Narconon Louisiana went under. Literally. Drowned in the recent flooding.
They started a Go Fund Me page to try and collect money to clean the place up and get operating again. They claim to need $75,000 (and in 13 days managed $11,520).
$75,000 is pocket change for the IAS.
The IAS repeatedly claims they support Narconon and take credit for all sorts of Narconon “accomplishments” (like reduced the rate of drug addiction 175% in Burkina Faso or whatever…).
They say they support people in times of natural disaster — if you listen to them they pretty much single-handedly put New Orleans back together after Hurricane Katrina and every other disaster subsequently.
So, how come when a natural disaster sinks a Narconon, right here in the US, the IAS isn’t there to bail them out? You want to bet they started “fundraising” for “disaster relief” for the Louisiana floods about 15 minutes after the first news broke.
If the IAS cannot cough up $75,000 to save a Narconon from a natural disaster, what CAN it do?
In the corrupt world of scientology fundraising, the IAS stands unchallanged as the biggest con of all.
roger gonnet says
Perhaps the INSURACE costs went in DM’s pockets rather than to insurance against flooding etc…
themirrorthetan says
$75,000? That would be Dave’s Booze and Smokes bill for a month. Chickenfeed.
Aquamarine says
I doubt that Miscavige will fork over 75K to help this Narconon when he can use it as yet another excuse to to shear the sheep. His stable datum for money has always been, “Better in my pocket than in yours” and it has served him well. Sad, really. But the sheeple are so darned helpful of him in his scams. So very cooperative.
Aquamarine says
When you think of it it really is sad because 75K is nothing to Miscavige, he could and probably does spend that much a month on trifles.
Benjamin Johnson says
C’mon guys – it is sooo hard to set up a 10’x10′ festival canopy in a flood-ravaged wasteland. Those 10,000 Way to Happiness booklets are totally NOT waterproof. Besides, how do you touch-assist a gutted house???
Anon says
Haven’t they learned their lesson by fundraising for a specific purpose, then not spending the money on that purpose? How many times have they raised the money for that cross in Clearwater?
Kronomex says
Demento only uses Demento’s money when it benefits Demento.
Robin Clarke says
Mike, if I want to contribute a blog post to yours, how do I go about that? Sorry if this is not the correct place to ask…
Mike Rinder says
I sent you an email. Correction — I tried but the email address associated with your comment is invalid. Email me at [email protected].
T.J. says
If the IAS was open about how they really spend their money, I doubt many people would continue to “donate” to pay lawyers fees, private investigators to spy on former church members and David Miscavige’s family (including his father), money to hack into people’s emails, etc.
singanddanceall says
yah, that’s one of the things I realized, If one made a large donation to the IAS, and if one realized later on it was a scam, why the money paid to the IAS was the same money used to discredit the person now speaking out. What a racket. Gotta thank DM’s posse of lunatics, I mean lawyers and those who they hire as PI’s.
singanddanceall says
opps, I forgot this message to Teddy and his cohorts in the IAS/DM scam, do you duplicate me? LOL
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
secretfornow says
Off Topic: Mike, when I google your name the picture that comes up on the right of my google results screen with the links to wiki etc is no longer the nice picture of you as a handsome dark haired young man. It’s more recent and shows you flipping off the camera. This gives a wrong impression. I smell a rat.
Mike Rinder says
Is it a paid ad you are looking at? Scientology spends a LOT of money to place paid ads that pop up on google searches of me…
T.J. says
My suggestion is to click on the little sideways “triangle” to give feedback and comments, and mark that photo as “not helpful” or check the “something is wrong” box and comment that it is coming from a site used to trash Mike Rinder (if you click on the photo it shows that the photo comes from a Scientology site) and if enough people click on the feedback, they will replace it with another photo from wikipedia or somewhere else.
Mike Rinder says
Oh, thanks TJ. That’s helpful. Maybe a few people will click away now… 🙂
sashiebgood says
You can do it on a smartphone too, here’s the feedback I just sent with the image included.
