A cache of documents that recently came into possession of Christi Gordon contain some things I had not previously seen outside the Sea Org.
ED 1598 FLAG about the “Humongous Rundown” is one of them.
The “Humongous Rundown” was Hubbard’s 1978 solution to staff incompetence (it preceded his subsequent “breakthroughs” to solve this problem including False Purpose Rundown, Key to Life and Life Orientation Courses) — by staff incompetence is meant the fact that staff were incapable of following Ron’s orders and policies, or if by doing so things wen5 badly or stats did not climb.
The “New World Corps” was created by Hubbard to export his “breakthroughs” — ultimately another failed program that was eventually disbanded in favor of new “solutions,” but at the time of this writing, the “NWC” had very high priority. There is a lot more to the NWC — TR’s and tech films and all sorts of things — but for the purpose of this post, I am just going to stick with the Humongous Rundown (“Super Power”).
In part, this was a response to the “List One R/S” pogrom that had taken place. It was intended to ensure staff could now be trusted to implement the tech.
As you can see below, the list of actions on the Humongous Rundown includes the steps promoted today as Super Power — Bright Think RD, Perception RD, Personal Revival RD, Ethics Repair List etc etc
You will also note that the sequence of implementation is carefully laid out — first covering executives closest to Hubbard at Flag, then expanding out to other executives and then regges and tech personnel etc etc. Ultimately everyone at Flag and then the next step to FOLO’s and Orgs. And finally, it would be delivered to public in orgs when all of the staff had been done.
Hubbard laid out the goal at the end of this program: “And we’ll have our 2 million a week in Int GI…”
Of course, none of this ever happened (except the $2 million a week). The staff at Flag didn’t even get this rundown, let alone staff in the FOLOs and Orgs.
Eventually the NWC and the Humongous Rundown were abandoned, overtaken with newer “breakthroughs” for dealing with staff incompetence.
Then 35 years later, with no OT IX and X available, the Humongous Rundown was remarketed as “Super Power” and sold to Flag public (OT VIII’s were primary targets of the regges) as the latest miracle with tons of hype about “perceptics drills.” (Just like the Running Program which was resurrected and sold as “Cause Resurgence Rundown.”)
If, as is so often claimed, Miscavige is “doing what Ron wants” as the most on-Source person on earth, he would have done this as Hubbard laid out. But of course, nobody outside a few in the Sea Org are even aware of this issue, let alone what it says. Though they do see the quote, taken out of context, that with Super Power we “have begun the Clearing of the Planet in earnest.”
It’s an interesting piece of scientology history. And as with everything in the bubble, it’s ultimately all about the money….
Note: I did a post in 2013 that was a write up by Dan Koon on the development of Super Power. It’s still an interesting read and applicable to this post… Super Power — The Facts
About Hubbard’s “List One Rock Slammers” – being removed from staff and labeled “Evil to him,” by evidence of ‘Rock Slam’ (jarred, ragged, huge) E-Meter responses to questions specifically about him and Scientology.
Scientologists were removed for this “proof of being Evil.”
However, the E-Meter responses were and are PROOF of Hubbard and his companions being Evil!
As I try to explain below, to those who feel the need to understand what was done to them.
Hubbard was HIDING and PREVENTING the Understanding of the E-Meter – not surprisingly, because the E-meter could be easily used to detect his true nature and thus his underlying Evil (and also that of others, like a malicious police officer, and anyone of ill intent) – IF your will to look at him, is not undermined or Euphorized by him and by his Scientology followers.
Hubbard also hid, perverted, and prevented an understanding of the existence and nature of Life Energy Particles – (called ‘chi” or ‘prana’ etc., in the educated world) – for which he used such deliberately false and confusing terms like “Havingness,” and “Electronic Incidents,” “Anchor Points,” etc., etc.
He had already perverted understanding of the nature of the soul, by re-defining it ‘in the Hubbard (Satanic) Way’ – calling it ‘thetan.’
And using an infinity of, correctly ridiculed ways, to prevent correct knowledge of the past, and of his past, too.
In the field of Life Energy, Truth is Absolute, which is needed to resolve things.
