Hurricane Leah is blowing scientology’s house down and their only response is to send legal threat letters, create “WhoIs” smear sites and put up a webpage with their extremely lame response.
Here is their “handling” for the relentless storm surge that is swamping their leaking lifeboat.
I have commented previously about their responses, this article addresses the statement above (this is the SAME response they have had on their website forever as even more of their dirty laundry keeps tumbling out, this is apparently the best they can do) and this is another article where I address their statements about me sentence by sentence.
The responses from scientology are evidence of a lot of what is being said on the show. They do not respond to specifics they only try to smear individuals and practice Fair Game. For a primer on the scientology policy on how they must deal with “critics” (enemies), read this article: Dealing with Critics of Scientology: the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
But I want to raise another point.
This is the page of “spokespeople” from the scientology website:
Not a single one of them is willing to go on camera and dispute or try to respond in any way to what is being covered every week on this show.
Believe me, the church was asked repeatedly for specific people to appear, and just generally for ANYONE to appear. Crickets.
Of course there are letters that go out in Karin Pouw’s name. She doesn’t write them. But her name is on them. But she has not been seen on camera for a decade or more.
Bob Adams is completely invisible, so too Nick Banks and Tracie Parker. They are simply ghosts.
Erin Banks does local puff PR pieces for the opening of ideal orgs and sometimes introduces the great man himself on stage for the Ideal Org openings. But no questions about anything other than where the marble comes from for the reception desk or “tell me about the community activities of the church.” She is the pedigreed offspring of a whale and a Guardian Office spy, young, attractive and speaks American — qualities poor Karin can never have so she will always be doomed to be the shadow in the shadows.
Since the demise of Tommy “I’m Angry” Davis, Dave has not had anyone he trusts to deal with the media on behalf of scientology, other than his non-scientology consigliere Muffins Monique Yingling. But even she was not sent forth with her basket of freshly baked goodies for Leah’s show.
But, the REAL omissions are two-fold.
First, where is Heber Jentzsch? The President of the Church of Scientology International has been “disappeared.” Like so many others, from Shelly Miscavige to Ray Mithoff (the “Senior C/S International” entrusted by L. Ron Hubbard to “take care of the tech”) and Guillaume Lesevre (Executive Director International of scientology — supposed to “wear the hat” of L. Ron Hubbard in the administration of scientology), Heber Jentzsch vanished from sight and nobody apparently has the rank to answer where he is. He was the spokesperson for scientology for decades. There is no new President of CSI (just like there is no new Snr CS Int or ED Int – no other posts in scientology are important so long as “COB” of RTC is around) and you cannot even find a mention of the President of CSI on their website any more. What is the story with Heber and why no President of the church?
But more significantly, where IS David Miscavige?
Why won’t he speak up? He is the undisputed leader of scientology. He alone knows how to do everything better than anyone else. He considers himself the master of controlling the media (“I won Ted Koppel an Emmy because my interview was so good”). He single handedly brought the U.S. Government to its knees. Yet his dinghy is sinking and he is too scared to be made fun of that he cannot step out of the bubble and speak up on behalf of what he proclaims is man’s only hope for eternal life. Scientologists believe themselves to be the masters of communication and the master of Public Relations. David Miscavige is the ultimate scientologist (just ask any current scientologist who epitomizes the ideal of their species and 100% will respond “COB”) – yet David Miscavige is demonstrating that L. Ron Hubbard and scientology do NOT have the answers to dealing with a “few SP’s” who are making up lies for fame and fortune. And Miscavige is content for scientology to be torn to pieces and destroyed by “lies” and he says nothing?
This is perhaps the greatest indictment of scientology’s unworkability.
They are being overwhelmed and cowered into hiding by a “failed actress,” a “wife beater” and a “cast of admitted liars”.
Here is just a sampling of coverage from yesterday. It’s not looking good for Dave. It ranged from the Washington Post and USA Today to US Magazine and the Daily Mail.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
I find it appalling and laughable (if it wasn’t so serious and horrific a problem) that the “Church” of Scientology is bashing and defaming every single person who left the “Church”, all of whom have “beat and assaulted and cheated and lied” against people, members, and the “Church”, but most of whom were held in high esteem while IN the “Church”, were trained and groomed BY the “Church”, said “Church” who now is bashing them and discrediting them ALL…….ALL OF THEM are lying. No “Church” I have ever been to would do that to current or former members. Shameful. Are they embarrassed yet??? Great job, Leah and Mike and all other former members. Sorry for all of your losses. Amazing how intelligent people can be so taken in by the desire to help and be a part of something good so bad that they trust the wrong people. The children that were allowed to leave their parents and family for Sea Org — that actually makes me want to cry and vomit. Sickening. And there are still so many there!!!!! Talk about a RACKET!!!! How much money people have poured into this organization and gave up their lives and families. Truly SHAMEFUL on the part of Scientology. I have the L. Ron Hubbard book. So glad I was too busy living my life and socializing with my family and work to actually finish reading it. Lucky for me!!!
Leaving a cult is incredibly traumatic. ‘Escaping’ Scientology is mind blowing to me. Are there support groups available for these people ? Or is the answer no because the Scientology SS will surely appear ?
I was once part of a metaphysically based group that I now consider a ‘cult’. Traumatic events caused me to depart and as a result I sought counseling. The therapist felt I was having a nervous breakdown as he helped to ‘deprogram’. Gather with those who have left Scientology and share your stories together. This will help you learn to trust yourself and others, which leads to healing. The worst aspect of these ‘cults’ is that they con good people who genuinely wish to assist humanity. Several years after I left the cult group, I realized that no one will ever treat me like that again. Ever. Therefore I learned a great lesson. I also learned a great secret. The secret that Scientology and groups like it will never tell you is… there is no secret. They can’t afford to let you in on that simple fact because it would negate their income and power. Spiritual truth is available to all and comes free of charge. If a group claims to have all the answers you need, walk the other way. Read, study and decide what works for you. Spiritual enlightenment is not for sale nor the exclusive domain of any man or woman.
Here here! Well said!
No magic pill. No easy way. Even the things that work don’t prevent life from being “LIFE”… We all need help. And there is no person, org, religion, philosophy, or therapy that has a MONOPOLY on THE way to get it or to get through life. <3
For years I have wanted to know more about this so called religion. Thanks to you and Leah, it’s now coming to light.
It’s just so sad that it won’t reach the people in this cult so that they will finally be able to see what is truly going on.
Mr Rinder…I hope you are right that it’s gone in 50 years or less.
Keep up the great work you all are doing to make people aware.
You know, Mike, you raise a point that I have wondered about for a long time. Why in the world is it that the media does not ask about Heber? He is in fact the president of the Church of Scientology, and it seems reasonable to expect that he would be available for comment or interview. But even more so, David Miscavige is the designated leader of scientology, but he is never available for any kind of media. The video packages the cult produces never have him on camera speaking directly to the viewer or the public — just shots of his badly-scripted speeches. Hell, he is not ever even caught on camera in incidental ways as he travels the world going about his so-called “ecclesiastical duties”.
Even more bizarre is the way the COS makes every effort to prevent Miscavige from being seen by the public even at big open-air events and speeches, as if he is just to special to be seen by ordinary eyes. (As in, eyes of people who have not given all of their money to the IAS) It is very strange and it begs inquiry, IMO. The press hears stories about Miscavige that make your hair stand on end, but no one really leans on the question of why the leaders of the cult are never seen or heard. As your article makes very clear, even the spokespeople are never seen, and they only make statements in print. Again, very strange. It seems like something a reporter would pursue.
Agreed on all points. The media SHOULD be asking about this…
Better yet, why is the FBI and DOJ not looking into the abuses by a”church” on children? Did they not put the whole weight of the government on David Koresh for the very same issues? It defies logic that these stories are being told about children and people being held against their will by a “church,” but nothing is being done. What can we normal citizens do to get our government looking into this cult?
Unfortunately Koresh is probably the very reason they won’t. The legal fallout and public relations Chernobyl from that put the DOJ and FBI off this sort of thing. Even when they scooped the children away from FLDS it wasn’t well received. Scientology may be a husk of its former self but it still has enough money and lawyers to give law enforcement a big fight that the government may not win.
Mike & Leah, The logic would seem to indicate that none of them want to be “reachable” because they fear being approached with THIS statement: “Mr. David Miscavige, we have a warrant for your arrest”…….it’s as simple as that.
Wish there were some kind of FBI sponsored volunteer undercover group that could infiltrate the membership all over the country – for there would be thousands of volunteers willing to do this. We would have to not have any already family connections – I will contact the FBI myself to see if they could put together something. My family involved with CIA intelligence so will check those sources too.
“where IS David Miscavige” Splitting his time between his three million-dollar mansions, while getting new $5,000 suits every week and eating $300 meals each day. Not bad for someone whose salary is $200,000 a year, or whatever.
Wake Up all you people in scientology…what church threatens you with the disconnect of your family…every church i know of embraces community, family and charity and helping your fellow man…not mental and physical abuse, beatings, rape and very much more….i am a catholic but if Miscavige steps onto public property i have no problem taking one for the team UFC style
Pls post a quick notice on this blog when the UFC smack down is about to go down. I need popcorn and a front row seat?
You know, I’ve read some of the Indie sites, and I think one of my favorite parts of them is how Dazed Miscarriage is an abject failure by the standards of Scientology. Stats are down, he’s running a police state (LRH actually said that if someone is declaring people like it is going out of style, the guy in charge is the real SP), and he violates their sacred tech. It’s like the Pope shacking up with a whore, then making her have an abortion while tossing the bread and wine in the toilet, or a radical imam sleeping with man while downing pork chops and beer. It’s a blatant betrayal of all the reasons people actual gave him money and power.
The real problem is that the LRH playbook is meant for dealing with critics who are wrong (or at least technically incorrect) about the church. It fails utterly when exposed to people like Mike and Leah and their many guests, who can present truthful narratives convincingly. How can they refute this? No opposition research will be able to clamp down on this.
So people who are wrong in their judgements of Scientology should be lied, trick, sued into oblivion or destroyed.
Are you kidding?
The spokespersons may well have semi under ground as front group PRs and OSA missionaires working on creating cubes aka useful idiots.
I suggest one thing we can do is rout them out by promoting to community leaders the Leah and Mike’s typhoon and Hurricane combination.
Thank you for shining the light on a church we have little to no knowledge on. Thank you for being honest and openning the publics eyes to a world unknown of. I look forward to many more episodes. Being raised a JW I had to excape in fear yet I did do it. Best thing I ever did.