“This image is put forth by the Church of Scientology,of which Mike Rinder is a former member and critic. This image does not show Mr. Rinder in a good light and may be offensive to people newly escaped from Scientology looking for help. Scientology spends millions of tax-free dollars to put their ads and images at the top of Google searches. This is an unfair representation of Mr . Rinder, since this photo was likely taken by a Church of Scientology harassment team. Part of their doctrine against former members is to make their lives miserable,and I find it offensive that Google is being used in the Church of Scientology’s petty actions to defame Mike Rinder. “
Gary Webb says
I sent a comment back saying I will be using Bing until the offensive image is replaced.
Banrion says
I clicked through and selected “Something is wrong” and just said that the image was unnecessarily inflammatory and provided a link to your handsome mug image at the top of the page.
Mike Rinder says
secretfornow says
yes, this is all very helpful. I added my 2 cents worth of feedback. Thanks to all. <3
Zephfyrus says
Emailed google about the photo and btw I rode past the C of S of Long Island about three weeks ago and their sad little storefront was closed on a weekday evening….
Melissa says
The picture is on the little Wiki box in the right side of the Google search. The image, when you put your mouse on it, points to whoismikerinder(dot)com.
Mike Rinder says
Thanks — TJ just suggested how it can be fixed by clicking on the little triangle and then clicking on “Feedback”
Harvey says
Mike Wynski says
It shows above the entry from wiki on the right but the image is sourced from one of the church hate sites. (you flipping the bird) Google just pulls random pics for the entry.
T.J. says
It’s an automated Google feature/process, and the image used comes from the site with the most “clicks” or “hits”. Since the “info” box summary is taken from Wikipedia, (as that is presumably the site with the most views), normally the photo would come from the same site, and it used to be, until recently. Why did your photo change back to an older one? (This is not the first time that particular photo has appeared along with your summary info, I’ve seen it some time ago) – my guess is it was due to a concerted effort made by someone(s) or some entity who wants the less flattering photo to appear with search results. This can be manipulated (just like click bots can increase number of views on youtube, etc.) (*please let me know if more details are needed on this, I am assuming most people already understand how public data online can be manipulated, but I can explain further if needed, or someone else here can provide more info). So, by a person/persons or organized campaign to have this current photo marked as “helpful” or “appropriate” or whatever, and the prior photo marked as the opposite, this photo has been automatically “chosen” to appear, and people will need to join together to counteract those who want this photo, to get it replaced with a more appropriate one. But it can be done. I’m speaking from a place of knowledge, as someone very close to me (personally) works at Google headquarters in Mountain View with the team responsible for this very issue/project, so I have some understanding of how this works. The info is also available out there if one searches for it, Google is very transparent about what they do. So start clicking, and lets get a better photo up there!
wassowskiKiwiGal says
Photo is GONE but surely none at all is better than the previous one!? 😀
Didn’t take long either – Perhaps several complaints in a short space of time caused red flags to raise??
grathuln says
Where are the Volunteer Ministers, that is what I want to know! Surely they need all the yellow tents, touch assists and The Way To Happiness booklets they can get, urgently!
Mike Rinder says
YEs, excellent point I should have included. The largest private relief force on earth should be there in droves drying out their building with bulk copies of WTH…
Ann B Watson says
Dont’t y’all love it? The anniversary of Katrina is today and I well remember the VMs buzzing about at LSU.Completely ineffective too.And Miss Ann has been on the case since the floods and not a one has appeared.Mormans yes in yellow tee shirts which I find quite clever and every other group under the sun here but absolutely no VMs.And here I am never flooded and I am waiting to distribute all those WTH copies used to dry their building and to tell all that OT 9 & 10 are on the horizon.I am in one of the few subdivisions around us that did not flood.But of course I knew that all along! ?
Mike Rinder says
Oh come on Ann. You are just not looking hard enough.
This is the largest volunteer relief force on earth. They spring into action at EVERY major disaster all over planet earth. And in the US they are recognized as leaders in this field, working actively with FEMA and the Red Cross etc etc. In fact, they are usually telling them what to do because they have the only technology of organization.
