Of course, the church cannot directly endorse any political candidates as this would be a violation of their exempt status (possibly the least egregious one they would be guilty of, but nevertheless very visible and thus difficult to deny).
So, they grab some “OT Committee” people and have them do the dirty work for them. These ventriloquist puppets are NOT sending this out without coordinating with the church first. In fact, apparently the efforts to influence the local community are heating up — OSA recently held a briefing (it’s funny how this, like everything else, is tied to the new SP building, even though its harder to get into than the NSA headquarters).
New reports indicate there’s now going to be a monthly meeting (“Coordination Council”) between various project I/Cs at Flag, some OSA PR people, and a small number of trusted public and volunteers. (First meeting is to be held this coming Sunday in the large conference room at the FH.)
But back to the elections. Every local scientologist knows the story when receiving one of these puppet emails. “This is who the church wants me to vote for. Nobody would dare send out something like this if it was not cleared through OSA.” And they are absolutely right.
I wonder if these politicians/judges realize they are flavor of the month for the church of scientology?
From: “Brett Miller, Steve & Joanie Sigal” <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:26:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: August 2014 Election RecommendationsDear Xxxxx
On August 26th we will elect new judges and school board members as well as Republican and Democrat nominees for legislative, county commission, governor and attorney general races.
Everyone gets to vote for the judges and school board candidates; and registered Republicans and Democrats will each get to vote for candidates to represent their party in the general election on November 4th.
If you are registered as “no party affiliation” or with some other party, you will only be voting for the non-partisan candidates.
We have met with every one of the recommended candidates and in many cases their opponents. We have learned over the years that most of you have an opinion on gubernatorial candidates and have consequently not made a recommendation in either of these primaries. We have also not taken a position on the Democratic primary for Attorney General.
On May 31st, FCSR held a judicial candidate forum attended by all eleven judicial candidates (and more than 200 of you). We have made recommendations in four of the five contests and could not reach consensus on the remaining one. This race is between a state attorney with law enforcement experience and a specialist in family law with experience as a state attorney. In the end, we decided to simply let you read about each and decide for yourself based on your own weighting of experience and strengths. We really liked both candidates in this race.
To make it easy for you we are attaching the picks list as a document which you can easily download by clicking here.
Brett Miller, Steve and Joanie Sigal
If this picks list jeapordizes their nonprofit status, how many have been sent to the IRS?
Interesting statement,
As ALL persons who “stand” for election anywhere are in the pocket of a Corporation or “interested” group.
Why would the C of S encourage this ludicrous insult to ones intelligence called an election Campaign?
The name Bruce Boyers on the ballot rings a bell. About 20 years ago there was an OT in the Glendale area by that name. Any chance he moved to Florida and is running for a judgeship?
How happy would any political candidates in the USA be to be “endorsed by Scientologists”?
Not so much.
My suggest is to broadly publish these recommendations, pointing out who is doing the recommending. The cult is so toxic, the smart politicians will have to disavow or watch their other funding dry up.
Regarding the upcoming elections: Lets clean house (and senate). Say no to incumbents!
If the church were a truly benevolent organization emails like this would not have to be sent out. Both political parties would be happy to support the churches good works and happily attach themselves to all the good PR the church was creating. The good works of the church would be widely known throughout the Clearwater area and the locals would be onboard with church goals.
PR is bad so Dave and OSA have to create campaigns like this to create a line of political defense around their vested interest which is basically free money for little or no exchange.
…and speaking of misrepresentations, Jim Jones Juice was Flavor-Aid, not Kool-Aid.
Kool-Aid just can’t get a break!
Wow, some over inflated sense of self importance. Who gives a banana what these people think. I remember when the basics came out, there was a strong shift toward bossing the public scngsts around. SO members would consider me “on their org board”, ie: their junior and ready to boss around. They were shocked to find, I was actually living the life I chose and didn’t take orders from anyone. I notice the line that osa will let everyone know who is “on our org board”. First of all, very creepy and second, it means the candidates or city employees who are in agreement or aiding the church’s activities. They are saving the planet by fundraising after all. I hope these people know they will be targeted for forwarding objectives that they won’t fully know about, and protect themselves from getting pulled into the convoluted duplicity, that is the rcs. I smell desperation because the stats suck and Clearwater has lots and lots of special people.
I guess it’s never dawned on SO members that they are “on our org boards” too.
And through their never showing up for roll call, constant low stats and or overt products, they are seriously unqualified.
