This is truly one of the most bizarre emails anyone has ever forwarded me. Perfect evidence for an entry in an encyclopedia under “mindless robots.”
Ignore the fact it is from WISE, pitching a church event. If anyone ever sues WISE and claims they are part of the church the denials will come thick and fast…
Focus on the fact they found people to write “wins” (maybe they are RPFers trying to earn brownie points for graduation?) who rave on about the amazing expansion and how magnificent COB is? Can these people REALLY be this stupid?
…we are actually going to clear this planet for sure and the second was that our Church would no longer exist without COB…
That is the conclusion from seeing videos of AOSHEU and PAC Bridge re-re-openings and a new building in Taiwan that has already been shown before?
COB has actually been able to pull off everything he has said when he speaks of planetary clearing…
I guess I haven’t been listening. I missed the part where he explained how his strategy for planetary clearing is to wait until the planetary birth and death rates balance so the target is not continuously moving (maybe 20 years from now and 9 billion on the earth) and at that point — BOOM — he unleashes the fully prepared and in-waiting Ideal Orgs on the unsuspecting planetary population. Absolute genius. With 150 orgs each making 100 clears a WEEK (they couldn’t come close, but this is just for illustration purposes) that is 15,000 clears made each week. That is 780,000 per year. Round it up to a million. Thus, we should achieve our target in 9,000 years, well within everyone’s SO contract length.
We have entered in a whole new phase and a whole new power condition as a group…
All the expansion that is happening right now is just unheard of….
I never imagined Scientology expansion to be this big.
I love seeing what is happening around the world; I get the feeling that the ratio of theta versus entheta is being balanced out because of us.
Riiiiight. In complete control of the environment. Massive expansion. Huge effects. Jon Lovitz could have a field day with this on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, that’s the ticket…. (If you don’t understand this reference, see here).
Where DO they find people who will say things like this? How is it that people have so little intelligence that they actually believe they are “clearing the planet”? I can only assume it is simply a reflection of seeing what they want to see and believing what they want to be true in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
This is perhaps the most compelling evidence of the cult these people are stuck in. They have utterly lost touch with the outside world and believe absolutely anything they are told as long as it comes from the mouth of Dear Leader (or someone he has endorsed by introducing them on stage).
Read the entire email and decide for yourself….
Dear Xxxxx,
I am contacting you newly because I have very important news!
The LRH Birthday event was held at Flag, with public response saying this was the BEST LRH BIRTHDAY event in history. By survey, the public said that 2 things stood out the most: 1) the stories of LRH’s life, and 2) the incredible expansion of our organizations and our technology. Those who attended said that they came away with an even higher understanding of LRH, his background, what inspired him, how he dealt with people, his humor and how he enjoyed life.
But don’t let me put words in their mouths–below are some of the many comments and feedback received from those who were there–enjoy!
Don’t miss this 2014 LRH Birthday Celebration event, you will not regret it!
Contact your local organization for the exact time and location.
See you at the event!
Best regards,
Scott Waldroff
WISE International
“The event was amazing!!! I had 2 really big cognitions–the first
was we are actually going to clear this planet for sure and the second
was that our Church would no longer exist without COB and everything he
has done to keep us here. I can really feel the power we are starting
to generate as a group and it is totally incredible.”
“I am amazed by the fact that we as a group can pull this thing off.
COB has actually been able to pull off everything he has said when he
speaks of planetary clearing and the Ideal Org strategy. We are now way
past the point of getting those strategies rolling. We have entered in
a whole new phase and a whole new power condition as a group and there
is nothing that can stop us. My favorite part tonight was Mr. Dan
Sherman’s Source briefing–really beautiful and delivered amazingly.”
“WOW what an event. I can’t believe all of the figures and stats of
the Ideal Orgs and Scientology’s expansion. It really blows my mind.
Also to see the Source briefing on LRH was amazing. This is by far the
best year to be a Scientologist and shows in the expansion of all of our
Missions, Orgs and Sea Org orgs. I am so proud of my org for winning in
our continent.”
“I thought the Source briefing was absolutely phenomenal and the way
that LRH didn’t waste one second of his life and dedicated everything he
did to further research of Dianetics and Scientology. I am so blown
away by all of the continental and world wide winners of the Missions,
Orgs and Sea Org orgs races. This was the most phenomenal LRH Birthday event
“This LRH Birthday event rocks. I loved that more orgs are opening
this year. The signs of expansion are unbelievable. I’m so keyed out by
this entire event and by the Source briefing especially. Learning about
the personal life of LRH is always amazing. I am very glad I came. The
stories that he told about LRH were ones I’ve never heard before.”
“What a time to be a Scientologist. This event was just incredible.
All the expansion that is happening right now is just unheard of and all
I can say is it is really all up from here.”
“I really loved the LRH Biographer and the quotes that he shared
were amazing. When I got into Scientology I never imagined Scientology
expansion to be this big. The videos from the LRH source briefing were
also spectacular. They really communicated. The expansion of this
religion is unparalleled to anything and truly amazing.”
“This was the best Birthday Event ever. I loved the Source briefing
and all the little stories of LRH. It really warms my heart. It is
great to see the Birthday Game and who wins. It is all about expansion
and I loved COB’s briefing. This all ties in with me having done Super
Power. In regards to the Birthday Game, everyone is playing, so for me
they are all winners. I am so proud to be a Scientologist.”
“The event was beautifully presented. It crackled with
brightness. The overriding impression of the presentation is that
Scientology is coming out in the world. The orgs and staffs look
beautiful. Golden Age of Tech Phase II is shooting all the stats out of
the roof and if I project this forward five years, the change will be
“I am so happy to see the line-up continent by continent and org by
org seeing all the staff and their enthusiasm for the Birthday Game and
expansion. It is also great to see the enthusiasm from all the public
in all the various places in the world. Of course, I love that Los
Feliz won with my sons on staff there. I love seeing what is happening
around the world; I get the feeling that the ratio of theta versus
entheta is being balanced out because of us.”