IN this era of epic, monumental expansion, you are just not looking in the right places. You probably haven’t downloaded the App on your phone that lets you find them.
Glenn says
VMs. The C/S told me to get daily assists to speed recovery after a hospital stay. I was in Clearwater then, the mecca of technical perfection. I called a few VM I/Cs in the community and the only help I got was advice to train some wog neighbors in the procedure and get them to give me the help I was asking for. I guess I would have been truly helped if there was some PR benefit, instead of merely human interest and true help. Despicable, truly despicable.
Ann B Watson says
Good am Mike, I have not downloaded that app that will help me find the little darlings.First off I will hit the wrong icon and then all bets are off! The thing is, what is that game Pokemon? If I down load the app will they beat a path to my front door lol I know I have my magnifying glass & the German binoculars,oh lord was there not pix of Ron with binoculars,and our cameras.You will just have to send me to Ethics because I should be-able to assemble a VM out of thin air!❤️❤️
KatherineINCali says
Excellent snark, Mike! Love it.
Old Surfer Dude says
Hmmmmmmm……..Mike, I’m thinking around 100,000 copies. Do you have any info on saturation stats?
hgc10 says
Way to Happiness for Louisiana flood victims? I can see it now.
“Hey friend, just been flooded out of your home? Lost every single thing you own? Have no place to live? No way to get to your job? No savings in the bank to get started over again? No flood insurance to rebuild? Have I got a solution for you! This little pamphlet has the answers to all your problems. It’s transformative literature. For instance, it tells you to take care of your teeth… because you’ve probably never heard that before. It’s the most urgent thing you need to know right now. Funny story, bro — the (alleged) author of The Way to Happiness had crazy-ass rotten teeth. Now, let that wash over you like a late Summer flood.”
Newcomer says
They could at least use TWTH booklets to sop up some of the unwanted seepage from the fringes of the Narco facility.
Ann B Watson says
Thank you Newcomer, A great image amongst all the devastation around Baton Rouge.❤️
Ann B Watson says
Thank you hgc10,All the VMs are at my house in Baton Rouge eating wonderful food and forced to watch Going Clear on a loop!❤️
T.J. says
Ann B. you make me laugh! 🙂 “all the VM’s are at your house eating food and being forced to watch Going Clear…” LOL! Thank you for making me smile every time I come to this blog. Much love to you every day whether or not we cross paths here or miss a few days, you are in my thoughts… I hope it’s sunny where you are now, if not, I’m sure you will bring forth the light. Love, T.J.
Ann B Watson says
You are such a Sweetheart,thank you Forever.I think where I have been recently is similar to when an inventory of items or thoughts gets re-evaluate ted.I crashed into Mike’s Blog right before Going Clear came out and he had a time getting me to get on the blog and write.I finally did so but at that time I really had no clue what I wanted to post or how to do it at all.I felt Mike’s was the safest space I had found to date: that I could tell my Sea Org Journey on.And then I met y ‘all.The amazing discovery I have made is how being able to read and respond here has given me a chance to refine and reshape my voice.At my advanced creaky age 65 now, I want to express my true self and yes, I want to spread light laughter and love before I fly on.?❤️
Ann B Watson says
Crashed and re-evaluated…Spell check Grrr.
Harvey says
I can just see the midget break out in a happy dance every time a disaster strikes. KA CHING!
angryskorpion says
NARCONON: “Do not fear the rising water. It will not kill you. That’s OUR job!”
Karen#1 says
Joe Childs and Thomas Tobin did a show in their investigation of the vampire aspect of Scientology sucking out your net worth.
In this episode, they interview Sindy.
Meet Cynthia Fagen (Sindy Fagen) of Chicago, IL who worked as the IAS reg for 20 years
John Doe says
A sculptor named Yoshi mortgaged his home for 250,000.00 and gave the money to Teddy Braggin of the IAS because, as Yoshi put it, “Teddy DUPLICATED me!”
I remember, when I was at Flag years ago, I calculated the least amount of money with which I could bribe the IAS, that would buy me enough time to finish my services at get the fuck out of there.
