The church of scientology loves to toss around the term “bigot” to describe anyone who expresses opinions that differ from their own. They shout long and hard that those bigots are discriminating against them and are “attacking their religion.”
But the truth of the matter is that the church is the source of a great deal of discrimination against those who do NOT wish to be scientologists. Such people, especially those who may have once called themselves scientologists, are singled out for disconnection, libel, harassment, trickery and various forms of fair game. Of course, when the church engages in these activities they proclaim they are simply exercising their constitutional rights to freedom of religion and/or freedom of speech. For a perfect example, see the arguments they presented to the court in Texas claiming their repulsive “squirrel busting” and fair game tactics were “religious activities.”
Of course, there has still been no final determination of that matter, though the Judge was not impressed with this argument. It remains on appeal.
But on a much smaller scale here is a story that is a microcosm of how the outside world views the activities of scientology. And this is a final word on the matter.
It comes from my old friend Martin Padfield in the UK.
When Martin was refused service by his Scientologist Financial Advisor he decided this was discriminatory and took the company in question, Sovereign Finance, to the Financial Ombudsman. This is an independent impartial body to investigate and resolve disputes outside the judicial system. Or something like that.
I will let Martin tell his story:
The background to this is that in June last year (2014) I tried to get back in touch with Sovereign Finance as my registered IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) to get some advice on my pension. In the UK the IFA’s job is to do just that – advise. It doesn’t hold the pension funds but can and should make sensible recommendations based on the individual’s circumstances and needs. There has been a LOT of changes to pensions legislation in this country recently with far-reaching effects, so I was keen to make sure I was getting the best value from my relatively modest private pension.
I had been with Sovereign since 2004 and resigned from the Church of Scientology in November 2009. In December 2011 I spoke briefly to the pensions advisor, a guy called Arie, who also wrote me a letter about my funds and their allocation. I also received a letter from Tom Shuster in June 2011, nineteen months after I left the Church trying to sell me life assurance. I continued to receive mailings from Sovereign right up until 2014. So I really had no reason to believe they wouldn’t be prepared to continue servicing me as they are legally obliged to do, not least as they were continuing to take monthly commission payments (trail commission) off the back of my pension contributions right up till July last year.
So I phoned Sovereign last year and Managing Partner and long-term Scientologist OT VIII Tom Shuster answered the phone. I asked to speak to Arie (also a Scientologist) about my pension and he asked me if I was “the Martin Padfield who had left the Church” [of Scientology]. An odd question as I suspect he doesn’t know too many other Martin Padfields, but I confirmed I was — to which he replied it was his policy not to service people who had left the Church. I protested, saying that was discriminatory and he couldn’t do that. He became, in his own words later, rude and abrupt and assured me he could and would do that.
There followed an exchange of letters to and fro, which culminated in a very antagonistic one from Tom that said I was, effectively, attacking his wife and children. At that point I referred the matter to the Financial Ombudsman as a formal complaint.
The adjudicator carried out a very thorough study of the case, and after eight months issued his findings, which another six months after that were upheld by the Ombudsman – the final authority.
I should mention that it was Tom’s decision not to accept the adjudicator’s decision; he could have settled with me at any point up til then and there would have been no ruling on the Ombudsman website and no legally binding judgement, but he chose not to. He has now paid the compensation and apologised.
It’s probably also worth mentioning here that this incident was only the latest on a chain. My Scientologist accountant withdrew his services after he found out I was an overnight SP (although still awaiting the declaration in writing). I didn’t immediately take action against him then as he was at least courteous and somewhat respectful about it. Tom was anything but, and I don’t take kindly to bullies so I thought enough is enough. A third company withdrew service due solely to my religious allegiances.
Obviously the Scientology disconnection policy is at the heart of this. In Tom’s eyes I am not just a garden-variety Suppressive Person, but since I have spoken out in a critical way, I am far worse – “an enemy of mankind”. I tried to point out in one of my letters that I wasn’t anti Scientologist (his rebuttal to the adjudicator was that I was equivalent of being an anti-Semitic or anti-black) but I was very much anti-being lied to, deceived and defrauded.
Having been a victim of human trafficking at a Scientology behaviour modification camp doing hard labour overseas at the Int Base with no passport or possibility of escape I feel I have a right to speak publicly about my experiences with the hope that others may be forewarned – I think that is called freedom of speech. However the initial crime that led to my alleged SP declare was simply asking awkward questions of Graeme Wilson of OSA UK, the answers to which I am still waiting. Hence I resigned. My further crime was talking to Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder – possibly the greatest crime in the known universe to a true-blue believer in the Miscavige era.
I have subsequently written several emails and letters to OSA advising them that they need to take some responsibility for what their “OT Ambassadors” (as Tom is, and also ex-GO apparently) do and say in the field, and that they must uphold the law of the land. I am still awaiting any response to those communications too. I have even helpfully suggested some policy changes that they could undertake.
The UK anti-discrimination laws are very clear. Such actions don’t just make them look cult-like and out of touch, but also one might ask: who are real bigots here? My supposedly bigoted friends and I don’t have any problem talking with Scientologists although I would certainly now think twice before doing business with any!
