I thought the 4th Dynamic Campaigns were funded by the IAS? They say it often enough in their magazine and at their events.
What the hell does this “rock and fortress of humanity” do other than take money from people and give them gaudy trophies?
Here is Barbara Kalergis begging for people to donate shit for a “garage sale” to raise money to fund Criminon, right there in the home of the largest concentration of scientologists on earth and the home of IAS Administrations, and Criminon International and ABLE International.
Surely the IAS could toss Criminon the coins that fall between the cracks and are left in the sofa of the IAS waiting room. $2,000 would be more than Barbara Kalergis will raise in her shit sale. But it would be utterly insignificant to the IAS. If the IAS is managing 1% interest per annum on only 1 billion of their dollars that is $10million a year or NEARLY $200,000 A WEEK. $2,000 would be 1%….
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: barbara Kalergis
Subject: Criminon WUS Garage Sale Aug 29 Sat
Criminon WUS:
We will be having another Garage Sale/fundraiser on Aug 29 Sat from 8-2 at my house
827 Parkman Dr.
LaCanada, CA 91011
1) I need stuff to sell (donations)
2) I need help to set up and sell and clean up.
7-10 set up- 6 people
10-1 sell- 4 people
1-3 tidy up and get stuff packaged up on curb (stuff that is left) 6 people
If you can help that would be great.
If any questions call or text me. 818-648-1126
And in the meantime, the international head of Criminon International is heading off to Denver to raise money for the IAS and brief about the international DRUG problem?
There are enough things wrong with this picture to qualify it for a beginner drill on the Data Series course.
But there is one thing you can be sure of, it ALL stems from the single driving force that motivates all of scientology: MONEY. It’s what Barbara Kallergis is about. What the IAS is about. And definitely what Greg Capazorio is about.
Hubbard famously said that Survive! was the fundamental principle of existence. That may need revision when it comes to scientology.
Here is some SERIOUS advice for Barbara and criminon supporters. IF you REALLY want lots o’ cash for the program just have done a REAL scientific study of the recidivism rate decrease that the program produces. If it is good you can get TONS of government grants. T O N S!
(p.s. I have ZERO idea of the program’s effectiveness either way)
My experience with Scientology has taught me how to deal with charitable organizations: If such an organization does not provide a full accounting of how it uses donated funds, I will not support it. No organization is owed my trust. It must be earned by a full accounting of funds and demonstration of good works.
Just try asking an IAS representative how they spend your donations. The question will be turned back on you as you MUST have crimes against the IAS, most likely that of withholding your money from them. For those never involved in Scientology, this is not an attempt at humor!
Most likely (99.9%), any charitable organization that, when asked for an accounting, responds with arrogance and recriminations is a criminal organization. Such is the IAS.
Hi The Oracle,One more and I am done.A Big XO to Regraded Being Super Hero with pen paper and great Talent.I raise my red glass to you RB long may you soar! Ann B.
Hi The Oracle,I can’t leave out Paulette Cooper another hero in my heart.If I forgot a poster I love you my mind is complaining about names I forget! XO Ann B.
We love you too Ann B 🙂 It’s always a sunnier day when you post.
Hi T.J. I love you and your posts right back st you. You give me so munch strength I will always love you and your family.XOAnn B..
Hi The Oracle,Thank you for this thoughtful post.I can see all the war warrior stuff tossed around like fluff by Miscavige and on down.And I have encountered warriors who do believe they are fighting a war while being involved with self improvement at Cos.The thing I feel there are not a lot of warriors,not who I believe should be so.My list would have All Ron’s children here or departed who got out,Ron Hubbard Senior,Mary Sue she tried but went to jail for Ron but she still tried to push her spirit to the fore and perhaps couldn’t overcome him at the end,Mike,Marty,Tori. Karen C,All the amazing authors or books written and to come about SO And David and Ron and the cult.Spanky Hana,Jenna,Mark Headley and the true grit of the Headley family,I may have misspelled their last name,everyone involved with Going Clear,and the core on this blog.You are all heroes and I am very blessed by goodness and light to have landed right here.
True heroes need no trophys,no certs,no cheap clear OT bracelets no Statuses no Comittees.True Heroes are made of heart,of fire,of light of compassion and of communication of the Truth about this Cult.There are so many lies from the cos so many,the real truth cuts as a beacon thru the lies.The Oracle,Aquamarine OSD Roger Brian Pepper Potpie Espiando TJ and all the many many others here keep me strong.A big shout out to Christie Rinder who keeps her family strong and beautiful, and a special XO to TC,a Warrior for the ages.To all of you thank you forever, Love Always Ann B.