The Life Energy produced and inflicted, by Hubbard and by his companions, is of a very ragged, jarred nature.
Life Energy Particles are not electrons or photons – they are instantaneous, not delayed or distorted by space. They provide a correct definition of time.
Your body and soul are hit – by those who wish harm upon you- by means of Harmful Life Energy Particles, such as Pain, Ugliness, and Unawareness: And you may feel that.
Now when you look at (go and sense) the soul and Life Energy of Hubbard etc., you do get hit by HIS Life Energy emanations – which are very jagged, very ragged, very ‘denying-truth,’ with intense Hate and Ugliness, and Unawareness.
You could look at (you can sense) Putin, Xi Jinping, or Trump, and get the same.
Their bad Energy hits the Energy of your body, and instantly causes very fast fluctuations in the electrical resistance of your body – very noticeable in certain concentration points (also known in acupuncture).
By keeping a constant 50 microAmpere DC current through it, your voltage is modulated by the Life Energy Fluctuations in your body, and you amplify these a bit in order to show them on an oscilloscope or to convert these (infrasound below 20 Hz) up into an audible sound range.
It has taken me quite literally much money, ‘blood, sweat, and tears’, deadly beatings, and decades of loving and intense work on my part – all of which I reported about – to obtain this understanding for us.
Now you know, why you ACTUALLY were “declared a Rock Slammer by E-meter evidence:”
It is NOT you, but the individual or group you looked at or glimpsed at (L. Ron Hubbard), that produces the jagged, wild response on the E-Meter by means of, what you were willing to sense, or inadvertently did sense to be present: his and his gang’s Life Energy – even if you could not locate it properly.
with best possible wishes,
Placing Trump in the same category as Putin and Xi Jinping? pfft
As Commander in Chief he ordered or allowed the killing of some terrorists and terrorist leaders. Obama did likewise.
Agreed, Richard. Putting Trump in the same precise category as Putin and Xi would be off the mark. No doubt he’d be flattered but as yet he’s still a wannabe. Give him another term though; he might catch up.
Personally I hope Trump stays out of politics from now on.
He’s too old.
He is! Time for some younger blood. Dem or Republican, lets get some younger politicians for a change.
We did Aqua. Obama was young and ended up with the House drafting impeachment docs because he illegally invaded Libya and massacred tens of thousands of civilians all so that French and British oil companies could drill in Libya. To this day that country is a wreck because of Obama’s criminal acts. That was a THOUSAND times worse than anything the old Trump did.
To me trump has the same problem as corn cob and hubbard. They ALL try to show their worth or how great they are by tearing those around them down. ALL of them. It is a method that people who secretly have a low opinion of themselves use to make them feel better about themselves.
“If I tear you down I look better.” “If you are below me on the pecking order then you are trash because I say so.”
That way they feel superior.
My opinion, no scientific proof to back it up.
Putin, Xi and add Kim jong-un all feared Trump.
That’s a pretty dubious claim when it comes to Putin!
Call Trump the bigger bully if you will. Putin stayed within his own borders while Trump was prez. Behind the political facade of smiles and handshakes I think all three men considered Trump unpredictable and who knows what he might do if they did anything which directly threatened or affected America. That’s my opinion and that’s politics.
Also as an afterthought, Presidents come and go and have term limits while dictators stay in power as long as they can stay in power so there is no simple solution.
Oh, Richard, for God’s sake! You can’t be serious!
Good post. I like it.
It always amazes me though, that cult survivors get sucked into political cults and don’t think they are – they really think they are right. It appears you have Trump Derangement syndrome implanted “hate” via media and the DS progressive agenda.
Step back…look at your beliefs about Trump – do some fact checking.
I totally agree with you about what you wrote – regarding ultimate truth being total energy. I use that truth energy all the time to solve problems and it is magical. I have had some people pull some unethical shenanigans lately and the universal karma kicked some serious ass. They got away with nothing. I did not have to do much but hold my position in space with total certainty of the truth.
It is happening with the US and Scientology too. Delightful to watch to know the universe has built in karmic justice. Sooner or later.. they get their correction (justice) either painfully or not… it is up to the individuals. Some keep repeating the same thing over and over getting the same results. Perhaps they come back in the next life to work that out. Karma works and provides us with justice when the corrupt system fails…eventually.