“Wow, that was a spectacular event and spectacular news! Very
amazing! I loved the LRH Source briefing. My favorite part was the
section on LRH working with little kids–the whole thing was great and
honestly he had such a fun life. I see that the most important thing is
for me to be doing my Golden Age of Tech Phase II training now and to
keep supporting Scientology. It is vital that we keep expanding. I
want to thank COB–the results of Golden Age of Tech Phase II are
I omitted to mention the Nightline piece that ran last night featuring Sara Goldberg. It was extended considerably from the Good Morning America piece and now contains additional footage, including of Debbie Cook. This story has gotten worldwide pickup and will likely continue to ripple out….
Watch the Nightline piece here.
ABC US News | ABC Business News
“All the expansion that is happening right now is unheard of…”
(As well as unseen of.)
“…and all I can say is it is really all up from here.”
(Because it can’t go down any further.)
A couple good yucks on that one!
When will there be enough public evidence to force the end of disconnection? What the hell will it take? It’s not just Miss Cabbage. This is LRH in action.
“We have entered in a whole new phase and a whole new power condition as a group and there is nothing that can stop us.”
Power Condition, huh? Boy, I would love to know the identity, grade and training level of the person who wrote this.
Kindergarten dropout.
And I just re-cognited on what the Kool-Aid Drinkers’ Uninspected Fundamental Stable Datum actually is. They’re operating off of:
“David Miscavige said it, so it must be true”.
David who?
So, in that sense, as someone else here has already pointed out, David Miscavige IS holding the Church of Scientology together. With his lies.
“David Miscavage said it so it must be true”… what a stellarly high level of responsibility that shows. Gag.
I too read your blog every day Mike so thank you very much for providing it and doing the work that you do. I am still and always will be a Scientologist, independent for the moment but one fine day when COB and his gang of thugs and financial rapists have finally been removed, or the RCS Church collapses because of them and their crimes against LRH and the subject itself, and we can recover the subject from this bandit gang – then your blog will have been a major part of enabling this to occur. I look forward to that day when sanity prevails again. Your blog is helping enormously in bringing that about. Thank you!
Very well said Foolproof.
“I am amazed by the fact that we as a group can pull this thing off.” We are so incompetent in so many areas, it’s a wonder we don’t fall down more often.
I, for one, am not amazed by this group. Yeah, the whole thing was preaching to the choir, but how many are left in the choir? Even the Jon Lovitz character had limits, and Dan Sherman doesn’t recognize any limits. On sentence length or verbiage.
What a load of bollocks.
The only thing that COB needs pulled off is is damn witholds and Evil intentions.
I laughed so much when I read the clubbed seals cognitions I nearly snuffed it.
absolutely hilarious. Thank for this info Mike and happy birthday for your blog, it never fails to inform and amuse
Ex Fdn
“My favorite part tonight was Mr. Dan Sherman’s Source briefing…….”
Careful, Dan. Don’t generate too much admiration from the peanut gallery. The boss gets jealous. People have disappeared for such a sacrilege.
But actually come to think of it, you are kind of indispensable because without you only unintelligible gibberish laced with profanity would emanate from the Mouth of Miscavige. So, you are Ka-Ka-Kanh. After all, you did teach him to say “moreover”. So, your position is safe. But still, careful about upstaging the boss.
I think of you as the Church of Scientology’s ventriloquist with your puppet “Slappy” sitting on your lap talking it up to the parishioners.
“Moreover”, I think that’s how most of them really see it too.
Crazy making unreality. It makes me sad to read the nonsense, because I know people inside the Church believe it — or at least try their best to do so.
And the myth of Hubbard grows. My jaw dropped at the comment of how Hubbard never wasted a second of his life.
I immediately thought of my shock when I learned Hubbard had taken a long break to write sci-fi again (Battlefield Earth). I truly had cognitive dissonance when I heard this. How could he, the same man who said the whole agonized future of the planet depended on what we did here and now in Scientology, take a break to write sci-fi again?
And then to go into seclusion and hiding for years? (We understand his paranoia about being an unindicted co-conspirator — but how does that compare to fighting the destruction of this “sector” of the guh-LAX-ee?)
My emotion on this right now: Sadness.
Sadness is what I’m feeling too these days, mostly, FOTF, as I mentioned in the previous comment thread. So many lost dreams. So many good, large-hearted, well-intentioned souls sucked dry and cast aside.
That Battlefield Earth thing did baffle me, too. I remember local Scientologists around DC sporting a bumper sticker, READ BATTLEFIELD EARTH. I thought, Jesus, how can you even skim a few paragraphs of that book and believe this man is some kind of Messiah? One British reviewer dragged out a Gertrude Stein quotation — as I recall, “Don’t WORDS matter anymore?” If only they knew.
Well more to pitied than laughed at I suppose.
LIES LIES and more LIES from the Church!
You are so right , Mike!
Check out the latest info on someone we all thought was a Scientologist and IS NOT!!! She’s FINALLY speaking out!! GO GIRL!!
Yeah Michelle. Glad to see her publicly speaking out!
Apparently the COS didn’t read her blog. She’s still on their website. Ironic thats its entitled Freedom of Speech.
I know Michelle and her mom. This is sad that she got run over by Seref. This Seref guy sounds like another Reid Slatkin — doing the old affinity scam of using the affinity group (in this case Scientology) to coax investors to give him money all because they are in the same affinity group, i.e., they are both Scientologists. I’m very glad she and her mom got out of the cult and are putting their lives together again. Go, Michelle!
You have no idea how much your supportive post means to Michelle!! She was devastated with all of the attacks on her prior, which she understood, but could not say anything.
This is a girl who has been made to stay in the closet, to play to Scientology game and it has created devastating results, BUT she is not staying quiet any longer and there is much more to come!!!
We are so grateful and that is something you are NOT taught in Scientology!
Nana- thanks for the link about Michelle Seward. I never met her personally but had seen her around quite a bit.