Love our little chats Ann. I might have to drop by for tea. 🙂 Maybe it’s just me. I know some books have written. I do not see that as a declaration of war. More of a forwarding of personal experiences from a single point of view. The start of a new conversation, not a declaration of war. Some blogs have gone up. I see that as people opening the door for social intercourse, creating platforms for exchange of ideas, forwarding valuable information. Not a declaration of war. There is really only blog going out here that seems have the purpose to attack the Church of Scientology and Scientologists. And those conversations have not been started by someone who has ever been involved with Scientology, but someone the Church declared war against. So that is more of a defense activity. Having conversations is not a declaration of war. People talk, that is what they do. People share information, it is what they do. This is nature, not declarations of war. Sending a domestic terrorist squad into Texas to stalk, hunt and attack someone’s home and family, that is a declaration of war. The Church declares war on people groups professions writers reporters politicians and artists, on an annual basis. Asking a person to pony up on their taxes, is not a declaration of war. Teachers, policemen, firefighters, scientists and countless others that serve the community in beneficial ways, need to get paid too so they can continue to serve. Writing an article about someone or something, is not a declaration of war. it is only the start of a new conversation. When governing authorities investigate potential criminal activity, they are RESPONDING to complaints or doing what they get paid to do, BRING ORDER. This is not a declaration of war. When attorneys are hired to sort out disputes, it is not a declaration of war. This is tradition, custom and social solution. This country does engage in war from time to time, the Church of Scientology has never been involved in it. Very few Scientologists have ever been in a war. When the World Trade Center gets demolished, someone has declared war. Not someone forwarding valuable information on a blog.I have not been in any war in this life. Ever. And either have most people who are involved with self improvement. To convince people they need to contribute to a “war chest” Miscavige created, is , I see it as insane. To think you are in a war when you are not, is irrational. To think the purpose of your Church is to fight wars, that your healers are soldiers, that church people are militia, is hallucinatory. If someone smacks my face I do not think I am in a war, only a domestic dispute. If I am pulled over by the police, I am doing something wrong. If I am contacted by the IRS, and I have been so many times I can’t begin to tell you, I go down to the IRS office to educate myself on what I did to make myself a problem for them to follow up on. You think they enjoy bill collecting? I do not believe anyone out here has ever declared war on the Church of Scientology. They have had to compete with other interests. So what? Do you know how many Mormon missionaries are on the streets today working to bring people into their church and away from someone else’s? They get with the competition and work it. Here is Miscavige saying “The War Is Over”, suggesting every Scientologist on the planet has won some war declared upon them. Never happened. The church settled a tax dispute, a bill. They got awarded religion status because they confronted the red tape and bureaucracy involved to get it. That is all that happened. U.S. government won on that score. Parked the CofS on the way left and got them separated from state / government affairs. As in separating them from Church and state. The purpose of the IAS is to key people in for cash. In my entire time involved with Scientology I have not been threatened in any way that would make me think I am in a war zone. Or that I was even a selected target. I can count on one hand the people that tried to f*&k me over, and I just put myself in their way while they were f&*(^%g everybody over.
P.S. Adding to the Sunday sermon above, Laughter!, I think the reason U.S. Gov will NOT revoke the Scientology “religious” status or tax exemption, is because it behooves U.S. gov and the rest of the U.S. citizens to keep the Scientology Organization parked in “religious status” because it keeps them out of the halls of government and politics. It is to everyone’s interest to keep the organization and it’s people, in the depowered position Miscavige put them in.
“hat is all that happened. U.S. government won on that score. Parked the CofS on the way left and got them separated from state / government affairs. As in separating them from Church and state. ”
LMAO! Not is the slightest. The church (via proxy) has pumped so much money into K street, you wouldn’t believe it. The church is (or was ) VERY much into the “state”. But, there is nothing illegal about that.
Hi The Oracle,An interesting Sun sermon and my door is always open to you.I will offer you anything but KoolAid & clam dip.XO Ann B.
Barbara and Jim go way back. They were “old timers” when I was just getting started. I knew and liked both of them. My guess? They’re still in because their main friends are still in. It’s very possible the garage sale, and efforts like it, are the smoke-and-mirrors that keep the Ethics Officers at bay.
Barb and Jim Kalergis have one or more kids in the SO or at least in Scn.
How far away are we when the young and pretty staff members are giving sensual massages with happy endings to pay the light bills at Idle Morgues? And this will be considered normal, especially as things continue to decline and the money sources dry up. How desparate will they get? I would have been shocked if I heard of garage sales for fundraising twenty years ago; now it’s considered normal.
The ends justify the means in $cientology, and the ends is always money. Now Idle Morgue fundraising is a Birthday Game stat. Not the delivery services in the Idle Morgue, but just the fundraising for the Idle Morgue.
What really gets me is that it is HIGHLY unlikely that Barbara, or Greg, or any of their “associates” personally give a crap about any poor sap who got themselves thrown in jail or got involved with drugs.
It is unlikely that they personally care so much about someone in such an unfortunate situation that they would even give them the time of day, much less visit them in prison and talk with them, or give them a fresh start in their organizations.
However, what IS highly LIKELY to me is that they are mechanically working for brownie points so that they will be accepted for whatever auditing that THEY personally want to receive at their “church”. This is so phony. They could actually visit a prison and mentor a prisoner if that’s what they really want to do.
You’re probably right, LDW, because you just described what happened to Narconon which was started out as an effort by an incarcerated drug addict named Willie Benitez to free himself of his own addiction and help himself and others. It was actually quite successful at those dual purposes in the beginning, but then the DM and his henchmen took it over and turned it into a cash cow. The result is what we keep reading about on Tony’s blog and here.