Ultimately although Tom Shuster behaved reprehensibly and unprofessionally, compounding the idiocy by lying to the Ombudsman regarding the nature of the complaint, he was just being an obedient Scientologist. I actually don’t bear him any ill will personally. The real source of the problem is of course the Church, its mind control and toxic disconnection policies and indoctrination into Scientologists.
I don’t know what ramifications or implications this judgement may have, if any, going forward. It is legally binding so it may set some sort of precedent – in the UK at least. But if nothing else it hopefully shows that Scientology companies must operate within the law of the land and that their “superior ethics tech” does not supersede the law! This type of behaviour is a form of bullying in my opinion, and no one should tolerate that, or with passive acceptance, effectively agree with it.
I must say the Financial Ombudsman did a very thorough and professional job, and in case the Adjudicator or the Ombudsman him/herself is reading this I should say a big “Thank You” for all the hard work and for being scrupulously fair and even-handed.
Martin Padfield
Late to the commenting but wanted to give a big THANK YOU to Martin for sharing your story with all of us.
The criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology may have a religious element hidden away somewhere, but it is, at heart, about breaking the law of the land and about turning those of its victims who are members into monsters. Martin is doing it right, and deserves congratulations for going all the way against an institutional bully who only has itself to thank for its trouble.
Scientology forgets its own “tech”: calling people “bigot” is like TR 0 bullbaiting. Do it enough and the “button” is “flat” (no further reaction). The same with the once dreaded SP declares. They have been done to death and now they are a badge of honor for many. The “button” is “flat” and gone is the psychological strangle hold the “button” once had.
This phenomenon was not a brilliant discovery of Hubbard, who found little if anything new. It is simply desensitization (for a general disccussion see
What is being accomplished is societal and individual desensitization. Being called a bigot by a Scientologist is becoming comical. Squirrel busters showing up in sunglasses with cameras strapped to their heads is not whole track intimidation — it’s a tears running down your cheeks belly laugh. And the once dreaded Miscavige dwindles to a pitiful Napoleon complex caricature, whose vulgar YSCOHB utterances no longer shock, but simply highlight the low character of the man.
Islamists will run into the same phenomenon of desensitization when they charge racism, religious intolerance, and Islamophobia to draw attention away from their assault on life, liberty, and Western values and freedoms. Like Scientologists, they are essentially trying to introvert and stifle their targets with the demand of “what are _your_ crimes?!” Eventually, what we will hear — and rightly so — is “blah, blah, blah?!” and we can yawn and get back to dealing with reality instead of cult efforts to hide.
except that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology goes beyond writing nasty letters. Friends of mine are in court from time to time simply because they tell the truth about the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. As long as members act according to the plainly written instructions below, it needs to be stopped and is far from being merely a joke.
“The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.”
Hi Jens TINGLEFF, Very good to see this post.It is important to me.Thank you,Always Ann.
Considering the mess their own finances are probably in, I can’t imagine going to a Scientologist for financial advice. I would not do it to score points, either. I would just keep well away from them.
Fair point and I certainly wouldn’t go out of my way to seek advice from a Scientology company. But in this case I had a relationship with Sovereign going back ten years. It was the fact that I was being given no options – I was being FORCED to go find a new IFA. It was Mr Shuster who brought up the religious angle – I had no intention or interest in discussing anything Church related. However when he did bring it up at the beginning of the process, this was my reply:
Dear Tom,
Re: Yours of 1st and 2nd July
Thanks for your prompt letters, received yesterday and today in response to mine.
Although usually quite decisive, I am a bit undecided on this.
Try and understand the context Tom. Since leaving the Church in 2009 I have lost many valued friends almost overnight – I expected that. Goes with the turf I suppose. I have been smeared and slimed on the Internet by anonymous OSA staffers such as “Minerva” using info that could only have come from my PC folders. My family home has been infiltrated by TWO people working for / reporting back to OSA. I have been lied to, lied about and called a “F***ing Dick” loudly in public by a dedicated Corporate Scientologist OT in front of my 3 year old daughter. (All evidence available). I had to find a new Accountant when Derek Field disconnected from me in 2011 the moment he found out I was “not in good standing”. My letters to CJC have been ignored contrary to policy. My rightfully due refunds have been refused. I have not even seen my SP Declare despite numerous requests, if such exists – contrary to the Church own internal LRH policy. “If it’s not written it’s not true”.
Is this the way a Church should behave Tom? Your “abrupt” – as you diplomatically call them – comments on the phone were no surprise but still deeply disappointing, and frankly, hurtful. Have I ever uttered a bad word about you, your company, your family? No, of course not. I was appreciative of your company’s advice, as I’m sure you were of my business. But here’s the greatest irony of all: I haven’t even uttered a bad word about your beliefs. My “crime” initially was asking awkward questions – the answers to which I had to find out from other, reliable sources. Questions such as “Where is Heber?” “What are the actual delivery stats internationally?” “Are ALL the 15+ the independent witnesses to David Miscavige’s violence really lying?” Why are there roughly four times as many declared SPs as there are Sea Org members, including many OT VIIIs and Class XIIs? Important issues I needed resolved as an individual who had dedicated most of his adult life, and in excess of £100,000 money supporting this organisation. (Specifics all available if you’re interested).
