As always, interested to hear your feedback on the show tonight.
And as is their pattern, scientology’s response to the show is both predictable and quite bizarre.
They are hanging their hat on the fact that this is all a publicity stunt, but now they have gone a step further, claiming it is “intended to incite violence” and that Leah is back like Jason from Friday the 13th (a trademark Miscavigeism — certainly not a line that any reputable lawyer would include in a letter). Of course they ignore the fact there would be NO INTEREST if Shelly was NOT MISSING from the public eye. She was MADE INTO a public figure by Miscavige having her with him at every important event in scientology history until Tom Cruise’s wedding. She was then vanished without explanation.
If in fact there is nothing amiss, why isn’t Shelly making a public statement? Even a POW style video? Or a handwritten note? Why is it all lawyer’s letters? And vague statements from faux “spokespeople” who cannot actually SPEAK?
Perhaps the greatest irony is that scientology dragged the ghost of Marty Rathbun out of retirement to “debunk” this episode. First the lawyers cited him and then Fast Eddie Parkin got in on the act – citing an unnamed “whistleblower”.
Marty recounts a conversation that never happened to claim that Leah filing a missing person’s report was some sort of planned conspiracy to make money. Unfortunately, the facts and timeline just don’t match up. At all. The conversations he seems to recall, never happened. Much like Eddie’s Jehovah Witness theory that the Aftermath program caused people to attack Kingdom Halls in Washington State 8 months before the show aired, this all falls apart once you look at the facts.
Even more laughable — scientology still has their Marty Rathbun “dead agent” material all over the internet. The same “whistleblower” they rely on now, is a “suborner of perjury”, a “liar”, a “perjurer,” an “obstructer of justice” and various other heinous descriptors.
This is the source of their “evidence” of a “plot” and a “scheme”?
These guys just cannot keep their stories straight.
But let’s not lose sight of the obvious: if all is hunky-dory, butterflies and unicorns in the world of Shelly Miscavige, WHY DOESN’T SHE COME FORTH AND SAY SO?
Why is this all being hidden behind lawyer letters and made up statements by Marty Rathbun?
Great episode…The revelation was made by Tom that most long-time members of the CO$ only put-up with David Miscavige and don’t revolt against him because they are “waiting for Hubbard to return”…Honestly (and sadly) this is the best explanation I’ve ever heard for why Miscavige hasn’t been overturned and thrown out on his ass. However, what doesn’t make any sense at all is why, if all these long-time members of the CO$ are so dedicated to LRH and are only putting up with Miscavige and his insanity and abuse because they are patiently waiting for LRH’s return to earth, do they go along with Miscavige constantly bastardizing all of Hubbard’s policies, rules, regulations, etc.? You’d think that whenever Miscavige changes one of Hubbard’s policies, or redefines something so fundamental to the CO$ and Dianetics as the definition of a “Floating Needle” as Miscavige so arrogantly “corrected” (saying that Hubbard was wrong even though he was the creator of Dianetics and the one who did all of the “research”), that this would be so important and upsetting to true-believers that they wouldn’t stand for it any longer. Scientology and Dianetics are simply never-ending, cyclical “Catch 22’s”, with infinite loop-holes and little “outs” built-in to every single principle, policy, and fundamental “scripture” to explain everything to the benefit of LRH…and apparently to whomever has designated themselves as “in-charge”. It’s a bottomless rabbit-hole that is infinitely frustrating to try to make sense of…
>because they are “waiting for Hubbard to return”
Miscavige is waiting, too.
What Miscavige and others (and probably Hubbard himself) didn’t know was that Hubbard messed himself up so much that he needed an “intermezzo life” to straighten himself out a bit. That’s why his return is postponed by approx. 20+ years.
I also have the feeling that Hubbard won’t be too upset with Miscavige. After all Miscavige kept Scientology Churches running (more dead than alive, but still alive) which isn’t an easy task at all. Especially considering that Hubbard didn’t finish the Bridge himself.
The majority of BTs are aspects of yourself, by the way, they need to be re-integrated, not chased out. Hubbard’s main error (AKA why Scientology doesn’t work) was that he wanted to chase out anything and everything: BTs, SPs, engrams, implanters, implants, GPMs, time track. He never wanted to re-integrate/embrace mental phenomena, he only wanted to get rid of them.
But don’t get me started.
Grew up in family abuse & a JW were Bad for so many things being hit daily was so common I really can’t think of really any fun times & when asked a sibling they said because I didn’t have any & I got thrown out at 15 y/o & into an abusive relationship for to long w no place to go till one day had ENOUGH left w ? fit in my car & left I was really scared got stalked threatened the works but I held my ground and was free in a sense took awhile so I know what it’s like & feel awful for Shelly living in Fear not just from God or ? brainwashing she goes through but at least My prison’s gates were in my mind Not metal ones like she’s prob in & for Shelly who can she goto,Trust there all like tattle Tale Children who prob wouldn’t step up to help her if was being beaten & she may have just given up being Free like the ppl who are so mentally wrecked if there Jail door was left open they wouldn’t leave kinda crap I so get that & like they DM wants her to get out & goto the Media or Feds he prob would be knocked down a few more pegs but I wish TC & other Fam ppl would leave & why any Church can be Tax exempt w/o helping others is beyond reason pretty sure God wants us to help when we can when ? in need can use help so Let SHELLY GO & IMO any religion should NOT be allowed to be fenced in w razor wire that’s called a Jail…..smh
This episode mentioned Shelly’s sister. Is she still in Scientology? Any chance she is in touch with Shelly or knows where she is? This whole idea that this group has the “power” to remove someone from society without explanation is very disturbing. I’d like to think the noise created from this show will lead to some answers.
Just watched the episode.
I’m curious about Shelly herself. As a young girl, she’s described as being kind of a loner but very focused and determined to be the best at serving Elron. But in her later years, she’s described as being kind and compassionate. If she grew up in the Sea Org, where compassion is “low toned,” what caused her to develop compassion later in life? I guess this is a psychological question, but I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on that.
Well Mike, I personally think the whole situation is one of those Null-Hypothesis propositions: Shelly has effectively been ‘disappeared’, and yet there’s no way to know whether or not she’s enduring her punishment voluntarily or under duress, or whether DM’s Attorneys are actually speaking on her behalf or via him alone. I’d suspect the later, but given the CofS track record on things like this, they will apply LRH policy on this to the letter. We all know where she is and why, but until she has her moment and either successfully Blows or gets away just long enough to set off the alarm bells and alert the Feds, our only gauge of how much of affect you two are actually having will be via scumbag lawyers….Until then, you bitter, defrocked Apostates are doing a great job. The general public need to know this stuff, and short of culling through ARS, you’re the only source of information that they’d ever get. Lots of Luv to Leah
Okay Mike this is going to seem a little strange but it sounds like it’s right up California and IRS. Miscavige has to file personal tax returns for state& fed has he been filing separate returns I doubt it that means Shelly or someone is committing big-time fraud by signing Shelly’s name to the tax returns anybody have a copy of her signature and what it looked like before she disappeared. Yeah you know the state of California loves an income fraud case. And will IRS yeah they don’t mind it either. IRS actually went after a bunch of Evangelical pastors and they didn’t do it on the church that was later they first did it on personal income they drag that thing out for 8 to 10 years after all IRS doesn’t need to worry about attorneys fees only the people that they’re going after due. I am sure you guys have already thought of this but maybe we should put it out there and then see what he does. since this little guy loves to submit these letters that only make him look even more pathetic regarding the show that’s about to air it happened so I don’t know episode 6 was supposed to air next time but in fact it was episode 8 that already aired when they make him look like an idiot just saying you know shows get rescheduled all the time. Have a great holiday Mike ho ho ho
mmorris, you can count on DM having his taxes done perfectly by tax atty’s.
Yeah, but here’s my thing. Even if your form is done by a tax attorney, H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt or whoever, don’t you still have to sign it? At least that’s my understanding.
Alcoboy, Atty’s who can practice before the IRS and whose signatures are allowed by the IRS can sign with the proper power of atty.
In addition, when spouses file jointly a note from a doctor stating that one is unable to sign due to illness/injury allows the other spouse to sign for both.
So glad to see my photos in another episode. Breaks up the talking heads with scary photos. Nasty Nathanial also very glad he got a credit this time for his TWIN PEAKS pics.
Nate took pics of Twin Peaks? Cool. I’ve seen his vids on youtube.
Don’t you wish Anonymous could be engaged to find Shelly and take down CoS? If anyone could, it would be them…..
We tried!
This certainly makes me curious. Even if we know where she is living, and what she is doing, how would it feel to be separated from your husband, your group, and locked up on a property in the middle of nowhere? Reminds me of how Cruise dumped his wife…changed the locks on his house when she got home she couldn’t get in. Whammo! NO husband, no kids. Or so I heard…it could be just all rumors you know? LOL
This was a very good episode, well researched and presented. I met Shelly’s father briefly back in the early 80’s (but not Shelly herself). I wish he were still alive to give her a landing platform (doubtful she would have any knowledge of the Aftermath Foundation). Could a drone fly over CST and drop some pamphlets?