Mike, I’d like to clarify a few things. First, do not put Barb Kalergis in the same category as Greg Capazorio. Barb has been in Criminon West U.S. since it started over thirty year ago. She has been a hard working dedicated being to the purpose of Criminon and that is to help prison inmates regain their self respect and make a new beginning. I know Barb Kalergis, I work with Barb and I am still working with Criminon. If you want to pound on Greg Capazorio, go right ahead he’s a political slug but Barb Kalergis is doing the good work. She should be saluted. The fact that I am on this blog makes it necessary to use a fake name because, believe it or not, I am still in good standing.
Let me tell you something else. The IAS only funds a startup organization with seed money. After that they are on their own to get funding. I found that out the hard way when I gave the IAS $1,000 when Greg was at the fund raiser because “the IAS supports Criminon”. I checked with the ED, nope, we didn’t get a dime.
That was a shock. Even CCHR has to do their own fundraising to continue.
On another note, most of you people reading this are Scientologists, even though out of the church. If you want to turn your back on the church, that is understandable. But please, don’t turn your back on LRH. Don’t forget what he has given us. For Scientology to be a really wonderful thing again, we need to take the cult out of it.
I got a lot more to say, but I’ll stop here.
Emma Lou, ANYONE still in the church and supporting it is supporting the criminal DM. ANYONE giving money, time or work to the Church or IAS IS actively supporting criminality and, to the degree they support it, they are criminals.
Nice to see you posting Emma Lou. IMHO you are heading in a good direction. The rabbit hole is likely a lot deeper that you might believe. Good luck with your endeavors to help others.
I second Newcomer, Emma Lou.
The only thing I’m not so sure about is that most of the people here are still Scientologists. It can be hard to tell sometimes but really shouldn’t be an issue anyway. I personally don’t care one way or the other and don’t like to base my affinity on such.
You are a good friend to Barb and I hope she will prove to be a good friend to you too, should the moment ever arise.
Hi Emma Lou, I have read your post and give you all the space for your viewpoint.This is a facet of my viewpoint.Ron turned his back on me and left me to fight for my life alone in The Sea Org.Far beyond just me,he turned his back on his wives his children and in the end his mind turned on him.He gave me The Dream and ripped it all away and David continues his rampages.Do you think I never loved Ron The Sea Org the Church of Scientology I did I loved it all more than my own spirit and in the end that was the Trap.Ron was the Master of Illusion and mind control.That is what he gave me.Thank you for your post.Take Care Ann B.
“Emma Lou, you called one of the bloggers a “fuckin idiot” then turned around and commended another blogger for making one of the few “uptone” comments. The part where you tell us to not turn our back on LRH with the reminder of what he has given us… I’m going to leave that alone out of mercy. It’s a beautiful day today and it feels good just to be alive.
Emma Lou, MOST of the people on this blog would no longer consider themselves “scientologists” MAYBE 40% based on stated opinions. So, why don’t you give us a breakdown of how you are supporting the current criminal CoS. How much money do you give it? Time spent working for any of its “groups”, etc.
Emma Lou, Which training or auditing action are you currently doing?
The funny thing to me about the IAS is that they report they are fighting wars all over the world. The war on this, the war on that. In fact, everyone under Miscavige is fighting a war somewhere on the planet. A war on drugs or against psychiatry or whatever. The IAS bank accounts are a “War Chest”.
The thing is, I do not recall one person on this planet, or one organization, or any group, ever declaring war on the Church of Scientology. If you left David Miscavige in a room by himself, he would have an argument.
And the people begging for Miscavige via CCHR, IAS, ABLE, they are not warriors. I mean, these wars go on but you never see a warrior. A few lawyers here and there. Paid through begging.
And I have met (just a few) Scientologists that think they are part of fighting some war because they are involved with self improvement over at a Scientology Organization.
Sometimes I think it will take a long time for all of these “warriers” to wake up and find they are fighting in the wrong rebel war.
“The thing is, I do not recall one person on this planet, or one organization, or any group, ever declaring war on the Church of Scientology. ”
Correct Oracle. The “war against scn/dianetics” trope is almost as old as the subject itself. Any old timer who has more than one brain cells can tell you how El Com created and played that trope to forward his psycho agenda. Der Dwarven Führer has ably picked up that “game” and continues to play it to the hilt.
Smart observation The Oracle.
The ‘war’ the IAS is fighting is with the bogeyman. Call it ‘Begging to fight the Bogeyman.’
Possibly with a few exes or never ins in the courtroom. People whose pockets will never be as deep as the IAS’s and in that sense, can be crushed like an ant in legal purgatory. That is a war game and is no doubt a somewhat pleasurable activity (on some level) to certain people.
Dear Babs,
I volunteer to pick up at least four helpers: Shelly, Heber,Russ and Guillaume.
*General Disclaimer: Offering sincere apologies to anyone who I may have inadvertently offended by my posts. I don’t know what gets into me sometimes. :-p
– T.J.
Great posts TJ ….keep em comming!
Thanks Newcomer! 🙂 Emma Lou said above that I shouldn’t keep “running my mouth” so it’s nice to hear encouragement to counteract that.
Hi Newcomer,I love it when you run your mouth! Continue proudly on.I’ll watch you back if you need a helping cohort.XO Always Ann B.
To: Barbara Kalergis
Re: Subject: Criminon WUS Garage Sale Aug 29 Sat
Quote: “Criminon WUS: We will be having another Garage Sale/fundraiser on Aug 29 Sat from 8-2 at my house.”