Although no doubt OSA will tell you otherwise, in fact I resigned because of the actions of the Church; its squirrelling on me personally and others, and alteration of tech and policy. Further, the refusal of OSA UK to even acknowledge the numerous human rights abuses going on at the most senior levels, let alone actually do anything to stop them was the last straw. I’ll spare you details here but suffice to say you might be surprised and shocked at some of the things I have seen and been made aware of.
I freely admit I have been vocal in trying to let others have the whole truth about the Church. Ignorance is no fun Tom. It’s the truth that sets you free, as a great man once said. Which is not necessarily what is being told at (off-policy) COB events.
Anyway, frankly I am tired of being bullied by a billion dollar corporation and its servants that spends countless millions on harassment campaigns and keeping its own members misinformed. Whether my stand is right or wrong is irrelevant at this point. I let Derek’s “disconnection” go despite leaving me the headache and cost of having to find a new reliable accountant, due to his advancing years and because he had the courtesy of informing me in writing – without the antagonism obvious from your tone on the phone. It concerns me greatly that you clearly knew for four years or so that I was “not in good standing” yet you did nothing. It took a phone call from me to your office to find out that you would not be / had not been providing any service to me any more – after more than FOUR YEARS. I wonder – what would YOU do in my position? Your implied assertion that I have not been a client is also provably nonsense. You have been paid handsomely as a result of my business.
So I am in a quandary. Your letter suggests that you would not “be the best ones” to provide a service to me. In other words, you would allow your own or my religious affiliations to affect how you dealt with me as a client. That isn’t just not good sense; it isn’t even legal. (2010 Equality Act).
I will reflect for a few days on what to do. I have no particular desire to go through the legal process – although if I were to do so according to my initial enquiries I would win – it would probably be a fairly “open and shut” case. I will give you the courtesy that neither you nor your Church gave me – honest open dialogue. i.e. I am letting you know exactly where I stand and giving you the opportunity to have your say. I do expect a timely response – I think 10 days is reasonable. You have my written word that I will take no further action until I have heard what you have to say.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Padfield
Good for you Martin. Justice does exist outside $ despite what we were told by ron. And yes, the church has created more SPs then OTs by now. Any staff looking at the current list of expels, declares, anti-$ reporters, professors etc. should really be asking a lot of questions.
So Ann, My guy & I & our puppy with our ‘Scientology Kills’ T-shirts on spent a leisurely afternoon 2 hours strolling around PAC and the body routers at the Metro Saturday the 10th. We were followed by a security guard on a bike after about 2 mins of the PAC sidewalk on Fountain. Two other guards were taking notes and pictures. While there were staff outside and walking across the street when we came by the time we got to Sunset the block was cleared except for the security. All I was able to see of ASHO was the guy up on a crane washing the 2nd floor windows. The crane hung over the sidewalk and per code I believe there should have been a second person on the ground for the persons passing by but I guess S rules LRH Blvd.
We had fun with the body routers, when we went by them they walked back to LA Org. Then we went by LA Org and they walked back to the Metro. David followed them back a 2nd time while I had a friendly chat with the security guard who knew me by name somehow. The second time they went back to LA Org! Crazy and David had fun teasing them all and he to had a friendly chat with the security guard. I was happy I could be there comfortably. Since being thrown out, given 15mins to pack and leave after 20 years service leaving behind a husband and two children in the SO and having to support two others with no savings, I’ve not been able to approach the place without grief or anxiety. Not any more. I was as happy and content as could be. I wanted this
Hi Cece,Hugs and wonderment for your postThank you! You are amazing confronting all that cosness and going along on your path,no matter what!XO! Actually when I read your other post,I pictured your T-shirts with Scientology Kills on them,but I wanted to wait until I heard from you what they said! You both spoke for me too.Wonder if Hemet is floating by now?Would not want to be in a Hole of any type there.All Love to you both,Ann.
Just be sure to get the money in portraits of Her Majesty, Martin. Then have a huge flashback to Harry Enfield, wave the cash in his face, and shout “Loadsamoney!” That should give him a nice, confessable engram, and at OTVIII fees to audit out.
Hi guys,
Sorry to be off-topic but I wanted to give this newsflash.
Hemet is getting thunder, lightning and heavy rains off and on tonight. Anybody with a video camera wanna go get some mudslide footage tomorrow morning? Just a head’s up for the local video shooters. Might even be interesting tonight if they have the flood lights on, putting a finger in the dyke. Of course there are no “dykes” up lines. Only when DM insists someone is. We were talking about discrimination, weren’t we? Maybe I’m not off-topic after all.
But I digress.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled truthing and laughing.