I always thought she gave a really good face to Scientology. A beautiful, successful businesswoman and a mom too. I’m happy she’s speaking out and makes it clear that she will not have anything to do with the CoS, or its members again. That sleazy, shady guy she unfortunately did business with is a real piece of work. I’ve come across a few of those characters myself in the CoS, who get away with all sorts of fraud as long as they are giving money.
I hope she’s successful in picking up the pieces of her company and professional standing. I’m rooting for her.
Thank you so much for the support. As you know, its been rough. More to come and will keep everyone updated!
Nana, thanks. Tell Michelle I tried to email her on FB but FB said I couldn’t send emails or friend requests for 7 days. I think someone did monkey business in my name to Fair Game me cuz I know I haven’t sent friend requests, but Fb says I have and they have put stops on me for 7 days. So anyway, after that time I’ll try to contact Michelle again.
Who’s birthday was it? It seems that somebody made it all about COB. It also makes me wonder what’s in the koolaid they served.
If you saw the film Limitless, you know it wasn’t that.
I can tell you that Scientology is not even a blip in my community. You never hear about any activities by the organizations or members at all. We have two established orgs within a couple of hours from each other and many Scientologists who live in the community, but even the Ideal Org opening was hush-hush and exclusive to the existing membership. What a wasted opportunity. So as far as “coming out,” I’d say this is untrue in my area. Scientology could disappear and it would have little impact. As far as “planetary clearing,” they obviously don’t know or care little about what is happening around the world. Bill Gates has more impact with his money with his focus on healthcare issues and education, than all of the pretty buildings Scientology is building. Again, what a wasted opportunity.
It’s very difficult to understand just how deep the strings are keeping someone connected TO towing the party line UNTIL you start to cut those strings. Especially someone who has been involved more than 20 years — those strings usually include a child/children brought up in scientology, business associates, a spouse or two or three, step-children, friends and lots of memories.
It’s huge. One thing that I’ve noticed — since I stopped taking services in 1993 (their choice, not mine) – is this. Those who have been out for a long time TEND (not always the case) to make *slightly* less of those who leave more recently than themselves.
It’s like — wow — dude — what took YOU so long. And then the fur starts to fly.
This particular *battle* concerning disconnection, harassment etc is only going to be won by a concerted effort to bury whatever upsets we might personally have with an indy or two or three … with people who want to remain under the radar (that was a HUGE fight back on Marty’s blog two years ago — those under the radar were bullied into revealing themselves — many did and most didn’t) then the indy group SPLIT loudly into KSWers and nonKSWers — one schism after the other.
… I only came out from under the radar with Alex Jentzsch’s death. It so upset me that I said — hell with it. Here’s who I am.
Since I am no one particularly important … it didn’t impact me much. And I was able to navigate fairly easily with my “still in” family.
Nonetheless — let’s try to be supportive of those who leave and communicate widely about it. Getting all the press that Sara has gotten is a HUGE coup and shouldn’t be maligned.
That said I believe those who remain under the radar should be allowed their right to do so.
As Ellen says — be kind to each other.
Yeah that was a huge fight more like a barroom brawl and some of us ended up getting 86ed from Marty’s Bar & Grill 😉
Oh well.
No hard feelings there and I’m glad to see that Marty and Monique are taking the Church on in civil court in Texas and that Miscavige will end up being deposed which should be good for some comic relief if nothing else.
Yes that was an ugly brawl, and it reminded me so much of a similar fight that’s been going on for a couple of decades in the LGBT community. After much spilled blood, we’ve kind of settled on this rough consensus: No one has a DUTY to come out publicly. It is (usually) wrong to out another person, with the exception of hypocrites who are actively harming the community, e.g. closeted Congressmen who habitually cast votes for anti-gay legislation. I’m not sure what the Scientology equivalent would be, or if there is one.
That said, anyone who IS in a position to safely reveal him/herself should probably do so, as it makes everything easier and better for those who will follow.
I agree with you.
Many who are commenting use a nom de guerre, alias or remain anonymous have friends or family who are still “in” or are still “in” themselves and trying to avoid disconnection or OSA.
A good parallel would be someone who is in the Intelligence Community or the Administration that becomes a “confidential source” in order to avoid being sentenced under the “Espionage Act” yet blow the whistle on the various crimes committed by the above.
Like Woodward and Bernstein’s “Deep Throat”.
Personally I don’t think Mike could do his job as well as he does without these people who leak information to him.
Go ahead. Fire your feeble guns. You won’t kill anything. There will always be poets in the world. – William Saroyan
I dont understand why she doesnt know this will happen, LRH himself said, quote, “Failure or refusal to disconnect from a suppresive person is a suppresive act in itself”. It is part of the religion she stills believes in. It is sad, but she stills believes in the teachings of LRH. Can you pick and choose what you believe in?
Can’t pick and choose if you are a fundamentalist. Everyone else can do whatever they want. M
“The event was amazing!!! I had 2 really big cognitions–the first
was we are actually going to clear this planet for sure”
The shrinks call the above “cognitive dissonance”.
This person thinks by throwing up another Potemkin Village AKA “Ideal Org” and altering the tech even more they are going to clear the planet.
“Cognition” wouldn’t be the word I’d use.
*Delusion* would be more appropriate.
“and the second
was that our Church would no longer exist without COB and everything he
has done to keep us here.”
Good question would be what “Church” might he be referring to?
Guess you could call it the Church of David Miscavige which is more like a cult of personality or lack thereof.
Personally I think we would have been better off if Mary Sue had defenestrated the Lil’ bastard when he walked into the Controllers Office.
“I can really feel the power we are starting
to generate as a group and it is totally incredible.”
Actually Ad Course materials covers what kind of “group” he is referring to. So I’ll leave it at that.
Whoa remoteviewed, your Comment stat just rocketed to Affluence with “defenestrated”!
Where DID their brains go?
