You used to see scientology spokespersons in the media. I was one of them for many years. So was Heber Jentzsch.
I escaped. Heber was put in The Hole and became so physically incapacitated he could no longer appear in public (and Miscavige didn’t trust him anyway).
Tommy Davis was the “it boy” for a while, but he also departed, though he remains a Miscavige brown-noser ion his post-Sea Org life.
If you look on the scientology website they list a number of “spokespersons” who actually don’t speak:
Karin Pouw was never allowed to talk publicly, though her name continues to be put on letters she doesn’t write pushing the propaganda lines for Miscavige.
Bob Adams has been a “spokesman” for decades and has not been seen in the media that I can recall.
For a minute Erin Banks showed up at Ideal Org openings and interacted with “friendly” media, along with her husband, Nick Banks. They haven’t been heard from in years.
Tracie Parker is the daughter of long-term OSA tax guy, Jim Morrow. She has been seen at various events for Drug Free Marshalls and that sort of thing, but is not a spokesperson for the media.
Linda Simmons Hight has her name affixed to letters occasionally, like Karin Pouw, but again isn’t seen in the media. Linda Wieland is entirely invisible.
This is their “dream team” lineup of “spokespeople” who never speak.
And let’s not forget “Fast Eddie” Parkin, who was the “man on the street” there for a while, then became the “face” of the STAAD League, and subsequently disappeared entirely (maybe he “volunteered” to do the RPF?)
The only other “spokesperson” is Pat Harney at Flag. She slinks around but never appears in the real media — when she approached an Aftermath camera crew and their producer in Clearwater asking them who they were, she would not even give her name and ran away so as not to be caught speaking on camera!
How is it that the organization claiming they have the “only workable technology of communication” can be so incapable of offering up anyone to speak on their behalf?
All they have to fall back on is their catholic (she goes to pains to let the media know she is NOT a scientologist?) lawyer who has been paid tens of millions over the years to be scientology’s “voice” in legal and PR matters. Would any REAL religion have a non-member as their public spokesperson. Even the Rajneesh and NXVIM could do better than that!
PS: Of course, it goes without saying that David Miscavige himself is never going to make any appearance in the media again. He could not stand to be asked the hard questions — starting with “Where is Shelly?”
Well, at least Yingling and Miscavige have one thing in common apart from being obsessed with money & power and that is they both don’t personally use Scientology. They do use it to swindle people with it though.
The brighter the light shone into the shadowy and murky world of Scientology the less there is to see, they scurry away like cockroaches.
“How is it that the organization claiming they have ‘the only workable technology of communication’ can be so incapable of offering up anyone to speak on their behalf?”
So gratifying to hear you on AM Coast to Coast last night!
Your relating your journey through the horror of CoS, ‘keeping it real’ regarding your participation while so succinctly sharing the realizations leading to your escape and ongoing persecution was stirring to all of us listening, both never-ins such myself and ex-sci’s alike.
I’ve felt the sting of OSA’s lash, thanks to my enraged comment on ‘the other blog’ and a visit at their behest from our local Sheriff’s Dept., so years of reading on here and now in your book about your vicious mistreatment by those minions of Satan has been amply demonstrated up close and personal.
You, Leah, and the countless escapees, journalists, and media professionals who’ve so courageously chronicled the evil that is the Church of Scientology are my Heroes of the Heart, fighting moment by moment to send this inhuman blight upon all that is decent in our civilization back to the nothingness from whence it sprang.
Blessings Always
If the spokesperson was a man, there would be no comments about his appearance. Sad
Not sad. We bash the appearance of all kinds of Scientology cult men 🙂 If you read this blog regularly you’d know that. In particular we’re merciless about Miscavige’s appearance. We are equal opportunity appearance, mannerisms and speech bashers for both genders in the cult. Men don’t escape; women don’t escape. Not here 🙂
Shouldn’t we act better than them?
You know what? In theory I agree with you. In theory I completely agree that we should act better than they do, ala Michelle Obama’s “When they go low, we go high”. And n fact, almost always in my personal life I operate in just that way and find it works best in handling obnoxious people. People go low with me – it doesn’t happen often but when it does, I just ignore, withdraw, don’t engage, dismiss it with mildly contemptuous comment, refrain from insulting back, etc., etc., and I find it workable.
With the Church of Scientology we are dealing with a kind of “low” that is SO low, SO egregiously and heinously harmful that people who have suffered because of them need an OUTLET. People coming here need a safe space to VENT.