I was sitting across from this horrid, foul-mouthed blondish woman. I got out for 2G by buying someone a lifetime membership as quickly as I could. The awful woman was pleased it went so quickly, and she stared at me fixedly and said, “Do you know what I like about you? You FUCKING DUPLICATE me!!”
It was all I could do to smile, and not blurt out, “There’s NOTHING I will EVER like about you.”
“Duplicate” in the scientilogical sense is such an odd usage, until you realize that the final result of the whole subject is you “duplicate”LRH, i.e., BECOME him. Some are much farther along on that process than others.
Jose Chung says
John D.
I tried the same thing, after careful observation I realized it was not possible.
This was about the time of Brian Caulkin and later Rex Fowler.
Bailing out worked well and finished what Flag would not deliver and had a lucky
winning streak and made a ton of money.No mortgages and making ton’s more
The IAS does nothing.
Newcomer says
” I was sitting across from this horrid, foul-mouthed blondish woman. ”
Was her name Sharon Webber?
John Doe says
I wish I could remember. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Sharon Webber. This reg wore wire framed glasses I think, and she had some kind of unlikely nickname-sounding first name, like “Mincy” or “Torrey” or “Scotty”.
I so disliked the jagged, ruthless emanations coming off her that I wanted to minimize the time spent in her presence and then forget her. But now I want to know!
Damn! I should be able to remember every detail of my life; maybe I should redo my Clear, hahahahaha!
bill straass says
It probably was not Sharron Webber, who was my 1st wife. She has been CO FSSO since December 95 which is when our divorce became final.Within 2 weeks she had married again to Ken Webber. Before that she held the post Regarding her foul mouth,she told me that she had a condition called diahrreah of the mouth. As she was sent on a number of ethics missions by DM, maybe that is where she got her hard cold chrome steel promoted by RTC,
It should be noted that in Adolf Hitler gave a speech in which he stated that the German volk (people) were made of steel. This is the End Phonomena of fascist dictators everywhere
howard phillips says
Perhaps ‘imitate” would be a better term. If anybody could “duplicate” LRH the they wouldn’t be the ones paying…they’d be the ones extorting the money!
Glenn says
The only ability I ever gained being Flag public was the power to say “no” to reg’s. One time I was stuck in a room with 5 of the blood suckers and after a couple hours of them slamming me I just said “no”. They were aghast and kept hammering. But I held my position until they cognited they were wasting their time. Gawd! What a release that was! It was also the point where I knew I was done with it all.
Ann B Watson says
Thank you Glen for your story and I am so glad you had the realization that all was not as it seemed.❤️
Zola says
I think the rationale goes something like this: LRH wrote long and hard on the subject of exchange… and it would be ‘out-exchange’ for the IAS to support a water-logged Narconon.
[of course you wouldn’t want to shine that logic on donating to the IAS itself, or on the insatiable Ideal Org movement]
RK says
I’m not sure that cleaning up Narconon is the highest priority in Louisiana. No, that’s incorrect…I’m sure that this isn’t the highest priority right now. The IAS should pay for the repairs, if the facility doesn’t have insurance. This isn’t crowdfunding worthy.
barefacedmessiah says
Btw. did the cult send volunteer ministers to the earthquake near Rome? It is a big story on TV. I would expect some WTF/TWTH booklets and photos from there. Did any hear anything already?
statpush says
To fully understand why the IAS does not rescue Narconon Louisiana, you have to understand what the IAS DOES shell out money for – PR OPPORTUNITIES.
A flooded Narconon has very little PR currency. It does not wow the audience with exaggerated tales of unprecedented expansion. Therefore, it is of little value to the IAS.
This is not about right or wrong, or moral responsibility – this is about what image can we present to our benefactors which will result in the maximum return.
chukicita says
If they have to pay for the cleanup themselves is it because they ‘pulled it in’ and didn’t postulate getting no damage hard enough?