Into the cult braindrain, where critical thinking is replaced with childish wonderment.
“Clear this planet for sure and that our Church would no longer exist without COB…”
Here is a good example of what I call the infantilization of the public. They are reduced to infantile thinking and dependence on COB, the church, the organizations, other Scientologists (in good standing only, please), and whatever else their mind associates with the subject.
Sweet dreams guys.
Until the nightmares start.
I’ve been thinking about this. Scientology nightmares must be the WORST nightmares.
I just noticed that the picture of the scare-crow has a brown nose………………that’s reasonable.
“our Church would no longer exist without COB”
An incomplete statement. Please allow me. “our church (as we now know it) would no longer exist without COB”
Actually an accurate assessment.
Re: Sara ABC news
Some other religions have shunning, but they admit it and don’t lie about it.
When I was in , the church would dead agent themselves to me by lying about some things that I knew the truth of
Just wanted to thank you, Sara & Nick for making your story public.
I guess Scott Waldroff and his quoted drones don’t get out much.
I agree Sherman should come out and have done with it. Maybe try drag in cabaret.
One of us. One of us.
Beautiful. Hilarious! Made my day 🙂
These are lost souls. When they get out they’ll still be lost, looking for shelter.
I thought Tom’s words perfectly describe Dave’s suppression – “So you better know it!”
Australian “60 Minutes”. Details on Marty’s blog:
I get the feeling the SPs are successfully rumoring the crimes of COB (like they do with their SP declares), and these fake wins are desperate attempts to defend his image.
Perhaps just another of the usual grammar and typo errors … may have meant “would no longer have existed” to imply the 1993 IRS victory. Again, these e-mails smack of fill-in-the-blanks parrot-talk stock spamming messages.
On another note, we already have virtually all the original LRH writings and trained & qualified personnel out here, church consequently irrelevant.
Not sure where half a million dollars+ would come from per person on this planet to finance the the fourth religious militia Reich. I think I’d rather have the Gestapo come to my door for questioning than obnoxious CO$ reges knocking who won’t leave until they have the mortgage.
People no longer answering their phones, attending events, opening their doors or re-signing for the next circular version of GAT is not exactly any recipe for Power.
More likely because more people have been moving up the bridge than ever before here in the independent field, esp. those who don’t have half a million dollars CO$ wants from them. Better than 50 people have started Solo NOTs within the last 6 months alone out here.
Positive ‘horseblinding’ postulates. If it’s not working, then they’ll just make another one, and failing that, an even better one. It’s always dealt with by either more intention (stat pushes, crush reging, etc.) or yet another thought for edification, but usually a combination of both two plus other distractions/entertainments added to the mix.
Mutual closed-door hope-hyped headf*ck. It’s not as therapeutic as they think.
Marty is going to be on “60 Minutes” this Sunday:
Yup. it sucks to be Miscavage.
Wow, Sara, you are still a poster-girl for scientology. “1. To keep scientologists, the Public and Press accurately informed concerning scientology…”
Kudos to ABC news for such good coverage.
The main stream media will continue to cover these stories with good dox and they now know there is nothing to fear from accurately reporting the truth.
“The overriding impression of the presentation is that Scientology is coming out in the world.”
Starting with Danny Sherman?
I don’t have any problem with gay people. I just don’t care. If they are nice then I tend to like them. If they are jerks, I avoid them.
But it is my observation and that of many of my friends over the years that Dan Sherman (“Mr. Danny Sherman”) sure talks like and has the mannerisms of a gay man.
How is it he could survive so long around Miscavige, who is one of the vilest homophobes I’ve ever seen?
Oh, come on, John Doe, Danny and Davie are just trying to make ends meet.
Perhaps his oral skills.
Oh MJ you naughty boy.
BTW as an authorized representative of the gay community, I am giving everyone a pass on scurrilous comments here. Bang on, gentlemen.
I think Sherman is the TRUE SOURCE!
Im gonna vote for him to be COB (Im sure you can elect the COB, it isn’t a tyranny, is it)
Hey Camper, that’s kind of a brilliant idea. If we could really get this going, COB might freak out and have Sherman disappeared. Thus rendering himself basically mute.
I did notice that it was Sherman, not Dave, who gets praised over and over again in these gushing survey comments.
Chris tells us that the comments are “embellished” as they are passed up the line. This makes it even better: it shows that the SHERMAN FOR COB movement has gained a footing in the upper echelons (such as they are) of Int management.
The conspiracy to dump David has penetrated to his own inner circle! That CICS Sherman is behind this!! Et seq.
When I was in, I was always so disappointed when I would go home after an event and did some fact checking on Google. If you just listened to miscavige, you would’ve thought the planet was cleared 10 times over.
If you talk to any “person in the street” about SCN’s impact, they will invariably laugh.
I’m sure their stats are up with having e/o redo the student hat and other such redos.
But for the real world, miscavige had done more damage to the scientology name than any logical person could ever imagine. He’s made scientology a total joke.
If he were doing such an expansive job, there would be at one or two articles in the real world about how SCN is doing great.
I mostly here of the same 3 celebrities. I’m predicting that Tom Cruise will bail within 12 months to get back with Katie and Surie. As a dad, I can tell you, it must be killing him that he doesn’t see her more.
If the expansion were really so magnanimous , it would be obvious to others, beyond the walls of his pyrotechnic events.
Hard to respect the people that wrote the above “success stories.”
You know, Mike, I read those survey responses one after the other and could not discern any change in style or tone – as if it were written by a single individual. And they were all soooo “theta”, almost unbelievably “theta”. Before you know it the sheeple are going to be saying “This event was like doing an OT level!!!”
Just wanted to point out another one of their BIG LIES – that the world is an entheta place. DM pushes this hard, as any Merchant of Chaos would. The world is f*cked up – BIG TIME. And won’t be around much longer. This simply is not true. There is far more theta in the world than entheta. Of course this depends upon your location, but by and large, the big, bad wog world is not that bad. And those out-ethics, good-fer-nuthin wogs, well, they’re pretty decent, caring folk, who possess tons more compassion than your Kool Aid drinker.