Koos needs to adjust the voltage on his Life Energy Fluctuations to alleviate the TDS.
I recently came across a website which has an extensive year by year chronological list of books and articles written about scn from 1950 to the present. Some of the books are apparently legally reprinted in full including “A Piece Of Blue Sky”. I didn’t check to see if it had commentary about the current process under discussion but it does have a lot of references and links to commentary about the changes occurring in the subject over the years.
Just for fun I clicked on one of the links called “Boiled Engrams – An Elegy to Dianetics” by Willard Beecher & Calder Willingham, American Mercury magazine, August 1951
excerpt from a six page article:
The person has not been born who can accuse L. Ron Hubbard of false modesty. The opening sentence of his book, which was a best-seller for many weeks, has been quoted before but it can be quoted again. Let the reader laugh and shake his head, or chill to the implications that can be drawn from the success of a work that begins in a manner such as this: “The creation of Dianetics is a milestone for man comparable to the discovery of fire, and superior to his invention of the wheel and the arch.”
elegy – a mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem, especially a funeral song or a lament for the dead.
OMG – I went down a rabbit hole and got momentarily trapped. I decided to read a bit further on the Boiled Engrams article (maybe a word play on boiled eggs?) and the authors continue with one funny metaphor after the next and the next trashing DMSMH and Hubbard.
Any two people willing to study the master’s book for a few days and work together in the prescribed manor could be saved.
Hubbard compares the human mind to a new invention known as the Electric Brain or Electronic Calculator. . . . . . All aberrations of the mind are the result of things that get soldered into the mind when it is not conscious. The source of the soldered-in contacts is pain. Now, pain is a vulgar four-letter word in Dianetics, rather than a biological plus to aid survival. . . . . a little smidgin of pain comes along and then like an overload of electric current on a flat iron, the Analytical Mind blows a fuse and kicks out of circuit. Thus a human being can be compared to a badly wired rooming house where the lights are always going out,
Hubbard dashed madly from coast to coast giving demonstrations, very much like the General who heard the bugle blow and mounted his horse and rode madly in all directions. In fact, Hubbard has been so busy that he has had no time to become a clear himself.
It goes on and on. The article is listed in the 1951 compilation if anyone is interested in reading it.
L. Ron Hubbard had a bone to pick with the human race. All his “research” trapped the people he hated the most. We were his guinea pigs. Deep down inside, he thrilled at our suffering. He must have gotten quite a kick out of just how many good Sea Org members were imprisoned by accident in the RPF in 1978.
I watched that go down from the galley in PAC Base. I lived in fear of the unit responsible for that nightmare coming for me. And I knew that they’d be coming for me, but as an EPFer, I sat near the bottom of the food chain. I never thought about it until now, but I think that nightmare directly contributed to my leaving the Sea Org — the first time, that is.
I left the Sea Org in October 1978, yet fell for an “amnesty,” in 1980 that “forgave” me for my sins. I should have known that all Hubbard wanted would be another attempt to kick a good staff member down.
I rejoined the Sea Org at ASHO Day and fell prey to Hubbard’s “research” for the Purification Rundown. I overran the rundown, getting very sick for a short while.
I’m sure Hubbard felt that idiots peopled his world, that we were all suppressive or oppressive in one way or another. He may be fighting Martians in Target Two this very moment.
Who’s winning? Hubbard or the Martians?
What’s the difference?
Laughter – Hi Bill! As long as it’s keeping him busy I guess it’s okay.
The cheap and better and more marketable solution is to make Harry Porter Series as the Tech.
️ may let the graduates feel in ” control” 

Use of flying broom and magical wand
The Martians, but of course!
(I always look forward to your comments, Alcoboy!)
Then Ron needs to use his OT powers on them!
Oh, wait. He doesn’t have any OT powers.