The insults, the “joking and degrading” shared here are not made public. Mike Rinder doesn’t trade personal appearance insults with the cult. They dish it out to him; he publicly ignores it, does not engage on their level. He and Leah do their research and say what they have to say about what the cult. Publicly neither of them, alone or together, engage with the cult in that way. They never “go low” in public retaliation when cult and its robots publicly insult them, lie about them, degrade them.
This blog is a safe space. This blog is you and your sister having coffee at the kitchen table blowing off steam together about someone or something and knowing that it will go no further, because if it did it would be harmful.
This blog is a guy having a few beers with a trusted friend or co-worker, a guy with a huge beef about his boss or his job.
Or the metaphor of your choice, but you get the idea.
The people here (not me, because I in my extreme good fortune left the cult relatively unscathed) the majority of the people reading and posting here have been very hurt, their lives severely impacted in the most negative of ways, they have endured and continue to endure tremendous losses due to their former alliance with a ruthless, greedy, heartless cult.
So they come here to learn, laugh, cry sometimes and vent. I would bet money that nearly everyone here in ordinary circumstances would never hold someone’s looks against them in an argument.
When I bash cult people its mostly because it bothers me when very rich people dress badly. I freely acknowledge how petty this is but what can I tell you; it bothers me. When I see Trish Duggan in some cult photo wearing something that no doubt costs 10 thousand bucks and yet looks like she took her grandmother’s dining room curtains from the 1930s and stitched herself up an evening gown with them, it bothers me. Can’t she pay someone to shop for her and dress her? Huge money, awful, garish looking clothes…it bothers me. So I bash them here. And then Miscavige’s height; we all bash him for that. Well do I know (and I’m sure, well does everyone else here know) that a man’s height does not make a man a man.
But Miscavige is a vicious, heartless plug ugly prick and so I jeer at his height, his hair, his fake tan and his humble South Philly origins and last but not least, his execrable taste as regards Int Event decor. It amuses me to bash him.
None of the above would I do under ordinary circumstances. But then, what this cult does to well-intentioned people who want to help others is not “ordinary circumstances”.
This is an organisation that claims, among other things, full command over the physical body and the power to halt the ageing process. It is arguably of interest if its primary spokesperson lacks these skills and is also reportedly unwilling to even learn them.
Hubbard was a fat ass with rotting teeth and stinking breath. If you knew the biomedical claims he made for his “technology”, you’d perhaps appreciate its relevance.
I am not at all sure what it is that you are implying. Monique Yingling looked at her awful worse. This is regardless of her gender.
Another spokesperson Scientology hasn’t used in a while is Ben Shaw. He occasionally gave responses to the Tampa Bay Times, but is silent as of late.
Last I heard, he escaped or tried to.
Scientology always gets rid of its best people. Always. One can ask “what happened to their competent PR people? You could ask the same about their competent marketing people, artists, musicians, writers, executives, tech people? And why is this? Because David Miscavige HATES competent people. They are a POWER threat. They show him up to be the incompetent, talentless fuck that he is. So he gets rid of them. Always. It makes no sense of course, but if he is surrounded by meek incompetents, they pose no power threat and he can continue his pose that he is “the only one doing anything.”
I completely agree. Strong, intelligent folks make psychos like Miscavige VERY nervous. “Got to get rid of those who know the tech too well and write insightful KR’s, adding time, form, place, event.” This is what happened to me. Too many good KR’s.
So completely true, Jefferson. Every single Scio that I ever respected and held up as a model member eventually blew, or were ousted. All that’s left are robots, sycophants, and the terminally clueless. Oh, and we shouldn’t forget the soulless mercenaries who fleece the flock for personal gain. What reasonably intelligent and competent person would want to be a part of a group like that? Well, they wouldn’t. And the evidence of that is demonstrated daily.
Spot on, Jeff.
Superb comment. Gave me chills.
Actually even a moron like Davis, who was totally the wrong PR guy, but mad the drama the way Dave liked it, eventually ru afoul on him.
I don’t normally comment on a person’s looks, but since this is Scientology, who loves to point out how horrible someone looks ostensibly because they left the cult (never mind that they were in the hole for 5 years prior to leaving – not exactly something conducive to a clean healthy appearance), but isn’t Blinky looking rather raggedy lately?
This was my first reaction too. She looks really bad. Like Jabba The Hut. Like a person who has sold their soul.