Mike, according to Wikipedia, this is the Last episode of season 3. Is that true, or are you just keeping the remaining episodes under wraps because of the harassment from $?
It’s not the last episode. It’s judt the last thing anyone updated on Wiki
Whew! Thank You.
Hey Mike, I live in Clearwater and I can’t stand going downtown where they walk around like Ants at work. Robotic like. Won’t make eye contact either. Anything or info I can get by being here and going to a new cafe on Cleveland st where they go all day, let me know. Merry Christmas
Hello. Great episode as always. I’m a fan from Sweden and can’t really see the show “legally” but I’m sure you are happy with me being a bit “criminal” just to be able to watch your show. You have teached me so much, and even though I have never been in a cult I have had an abusive mom and your explanation of the cult makes my life much easier to live. Please Mike could you please send Leah Remini a big hug from me telling her that she is a huge inspiration for me in my life? It would mean lots to know that she gets the hug. And please keep up the good work.
Hi Mike! I just wanted to tell you how I happened upon your blog, as I believe it is a story in testament to the good work you and Leah are doing.
Several days ago – in fact, probably after last week’s Aftermath episode, I saw the strangest sponsored tweet from an individual I had no knowledge of, who turned out to be the daughter scientology is using as a weapon against you. As a never-in, it is my practice to research things which seem strange, and in this case in the course of doing so, encountered the even more strange smear website they put up about you. It didn’t take long to figure out what was actually going on, but at that point the shock kicked in. What power must this organization have over these people to cause them to participate in publicly smearing their family members? I mean, I don’t have the best relationship with my dad, but to level such serious and baseless accusations- I was more confused than ever. Until I spent a few days watching the show and reading up on scientology.
Then ‘disturbed’ replaced the confusion, because a little research made everything perfectly clear. I’d previously had a perfunctory knowledge of the existence of scientology (which I must admit does actually have something to do with South Park, but I used to also be a pretty big fan of Catherine Bell), but only now do I realize just how awful the whole thing is. DM will go down in history with the likes of Warren Jeffs, Dave Koresh and Jim Jones. I just wish he wouldn’t keep dragging other people down with him under the guise of self help. But you guys are doing really good work to put an end to that and I commend your courage even when faced with the most brutal retaliation. It seems to be working as even their attempts to smear you have backfired and caused people like me to look into just where those accusations are coming from! Thank you for educating me about this dangerous cult. I hope people will see all your efforts and get out for good!
Hi Kate. I’m a never in who came to this blog after watching Aftermath. Like you I was so shocked, then disturbed. Now horrified and disgusted. A lot of healing happens here. And learning, and exchange of information and ideas. Welcome☺
Fantastic show as always. Question – has anyone ever sued the church for slander or defamation? Given the voluminous attack letters (legal and otherwise) and extensive tactics to destroy people’s reputation and livelihood, there has to be significant liability. Political and social disagreement is one thing. But what the church does in retribution has slander or defamation written all over it.
No. Unless you have a LOT of money to burn you don’t engage in litigation with an organization with unlimited tax free dollars to drag litigation out for as long as possible.
Hi Mike, as a daughter of a narcissist (acknowledged by my own sister, a family therapist), I have watched the series from day one. I have studied narcissism for 20 years. When I became an adult, and did not “serve her”, I was demeaned, demoted in her eyes, and then discarded. No communication for years, off and on. I put up a mirror and wouldn’t let her get away with such toxic and unloving behavior. She did it to my older brother too. Discard, kicked to the curb, disinherited. My sister grew up to be a narcissist too, so of course I am discarded too. No worries, I have a great life and great friends.
I think DM is a malignant narcissist. Have you and Leah consulted with psychologists about this disorder? He is classic, and the poor souls who join and give their life away are his minions that support his crippled self and fund the Ponzi scheme that supports his lifestyle and the “church”. I notice that you refrain from using words that would describe his behavior, but legally would incite trouble. The behavior speaks for itself obviously. Shelly, imho, is probably suffering badly from Stockholm Syndrome and has given away power of attorney to DM’s attorneys. Her conversation with police was surely orchestrated and scripted. Keep up the good work, when the Ponzi scheme can’t keep the $ coming in, the house of cards will fall. In your and Leah’s lifetime, this will happen. Knowledge and enlightenment is power. Happy New Year to you and yours!
The show just keeps getting better and more effective. Amazing episode. Stunned.
I haven’t seen this episode yet. But I really wish that there could be an attempt to estimate the amount of finances spent by the the Scientology entities to suppress by intimidation, slander, libel and legal actions, the atrocious behaviour within and outside of those organizations.
Just a few arrows pointing to one person over the decades.
-the reported $30 million in legal fees and other tactics to escape conviction in the criminal case of Lisa McPherson, and how much paid in the civil case which was opened on it?
– 10 to 12 Millions of $ paid to the 2 Private Investigators to track Pat Broeker over the years.
_ Millions and over 20 lawyers spent on the Rathbun case.
_ How much spent on the Debbie Cook case?
_ Gerry Armstrong case,
_Lawrence Wollersheim case.
_100’a of other cases..
_refund and repayment cases?
_ the Snow White program
_ the many years legal fight against Paullete Cooper..
_ The 1967-1993 fight with the IRS
I can only take a wild guess Half a Billion $…. to do what? To suppress information…..that information must be extremely dangerous to be known.
I doubt it is information regarding Charitable tax exempt.
Who other than Davey Boy is connected to all the above.? Follow the money.!
Stand Tall Davey Boy Miscavige….Stand Up and wear the real sociopathic characteristics emanating from your “black heart’
I think my idea is from watching way to much television….but there has to be some highly trained, military seal, special ops, etc. type of person that could get in and be able to make some form of contact with Shelly or at least get some photos or videos of hers. There has to be some nerd out there that has the skills to hack the video cameras. Need to design a plan to send in a “spy”. Start tracking cars…fly drones or helicopters over various locations she could be.
Leave it to Scientology to take the law into their own hands. We do it with exposure of truth. When one stoops to the methods you are decrying to combat the abuse it might be understandable but doesn’t it make you no better than those you are protesting?
I absolutely adore you and Leah the hard work you guys do and all the emotions it takes to do the show but I think you guys are saving a lot of people from this cult each show keeps getting better prayers go up for you guys daily because I know it’s very draining but love the show keep up the hard work pray that you guys find Shelly
My thoughts exactly. Except for the “nerd” part. I think the computer people are the cool ones. Haha! Of course, our sweet Mike Rinder can’t agree with you because this cult would claim he’s inciting or some other such nonsense. I’m a survivor of prolonged sexual assault and I can tell you without hesitation that I wish a Navy Seal (or some other Rambo-type figure) or a hacker had stopped it. If Shelly is being held against her will, I’m sure she is hoping against all hope that she’s rescued. Unfortunately, considering the evil tendencies of scientology, my fear is that DM killed her. I hope that’s not the case. Anyway, back to the hackers and black op’s, the real question is, how in the world do you find those people?
I would certainly buy a T-shirt. Probably more than one!
They have Aftermath Foundation T-shirts right now. I know, I have one.
The most significant statement of the show was when you said that Shelly is the ONLY person who could potentially incite a mutiny from within. Everyone else in management has been hammered so hard and so often that they don’t have the credibility to criticize Miscavige. His crimes and inanities are so blatant that one likes to imagine going in with all the evidence and fomenting a coup. But you are correct that it would not succeed without Shelly at the lead. When the other old timers there think a critical thought about Miscavige, they don’t think about revolting against him, they think ‘I hope LRH comes back soon, because there isn’t anything I can do to stand up to him’.
$camology never lets reality get in the way of a insane and twisted Demented Maniac fantasy world.
Why didn’t Leah set up a We The People White House petition before the show and advertise it on the show requesting viewers sign it?
Nothing would have come of it but the mere existence of the petition would greatly embarrass Miscavige.
Excellent show! On the one hand I would say a person would have to be insane and out of touch to think, here in the U.S., they can vanish their well know wife to a guarded compound for life and get a way with it. On the other hand Miscavige has been able to get a way with it for over a decade and no one would have said a word if not for Leah. Not the head bobbing cult members, not the hired non Scientology “security guards” who just want the money, not the government agencies buried under red tape and political agendas. No one. Scientology and Miscavige are out of control. Enough is enough. Keep turning the public pressure up on these pathetic criminals.
Scientology is a thoroughly flawed subject based on false and misleading information, no honest research and a total lack of transparency. Its origin is based on the pseudo-science of L. Ron Hubbard, and the quicker one rids oneself of following this false messiah the better off they’ll be.
While I enjoyed the show (as always), I was disappointed that the Police guy who “said” he went and checked on Shelly wasn’t mentioned along with his subsequent coziness with $ci..
In my opinion the cozy LAPD and $ci.. relationship should be mentioned, if not highlighted when the opportunity presents itself.
I agree with you Phillip. I’d like to see the show name names & put pressure on the LAPD and officers seemingly in Scientology’s pocket. Time to tighten the screws on these govt officials. Really hoping the LA Times & more local Los Angeles media pick up this story too.