Robyn these two are just a bunch of cry babies! They never had to work for minimum wage. Work on a job that they hated or anything. They are trashing all the discipline and training they got . Crazy!
Hey, I worked at a Scientology org, for BELOW minimum wage, which is the norm, right? I guess I was donating my time to the “church” and believed I was sacrificing for the good of mankind. Lived in government housing. Feel so sorry for those still duped by the lies of Scn lies like I was.
Ms. Remini worked like a slave while growing up in Scientology, and lived in filthy conditions. Read about her childhood before attacking her.
Mike was physically abused. Several times.
Spokespeople my arse. I haven’t heard of any of them except Karin, and I’ve never seen her. I’ve seen Heber on TV more than all of them combined, and the last time must have been 20 years ago.
Where the hell is Heber? Where the hell is Shelly?
I’m very afraid they are not in good shape – All COB had to do was have them simply attend His precious New Year event and everyone would have shut up about where they were. And He didn’t.
I am just honestly wondering: Do Scientologists and former Scientologists realize that they use a vocabulary that the rest of us don’t use? For us Never-Been-a-Scientologists, it’s hard to follow what many of you are saying, because you use phrases and words that the rest of us don’t use at all, or you use common words to mean something different than we are used to. I am able to follow some of it because I have done a lot of reading about Scientology, mostly testimonials from former members.
Examples: (1) your meaning of “tech” is probably closer to our meaning of “technique” than “technology”. We consider technology to be electronic gadgets, but you use it to mean techniques of dealing with others and dealing with problems. (At least, I think that’s what you mean.)
(2) “I had wins with…” You use that to mean that you feel you improved yourself or improved some area of your life. The rest of us just don’t use that phrase at all.
(3) Of course, “suppressive person.” We do not use that at all, and we really don’t even use the word suppressive.
(4) “Disconnect.” Non-Scientologists might say they are “estranged” from a family member or from their whole family. They would never say, “I’m disconnected” or “He disconnected” or “I’m going to have to disconnect”. We might just say something like, “I’m never speaking to him again” or “We don’t speak any more.”
(5) All of your abbreviations and shortened words. “Flag” for flagship office, “SP”, “KR”, and all other acronyms Scientologists use. The rest of the world uses acronyms only occasionally. Scientologists use them all the time.
(6) Specific words like “engram”, “rundown”, “clear”, etc. Non-Scientologists probably have no idea what you mean by those words.
Anyway, I am just truly wondering if Scientologists realize that no one else talks this way, or has any idea what they mean.
(Or are Scientologist only talking to other Scientologists 99% of the time, so it doesn’t matter?)
Indeed, it’s very acronym heavy. I have no background in Scientology, either, however in the last few months I’ve read several books. I suddenly feel pretty well-versed in the terms, so if the subject interests you, I’d encourage you to pick up any one of the survivor’s stories to get a crash course in the terminology. It truly is mind-boggling that they speak this way! I thought Jenna Hill’s book in particular laid all of the seemingly endless acronyms out really well, but Remini’s book also does a nice job without being confusing.
Check out Arnie Lerma´s website and peruse the tons of information he has posted about scientology and its history. I´d recommend Jon Atack´s Open Minds Foundation website as well.
Ever listened to a couple of sailors or soldiers talking. They speak in another language too. If you wish to research the subject you’ll have a little study to do, otherwise you seem to expect the world has to change for you to understand it. Hubbard made a big thing out of originating new words and/or altering the meaning of common words so his subject would not be confused or interpreted as something it is not. It’s different but not impossible. Being inpatient makes things tough to comprehend.
If you Google “glossary of Scientology terms”, you’ll find a number of websites that explain the terminology in detail. The website at is a good place to start.
In any “technology”, there will be a vocabulary developed which “outsiders” can barely – if at all – comprehend. There’s hardly anything new about that. (Try sitting down, without a tech background, and try to read and assimilate a couple of pages on the subject of encryption. Or something as prosaic as auto engine repair. You’ll be lost very quickly.) You can probably get most of the meanings by googling for the Scientology Dictionary. And here on the blog – as on other scio blogs – posters are not going to constantly define their words for the new readers. (Mike, more than most, continues to define and redefine terms.) If you really want to follow these stories, you’ll have to do a bit of homework for yourself, as Jen has done above. (I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say they were “estranged” from an organization.)
Scientology *does* deliberately use “different” words for things. It’s a way they set themselves off as being “different”. Hubbard set it up that way. But there’s nothing really unique in most of it and, if you were in the group, you’d “get” most of it in the first one or two months.
The thought just struck me that, being older than most on these blogs, I can’t understand a quarter (if that) of what the current teens and twenties are saying to each other. Totally different language than the one I grew up with. LOL
Hahaha too true on the language of the kids today
Like you Kristen, I’m new to all this. For several weeks now I have only thought scientology. Read everything and also picking up Leah’s books tomorrow at Cosco which is more reading material and then reading the blogs inbetween
Hang in there. Soon enough you’ll be a walking talking fire breathing defender
As for me. Going to watch the rest of the Canada game. Go Canada go
Then read some more
The answer to your question is that they generally do realize how their lingo sets them apart from the general public, but they *want* to feel set apart from the masses. From those they view as ignorant “wogs” (another term that scientology has bastardized, an outdated racial slur they use to refer to those who are not in the cult) at best or “degraded beings” or “suppressive” at worst. They would say that the reason you don’t know what they are talking about is because you need to get with the program and learn what scientology teaches.
What many of those still in, and some exes as well, DO NOT realize is just how bizarre and culty it seems to ther rest of the world when they use their made-up terms or misuse more commonly known terms in ways that do not make any sense outside the context of Ron’s writings.
In many ways, it is like any kind of in-group with specialized knowledge. Doctors use lingo that non-physicians might not be familiar with or understand at all. But generally the lingo doctors use does not come across as strange, just unfamiliar and specialized. In the case of scientology, the lingo tends to have a bizarre pseudo-scientific and pseudo-military quality to it that raises eyebrows because it seems strange on the surface, and they are oblivious to this in general.
Specialized language understood only by insiders is a standard aspect of cults. Alanzo, who runs a scn blog, once posted a topic called “How to Stop Thinking and Feeling with Scientology”. A large part of that post was replacing scio-speak with King’s English! Laughter
I occasionally use scio-speak on the blogs just for fun! It keeps me “in comm” with other ex scn-ists.
Brian, your 2 posts at 9:44 am and 10:20 am are very true and profound. I read them twice and read them to others. Having grown up with David Miscagive from when he joined at 16 years old and having worked directly with LRH for 22 years as his messenger I say “well spoken!!”.
Miscavige emulated Hubbard because he had the same streak of evil in him and was willing to continue the harsh and brutal treatment of others that LRH started, others did not have that same drive nor inclination.
A few years after David Miscavige became a messenger I put a written quote in his in box regarding treating others with compassion as I saw it was something he was extremely lacking. Instead of reading it and hopefully learning something from it he spent the ENTIRE day going all over the base with Mark Yager by his side (they were puppy dog friends at the time) and asked every single person on the base if they put this article in his in box. He did not quit until he had asked everyone, I was the last person he asked and when I told him yes I had put it in his in box he was ready to explode and asked “why”. I was very calm in my response so that he wouldn’t explode and just kept it simple “because I thought it was an excellent article and you might like it”…… he looked very confused and walked away, not sure if I was implying something or what…..
LRH would yell and scream at people all day long, denigrate them, RPF them and sec check people for months on end, but David Miscavige has taken it to a whole new level with physical beatings in addition to heavy denigration, RPFing and sec checking.
This ties in with LRH’s quote on brainwashing:
….”The only reason brainwashing works the way the commies do it is because they make people do self-criticism…. but they make them think-think-think-think-think in their heads…. Figure-figure harder, figure-figure harder, and they just keep reducing their havingness (taking things away), reducing their havingness, reducing their havingness….”
L. Ron Hubbard “Auditing Techniques…” January 1957
This is the Sea Org exactly. When he first wrote it in 1957 that was 10 years before the Sea Org started and he was still developing his exact brand for controlling and enslaving others, then he eventually used that along with many other “traps” to complete the picture, such as “the only reason a person blows (leaves the Sea Org) is due to overts and witholds (transgressions they have committed)….. but when David Mayo wrote LRH on the ship that he disagreed with this and that it was an upset with the organization that this certain person wanted to leave, LRH then wrote David Mayo and Bill Franks a “secret” letter in response stating that David was correct about that but never to let that word get out as he would lose all his staff and all his public…… hence the trap was completed !! With the strong purpose of “saving the planet” people were willing to follow, but we were truly being enslaved ourselves and at the same time denied family and those who cared about us. It was important to get rid of this “family” thing that kept taking his staff and public. He was a master at psychology and manipulation.
LRH codified and created this monster machine that David Miscavige has since hi-jacked and used for his own personal gain, power and self-gratification after destroying and taking out all of his peers that were more compassionate and caring towards others. Most of those that have left are very good, hard-working, caring individuals from the very top level of the church management, anybody still on the inside reading this – ask yourself “why are all of these hundreds of people leaving”?…… maybe there is some truth to what they are saying…… Can hundreds be wrong or is it maybe the one ruthless leader on the inside that truly is beating up people, terrorizing staff to keep them quiet and Disconnecting families so as to keep his crimes from becoming public? Ask yourself these questions, that’s what we did when we left 27 years ago and things were not nearly as bad back then as they are now……
Miscavige has gotten away with this for a very long time as he is a “Master at Deception”, but now I am sure he is driving himself insane with his accumulated crimes on his fellow human beings.
I am glad Leah and Mike are next delving into the grand multi-million dollar “Music Man” events that Miscavige puts on as these are the tool, smoke and mirrors that keep the sheep close and keep the money rolling in to fill his battle funds so he can keep fighting the enemies that he continues to create.
In the right hands this organization could have been a great thing.
Terri Gamboa
One of the 4 original Commodore’s Messengers on the ship
Former Commanding Officer Commodore’s Messenger Org
Former Executive Director Author Services Inc (Hubbards’ business management company) for almost 10 years
Holder of 1 of only 6 issued LRH Diamond Pin awards to “Most Highly Trusted top staff” by LRH
LRH appointed Lifetime Trustee of the top church level (Lifetime status kept hidden by Miscavige who was supposed to implement this)
Kudos to you Terri. Thanks for telling your story and speaking out.