Hi Martin. Yes, well done and continue. We had a similar case here, in the US, where a doctor wouldn’t take an ex-Scn. This was taken to court by Joy Fairman and her daughter. They won, too.
You also talked about human trafficking.
I was actually going to write Mike about some information I ran into the other day while doing some immigration research. This is a perfect opportunity to bring this up.
The families of these immigrants will find it helpful, too.
The US department of Immigration know that you are being victimized and have created a whole department AND special visas to help you get out and become a citizen.
This is worth a full Rinder article but, just to get the info out to you, here is the link to the special US Immigration office for human trafficking.
Did you know that you can get a special visa called a T-Visa?
“T Nonimmigrant Status (T Visa)
T nonimmigrant status provides immigration protection to victims of trafficking. The T Visa allows victims to remain in the United States and assist law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking cases.”
Or a U Nonimmigrant Status
U nonimmigrant status provides immigration protection to crime victims who have suffered substantial mental or physical abuse as a result of the crime. The U visa allows victims to remain in the United States and assist law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of the criminal activity.
Another source of help is the Homeland Security Blue Campaign. See videos and stories here:
If you know foreign people in the SO, get them these links some how. It could save their lives – and their sanity.
Glad someone is paying attention. Thank you.
Martin, I want to (if you’ll pardon the expression) commend you for sticking with this issue, making your point and getting your win and your deserved compensation. For a business to drop someone because of that person’s change of religious affiliation is an outrageous violation of his rights in any free society.
What if the shoe were on the other foot and the non Scientology business owner dropped all his Scientology customers and told each of them he couldn’t service them because they were Scientologists? The walls would reverberate with the sound of “Bigot, he’s a bigot!” It is just so blatantly hypocritical, unfair, and illegal.
VERY well done, Martin, on bringing Mr. Shyster to his knees on this issue!
Mike, have i told you how much I appreciate you and what your doing? Well I do and I thank you!
Four star review, going viral on the tail of “Going Clear” .
As far as “associating with whoever you choose” it used to be quite common (in my lifetime) for businesses, property owners, civic groups etc. to refuse to service or associate with blacks or Jews, and before that, with the Irish, Polish or Chinese. Most of us now hold that kind of behavior in contempt, and frankly I see this financial adviser in the same light.
Disconnection is something the Church of Scientology likes to believe it has patented. I recall my days at Flag when I would go around town, shopping, for lunch, with a friend and in more than one place near the Fort Harrison were signs in businesses stating “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”. Since that time I have come back to New York, I’ve been to Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago, Indianapolis but I don’t recall seeing in those places signs like that hanging in downtown businesses. Disconnection is something that makes sense to “Scientologists” and people that belong to the Church of Scientology are for the most part very similar to mentally retarded individuals.
Irrelevant. A human right is a human right.
So John, do you believe it’s your human right as a business owner to refuse service to blacks and Jews?
Doug, do a study of human rights (natural rights). If you don’t have an understanding of this subject it is COMPLETELY impossible for you to understand the US Constitution and what principles this country was founded upon.
If you spend a few hours completely your primary school education, these types of questions will be answered.
Start with the free published works of the man my screen name was borrowed from.
What happened John , a cat got your tongue ? Answer the man.
I really like Martin Padfield. I have read a few of his statements and watched a video that he was in. What he did here is remarkable and I am really proud of him for doing it. Scientology has to learn how to act around people and get some bloody common sense. They have declared more people SP than are actually members of the organization.
Thanks Dean. (Where were you yesterday???). Yes, it’s true – a rough calculation is that there are about 4X as many “SPs” declared since Miscavige took the helm than there are Sea Org members. Seems the % may be the wrong way round – maybe 70% of the population – even more in the Scientology community – are SPs.
Got a feeling that Miscavige firmly believes he’s the ONLY ONE who isn’t an SP. 7 billion to one. Bad odds for dave.
Bwahaha, LDW. Poor Dave. Poor, poor Dave.
So pleased that this is finally out there – it has been bubbling away for quite a while…
The really stupid thing is that if Shuster had owned up right away and made a humble apology, then nothing would have happened. But now, this decision can be published on The Financial Ombudsman’s website and the whole world can see that his tin-pot little company broke the law. How’s that for a demonstration of Scientology ‘Ethics’?
And finally, a very big Well Done! to Martin for having the persistence to follow this through and show how Cultic loyalties are always secondary to such ‘minor’ considerations such as the law.
And now for the next case…
Yes unfortunately OSA – who I have kept fully informed right throughout the process – have made zero ethics change. The rudeness and arrogance in not even acknowledging my correspondence would be astounding in any other field or walk of life, but pathetically predictable with this “Church”. So sadly it is indeed onwards and forwards with the next case, and then the next…
Hi Martin and thanks for telling about it. Really thanks. I am not boasting I am saying your account reminds me of something. One time in 1983 I was approached in a restaurant by a “stranger” that introduced himself to me as a Scientologist. 20 Years later he opened a mission 1 block away from the restaurant. The first time I met him in the restaurant I didn’t recognize him as someone I had already seen at the church in New York. After he opened the mission he wanted to see who I believed “him” or the person he impersonated way back. He used to follow me around in his car and spy on me and “report back to the church”. Finally, I took him to court and made him sign an agreement with me that HE and the CHURCH would never seek me out again otherwise the court contract would be breached. SO, I guess after all those years he and the church finally got what LRH intended for them to, when he brought the document back to OSA, I just can’t imagine the expression on the DSA’s face that used to run an illegal church business up the street from my house. They didn’t mind to share their evil intentions with me because according to them I was unconscious half the time. I guess I must have been.