Fact is, RCS profits from the belief that the world is screwed up. The more DM can portray the world as DOOMED and RCS as SURVIVING, the more money the church makes.
However, the reality is 180 degrees opposite.
The comments all sound the same because cult jargon is very limited. There are about a couple dozen stock phrases to choose from, for example from this event: “we as a group,” “unparalleled expansion,” “shooting all the stats out of the roof”, “I am so keyed out”, “I am so blown away”, “a whole new phase”, “a whole new power condition”, “confidential briefing”, ad nauseam.
Every Sci-document must incorporate these terms in some form. It’s like if you want to speak in Klingon or Elvish, you really can’t say all that much.
You forgot “WOW!” 😉
The after-event survey results are just more PR fodder from Int Mgmt and there is no guarantee here that any Scientologist ever said anything resembling what they send out.
What is not generally realized is that after-event surveys are a whole “drill” unto themselves and are designed to only send up the most gushing and wonderful survey answers. Embellishing them is not uncommon at all.
The reason they all sound so similar and so gushing is because the person who actually typed up and QC’d these survey results very likely embellished what was actually said. And once those “gushed up” results are sent to Int Mgmt PR office, they are gone over again and very likely embellished some more.
These are very likely NOT the actual words that came out of these people’s mouths. And certainly not after the actual results were filtered through at least 3-4 people before they were given to the CO WISE INT for dissemination in his stupid email.
Nothing is ever what it seems 🙂
This is why false reporting should be frowned on. “There is no iceberg, never seen a more beautiful sea than today!” is not helpful when navigating if it is a lie.
This was you
This was me
This was us
I am so sad that it is still continuing.
Thank you mike
I took my first course & and received beginning processing in 1969. Within a few years achieved OT III Expanded and Permanent CL VIII. THIS WAS NEVER ME. And I know several others from that time who never became fanatics. The differences between the current crop of Scientologists and many of those involved when I was active are greater than the similarities. Try as I might I cannot comprehend what these people are thinking and maybe that’s a good thing.
” 2) the incredible expansion of our organizations and our technology”
Expansion of our technology? Tech degrade anyone or do they no longer understand the words on the pages of LRH they happen to read?
Way to go WISE Int. They’ve been “sanitizing” LRH for decades so I suppose this doesn’t seem unusual.
Excellent clip! Thanks Sara and Nick and Sheldon.
About the Nightline piece and Sarah’s situation…She’s OTVIII and been around forever. I assume she’s familiar with the rules of the $cientology game including disconnection. I seriously doubt she’s never heard of or known someone who’s been affected by disconnection. Why only speak out about it when it’s used on her? Don’t get me wrong, I empathize with her and Co$ is rotten to the core but…If you take a venomous snake as a pet and love it, feed it and hold it close you shouldn’t be surprised when it bites you.
Well Fly, I think she explained this. It is the straw that broke the camel’s back and got her looking OUTSIDE the church to get the truth. A member of the church believes everything that is told to them. Including whatever lies they are fed about the people who are declared and the “fact” that disconnecting from an SP and having them do A-E under the direction of the IJC is the “only hope” there is for salvaging the “SP.” That miraculously it will cause them to “come to their senses” (completely contrary to everything that is taught about the characteristics of an SP).
Don’t criticize someone for stepping forward and confronting the beast. Especially not when you won’t even post under your own name. Presumably you fear some sort of repercussions if anyone knew who you were? How do you think those who are still in the church feel?
Hypocrisy isn’t admired by anyone. You should look in the mirror before posting something like this.
I agree Mike – we need to welcome everyone out. They are under heavy mind control tactics when under the spell of Scientology and until it effects them – they stay in the bubble of lies and deceit. It is explained in Mind Control tactics you can read up on if you want to – all over the internet.
We all contributed to the motion of the cult – and I CRINGE almost daily about my involvement.
But we did not know – we were duped beyond belief.
Eventually, everyone in Scientology gets hurt by Scientology – some sooner than others.
Thank you Mike. You said it well. I have no respect for the arm-chair critics who sit as a spectator, throwing out judgement against those who speak out and try to change conditions. The fact that someone finally did wake up and see and then realized and wants to make it right is a good thing and needs to be backed up. Most know very little about me or what really was going on in my life.
Fly – if you really want to do something effective start with telling us your name and then fight the real enemy, not someone who is trying to change the insane practice of disconnection by speaking out. Otherwise, go get a life.
Long-time reader, first-time comment:
A particularly insightful answer. Nobody likes getting slapped for their comment, so, fly, I understand if Mike’s response might have burned a bit. Nonetheless, it shows for a never-in such as myself just how somebody would go from okaying disconnection (or silently following it under duress) to speaking out about it after becoming its direct victim, without any shade of hypocrisy.
Thanks for the insight, Mike. As somebody who was aware of you while you were still in, I can say that it really shows how far you’ve come since leaving.
Thanks for this response, Mike. I can’t believe that anyone who was really “in” could even think this. For so many of us, scn very rapidly took over our lives, for whatever reason. And most of us could see the exaggerations at events but downplayed the downright lies, because we wanted to believe that scn was everything it was meant to be. And so we hung in there for a few more decades, hoping that the “truth” would eventually shine through.
Well, for me, it did. Only the truth was not what I thought it would be. Anyone who was in and is now out, knows how that feels. It surely is SO much harder to deal with when you have family still in and you DO know what is going to happen if you can’t convince them all to leave with you.
For those that have the courage to disclose their real names – I only have great respect. I am not there yet as it would have serious repercussions for me and my family.