Thank you so much for this post Terri. So informative. I scour these blogs looking for gems like this.
Thank you for your wise words!
Wow Terri, this is powerful!! ……you are just putting it right out there! I will back up everything Terri says here. DM is running a complete deception and now the veil is being lifted. WAKE UP to those of you who are still buying into all of this. And really SHAME ON YOU for not opening your eyes. I know that many of the still ins are not so bloody stupid, but they just absolutely refuse to LOOK, or just bury their “knowingness” inside, hoping that the ship will right itself, it will not! A few of these “still-ins” have told me in the past that they “know” something is not right, and they don’t care what management is doing etc. etc…..but it’s the tech. They have to stay for the tech…….well the tech is not even what is used to be, it has been changed…..there are also no new OT levels, so what is the point……just LEAVE and if you are so attached to the tech, there are most probably WAY better auditors who are not even part of the church anymore, who are delivering LRH tech, not DM tech.
Terri, the Church of Scientology is like an old story half remembered. First the church explains in various of their publications and communications the tremendous asset that Leah Remini is to the church, then the church explains to the media how and why they could not wait to get rid of Leah. Which is it? 🙂 I have known Leah’s mom Vicki since I was 18 and she is a person I would be proud to live next door to and have over for coffee. 🙂
This is basically a “mic drop” post. Scientologists would do well to absorb the views stated here and take care to consider her freaking qualifications. L Ron Hubbard is the sacred cow for so many but true resolution of the problem is impossible unless actual source is considered, and Hubbard IS the source of yesterdays Scientology problem with Miscavige simply superimposed over the top in the here and now. Which is why true reform is impossible unless you consider giving a lobotomy while also doing a heart transplant. I’m afraid the patient would never recover.
That was one very powerful and articulate post Terri. Thank you.
I was especially intrigued by the ‘Auditing Techniques’ reference, I have not seen that before. It’s a potent reminder that Hubbard was about as far from his claim to be an incarnation of the Buddha as there could possibly be (Hymn of Asia). It’s my understanding that basic Buddhist meditation techniques do just the opposite of what he was describing here as brainwashing methods. There is no self-criticism, think-think or figure-figure in any meditation instruction.
Brainwashing goes on at all levels in scientology starting with one’s first O/W write up. It gets worse and worse the more one ‘progresses’ up the ‘bridge to total freedom’. It’s bad enough if you are a public person, if you’re on staff it’s way worse. Confession doesn’t have to be this way, but scientology uses it to manipulate and control. I don’t think any ex, fence sitter or utr here would despute that.
Wow, Terri, what a powerful statement – thank you.
Terri, Thank you so much for speaking up. You and Lowie…your comments are so important and meaningful to me and for those who have been around for decades. They expose more truth that we have been needing.
Mike and Leah, and everyone involved…thank you! Such an impact you are creating!
When I began to withdraw from the cherch, about a decade ago, I felt like…what is wrong with me? Am I the only one? I discovered Marty’s blog, Village Voice, and that some of my friends were reading too…and more people speaking out as the years progressed. I love the SP Times articles and I dreamed of the day when the BS would be exposed on a VERY wide, public forum. I would open up to read the blogs everyday, hoping for that headline of massive exposure. And now it is here! Wow. Dreams DO come true. 🙂 I know there is a ways to go to the next headline dream of Captain Miscavige being arrested, but…all good…in due time. I do think it will happen.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. You have given me strength and have helped me to open some eyes of the people I love the most.
Terri.. it is so great to have you posting the above. Thank you for the new information more light is shone on the inner workings of LRH, the less I can assign to him any crumb of humanitarian intentions. It was all about $$ and power.. right from the git go. He was a debased man. I saw it and felt it when i first saw his portrait in the first org I ever entered.. but the need for a like minded family, to belong and to “help”, were much stronger than my very accurate intuition. So your words and the work of Leah and Mike et al, all the exposure, but particularly information from the ship days.. is extremely helpful to me. Thank you very much.
Thanks Terri. And thanks for sharing you up close analysis of your years with Hubbard and in so deep.
Please fee free telling more stories with analysis. It’s intriguing.
Maybe Mike can have Terri do a blog. If that suits you both.
Great that you are speaking out and sharing what you experienced.
Communism also denigrates the family, as the State is the parent and provides education, work, everything. …..except love and overall well being. Only the top few who control the masses have the wealth, comforts, enough food, etc off the backs of the people who are really slaves to the State and create wealth for the State – the top few who have all the power.
Thank you Terri for the great post and info about LRH.
I hope you and Freddie had a great Christmas and are happy!
Terri Gamboa where can I read your account of leaving Scientology? You were high ranking. What was you Aha moment?
This just in: On BBC news there is a story about Tom Cruise’s scream becomes ringtone. Check it out at
Just. Keep. Going. Good work!!!! And I will watch prior to commenting in the future. I appreciated Lisa McPherson being mentioned. I do think it commands more air time. Curious also if the loss of John Travoltas young son had anything to do with poor practices regarding seeking medical care that seem to be encouraged by Scientology. All best to you.
Coming in late on today’s comments, but…if I were given the job by Miscavige to deal with the onslaught of Leah and Mike, I would ask for 50 million dollars – then I would go about spending it on actual social betterment, disaster relief, feeding starving children, etc. etc. I would not try to handle any of the bad media, wouldn’t even stand on a soap box shouting about the good works. Just do good acts quietly and without a fuss. Oh, and I would cancel ‘disconnection’.
Of course, this flies in the face of LRH and ‘policy’, but it would in some small measure, begin to counter the present disastrous PR of the cult.
Mike, I put on my evaluator hat for a bit and did a quick thumbnail eval on the sit of Dave not appearing to beat back the lies you and Leah are forwarding. WHY: HE CAN’T BECAUSE HE IS IN THE HOLE. “That blow charge!”
if an SO wanted to blow/walk out of the hole, would they be physically accosted and withheld? what’s the furthest security would go to prevent escape?
For the answer to both of your questions, read Marc Headley’s book “Blown For Good”. The story of his escape from Int Base will probably shock you.
Or just try to get out of a meeting room of any scio “event” without first making a donation. The doors are generally locked! LOL
It is about time someone spoke out about Scientology. In the 70’s, one of my Mother’s friends talked to her about it and luckily, she wanted to spend her money on designer purses rather than on classes to get to higher levels and become “Clear”. Clearly, this is not a religion but a scam to defraud people of money and avoid taxes.
Who – in Mike and Leah’s opinion – will be the next BIG Celebrity to BLOW Scientology?
Anyone care to predict?
Start! (LOL)
Yikes, loaded question. None of them want to admit how wrong they have been. I mean hey, took me months to research and confront and I’m not a celeb who promoted the tech. I think many will slowly leave and be really under radar and I mean really down low.
JT, TC and Krustie will NEVER admit to being wrong, their survival depends on defending Scientology otherwise they feel they would perish. Sad actually.
The organisational behavior of the Cof$ under scrutiny is apparently the same in 1960 as it is now. If I wasn’t so silly, I could refer their reactions to their own tech and ask, “has a withhold been missed?”
When the guilty refuse to come clean, it becomes a justice witch hunt of sorts. Who would admit to being a Scientologists in public now? Goodness you’d have your face ripped off.
It is an interesting thing I suppose, watching the death throes of organisational Scientology but it doesn’t take long for the sadness of their victims to surface.
Miscavige, like Hubbard have grossly underestimated the power of the truth.
Mike, you and Leah are doing such great work. I’m watching the documentary faithfully each week. The raw emotion of former church members speaking about the abuse, lies, greed, fear, intimidation have convinced me that the church is anything but a church. How can these celebrities condone such treatment? They know exactly what is going on. David Miscavige is a sick individual and needs to be removed as the head of Scientology. He’s Tom Cruise’ right hand man or vice versa!!! How dare they separate children from their parents! I believe Shelly Miscavige is being silenced and held against her will. She can’t leave. She’s unable to leave. Why isn’t someone confirming she’s alive? I believe something more sinister has happened to her. My co-worker and I are so engrossed in the series and have ordered some books on Scientology because we are so interested in the subject. If you have to “escape” then there is something very wrong here and does not pass the smell test. I hope more people leave the church and get their lives back. L. Ron Hubbard is a nutjob and you can see that from a mile away. Team Mike and Leah all the way!!
Do you think that a possible scenario for Miscavige would be that he “resign” (like many of these ruthless 3rd world dictators) in order to appease the public and authorities as well as garner sympathy from his followers; all in a ruse so that he can siphon money, install a puppet leader that he can control from afar and take off to some Caribbean island?
No. He doesn’t give two shits about the public, and the authorities are either bought off like Lee Baca was or too afraid to go after a “religion”. His ego would never allow him to cede any morsel of power to anyone. He is a confirmed micromanager, and firmly believes that “power is assumed”. If he lets anyone have any sort of authority, he believes it’ll be a case of “do unto me as I’ve done unto you”. Besides, he gets off on appearing at those Idle Morgue openings and doing the speeches on the big Scientology holidays. He won’t go into exile unless he knows he’s definitely on his way to the pokey. Just like Ron did.
True words, Espi. And as IYawnALot said recently here, both are COWARDS. As soon as the going got rough, Hubbard completely abandoned ship. Miscavige, the Pope of Scio, will not appear on any interview show anywhere, will not be seen in public, travels with armed guards, etc. He, too, is a COWARD.
Bravo for your work, Mike and Leah. You are heroes! It is a compelling and passionate series, which I hope will continue until the Cult of Scientology has been dismantled. What can we do? Who can we petition to try to get the government to step in and deem this a cult versus a tax sheltered religion?
They own so much prime real estate in Clearwater alone that is not taxed. As a Pinellas County resident, I am disgusted by this (as well as everything else you have revealed).
Check the Pinellas County Appraiser’s web site to see all the property the Cult is not paying taxes on – keep hitting “More Records” until you see all 66 properties.
Who can we write to and protest this tax free religious status?
You can write to the Gov of FL, your state congressperson, but avoid Pam Bondi, Florida’s Atty General as she has been “turned” by the Czerch. In politics, money ALWAYS trumps ethics.
Mike, if you were (God forbid) still in, still the spokesperson, do you think Miscavige would have let you go on camera to attack Leah? You seemed to be the only one he trusted to do the impossible job of defending the church.
Most likely
So glad for you Mike that you have an awesome family and life now and you are with us IN THE LIGHT.