That might just happen if A&E runs the Danny Masterson rape allegations episode. One needs to dance carefully (and legally) when stomping on the Authorities.
Los Angeles Superior Court
David Miscavige
Leah Remini
Walt Disney Corporation
The Ghost of Walt Disney
All Annual Disney Passholders
The Total Viewership of A&E
John Does 1 – 47,000,000
Plaintiff Miscavige alleges that Defendant Remini and her fellow defendants conspired to use Free Speech to expose the Plaintiff’s long-term ecclesiastical imprisonment of his wife Michele Miscavige, which said ecclesiastical wife is not a party to this action, and, as a matter of her religious beliefs may not be a party to any legal action involving her church, i.e. the Church of Spiritual Technology (CSI), a member church in the ecclesiastical hierarchy of Scientology churches. Further, Plaintiff’s wife may not be deposed under the apex ecclesiastical wife theory.
Under the First Amendment, ecclesiastical imprisonment and the other exercises of freedom of religion are protected from government and media interference where it can be demonstrated that the “fake news” media is part of the government and therefore the defendants are part of a secret government cabal known by various and misleading names such as SMERSH, Big Pharma, CIA, FBI, IRS, A&E, Disney et. al. to be discovered in deposition.
Plaintiff Miscavige alleges that he has been harassed by Defendants but especially Defendant Remini who has been very mean to him to such an extent that he is no longer her friend as he wrote to her in 2003.
Plaintiff Miscavige alleges serious butthurt and asks the court for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Defendant Remini and her co-defendants so that no more television programs about Plaintiff Miscavige can be made. This TRO would be different in nature than the TRO in Rathbun v. Miscavige in which Plaintiff Miscavige was temporarily restrained from spending endless ecclesiastical monies to allegedly harass squirrels, which never happened as the case was dropped by the opposing party after a hefty consideration was surreptitiously paid via unknown and shadowy agents purportedly associated with one General Mena Bravo…
This is an outrage!!! I think that the John Doe defendants should at least equal the number of Scientologists – eleventy billion plus. That way the IAS can start a new one on one Way To Happiness campaign and pass out these life changing pamphlets to the unwashed hoards of wogs, DBs, PTS scum, cross purpose, out-KSW, bitter defrocked apostates, no-case gain losers, dog pc quitters, haters, bigots, 1.1 faggots, crips & crims and just plain meanies. When these folks get their pre-word cleared copies of the Way To Happiness they will surely cognite on the foolproof miracles that can be had by applying the Tech to launch their sorry asses off the front porch of eternity and up the Bridge to Total Freedom. After that the real gains will be had gathering shiny trophies at IAS events.
Ms. B, Haven,
YES! We need to set up a Gofundme site for these Defendants.
Oh, and please go easy on the use of the word—foolproof— lord knows what spirits you might evoke Thanks
Seriously folks….IMHO….the “legal authorities” are going to continue to do what they’ve BEEN doing….nothing. The reason is simple….they got their ASSES KICKED over the Warren Jeffs FLDS fiasco…you remember, the one where they forcefully removed all those women, teen girls & young children from the compound for….for…for…what was it?
Ahhh. possible abuse, sex abuse, marriage to under age girls which in reality were never LEGAL marriages but so call “spiritual marriages” (religious freedom, right??). Well, they did find several men guilty & some of them went to prison. But hold on to your hats folks those same “abused women, the ONLY fear they showed was being forced from the only place they’ve ever known.
It sounds much like some of those “still ins” would feel & those “still ins” especially the older ones probably would want to remain “still in” for fear of losing their eternity & multiple lives, …they’re still waiting for the “Great One”….Lron to return, right? Gotta be THERE for him as he’s expecting full compliance to his “doctrine”.
The so called “Legal Authorities” had a good bit of egg on their faces when there was nothing they could do but have to comply with the DEMANDS of those same multiple women to be returned home to the FLDS lock down compound to the only life they’ve been brain washed to accept & be subservient to their husband.
It kills me to know that FLDS lives by those same rules, cameras, the “God Squad” cruising the neighborhood to make sure none of those nubile & fertile young ladies escape…..much like COS has the LOCK DOWNS not so much to keep people OUT….but to keep their own IN……sickening.
Shelly knows too much, Dave & his minions can’t have this blabber mouth spouting off all of the crap this tyrant has done, she knows about all the money….hmmmm a likely Ponzi Scheme build it up up up up up, multiple useless unoccupied buildings so “look like we’re growing”… keep the money rolling in.
Could Shelly even MAKE an appearance without a “minder or two, or three, or four” surrounding her with tazer in hand should she misstep & say the wrong thing….or try to make a break for it. Would she be permitted to speak to the authorities ALONE, in a private room AWAY from any and all COS buildings & grounds….no way. Does she risk losing her “eternity & multiple lives”….does she still believe Lron will magically reappear in another meat body?
Leah & Mike will leave no stone unturned, & thank goodness for that, I don’t know of ANY Police, FBI, CIA, or under cover agency that would NOT be willing to SHOW a filmed interview with Shelly, ALONE, or even a signed statement or SOMETHING…..ah, there we go…more egg on the face fears.
Now it’s NOI….Wow…..I thought THEY had their own “deity” in the form of Mohammad…..WELL now, how is “Louis F” going to explain that away……since COS has NO “deity”…..then again the “respectable LRON Hubbard seems to have Louis F in his back pocket nowadays……that and the fact that “someone’s pockets” are going to be quite full of cash for…..Well you know the rest.
Ummmm, @Balletlady, …just in case you missed it…Warren Jeffs was found by the FBI, arrested by them and is currently serving a looooong time in prison for all the things that you listed above,…and more. Something was done about it….and I believe eventually something WILL be done about DM and the misdeeds & crimes against good American Citizens and others by DM & some members the cult of Scientology.
As I DID note, men WERE arrested including Jeffs who will be cooling his heels in prison for multiple offenses including the voice taping of his “sealing his marriage (consumation)” by having intercourse with his then TWELVE year old “wife”, with the sex act preformed in front of LIVE witnesses.
However, you can lead a horse to water but not make the horse drink the water as in NOT everyone behind closed secured fencing & gates in FLDS or COS is going to WANT to leave. Fear of the unknown, no money, no education, nowhere to go in most cases, disconnection, old age, loyalty, losing their eternity & multiple lives. With FLDS & in strict Amish & Mennonite religions the family also disconnects/shuns/disavows & if it’s ALL you know, rejection is painful.
Separation of Church & State….the FBI could only do so much when it came to uncooperative witnesses with the FLDS. The same will be true with COS, those dedicated ones will not bad mouth DM because they fear his power so much, I mean just the THOUGHT that COS MIGHT by some technicality actually WIN in a court case would be enough to scare the shit out of any of them for fear of retribution as soon as the case is closed. After all, if they are too terrified to leave, they’d have no choice but to endure what DM would have dished out to them.
As each episode is unveiled & new & more terrifying information is revealed…just WHO in “the government” is watching the Aftermath that will DO something….. remains to be seen. We can only hope that Leah & Mike & all those brave people who’ve stepped up to the plate & revealed their OWN horrific treatment & knowledge….HELLLO FBI, CIA, IRS….IS ANYONE HOME?
Balletlady, you are WOEFULLY misinformed. “Religious freedom” a la the Constitution played NO part in any decision or ability of the gov’t to prosecute the LDS jerk for statutory rape. There is ZERO religious protection for statutory rape or sex abuse in the USA.
Well you have a point but it’s another thing to get Churches or the ppl to goto the Police when a child speaks up or parents find out Rather then leave it to ? Church to handle and I’m guessing not one or few were not guilty of hiding a predator & Sct could be a breeding ground seeing children are removed from there parents so young geeze even with there parents it prob dose not take much to be a molester I’d be a cold day before I’d leave my kids w someone & be okay w that that’s just Me & how I feel.
Chris, NOT relevant to what I was talking about.
Statute on child sex abuse is SEVEN years….until that changes & it should….civil suits are the only way to go.
Re: Leah Remini’s Orchestrated Publicity Stunt – Are they Kidding? Does ANYONE Still Listen to, OR Believe, This Clown?
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Wow Leah and Mike – you are doing such a great job exposing the truth about this BILLION Dollar Cult / Corporation disguised as a religion.
4 more people are out because of your show. They called me this morning.
The financial crimes within Scientology are at all time high. David Miscavige’s crimes are Straight up and Vertical and all staff and Sea Org are helping with the crimes.
It is very humiliating when they get out – very embarrassing they helped.
Thank you to everyone who is helping Mike and Leah! We all love you and support you.
That is GREAT news. Thank you.
Great news that people are out! Congratulations to them on regaining their lives.
Regarding what they did when they were in, they want to read up on “undue influence” and what high control organisations do to their victims. Basically, the victims are not the same people when they are in, and their actions which are mostly to the benefit of the high control organisation are not their fault alone.
Jon Atack’s book “opening minds: the secret world of manipulation, undue influence and brainwashing” is pretty good about this, IMHO.
