STAND League makes a big deal out of the “ratings” of The Aftermath and A&E. Still at it more than a year after the last episode aired.
This is one of their recent headlines, exhorting Disney to “pull the plug” on A&E.
The hypocrites at STAND proclaim “the audience has spoken and they reject hate speech”…
Actually, the audience spoke and made The Aftermath the biggest hit A&E had when we were airing — though Live PD had higher audience numbers, The Aftermath was their “prestige” show. Emmy nominations across 4 years for 3 seasons and numerous other awards and accolades.
Of course, there are no available statistics for scientology TV, no audience numbers at all. And they would not dare publish them. And they have not been nominated for a single Emmy for anything, nor a Producer’s Award, TV Critics Award or any of the other awards The Aftermath garnered.
So, with nothing on audience or awards, the next best thing is to check out their Alexa Ranking. For those unfamiliar, this is a ranking of websites. Google is #1. There are 369,706 other websites that get more traffic than scientology TV.
It does not give any information about actual audience figures, and it does not reflect who may click on the channel on DirecTV (and ONLY those with DirectTV in the US can access it there, everyone else in the world and anyone in the US without DirecTV must connect through the website whether to watch on a computer or smartcast to their TV).
What Alexa DOES clearly show is the declining interest. I guess the tiny audience they may once have had have spoken and they reject scientology propaganda. Perhaps it’s time for the COB to pull the plug on scientologyTV. The promised mass dissemination with millions flooded onto and up the Bridge has gone the way of every other promise in the history of scientology starting with Clears don’t get colds and have perfect eyesight.
While on Alexa, I also checked out the rankings. This is the big daddy of scientology internet efforts. The umbrella website they try to make their version of “Google”….
How are they doing?
Better than scientology tv, but overall, not so hot. Just holding steady around 100,000 mark in the world and 45,000 in the US.
Still, it’s hard to tell much from this without a comparison. We do know that interest increased for a couple of months and has now tapered off. They spend millions advertising this site. They link hundreds of other sites to it to increase its SEO.
So, here is a comparison. This blog. Just me. No advertising. No team of social media drones. No paid clickfarms.
Just a bit higher internationally. But kicking their ass in the US — they get a lot of traffic from Indonesia and India where there are no orgs, but there are clickfarms.
And I guess the audience has spoken. They want to know more about the REAL scientology — not the propaganda on scientologyTV and
And while I am at it. Some scientology drones are spreading made-up “graphs” on Twitter trying to trash the new Scientology Fair Game podcast. Of course, they are starting to go as crazy about the podcast as they have been about The Aftermath. Rest assured, though iHeart does not publish download numbers, I can tell you they have an expectation for a new podcast to be considered a “hit.” It’s a certain number of downloads in the first three months. Fair Game exceeded that 3 month number in the first 2 weeks and it has been increasing since.
When Dave reads all this, there is going to be hell to pay. The internet unit is going to be downgraded from rice and beans to bread and water….
Mike thank you for fighting against this hideous organization. the show you did and your podcast is validating to my own experiences in evangelical fundamentalism. thank you for speaking out and showing me how cults work. its helped fortify me against my old beliefs and against people who would see me come back to the faith. I’m an athiest now and about 8 months out. I know your focus has to be Scientology, but I hope at some point someone will take a floodlight and expose christian cults like Ywaam, and ATI, and fight against christian nationalism and the NFIB movement.
Of course that “Curious?” ad didn’t work. The demographic they’re after, if curious, first Google it, which armors them against the BS the scientology machine listlessly churns out.
Oops! That’s supposed to read (40 YEARS recovering). So much for typing on my lap. Still “TEARS” works, too.
Around 2008, Anonymous protested the criminal cult of Scientology from censoring the internet. If they could, they would also censor the AFTERMATH.
Scientology would like to decide what you can and cannot see.
They would outdo Kim Jung Un if they could.
Formost, Aftermath’s effects reverberate on. The Aftermath Foundation which the show naturally led to is EXACTLY what I needed when I was ‘beached’ as incapable to doing ANY post at Flog. Please support the foundation any way you can.
scientology requires total information control. If the rubes can’t see any different information, they’ll likely accept anything their “betters” tell them is the truth, leading to reinforcement of their subjects’ inability to think for themselves.
EVERYTHING in scientology feeds into the clams’ unthinkingly obeying orders directed toward them.