I always thought that Heber was a great guy. I was interviewed by his ex Karen and those were ( in my humble opinion but probably not.) They were totally unscripted and I had no idea what she was going to ask or what I was going to say
It is better that way. Since I only told the truth there was no problem that anyone would think that I was a liar.
Now DM does not have that advantage. Anyone he sends out there is not only a liar: but it is obvious that they are a liar.
I have little doubt that anyone he sends out must have a video pass on TR1L which is the drill that teaches one how to lie convincingly. ¡
But he probably cannot even trust the Snr C/Ses of the orgs let alone the RTC Reps.
I think DM doesn’t trust anyone to speak publicly without saying something stupid. Nick or Aaron would be the most likely. They are friends of Tom
Cruise and are “PRs” at scientology media productions. I know the rest of the list and any of them speaking to a reporter would be a complete joke.
Monique Yingling must have a confessional booth on retainer, or at least one named after her because she sure had been a bad girl. I know attorneys are supposed to vigorously defend their client, but that doesn’t mean they have to accept the job. Such a pretty name for such a hypocrite.
I thought Monique Yingling did a fair job of muddying the waters in this interview.
She does look old and tired.
I believe that in order to be accepted on the OT Levels these days, one has to be a Patron of the IAS.
That is a $50,000 expense right there and it doesn’t pay for anything. Even if I thought everything else about the Scientology Organization was all hunky dory (and of course I do not), this one thing would be enough to make me leave.
I just finished reading Mike’s book.
This is one of the main things that continues to surprise me based on what I have read in this book and in others.
There have quite clearly been some extremely capable people at the highest level of the Sea Org. I am thinking of the likes of Mike, Jefferson Hawkins, John Brousseau, Debbie Cook and many others.
Miscavige needs these people and so it is astonishing the amount of abuse he dishes out.
A sane leader would do everything possible to keep them happy and productive.
Many of these people just leave and in some cases become fierce critics of Scientology (with good reason.) Others stay but, being stuck in the hole, are rendered useless to Scientology.
What a lunatic!
Cavalier rated, “A sane leader would do everything possible to keep them happy and productive.”
The Twit? SANE? 🤫🤣. Thanks for a chuckle. Davey-boy ain’t a leader, he’s an orderer — and punisher when his orders are carried out, but were incomplete or misguided. Or both. Which is usual. ALWAYS he hits the wrong target — never him.
Wish ‘ole Monique would not advertise that she is catholic. None of us catholics wish to be associated with her. Quite embarrassing for her employer and those of us that are focused and proud of being catholic. Scientology has helped me appreciate my beloved and ‘real’ religion.
Yes, she is a disgrace to any religion. She is an amoral person.
CURIOUS- plus interest. I got on my meter (mark VII) and went down the minus Awareness Characteristics while connecting with Mingling’s picture. Here is what continued to read:
Introversion (-11) small falls
Detachment (-19) small falls
Secrecy (-21) theta bops : Possible internal conflicts?
None else read, or caused a rise (non-confront)
This lady would likely benefit from locational processing in some nature preserve; distant from short and violent humans, social media, or lawyers.
In my mind’s eye I imagine the femto-fuehrer, David, riding this gravity bomb all the way to the ground ala Slim Pickens in Dr. Stranglove. He’ll need a sippy cup to enjoy the single malt all the way down to ground zero when Scamatology implodes.
But then reality sets in and he’ll more likely be playing “Where in the World is David Miscavige” as a new variant of the Carmen San Diego game.
Great to hear you Mike on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp!!! Premiere Networks stands up to the futile efforts of Scamatology and all the Oh Tea Ates whose MEST control can’t change the torrent of truth now flooding the media.
When I was involved with the cult Heber was the most prominent public face of scientology. Hubbard was on the lam and Operation Snow White had given the cult a huge black eye.
Heber seemed to be a genuinely nice guy. Very outgoing and personable. He even stayed at my house once and spent quite a bit of time on the phone with his new wife Karen.
Later, after I finally blew for the last time, I heard Heber on KFI radio in LA along with Dennis Erlich. The “conversation” was not going well. Dennis kept bringing up OT III material and Heber was in full on scientologist loony mode having a real hissy fit. The interviewer finally shut Heber’s mic off so Dennis could speak. That was a real confirmation that I had made the right decision to finally leave the cult and never come back despite loosing my seat on the front porch of eternity. Life has never been better since awakening from that nightmare of broken dreams, false promises and lies. Thank you Heber. I hope one day you can finally wake up too, but human lives are only so long and time is running out for you. Sad.