Keep up the good work Martin! 
Not only that. But given the mess the “church” has made of its public image, I cannot imagine that being outed as a scientologist-run business–lawbreaker or not–can be terribly helpful either.
One of the biggest mistakes a still-in Scnist can make (other than being still-in), is blindly trusting another just because he or she is a Scnist. Speaking from experience, I have lost 10s of thousands of dollars by misplacing my trust in “upstat” Scnists.
Many Scnists suffer from “magical thinking” (e.g. power of postulates, OT powers, glowing things right, etc). Magical thinking and business just don’t mix. The church fosters these wild ideas, along with habitual financial irregularities, acceptable truths (lies), and a good dose of PR. It’s a toxic combination.
Hi statpush,Thank you, an excellent post.Ann.
Kudos Martin. Proof once again that Scn is the religion that causes, otherwise good people to do bad things. Their arrogance and moral superiority is backed up by Hubbard, eventually they all become bullies. Thanks for standing up against them.
Now hold on…
First, there is the scientific method of comparison.
Then there is the Scientology method of discarding comparison in order to accept only the single source of data, LRH.
Yes, thank goodness for the many paths to the truth.
But I can’t shut up there. I feel a need to scream. Instead I will try to speak concisely and then go quietly on my way, to say:
LRH was a wizard with the basics.
He was a master story-teller, and he could masterfully blur the line between truth and fiction. He loved to keep his audience engaged and before long became the master of mind manipulation and then the master of mind manipulation for larger and larger audiences. This was his life’s journey, defined.
Take a microscope to any part of tech and you will be able to find this connection.
That policy is there either to keep you trapped on the Bridge, or to protect the Bridge itself, as the primary order of business. That is the genius of LRH, that is the genius of his technology. Whatever benefits might be had from it are secondary but if you find them I sincerely hope you haven’t lost your family, your life’s pleasures and your money in the process.
What a great posting and result! Congrats for justice and common sense.
Frankly, with an OT VIII financial adviser, shouldn’t all the clients be fabulously rich by now? An OT VIII, being at cause over, among other things, time and thought (objective and subjective) should know what is going to happen with any investment!
Of course maybe this adviser just made it to the vague, downgraded OT VIII — “truth revealed,” that truth being that there is no OT VIII as originally defined by Hubbard.
By the nature of their own contradictory policy, scientologists cannot apply their own beliefs. Confront and communication are held in highest esteem by the cherch yet the policy of disconnection and KSW trash the scientologists ability to effectively do either. I’ve been there and what a horrible feeling to run from another person because I was told I cannot communicate to them and that they are evil.
Clams can easily be,short circuited. Just tell them you are an SP. Boomp, they start running into walls, stuttering and running off cliffs to get away from you.
@BKmole, how perfectly you’ve summed it up. The hypocrisy of those fools is just so blatant. Strange how their behaviour is so obnoxious and yet somehow, they feel completely justified in acting like ???? Religious freedom right?
Sickening, just sickening
The mind boggles…. Poor McSlappy the Internet, hence the world is now watching.
He must be in a permanent stage of RAGE, woe to anyone who comes within his range of vision, so the world can look forward to thousands of reports of assaults on staff by him. Wake up McSlappy the deny, deny, deny, attack, attack, attack days are all over the net and the world can see you. Peek a boo we’re all watching
Martin said:-
“My supposedly bigoted friends and I don’t have any problem talking with Scientologists although I would certainly now think twice before doing business with any!”
I can vouch for this. I’m a Scientologist though not connected to COS. I have met Martin socially several times in the last few years and we get on quite well. In fact the last time
was last night.
Thank you for putting ethics in on that Scientologist Martin!!!!! XXXOO
In my dealings with Scienos owned bussiness, the outcome is easy to predict: worst or no service at all, advance payments never honored and any and all issues to be dealt with the “supreme” “wise” “ethical” “theta” members of the orgy..anization!
Yep, that’s there business model, alright! Scam, scam and more scam….
Dave’s declare order has been published. He has a restraining order on him in Texas for domestic terrorism I think. Looks it finally hit the press. Floating front and center on Yahoo page. WOW!
Wow. Finally. Thank you, Oracle. Finally.
You’re a good man Martin. Stand your ground, it’s yours. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks. Well, it works apparently. I have it on VERY good authority that conditions for SO members are markedly improved thanks to all us SPs, the food is better, berthing improved etc. Freeloader Bills are virtually a thing of the past, so ethics is being put in!