Dear Barbara,
You must be aware that you are dangerously out-ethics by holding these repeated garage sales. L.R.H. specifically said NOT to hold fund-raisers and other similar events.
By doing this, you are not only giving the public an excuse to look down on and disdain Scientology by giving them the impression that the Criminon program is not sufficiently regarded as to be a priority for funding, or that the Church cannot afford to continue this program without abnormal means, such as garage sales. You are making a laughing stock of our organization, and I urge you to cease and desist at once, or I will be forced to write a “knowledge report” on you. Don’t try me – I’ll do it! You have been warned. KR in hand, pen on desk… not joking!
P.S. I just had a great thought – if you would like to personally contribute the $400 or so that you would have made on the yard sale, that would be a more direct route to raising the needed funds. Please feel free to make an automatic transfer to the foreign bank account of the IAS, and specify the funds are to be use for “Criminon” and not to go into the general pot used to fund covert operations such as hiring private investigators at $10,000 a month to follow and harass former members. Thanks much!
Much Love,
– T.J.
T.J. the money Criminon West U.S. needs is mainly to pay postage, rent and printing costs. Mainly postage. Criminon delivers courses to prison inmates through the postal system. It gets expensive. The supervisors are volunteers and they make donations to fund the operation as well. The IAS is useless as well as people who make stupid comments. Do you want to help? You can be a supervisor and grade lessons of prison inmates. We need more supervisors. Do you want to help or just run your mouth?
“We” need more supervisors? A little bit of a slip there, Scilon? You’re at Rinder’s blog, honey. You should be trying to deliver blows against the enemy, not trying to justify the existence of a totally useless money sink. You need to learn your lessons, Scilon. Model yourself after Louanne or vaLLarr and start attacking, or be like The Perm Of Death Jojo Zawawi and force people to disconnect on Facebook. That’s what your cult’s Internet presence has been over the past ten years, and that’s all it will be.
Go shove your lessons up your ass and rotate on them.
Hi Emma Lou,
No thanks, I don’t want to help with your program – I don’t believe in it and think it’s a waste of time and money. I think social betterment programs are good, and do actively support a few, but I would never support any program based on Scientology as it is being run today.
I have serious reservations about ever being involved in an organization that retaliates against ex-members who speak out about their experiences.
An organizations that takes measures to suppress freedom of information and of the press, the ability of newspapers to print articles about them, and the freedom of their members to read or view anything about them, but seeks to keep them in the dark, in a void where no information exists.
My point was that with all the money the I.A.S. has fund-raised from members, the Church should fully fund the program, no one should have to hold a yard sale.
I really abhor the way Miscavige lives in luxury while the true believers in the Sea Org are mis-treated and subsist in terrible conditions. I view him as a bad and greedy leader who does not care about others. So I would not work to support any program he or his church is involved in.
Espiando wrote a good reply – I hope he will feel free to continue to speak out at any time, lol.
Much love to all the free-thinking beings on this blog, I hope you all have a wonderful day and week.
– T.J.
Dear Greg Capazorio, I’d like to respond to the first two sentences of your letter. You open by saying that your letter is a “personal invitation” to me, but it looks suspiciously like a form letter, A personal invitation should address me by name, not say “Dear IAS member”, so I am a bit annoyed by that. I would respect you more if you said, “I am sending you this form letter because…”
The second sentence of your letter states: “As you know, drugs are the scourge of this society”… I disagree with this statement since throughout the history of mankind, humans have used herbs, minerals, etc., and other natural substances, to make medicines to aid in preventing, controlling, and curing many different medical conditions.
Modern science has made huge advances in helping people who are suffering with illnesses, through use of medicinal substances. I have a family member who has a long-term chronic illness who is able to live a relatively normal life, only with the assistance of drugs. Drugs are proven to help with many different ailments. So, I think drugs can be very useful and do have a place in society. In fact, one of your own well-known high-profile Scientology members built an entire multi-million dollar pharmaceutical company, by developing and marketing drugs.
Perhaps you meant to say something like “the misuse and recreational use of illegal street drugs can be harmful to society”? I’d probably agree with this, but would also look to address the underlying reason for people wanting to take the drugs, not just the actual drugs themselves. If so, please clarify that this is what you intended to say, because as your statement stands now, I cannot agree. Therefore, I stopped reading your personal invitation at that point.
Thanks, and have a nice day! 🙂
– T.J.
“Indeed, you are my rock and my fortress.”
It’s from the Bible.
This is just what the cherch of $ needs: an uplift from their horrid PR.
They do indeed have some fortresses built into some rocks in various places. Can’t quite figure what any of this has to with helping humanity.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I believe that criminon was started by a couple of people running the show from their basements and living rooms on a shoestring budget. When it looked like a great PR caper some idiots from the Sea Ogre grabbed hold of it and did what they do…ruined the simple help flow and milked the hard work of others into big bucks for Dave and company.
Ah yes, the “photo-op” religion. They contribute absolutely nothing helpful to the world in time of trouble (or any other time for that matter.
Yes they stand around in their yellow shirts after a natural disaster doong fuck-all to help. (But have Gold come film them looking important). They leave that to normal people actually DO care about others and truly do help.
The only thing they’ve contributed to the world is a dictionay definition of evil cult.
