Back in October Tony Ortega’s article about Nancy Cartwright highlighted how much money people give to the IAS. More recently Tracey McManus got Bob Duggan on the phone and he informed her that the Forbes information stating he had given $360 million to scientology was in fact considerably on the low side, that is was “much more” (half a billion maybe?)
Scientology constantly claims that this money is used for all their social betterment programs around the world — it is their standard plea for more money “we need to do more good.” But how much good does this money actually do?
Simply put — very, very little.
Every new disaster that comes up they claim they “need more money.” They never seem to HAVE money to spend on these activities. A couple of billion dollars just doesn’t hack it apparently.
A massive hurricane devastated the Bahamas a few months ago. Dorian flattened entire communities.
Luckily the Bahamas are a hop, skip and a jump from Florida. Home to 3 ideal orgs (Miami, Orlando and Tampa) and ideal missions (Ocala and Belleair) and of course FLAG — and the 15,000 scientologists in the Tampa Bay area (according to their numbers). This is the headquarters of the “largest private relief force on earth.”
The “call to arms” went out before the hurricane even hit.
They got their camera/video teams in place.
And here is the result. The best they could muster.
Seriously, they flunked the test. Everything was in their favor to make a splash with the VM’s and they screwed the pooch. The largest private relief force on earth provided virtually nothing. They managed to get a handful of people in yellow shirts to show up. Literally, a handful.
No media coverage, though there was media everywhere. Because they were actually invisible because they actually did nothing.
But let’s take a quick look at another one of their much ballyhoo’d bs programs.
Of course, they offer no specifics (as the specifics would scuttle their claims). 13 million “reached”? They probably calculate this by the number of people that view a sporting event, then they run a spot 3 times and hey presto “13 million reached.” Survey the people that watched the show and a few hundred might even remember the ad — most people tune out when ads run or go to the bathroom or have a discussion with whoever they are watching the game with. This “campaign” is meaningless. It is simply intended to try to impress the sheeple. They of course don’t even mention the effectiveness of it on actually accomplishing what they are trying to accomplish.
Scientology has perfected the art of making it sound like something is happening when it is not. They are having NO impact on the drug statistics anywhere.
If you choose to do something with advertising you have to have a long, concerted campaign to achieve ANY impact on anything. Everyone in the advertising business knows this. You don’t see one ad for the new Chevy. You are bombarded repeatedly. The Geico gecko appears hundreds of times a week. Scientology tells their people that one ad on a sporting event has had “major impact.” It’s ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is that they use it to convince people to give more money.
And even MORE ridiculous than that — if they spent tens of millions (a tiny fraction of what they have) they COULD get a message across. But in fact, that is NOT the purpose. It is ONLY done to get people to hand over more money.
Know this — the total cash on hand of the IAS has NEVER BEEN LESS ONE WEEK TO THE NEXT. EVER. They have NEVER spent more than they collected. EVER.
Even when the biggest catastrophe hits.
That’s just how things work.
What I find very interesting is the background guy has his face covered with a grey cloth.
Why is he afraid to show his face, does he think the IAS is coming round for his credit card LOL
My thoughts; It seems to me that probably the biggest reason for large donations or most donations occur is due to the tax exempt status of the organization. These donations are write offs for the person or organization donating. Their tax burden thus lessened. Also, the interest collected on half a billion alone would exceed anything needed to care for staff comfortably. It seems that once the coffers balloon to such enormous proportions cowards are created within the political community. Unbelievable strategy sucking the l life out of families. Truly horrible.
Hey B.F. Sorry to hear that you had to raise the airline fare yourself. That’s Scientology. By the way, ur name pronounced with my accent, takes on a whole new meaning lol
Does no one else find it disturbing that a pre school teacher is learning touch assist to use on her students? Cos’ that’s all kinds of disturbing to me.
Hi – me again. I have another question for you former Scientologists – How can I get to know some Scientologists?
I want to help them, be a friend, let them know they are cared about and that someone here wants to show love to them. I would love to be able to offer them a chance to come over for a good meal and to visit with some folks outside the org if they need. I want to be a lifeline to anyone who needs help getting out.