So to Sara and her hubby and son, I say they only deserve compassion, respect and help in this very difficult time in their lives. So come on Fly – leave the judgmental attitude to the fundamentalists. It’s what they do. I hope we have come a bit further along the line…
Mike, thank you for setting Fly straight. If he wants to tear apart people for coming out, let him post his name, post his church story, and have his own disconnections happen as a result. Arm Chair Critics are not needed or wanted here. Sara and Sheldon are brave and to be commended for helping prevent a suicide, for speaking out, for going public. I am very sorry for the loss of their daughter to disconnection. It doesn’t matter how long it takes one to see the light and get the heck out… it is just the fact that they did get out that counts. Some of us were duped for decades and we aren’t proud of it, but it is what it is. Now we try to help others find the light.
Fly, your comment shows that you have zero understanding of the problem that this blog is addressing. A Scientologist in good standing might inquire about someone they know who gets SP declared. The first thing that happens is the Scientology official will say “Oh, yes, Joe. So sad about him and that drug situation- I mean taking is bad enough, but distributing as well? And of course the sexual perversions were a shock to all of us. He’s so lucky that we are keeping his SP declare secret- he could go to jail for that kind of thing with under-age girls”. Of course what they are actually talking about is that he once took asprin and gave some to another family member, and one time looked at porn on the internet. When pressed, the Scientology official will look shocked and lie even harder. Then to cap it off, the Scientology official will give a long speach about how much the church cares for people and the IJC works so hard to help them get through their problems and how the only chance they have of ever coming right is if everyone just gives them tough love and disconnects and lets them see the error of their ways. And these are some of the smoothest and most convincing liars you will ever meet in your whole life. The problem is the LIES. They are clever, they are smooth, they make sense and they are LIES. Also another important factor is that while this problem has always existed here and there in Scientology it got MUCH worse after DM went koo-koo in the late 1990s, and then much worse again after Marty Rathbun started whistle blowing in 2009. Previously SP declares were more rare. In the last 15 years the stream has become a river and with them the degree to which Scientology officials are willing lie. So it’s only recently reached the point where a high percentage of Scientologists have been touched by disconnection. It was not always that way by a long shot.
And lets not forget the years from 1968 to 1984 when there were no penalties for failure to disconnect. Many people joined Scientology in those years or earlier, and so had limited experience with disconnection.
A minor problem with telling these overly embellished lies about people is after a while you begin to think Scientologists are some seriously fucked up people. Same goes with all the “case cracking” advertising Flag sends out – you’d think all cases are tough nuts to crack or Scientology is a dead loss.
Thanks, Roy
Very good explanation
Fair enough. I could of put my question more diplomatically/sensitively. Not my intention to bash those leaving, on the contrary it takes a lot of guts to come out publicly and I salute those who have. Mike, for the record I am not an ex-scientologist or connected to Co$ in anyway, just an interested spectator so maybe a-hole would have been a more apt jab than hypocrite 🙂
Thanks Fly. Touche. Appreciate your sense of humor and good natured response. I understand. Thanks for clarifying.
Yes, Roy, I appreciate you taking the time to write out that detailed explanation. Sometimes I have asked myself why it took me so long to wake up. Well, I never even heard or knew of anyone getting declared until David Mayo and I had already been in ten years. Way more freedoms in those days. Also, no internet.
Thanks Roy for the history of disconnection. I’ve lived that. When a friend of mine was declared, I asked the MAA about her. I was not shown goldenrod or anything to read, but was verbally told she had “joined a squirrel group and refused to leave it and handle.” And when I pressed asking, what squirrel group, what details? I just got vague lies and then “We tried over and over again to handle this with her and despite all our efforts to handle her, she refused to be handled.” Ha! When I got her story it was completely different. The church lied and as you say is so fluent and good at it. So at the time, I never questioned anymore about it and just thought she was off her rocker for leaving. But It was only later when I came out and found her that I got the truth and her side of the story which proved the church’s side to be nothing but lies intended to keep the other sheeple in the pen.
‘We’re doing it for your own good, honey. We wouldn’t want you to get enturbulated, now would we?’
Thanks, Cindy – I love your comments about our story.
Sheldon, what was a nice Jewish boy like you doing in a church like that? Guess I have to ask myself the same question!
Hello Fly,
I get the concept of what you’re saying here and it is good common sense, but it doesn’t apply to Sara’s situation.
Sara was a longtime adherent to the policies of the church and is one of us when it comes to participation within the church. We all followed along with the group / cult think when we were in and I’m sure we have all done or said things that we are not particularly proud of, now that we’re out. I will speak for myself in this regard and admit that I have done so.
That being said, it doesn’t behoove one to criticize others who are telling their story, whatever it may be. This takes great courage and should be encouraged and admired. Especially when the stakes are so high, such as losing a family member, as in Sara’s case. Her son could have even committed suicide that night when he told her he “had a gun and not to come home” all while Sara was trying to resolve the matter genuinely with the church. Please have a little sense when looking at the whole picture and it would do you well to consider the person in mind before you post.
I’d like to jump in here and share what has been for me a plain if not-very-flattering-to-my-character truth, which is that an individual or a group which commits overts on others is perfectly capable of doing the same or worse, to me. I really learned the hard way to pay IMMEDIATE attention to what was being done to another that I wouldn’t want done to me, no matter how much in ARC I appeared to be with this person or group, no matter how much trust I felt, etc. Well, I learned what a mistake it was to operate on, “Well, this person/group would never do anything like this to ME”. Nothing grabs your attention and raises your confront like something happening to YOU.
Now, in my case, it happened to work out that I learned this lesson about paying attention to what someone or a group does to others BEFORE I started looking on the internet, BEFORE I found out about what this “church” had done, and was doing to others, yet I can totally understand and empathize with anyone who coasted along in the RCS in a state of low or no confront with a sense of false security about themselves, and then horrifically woke up as David Miscavige’s next victim. I can understand because I made this very same mistake in other ways with other people.
I had what I believed was inviolate relationships with these people. My fixed ideas about them had to be kept in place, and I coasted with my fixed ideas until one day, it was POW!, right in the first dynamic kisser, and I was like, “WHOA! What’s THIS?”. And people who knew these people each said to me things like, “It took you 8 years to figure out what we figured out in 8 minutes?”