Scientology is a never ending stream of the latest and greatest solution to man’s ills. As each “solution” ran its course on creating hope and money (and eventually proved to be a failure) it was dropped and Hubbard came up with something new. The same con played over and over again. Once Hubbard died Miscavige has found many creative ways to get the sheep running in circles buying and doing the same courses and auditing over and over again. The sheep have been slowly disappearing and those that are left are just being kept busy while the rich are being culled out and focused on. The rich are pressured to hand over huge sums of money while there are still staff in the orgs to turn on the lights and keep up the facade
Mat, it seems to me that Hubbard was also swimming against the tide of bigger social and demographic trends, mostly the ebbing of the counterculture youth movement, while acting as if the only thing going on as the organization experienced declining recruiting and income, was that staff somehow weren’t doing their jobs. Ever since then he and his successor have been trying to figure out how to squeeze more out of an inevitably shrinking pool of people.
Well; he got all he could outta me.
Well, maybe not.
I did the best for LRH that I could and after that I had no choice but to die.
He does say in HCOPl 7 February 1965 Keeping Scientology Working
“That no bastard, ever, won a war by dying for his country.”.
He is correct. I thought that I had died for my country when all I had done is make it easier for the Other Poor Dumb Bastard to rip off the people that I had died to help.
Since that the people that I died to help are fucked,; and since I am truely fucked,; I remain,
Dead Man Talking Bill Straass
Bill you need to write a book. You have inside knowledge that very few people have ever had. You could probably write a pretty good one just from your posts. Hope your health is good.
Due the many external attacks on Scientology back then, LRH secretly ordered the New World Corps program temporarily put on hold until 2023 when he foresaw all of Scientology’s problems would be terminatedly resolved.
COB has terminatedly resolved 99.5% of Scientology’s problems.
The only remaining unhandled .5% problem is the internet and COB is working to handle it.
COB’s plan to terminatedly handle the internet is to purchase the entire internet and then ban all SP’s from it. And this is where you come in.
Please donate to COB’s newly announced “The Golden Age of Scientology Owns the Internet” program. Once we own the internet all Black PR disappears from the internet.
COB’s simple and brilliant plan to own the internet has a price tag of about $100 trillion for Phase 1 and that is why all Scientologists must all increase their necessity level and immediately increase their IAS statuses.
To: OTVIIisGrrr8!
From: Grand Admiral David Miscavige COB RTC and most theta being in the MEST universe.
Re: Increasing your IAS status.
To: David Miscavige aka Slappy
From: Alcoboy.
Re: donating to the IAS.
Oh, I’ve got something for Ken Delusion but it isn’t money.
No love at all,
Sir, I have met you. You are Karen’s husband. Sir, I was on KTL pilot in 1982-3.
Had I not received the gains on that course I would likely be dead.
I had more than sufficient reasons to blow my own head CLEAN off; but, due to this course, I decided not to; or more accurately decided to wait just a little longer.
You know; like Karen and her bumper sticker; I love LRH. I would have gladly died for him
In some period of time I will die anyway; it matters not for who. But; given a choice, I would rather die for yourself or one that has your dedication.
Please say “Hello” to Karen for me.
You’ll remember, Mike, that I did the first completion compilation after we returned from St. Hill in October, 1991. Before then, most of the rundowns had not been completed. Fortunately, Phoebe kept all LRH’s instructions right above her desk and they really helped me finish the job.
Right Dan.
I did an earlier post that included all your information about this that I now added to the post today.
All the paperwork ought just be released for reviewing.
The Scientologists have no idea how the sausage is made.
Dan a publisher ought front you to write all you first hand did.
You and Steve Cooke, as Steve was admin in RTRC and kept all the paperwork in all those massive numbers of filing cabinets.
The amount of LRH traffic that directly relates to the “tech” that comes out as the final sausage the followers use to do their practices, that whole paperchain of LRH orders, to the piloting, etc, etc, is just so relevant.
I’d not say that the end result is silk though. NO silk purses in the end.
But the paperchain and who did what, and what LRH pruned away, or was LRH added to the sausage/silk purse, is totally relevant.
And someone like you needs to be paid to spell it out for posterity.
But you know, Chuck, that that will never happen. If people found out where tech came from, they would jump ship in droves.
Alcoboy, there are no droves left to jump ship. Just a few people floating in the water in life vests.