Ann B Watson says
Ha -ha Narconon,even years ago I was told not to write any one there but to know it was definitely under the umbrella of Scientology in 74.Poor babies they can only raise $11,000.No tears for y’all either.Thank you Mike❤️
McCarran says
Holy Cow. So aggravating. The most abundantly apparent “outpoint” in the church of scientology is how those still in avoid looking at the truth or if they have, they avoid processing it.
Cindy says
Great points, Mike. I had property in LA when Hurricane Katrina hit, so I flew down there to check on my houses and was there for a week. I did NOT see ANY yellow shirted Volunteer Ministers for C of $. Nothing from them. They were not to be found. What I did see instead, was the Red Cross. The Red Cross was great. They brought meals to all the people and cheerfully handed them out. I even ate one of them. So now the IAS is at it again, acting like they are single handedly saving LA just like they did before with Hurricane Katrina. It is a blatant lie. You were right when you said, “In the corrupt world of scientology fundraising, the IAS stands unchallanged as the biggest con of all.” You said it, brother!
Ann B Watson says
Good to read your post.I only saw a few VMs during Katrina and only at the LSU Field House where we went to drop off supplies for shelters and triage area.Just a few wandering around.No-one paid them any mind.Here in Baton Rouge I have been on the look out fot those yellow shirted fantasy workers since the floods,Have not seen one yet.I am about 20 minutes from Tiger Stadium in the southeast part of town.Been in BR 20 years & thank the energy that was,we did not flood at all.I like your comments.❤️
Newcomer says
If they do show up it will only be long enough for a photo op so no worries!
Ann B Watson says
Thank you for the kind words.Photo Ops!So that is where they all are,doing hair etc so they can look pretty and not sweaty in the pix.Frankly I have yet to see a VM really covered in muck shoveling flooring out of houses! In my dreams!❤️
Jennifer says
“In fact, I’m sure DM has already yelled at them for having crimes that pulled in the water in the first place.”
Now that’s a statement! This is the concept that finally made me wake up. They just take everything too damn far! You can’t sleep til it’s done…’re in trouble for not having enough sleep! Glad to be out of the confusion. Great comment Michael!
grandeclectus says
Mike, you’re so unfair! IAS is off filming catching pop videos, and singing their own glories! They don’t have time or money to actually help people in dire need. And with their brand of help, it’s for the best. Another great article. NarCONon underwater is a great thing; wonder how many lives were saved from their dangerous quackery!
Harpoona Frittata says
“In the corrupt world of scientology fundraising, the IAS stands unchallanged as the biggest con of all.”
That’s for sure, but I’d go even further to describe it as a world class con that ranks high on the list of big-time cons of any kind. Based on the number of folks conned, the amount money taken in and length of time its been in operation, the IAS ‘money for meaningless paper statuses and garish bowling trophies’ scam completely escapes its genre and represents a ‘cross-over shit’ that any faux Nigerian prince or Russian ransom-ware hacker would recognize as sheer evil criminal genius.
And we’re only talking money there, Conning folks out of their self-determinism and free will takes the scam to a qualitatively different level of malevolence and destructive capability. In that expanded sense of the word, $cn is arguably one of the biggest and most destructive cons that the world has ever known.
zemooo says
The IAS is $cientology’s Raid Roach Motel. Money comes in, but never goes out.
NarCONon Louisiana is one of the new model rehabs, small patient population with an equally small treatment team. With everything done on the cheap there is no money for any unanticipated expense. Now, who has actually pledged money to clean up the place? The pledges shown indicate clams to me.
If the four horsemen of the Apocalypse were to show up, $cienoes would run a fundraising for hay and oats for the beasts.
Space cootie on Sherman's shoulder says
LRH once defined auditing is that what you can get away with. The Pompous Dwarf invented the IAS because he rightly thought he could get away with it .With the average scientologists’ rationality that deep under water he just saw a business opportunity.
Anyone who can fleece 1.5 billion out of a flock of say 60.000 people and still end up with about 18.000 left after 30years of fleecing and hoarding deserves a medal. The last remaining scientologists are getting the leadership they deserve and can understand.