Mike, if Shelley were somehow freed from Scientology, has anyone considered how she would live her life thereafter? She would have a lot of adjusting to do in the real world. Is she set up in a job, housing, and constant friendship from other former Scientologists to give her constant reinforcement? There needs to be a plan.
That is exactly what The Aftermath Foundation is for and how we have been helping people.
Thank You, Aftermath Foundation.
Their statements are not only unprofessional but extremely sophomoric (no doubt written by Miscreant himself). I had not thought of what Tom D. offered as an explanation for Shelly’s disappearance, but it sounds plausible to me. However, even at that, It Is Not A Question Of WHY She Has Disappeared or WHAT She Has To Say; it is a question of SHELLY HAVING THE RIGHT TO SPEAK, AND TO DO SO FOR HERSELF ! ! I cannot believe the police, Whose Salaries Are Paid By The Public, have been allowed to get away with not having to present her, or a Bonafide, first hand witness, in answer to Leah’s inquiry. These are the same ‘Authorities’ who have still not addressed rape charges against Masterson . . . Questions ? , . . FBI? , . . . Anyone ?
Also, for what it’s worth, I am relieved to see that you are no longer posting their ludicrous disclaimers at each of the advertising breaks. If anything, I’ve considered them to be an insult to my intelligence, and have begrudged the precious air time taken from your presentations.
(Note; I posted this earlier, but it doesn’t seem ‘to have taken’. My apologies if this is a repeat.)
They could possibly amend their disclaimers to state only, “The church and David Miscavige were contacted for their rebuttal, but they declined to come on the show or answer in a letter.”
Take out that “or answer in a letter” part of my post. The only disclaimer should be that DM and the church were contacted to come on the show to give their side and they refused again.” That’s what needs to be said rather than forwarding their lies. This shows them for the cowards that they are. If they had real proof that Leah was lying, they’d come on the show in a heartbeat.
I have always suspected that the well known corruption of “officers of the law” in SoCal had its hands extremely well filled by MiniMouser. (Why else would asking if Shelly had been interviewed alone make them suddenly say “that’s hidden information”?) The LAPD, in particular, has a long record going back into the early 1900s of corruption of all kinds.
An excellent episode. We both noted the seamless continuity of the show. This is turning into an Award winning program; not only in content, but editing, directing, camera work, and- of course- the individuals. My wife noted that Leah’s profane words are now bleeped, which gave me a chuckle. Leah is one spontaneous and intense lady.
Having Janice flesh out Shelly’s youth and then Tom fill in the last years we know about Shelly was superb. It captures the time, place, form, and events of this tragedy.
FWIW. There IS a new Ronald Lafayette Hubbard up in Washington state asserting he is LRon returned. I got on his web site and have to say his ‘bulletins’ are exactly in keeping with the 60’s bulletins of the COS. His videos also fit LRon’s valence to a tee. He seems to have moved on from the old ‘religion’ and is making his new inroads to the ‘mind’. Maybe they wouldn’t take him….. he seems to be human.
If that’s the case why doesn’t the new Ron go take up residence in the house reserved for him at Int where they have symbols burned into the landscape so he can see it from space? Why hasn’t he come taken over the church, shown up at Int and let someone in the church know he’s back? Maybe too chicken to face DM.
You could not pay me enough to go back into that den of $%^&&.
I moved to Washington State seven months ago, definitely not to be closer to the new Son Of LRH monster that now stalks the Pacific Northwest. Perhaps he’ll slither back to the Black Lagoon from whence he emerged.
Jim – Are the “New LRon” videos and “bulletins” available for public viewing? Do you have a link? Curiosity – haha
Sure are. Here you go:
AMAZING EPISODE. Janis and Tom did an excellent job. Having been one of the messengers who grew up with Shelley and Janis and know them very well, and knowing what it’s like to be 13 and having LRH as your “father” and been in the inner circle, it is very believable for those who worked with LRH directly for many years to believe that he will come back and they “need” to hang in there because he will come back and save the church from DM. I firmly believe that if it was me in Shelley’s shoes, I would have believed that (embarrassed to say). There are only a handful of people left at the top and in the inner circle, who actually knew LRH and worked with him who would believe that. So it makes sense to me. It is an extremely sad situation.
To understand more clearly what our relationship (messengers) was with LRH, you need to read Janis’ books “Commodore’s Messenger: A Child Adrift in the Scientology Sea Organization” and “Commodore’s Messenger Book II: Riding Out The Storms With L. Ron Hubbard”. They are excellent books & really cover how one grows up in scn and then gets handed over to the sea org at such a young age. My parents were also very proud to have me go to the Apollo and be one of lrh’s messengers, it was a real honor for them to have done that.
This isn’t a critique of the episode just a comment from me. I get really tired of hearing that no one will leave if the FBI went in. I hope this isn’t used as an excuse not to go in. And I don’t mean go in with guns drawn. Go in with some kind of warrant and talk to individuals that have been at Int Base or Shelley at CST – one on one, calmly, friendly and go in with a friend they know like Leah for Shelley or someone else Shelley might know and consider a friend. Offer them a chance to leave with knowing they will have food, clothing, shelter and a Foundation and people dedicated to helping them either get on their feet or live the rest of their lives comfortably (If they are old and/or incapable). I know some, maybe even all, might not leave even then but I’d be willing to bet you’d find more than one and if that’s the case, then the FBI should go in.
I know this phenomenon of feeling you have no choice and no way out but if asked and given hope and a chance to leave you would take it. It’s worth a shot. Although, if david miscavige feels this is coming, he will have his “prisoners” groomed and waiting for it or moved to parts unknown.
Give me 10 minutes with any of those people still in and just exposing them to Miscavige’s lies I could absolutely get them to leave and to speak out…..
I have watched every show in the series since the premier 3 years ago. My take on DM is that he is a little Hitler who saw an opportunity to take over a multi-billion dollar cult when LRH died and use it for his personal playpen. One question, if he has the untouchable power to take Shelly out of existence for 13 years now, has anyone ever proved that he wasn’t responsible for the death of LRH ? Was it proven by autopsy that LRH passed from natural causes and not by man made circumstances ?
If I recall correctly, there was no autopsy. He was cremated.
More details here:
Jesse Prince in his recent book, goes over LRH’s death, the autopsy, the drugs found in his body, the needle marks, all of it, going over in detail the days leading up to the death and the days after the death. I recommend Jesse’s book.
I just started reading it!
Donna, DM wasn’t anywhere NEAR LRH in the years leading up to his death.
Can’t be bothered to go over to Marty’s site and see. Has he come up with a new brown-suit video? Or are they just talking about the old tranche of hate videos he did before he went silent?
At any rate it is extremely telling that even today, after the episode has aired, they still have not simply put Shelley on camera to explain that she is OK. They can find relatives of former Scientologists and put them on air. They found lots of co-workers of Ron Miscavige to ravage him and insult his skills as a cleaner and musician. They make hate web sites with all kinds of lies about people from former associates. They even built a special set for Heber that makes him look sort of normal though he can no longer sit up straight.
The only possible reason they have not put Shelley on camera is that she is not in good shape, even worse than Heber. Either virulently anti-Dave to the point where she wouldn’t cooperate with a shot or so damaged that even a special chair to hold her up straight wouldn’t make her look OK. I’m hoping for the former, knowing Shelley a little it seems pretty likely. But, who knows.
Come on, Dave, Show Us the Lady.
Since I won’t be able to watch the season until Hulu gets it, I decided to check out Marty’s (miscaviage’s) opinion. I guess the brown suit got a hole in it, because I couldn’t find anything new on youtube. Bummer. I had a lot of fun arguing with marty the last couple of years. I’ll miss him.
BTW, where’s Shelley? You know that would actually be the easiest problem to solve, wouldn’t it? All dave would have to do is produce her.
Smorbie – If you have Hulu w/Live TV, you can watch the episode as it’s aired and re-aired later that night. If you happen to miss it the night of, you can also download the A&E app (when it asks for your cable provider, they now allow you to list Hulu as a provider) where the episode has been available within the next day or two. Hope that helps!
Wow! Thank you!
Bruce, “The only possible reason they have not put Shelley on camera is that she is not in good shape, even worse than Heber. Either virulently anti-Dave to the point where she wouldn’t cooperate with a shot or so damaged that even a special chair to hold her up straight wouldn’t make her look OK. I’m hoping for the former, knowing Shelley a little it seems pretty likely.” I agree. About a year or so ago there was a possible Shelley spotting up near where she is being held, in a public store like a 7-11 or something and the person who spotted her with two handlers said she looked in very bad shape, like a bag lady. So her mental state may be so bad that they don’t dare put her on camera.
That’s quite likely. There’s no telling what abuse she’s been through.
The only other idea I have is that davy thinks she might not be completely on board anymore. Nothing like imprisoning someone for 15 years or so to make that person have hard feelings toward’s you.
Below, the text of my letter to my congressman. Anyone, please feel free to use this as a template; obviously, you would need to change the names and geographic location.