Basically just… I hate the idea that these people are from far away or from other countries and have no one and nothing. And there are so few of them in my area that there probably isn’t any concerted effort to reach them. But if there are even 20 of them losing their lives to LRH I want to help. These stories about them being stuck there on holidays without their families, working long hours for nothing, and being in poverty in old age just break my heart.
But – I don’t know how I could ever meet some who are on staff or even who are public. I don’t want to go into the org under false pretenses but I know of no other way to get to know them.
Can anyone give me any advice as to how I can form a relationship with any of them?
Marc, a web site has been setup to help:
Under the menu you will find Volunteers where it explains:
“If you would like to volunteer your help as well, please email your name, contact information and what types of help you’d like to provide to: Volunteer@TheAftermathFoundation”
Thank you for caring 😘
For anyone who may be interested, there is a Wikipedia article about the life and working career of Nancy Cartwright.
I would recommend you skip to the last paragraph titled, “Personal Life”. That makes for some fascinating reading.
But please know that Wikipedia articles may be written and submitted by anyone and so they may not be true until someone who knows the truth reads them and corrects them. It is not an easy thing to know. So I wanted to say this before giving people the impression that what is said on her Wiki page is absolutely true. It’s difficult to know whether it is true or false.
Perhaps it would be best if I just said the info on her Wiki page is “alleged” to be true.
As part of what is ‘alleged’ to be true, this fact* should be easy enough to validate:
‘In 2007, Cartwright was in a relationship with contractor Stephen Brackett, a fellow member of Scientology. The couple planned to get married in early 2008,
*but Brackett died in May 2009, after he “apparently leaped” off the Bixby Creek Bridge ln Big Sur, California.’
He would Not have been the First $ to commit suicide . . . . . .
I would guess the text in that Wikipedia article was written by someone in the bubble.
After all, when someone commits suicide by shooting themselves in the head with a shotgun, most people would not write, “But Brackett died in May 2009, after he “apparently shot himself in the head with a shotgun.”
Instead, they would write, “But Brackett committed suicide in May 2009, after he used a shotgun to blew his brains out.”
My point is that by saying someone who suicided, “died after apparently leaping off the Bixby Creek Bridge”, is an unreasonable softening of that description.
If someone suicides, the Wiki article should say, “They commited suicide” and not “They died”. Saying, “They died”, makes it sound like the cause of death was never very clear. When someone jumps off a bridge, I think the cause of death is crystal clear. If the person is a cult member, it’s only fair to insinuate the cause of death may have had something to do with the profound unhappiness of having lost control of their life to a creepy cult.
I’m very surprised this criminal cult uses the total funds contributed to date (by Nancy Cartwright) and bases her phoney titles on this number.
Why surprised?
Because if they just used the money contributed this year, the number would be much lower and they could make it appear as if she hasn’t thrown away almost all her life’s savings or life’s earnings.
If they used the amount extorted only during the current year, it would appear as if she was not crazy for throwing away so much money.
Nancy! For heaven’s sake. If you ever read this, please think about the number of people who are starving and dying because instead of giving your money to some honest organization who would help them, you have given it to a greedy criminal enterprise who keeps all the money and uses it for the purpose of ….
Well … that’s a big problem. No one really knows what that money is used for. It may be used to supply extremely expensive creature comforts for The Rat who calls hisself the “Poop of Scamatology”. But some people think they just hoard that money for the purpose of being able to have so much money.
The issue is really like trying to figure out from where the insanity stems. Does it stem from the original Mr. Blubber? Or from The current Rat at the top of the heap? Would it be fair to believe it stems from Nancy?
What kind of person would let some creeps from this criminal cult talk them out of millions (maybe billions) of dollars.
Nancy! Please talk to a lawyer who is not part of This Scam. You need to know your legal rights and you need to know what happened to all of your money. Please don’t give these crazy creeps another penny.
I got my I.A.S.$$$ back! (Back in 2000) 🙂 We wrote letters saying:
“You did NOT deliver what you promised…I want my $$$ back”
Greg Barnes turned me onto this! <3 It's worth a try, again….for any where $cientology has your $$$.
I wish they still did this Tory. Garcia’s tried. It’s why they had to sue.