Where’s Shelly?
Yeah where is Shelly Miscavige
Where is David Miscavige?
Great interview Mike – simple.
Poor Monique, the years have not been kind to her.
I love how she plugs that the training side would only cost you 50K. Most people would call her a liar but sure enough an e-meter and co-auditing is a lot cheaper.
I also love how Mike gets a beautiful airy bright decor room/background and she is stuffed by a brown table.
Yingling’s nervous eye twitching not likely to stop anytime soon — “let me think how I can sugar coat this answer” AKA lie.
Sugar Coat Yingling
Yingling claims that she is not a scientologist. I don’t know if that is true or not. If she’s not a scientologist that’s a good thing for her. I’m sure that many readers here remember the era of ‘blink-less TRs’. Yingling would STILL be trying for a pass on TR O if she was around back then.
Luckily for the world there are many people who can speak and write very well when it comes to exposing the crimes of Scientology and Miscavige. With the help of the internet, movies, TV series, podcasts, books and word of mouth, Scientology and Miscavige have no where to hide. Tick, tock ….
“starting with….” Okay I’ll bite. There is the most obvious question, “Where’s Shelly?” But here’s mine, just for yuks:
Dave: The Napoleon Complex is a term used to describe an inferiority complex that ails some people of shorter-than-average stature. People afflicted with this complex are often forced to deal with the feelings of personal inadequacy due to their limited height.
“Have you ever read this?”
My husband and I were in a cult- like church for 9 years and in religion for almost 30 years. We finally left and yes, we lost EVERY relationship with people we served with and who’s children we taught and led in Sunday school. Mind you, we had no falling out with any of these people except for the “pastor” who at the very least is a liar and a narcissist. All of these friends dutifully stopped talking to us at all, just like dumb sheep. It took 12 years to repair the relationship with my sweet brother and his family who still attend this cult. We have since forgiven those who were unable to think for themselves and most of all we have taken personal responsibility for our own participation in such an ingrown and life limiting institution. We emerged with rock solid values- cheif of which is – no more gurus! Never again will we defer our sovereignty to another. We look at everything critically and own our choices.
I cannot tell you how much we love and appreciate all you’ve done and are doing to set the captives free. They are truly under a spell and you are helping to shatter the power of delusion.
I have wept with you as you’ve mourned your part in harrassing and hurting people- we also had to go to ones our church hurt after we left. We too participated in cruelly treating them like SPs.
Scientology is connected to some powerful and corrupt government institutions- that much is obvious. Traffickingâś” Tax Fraudâś” Slaveryâś” Physical abuseâś” Child laborâś” Withholding access to medical careâś” Rapeâś” Pedophiliaâś” Its all there in Scientology and all governing officials look the other way. This is what is so incredibly troubling. The greedy and immoral IRS goes after Americans who make less than 75k a year, yet are oblivious to this organization? This goes deep and high. Thank you Mike- we send you all the love we can.
Reading your story resonated with ex-Scientologist me. Thank you for being part of the community of ex-cult, no-more-narcissist leaders, and critical-thinking good people.
When I was “Declared” (excommunicated) by the Co$, all my Scientology Facebook friends left. I sent each of them a nice letter explaining what happened and thanking them for being my friends for so long. To my surprise, about a third answered apologetically and told me that where ordered to disconnect by OSA. The Co$ Gestapo even verified that they disconnected. Years later some of these poor souls are still corresponding with me.
The other two thirds? Most actually answered with some kind of a nice acknowledgement. One person wrote me that I was always an “a****le”. This is a month after he wrote me that he admired me and I was his role model.
Poor Dave, he cannot even convince people to follow him. He can only scare them.
If there is anybody from Scientology, or another cult, reading this; you have nothing to fear. Sine then I have doubled the number of my Facebook friends. I have a growing circle of true friends. OMG, some of them are even psychologists.
So many of the cult’s websites haven’t been updated in ages. All progress and independent thought and management initiative have been utterly blocked by Miscavige.
Heaven’s Gate has a cause for not updating their site.
There’s nothing to update the sites WITH! Just the same old lies manufactured out of their own suite of transgressions. List the World’s ills they rail on about and you’ll see exactly how scn has been these 72 + years. I could list a few myself, but that soon would get tl:dr even for me.