Dear Congressman ______ –
I am your constituent living in (city), (state). Please, I would like to see congressional hearings examining the tax exemption status of Scientology. This cult is a financial fraud, not a legitimate religion. Specifically, consider two key points: (1) Scientology pays a finders fee, whereby if you bring someone into the cult, you get 10% – 15% of the course fees that this individual pays. No legitimate religion operates on the basis of finders fees. (2) The cult has partnered with the extremist Nation of Islam to promote their “courses” among “black Muslims,” with the pretext that the “technology” of Scientology is consistent with any religion. But if Scientology is secular technology consistent with any religion, why do they enjoy tax exempt status?
The bottom line is that Scientology is a cult and a financial fraud. The leader of the cult operates like some kind of abusive dictator. Of course the cult has destroyed thousands of families and abused and neglected thousands of children over the years. Please watch “Scientology: The Aftermath” for more information about this dangerous sect.
Brian Luedke MSN RN
Let’s say something did happen to Shelley, wouldn’t they have to tell her family on the outside? Or does their “religious rights” trump notification?
Deb, as DM is her husband, under CA law he would determine if anyone else is notified (unless she had a Will stipulating otherwise). I’m sure it is the same in all other 49 states. Has noting to do with religious rights. Just simple state level law.
It took them years to tell Annie Broeker Tidman’s family she had died.
They didn’t even tell Annie’s family. Jeffrey Augustine dug up the death certificate and I was the one that had to tell Annie’s sisters so they wouldn’t hear it on the news. One of the sisters had been calling for Annie and was told she was busy and to leave a message – meanwhile Annie had been gone for nearly a year!
Omg Janis! That’s horrible. Why didn’t they just tell them?
The answer to that is simple, because David Miscavage is a criminal psychotic and has so much to hide that he had to keep Annie Broker under wraps in every way possible.
I hate to be the one to say it but the only possible explanation is that Shelly is dead.
I should know. I am supposed to be dead too.
I hope she is alive. I think if she were dead there would be a public record somewhere.
I don’t think all the avenues have been exhausted yet to contact Shelly or at least get a photo of her. There probably would be money needed for some efforts, but, hey, fight whales with whales.
Why not drop a hundred burner phones into the compound, all set up with speed dial to friends of Shelly, or those she might trust; all of them waiting with phones set to “Record” hoping to produce evidence she is alive, and evidence of her desires.
Why not try to bribe someone, anyone either in the houses across the street or inside CST or with access to CST, to bring Shelly a phone, or to whisk her away even for a moment so she can call someone, Leah maybe, and relate her situation.
Maybe offer a reward for anyone able to get Shelly to a public space and a phone, or to a police station outside of CoS influence, or to the home of someone in Congress, or a movie star, or wherever the smart folks think she needs to be to give her a chance to get out.
How about send another plane or copter above the area with a “Shelly Call Leah” banner and a phone number.
Or maybe set up remote cameras to try to see if she ever goes outside, then drop a drone close, with video/audio broadcasting to the outside.
Or put a sensitive audio transmitter on a vehicle that goes to and from CST.
Or try to buy/rent/borrow property that goes up to their fence line, and have old friends hold a picnic visible from CST.
I vote for the banner!
So, Bix,
Should we fund a 1/2 page ad in the LA Times that simply states:
I hoped that you were going to bring a law enforcement expert onto the show. They could explain exactly what officers were supposed to do when someone files a missing persons report. Are they legally required to see the person face to face, what are they supposed to do if the person looks sick/frail, if they can demand to speak to the person alone, and many more. Maybe you can interview and officer here on your blog. Maybe Adult Protective Services can get involved. They are supposed to evaluate well being and environment.
This would be an incredible & logical next step for Leah & Mike. Please get a law enforcement agent to come, on-air, and help explain exactly which laws are at play when it comes to the missing person’s report filed on SM.
In California the police cannot enforce “seeing” an adult without a warrant from a judge. You will not get a warrant unless you can get a person who has DIRECT PERSONAL knowledge of a probable unlawful situation vis-a-vis Shelly’s current situation.
Otherwise police could pound on people’s doors demanding they answer and prove they are ok.
Exactly. I think this applies to every state too, Wynski.
Yes Aqua that is most likely true as it is an area of basic law connected to the US Constitution.
The most fascinating part of last nights show was the end segment in which the three of you discussed what Shelly knew and that she may have voluntarily removed herself from COB. That I found jaw dropping.
The event usually attributed to her leaving is her doing some renovations and office work while COB was gone, and when he returned, he threw one of his famous blow ups and had her removed for doing things without his approval.
The Show has a different take on this disappearance, instead of being removed by COB for transgressions, she basically said, “I’ve had it”, and voluntarily removed herself for her own self preservation. That’s mind blowing along with the statement “I’m waiting for LRH to return”. Whisky Tango Foxtrot!!!
One more item, there was a story in The Underground Bunker a few months back,I believe, in which someone saw Shelly in the town near where this secret base is supposed to be located along with some sort of escort, two “street monsters” (my words, large guys with small brains, you have to be in law enforcement to really appreciate the label). The description of her was troubling, since she appeared to be in bad physical shape. May be something worth investigating.
Keep up the program, wonderful to see no one at A&E or you guys seem intimidated by COB or his minions.
Shelly will never leave on her own volition. She is too brainwashed. She probably is in such deteriorated mental state that making a video of her would be damaging to the corporation of scamology.
Re: Leah Remini’s Orchestrated Publicity Stunt – Are they Kidding? Does ANYONE Still Believe This Clown?
but, but, but….she’s a member of the troika. You know you can’t believe anything they say. Only listen to marty.
Oops! Gotta go catch my eyeballs! They just rolled out of my head.
Great episode Mike. Hard hitting and compassionate. You and Leah have a great chemistry. I’m hoping A&E continues this long awaited for take down of this diabolical group lead by DeMon.
What gets me about their responses is that they are BFF with lying. But why is that surprising? – their guru was the pipe piper of lies.
Evil, that’s the word that fits like a glove.
“By their fruits ye shall know them”
I’ve heard about some desperate SO members waiting for Hubbard to return to sort things out. If anyone in the cult should be able to pull this off it should be Hubbard, the great ‘OT’.
Here’s today’s challenge for lurkers, fence-sitters, side-liners, UTRs, doubters, indie/freezoner types, OSA net nannies and any other ‘PTS’ folks daring to read this suppressive blog:
Produce one shred of evidence of a past life. This should be easy enough for a ‘clear’ and no problem at all for an ‘OT’.
The fact is, there is NO evidence of people having lived before this life and coming back in a new body. Sure, there are lots of anecdotal stories and “feelings” that people have lived before, but no evidence. One doesn’t even need to go back trillions of years on their ‘whole track’. Last lifetime will do. One with past life recall should be able to produce their previous name, where they were born & died, school names, profession(s), friends, gravesite etc.
When I was in the cult, I audited people who recalled incidents on their ‘whole track’. I know for a fact that these were false memories. One guy claimed to be a scientologist from a previous life that spent time with Hubbard at St. Hill in the early 50s. Hubbard wasn’t at St. Hill in the early 50s. Hubbard probably didn’t even know there was a St. Hill in the early 50s. And for those who can recall being dropped in a Hawaiian volcano 75 million years ago, those volcanos didn’t exist at that time (no wingless DC-8s either). In fact, about the only evidence I can think of for a past life is the current manifestation of Plitdown Man – FOOLproof. But that’s another story. Besides, he won’t talk about that because it concerns his ‘case’ and we all know that talking about one’s ‘case’ is a no-no.
Disclaimer. I’m one who actually believes in past lives. The concept just seems to make sense to me or maybe it’s just something I hope is true or want to be true. But, upon close analysis, I have to admit there is no evidence for past lives despite my wanting this to be true.
Mrs. B. Haven,
Lovely mention of the ” Piltdown Man ” , from the book History Of Man, with a subtitle WHAT TO AUDIT. Allegedly, the book is a ” true account ” of incidents that occurred on everyone’s ” whole track “. It’s utter garbage, or, as the Punching Pimping Pontiff of
scientology would say, ” it’s provable bullshit “.
Ms. B. Haven – In an auditing session I “recalled” part of my this lifetime birth. I suddenly realized I could breath on my own so I let out a warhoop as loud as I could. I also “recalled” that I was quite proud of myself for my accomplishment at that time. I wonder how a newborn can experience an emotion like feeling proud. Hmmm. Hey – It seemed pretty real at the time.
I’m with you Richard. I have had some very certain feelings about previous lives. I vividly remember (without the assistance of an auditing session) being very young, one or two, and having some very confused thoughts about what the hell I was doing there. Also very sexual thoughts. These types of thoughts could only have been thought of by an adult, not an infant in their first go-around in a new meat sack. To this day I have no idea where they came from. I also have some very vivid memories (again, without the assistance of an auditing session) of ‘previous lives’ but they are just brief glimpses. They are not real though. For example, I swear I remember being with my dad in a previous life when he was very young and had a broken back. The trouble is, I “know” exactly where this incident took place but my dad had never been there. I have lots of other examples but for some reason I have zero recall of my previous names, parent’s or friend’s names, jobs, schools, house locations, death, etc.