Glenn says
The precursor to the IAS was the SEF (safe environment fund). It was formed specifically and solely to gather money to pay the costs of fighting the US government’s prosecution of Mary Sue and the others who were exposed by the Snow White documents found in the government’s raids in LA and DC. This was in the late 70s and public at Flag were pressed for donations to the “fund”. Mike. You were there at the time so I am sure you recall and can confirm. I presume once that was all over Miscarriage just couldn’t turn loose of that cash cow and so renamed it the IAS. And thereby kept that money machine sucking at everyone’s teat.
Thomas Weeks says
The reason ias doesn’t bail out narconon is that narconon are a highly trained, can-do scientologists who know how to make it go right by going to the Internet to beg for money without needing the help of the ias.
Mike Wynski says
There is a REAL axiom I discovered and have stated before. “If it ISN’T bullcrap, it CANNOT be part of the scientology world”
Harvey says
So let me get this straight Mike…you want to dip into Dave’s retirement account to help out? Where’s the exchange?
scnethics says
GREAT point!
Jose Chung says
Yes they are under but Snorkeling at 62 feet, two engines on charge
one engine on charge, no contacts, sunrise in 2 hours.
dr mac says
I think your comments are a big harsh for such a well intentioned group of troopers. My wife once wanted to join the VM calvacade (the yellow bus) into Africa. We learned you actually have to qualify. She didn’t qualify, notwithstanding 10 years on staff, being an OT (for what that’s worth) and a trained auditor. So it just goes to show, they maintain extraordinarily high standards (or maybe they just didn’t want to pay her board and lodging).
chuckbeatty77 says
One can’t argue that Scientology has qualifications barriers all throughout the movement.
One would have hoped that all this screening would result in improved conditions commensurate or even vaguely close to societal improvement.
I’d love to see a lot more Scientology money actually go to changing conditions.
I think the successful Scientologists who are still standing, playing within the movement lower key positions, who review Scientology, and who also want to influence the top decision making and possibly even rise up into the staff ranks and READ LRH’s final years of writings which only the top level of Scientology Sea Org members and Author Services, and INCOMM and RTC and sometimes CMO Int, and Exec Strata, there were a whole slew of upper units of the Scientology movement specified.
For years, trying to get the OT 8 public Scientologists to give top staff careers on, for life, since Sea Org staff like is for life, my lament as a lowish responsibility but well informed “upper” ranks echelon Sea Org was that our OT 8s who really were successful in life, ought to among them some of them move up to Int Headquarters, like a few successful OT 7s did try, good for them.
The movement as an organized movement, all the public also, I think, ought to get a full layout of ALL of LRH’s writings and orders, and then all of the responsible successful public Scientologists be given a full length and breadth of Hubbard’s Scientology movement final orders and policies.
Absorb your founder’s content, in full, and see the leeway he allowed, and then the best of the dedicated smartest wisest sanest Scientologists, do some reckoning and for instance someone do like LRH allowed ED Int, which is “handle” any discovered arbitraries.
Do like LRH said in the “Petitions” policy, and do some reversal of the some of the horrendously unjust decisions which have been made where people were judged without taking into consideration the full contributions of those Scientologists in those Scientologists’ full Scientology careers, before those Scientologists were ousted.
There are countless years of examples of Hubbard’s years when he cleaned up messes (sometimes due to staff doing things he prior ordered, and his orders have ended up being frankly wrong policies).
It will take some greater depth of participation by the successful OT 8s out in the Scientology movement, to change the whole range of major criticisms that critics have been making these last 10-20 years.
If OT 8s are happy with what they obtained, with today’s OT 8, and if they are happy with redoing Survival Rundown as their next step, and they are having wins even doing that, then possibly even more harshly will be the fact that things have gone unfixably wrong.
The various “old” handlings were training. Set the deposed and “busted” execs off to training.
I as an old Flag Course Sup would notice that during their training, they’d on their own sort of reperk up.