Whatever kind of ore gee they are having in their bubble, it ain’t helping me that’s for sure !!!!!!!
Their allowing me to decide who to vote for tickles me so that I’m tempted to allow some SO executive to polish my shoes.
Some of those candidates and city employees might be unhappy if they find out that they’re assumed to be “on the org board”, plus it can cause bad mistakes.
LAPD Cmdr. Mike Downing had appeared at some events, and probably gave the standard civic, law’n’order speech. So someone probably figured that he was “on the org board” and assumed that it would be okay to forge his signature on an endorsement on The Way To Happiness Web site. Ooops!
The Way To More Questions August 18, 2005, Carl Kozlowski, Pasadena Weekly
Out of my own recent, huge cognition concerning the lengths that the Church of Scientology will go to grant beingness and allow freedom of expression to its parishioners, I suggest including this OTC Members’ letter as part of a D/A pack for all the orgs to use in handling ANYONE who originates feeling controlled by a paranoid and subversive cult.
Because HERE in this letter is the TRUE DATA, to wit: ANY Scientologist who is a resident of Florida is free to decide upon and vote for the candidate of his or her choice with full agreement and permission from OSA Flag!!!
(And, by the way, just in case anyone objects to this incredible freedom being granted only to Florida Scientologists, OSA, you might consider holding various “Closed Door Briefings” throughout the country to let all parishioners know that this will, very soon, per COB, apply to ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS IN ALL 50 STATES OF THE UNION!)
But, now, for my part, please know, OSA, that I just finished studying the strengths and experiences of the various candidates, and, on my own determinism, selected my carefully considered electoral choices for these offices, and, GUESS WHAT? They matched YOUR choices, exactly!
Everyone that I picked, you picked! Isn’t this AMAZING?!!! As, what this proves is that, solely on my own determinism, I am completely at one with OSA Flag! We really share the same space, the same, very high, theta space! Honestly, this is the most blow out win I’ve ever had, barring none! Thanks, again, Guys!
Much love,
Seems it (membership or participation in the Church) is getting more and more like the Stepford Wives and Animal Farm with every passing day. Now one is being steered to vote for so and so.
And on top of that this ethos on staff and now also public via the OTCs of having to be “productive” every minute of the day and not having any time for a coffee and a cigarette, which has been on the march since the 1980s. In other words working for the greatest good of the greatest number of someone else’s Dynamics. Now if Scientology had expanded or taken off or soared with hundreds of thousands of auditors and PCs over the last 30 years or so then one could say “well, alright, it was worth all the hard work”, (but I would still have wanted my coffee breaks) – but all we have had is a gaggle of chickens with their heads cut off running around in circles whilst pretending to be “productive”. All those late nights, no sleep, being screamed at, poor diet, no kids and exhaustion – and all they or rather “management” have done is driven the stats down.
“In the end, we decided to simply let you read about each and decide for yourself based on your own weighing of experience and strengths.”
This is THE most revealing, THE most astonishing and patronizing statement I have to date read as emanating from the Church of Scientology.
So, OSA and Flag OTC Members – you “decided” this? Meaning, y’all discussed this for a while amongst yourselves, weighed the pros and cons, and then, “in the end” YOU decided “to simply let” each Scientology public, as a resident of Pinellas County, the state of Florida and, and citizen of the United States, exercise his or her own constitutional right to vote? YOU DECIDED to permit this?
Gosh, this is welcome news, OSA! And, wow, do I owe y’all an apology!
You see, until now, I was under the impression that y’all were very controlling, but now I know that’s not true! Why, its just the opposite!
Talk about granting of beingness – NOTHING tops one’s own church’s decision to grant permission to its parishioners to vote in public elections as they choose!
Hey, I even think its awesome that you’re allowing us to vote at all, but THIS – well, its hard to explain, but I just feel so FREE, so cared for and understood,and my space is so enormous now because of this, and my ARC for OSA, the Flag OTC Members, and just everyone is out the roof! I love you guys! Can I write a Success Story?
This is no different than any letter to the editor, blog or union communication that supports a slate of candidates. Interesting that they don’t give any reason for supporting these particular people. Interesting that they seem to support Republicans. Hopefully, people will not just vote the slate without question.
However, I wonder if voting differently would eventually result in ethics handling.
The difference is that this is a tax exempt church, violating the IRS code through proxies.
As long as the Church is not hosting the fundraiser or issuing the endorsement list, the IRS won’t look into it. An example of non-action is the Mormons campaign in for Measure 8 in California.