Minor and local compared to the ones listed above, but if you want to add it to the list, I just stumbled across this:
Apparently, smaller papers are talking about the show too.
David Miscavige:
How do you put up with all the lies that all these bitter apostates are saying about you and your church. We all know that the Church of Scientology are the only ones who have the answers to the ultimate salvation of the human race and we all know what a hero you are trying hard to save your church from the attacks of so many thousands of SPs who do not understand your greatness.
You must get off your chair, have a dry spell and show the world how wrong they are about you and all your innocent employees. Just tell the truth and everything will be alright.
A fan
David may wake up and cease the horrible policy of Fair Gaming his critics as with the internet and everyone walking around with cameras and surveillance cameras on homes, every horrible deed that the cult does can be on the internet in minutes. These horrible acts against critics are one big foot bullet and ruin the cult’s already horrendous PR. But, David will never cease the policy of disconnection. If Scientologists are allowed to speak to people that are anti-Scientology, they would discover the truth and he will lose 90% of what’s left of his flock.
If someone else managed to take over the cult, that new COB could say that “yes, it is true that David beat many people, put people in the hole, locked up Heber and Shelly and Yager etc., had gang-bang sec checks, forced abortions, forced divorces, forced disconnection, yes, he was ultimately responsible for killing Lisa McPherson and covered up the church’s crimes against her, yes David tried to destroy peoples lives by manufacturing evidence against them, destroying businesses, hacking emails, and then should apologize to those people. This new COB could go on and on with the crimes and horrible acts of DM. This is what they did when they took out the GO but in far more general descriptions of the GO crimes (but they forgot to cancel their GO policies and ways). Then this new COB could possibly cancel the practice of disconnection because they will come clean and behave like a church (however doubtful that they would ever act like a real church).
But unless DM gets so scared that he will end up in jail and flee the country with millions of dollars, he will never relinquish power. No one else would even consider taking David out of power. I feel David is going to ride his sinking ship all the way to the bottom. He cannot allow his flock to find out the truth about him and his illegal, evil deeds. David’s evil acts will continue and disconnection will keep it all quiet.
Clearlypissedoff and Mike Rinder I think you are right. It was always standard action to blame the declared SP for all that had been wrong and then continue as normal. I personally saw a lot of that in my day at the FLB 1975-1981. Even if David was internally deposed, the new regime would continue the con, with proper adjustments to avoid bad pr but the same policies on how to make lots of money and how to keep the customers hooked on the next step on the “bridge”. After all, the current “leader” has just been riding on the back of LRH and a new leader would just continue to do so. I think if you took LRH out of the equation the whole cult would just go out in a puff of smoke, Miscavige and all. Without the mantle of the “Genious L Ron Hubbard” and his policies,
the whole house of cards would collapse. Miscavige has no wisdom of his own to contribute to the benefit of man, he’s just using the old man’s work to make himself important and rich. I am abslutely certain of that.
“I feel David is going to ride his sinking ship all the way to the bottom. He cannot allow his flock to find out the truth about him and his illegal, evil deeds. David’s evil acts will continue and disconnection will keep it all quiet.” Totally agree with you. He will do like LRH. He will escape to the Bahamas or some island or country, etc. with all the friggin money and get away with all of this. He has a plan and we all know it. And he reads here every day and he knows that we know what he’s up to. We’re just all hoping he gets arrested before that.
One way to bring down the church would be to convince Bob Duggan to stop donating millions to church. He is the source for a lot of new revenue. There are class action suits against him regarding his pharma company he sold, so maybe this might make a dent in his earnings? Class action lawsuits: Evangelista v. Duggan, et al., No. 115CV278055 (the “Evangelista Action”); Treppel v. Duggan, et al., No. 115CV278088 (the “Treppel Action”); Wang v. Pharmacyclics, Ind., et al., No. 115CV278215 (the “Wang Action”); and Wallach v. Pharmacyclics, Inc., et al., No. 115CV278260 (the “Wallach Action”) Plus, he claims to live in FL for tax purposes.
Scientologist’s get sued alot. I think what happens is they “believe” they are such big beings – going up the Bridge – that they start to commit crimes for the money to get up the Bridge.
Duggan has to be addicted to the closeness to POWER he feels…he may have dirty hands.
Someone get him on the CANS!
Adulation and huge, ugly trophies trump everything else.
Indeed! Follow the money… something for which the Cof$ has absolutely no defense. Silent arrogance and misdirecting lies, their options are extremely limited. Truth IS their ultimate enemy.
Amen. It’s the uber donations of the wealthy few that keep the CoS going.
On the other hand, DM has several billions all his own, plus one hell of a lot of real estate.
David Miscavige is demonstrating that L. Ron Hubbard and scientology do NOT have the answers to dealing with a “few SP’s” who are making up lies for fame and fortune. And Miscavige is content for scientology to be torn to pieces and destroyed by “lies” and he says nothing?
This is perhaps the greatest indictment of scientology’s unworkability.
They are being overwhelmed and cowered into hiding by a “failed actress,” a “wife beater” and a “cast of admitted liars”.
Priceless, Mike. DavidlethimdieMiscavige is in a real “catch 22” here. He will be damned for not coming forward to defend his organization and crucified if he does. Loving it!!
I was creating a list of funny questions to ask Leah on her next Reddit chat. Perhaps some of you here know the answers.
1. What OT level do you have to reach before you wake up in full hair and makeup? (Come on, most women want this answer).
2. This one is two pronged: When I was in Sea Org, I was often told that if I left, I would end up flipping burgers at McDonalds for $5/hour.
A. Does everything you supposedly learn and gain in scientology just evaporate if you walk out the door or why would you be so powerless just because you were on the other side of the door?
B. How many burgers did Leah flip to get those Louboutins she was wearing on Episode 3?
Val – oh my love this
Mr. Rinder, what you and Leah are doing is tremendous. Watching former members of the COS these last few episodes on A&E have even brought me to tears. Seeing those moments of realization…of what they’ve lost, and the years they wasted only to be abused and monetarily taken advantage of…its truly heartbreaking. I honestly believe what you and Leah are doing is the beginning of the end for the COS. KEEP GOING! Having heard your story early on in the series…my HOPE for you is that your son and daughter will find their way back to you. I want to believe that one day there will be an A&E special, that has you sitting on a couch with your son and daughter on either side of you…ready to tell your story of reuniting. Bless you and Leah both.
Even people who are not scientologist or ex-scientologist are talking about Leah’s program. I overheard 2 ladies speaking the program at a restaurant dinning behind my booth, Of course I got interested and spoke with them. This is on Tuesday before the program, They were ready to watch it. We are creating a tremendous effect. This is great Leah and Mike. Love it
Had dinner with a couple last night. Somehow CoS got mentioned and guy’s wife (who’s been watching Leah’s shows) went off. She said “Oh my God, can you believe what they do?”. Her husband was somewhat aware of what’s going on, but with me along with his DW, he got both howitzers. I can’t begin to imagine what this show is doing, exposing that awful cult and especially that evil evil man David Miscavige.
Howdy. I threw my pebble where I could, and thanks to everyone else that threw theirs.
What’s so unfortunate is that all this nonsense was planned and hoped for, I imagine, by the current powers that be. How else are they going to empty the buildings and profit from the real estate liquidation? You are falling right into their scheme, but no other choice I guess.
Keep exposing the insanity as far as it can be found… I guess. Hey, good luck.
Oh, and though I haven’t seen all the episodes, I would sure love love love to see some more “theta” stories hit the waves!.
Joe, as federal tax-exempt charitable organization, the cherch can’t just liquidate their real estate holdings and and enable anyone to “profit” for it – at least, that is, not without committing some serious crimes.
$cn is imploding as we speak, but the folks at the top (Miscavige and his team of lawyers) have been enriching themselves through perfectly legal means all along and are not likely to risk indictment for serious crimes just to make themselves richer.
Presidents and CEOs of comparably sized, world-wide, tax-exempt organizations are often paid very large yearly salaries, as well as enjoying numerous valuable perqs and having “golden parachute” clauses written into their contracts. With almost three decades as the leader of the cherch, and with the help of some very high-dollar attorneys to hand, it would be utterly astonishing if lil davey has not already legally enriched himself and has a very generous retirement clause written into his contract. None of which would be in the least bit illegal or, for that matter, at odds with standard practices.
The fact that no one else in the cult makes more than prison industry wages or has any kind of retirement plan at all is thoroughly regrettable, but in no way illegal either. $cilons have allowed it all to occur by being too craven to insist upon transparency and an objective accounting of what their donated funds go to fund. Of course they’re going to be all shocked and upset when lil davey decides to retire or is finally ousted, but my bet is that he will have enriched himself in a completely legal manner before being shown the door.
I mean, why steal when you’ve been given cart blanche to do whatever you want with billions and with no meaningful oversight or control over you!? It’s a license to steal legally and, when you cut the lawyers in for a big share, you can be sure that they will be looking after your legal interests because those interests are exactly the same as theirs!
“I mean, why steal when you’ve been given cart blanche to do whatever you want with billions and with no meaningful oversight or control over you!? It’s a license to steal legally and, when you cut the lawyers in for a big share, you can be sure that they will be looking after your legal interests because those interests are exactly the same as theirs!”
Great comment. We here are outraged with little Davey making the billions but what about the low life attorneys walking away with the billions that us suckers gave to the IAS, etc. They should also be exposed for who they are.
501c3 federal tax-exempt organizations, such as the Co$, are supposed to use the funds that they acquire for charitable purposes, instead of amassing cash reserves and paying out profits to shareholders, like for-profit corporations. The Co$ invests in real estate because that the expansion of the organization by purchasing and renovating buildings, supposedly for its use in furthering its charitable work is allowed.
Of course it’s a scam, because the cherch funds very little actual charitable work, such as building schools, clinics, housing for the poor, etc., but investing the money they receive from parishioners who purchase its very expensive auditing and training services into real estate converts that wealth into a form that is allowed within the regulations governing federal tax-exempt organizations.
Bravo to you (Mike) and Leah! Please share with her how much the two of you are appreciated for being so brave. I am sure you have read L. Ron Hubbard’s son’s interview from 1983. (For anyone else, you can go to then click on “download as .pdf” to get the actual text of the interview. It was in Penthouse magazine, but if you download it, the only nudity you’ll see is the cover photo which looks tame by today’s standards.)