The REAL value of the Scientology TV network is simply to pay off people like youtube to promote it and gain leverage. The MINUTE they launched that network my youtube channel got taken down and my website was DDOS attacked. They paid youtube a lot of ad money to promote their network but the main purpose was to throw money at google and make google do what they wanted: destroy my web presence.
As a decades long webmaster I can tell you ALEXA is not the most accurate of internet traffic monitors but is better than nothing. My website has google code in every page that lets google report accurate traffic info. BUT it is available only to me and has no relation to other websites.
Recently I’ve been watching a Hulu series, “The Path.” It is so obviously based on Scientology. I sometimes wonder if Scientologists watch stuff like it but are so far in the bubble that they don’t even recognize it’s identical.
or they say yes this is a good show and a good thing.
In the computerworld ones and zeros exist.
If zeros hadn’t existed number ones hadn’t existed.
A world without ones and zeros is a world filled with human beings coming together.
I’m surprised they haven’t made a Scientology sitcom, there’s a ratings booster right there! Or maybe a “Reality show” following COB around? Come on Dave, give us something we can AT LEAST joke about!
No one would BELIEVE the stuff that happens in the scn world, so couldn’t relate to a show about it; a sure ratings-killer. I’m astounded that Leah et al could build a show about scn that people COULD relate to, thus giving Aftermath the standing it has. That was superb engineering, a blow that shook Davey to the core, soiling his tiny little diapers and wasting good expensive whiskey against random walls.
The new emerging cult that is gaining speed is QAnon. Conspiracy theories started this movement, now there are groups that are using the Bible to interpret the conspiracies. The numbers are growing, and they also have violent tendencies. They seem to have started as political but now “churches” are forming.
How do these cults get so many followers? Does the group target certain people? I know when I was in my late teens the Scientology group near my home tried (and almost succeeded) to get me to join, one of the ways was to tell me I would find myself while helping others. I was a target because I truly was lost, it must have showed in my mannerisms. Thank goodness for my friends that although we’re bad influences for me they saved me from Scientology!!
I’m listening to your podcast Fair Game everyone that has been made available I have listened to. Great podcast.
Same with me. Love it!
Spewing Trash And Never-ending Derangement.
I can almost see Demented Microbe standing at the bow of the Fartsarefreedwind waving a bottle of scotch as it sails out of a harbour only to be knocked over the side by a low bridge called “mikerindersblog, Alexa rating 92,206.”
scientology NEVER deals with reality, only imagination and delusion. They CAN’T deal with their own situation, so have to attack everyone else who IS doing something real.
Fantastic! I used to hear in the SO “stats talk BS walks”.
Well it fully applies. Internet stats tell clearly the real situation.
DM can punish anybody he wants but he has ok’ed any single frame of this flop called scn TV, Meanhile they are still collecting donations around the world (new era as well bridge as publication orgs have units that reg money for SMP).
I looked at the scn TV and honestly there must be some survey work missing. Or is enough DM viewpoint to ok the all crap?
The scn fair game podcast episodes so far are excellent and very well done and give data and informations that people really want. Real stuff not filtered talks.
This makes me absurdly happy! Especially the news about the podcast. It’s 2020. I get my jollies where I can.
Scientology is like an old ship that is so shelled (by truth) that it will never set sail again. Captain Dave is in hiding, the crew are being held by any means possible and a handful of what can be laughing called “PRs” are standing on the deck with water up to their ankles saying that “all is well”.
Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic –
You can actually see how many people watch by checking their Periscope and Facebook streams (they stream on Periscope, Facebook, Youtube and their site/apps). I reckon 0 people/hour watch on apps or the Scientology TV website, periscope seems to average around 18 when it’s on in the afternoon (this is people who click it, watch for maybe 2 minutes, and close the app (from all over the globe)), Facebook around 10/hour. Youtube is going to be less than FB if I’d guess: It has a live chat (I don’t post, I don’t have a Youtube account) and it gets maybe 3 people posting in there an hour tops, 2/3 being trolls.
Evil Clone, I believe most of their traffic from intentional clicks is from us SPs out here curious as to whether it could be THAT bad.
Short answer: it’s even WORSE than you’ve heard.
Flashy Video Tech, short on substance. I watched 5 min. of it, got bored. Waste of time.
David M as “Mr. Roger’s Evil Twin”……
“Now minions…’s time for you to turn your pockets inside out as you stand right in front of me so I can see if you truly do NOT have any money on you…..or check book with available funds/credit cards….or stock/bonds/retirement or college fund/jewelry/gold teeth/car to sell/life insurance (your life is worth shit anyway).