A lot more training of the WHOLE shebang of LRH’s final 10 years of writings ought to go out, honestly, no editing, raw orders in their full context, to the whole smarter top OT 7s and OT 8s of the movement, and let the movement’s cream of the crop sober up their movement.
gtsix says
We learned you actually have to qualify.
What were the qualifications that were required?
Cindy says
The “you have to qualify” was just a made up arbitrary because they didn’t want to pay the money for room and board for the volunteer. So it then makes it the person’s fault and not theirs.
Markthehungarian says
Fuck the IAS. It’s a CON! They do nothing for anyone bar themselves.
john Johnson says
The IAS can do what it does best”: double down on fund raising! Begging, apparently, is above 4.0 on the tone scale.
Wognited and Out! says
Scientology – the science of getting members to pay for everything…while the Organization charched HUGE chunks of cash – for “services” delivered by members…whilst the leader lives a lavish lifestyle.
chuckbeatty77 says
It just dawned on me that this website, where ex official Scientologists and even many still undeclared Scientologists are providing complaints and observations to you Mike, and then you publicly bring up those criticisms, and then Scientology notices in embarrassment the need to counter and fix those complaints.
This site and your public announcements of these complaints is acting like what the old now defunct Watchdog Committee functions and the old RTC Reports line and the other house complaint lines within Scientology used to function.
Official Scientology is benefitting by what this site does.
You’ve picked up a major dropped “hat” that they did to some extent, previously. Not fully of course, but the WDC and RTC Reports line is now mostly done by this website.
Not that the meager pay (staff allowance) which the WDC Members or the RTC members would normally receive is worth anyone going doing this job within official Scientology though.
Maybe the market rules are at play.
Maybe Scientology’s so dwindled they can’t keep up with their own flaps and respond to them, and outside observers have due to market rules taken on those criticism functions.
Maybe that’s why Scientology has critics all through it’s history.
There was no effective RTC Reports line to report Miscavige’s staff beatings to, for instance.
There’s no WDC or RTC Reports line to contest the misuse of all sorts of the last 30 odd years of Miscavige’s era and further that extends to LRH’s punishments at times, there was no internal complaint line to deal with LRH’s abuses.
It’s a missing check and correction line on the top of the movement.
Oh well, thanks for doing that thankless job.
grathuln says
Surely the IRS needs to hear this, even if they are disinclined to investigate a tipping point has to be reached at some point. IAS (just noticed they share two initials) claims to promote Narconon (evidence a plenty) and yet when Narconon Louisiana floods, crickets or tumbleweed…
Mike Wynski says
Chuck, there was no line to report and “correct” El Con’s abuses. Why is hell would you think one would be set up for the 2nd dictator of the Church?
Hadley says
Whgy on earth they need to advertise to fund it with the amount the church has why can’t they fund that amount its nothing for them.
Cre8tivewmn says
What? Open their checkbook? When they have figured out a way to invite non-scientologists to pay for it, they aren’t going to do that. I suspect they’ll fundraise here, then within IAS, and also go with any insurance/disaster relief funds available. And they don’t even have to pay taxes on the property or income .
Michael Winters says
Boy it sure would be great to peek at the books of the IAS. And the IAS needs transparency so that Scientologists still giving them money can see the things that the IAS really spends their money on: Funneling money to the Office of Suppressive Affairs for battling detractors (people they’ve ripped off, didn’t deliver to, etc) or keeping tabs on David Miscavige’s enemies such as his father Ron Miscavige or Broeker, etc. The rest is spent on photo ops; manufacturing and travel to. It’s hard to believe that Scientologists still trust the IAS. I can’t count the dozens of times the IAS came to town and promoted some sort of “billboard” or “campaign that will drive people into orgs” and ten$ of thousands would exchange hands at these reg events and not a damn thing would happen in our city and not a damn stat would rise. Talk about betrayal and yet, they still manage to bilk people of their hard earned money.
The IAS is simply a funding organization for the continued suppression of those OSA/DM deems it’s enemies. That’s why they don’t give two sh*ts for Narconon under water. In fact, I’m sure DM has already yelled at them for having crimes that pulled in the water in the first place.