I bought into this bullshit until I actually saw them in action. Criminon- joke. Narconon-criminal. Applied Scholastics-farce. VMs-pretend bullshit. ABLE-definately not.
Still-ins…. Ask questions!
I remember after 9/11 ABLE was sending out emails on some “Theta Line” or something. The fundraising wasn’t for transportation and lodging as stated. The stated reason was to have more T-shirts made, a lot more. I was in shock. O-M-G…you got to be kidding. The nation was still in shock and ABLE was raising money for Volunteer Minister T-Shirts.
This is not to say anything against what the individual VMs were there to do. The individuals wanted to help but the MANAGEMENT wanted the good PR. O-M-G. Un Fkcing believable.
Barbara Kalergis is a realtor so her no. was easy to find. I called her voicemail and said I would like to bring some books to her garage sale like “going clear.”
LOL…add a few boxes of the basics
Angry Gay Pope,
I like your posts and Video’s.
When will you do a video interview of a Narconon Patient
who was taken to their drug dealer by staff for drugs (whatever they were hooked on)
to be admitted into the Narconon program.
Hi Jose Chung, I had no knowledge of Barbara Kalergis when in and it seems just as well.However reading her needs and wants list I came to the conclusion this woman can do absolutely nothing by herself.Put her adrift ay Sea and it would not be pretty,Always Ann B.
Ann B.
I know Jim Kalergis and he is straight arrow. One of the first 4 who could solo audit OT7.
David Miscavige takes in 10’s of millions in any currency every day to add to the church
billions. Where is Garage sales on this scale ? Seems lacking in a bright idea by more than
a country mile.
Hi Jose Chung,Thank you for your post.The garage sale idea does seem to be missing a bulb to light that country mile.Thank you for your info on Jim Kalergis too.Ann B.
The garage sale is just to help keep the operation going, mainly postage costs. They need to continue sending lessons and replies to prison inmates. The life improvement courses do help the inmates get a new perspective on life. I have read many of the success stories. Criminon is helping theses guy.
If you want to shoot at Miscavige, go ahead. I’ll buy the ammo. But leave Barb alone, she’s doing more for this world than you are.
Hi Emma Lou, Nice to meet you.I know absolutely nothing about Barb,so have no comment about her,as you know her & I do not..My comment was to the garage sale plan,did not resonate with me.Take Care Ann B.
Personally, I keep people healthy and alive when they eat food. That’s a helluva lot more than Barb and her garage sales, you suck-up apologist Scilon.
Hi Espiando, Thank you for your post.You make Sun AM kick! XO Ann B.
What’s next? Having the cadet org do lemonade stands (with an email asking people to donate cups, ice and juice) in order to fund X?
I hope I didn’t give them any ideas. SMH
Words from a crook showed me the way
To be free of my conscience of yesterday
But the price of this fleecing we all must pay from now on…
Barb is a good meaning gal who has been picked pretty clean by the IAS. The only way she can retain any status and commendations is to do garage sales. Now this of course is a sad life and I for one don’t condone. Barb if by any chance you read this and leave I will be a friend you can contact. You once told me I was good C/S when I C/Sed your auditing and I know you have a lot of care for others, Your C/S is to see the light and take care of yourself.
Finally, an uptone being. Thank you for what you said Willie.
Criminon is the ugly stepchild of the clampire. They aren’t allowed in NY state prisons (I have a friend who is a prison guard). But may get in by flying under the radar with another name. I suspect that they only do photo ops and mail some ‘correspondence course’ type material. Two people could run the whole operation, and probably do.
They are just a tag line in the Dear Leader’s speech, once or twice a year. As they have no real profit making ability, they will always be just a tag line in a speech that no one outside of a heavily regged speech will ever hear.
Hey zeemooo, I really like your handle and picture even though I think you’re a fuckin idiot.
zeee mooooooo LOL!!! zeee mooooooo that is really stupid but funny. zeeee moooooo ha ha ha ha!!
Well, hate to disagree, but I think they *are* the “rock of humanity”…weighing it down dollar by dollar, every day, at every opportunity. 🙂
That’s just wonderful !!!
Salvage Planet Earth = Have one big garage sale !!!
Lock Barbara Kalergis in a straight jacket with chains
and handcuffs then drop her on the doorstep of a psychiatric
hospital,ring the doorbell and run away.!!!
Second thought,Barbara Kalergis could be the opener at
the Comedy Store in Hollywood .
Miscavige should be in Criminon
BT, I think he’s their honorary leader. They have a statute of him at their HQ.
Scientology has perfected the formula:
Lies and threats = power and money. Every “smile”, every act, every shiny piece of brass and marble are there to feed that formula.
Leave it to a Scientologist to run a garage sale like an org. I’m surprised she didn’t put up a garage sale
org board. I can see Barbara now bossing around all the “little” people who have offered her help. For christ sake Barbara set up your own yard sale and then clean up your own mess.
Actually Greg I’m not the IAS….never have been. But I would love to hear your go around on legal marijuana
in Colorado. And whose shoulder you will be next to to turn that legislation around? The IAS’s fake sincerity and pie in the sky lying bullshit does indeed get old.