I have got to do more advertising to sell our COS TV programs & THAT TAKES MONEY….YOUR MONEY.
“Naaahh….don’t worry…those men standing around you will do you no harm as long as you cooperate FULLY with my request…..have a beautiful day in the neighborhood”.
For anyone who remembers the Goons, a British alternative comedy group in the 1950s, I quote Major Dennis Bloodnock “Open your wallets and say after me HELP YOURSELF”
Dwarfenführer’s idea of ‘beautiful’ is a deposit slip to one of his accounts with LOTS if zeroes to the right side of the total line.
I was looking forward to setting up the “Death Museum of Scientology” in Clearwater. But the popularity of Scientology is declining too fast. Too bad. I really like the Beach.
George, the “Death Museum of Scientology” would only appeal to we who knew the people, which in my case would be a way to find out what happened to some of the friends left behind when I put clearwater in my rear-view mirrors.
The problem is that I might be overcome with tears, something scientology very carefully trained OUT of me.
good point
Miscavige has too much hubris invested in $cieno TV. He’ll never pull the plug. But at least some of the disconnected might see their kidnapped family members on it. That may be their core audience.
Davey has gone all-in on the debacle which is scn”TV”. IF he ever pays attention or sees the real stats AND has a definite goal, a purpose for producing the schlock, he’ll have something ELSE to blame on others’ “incompetence” which is solely his responsibility. He won’t recognize the hubris as he is ALWAYS right, no one is a tenth as capable as he is.
You can also get the Scientology TV channel on the Roku streaming appliance. Probably also true of TVs that are Roku-based.
Can’t figure out why you would want to do that, but it is possible.
Scientology TV has the same effect as real Scientology, leaves you woozy and not sure exactly what just happened.
Just because you can use computer-generated full-motion effects doesn’t mean you should use them for every single frame. Like sitting down for dinner and finding your plate full of candy corn. (Brach’s Turkey Dinner anyone?)
After we heard about the documentary film-makers that were snookered into showing their films on the Scientology channel, I looked for them but couldn’t find anything but repurposed event videos and scrapings from the Division 6 indoctrination stations.
It is must be hard to break into the documentary film market, with mountains of competition from well-financed propaganda outlets like PBS, CNN etc. To be promised a slot on a skanky cult channel and then only be scheduled for one showing a week, not streamed, adds insult to injury. You would get a lot more views on YouTube.
I found the show on A&E very interesting. The fact that Scientology BULLIED the IRS still baffles. AND still doing so. There has to be big time payoffs somewhere. Keep up the fight, job well done and thank you.
Especially since they no longer have the strength needed to bully the IRS.
Ever since The Aftermath show, have you noticed that Mike & Leah have taken a great deal of wind out of their sails? Seems to me they are now like a turtle and somewhat afraid to stick their head too far out of their shell – for fear that someone will finally chop it off.
Seriously though, it seems pretty clear they no longer are fearless in “Fair Gaming” anyone and everyone. They still engage in fair gaming. But they really seem to be much more cautious in the way they proceed.
Sadly skeletons can fall out of ANY closet…& the IRS as “Government Officials” have many very LARGE DEEP WALK IN CLOSETS where I am sure many skeletons are hung.
Sadly, as I’ve found out watching, reading, listening to all the Aftermaths…read news articles, books…..they IRS HAD no other choice but to bend over backwards & take it “up the butt” to grant them “immunity” so to speak.
As time marches on those closets are fuller now, many more skeletons hiding from the light of day fearing exposure. It matters NOT if “the person or department” is dead, i.e. long gone…for ANY secrets they carried with them to their grave…to have THOSE deep dark secrets exposed…….you can imagine what that would bring with it. ALL churches should PAY TAXES…..what’s fair is fair…
ADD TO IT ANY & ALL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS SHOULD BE INCLUDED…….”the church building itself,….training sites, schools/classroom/even IDLE MORGES.
Yup, YouTube would be a better venue for the poor ripped-off documentary filmmakers who were conned into supporting scnTV by supplying Dwarfenführer with REAL, possibly professional-level content. Not that I’ll ever see any of it. I had DirecTV years ago and switched away from it as soon as a different option showed up. Maybe I’ll get Dish, not Directv if I find myself ‘WAY off the grid some year.
Bruce, I WON’T be investing ROKU for that reason.
The last place I would look for Truth of any kind on any subject including Scientology would be from a Scientology website, blog or org…..