If you want to get to know some Scientologists it is simplicity itself.
Walk into your nearest Scientology Org and tell them you’re interested in finding out more about Scientology.
DON’T let on that you post here.
DON’T let on that you feel sorry for them and/or want to help them OR ANYTHING like that.
Just walk in, act normal and friendly and tell whoever is on Reception that you’d like to find out more, or get a book, or something. You can be a little vague. There are areas of your life you’d like to improve. You’re somewhat curious. Be casual, like this is no big deal for you.
Give them your real name and your real address, email and phone.
After they check you out (because they’re paranoid) and find that your info is correct and you are who you say you are, you will get to know them!
Be sure that you really do because they’ll start calling you, emailing you, texting you, writing you letters…LOL, you’ll know everyone in the org, very quickly!
Again, make sure that you really WANT to know them before you do this!
And it cannot be overstressed: Don’t EVER breathe that you read or post here! Play it cool.
Can you do all of the above?
Be honest with yourself.
If you’re not a good liar, they’ll find you out and you’ll never be allowed in the org again.
Just saying.
Then again, if you CAN play it cool, you can go under cover. You can take a course or two. It will take a while bit at some future point once you gain their trust you might be able to help some people leave.
Certainly it would be an adventure. I’d do it if I could get away with it but I can’t because I’m known. I’m in their system, alas. I was in for 27 years. I’d need to come up with a total fake identity and a disguise. Sherlock lover and detective fiction lover that I am, these are beyond my capabilities. It would be so otherwise easy for me and I’d have so much fun – alas.
Hello Aqua. Very intriguing idea. I’d love to see some people fund a project to pay a detective to go undercover and infiltrate one of their orgs. I wonder how long it would take for them to get enough data to prove that all the horrors of this cult are still in place – despite them swearing up and down that things like “fair game” and “disconnection” no longer exist.
They would need some way to signal the outside world they were done and wanted out once they had enough evidence. I’m not sure of a good way that could work.
But wouldn’t it be nice to have some way to finally prove who is lying and who is telling the truth regarding all of the horrors of this creepy cult?
The standard advice in the protesting community about “infiltrating” a local bOrg is: Don’t!
The horrors of the human rights abuses perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology are well established (check out the submissions by the Co$ in the Monique Rathbun and Laura DeCrescenzo lawsuits and the sworn testimony in the Debbie Cook lawsuit).
In France, there was a TV documentary “Scientologie, la vérité d’un mensonge” which followed someone who was talking to the film makers while starting the local celeb centre. The bOrg quickly dabbled in illegal practise of pharmacy (a crime they got into trouble for ealier), and nothing was done from officialdom.
As to who is telling the truth, just inspect the outcome of the Debbie Cook and Laura D lawsuits.
The first ‘ad’ (“great people doing great things”) REALLY has the ring of having been written by a Scientologist. The phrasing and even some of the specific words are just so . . . culty!
Some things are just elementary simple and require no further discussion or argument. IAS donations are what keep the COS doors open. The churches aren’t viable on their own. If they depended solely on service donations, the organization would have gone bankrupt years ago.
My org couldn’t pay its rent for months and months. The CLO started financing it. We got in a heap of trouble over it. I’m not sure that the IAS got involved in funding.
It’s the same old Hubbard tactics with stats and money. Always pressure for more money from the working class who don’t have it. Save it for Hubbard or dm. Ask for more. Never deliver what they promise but that’s because it’s YOUR fault so raise more money. Now be happy about that! Or you are downtone! Fake the stats to make it look like they are doing their job uplines but the evidence says not! Ugh!!!
One the whales are gone the IAS will suffer greatly
It was rumored The Simpsons might end it’s run soon (and another rumor saying they have been given another 2 year run) but it can’t come fast enough leaving Nancy Cartwright high and dry without a way to fund her $cientology whale nonsense. She should feel utter shame not donating her money to worthy causes instead of a worthless cult. How blind can you be?
I continue not to watch any shows or movies that feature $cientology actor doofuses.
The end of the Simpsons will not be the end of her income from the Simpson’s. She probably makes more from residuals than her current episode payments. And they will go on forever. A TV show that goes into massive syndication reruns is an endless goldmine.