I wish people understood that Scientology was not created by Hubbard to be a religion. He just came up with that as a way to avoid paying taxes. And I wish people didn’t promote the idea that Scientology was wonderful when Hubbard was still alive and has only gone bad since Miscavige took over. It was bad under Hubbard, too, because it was all a sham, a scheme he created to get rich. I know people do derive some benefits from the early levels of Scientology, but that is not enough to justify calling it a religion, or saying that it was wonderful until Miscavige took over. It wasn’t wonderful, it was always a scam, a sham, a scheme, a cult.
I have been thinking the same. Reiterate that it has always been a shameless sham. It is just now more overtly obvious.
Your window of opportunity to walk out of the HGB onto Hollywood Boulevard with your hands up is fading.
SoterGrams won’t work this time. Nor will a staged announcement at your watered down Winter Wonderland on Hollywood Boulevard.
Your pregnant pause is becoming the pregnant void that will suck your Popehood into the abyss. Fertile ground for your demise. Even your buddy Hubbard would sack you for failing to fill your void with more bullshit.
Will they have to smoke you out of Hemet, while staking out Tom’s hangar in Burbank?
Oh happy days! I found my disconnected son’s phone number on and am sending him a text inviting him to Christmas with 2 of his sisters. Cabin is ready for 5 days should he attend. If I don’t hear back, Saturday Daughter#1 and I will visit his address.
This very public TV exposing the abuses has been for me like doing the rundown LRH developed to handle injustices. You know the one LRH said was to be released in 6 weeks to staff and instead was released 20 years later to paying public. [That was after hundreds of staff members were assigned to the RPF (gulag) for mistaken rock slams (evil intentions). It’s the only auditing I was willing to accept for many years.
But these TV shows are a perfect handling to patch up the evaluation and invalidation scientologists and especially Sea Org members were exposed to.
I’m quite sure I’m not the only X that is now feeling less suppressed. Thank you all for doing what is right to dissolve the upsets of the past.
I haven’t had wifi to comment since the show started. The only point I would have made is Leah does the same thing I caught myself doing and had to put a handle on – finishing the other persons sentences. Probably goes back to TRs, mindreading, fast communication lag or whatever indoctrination. I used to do this constantly! (embarrassing).
Kudos on the show and all that you are doing. Please speak out if you need some assistance.
Oh my oh my. Please be safe and I hope you get what you want, even if it is only a quick glance into your sons eyes.
Maybe the reason LRH’s policies on how to deal with attacks from bad guys aren’t working is because … IT ISN’T BAD GUYS WHO ARE ATTACKING!!
Well said Mike. Plus, you are a very funny guy!
Bravo to Leah, the crew and to you Mike. This series is like a prize fight were the heavyweight champion bully is against the ropes being pummeled and the ref took a cigarette break. Please don’t call this fight.
Modern day MK Ultra if you ask me.
What I am most curious about- which I think I somewhat have learned the answer indirectly, is- was Scientology this corrupt and dangerous when LRH was still alive and “in power”? Was he violent? Did he mentally and physically abuse people?
I watched you guys interview Paula Cooper who was tormented by the church- to my understanding while LRH was still living?
Was he as insane as DM? Was he as evil? Violent?
Also- I read the SO encourages its members to have children- how do they plan to build the religion without offspring?
You mentioned both of your older children are in the SO- I’m curious if they have families of their own now.
Do you believe Shelly Miscavige is still alive?
One last question- Jenna miscavige- will she be on the show? Does Ron see her?
I’ve never been so captivated by a show and all the stories. It’s obvious nobody is trying to seek fame from this. It’s raw and personal and very troubling to see so many people be so emotionally scarred and traumatized from an experience in a church.
I’m bummed there are only 8 episodes.
I hope you can find time to respond to my questions. I’ve written you an email and asked over Instagram some of these questions and no answer. I understand you are probably flooded with questions daily now.
To NOT have children** sorry typo from my phone.
Allison, the best answer to your questions is the book “Bare Faced Messiah: the True Story of L Ron Hubbard” by Russell Miller The Church of Scientology has strongly objected to this work but they have never sued the author for defamation or falsehoods. In effect they have endorsed the veracity of Russell Miller’s carefully documented and accurate work.
As far as children in the Sea Org is concerned, they have probably got the idea by now that it is not going to be possible going forward to have children working full time jobs at 12 etc. If not, the recent comments by Leah about targeting this practice will do the job real soon.
They get away with “religious worker exemptions” to excuse Sea Org members that work ridiculous hours for practically no pay with no health insurance or retirement plan. This does not apply to children. And really it should not apply to foreign born workers who do not have proper green cards but cannot escape because their passports are being held.
But every time someone takes a photograph of the buses at the Flag Land Base you see children in uniform and lots of foreign looking faces. This cannot go on forever. First Amendment protections are not intended to protect slavery and child abuse in the name of religion.
It surely can’t be too much longer until the media begins to earnestly question why the authorities continue to turn a blind eye to the Cof$’s abuses let alone being accused of endorsing this type of thing in the US by continuing to give tax exempt status. It is one thing to quote the constitution but it is another to witness abuses gaining prime time media attention with no solution being offered from those that run the country. The tide is changing on religious and cult abuse. Maybe they need to make someone a scapegoat to take some attention off other irregularities in govt. Whichever formula succeeds to put Miscavige before a justice tribunal – it is a good move. Surely there’s got to be a modern day ‘Elliot Ness’ out there to take on the religious corruption of cults. Seems like the Cof$ would be a good place to start and make a name for yourself.
Thank you!! I for sure will be checking out this book. Lots of great info!
Hi Allison,
Knowing Mike and seeing his recently activity, I feel pretty safe stepping in here to fill in some of these blanks for you. If he disagrees with my self-appointed delegating of myself, you’re not reading this right now…:)!
Mike has covered much of this in previous posts, but I get that it is a lot to soak in on top of the barrage of new info being released upon the masses of wogdom (sarcasm).
1. LRH was alive and well when Paula was being attacked., He orchestrated it, this type of attack does not happen from below the top.
2. Anybody who starts a religion to trick people about their eternity is definitely going to be classifiable as creating mental abuse, maybe others can chime in on whether he caused physical abuse as well. We have more veteran Sea Org members here than the church still has captive, so I’m sure some will chime in.
3. The short play is that babies cost money, thus are a distraction, and thus are discouraged. It would be good 15 years from now, but the church is looking at the stats for THIS WEEK, there is zero thought about 15 years from now…
4. Great Post above called “MY FAMILY”, but the short answer is that if his kinds are in the SO, which they are, they are not allowed to have children. Mike of course has a family now that looks like the one that comes in the picture frame off the shelf, and soon his original kinds will meet there little brothers, IF Mike and Cristie decide that is what they want for their little boys.
5. I have never heard Mike speak of Shelly in a manner of thinking she is dead.
6 Ron and Jenna are in touch, I know because he mentioned on his interview with Leah on the A and E show. I know Leah did mention recently that she wants attention put on the children of Scientology, so the abuses of a then child, last name Miscavage, would sure seem to make for some strong TV…but we’ll see, Leah and Mike seem to really have a handle on what is working!
Hope that takes the edge off for you, stay tuned as the rabbit hole is quite deep and unlike watching a fictional series on TV, it is quite a bit of a different feeling knowing that this one is unfortunately NOT fiction…
To the Unbreakable Miss Lovely, Paulette Cooper…I typo’ed your name above, I am routing myself straight to OSA , via Starbucks for the coffee I am lacking, for full RPF’ing and then off to the chain locker…:( 🙁 🙁
I’m just curious – could you present a case with evidence to substantiate all of what you say, or do you “not have to because you just know without looking”? It seems to me that almost all of what you say is either hearsay or inferences you yourself derive, regardless of how flashily you number everything to give the impression what you say is factual.
I’m fascinated that you are impressed by numerical listing of points….you are easily pleased, this is a good quality!
I’m glad to see that after a bit less than an hour, you seem to have spotted the irony in attacking me for lack of having presented evidence in the case, as if we were suddenly in a courtroom here, but yet you did not state what you were even referring to. I see what you did there, very nice…
Can you say “TROLL”? LOL
To be more specific: you say
“1. LRH was alive and well when Paula was being attacked., He orchestrated it, this type of attack does not happen from below the top.
2. Anybody who starts a religion to trick people about their eternity is definitely going to be classifiable as creating mental abuse, maybe others can chime in on whether he caused physical abuse as well. We have more veteran Sea Org members here than the church still has captive, so I’m sure some will chime in.”
Court or forum or serious discussion, I don’t think you can back up those assertions with anything more than your assertions. Turning these threads into a hate-page is counter to all the hard work and very careful thought that has gone into the shows.
Firstly, it is a FACT that LRH was alive when the coordinated attack against Paulette Cooper began
Do you really believe anyone other than LRH orchestrated that??
He even wrote the ‘how to’ manual
“If possible, ruin them utterly…” (manufacture crimes, sex, blood
and gore) on how to destroy someone. What was done to Paulette was a play by play right out of Ron’s very confused, very evil mind.
Those were LRH’s words. Do you really think he was unaware of what was being done to Paulette? If so, I have a Bridge to Total Freedom to sell you.
The second assertion is an opinion, which is certainly backed up by a lot of facts, IMO.
If you don’t think Ron created mental abuse…..well, I don’t know what to say other than read the accounts of the SO members like Terri Gamboa (who posted here about what LRH was really like)
The ‘LRH good – Miscavige bad’ folks like to hang out at Milestone 2.
It makes me sad to see the mental gymnastics people put themselves through in order to defend LRH
If you feel that you had wins in Scientology, those wins are separate from LRH. They are your wins. Not Ron’s.
Basically, I’ve avoided you for years, because as you might put it on one of your more charitable days, we have different and opposing points of view. Aside from the unfounded assertions and contradictions in your post, I have a question for you to think over: what have you written or done to contribute to an improvement in the condition of mankind? Have you written any philosophical treatise (not the bs that passes for philosophy today, but something that resolves big questions in life)? Have you even tried that?
I haven’t read carefully, but glancing over your comments for over maybe two to four years now, it seems you are fixated on “It’s Ron’s fault; Ron’s evil; Ron is a con; etc.” but I don’t believe I’ve EVER heard you ask anything about the tech or the data, nor discuss any of it.
Your last statement “They are your wins. Not Ron’s.” Is true. I’ve said words to that effect here many times, but usually I focus on the development of personal ethics as solely an individual thing, trying to get others to take a look at their own independence especially in light of Scientology (because too many, I feel, place too much “faith” in the organization and group agreements of the church, rather than look at what Scientology is).