Well, yes, that’s how long it took me.
Because I had fixed ideas that were more important than the truth, and these fixed ideas paved the way for me to get really hurt.
So live and learn, look and learn, confront and learn, and more power to us in for doing so.
Edit: “…and more power to us when doing so.”
Great comment Aqua. Don’t beat yourself up that something took you “8 years” to figure out to someone else’s “8 minutes.” When you are a good person, you sort of expect others to be good also, and that is why the confront of evil is so hard. I have to confess that I have been naive and trusting far too often and have been bitten in the butt for that trait. But as you say, you live and learn and it doesn’t matter when the lesson comes home, only that it does come home to you. Well done to you for your confront and for getting out despite the fallout.
The independent field should have lots of auditors standing by for ARCX sessions when MSS Delusion hits iceberg reality.
What really shines through for me though, in this and every other COB glorification event (true, he graciously lets some of the light reflect back on to the huddled adoring masses), is the underhanded wholesale invalidation/nullification of staff and public throughout the entire history of the movement. By saying things like “50x more expansion tahn the last 50 years combined!” or leaving the impression, time and again, that this time stats have gone through the roof, it simply makes nothing of all efforts that went before.
Lastly, nothing Sherman ever said or presented was either beautiful or amazing. I found his events to be the consistently most tedious of the lot.
“My favorite part tonight was Mr. Dan
Sherman’s Source briefing–really beautiful and delivered amazingly.”
The above line is enough to discredit everything the “success story writer” had to say.
I hope Sherman has a black box.
Agree 100%
Even my thirstiest Kool aid drinking x-friend spotted him as a snoozer
I couldn’t stand listening to that guy
Sara you are smart, well-spoken and brave. (Plus, you look great on camera!) Thank you for putting yourself out there to end the abuse of Disconnection. This Dateline segment (as opposed to GMA) also shone a light on other abuses inflicted by David Miscavige as well and I am glad of that. ALL of them need to stop.
Mary, I was marveling at this, too. Not just that Sara looks great on camera, which she does. But about how brave and brilliant she is to go out there and fight for her family like this.
The same goes for you. The Davebots are no match for loving and fired-up moms.
I just got this picture of Dave in prison surrounded by members of the Aryan Brotherhood. Do i need a sec check?
“our Church would no longer exist without COB” Well, I am glad we got that sorted out. When DM goes so does Co$. Great idea!
Yes, a big bubble full of blind people inside it. Black Heart met his target of absolute adulation and being recognized as ‘source’ as, without him, the planet will be dead.
However, who wants to be seen as source by a bunch of blind people who can’t see beyond their noses? It really, really sucks to be Miscaviage.
Brought tears to my eyes. I never realized the extent of COB’s caring for mankind. Right up there with Ron. On a personal note to COB – Dear Sir, please help me to learn how to beat up people, er, I mean put ethics in on a global scale.
The Churches propaganda machine keeps digging in deeper.
Those were Sea Org uniforms.
And Enid Byrne there even slapped Connie.
How’d they know?
So, Scottzo (the wise guy) picks up his degree from an ad in the back of a comic book – the unaccredited “Hubbard College”- where the ability to write a check is the only prerequisite. That’s the kind of credentials I’d be looking for in a business consultant!
Anybody know if they actually filled up Ruth Eckerd Hall for Hubbards bidet?
There is one small piece of truth here that is actually a bit of foreshadowing for the not-too-distant future: “…the second was that our Church would no longer exist without COB and everything he has done to keep us here.” The only thing holding this monstrosity called RCS together is Miscavige and while the specifics of his downfall still are not clear, what is clear is that he is going down. History is clear about this. Very few tyrants and despots last long in their jobs and Miscavige is not going to be the exception. And when he does go down, so goes RCS.
My sentiments exactly. So, I needn’t say more except this: I am so glad I didn’t have to sit there and hear Dan Sherman speak!!! AAAHHHHHH (Insert the graphic of two days ago); I think my ears would have started bleeding.
No, the graphic I was referring to was yesterday.
Sometimes tyrants manage to hang on and die in office; but then it all falls to bits after them. Three years after Stalin died, his successor Khrushchev threw him under the bus. Oliver Cromwell’s republican regime in England was over two years after his own life. And there is no-one – NO-ONE – that Dildo Dave has left in Scientology who is capable of taking over from him, or who would be accepted as his successor.
Chris, no truer words were ever spoken.
DM is clearing the planet of all of the positive aspects of other philosophies that LRH incorporated into his own brand. Dave has hollowed out Corporate Scientology to the point of it no longer being a matter of ‘how long can he make a billion or two last’. When Dave stumbles for the last time, the scam will be over and the ensuing legalfest will consume a billion or two in no time. The trustee who handled the Madoff case would be a good choice to broker and resolve all of the claims against the cult.
Said that a long time ago. The court-appointed lawyers and accountants will be the last to leave the building. When it comes to damages and return of monies on account, not to mention back wages, that rumored billion bucks is going to disappear in a flash. Question is, who’s first in line. My guess is money on account, then liquidation of buildings back to donors’ claims (or a more complicated transfer of ownership to the local membership), then wages, then damages. What concerns me is the disposition of copyrights and trademarks. I see Scientology as a true applied religious philosophy, a believe it should remain that way, and that precludes trademarks, but it seems logical to have some senior oversight.
I came up with a model which I think should be seriously considered: the pinnacle of power and final and only authority from which all orders emanate, from the largest to the smallest, is a Chair, which is, by charter, never occupied. It is always vacant, and can be located anywhere in multiple forms, so every household could arbitrarily designate any chair, anywhere, to be The Chair (designation can be changed at any time of course). Nothing can ever be done without explicit written orders from the Chair, and since it is never occupied, no orders are ever issued. Any person or entity pretending to occupy or in any way represent the Chair is an imposter, and any issued order is by definition void. The Chair can thus never be seized, blackmailed, over-paid, subverted, suborned, or corrupted or unduly influenced in any way. This structure can be changed, but only by a unanimous simultaneous vote recorded in triplicate by every living being (even viruses) in existence. Since no two thetans have ever completely agreed on anything ever in the history of beings, much less four or five of them, it is a pretty safe bet that this structure will never be changed.