By the way, the crooks labeled him “SP” only after it was clear they were not going to be able to swindle any more money out of him. Typical.
Thank you Martin, I read the Evening Standard interview as well. And Mike, you have morphed into the trusted Walter Cronkite of the Indie and Ex-Scientology World. I bet David Miscavige reads your blog and practically screams out loud that he wishes you were this successful when you worked for him….
“scientology loves to toss around the term “bigot” to describe anyone who expresses opinions that differ from their own.”
They also scream “BIGOT!” any time someone points out their human rights crimes and their massive financial frauds. They claim Judges, juries, reporters, District Attorneys, everyone who condemns their core criminality to be “bigots.”
Of course the violently insane crooks know that they’re criminals.
Hi Martin Padfield, Thank you so much for your story and post.For me you took a very important point about this church/cult and did something about it,which is really strong and needed.My posts are based on emotion and my sensitivity to events that happened to me,but when in the legal arena,what you did is something I admire.I have no quarrel with those that want to use cos tech to help themselves or others that ask for that help.I do have a beef with those who feel Ron was never wrong,but I was or I would not question his rightness in all things.Especially in Sea Org.So I know what can happen when the tech is used in a dark way.And yes it does work in that direction too.I wish I had not gone through that part of my Sea Org journey,but I did,I must own it still.I kept thinking there was a mistake and maybe I really was this DB,Rock Slamming,Evil Intentioned Being.I was not,but once the tech digs in it digs in very deeply and everything I fervently believed was true and good about Ron was turned upside down and backwardsSo I think you are incredible and wish you all light and love,Ann.
Thank you Ann
A Scientologist has a business and does business with other Scientologists. If one of them gets booted or leaves the church the owner is now under pressure to not do business with these disaffected Scientologists. No matter how much money they make from these disaffected terrible people, no matter if they like the person, no matter what….they have to disconnect. Now who is really running that business, the church or the person who owns the business? And once other non Scn clients find out about such nonsense, how many of them would move on to another company? I agree with Johnny above, businesses have to honor contracts/agreements but aside from that it is their right to choose who they do business with. On the flip side so do their current clientele have the right to choose who they do business with. It is an incredibly out PR move to abide by the insane, unfair policies of the church. It puts the business owner in the category of “incompetent” in the eyes of their non Scn. clients. Following church disconnection policy in the world of business is a losing proposition for Scn. business owners. I guess having eternity is much more important than putting food on the table and taking care of one’s family. Hell if that is the case why have a family, why even work at all? Just sit there and eternity will engulf you with warm fuzzies as it gently lifts you into a realm of calmness and happiness forever. You won’t have to do a thing.
“it is their right to choose who they do business with”. Not really – had I been abusive or aggressive towards Sovereign he would have had a case, but otherwise, he is legally obliged to service whosoever requires it. There have been some high profile cases in the UK recently on this. One Christian owned Hotel refused to offer a double room to a gay couple. They had to apologise and pay compensation also.
“Overnight SP”.
This is a great term! It’s the phenomena where a loyal, contributing, highly productive Scientologist in good standing “shifts valences” into that of an SP.
No matter how much auditing they have had, how much training, how many decades of loyal staff experience, how many millions they have donated, how many times they’ve retread the PTS/SP course and the Suppressed Person Rundown – they’ve shifted valences, seemingly overnight, and are now a full-blown SP.
This, of course can happen to anyone. And by anyone, I mean Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, Karen de la Carriere, Claire Headley, Paul Haggis, Leah Remini, Jason Beghe, David Mayo, Stacy Brooks, Vaughn Young, Jesse Prince, Bill Franks, Bill Robertson, Alan Walter, Gordon Bell, William Burroughs, Don Purcell and Dr. Joseph Winter. Anyone who is an “upstat” contributing Church of Scientologist today can be an Overnight SP tommorow.
This phenomenon of the Overnight SP, which any Church of Scientologist must believe in, is complete, ironclad proof that Scientology training and auditing do not work. If this can happen to a Clear and an OT – and almost everyone in that list above are Clear and OT – Scientologists themselves prove that Scientology Technology does not produce what it claims to produce – and never has.
Scientologists invalidate the entire subject of Scientology themselves and never see it.
Great term, Martin. Those two words say everything anyone needs to know about Scientology and its ability to make sane and able people.
Alonzo, in my opinion, almost anything Karen De La Carriere says becomes fact. She is a very intelligent person. But, regarding her former church, this is what they do. They are ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS out there in the world LOOKING for trouble to make with people that are not themelves troublemakers, so that other people (usually the Police or whomever) believe the church member over the victim. People that do now know how to know properly and do not have true tech of how to do things but try anyway, like church members do, generally fall into that category.
The great Karen De La Carriere came up with that term – but thanks.
This lovely tale is Dickensian clear down to our bully not only having to apologize but, adding insult to injury, having to pay a FINE! There is a special place in Hell for people who disgrace themselves for what they believe in. If not in Hell, then on the Comedy Central World Stage.
Good on you Martin!