Chee Chalker, thanks for the back-up, I’ve enjoyed your works via Mike here for quite some time now, I said you were taking fire for me while I was away, much appreciated…:)!
I re-read my note and didn’t feel it was “hate-speech”, just more stating what is laced throughout so many of the stories here and elsewhere, and which I and many around me are still dealing with in present time.
Yup, it was painful to find out COB was not the idol I had erroneously worshiped, but it took a few additional years to bring the curtain up on LRH as well, just too many facts and too much “date coincidence’ to let me any longer blame it all on COB.
Sorry folks, we got punk’ed, we all wanted RON to be the invincible guru that could fix it all, but show me the stats of his works having done that and then I will eat crow.
Until then, pass the popcorn, cause a certain cult is doing a slow motion fail that puts all those Russian car crash dash cam videos to shame, and I don’t want to miss a second of it as it couldn’t be happening to a finer bunch of folks!
“If you feel that you had wins in Scientology, those wins are separate from LRH. They are your wins. Not Ron’s.”
Bravo! I’ve been saying that for years! All but one of my auditors were fabulous. I gained a lot of knowledge from various things I studied. I still use a lot of the comm data. (It wasn’t hypnotism!!!)
I’ve also always said that for a true con to be pulled off, one should always include some truth to point to. Where you steal that truth from has nothing to do with the truth. Hubbard was a master of that.
In my opinion, Miscavige and Hubbard are/were very different even though both seem to suffer(ed) deep personality disorders. Hubbard was self driven by his obsession for power, wealth and fame. Miscavige seems like a wily, insecure bully who would be the same person regardless of whether in Scientology or not.
Hubbard genuinely believed he was on a mission and could shift his personality as needed. I don’t think Miscavige is able to do that.
Scientology was definitely different under Hubbard but it also depends what era you are talking about. Scientology in the 1950’s was different than Scientology in the 1960’s and different from the 70’s, etc.
It also depends what kind of involvement you had. As a public person/member your experience is vastly different form a staff member’s. A Sea Org member’s experience is, in turn, intensely different.
Abuses occurred under Hubbard but they were much more contained and hidden.
Under Miscavige, the toxic culture now permeates all the way through.
In fact, Hubbard would probably crucify Miscavige if he saw what Scientology has become. I think Hubbard wanted to be thought of as the benevolent dictator, the great white father, he who is worshipped. Through his own faults and Miscavige’s madness, his fame will be that of a great, self-deluded con artist with an unsatiable greed, paranoia and vindictiveness.
These various aspects make for very different first hand experiences. As a result, you get lots of conflicting opinions.
The bottom line, though, is that 99% of people that get involved leave sooner or later and that tells you a lot.
Excellent post.
Am I wrong, or does it seem like the number one qualification to be a $cientologist is the lack of a college education? The “Church” (and all cults) seems to prey on people who are either too young to know better, dyslexic, saddled by drug and alcohol problems or mentally ill. Then it pushes them away from education, therapy or any other way to think for themselves through gaslighting, special jargon, isolation, special treatment and extortion.
My hope is that the series you and Leah did is just one more nail in the tax exempt status of the cult. My hope is that Miscaviage ends up in prison.
Good luck to you both.
Skepticalgirl, I highly recommend watching this interview. its from Mike is in this, as are the writer of the book and director of the film, Going Clear. Very smart, capable and successful panel of men. Scientology preys on ANYONE who will listen.
I have a PhD and was in scientology. Scientology considers their study tech superior to what is taught by the outside world so once you enter scientology, education goes by the wayside in favor of scientology indoctrination.
Although David Miscavige didn’t graduate from high school, LRH claimed to have gotten all sorts of education. “A Piece of Blue Sky” by John Atack and “Barefaced Messiah” by Russell Miller both debunk that.
When you are recruited into scientology, they look for your “ruin” and tell you they can fix it. Everyone has something about them they want fixed. If you happen to run into someone at the specific time you really want that thing fixed and they promise you they can do that for you, they’ve got you.
The other way they suck people in is with the “clear the planet” hook. I wanted to help others and they convinced me that they were only group who could go that. Obviously there is some blind belief there, but when you’re young and idealistic, a lot of things look different.
I have a degree – not a PhD. I had a ruin, it got fixed. That’s the part about Scientology you left out there: done right, it does fix things.
Does $cientology fix it …. or do you fix it?
You fix it. When you have auditing, the cognitions are yours. I fixed it, but the funny thing is that I wasn’t able to fix it until some crazy person – an auditor – asked me a few pertinent questions which made me think and look at things in a different light. The fundamentals were used, and it all began resolving rather quickly. But the church changed, and I walked away.
Skepticalgirl, there are plenty of people with higher degrees in Scn. There are Doctors, computer whizzes, lawyers, real estate moguls, PhD’s etc. Read Valerie’s answer to you for explanations as to how smart people get into the religion. My kids were both on staff and one went on to join the SO after staff. And they were told on staff that LRH said that the more college education you got, the dumber you got. The recruiters used this as a way to lure kids out of college and onto staff. They said, “You don’t need a college degree — why look what LRH says!… and do something big with your life that will make a difference … join the SO and Clear the Planet….. you are the only hope this planet has…”
There are/were many highly trained individuals that were also Scientologists. Mike had finished High School and I understand, due to his good grades had a full ride to a university, my father-in-law did 8 years of university, was a chemical engineer and R & D Manager of an international paper company and I know many people with college degrees that were involved in SCN.
At the same time, many people are 2nd and 3rd generation Scientologists that didn’t go thru college and some didn’t finish high school although most are quite intelligent. There was also the hippie era that brought in many college drop-outs and young pot smoking dreamers that joined the cult in the 60s and 70s.
I would say a good mix of different levels of education. One thing they all had in common though was to be able to make money or they couldn’t pay outrageous fees to go up the bridge and donate to their stupid buildings.
My parents both had advanced college degrees when they got sucked into scientology.
There are plenty of scientists, physicists, doctors, engineers etc who have fallen into the trap.
My mother with a Phd in “the PSYCHS are bad” got me and my sister in. Once I was in (early 70’s) I met a number of educated people who were staff members and long time members. Like it or not, in Scientology there is quite a subject there. Unfortunately it takes years to fully plumb the depths and by then half of those are fiercely indoctrinated. My mother was very unpopular with those in the church particularly the nazi youth who delighted in trying to intimidate a 50 year old woman with a Phd who had the balls to question them. Naturally she was the first to leave and demanded a refund. Ever since then she was targeted as the big SP in the family and they never gave up trying to declare her an SP until 30 years after she left the church when she was 83 years old. Yes even after her departure in the 80’s they pursued an SP declare on her to fully wage war on my family. Before that point all was well and there were no issues whatsoever. By the time they were done playing the Gestapo Game two families had left Scientology and new enemies were made. The Church of Scientology is by far most consistent at shooting itself in the foot and making sure the foot develops gangrene.
Leah Remini has every right to be concerned about her friend Shelley. A recent description from uninvolved persons who saw her described her as “frail” and “disheveled”. The woman who used these words use to work with substance abusers and would know the signs of someone who has experienced addiction or a mental catastrophe. These are disturbing descriptions. Why would someone who obviously took great care of herself look like that now? Why would someone who had the entirety of Scn wealth at her disposal willingly give it up and settle for being confined with no access to anyone, anything? I suspect she protested and fought it and was overwhelmed to the point of a mental breakdown. People like her don’t go away quietly.
Well they are up against Hurricane Leah now, so…it won’t end well, but couldn’t be happening to a nicer bunch of folks.
Kind of reminds me of one of the last conversations Leah had with her “Ethics Officer”:
ETHICS OFFICER: “The only way for you to get back into the good graces of the church will be to do your A to E steps including big apologies and begging for our forgiveness for your crimes against us”.
LEAH: You just gave me a great idea, I think we may have had a breakthrough here! Let’s make a compromise; instead of doing my A to E, I prefer to do my A and E, as in the A and E Network, then we’ll see who has to beg for mercy for their crimes…!
Mic drop as she exits…
Category 5 much?
It is interesting though, that if you look at Scientology, the digs, the dress of the staff, has improved.
True, the spokespeople seem to be on leashes, and cannot just get up and go talk publicly.
I remember when Billy Sheehan showed up by his lonesome, at one of the first massive anonymous protests.
Even thought he’s also a trained somewhat PR celeb for Scientology, he did seem to have a spark of indepence when he trotted out to sit with the anonymous protesters with his little apologetic sign.
I’m curious what the littler people would think of their subject if they absorbed the internet.
There is so much they haven’t absorbed, they will be overwhelmed.
Funny that OT 3 is to protect them from overwhelm.
Yet, as a group, their rules wind them up, so that when they finally spring free, they get overwhelmed by the unknown decades of detailed criticism and history of their movement/subject/cult-bosses.
It’s too much to ask of them, it’s too much info for them to take in, digest, and respond to.
They are stuck in a wound-up subject that makes it almost physcially impossible to respond to the vast amount of valid backlash history has rolled up like a huge wave, awaiting them, when they begin to look at the internet.
Miscavige really is a coward. His wife and co-workers need to be under the control of the cult which he himself must have complete control of. In that way he feels safe in these weird “relationships”. He is the “big fish” in a little puddle that continues to dry up.
He is looked down upon as a little sociopath clown fish in the real world.
The Leader and Dictator of Scientology folks….Mr. David Miscavige – a Big Fish in a dried up Puddle
Scrapping off algae – telling the clubbed seals it is Lobster and they believe it.
I think you have WAY more ammo than they do. It’s so easy to pick apart their statements (because they sound robotic) with REAL facts. And every week you have more damaging stories, when they have the same old tired responses. Also remember, DM doesn’t want to look or sound anything less than perfect so he will never go out on a limb and address this publicly. What an ego.
I would like to offer David Miscavige and the ‘Church’ of Scientology some PR advice, free of charge.
Do everything exactly the OPPOSITE of what you have been doing.
The internet has been a game changer. LRH’s advice is as outdated as the telex machine.
Information is available at the click of a button. Stories are told and information is shared in a heartbeat. For all his brilliance, LRH never saw that coming. His tactics rely on the ignorance of the general public. That ignorance is now gone.
Produce Heber and Shelly. Let them sing your praises and tell the world they are ok.