Recipes for Kool-Aid (many ways the Co$ can mix and match).
Disclaimer: I do not work for Kraft (or any of its competitors), and I do not drink Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid is a beverage, cannot vote, and has no known political affiliations. That I know of, Co$ recipes are not sponsored or supported by Kraft, and probably fall under the category of “your results may differ.” I feel sorry for the poor Kool-Aid manufacturers – try to do something for someone, and look what you get – alterations, misrepresentations, and unworkability.
I’ve started to catch some some heat for my posts. I say fuck ’em. They need my money more than I need them or people like them. Soooooooooooo, fuck ’em.
Scientology has a long and sordid history of cozying up to the scuzziest
politicians money can buy. Hiram Montserrate comes to mind.
My hero is Mitch Daniels, the former Governor of Indiana, currently President of Purdue University
who was surveilled by Marrick and Arnold and UNSUCCESSFULLY sued for libel as VP of Eli Lilly in 1991.
He said “The source of virtually everything you’ve heard about Prozac has come from the Scientologists, with a boost from trial lawyers whose self-interest is obvious. One thing we want you to understand is that the Church of Scientology is no church. It’s a commercial enterprise. Every judge and every investigative journalist who has ever looked at it has come away with that conclusion. It is organized for only one purpose, which is to make money.”
Res ipsa loquitur; Latin for “the thing speaks for itself.”
Jim Jones of the “Peoples Temple” did the same thing.
Till they drank the Kool aid.
I would guess most who write in this blog
have varying political points of view….and
we should. As far I see it we are in a free
country to make our own decisions in this
I agree with Mike….politicians are a bunch
of crooks and liars…..on average.
The concern on telling people to vote with
a wink wink of voting for who the church wants
shows us that one cesspool of crooks and liars
is more than happy to join another cesspool of
crooks and liars.
Once again a group that so values freedom and self
determinism telling people how to think for the
“greatest good”……greatest good my ass.
The arrogant know it all COS has no problem
becoming a political lobbyist. The COS can do it all
and the rest of the world just doesn’t understand this yet..
“I think they are all crooks and liars”
Hence the midget’s totalitarian state. For he certainly, is a natural born liar.
Well, what else is new? They also tell you who you can and cannot sleep with, when you may or may not pleasure yourself, and when to “end cycle and find a new body”.
Well, to the “church” I’ll quote aunt Augusta in reference to Mr Bunburry:
“He should make up his mind whether to live or die. This shilly-shallying with the question is absurd!”
These judges they are voting for will be hearing cases about Scientology.
No freedom to vote your conscience, that’s scientology.
“Democrat nominees” = educated by Fox News
Yup. Thought the same thing.
This is over the top. Someone (or many of us) needs to send a copy of this to the IRS. Does anyone have the official download button?
I don’t see what good that would do, Ronn, this email came from “civilians.”
Do you have anything on Pam Bondi who is the state AG? She went begging to these same people for money. They held a private fundraiser for her, suggested contribution was a thousand bucks. This was covered in the Tampa Bay press. Also, Dr. David Minkoff, of the Lisa McPherson death shame, kicked five-hundred her way. I would love to see anything you have, or might get in the future, on their support for her.
Well, I might have voted for Bondi, but wrote and told her that I would no longer consider voting for her and why.
So, you can make up your mind and vote for whoever you want, but here is the pick list. Convoluted, covert and, the majority being robotic, will go for the highlighted names.
The have no interest, nor real care about what happens to the community; OSA, and whoever leads them, must have a vested interest in this but, the worse part is that is all based on opinions. This candidate NO as deals with Mental Health, this candidate NO as he blah, blah.
Judgmental as usual and frankly “know best”
LOL, I hope they realize that the COS considers these mailing lists THEIR mailing lists, and pounds on or excomunicates people that use them for unauthorized purposes demanding some sort of recompense.
Maybe that’s the idea to protect the Co$ if needed Mike? Denial if busted…
You nailed it Ronn.
Florida only has a closed primary. The general election is open and everyone gets the same ballot. You can vote for any candidate that appears on the ballot.
It took me 10 seconds to look that up. This is what happens when you are not allowed to use The Almighty Google.
Speaking politically Mike, I happen to be a staunch supporter of you and your cause. I read your blog daily sitting on the can come Hell or High water! Your writing is very clear and concise, and mostly an enjoyable read. Also I am a conservative.
