spoken Cooper. But I declared him yesterday and his only terminal is LRH. 🙂
Yes Cooper! And Davie, you aren’t paranoid — they really are coming to get you!
Dang, you are correct!
OK, I’m off the line Dave until you work it out with LRH. I hear he is in Gaza these days passing out TWTH booklets.