Yea, that’s funny. She needs 16 people to run her garage sale. She’s got it all figured out. Most people can hold a garage sale with maybe 2 or 3 family members. No org board. Which reminds me of a joke: “How many Scientologists does it take to change a light bulb? 10. I to change the bulb, and 9 to handle the routing form”.
Great!!!!!! That’s one of the best ones I’ve heard. Hilarious
I had a similar thought 🙂
Greg has some ‘splainin to do to Barbara!
Another evidence that the so called church does NOT do activities for the community, nor for anybody else.
Where is the IRS?
The IRS has about the same level of integrity and honesty as the IAS.
What do you expect?
Silvia, I don’t think they have EVER done ANYTHING that didn’t enrich them. Nothing. Remember, they would have to deal with wogs…It is and always have been just a show…
Silvia, do ya REALLY think that the IRS is going to go after a group that is aligned with a black hate group? (if you do you are WAY out of touch with the current political environment) They [the IRS] is under orders to go after Tea Party fat white, drunk guys who post on blogs and hang out at biker bars…. (they are also busy “losing” emails from hardened computer server systems. – no mean feat I can assure you)
I hate to admit this, but there is probably some truth to what you wrote, John Locke regarding how NOI may provide cover from the IRS. I can’t for the life of me see how Miscavige aligns himself with NOI but you may have hit on why he would take the risk., I do know this (having raised two half African-American children with a wonderful black mother…both are now adults and just great self sufficient humans), that I’ve watched East St. Louis (I was born and raised there) be raped financially in the past by it’s own citizens, mostly leaders and a few well known shake down artists posing a leaders of the African American community….anyway… when the govt started to step in to do audits since so many dead people were discovered collecting payments for years and people collecting money who had no business doing so, the first thing the national leaders did was cry “racism.” The government backed off and called off the investigation amid quiet slaps on the wrists and promises that it would stop. I would not put it past Miscavige to play the race card and sucker Louis F into his spiderweb of deceit especially given I would not put it past Louis F to take money in return for the alliance for his own personal fortune. I hope I’m wrong but my experience tells me you may be onto something. .
They should donate their Scientology awards and trophies. They will look good in the museum of fake religions one day.
What a wonderful idea, lore S! I love it! A Museum of Fake Religions! Outstanding!
Little kid: Mommy, what’s that big building over there?
Mom: It’s the Museum of Fake Religions.
Little kid: Oh! You mean like really mean religions like scientology?
Mom: Yes, honey. That’s exactly right.
Little kid: Mommy, I’m glad they are not around anymore. They did really bad things to people didn’t they?
Mom: Yes, honey, they did. That’s why we have the Museum of Fake Religions. To show people that these fake religions are in fact brutal, evil, toxic, militant cults that enslave good people and take all of their money.
Little kid: They were REALLY bad people, weren’t they Mommy?
Mom: Yes, honey, they were. But the world caught on and now they’re all gone.
Little kid: Can we go into the museum, Mommy?
Mom: We certainly can.
This is an open question for Mike or anyone else who may be knowledgeable about the topic…….do you EVER remember a conversation with COP or ‘upper strata’ (those not in The Hole) that involved donating (or raising) money to actually help a group of people?
For example, after a natural disaster (let’s take Hurricane Katrina since it’s the 10 year anniversary) was there ever any talk about raising money to send to the Red Cross or a food bank or Habitat for Humanity, etc.
I’m not talking about sending VMs to touch people, I’m talking ‘let’s give the Red Cross $1MM to assist the people of New Orleans’ kind of talk.
Those numbers (the interest alone)……..it boggles the mind how much good could be done if they donated some of that stash.
I’m just curious if anyone remembers honest to goodness fundraising for actual causes (read, not the IAS)
Hi Chee Chalker,Yes 8/29/05 was the day all the roofs even in Baton Rouge flew off .Ours did not thankfully.I seem to recall a pix in the paper of a few VMers in N’awlins after the storm.Looked pretty silly no-one paid them the least bit of attention.Katrina changed Baton Rouge forever,In the span of ten years we have gone from a sleepy little Miss River town to a mass of traffic people and much building both commercial and homes.It has been nuts.But honestly thru all the Hurricanes we have had Rita Gustav and Karina I never heard or read that Cos gave much of anything.The only time I recall having to work an actual cause in The Sea Org,we were not allowed to fund raise per se like the IAS,we did not wade into that arena.Doing reg cycles very much so but not fund raising.The only time is when The Guardians Office had us draw posters on flag sticks and we all dressed in civilian clothes and went to the LA Courthouse to protest the FBI Sting,and the arrest of Mary Sue.That was a time,there were hundreds of people at the courthouse for other things,I got separated from my Asho F group and hours later found a bus route back to,Temple St.So I do not remember any conversation about helping others,if they were not cos then they were not worthy of help.Always Ann B.Just my experience though.
That reminds me of the big gas explosion we had Sep 2010 here in the SF area. Leveled an entire neighborhood.
Immediately, churches (real ones) opened up an area to host the homeless, provide food, collect clothes, etc. Churches (real ones) opened their facilities for people who just needed to talk, firefighters who needed a warm meal, etc.
An aid center developed around a community center where people could come to lend their services and receive help. It became quite a hive of activity: People would drop by just to volunteer a few hours or share some of their things with those who had been burned down.