True because, thanks to the Dwarfenfuhrer, there is no more ship!
Another in a long line of “this is the latest thing that really is going to work”.
[and resolve all our past failures cause Scn really does work)
What did Bullwinkle The Moose say wherever he tried to pull a rabbit out out of a hat?
Uh, “Ideal Orgs are expanding”?
No, wait. That was some other twit.
Dear Otherlies:
He said “Presto” “I got to get another hat”.
It’s also another in a long line of failed promises to staff. That they get so little training themselves has been pointed out as an “outpoint” since logically if the “tech” was really so great then it would be important to focus on what in the real world would be known as personnel development. Hubbard seems here to have had thoughts along those lines, but then apparently didn’t find it worth bothering carrying through with, presumably after initial results showed it was yet one more thing that wasn’t really wasn’t a miracle fix.
LRH wasn’t a mere megalomaniac, he was a Humongous Megalomaniac.
And he wished others the same success. LOL. Just be sure to pay for doing all of his “LRH properties” services and products purchasing.
Listing out all of “LRH’s properties” which the “church” and ASI was to sell and get recompense for, would prove LRH was no mere megalomaniac.
Ron was a Humongous Megalomaniac.
Saying that in the end, it’s all about the money, that is born out by the ASI traffic.
LRH did wish his “church” and his non church “LRH properties” to be packaged and sold, and make the movement viable.
The whole thrust of Dianetics and Scientology and LRH’s return to his fiction writing, and his desires spelled out in the ASI writings to make movies of his pulp fiction works, is all about getting financial recompense for his “LRH properties”.
The “church” stuff, in the end, is all in his mind, clearly something for exchanging to get back money, to keep the show on the road.
Professor Stephen Kent’s papers on Scientology he wrote in the early 1990s nailed it all correctly.
LRH did want recompense and viable organizations packaging and selling his “LRH properties.”
Kind of turning his “church” organizations into selling machines selling the bits of his spiritual quackery “products.”
LRH’s admissions to David Mayo, which Mayo somewhere is quoted stating, LRH admitted a failing of being possibly too focused on power and money.
LRH has left a huge trail of writings and lectures proving he was a prolific megalomaniac.
LRH’s final ten years of “church” policies and Business of Orgs, is the focus.
At least Miscavige has let the final Hubbard crap ideas be packaged into something sellable to the richer Scientology dupes to string them along in the overall Hubbard quackery scam.
(If we had the ASI LRH orders, you’d see Miscavige’s drive to package and sell Superpower, truly is in total alignment with LRH’s ASI top strategic themes.).
I did a huge part of the “Crashing Misunderstood Word” piloting and when I did, I realized LRH had a Crashing MU on the word “religion.”
That is ironical, but true.
And always applicable, Hubbard was doomed and his admission failure was really his best momentary brief honest admission at the end of his life.
All his quackery wasn’t fixing anything, no matter how much self praise he gave to his solution quackery.
Mislabeling Scientology a religion, just because he said it was a religion, is truly a problem for society when quacks do this.
It’s hugely debatable that most of the Scientology quackery isn’t religion.
Interesting. When I was still staff more than 15 years ago, talking about NWC or staff going on the bridge was almost like talking about a science fiction movie from the 1950s.
It is noteworthy to see that after decades nothing has ever changed. Just money stuff.
If scn worked minimally at this point there would be no doubts. But it is quite the opposite.
It doesn’t even work between them, except ethics to keep people in line with fear.
There are simple meditation practices related to breathing that give incredible results, including long and tangible “key outs” and that bring the person truly into the present. They work great, nobody knocks on your door at 10pm and they are completely free!
I remember when this came out, and it was unfortunately “too long of a runway” type of LRH strat planning program.
I was a course sup at ITO (Int Training Org) then at Flag Clearwater, we were under the Flag Bureaux, we had our own division split off division of Div 5 Flag Bureaux, and us Int Training Org, under Bill Franks or maybe pre Bill Franks Int Training Org, when Greg Wilhere was CO of the first Int Training Org.