As the church of scientology has proven over and over and over again, they are guilty of that which they accuse others of being. Bigotry is right.
It would be a very “interesting” coffee table book (
) of stories of those that the church has inflicted its fair game, disconnection or other abusive practices, that just wanted to no longer be affiliated with it or call themselves a scientologist. Actually, I think there would be too many stories to just be one coffee table book.
Way to go Martin!
Exposing the bigotry of the cult. Excellent.
The bottom line is Scientologist will not nor never accept responsibility for their actions and never admit that they have ever done anything wrong. David Miscavige for sure will never.
And that rule has been enshrined in titanium….WE ARE NEVER, EVER WRONG (No matter how many fucked things we do to people).
I can see that plaque now. Lol. I guess you are capable of creating mock ups that others can experience Old Surfer Dude. Well done…well done..
On the theme of we are never wrong; here is the “death waiver” copied from the web site of the
Valley Life Improvement Center”.
Phone: (818) 366-9899
Fax: (818) 366-8862
Here is our Release and Waiver for those of you receiving our services
(please copy, print, sign and email to us at or sign and fax to us at 818.230.7964
Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement
In consideration of being permitted to participate in Life Coaching offered by Valley Life Improvement Center the undersigned participant named below agrees:
1. There are social and emotional risks in participating in the above mentioned activity. I fully understand and acknowledge that there may be risks not known to us or are not reasonably foreseeable to us at this time.
2. I accept and assume such risks and responsibilities for the losses and/or damages following such psychological or physical injury, disability, paralysis or death, however caused and whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Release(s) named below.
3. The UNDERSIGNED further expressly agrees that the foregoing release, waiver and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the Province or State in which the organization is conducting events and that if any portion is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
4. If, despite signing this release, the undersigned participant makes a claim against any of the Releases, the undersigned participant will reimburse the Release(s) for any money which they have paid to the participant, or on his/her behalf, and hold them harmless.
Name of Organization: Valley Life Improvement Center
Participant Signature: __________________________________________________
Printed Name of Participant: ____________________________________________
Address of Participant: _______________________________
Date: ______________
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I thought that was a Gold Plate with Diamond and Ruby letters.
Thats because all the people they lie to or harm is done while “prosecuting the war against SP’s ! ” Thereby justifying any and all hurtful acts to persons or property. A natural extension of the tone set by the founder in his own writings. Scientology is an extremist racketeering hate group operating for profit under the banner of religious freedom in America.
Excellent post Mike, thank you and Martin for this thorough analysis of one particular case which illustrates perfectly the fanaticism of the cult and their jihad on anyone who doesn’t entirely agree with their views. Personally after being disappointed once, I never worked on a regular basis with Scientologists.I chose people to work with by their competence only. This of the reasons why It was easy for me to leave the organisation. I didn’t risk being fired by a company owned by a Scientologist, or being bankrupt because Scientologists owing me money would disconnect from me.
So Happy you’re out and enjoying your beautiful family Martin x
What a jerk. If one is getting paid (as this advisor was), you must deliver or you’re being criminal. I really have no problem otherwise as everyone has a right to associate with whom they want.
“everyone has a right to associate with whom they want”.
Not quite as simple as that. In the UK at least, any commercial body absolutely may NOT discriminate or withdraw or refuse service by means of race, religion etc. I was refused service purely and only because I was no longer a Scientologist. In fact it was this individual’s POLICY not to service ex-Scientologists – that was the issue. It’s covered in detail in 2010 Equality Act.
Martin, I’m speaking of the US where human rights are protected in the Constitution. Most countries don’t recognize Natural Human Rights. Even here they are illegally eroded more & more.
Their arrogance knows no bounds….
‘Financial advice’ and ‘Scientologist’ are two words that should never be in the same sentence.
From what I have read (and from what history shows) they are the most unethical people around.
I believe Scientologists were decent people going in, looking to gain whatever (self realization, better acting gigs, etc) but they are quickly transformed and taught they are above ‘WOG law’ and they believe in the whole ‘greatest good’ nonsense (it’s nonsense because it really is ‘whatever is best for COB is the greatest good’).
I would never willingly do business with a Scientologist. I would most certainly do business with a ex-scientologist. Am I painting with a broad brush? Probably, but hey, if you lie with dogs, you get fleas. I would not be willing to take the chance that the business is on the up and up.
I’m sure they are some Indies out there who will point to LRH’s ‘out-exchange’ rules. Unfortunately, LRH was the master at ‘do as I say, not as I do’. I think that should be the motto of the organization.
The most disturbing part of this to me is that Mr. Padfield was a victim of human trafficking, forced to do hard labor and held against his will. The “re-education camp” (sounds like North Korea, which like Scientology, is ruled by an absolute mad man) took Mr. Padfield’s passport, which left him no way to leave. This is what needs to be prosecuted.