People in The Bubble believe they’re “The most ethical people on the planet”, but in fact they’re the most insane.
True, otherles. First, they accept unchallenged the redefinition of ethics to be discipline and punishment, and accept that what they learned Ethics was before scn is null and void, that all laws and social conventions *should* be broken as necessary to accomplish Command Intention. All “wog” laws are supposed to be insane, and all of Tubby’s proclamations the height of sanity and wisdom. Talk about a complete inversion!
In addition, what you accomplished this week is NEVER good enough. Next week, you have to do even better or suffer the consequences. That’s a game you can never win.
I expect the Internet Unit are going to be sent to ‘The Hole’s Hole’ any day now…
PartTimeSP, those in the internet unit were doomed from the start of their posting since they were always going to be limited by how accomplished Davey is in the field. Anytime they seem to be a bit better than him, he has to knock them down a peg or two and make them re-do it all over again to his standards.
Poor slaves.
I’ve always thought that what they write is only for the benefit of the Dwarfenfuhrer. They show him what they wrote and he pats them on the head (or kicks them in the ass as the mood befalls him) and they are happy. They don’t care about anyone else and it would seem that no one else much cares about them.
You have it right Skyler. Every frame they show is approved by Dave. Though they claim to want to reach the general public, they just don’t know how.
If Scientology worked, and Dave actually used it, he would really be the super-genius he thinks he is.
Then every overwrought Shermanated syllable that leaks from his orifice would strike paralyzing fear into the hearts of his enemies and inspire joyous rejoicing in the hearts of his followers. Ordinary folks would flock to his channel. Peace and freedom would spread throughout the land. Prosperity, sanity and free donuts would succor all.
Instead the general public reaction is scorn and laughter. Or worse, indifference. That’s what really drives him crazy and inspires him to pour endless cash into these ever-more-frantic but Ouroboros-style public outreach programs.
The problem can’t be him, or the general silliness of real Scientology, or his many crimes. He thinks he just isn’t shouting loud enough. Somehow it never occurs to him that even the loudest noises in an echo chamber are never heard in the real world.
Lovely analogy about the echo chamber Bruce!
Bruce rules!
> If Scientology worked, and Dave actually used it, he would really be the super-genius he thinks he is.
I disagree on this point, but more because Scientology never promises it can make a thetan more than they innately are.
(Separately, the whole Scientology IQ test is a joke. I score 157 on it, three points below the max it supposedly could test for. Later found out that putting “F” for gender means an automatic -3. Being an exceptional test-taker does not really make me a genius, and absolutely not on some higher-than-Einstein level. Average Scientologist scores lower, maybe gains a couple points over time as they do the test over and over.)
That’s one of the reasons why slavery is an uneconomical source of manpower.
Yes, it’s a darned shame that A&E focused on informing their audience of criminal behavior, which The Aftermath also focused on. How dare they?!
This makes me SO proud! WE are being Heard and Followed. Without advertising. No drivel here…. Just facts and actual experiences. Love it!
Yeah, but Mike is cheating. He is telling the TRUTH! How can anyone argue with the truth.
STANDs bullshit is about as believable as Saddam Hussein’s minister saying that there was no American Army anywhere near Baghdad on the day it surrendered when you can clearly hear shells exploding nearby.
scientology can never deal with reality and truth. They’re forbidden from taking an honest look around themselves, for fear they’ll wake up and “blow”. Taking that honest look is what led to the depression that ultimately got me “beached” with only what I was wearing and what I had in my pockets.
Yup, d lawless. Way out here on the “far fringes” of the InterwebZ, this tiny group can produce sea changes and fear in the core of that evil enterprise which has essentially unlimited money to spend on whatever *he* wants.
Love the download news.
Thanks for having the show available, I’ll keep downloading!
As usual, we can take what scientology is saying and know that the exact opposite is true. The ‘most ethical group on the planet’ doesn’t have a clue outside the bubble…it’s like they exist in a parallel universe. But perhaps all their bullshit is for the bubble dwellers and whales. They are deluded if they think STAND, or any of their other ‘entities’ has any credibility in the real world.
Zola, you could have stopped with “They are deluded.”and pierced the heart of the truth of it.
Zola, it’s not LIKE they’re in a parallel universe, they ARE in a parallel universe of their own creation, which exists only because of their agreement with its existence, its laws, its false history,and its insanities. It evaporates like a soap bubble as soon as they see through the deception, actually percieve the real world and step through into freedom.