Things moved “so fast” and were discovered at wherever it was, was it Gilman or was it still at that other pre Gilman place where the New World Corps original people, Jim Sydjeko and Greg Wilhere were part of the very first New World Corps the number one target in the program, and they all “failed”, LOL.
So things NEVER developed to the later targets, and never got up to the priority 5 where me and the other Int Training Org course sups got to do these rundowns. Things never got past priority 1, LOL.
it was all way in the future, and never got off the ground to even reach those targets.
This is just excellent LRH programs that never got off the ground, and smushed and fell apart.
The whole string of LRH orders about other things that came to the fore, AFTER this program, we in Int Training Org, later under Bill Franks when Bill became CO Int Training Org, we had two course rooms, or three rather. One course room for the TRs pilot, and they did all sorts of piloting of little drilling things and iffy arduous practical drilling, False Data Stripping and other things; we in the “admin” training we piloted “small words” and part of what later became Key to Life Course, and Life Orientation Course (things that if explained would put everyone to sleep and the only funny parts of these things we “piloted” were that if you applied of these exercises on LRH’s life, like say “Crashing Misunderstood” pilioting, I think I actually hold the world’s record, as I had to pilot Crashing MU Finding on over 50 or 60 people) one thing that struck me, was LRH had a “crashing MU” on the word “religion” and possibly other things, which I surmised might be causing the movement it’s greatest problems!!!!
Really, that was the lesson of all this LRH pilioting of all these sub rundowns and practical parts of that whole era of intense piloting of stuff that wasn’t really “grade chart” (meaning is was NOT mainline pseudo-therapy and exorcism steps of the mainline syllabus “Grade Chart” / The Bridge to Total Freedom, but rather it was all sideline vital and fix up the staff and fix up top management sideline stuff.
And it of course later smoozed over into what is today’s Superpower rundowns to some degree.
LRH’s stuff that he came out with in the late 1970s and up to when he disappeared off the line in 1980 for those 8 or 9 months he disappeared and which the other ex CMO Messengers who went with him and were the satellite special special traveling CMO units that served him in sequence all up to the end of his life, that all does dovetail and their stories are vital to understanding LRH’s views of what he wanted for the movement.
To get a truly deep overall view of LRH’s final 8-10 years of life these programs like today’s program, a strategic program of sorts, when you later compare it to the 1982 codified “strat planning” implementation programs, this is right up there as a perfect example of a strat planning implementation program, and a fully “on source” one, that students who later do and were expected to write strat planning and then write strat planning programs, this is a perfect exacmple.
But as you stay Mike, LRH was coming up with add on’s and newer ideas to pilot, and the original New World Corp students who were to do the section 1 target of this program bugged on their TRs and metering, thus that long TRs pilot at Clearwater, and so forth.
The WHOLE of LRH’s final years of orders and strategic orders in particular, need to be laid out, again, and deeply figure out what all got lost in the cracks, etc. etc.
This program is one truly important one, to give to freezone and Indie Scientologists, to get them off of their stuck in their own ruts mindset, which Capt Bill got them sidelined into.
Well, of course, it’s all quackery, of sorts, so why even bother.
But to a true blue person trying to figure ALL of LRH’s final years or programs and orders, this is one to lay out on the table.
I heard Mike, and I wish someone who was there could comment, but what was needed, is you LAY OUT all of LRH’s in sequence final years of orders and writings and taped talks transcrbed, all of his traffic, in exact sequence.
It’s a big big project, just to absorb what he wrote, in sequence.
That is KSW rule number one. “having the correct technology” and from a movement top leader deciding body viewpoint, this means have all the private stuff from LRH, like this program.
There is probably a full filing cabinet full that ought be laid out in sequence on tables, date sequence, and take some months to figure it all out.
When I got to ASI in 1992, there was an order and all Int Base orgs, including ASI were to review their LRH orders and spot omitted action that one’s unit was omitting doing. And spot the biggest omitted or dropped strategic things that LRH had ordered for one’s unit.