And yes, I do remember a yellow tent. The denizens of that tent were among the few that did NOT venture out to the community center to help, maybe fold some clothes donations, or whatever needed doing. They did not provide any goods, food, or any help whatsoever. Unless you count sitting in your tent, waiting for people to stop by and laying a pamphlet on them. You have to be pretty far gone to think that a pamphlet–accompanied by zilch–will make someone’s life any better!
Nevertheless, the local press took note. Not of any services rendered by these people (of course, there weren’t any) but of how they got underfoot in their little yellow outfits and caused a bunch of confusion as people mistook them for being members of the fire department. Little did I know at the time that huddled in that little yellow tent were members of the second-richest “church” in the world! They kept that part well hidden and left it to families and shoe-string churches to share their funds and labors! However, I have no doubt that they were sure to take some killer souvenir pictures for future fund-raisers. Humanitarians true to El Con’s example!
Hi Todd Cray,A wonderful post.Yes on the news reports the VMs were totally mixed up with the Fire Dept.In fact I remember because we live 15 or so minutes from Tiger Stadium & La State U,during the terrible days of the super dome etc many were sent to LSU for shelter and medical help from NO.There were perhaps four of the yellow pests came on the news @ LSU and said they were Scientologists and do stop by their set up and get a pamphlet that will really show you the road to happiness! Bizarre! Always Ann B.Glad that both those situations here & for you in SF have passed on.It was scary.
Todd Cray – I also live in the SF Bay area and I remember that, it was when the PG&E pipeline exploded, right? That was so terrible, the news had live footage of that huge fire where whole city blocks burned down, and we all felt unsafe like, is our gas line going to blow up too, since PG&E lines are getting old and not being properly maintained anymore…
I recall many organizations and individuals helping with donations and services, lots of local charities and governmental agencies, medical centers, Red Cross, churches.. I don’t recall seeing any Scientology efforts there, that would have been surprising to see.
Isn’t one of the tenants of Scn that there has to be “an exchange”? So they can’t just give aid and assistance without getting something back?
Nice to meet someone else in my area, hello!
Ann B. It’s always nice to see your posts, and I like reading your personal stories. Happy Saturday to you, I hope you are doing well and have an enjoyable weekend! 🙂
– T.J.
Hi TJ, Thank you always.Right back at you regarding your personal stories and posts.Enjoy yours so much.We are hanging around this weekend as hubby Walter has just finished cataract surgery on hie eyes.He is really happy with it.I am gearing up,to,do mine in Sept.Cannot see to read anymore even with glasses so have to do it.Being an old hand at this medical stuff I try and think positive about it,but getting old is weird.I just thought,Ron did not project the idea of a tiny lens that will let one see even better than with glasses.He had that no eye glasses obsession,but never saw the future as in micro devices used more medically today.That gas line explosion sounds terrifying.During Katrina the gas lines were rupturing at the height of the storm and when the storm passed finally you could see gas burning on the flooded streets.At least we were in Baton Rouge & not New Orleans.Have a wonderful end of summer week end as well.Always,Ann B.
Their biggest accomplishment at the SF disaster, however, was their own PR blurb about it:
“No matter the task, they [VMs] worked to restore calm and order in the area and the lives of rescue personnel survivors [sic], including aiding officials touring the disaster sight [sic] and providing assists to speed physical and spiritual healing.”
As we well know (thanks to Tom Cruise) is that only scientologists can help. If this is to be believed, THEY were a major factor in restoring order. This reminds me of the old Lassie movies where order is always restored–simply, because the dog shows up and does very little! I was there. I know which church fed the fire fighters and which churches/organizations set up the distribution of relief goods. I saw the churches that opened their offices and sanctuaries so that people could stop by for a shoulder to cry on. Let’s just say, the VM gave ALL of these efforts a wide berth.
But it’s interesting (and unintentionally honest) that they glommed on to the visiting/touring officials. Anything for a photo op along-side a legitimate politician or community leader!
Going on:
“At a nearby recreational center, where evacuees were temporarily relocated, the VMs were also present — passing out water and other supplies, providing a listening ear for anyone who simply wanted to talk about what had happened and directing people on where to fill out Federal Assistance and insurance forms.”
Yes, they were “present.” Present like a rubber-necker at a freeway car pileup. In the rec center, the work of feeding and clothing was going on. So guess where they were NOT! As it turns out, their help in “directing people” is a ludicrous claim! Insurances and government agencies had all set up big tents and signs to sign up victims for services they were entitled to. The silly little yellow tent was relegated to way off to the side. So I suppose if you missed an entire avenue of aid tents and somehow stumbled your way through to the yellow one, they would be able to apply their “direction tech” and point out the obvious: If you wanted help, you’d come to the wrong place! But once the insurance money kicks in, you’d be welcome to return for regging and “counseling.”
TJ and Todd Cray – I’m south of you but I remember the SF area pipeline explosion too. There are so many disasters in the U.S. alone every year when you think about it: tornados, fires, mudslides.
Then internationally, the earthquake in Haiti, the tsunami in Japan, the typhoon in the Philippines, and it goes on.
Each and every time, the church or shall I say the IAS (though they are technically one and the same) uses the suffering of human beings for financial gain.
It’s really disgusting and indefensible.
Chee- absolutely not, never!