Funnily enough it Mr Shuster himself who brought this up during the process. His defence to the Ombudsman was “Padfield is attacking my religion – see this newspaper article as evidence”. The article in question was in the Evening Standard a few years back, where I was asked about my time at Int Base. You can see it here: I think anyone reading that article will see it is a reflection of my own personal experiences. That gets translated by a corporate Scientologist as “attacking”. In fact in one of his letters to the Ombudsman he used the word attacking SIX times on the first page.
Good on ya, mate! Well done. And, you were a gentleman to the end. Stupid cult….
@Martin, the man who referred the newspaper article to the Ombudsman probably was not allowed to read the article he was referring to. That’s the funny part. They are told what it says and believe it. Marty actually said he had never read “Piece of Blue Sky” but attacked it vehemently.
If the people who were attacking what they refer to as lies actually were allowed to read the “lies” they may be more likely to keep their silly mouths shut.
Using “attacking” is simply to parrot L Ron Hubbard. Because no criticism could possibly be warranted, no contrary statement could possibly be worth considering.
Very appropriate introduction Mike. It may seem fairly trivial in the great scheme of things, but as the recent events and films on Scientology have highlighted, fundamentalism in any form can and will lead inevitably to abuse on various levels. Anything which helps highlight or bring about a greater understanding and recognition of the nature of it is a worthwhile exercise in my book. Thanks for being a standard bearer in this regard.
I believe there was a typo in your letter Martin – I think Tom’s last name is not Shuster, it’s SHYSTER
Martin, I’m pretty sure Tommy J is right.
A great job well done Martin. You demonstrate what needs to be done by all of us who know the truth about how the cult, so cleverly disguised as a religion, operates.
I imagine Mr. Shyster will now have to pay for some serious sec checking as well as a redo of the PTS/SP Course on the back side to clear his name for not ‘shattering suppression’.
Yo Dave,
What the hell good buddy??!! I’d say you had better get your Mr. Shyster called back to Int. so you can give him some real bull baiting on standing up to the little piss ants that have left Your Cult. You guys are becoming real wusses.
Exactly. The fundamentalism is not trivial. A lovely piece of work, Martin, congratulations for sticking with it.
No worries for us about doing business with Bigots (Scientologists) in the area who suppress, attack, slander and lie about anyone who tells the truth about their “church”.
The people, still active (a tiny group), have nothing to offer anyone. They clean houses, sell crap in MLM groups and make no money or have anything of value.
I can’t believe there is a Scientologist anywhere that has a product or service that anyone would want. Why do business with them? They typically overcharge because they think they are so “special and Oat Tea”…they price themselves out of the market.
I say boycott all Scientologist’s everywhere. Do not contribute to the motion. Don’t give money to Scientologist’s….do not use them for any services or buy any products from them. They are not “trustworthy”.
It is just the right thing to do.
It has been my experience too that scns typically over charge. I even remember one saying that they charged the highest price they could get away with. it seems to be the public scns interpretation of reggeing – take as much as you can with no feeling of empathy for the customer. I used to try and offer heavily discounted services to scn’s however this was hardly ever reciprocated, they are greedy greedy people – just watch the food at an event for evidence of this – anyone would think they never ate at home – mind you if they were staff this is not far off the truth!
+100 IM
There is one thing you can count on from Scientologists everywhere …………. if there is opportunity to lie to, cheat on, steal from or denigrate anyone for their lack of support for their Cult ………..they will take it!
In a heart beat…
But only if they mist a mirror.
Agree wholeheartedly. Scientologists are as regular as the tide in taking every opportunity to insist upon “do as I say not as I do” in their day to day living. The cult is everything to them and anything ‘not them’ including the law is fair game.
Scientology is the most toxic organisation ever to raise a religious argument, bar none!
There is no such thing as a safe or binding agreement with a scientologist.
I had a heroin addict (a school friend, nice guy, died young from his addiction) tell me once in a sober moment “never trust a junkie, the habit comes before all else.”
I would never have considered once how similar scientologists are to being ‘junkies’ but now I know it is true.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your school friend, I Yawn. I’ve seen the results of crystal meth in Hawai’i. And it’s not a pretty picture. My thoughts are with you.
And the line about how similar cult members to to junkies is right on the money. They are have been brainwashed to BE junkies. Tek junkies as it were. Great comparison!
OH Yeah, the 70s. What a trip that decade was…
Went to a school reunion a couple of years ago and 30% of the class are dead, couple in prison and a few have vanished without trace. Life don’t take no stink holiday!
Well said, these criminals are in deep shit at last. Not only from the brave who had/have the guts to shine a light on to their criminal behaviour, but the Internet and multiple foot bullets have exposed them for what they are, and for what they are not… HONEST!
No more hiding for McSlappy, wonder if he’ll finish in a deluxe trailer with really bad withdrawal symptoms from his steroid and alcohol addictions. Maybe someone should take his asthma inhaler off him, as he bleats on about all medical drugs being part of the evil psyche plan to take over the world.
Best of all, he needs to know all his stolen money won’t fit in the casket.
Right with you!
Quite right. Unfortunately, the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology infiltrates businesses in order to siphon money off (“training courses” and “management” and so on) and relies on hiding themselves to slip in.