Set up a fake ‘interview’ where you ‘apologize’ for those who may have been hurt by Scientology (while admitting nothing of course)
Acknowledge Scientology is not for everyone and the Sea Org in particular is for ‘tough sons of bitches’ (you may want to use the term ‘sons of guns’)
Of course, you’re going to have to tell a lot of lies during the interview, but that’s never been a problem for you. And of course the ‘journalist’ won’t ask real questions, so no worries there.
The attack sites just make you look pathetic. The ‘attack the attacker’ is not working for you. Instead you should take the approach of ’empathize with the attacker’ (again, admit nothing). A simple ‘we understand Scientology can be tough…the truth is often difficult’ line would buy you some time.
I say buy you some time because corporate Scientology is going to collapse. The brand is just too toxic. You core will be the 2nd/3rd generations, but those generations are ones that have grown up with the Internet. They know where to go to find answers. Your bubble is no longer sealed. It’s been weakened and is about to pop.
I guess you just soared too close to the Sun, Dave. You got burned.
When you expedited LRH’s death all those years ago, you never thought of the day when you too would be an old man. An old man suffering from paranoia and delusions of grandeur.
Time has caught up with you Dave. LRH gave you the keys to the kingdom in exchange for continuing his invented legacy.
But Dave, you are no longer Baby New Year. You are now Father Time – the old guy who is fading away.
Well said, Bravo!
Miscavige can’t defend himself. LRH said to attack, never defend, and that’s what Miscavige and his minions have to follow. Let’s just sit back and watch it all backfire on them, now that people understand what Scientology is really doing.
Not that Miscavige cares what we think…as long as he has his “cash cows” to support him, our opinion doesn’t matter in the least..not until it hurts him where it counts. His wallet!
We’re just “degraded beings” to him, non-Scientologists, and not worth his trouble.
Chee Walker – that would be a HIGH CRIME. In Scientology – anything SANE is a High Crime and anything criminal is SOP.
Here’s the thing: the internet changes everything as you said. And once it changes one thing in particular, Miscavige can’t change it back. I’m referring to the fact that the Internet makes it easy to find old information as well as new. In other words, bad press about the cult sticks around for decades. More importantly, it’s as easy to find a ten year old story as it is to find something that was on the front page of the paper yesterday.
When Paulette Cooper’s book came out, it went out of print after a while, and it wasn’t available in bookstores any longer. Then Scientology could make the book “disappear” by stealing all the copies they could out of libraries. But today, with digital books, they stay in print forever. And the cult can’t get rid of old bad press.
So even if Miscavige hired the best PR person in the world and did exactly what they say, it’s too late. You’re absolutely right when you say the brand is just too toxic. Most people today would rather be caught with an armload of Ebola-coated kiddie porn than with a copy of Dianetics. All they know about Scientology is that it’s a) crazy and b) hurts people and families.
The internet further harms their evil Fair Game tactics. In the past ’70s or ’80s, if someone in El Centro California was a critic of the cult and the church did some evil, harmful act against them, maybe, if they were lucky this harmful act would be reported and read by people in El Centro. Now, it will appear on the internet and people in South Africa can read about it within minutes.
The internet is the cult’s downfall! There is no where to hide David.
I keep hearing OT VIII is the highest one can go. but then didn’t I see higher levels when you, Leah and Alex were looking at the chart in a recent episode? could have sworn I saw an OT XI (even higher)?
YEs, the chart goes up to OT XV. No reason. Just looks good.
I noticed that too. That’s hilarious!
So…I can strut around PAC Base and say I’m OT 15? Bitchin!’
I have Grade Charts spanning decades, including the very first ever released. The 1983 through 1986 Grade Charts contain up to OT XV.
I have always been intrigued by this so called “religion” and I applaud you and Leah for exposing the true horrors that members go through ………….Sad to say that people like Travolta and Cruise have more than likely given so many of their secrets up in their sessions that they are terrified to leave ………….David Miscavige comes across as the typical blowhard , self important and reminds me of Warren Jeffs (only he dresses better ) So can’t wait for the day that others (ie the wealthy ) in this cult wake up and start speaking out …………… is too damn short to go through this bullshit of being away from families and losing everything you own to give David Miscavige the lifestyle he does not deserve
Aside from both Cruise and Travolta believing that Scientology is the reason for their careers, I also think (from reading on sites like this and the Underground Bunker) that:
Tom believes that he is the second-most important person on the planet. Turning against Scientology and what he’s defended do fiercely would diminish who he thinks he is, what he thinks he’s accomplished, and make him realize that his failed marriages did not have to fail. I’m not sure he could handle that. JMO
John Travolta lost his son Jett, who John and Kelly had taken off anti-seizure medication. They also refused to have him tested for Autism, even though he had trouble walking and talking. To turn on Scientology is to admit that his son might have been helped by doctors and medication, things they seem to have denied him because of what they believed. Again, JMO
Sometimes admitting the truth is too painful, and I wouldn’t be surprised if these two “went down with the ship”, so to speak.
Of course we know that Mr David Miscavige COB RTC EIEIO is the ecclesiastical leader of the world’s fastest growing religion and thus is far too busy to present himself for an interview or any public pronouncement. I believe this to the utmost, because I am very gullible.
What I would like to know from you is what you think Mr Miscavige fills his days with these days. What is it that keeps him too busy to defend his religion against the merchants of chaos? Yes, it’s been 10 years since you blew, but Scientology was the fastest growing such-and-such back then too, so Mr Miscavige’s days can’t be that different now. How does he fill his time? Does he rise with the rooster’s crowing? Does eat nails for breakfast? Of course someone in such a position of total responsibility will have his finger on every pulse, and thus would need not much time to prepare for an interview. And interview takes, what, 30 mins to conduct if the interviewer travels to Gold? What keeps the little big man so busy that he can’t make it go right?
” What I would like to know from you is what you think Mr Miscavige fills his days with these days. What is it that keeps him too busy to defend his religion against the merchants of chaos?”
Well you see HGC, when the critics of $cientology start kicking up a ruckus it tells you (assuming you have had your daily dose of really cool AIDE) that He is causing expansion on an epic scale, never before seen or even imagined of by the most dedicated cultites or by El Con himself.
He does not need to defend it against anything because it is such a sure sign of success ….. through non communication. Everyone is winning …………… right?
The OSA trolls supervising this blog can weigh in here with their thoughts! (Nod your head up and down in unison boys and girls)
Yo Dave,
How did I do good buddy?
You done good. If there’s a Season 2, I hope to see you and your significant other on it. 🙂
Mary, that’s a great idea! How bout it, Coop?
I agree Coop. Your story should be told on A&E because it is so horrible. How bout it?
It pales in comparison to those I have seen so far Cindy. But ……… anything that helps to:
1) Diminish the reach and capability of the cult.
2) Warn others of the danger of Scientology.
3) Piss off the little shit masquerading as a Pope.
is something I am interested in! In fact, it kind of makes my day!
Yo Dave,
It’s Thursday again, it’s after Too and that always puts you in the shit.
-Too many incompetents to get the stats up
-Too much Scotch for lunch
-Too much press about Celebs ‘doing something about it.’
-Too nasty of a temper
I’m all in Dude!
As you should be! You’re a smart guy, Coop! It would benefit everyone if you would tell your story.
Mike – what about a movie a book and a movie of your time spent in “The Hole” – it would be so eye opening.
Please – keep doing what you are doing.
You and Leah are calm, sane and real.
It is flushing down the remaining stains Scientology left on the toilet boil of this planet.
Suspect Missy Cabbage doesn’t read the news or browse the web just like all the sheeple he “reins” over and so is ignorant of the deluge of truth that is being exposed. I mean why else are his lips zipped? 😉 No, you and Leah are beating him to a pulp and he’ll never come forward to answer questions. He knows, you know too much.
I have been watching since the first episode. I’ve always thought of the Church of Scientology as some form of a cult-like realm of “religion”. After watching the first four episodes, I now KNOW this is what Scientology is. I must applaud everyone who has the courage to speak up on the International T.V. stage and expose this for what it truly is, a huge scam and brainwashing fraud.
I do find it interesting that the church hasn’t spoke one single word of denial or in it’s own defense. Any great brand worldwide would most definitely have paraded out spokesperson after spokesperson after spokesperson to defend their brand’s good name and mission. I’m wondering if anyone from the show or A&E themselves have heard from Scientology’s multitude of lawyers before or during the shows airing?
As well, I truly hope Leah as well as yourself Mike will continue this fight in the media and on T.V. against the vile thing that is Scientology. You are doing an amazing thing and i’m sure helping many, many people.
Thank you,
Mike G.
Pickles…..Go to On that webpage….click on Menu..upper right corner….see Aftermath Letters…..and you have your answer. ???
Oh, baby, do you have your answer…
They created a site with a rebuttal of various people doing videos that I’m sure david miscavige wrote, directed and produced, but they are insane and I suspect even scientologists look at them and think, “Yikes! These people on Leah’s show are the ones that “disconnected” from their sons, parents, friends? Let me try and wrap my mind around that.”
Or in the case of my husband’s boyhood friend, “Let me take what’s left of my soul (Oops! Nothing there.) and with LRH Admin Tech tucked neatly between my two brain cells ‘deliver an effective blow.'”
Just noted: Your show made it to the web site Rotten Tomatoes’ list of popular TV shows, at 71% positive. Methinks Leah Remini and Mike Rinder are doing the job right! You are making a difference, and doing something about it. Thanks.
“Your show made it to the web site Rotten Tomatoes’ list of popular TV shows, at 71% positive.”
The irony is that it isn’t possible for the church to launch a campaign to have members flood the media with derogatory comments about the show – for the simple reason that they aren’t allowed to watch it. Miscavige knows better than to risk that.
It was you who pointed to the dogma of handling criticism. Hence you know full well that to response I. Any other way then what they do is not possible for them. The are prisoners of their own shackles.
YEs, it is in a recent posting “Dealing with Critics of Scientology: the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook.”
Wows to beyond Infinity! Mike has brought up excellent points as to the silence of Miscavige & very strange,no Heber and no post created for a successor to him.It is all another glaring example of the utter depravity and utter causes of destruction that Scientology built into their creed of cruelty and pain.Mike,Leah and all of us Liars to the highest degree,we are doing something about it!?
Everyone who is speaking out and speaking up about the mistreatment going on at the “Church” of Scientology deserves standing ovations. This madness needs to be exposed, as well as those who perpetrated or supported this behavior need to be exposed. Leah continually asks, “What can we do, what should we do ?” Simply continue to do as you and Mike are doing. Share people’s experiences. I have to tell you that I am glued to the T.V. listening to their experiences. I’ve shed tears with those who share.