What you said about Katrina is what made me realize that the IAS is a fraud. Katrina and the Asian tsunami. I remember cleaning out my closets to donate clothing and sending money to the Red Cross. Hundreds of thousands,
to millions of people stepped up to help in some way that was truly needed, like providing money for water, shelter and medical supplies/care.
I distinctly recall wondering why the Church of Scientology quietly sat back and did nothing.
I am not denigrating the VM’s here.
The IAS=COS should have donated some money towards disaster relief but it did not. I realized how arrogant the CoS is in thinking that their way is the only real way to help people, while ignoring the most important, basic needs of people affected by natural disasters.
The IAS=CoS could easily have made a donation to the Red Cross for example, and this would have brought the church some goodwill too. The IAS=CoS really doesn’t care about goodwill though, because it’s only after money, and doesn’t give an F about anybody. Know them by their actions. The IAS is all lip service and is a fraud and a fake.
Lastly, the IAS has no relevance in society. If you were to walk the streets of Chicago for instance, and ask 100 people about the IAS, not one of them would even know what it is. The IAS has no name recognition. It has no name recognition because it does nothing to earn it.
Pepper – you just made a statement that resonated with me. Also, it has provided me with an excellent future point of discussion/example when citing what IAS/CoS, with their biggest expansion/reach propaganda like PR stuff, does or doesn’t do, and what impact they do/do not have. It was your extremely apt point of asking 100 people, in a major metro area, if they knew who the IAS was etc. So right!
A vast majority of people can identify, recognize, discuss and cite actual examples by sight or other 1st person knowledge of organizations such as The Red Cross, Meals on Wheels, Catholic Charities, Goodwill, Doctors Without Borders, the Salvation Army, the USO hell even Google/Walmart/other Companies donating or running profit sharing projects with the proceeds benefiting legitimate charitable entities or work in disaster areas or funding of another charity who is doing the actual hands on work.
I’ve seen Walmart employees and other for profit businesses doing hands on work such as handing out food, blankets and the like. Even laundry companies with a mobile force coming out to do people’s laundry in disaster areas for heavens sake.
Though I knew that, the scope or lack thereof re: the IAS global charitable work – I never put the two together in terms of to use it in a discussion in the succinct way you phrased it for purposes of a Q and A for comparison in terms of do you know what the IAS is or what the VMs are or even what the people in yellow tents/shirts do. Thank you! Great point/question to ask or make! I’m adding that to my tool bag.
And even if the per capita explanation is brought out, ala DM’s Koppel interview, to explain size versus impact…their own self proclaimed member population is actually against them in that hypothetical defense or explanation.
Great stuff. Have a nice day.
As a Chicagoan, I cmny.confirm that Pepper! Thankfully the cult has a very small presence here.
But that’s OK…….it’s not like Chicago is a major city…..
Hi BB, you clarified and added to my point better than I could have ever have written it. Thanks 🙂
Chee, I picked Chicago because it’s a city of great people and food. Also it’s location in the Midwest. Glad to hear of the zero influence/presence of the church there too. Lucky Chicagoans.
Barbara has bills to pay.
everyday, the guy who thinks he’s the emperor of galaxies wants to add some cent.
Bitcoins are the obssessions of btruly crazy people.
Congrats are the naive donors money. I loved to see the last congrats çinvented by the insane Davey: nhe’s so mpuch of a fool and a liar that he can’te even explain precisely why these congartulated ones got such insanities ligke “diamant with honors” and such.
Two years ago, the IAS/ABLE money sucking exhibited here would have all gone to Narconon. Oh, how the criminally mighty have fallen down the pecking order.
So, with the fall of Narconon, they needed something to focus on. The only thing available that hasn’t been discredited thoroughly is Criminon. That’s because Criminon is so utterly useless and neglected by the cult that no one’s bothered to discredit it. Criminon literally does nothing, and you really can’t focus on them. However, the name is established, so it’s now become ABLE’s go-to fraud for fund-raping.
Come on, cult. Start bragging about Criminon’s “accomplishments”. This way, we can thoroughly shred it to bits like we have Narconon, Applied Scholastics, and the Way To Slappiness.
Hi Espiando,Love that Way To Slappiness.What a bruising read! If I don’t laugh I would cry,I’ll take laughter.Always Ann B.
Sorry Barb, Criminon is a 3rd dynamic activity. No coin for you! Der Dwarfen Leader needs cash for his “facility differentials”…
What do these people think happens to all of this money?! Can’t they SEE it isn’t actually being utilized for anything that betters the world for Scientologists or even plain old Homo Sapiens? It’s a blindfold, not just blinders.
Three decades later, I’m still waiting to see the IAS take down psychiatry. Three decades, that’s what I know of. The truth of the matter is it’s more like five decades that it’s been a supposed target. So much for Source having the tech to “handle” everything. (I’ve come to hate the word “handle” and hardly ever use it now in my life, not unless it’s absolutely appropriate to me. It’s a word used chronically in scn.)
I, of course, now don’t care that the psych’s are still doing their thing. It’s not that all of a sudden I’m pro-psychiatry. I do think it has its place, it’s just that now I know that the whole thing about it is just another one of Hubbard’s insanities stemming from his violent maliciousness and pathological paranoia.
Psychiatry was taken down by the year 2000 as planned. You must have missed the announcement.