Of course. It didn’t used to be that way when actors got very little in residuals but in The Simpsons era that changed. It’s true Nancy won’t suffer as long as she doesn’t give away too much. Best if she simply woke up from her cult folly. But that’s not likely to happen anytime soon.
If she didn’t wake up when her OT fiance committed suicide, what would it take?
I hope her children reject it, that’s a possibility and a hope. I
Small mammals don’t have a brain big enough in purpose to make it on their own. They leave the planet as a group instead of as individuals.
I’m doing this post with a google translator because I don’t speak English. Please forgive any confusion.
I participated in the Volunteer Minister program.
My job was to recruit 10 people to go out to help the Haiti earthquake.
I got the promise, if you have 10 volunteers, then the IAS will pay for the airline tickets. I did score, but IAS did not give me money for tickets. Instead, they asked me to get the 10 airfare from other Scientologists.
Meanwhile, the IAS has been massively sending out promotions, with the message that “Your donation allows VMs to get out into the disaster-prone area!”
So the people who could give and who I needed to raise a donation didn’t understand why I was applying for a plane ticket because they knew it was funded by the IAS.
About $ 50,000 was raised from our country at an IAS event. However, the IAS did not fund VMs to get to Haiti. Finally, from there we collected enough money for 3 airline tickets and stayed at home for 7 VM.
I have been in contact with people in Haiti and told me that I manage to recruit locals for a VM “seminar” by promising them free food. Then they counted the people and cast the “stat.”
Later, these stats were magnified by another IAS campaign to raise money “A quarter of the Haitian population received a VM service and all of this could not have happened if there were no donations. Take your next step now to help create a better civilization …”
Translation was good and I understand completely.
Thanks for your informative enlightenment.
I too have personal experience with the Volunteer Minister program. It convinced me it is a completely worthless scam. Sorry you got screwed too.
Typical. Please warn as many people as possible about this criminal organization. Maybe your local newspaper would print your story or there is a radio station that will interview you.
Thank you friend Farkas for your testimony. So the bait and switch and straight out lie is how the VMs get bodies. Why am I not surprised.
“A quarter of the Haitian population received a VM service”?
That would be 2.75 million people.
> Know this — the total cash on hand of the IAS has NEVER BEEN LESS ONE WEEK TO THE NEXT. EVER.
Doesn’t this make them seriously upstat? 🙂
Damn right! I can’t wait to get on my first course!
It won’t be too soon in my book for the IRS to yank their exempt status so that these funds go to Legitimate Charitable Institutions and do some Good!
The screen that protects (in apparency) Miscavige with the front groups is very, very thin.
It will break any moment and he will not be able to hide his frauds and crimes any longer.
By the way Miscavige, where is Shelly?
“The screen that protects (in apparency) Miscavige with the front groups is very, very thin.
It will break any moment and he will not be able to hide his frauds and crimes any longer.”
Not only That, SYLVIA, but with more civil suits against them as well as against the jw’s and the catholic church, law enforcement is getting less gun shy about taking a hard stand against these bullies.
360 million dollars…maybe 1/2 a billion. How sad for Bob Duggan that he literally threw this money away. How sad that this money could have done so much good, and instead it was wasted. Totally, utterly wasted. It could have fed, housed, clothed people; it could have healed sick people, educated them, trained them in skills so they could be productive in life, lifted them out of their traps of poverty and ignorance, helped them kick drug addiction, given them hope. And not just the Third Word, either, but needy, desperate, angry, bitter, jobless, hopeless Americans, who, although not starving, are yet committing both fast and slow suicide by eating, drinking, smoking and drugging themselves to premature death. This kind of money – money is just energy, after all – what urgent assistance it could have provided on all dynamics including the environment – our water, air, our soil, animals, fish, birds… So much money, so much energy, so much potential help, wasted. Duggan could have taken all the money and converted it to a pile of cash and then lit a match to it for all the good it did. Sad? No, its not sad, its tragic. This loss, this waste is a tremendous tragedy and one day he will, perhaps, realize and understand this, and become extremely unhappy and depressed.
Even though I’m a NEVER-IN I want to know.