Having said that, when I read in a previous e-mail’s comments of you implying that Fox News is a cult, comparable to Scientology, I was so shocked and hurt that I fell off my Porcelain Throne in a fit of fury, all the while dropping my Mac Book onto the tile floor and breaking my trackpad. It was quite an incident though now I use a portable mouse, fyi!
Anyway, My point is You I am sure are developing a large following. And when Scientology eventually hits the front pages(which it will) with really really big news, you, I am sure will be a top read.
Don’t run me off!
IMHO, don’t alienate, or be polarizing for a simple laugh,
Stay Thirsty my Friend!
Don’t get too bent out of shape there Gary. I am an equal opportunity political insulter. I think they are all crooks and liars. But I will tell you in the interests of full disclosure that I watch two things for news on TV. BBC America and Stewart/Colbert. I suppose that latter makes me a liberal, but I enjoy their humor and clever writing. I don’t like MSNBC or Fox news. Sorry to disappoint.
If you watch “The Colbert Report” I consider you a “true American”.
Carry On…
Faithfully 🙂
I don’t understand how *anyone* can watch any of the main “news” shows and believe any of it. I’m totally with you re the pols, Mike. Rare to find even a shred of integrity or truth in any of them, male or female.
I don’t care what your political bent is, Gary, your comment made my day. I think it’ll be good for laughs all day long. :o)
You’re not the only one. :-). Count two more of similar mind and habit in our household. I admit it rankles me, too, when people take potshots at Fox News but never, ever watch it (not that it’s the final word, but I like the debate and interviews and confrontations better than the parrots and drones on mainstream channels).
It likely came from OSA, along with the orders on what to do and what to say……………to the plebes and to the perps. Just my opinion!
Lucy Senior Cole (Rosser’s wife) in the Glendale/LA area used to do a similar thing years ago. She would send out letters to public at election time, noting who her “picks” were and why. I recall the Presidential race between Al Gore and George Bush Jr. Her pick was George Bush Jr. based on the fact that Tipper Gore is an advocate for Mental Health and wanted to extend health benefits for it, and also to lessen the stigma attached to it. Tipper’s own mother had been institutionalized when she was young for severe depression and Tipper was raised mainly by her Grandmother. Amongst the Scientologists at the time, it was all about Tipper Gore wanting to psych drug everybody and Tipper had an evil agenda. It was difficult to talk some sense into anyone at the time, they were all pretty much convinced that Tipper was up to something bad and whatever she might do, will only result in hurting people. Therefore, Gore had better never become President.
Fast forward to today – has Tipper Gore done anything particularly evil?
I like Lucy and Rosser Cole and know them to be good people. Lucy stopped doing this years ago and I don’t know why. I always found it interesting to read her viewpoints and personally liked that she was engaged in politics, something that many of my Scientologist friends paid little attention to.
I knew her many years ago and she was a terrific woman.
I don’t think who the CoS says to vote for has any practical effect at all in the elections themselves. But it is just another VERY bad indicator of where the philosophy is going. Starting out as a movement to free individuals to be self determined in their lives to one that slowly but SURELY has decided it has the right and obligation to tell people what to do in EVERY single area of living …. from money to sex to family and now to voting.
Don’t forget ‘and who you can be friends with’ Joe.
I see Krusty dumped on a couple of her potential 2d friends, prospects, whatever they are/were to her …………. because they were friends with Leah. What a piece of work.
She has no loyalty to people to have extended their friendship, care and love to her. These people aren’t even Scientologists, so they are not bound to following the beliefs of the church.
Right Cooper …. I also neglected to put what you can read, what you can say, what you can think ……
Joe, that’s exactly what I was thinking! “Voting? No worries! We’ll do it for you so you don’t have to think about it! Now, here’s your list of who you WILL be voting for. Isn’t this easy? All you have to do is fill in the little circle in the voting booth. Now for those of you with an independent streak, keep in mind that the Ethics Officer will going over the candidates you voted for to make you voted the RIGHT WAY.”
I swear, scientology was patterned after the book “1984.”
“Now for those of you with an independent streak,”
There must be a rundown to handle beings with that kind of a god damned streak.
Yo Dave,
Get your frickin perps on it and do the research. Gat III or your new SP building needs an Effect Resurgence Rundown for those independent minded assholes. Might work on any of your ‘in process’ apostates too. Just sayin…………
A Pick List of Puppets, OMG that is just priceless !!!!!!!!!!
Very religious indeed !
wow! I’d like to know how they got their mailing list for this email. Did the church hand it over to them?