That leaves everyone on their own to find a way around that little problem of never having any legitimate orders to follow. But if a thetan is good at anything, he is good at finding ways around things (especially authority). (I’m sure some will recognize the similarities between the Chair and a Static – no mass, no motion, no location in space or time. It can postulate and consider and opine all it wants, but it does not have the capability to issue an order.) Having bravely and heroically established myself as the Chair for the sole purpose of establishing the Chair, I forever resign, deny involvement, and have gone fishing on a permanent basis in the rivers of eternity. Amen.
Hmmmm…that billion bucks being divided up….that’s a tough call. Everyone feels for everyone else who got ripped off of their money and their time (or both!) and their physical and spiritual freedom and their emotions. Just about everyone suffered from some degree of abuse.
I don’t think you can say payment refunds would come before someone in the SO for 30 years for example, or on staff, who may be 65 years old now with no money and few hopes for a job even though they are perfectly willing and able to work.
How can you measure a $150,000 donation (or more) to 10 or 20 or 30 or more years of someone’s life gone? It’s tough.
It seems to me that the best way to do it is to give everyone something, a certain percentage, that is equal and fair to all. We all stupidly contributed blindly, so we may all lose a little of that “investment.” But at least everyone who got taken for all they’re worth can get compensation back again without it running dry before everyone is taken care of to the highest degree possible. Including the guys still on staff and in the SO who will need something to help them get on their feet.
It’s a great thought! The demise of the RC$ and some semblance of forcing it to make up the damage.
“My favorite part tonight was Mr. Dan Sherman’s Source briefing – really beautiful and delivered amazingly.” – hearing inept logorrhoea straight from the horse’s ass as it were, instead of it being filtered through Miscavige must have been something of a relief to this particular masochist. Or is there the faintest bat-squeak of irony in saying this about a man so obviously afflicted with the curse of Babel?
“All the expansion that is happening right now is just unheard of…” – because nobody’s heard, much less seen any of it, except with the fond inner eye of the terminally deluded.
It a;ways amused me watching Dan Sherman drone on and on whilst making the most hypnotic hand motions, up and down, up and down, up and down. I couldn’t believe how he was talking at one March 13 event a few years ago about finding LRH’s banjo. He talked about that damn banjo for about 20 minutes.
After the event, the staff were banging on about how interesting his talk was. Geeze, I was fighting to stay awake through the whole thing.
“I can really feel the power we are starting to generate…”
Oh wow, where to begin?
1. Just starting to generate now? What took so long? What was going on before?
2. But still not even generating, just starting to generate? Oh well, maybe one day.
There is another SNL reference in there.
Dan Ackroyd is playing a sleazy TV B’wana Don type safari host.
He shows footage of a huge snake, and his bimbo assistant, Larraine Newman, says: “I’ve never seen one that big!”
Ackroyd replies lewdly: “I’ll bet you haven’t.”
Hmmmm. I wonder how many people have had a “cognition” at a Miscavige-event that was just an implant being reactivated? How could they tell the difference between an implant restimulation and an actual deep, factual insight into life, the universe, and everything?
(I don’t believe that Clears and OTs have as-ised all engrams, by the way. Otherwise there wouldn’t be questions about “engrams in restimulation” on correction lists, like the Green Form. Implants are considered engrams in NED and other places.)
My cynical side says these ‘wins’ are puff pieces, written specifically for this mailing.
My really cynical side says, they’re probably actual success stories…. OMFG
I am always reminded of the CEO of Lehman Brothers speaking on CNBC in 2008, “We are completely liquid and viable. No problems with Lehman.” The next day they were history.
There are no words….They might as well petition to change the City of Clearwater’s name to Jonestown.
Thanks Mike and thank you for sharing the Night Line link … Sara did an excellent job keeping the focus on the utter evil of disconnection.
It’s heartening to see the layers start to peel off and to be witness to the emperor’s clothes
Speaking of brains (not going to bother commenting on the drivel in the email), I’ve been wanting to compliment the brains behind the photos and graphics for every single one of your posts. They’re always perfect.
I guess shit-for-brains wasn’t at the event?
And hyperbole-for-brains was the main “speaker”, if you can say that?
Yes it is, I think, a matter of IQ. Aren’t high IQ people harder to hypnotize? I believe so.
Sorry to be the one to say it, but I think all the high IQ’s have left the building and are out here in the sunshine.
Hmmmm… “I can’t believe all of the figures and stats of the Ideal Orgs and Scientology’s expansion” and “The signs of expansion are unbelievable” somehow made it past the censors. What do you make of those comments, Dr Freud?
“WOW what an event. I can’t believe all of the figures and stats of
the Ideal Orgs and Scientology’s expansion…”
Of course he/she can’t believe it…cuz it isn’t true!
Well, bless their hearts.
The most amusing part of that silliness is that Dear Leader now finds it necessary to launch an INTERNAL public relations campaign to shore up his reputation among the sheeple.
Gee, I wonder what the sheeple are daring to THINK these days about Dear Leader?
Because before they say it, you know they’re thinking it. ;=)
That is a really good point, Just Me.
The line of “our church would no longer exist without cob”…is not only something that initiates the gag reflex in me, it is a real degrade of the tech.
That line of the church would no longer exist without COB is a gagger alright. But I bet he wrote that himself, disguising the writing to be like 5th graders would write. Or worse yet, maybe it really is a brainwashed follower who wrote it. It is proof that he knows he is going down in flames and he is trying to restore some good PR for himself and the church to counter all the truths coming out about Disconnection, Beatings, GAG II and Idle Orgs and himself.