I remember talking to an auditor of mine after a session. He was an OT III completion. Since he knew something of my past, he brought up a vivid memory that he had from a previous life. He was a miner and “knew” where some gold was stashed. I knew of this general area too and told him some specifics about the location. Once again, he couldn’t come up with any details, so the gold remains lost to this day. Hubbard also had the same trouble on his ill fated ‘Mission Into Time’ fiasco. For some reason the treasure just doesn’t get found by even great ‘OTs’. God knows the IAS could use a little extra booty since they need to save the world right NOW because the whole shebang is going to shit just about any minute and we’ll all lose our rickety chairs on the front porch of eternity.
Ms. B. Haven,
You might find the Akashic Record an interesting read.
A couple of years ago when several people thought they had seen a woman fitting Shelly’s description… albeit in disarray and incoherent,… yet seeming to be trying to get the attention of people in a store outside of CST and escape the goons that we’re practically dragging her away…the possibility that she was being mistreated and held against her will was very plausible & concerning.
IMHO Shelly would be grateful to know that people are concerned for her wellbeing and want to help her. After 13 years locked away ( if she still has a shred of sanity and is even still alive ) I think she is waiting for people to care & come rescue her…She might be waiting for LRH’s return from ‘Target 2’…but it’s just as possible…if she hasn’t been driven inward and crazy and rendered completely mute….that she’s waiting for someone ~anyone…law enforcement?…us?…to come…It is totally bizarre that there are no photos, videos or handwritten statements from Shelly herself as proof that she’s happy & well…there’s absolutely no current evidence that she’s at CST or even still breathing. What’s the big issue with Miscavige that he isn’t willing …or able…to give proof that she is healthy and enjoying her life and work…or even still among the living? Why isn’t he readily producing evidence that she’s ok? Is it because she’s not? If all is good…it should be easy to prove. Why not offer reassurance via proof that Shelly is ok to put this all to rest?…I think it’s because he can’t.
I can answer your question by quoting El Con Flubbard:
As soon as you jettison standards of humanity, logic, and fairness…and operate with the culty, arrogant, robotic, insane mind set, the behavior makes sense.
Talk about a foot bullet: Miscavige is a complete moron. He could have had his little tantrum with Shelly, banished her for a couple of weeks, and then brought her back. As a true scientologist she would have gone along with their sham marriage for the sake of appearances. But the longer he kept her hidden, the more suspicion he created, the the greater the danger that she might “sing” if she got out. Now, he’ll never let her go. He’s too scared of another Mike Rinder or a Ron Miscavige or a Jessie Prince or anyone else telling what they know – which would likely put an end to his reign or even put him behind bars.
I honestly think it’s because of his arrogance. She has been “non personed” it seems.
All logic here escapes me! They believe it makes much more sense to send letters and make videos than simply showing a picture of Shelley with today’s newspaper! At the very least!!
Do we even believe she is still alive? I’m not sure I do. My first thought when she didn’t show up for the wedding way back was…she isn’t there because she isn’t ‘here’!!
I hope I’m wrong.
Well, one thing that really opened my eyes was that the reason that the upper upper management sticks around for further abuse is that they are waiting for LRH to return. Then my mind went to why are they not taking down DM since he is destroying what LRH created. DM is one tiny man who only has the power they allow him have.
It’s sort of amusing, not LOL amusing though, that DM really gets his knickers in a knot when the very teachings of the cult are what taught Leah, Mike, and others how to do what they are doing. How to be relentless. They have earned a PHD in scientology, in scientology tactics. Nothing scientology does comes as a surprise to them.
I read this quote a long time ago:
“It’s bad if your enemy is quick
But it’s worse if he is patient.”
Unfortunately for DM The Aftermath team is patient, and systematic. DM is not known for his patience.
I wonder if there’s secretly a rubber room being built in an undisclosed location for him? Maybe it will have a pole he can run around after they put him through hours of purification and being fed lots of vitamins.
Now that I’ve had some time to think about last night’s show, I realize I keep coming back to that comment “I know but I’m waiting for Hubbard to come back.”
I call bullshit.
Given what I know, or at least what I think I know, about Hubbard’s expectations for his Organization- sitting on your ass and doing nothing while it all crumbles around you is NOT a tenet of LRH.
Reading his HCOBs and his books, Hubbard’s preaching of “Survival” is the backbone of the 8 Dynamics. Right now his beloved Scientology is NOT working towards Survival. COB is in a state of treason, Orgs are empty and dying and most importantly- the MONEY is drying up, however slowly.
Just waiting for Hubbard to return to fix this mess is the LAST thing their leader would want them to do!
When there was a problem he expected people to get moving and HANDLE it!
If they truly believed Hubbard was going to return, I would think that they’d be shaking in their boots just thinking about their Source’s reaction to the state of Scientology today.
It just sounds like a convenient cop out to me.
The unstated message here is “We are incapable of dealing with Miscavige — he cannot be toppled from his perch — but Hubbard will set things right.” These people have been mentally and physically beaten into a state of complete subjugation. This is the hope they hold out that they will be saved.
I keep forgetting that I am coming at this from a Never-In’s perspective.
Stefani, I don’t think that never-ins like you and me will ever be able to fully grasp the extent of brain-washing the exes and still-ins have gone through. I’ve read numerous books by the various exes, and one thing that still baffles and infuriates me how some of them have escaped, only to be coaxed back in and return. I just don’t get it and likely never will.
One very selfish takeway I get from this site and from the Underground Bunker: being grateful that I was never in (there was a time in my life when I might have been vulnerable, many moons ago).
So, Old papa hubbard departed Jan. 24, 1986, and if he found some one to carry him around for 9 months, that would mean there’s some 32-year-old born around Oct. or Nov 1986 who is going to topple DM and save scientology? Makes perfect sense and well worth all the beatings and abuse those guy endure. But then again I forget, was that his plan or did he jet off to some other planet? This is confusing. Sad they think they will live long enough to see it and waste the valuable time they have left to walk in the free world.
What people who have never been at the top level of Scientology don’t realize is the extent of the brainwashing, indoctrination, degradation, mental annihilation that goes on at the top level of Scientology. It is more of the level of North Vietnam than anything else. It’s very hard to really grasp the concept of someone who has no money, is constantly security checked every day of their life for years, made to write up their sins to the point of creating them until they are accepted, hard physical labor, studying Hubbard’s written works for many hours a day for years on end, yelled and screamed at on a daily basis, inside a locked and guarded compound for over 20 years of their life and if they leave they have no money, no family on the outside and will lose any family on the inside and all of their friends….. they are also told constantly by Miscavige that those who leave end up with cancer and die, that most people outside of Scientology are all on drugs anyway, that the outside world is bat-shit crazy and we are the only sane ones, etc, etc, etc…. When you hear this every day and you literally have no money, no car, no way out and you will lose everything if you leave and you will be declared a Suppressive Person, will have no rights and will be Fair Gamed by all of your past friends as well as by OSA…. you really are in a losing battle to even try. The grasp they have on you at the top level is unknown to anyone in the current world, it is not something you would ever imagine could even exist in America…. the land of the free. If the FBI and other authorities could really grasp this they would have done a raid a long time ago. Whoever told the FBI that those on the inside would not leave if they raided, that is NOT true. Give me 10 minutes with any of them and once I tell them David Miscavige’s numerous lies they will start to see a different picture. He keeps them in a bubble of no information from the outside world, all they hear is from him and what he wants them to hear… the constant indoctrination. It is worse than being in a prison, you have no rights, no touch with the outside world and no communications. They even keep your passport and valuable documents, they have your social security number, your DL number, etc. They control you and they OWN you. Most of them have no phones and no way of communicating with the outside world and any written communication is heavily checked by security guards before it goes anywhere, so you CANNOT get word out for help even if you believed you needed help. The last person that escaped hid in the trunk of somebody’s car if that gives you the idea of the only way to possibly escape nowadays….. it is horrendous, unbelievable and disgusting how these people are locked away in another world with no way out….. You cannot imagine how trapped they are both mentally and physically.
Terri Thank you for an illuminating look inside!
You’re welcome Ann, I think you’re the only one that read it though ! Or the only one that believed it maybe. Nobody else seemed to comment.
People really don’t get it. You have to have been there to understand the mind set. It’s not of this world. I wish I could convey that to people.
I just think it’s incredibly sad that a woman involved in an abusive marriage would go further into the abyss to hide instead of leaving. She knew she could never have peace if she left so she sacrificed herself and stays quiet. Looking at that complex she’s in I think it would need the Navy Seals to break her out, if she would even go with them. Aww Shelly there is a whole world waiting out here for you with people who would take care of you! I wish you were reading this.
It’s what Hubbard did to his wife: discard her like trash. Some students of Hubbard become demons just like him: keeping power means more than being decent.
Harming people for the “greater good” is a product of Scientology doctrine.
With the ego of “we have the only way” or “I am the wisest most powerful man in history” – harming people becomes a religious duty to protect the “only way”.