For ASI, to me, it clearly was the Battlefield Earth strategy which LRH went on and on and on, over the years for ASI, which was omitted. And Susy Watson Taylor and CC int celeb handler for John Travolta were the biggest final small team that got the Battlefield Earth movie, and factually it was John Travolta who pulled the ASI LRH’s biggest omitted/dropped strategy ,and it was something that under Miscavige in the 1980s, the BE strat LRH had for ASI was most undone and non complied with. Susy Watson Taylor, someone from CC Int, and mainly JT got the ASI LRH strat most adviaced, but he movie was a loser for it’s inability to be properly allowed to be re-written into a proper movie script, that I think was on Miscavige, that BE movie script failure. Maybe not, it’s hard to tell since even the best Hollywood scriptwriter might not be able to make BE into a hit.
Anyways, all of LRH’s strategies longrange aren’t winners, due to the “mainline” syllabus of Scientology that all things that LRH thought of on the sidelines, would steer humans towards mainline syllabus “Bridge to Total Freedom” which is a big fat losing bunch of quackery pseudo-therapy past lives and exorcism stuff that just falls flat and doesn’t deliver anything to a person.
Superpower rundown which developed off of the Humongous Rundown program here,it really was doomed even with LRH’s cross ordering it in effect with all of LRH’s other ideas and orders which followed this program.
But LRH was pretty much the source of all things failing in Scientology and none of these great ideas for new fixes for the staffs’ “cases” was gonna work.
It’s quackery, and it’s the problem of not being able to make silk purses out of sow’s ears.
Just because LRH said all these sow’s ears were silk, never made them silk. And all of LRH”s additional claims that his new sow’s ears were better silk to make better silk purses, that wasn’t true either.
LRH was stacks and stacks of sow’s ears bright idea guy, and silk purses just never resulted, naturally.
What can you expect from a prolific quackery inventor.
Big lesson: Just because a quackery inventor calls his quack ideas silk, don’t beat yourself over your head because you can’t make his sow’s ears crap into silk. Quit the quackery outfit and it’s futile efforts to turn crap into silk.
Early in 1978, I was put on a rundown called the LSD sweat out. It has disappeared, replaced by the Purification Rundown. But at the time it was the solution for us sorry souls who were so damaged by LSD we could not follow orders, get case gain, or whatever. It was ordered by the CS and ED of a mission I worked at. It involved running in a rubberized suit to maximize sweat productions and eating a liquid protein diet and “a few pieces of fruit” to curb the hunger. The goal included getting rid of all body fat so the drugs would finally get out of the body. Wow, talk about drinking the kool-aid. Seems it was in line with Ron’s thinking at the time.
I did that one, and I dropped 20-30 pounds, drank liquid protein, ate only salad, wore those old gray plastic sweating suits, which wearing and sweating running would fill your running shoes with so much sweat the sweat came gushing out of your shoes! I actually didn’t mid this, but I was only 26 so physically could take it.
The old LSD Sweat Out program I attested to, even. I liked it, but I was a glutton for the Hubbard quackery that I suffered through. The pre Purif old “LSD Sweat Out Program” it got you out and running, etc, etc. I would have loved to do the Running In Circles Program but never got to be allowed to do that one.
Reality must be embraced. LRH was wrong about a lot of things.
So true. The loophole LRH “what is true for you is true….” datum ought spring into everyone’s mind.
When the crappy Scientology setup sends you a massive wrong indication, you can always pop into the “what is true for you is true” datum and shield yourself from others beating you over the head with some other LRH datum they are trying to nail you with, LOL.
(I so hated to see Jeannie Williamson being given the horrible LRH personally written lambasting which LRH condemned onto Jeannie, and I was so shocked to read that LRH condemnation of her, which I think all FLB staff were to be shown that LRH condemnation of her, and I personally saw her and just told her I didn’t agree with what LRH said about her. Jeannie herself didn’t even take LRH’s condemnation of her hard, and she told me the loophole LRH datum, to sort of NOT TAKE that bad stuff from LRH, and apply the “what is true for you is true.”)
So when even LRH himself is lambasting condemning you, shield yourself with the “what is true for you is true” and not fall into Hubbard’s mistaken nutty condemnation of you. In regular language, just hold your ground, don’t buy into other people’s bullshit characterizations of your supposed misdeeds. Even when LRH dishes out the condemnations which have to be executed by his Messengers, LOL.