Shame on you Scientologists, open your gates and unlock your doors so those who want to leave can.
The coverage by the media large and small is seemingly without end. I knew that this series would get some attention but I had no idea that this would turn into a disaster of the first rank for Scientology. It has shamed COB where it hurts the most, in Hollywood.
pretty obvious why nobody is sent out — invariably, they blow. Can’t risk it any longer.
Yeah, true enough…. 🙂
Yeah they can’t risk another Mike Rinder walking around London.
… they blow, but not before making an utter fool out of themselves. Scientologists cannot have an honest debate. David miscavige can only do drive-by rebuttals and hope he can hang on to who’s left.
They can’t produce a spokesman because they blow or they are banished to the Hole. I suspect Marion Pouw is still in the Hole ‘lo these years later.
She and Mike Sutter came to my office in 2010 to discuss the pro and cons of being dissaffected. Russ McKevitt and Rich Kimurra showed up from the freakwinds a month or so later.
What a wonderful group of warm and caring individuals. I felt so loved!
Good morning Mike!
Asking the church to appear now is like asking cockroaches to come out of hiding and get sprayed with Raid.
It’s playing out just like Hubbard. Hiding from the truth and demonizing critics.
Scientology is not in control of the message anymore.
They cannot come forward. If they do they will be crushed. They have cried wolf so long it is now seen as rediculous lies by all out here in Woglandia.
I see David Miscavige trying to come up with a plan to counter this with the outcome of going rage crazy. He may be drinking heavily and causing terror in those around him.
The “great ecclesiastical leader” is watching his space slowly being withdrawn.
The demonic tricks he learned from Hubbard to silence critics have lost their effectiveness. What gave Hubbard’s tactics effectiveness is fear. We have all lost fear of this diabolical societal pariah.
As more and more light is shined on the moral crimes of this “church”, the more Miscavige’s space will shrink. And that is when he will be strategizing how to escape.
He probably has an escape plan. I’m sure he does. His end of life will mimick Hubbard’s: hiding in infamy.
L Ron Hubbard could hide from human law. But he could not hide from karmic law.
On a hidden street, in his hidden mobile home, L Ron Hubbard came face to face with the law of karma he so arrogantly denied. So goes Miscavige.
Miscavige’s future holds the same outcome. He will end his days a raging tyrannical madman. Much like Shakespeare’s Richard The 3rd; consumed and defiled by his own dark deeds. Suffocated by all of the pain and suffering he imposed on others by applying Ron’s standard tech on dealing with critics.
David Miscavige’s natural tendencies to violence and L Ron Hubbard’s black ops intel doctrines are a match made in hell.
Ron Miscavige, if you are reading this, I want you to stop and ask yourself;
What if you took your kid to study philosophies of love and true compassion?
What if Mother Theresa was Dave’s role model?
What if Gandhi or Martin Luther King were the heros Dave would seek to emulate.
Mr. Miscavige, reread with great care Mike’s link How Scientology Deals with Critics: L Ron Hubbard’s Play Book. Then word clear and demo Bolivar and the GE is a Family Man.
In these writings you will see a clear reflection of what happened to your kid. Your kid is the product of studying, word clearing and applying these sick violent doctrines.
L Ron Hubbard is and always will be…….
Mr Miscavige, The GE is a Family Man is where Hubbard sought to undermine the sacred bonds of family and redirect those bonds to Hubbard himself, to Scientology.
The sacred bonds of the family unit was assaulted and denigrated by The GE is a Family Man.
That is why Dave is so brutal to families. He is applying this. If family bonding is the cause of some psychotic genetic ghost then familial love is the dramatization of a some low life creature.
There is no mystery to this. THe GE is a Family Man is the root doctrine that destroys family bonding and redirects those natural bonds to Scientology.
The Responsibily of Leaders: Bolivar, is where L Ron Hubbard destroys our innate sense of conscience. This doctrine distorts our innate sense of right and wrong.
L Ron Hubbard states in Bolivar that violence is the way to protect and keep power. This is how your son lives his life.
1) GE is a Family Man destroys the family unit
2) Bolivar and How To Deal With Critics destroys our innate sense of right and wrong.
And apply Altitude Instruction to the mix and you have the recipe for creating a sociopath.
There is not one Scientology weird strange behavior that cannot be found in Ron’s writings.
I hope Ron Miscavige is reading this. That’s what happened to your boy.
You boy went to tyrant school. Your boy studied LRH.
Mike, would you allow me to write a post on your blog about GE is a Family Man?
I really believe this doctrine has caused much damage. I am passionate about this.
Brian — I would LOVE to have you participate here with a post. I am sure it will be articulate, insightful and well worth reading.
Thank you.
Should I send it as an email attachment to you?
Perfect Brian
They still have one weapon of fear, and it’s very effective. That’s disconnection. But, it’s also limited, because it’s a single use weapon.
I met Bob Adams when we twinned on the Primary Rundown back in 1973 and we still ran into each other occasionally over twenty years later. Intelligent person at the time, but as so often happens ….
Probably my biggest disappointment in looking over all my decades in Scientology? Even more than the disconnection of people close to me? I’d have to say it’s the CONTINUAL LYING about almost EVERY single aspect of the “Scientology experience.” There is not one aspect of Scientology that is not lied about. (and remember, I’M the guy wo posts here who still claims I had great wins in training and processing and do not regret spending most of the my life in the CoS).
And the absolute WORST lies are the slander and vicious lies that are told about countless individuals who themselves have contributed for decades to further Scientology. Vicious and disgusting lies whose only purpose is to lower the reputation of good people in the eyes of those who they used to be close to and those who had admired them in the past.
Why is the lying the worst disappointment? Well … wasn’t the whole idea of Scientology being that return to the more native state of a being would be accomplished by the pursuit of the TRUTH?
Very well said, Joe. I feel EXACTLY the same way on all points.
Thank you Mr. G
The ability gained by virtue of current Scientology management is….. “knowing how to NOT KNOW” about Scientology abuses and actual historical events in Scientology history and being validated for not knowing and not looking and not asking. Like it or not, that is what Scientologists today are engaged in.
Even though we disagree on certain things we share similar viewpoints about Scientology… Lol
Thank GOD C.O.B. is applying LRH PR Tech 100% standardly! That will help ensure scamology’s demise.
Since communication seems to be so central to Scientology, Miscavige appears to actually be communicating perfectly in my opinion. The fact that he says or does nothing other than put out vague, generic “Mike, Leah, my dad, and those other people suck” hit pieces speaks volumes to me. His (non)-message seems to be clear…..”I have no defense against these accusations”. The silence is truly deafening.
” It sucks to be Miscavige “.
Well, yeah, if your first name is David.
The word COURAGE comes to mind every time I think of you and Leah, Mike. You two and all the others stepping up have immense COURAGE. Your actions speak so much louder than scientology’s words. Thank you for that.
Very well said
Wait until he takes a trip to Club Fed.
Thank you for speaking the TRUTH and showing the world just how Satanic this so called religion is. My name is Shannon and I knew people that were getting into this so called religion and was almost recruited but by the grace of God I knew that it was a lie. Doing research on L.RonHubbard has shown that before he started Scientology he was hanging out with Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley. Known drug addicts and Satanists. Just that alone should show people that this all a lie. All I have to say is research everything because if it sounds to good to be true it is usually a lie. May God give you all strength to expose these lies and that families can be restored. In Jesus name.
Shannon Brown.
God I love what you & Leah are doing. In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have wished for the show to be as good as it is. I’m a long time follower (nerver in) & im RIVETED by each episode. I hope A&E is already signing the show up for another 8 part series.
David Miscavige: Evil, pathetic, laughingstock, liar, criminal, billionaire, bad hair.
you forgot lilliputian
Now that’s just plain mean Kelly.
Hey! If the name fits….
Yes, he is a little, tiny man- spiritually, mentally and physically.
AND, don’t forget the best part: he is 4’13………….
Are these spokespersons listed here all Sea Org members? If so, does anyone know what they actually do, what is their product?
In any normal organization, spokespeople are obviously busy doing their jobs and staying in close touch with the pubic they interact with, usually through media outlets. I know where I live, the local electrical utility has a person on the radio all the time dealing with issues that come up. Often times they are putting a heavy spin on things but that’s just their job, I don’t fault them for that. But apparently these scientology spokespeople aren’t even doing that. One has to wonder what they actually do, or is it just the case that there are names and job descriptions on the scientology website and no one actually doing anything.
It seems to me, that a good spokesperson would be able to use media outlets to their advantage and turn that coverage into what amounts to free advertising. Of course, to do this you would have to have a product that actually does what it says it will do. Given the track record of scientology’s 100% workable ‘technology’, maybe silence IS the best way to go.
Ms. B, they have nothing to say which would not be immediately countered – with facts – and turn into one more debacle. And that applies to Dave Gutless, as well.
It does indeed suck to be Miscavige. In large part, thanks to you and now, Leah. Friends of mine who weren’t interested in “Going Clear” are not only watching the show, but talking about it. It’s just a matter of time until Scientology crumbles in on itself.
I LOVE IT! I have to say, I’ve always known Scientology was a load of hooey but wow you two and all the guests that are brave enough to come on the show are blowing the freakin lid off this thing! Keep up the great work, and I hope you don’t stop at 10 shows – please make this thing a weekly series!!!! POWERFUL. RIVETING. I can’t turn it off. Leah, I love you and I’m so proud of you for following through with this project. Mike, thank God you had the guts to stand behind Leah. You are both awesome.
Amen to that
Where is Tommy Davis? He was front and centre for a long time. Giving interviews and seen on tape. And Suddenly he was “disappeared”. Has his mother Anne Archer been disappeared as well because she doesn’t act anymore and no one has seen her. Have they displeased David?
Everyone eventually displeases David. Now it is Davids turn to displease David. And He is going to really, really dislike David because He knows that deep down, David is just a sniveling coward too afraid to speak up.
I wonder what he failed to do and if he will come out with a book!
Him and his wife left the Sea Org. Apparently he found work in the financial field, and she’s selling houses.
That’s old. He is now working in Hollywood, trying to bring James Packer back into Scientology:
August 2016:
May 2016:
I thought you couldn’t leave Sea Org unless you were escaping because they signed million year contracts! I wonder if he will get James Packer back. I wonder if that is why he and Mariah broke up?