And…anyone can read numerous confirmations of Brian’s statement in scientology’s red and green volumes and in Introduction To Scientology Ethics.
Everything you need to conclusively debunk and condemn scientology is contained in its books, lectures, and international criminal history.
I feel Dateline, or 20/20,or one of those shows should do a episode on her. They end up finding out a lot of info and this way our chicken Government doesn’t have to worry that they can get into trouble. It just seems that some type of Law would be looking for this lady. If the Police actually talk to her (check her dna) then they need to take a picture to prove to everyone it is really her.
Beci, I understand your anger, but our government is not “chicken”. We are not living in a Fascist state wherein the government can plow in to a church compound without hard evidence that someone is being held there against his or her will This is called “kidnapping”. As regards Shelly there is to date no evidence that she was kidnapped. “Evidence” as of the type needed by law enforcement to go in there with drawn guns and free her. If, when contacted, she told the LAPD that she wants to be there, that she’s not being held against her will, if to the LAPD she appeared sentient and not bruised or starved or otherwise abused, if she appeared normal and sane to them, then in so far as law enforcement is concerned she had every right to be where she was,, they had no legal right to press her to leave or to pursue it any further.
Having said this, the LAPD bears the responsibility for Shelly Miscavige’s well being in that place. I’m sure they’re aware of that and I’m sure they’ve let Miscavige know that he’d better not fuck up, meaning, that he’d better make sure that Shelly is well fed and so forth. Because if she’s found one day, beaten, starved, sick, out of her mind, etc or, if she dies in there – she’s only in her mid-50s after all – its the LAPD that’s in big trouble. Because it was their decision to drop the investigation AND to give NO details about her. Big trouble for them, potentially.
Excellent, riveting program! Seriously, this is pure insanity. And I was so shocked that intelligent people literally believe LRH is coming back. I realize this is doctrine, but it is unreal. Why haven’t they released a POW video of Shelly? Ugh, so many questions…thanks Leah and Mike for all you do.
It looks like Scientology no longer uses any thought in responding to the show. They may have a computer pick up 3 statements out of not too many and send the report. Did they give up, already?
They could always hire the director of the Marty Butthurt Film Festival to create that POW Shelly video. (Unlike Marty, they wouldn’t even have to pay her off). At least, buy her a new coat too. By the 16th part of the “unscripted” Shelly series, the public would surely lose interest. What’s keeping them?
That was a truly fascinating episode. Question: It was mentioned on the show that Shelly had an older sister who joined the Commodore’s Messengers before she did. Whatever happened to her? Is she still in Scientology? If not, has she ever inquired as to her sister’s whereabouts?
She is still at the Gold Base. Her last job was packing CD’s into boxes, but as they don’t do that there any longer (now at Bridge) who knows what she does. Grounds Maintenance perhaps?
Packing CD’s into boxes after starting out as an assistant to the Leader?
But then again she started out in a menial job being little more than a go-fer and after 40(?) years she has moved over to leaf raker (supervised, of course).
Really making the Able more Able there. Also, that $ci.. education she got as a teenager is paying off in spades.
God is using Leah and mike to expose this cult and I pray for both of them.
Jason from Friday the 13th was David Miscavige’s favorite character, he loved horror movies and used to force the staff to watch them. Even when the little old ladies would be upset and not care to watch them he would force them to. He was very messed up.
A psych could have a field day with that little nugget. What do we know of Jason Voorhees? Bullied as a child and reborn as a brutal, methodical and efficient avenger. Obsessive. Dissociated. Schizophrenic. Hmm…
Wow. Interesting.
Hmmm. So if he compares Leah to Jason, he must be REALLY scared.
Terrific episode guys, you are really getting the truth out there and it is so relieving to see.
Janis did a great job as well. Poor Shelly is absolutely locked up by David Miscavige and under 24 hour guard just like he did with Lisa McPherson & Annie Broker. Shelly will waste away and eventually die so as to keep his secrets hidden. He did this with Annie Broker, he kept her locked up until she died so no one could question her. We must get Shelly freed so she can speak the truth.
Everything you are doing is so professional and highly detailed, very well done.
We applaud you with every show we see. Such a relief to see more and more truth being revealed.
As I watch each episode, a sense of frustration builds up but this episode regarding Shelly has caused some panic. The idea that a missing persons report was filed & that law enforcement FAILED to thoroughly investigate, physically identify & interview Shelly within a safe environment makes me pause. Is Scientology using those tax exempt dollars to pay off certain people in law enforcement? It would seem so sadly.
Truth – T-R-U-T-H
Love – L-O-V-E
Friend – L-E-A-H-R-E-M-I-N-I
Riveting episode…palpable sense of fear for your drive to CST though!
1. I am always impressed by the logical and rational organization of the shows. Tonight was no different in that someone familiar with Shelley’s early life and experience in Scientology and someone familiar with Shelley’s later adult life were interviewed. These are people with first hand knowledge of Shelley’s entire COS life and people who had years of relationship with her. They are eyewitness accounts or primary sources which is as close as you can get to the original source. That is excellent reporting. It is a such a well thought out and smart show. It is also fair. I appreciate that as a viewer. I am sure this takes hours to edit and much footage is agonized over as it is whittled down to what is appropriate and most powerful in presenting the information.
2. I agree with the others that I never contemplated the possibility that Shelley was staying because she was waiting for LRH. That was a shocker and a very good point. That makes me very sad. She has no idea that we are all out here and the world is not what she thinks it is.
3. I want to hear more about the concern over “where did we put the gold” and other similar incidents. I have never heard anything like that before. I am very very interested in that but also worried by that.
4. The statements by COS so unprofessional and juvenile. Calling Leah Jason from Friday the 13th is so sophomoric. First, the comment made me think that the author of those words is mentally in middle school in the 80’s. It caused me to wonder if they haven’t seen a movie since then. Secondly, I thought it really degraded the COS’s appearance as any type of real church. Name calling is very unprofessional and childish and mean. It doesn’t help rationally defend COS from any of the information presented. The statement gives viewers no reason to doubt that the information presented on the show is true. In fact, the statements convince me that they must be true. Furthermore, the pictures of Leah in the Freedom video reveal more about COS than anything bad about Leah. They are rude, juvenile and bullying. I can’t take the video seriously. Such behavior does not reflect well on them and lessens their credibility.
5. I wonder does COS realize that millions of real people worldwide are reading their statements when they watch the show? They are not just intimidating notes passed to Leah and Mike. They can be read by the FBI, the IRS or any authority in any country that wishes to see it.
Thank you for caring what you viewers think. The professional method of presentation as well as your interest in our thoughts, makes us feel respected.
I just can’t wrap my brain around the fact that Shelly has been “missing “ 13 years, and NO law enforcement etc is involved…. None. I don’t know of any other case like this ever… 13 years??? Unbelievable…. #wheresshelly No. for real. WHERE IS SHELLY??? Great job Mike and Leah. We can only pray for a positive outcome….
Great show. One thing I really enjoyed was hearing Tom De Vocht’s theory that Shelly just might have intentionally made herself the object of Dave’s ire just to get the hell away from him. That was something I don’t recall ever hearing, and I’ve never considered that. I know some tend to disagree with that theory, but it’s interesting to at least consider the possibility.
It was also a bit disheartening to again hear Tom say that any higher-ups still left in are so far ingrained with the Scientology mentality that they would probably refuse to cooperate with anyone who tried to help them get away. I’ve heard multiple people confirm that many times (including you, Mike). I wish there was a way to convince them otherwise. Especially Shelly, who by most accounts that I’ve heard so far, was actually a genuinely caring person, even as COB Assistant at the top of the Scientology hierarchy.
Great post here as well. It’s pretty revealing that they’re having to hide behind the Miscavige attorney, who apparently represents both Dave AND Shelly. Come on man, everyone knows who pays for and ultimately controls that attorney and any statements made (would anyone BUT Dave be behind that juvenile “Friday the 13th” remark?). It’s even more revealing that they’re using, of all people…Marty Rathbun? Someone they claim is a liar…that’s their credible source of information?
Do they really not understand just how head-scratching these kinds of decisions are to most people living in the real world?
Mick, honestly, they don’t understand that. I know this from having been in. I would have, and did, make similar statemements (lies) when I was in.
The delusion of being a superior being is drilled into you from the moment you are sucked in, so you quickly begin to believe that everyone is nowhere near as powerful as you, nor anywhere near as smart as you, so you spout massively insane things, believing in your own mind that you are so great that the people you are dissing are quaking in their shoes when they are at best scratching their heads wondering why you are doing or saying this and at worst laughing out loud at your antics.
I cringe to think how people must have thought of me when I was acting that way. It makes me wonder if LRH wanted us all to look batshit cray cray.
Thank you for the insight into their way of thinking Valerie. I suppose they only see, hear, and think what they want to. Or rather, what their precious “church” wants them to see, hear, and think. I just wish there was some kind of “magical statement” or whatever that could break down that mental barrier, but I suppose each one has to reach their own critical breaking point.
For me, it was a startling moment of clarity brought on by just the right phrase at the right time, but I had both feet and one arm out the door and just needed the push. I was scared and alone, but I made it.
I hope the Aftermath Foundation gives people the courage to walk out the door and the support they need after they leave.
I will watch the episodes as soon as they reach the country I live in…will have to wait a bit.
When Marty started to do his videos (never watched any of them) against the more prominent individuals that have, and still are exposing the abuses of Miscavige and this cult, the first think that came to my mind was: ‘It seems as if he is doing a Liability condition step, the one of – Deliver an effective blow to the enemy. –
I also thought, well, how come his friends for so many years after his departure became, from one day to the next, his enemies? But we will let him do what he thinks is best for him, after all is his choice.
David M never offers a settlement of tons of money without having his conditions or rules that must be adhered to, Silvia. So to give Marty a lot of money to make him drop the lawsuit and fire the lawyers, he also has other conditions, gag order, speak out against DM’s enemies, turn whistleblower for DM, say the lawyers were incompetent when they weren’t, and the list goes on. DM gets what he ways by paying big time for it in money.
The CoS put so many videos out to smear Leah and you, Mike — yeah, why isn’t David Miscavige showing a video with Shelly debunking what Leah and you and the others are saying. Should be the easiest and logical thing to do.
And why isn’t David Miscavige suing Leah and A&E for libel?? Shouldn’t be a problem when all is supposably lies and he has a clean conscience and nothing to hide.
Isn’t it so, David Miscavige? Or is it true what has been reported about you? And are there even more things you don’t want to be known or proven? Maybe you shouldn’t have treated people so badly — so many people abused, think about it. And then all the justifications — tsk, tsk, tsk.
What about her family…? Has nobody reported her missing? Can’t someone come forward and say if she’s dead or alive? Why aren’t the authorities involved?
Someone here asked about Shelly’s family and if they could help her, as revealed in Jesse Prince’s new book just released David Miscavige was possibly involved in the “suicide” of Shelly’s mother many years ago….
A recent article interviewed a medical examiner on duty back then, and the sheriff’s investigator on the scene. They were both convinced it was a suicide, and provided convincing details. Of course, there always is the “but anything can happen” viewpoint that sort of sets aside evidence and professional opinions. The pros were convinced it could only be suicide; the sheriff’s department was not under a CoS thumb, nor was it poorly run like LAPD. They convinced me, even as much as I would like DM to have a serious crime haunting him.
Did you read Jesse Prince’s Book ?
Ammo Alamo, how are you so certain of what you are saying ? Because the report “made sense”? Have you read Jesse Prince’s new book ? If not you might want to read it. It will explain how Miscavige and his church manipulate things the way they want them….
Read it.
Ammo I read that too but there were still holes. And the lady in case did believe it was a suicide but admitted there were inconsistencies in the case at the time. I’m not completely convinced. I doubt we will ever know.
OK if you don’t want to find out more about it then don’t read Jesse Prince’s book !
I’m reading it now! Lol
Terri Crow … Shelly is not “missing” … Her location was confirmed by LAPD. She has simply been “hidden away” where she cannot freely move around or communicate … But you can say the same thing about a lot of people at Int Base as well.
Watched the show and loved it. I still don’t understand how people get sucked in and then stay in it for so long? And my mind is blown that there are people waiting for LRH to return. And even scarier that Scientology is assuring their materials will last forever. So if our world experiences a WWIII…precious artworks and books will probably not survive, but the material of a crazy person will be accessible to all. I shutter at that thought.
Also, Mike – one point of confusion about LRH supposedly coming back again some day –
My understanding was that few were actually told this or believe this today. I have always heard that he was gone to Target 2 and not that he was coming back, as a SO member would be expected to return to post.
I suppose I decided at some point that this idea Ron was coming back was probably stamped out to avoid Miscavige et al from having to defend a challenge by anyone who might come along later claiming to be him. What is the official line now? Is it just the old guard expecting him back?
It’s a tricky line to walk. There were executives at the highest echelons that knew what Hubbard had said about returning. Then there was everyone else. Miscavige HAD to tell them that he had “moved on to Target 2” in order to consolidate his power and get people to listen to him. If all scientologists knew Hubbard was coming back they would not have bought the Miscavige brand (Ideal Orgs, the IAS, Golden Age of Tech etc). And there would be MANY people showing up in orgs claiming “I was LRH and I am back.”
If Leah and Mike had known the address where Shelly is and they could have walked up and knocked on the door and talked to her, I’m sure she would have said she was there of her own free will. She would probably have just said the things Leah and everyone else says about her are lies and she has never seen any abuse and she is completely devoted to COB and disseminating Scientology, etc etc.
She is a true believer, who knows nothing else… it’s a cult and she has spent her entire life in that cult.
I know this episode was about Shelly. But has anyone come forward that was under LRH care said they were molested/sexually assaulted by him? Seems a lot could go on without any other adult supervision. You both are doing a fabulous job. I’m sure you will get the answers you and so many people deserve to get. Thanks Mike and Leah. Not to mention the people that come on for the interviews. You are all so brave.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Was Hubbard ever accused of molesting these girls? Also, did David Miscavige ever physically assault female executives?
Can’t wait to see this episode on A&E app tomorrow night!
In celebration of it & Co$ 65th anniversary noted on today’s Bunker post, I include this excerpt from my comment there:
“As I have previously regarding the Twin Peaks gilded gulag, I emailed our mountain C of C’s, this time with the link to this post. Along with my usual “Evil in our midst” subject line, I ended with this quote:
‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
For the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Dept., this time I used their website’s WeTip form with the crimes listed as kidnapping and unlawful detainment, the location being the Twin Peaks facility, and Co$’s esteemed CoB fully named, described, and with his Big Blue address, as the perp.”
As a never-in committed to the courage of Mike, Leah, and all ex-Co$ escapee Heroes of the Heart, I know each chip of the Truth Mallet against the granite edifice that is $cientology will finally shatter it, sending it back to the nothingness from whence it came.
Im behind so haven’t seen it yet. Anxiously waiting. Why has no one investigated her disappearance? Been wondering for a long time.
You are making a difference…don’t give up…victims of Scientology need you
Keep peeling the onion Mr Rinder. Your actions appear to be having the desired effect. Merry Christmas.
It’s obvious from Marty’s facial expressions that he’s lying. I imagine this video is what an Ethics Officer would play to someone who has “enemy lines” in order to “dead agent” one of the “troika.” Lame stuff. Pathetic, really.
Honestly Dave, is this the best you got, or is it part of a broad strategy to herald in the brand new Golden Age of Death?
An incredible episode! I’m just so curious if Shelly would leave now if she could?
Another great episode! Getting the word out is the best thing you can do. Scientology can’t stand up to the court of public opinion. Who in their right mind would stand with a cult leader who has his wife imprisoned for 13 years?
We need”where is Shelley” T-shirts and the proceeds should help victims of this ugly cult ! Keep up the good work . I serve a God who is Love and bigger then this ! Prayers always , thank you
A great idea. Will take an investment, though, to get it rolling.
I LOVE this idea. People will see you wearing it and ask, “Who is Shelly?” THEN you can say her last name and give details. Don’t print the last name on the shirt. Just her face, and “Where is Shelly?” We can all make them up and order them them for ourselves. They don’t have to exactly the same design or even the same color. Any color. Long sleeve or short sleeve. just her face, and the question…people will be curious and if they’ve seen Aftermath they’ll love it and spread the word. And legally Co$ won’t be able to retaliate.
Marty Rathbun is BAT SHIT CRAZY.
I wonder what it is like to spend BLOOD MONEY that some 80 year old veteran $cientologist via the Extortion Ring at the IAS (Miscavige’s Slush fund)
so David Miscavige can pay off and silence turn coats like Marty Rathbun.
Maybe Alanzo can do some PR for $cientology against Leah and Mike too.
Mike and Leah – your show was AMAZING! We are blown away as to how much TRUTH you can get out in 1 hour.
What a great program to help people learn WHAT Scientology is so they can stay far away from it.
Alanzo! That was hilarious. I hope he sees it?
Who says that Alanzo isn’t doing the PR work? It’s tough to make a living in the cornfields as an ex-ex-post ex scientologist these days and the cult’s money can keep a few beans on the table supplemented by left-over muffins supplied by cult lawyers.
Alanzo’s behavior is that of a “useful idiot” for Scientology.
Wondering what can be done now to find out if she’s ok? Well check by police? Again? There has to be something that can be done in this country!
Mcrip. In the USA your right to NOT associate with others is protected by the Gov’t. After that 1st police check (where she denied being held prisoner) no one has a RIGHT to be in communication with Shelly unless SHE wants it.
It never occurred to me that Shelley would actually be waiting for the return of LRH. How very sad for her because he’s obviously not coming back. God bless you and Leah for all that you are doing. You are definitely making an impact.
Was blown away by this episode, Mike. And stunning to realize that perhaps Shelley may be waiting for the “return” of LRH to take care of things. Like Leah, that blew my mind.
Keep up the fight. Make a lot of noise like the cult tries to do. You will win. #freeshelly