Another in the now familiar pattern of “blame it on you” from Radical Corporate Scientology announced that Super Power cannot be released until 500 MORE sign up for the Sea Org. The “thousand” already recruited just wasn’t enough it seems….
David Miscavige needed a new excuse as to why this “vital tech that will salvage planet earth” (and was promised in 6 weeks in 1979) STILL isn’t being employed to Clear the Planet. It became obvious that the problem really wasn’t that it required a special building and not enough money had been raised (odd, there was NO mention of special buildings for Super Power made by LRH…) when reports on the internet and in the media showed that far more had been collected for the building than had been spent — yet it still wasn’t opening.
In what borderlines parody (except its deadly serious), a new twist on “we don’t yet HAVE enough before we can DO” was rolled out. The next “reason” for no Super Power is that “over 1,000 Super Power recruits” just won’t do the trick. (But rest assured, this didnt stop the vampires from collecting more money).
But just stop for a moment to read and consider this letter from the Flag recruiter:
Dear Xxxxxxxx,
It has been officially announced to the entire Scientology world that there remains only 500 Staff members needed for the release of Super Power!
With over one thousand Super Power recruits having been gotten and many hundreds of those in the recent months of 2010, it is easy to see that this target is imminent. And thus a Call to Arms is being sent out to all Scientologists.
To impress upon you the importance of the Super Power Rundowns in the overall strategy for Planetary Clearing, this is what LRH said: “You’ve always had the idea of clearing the planet, right? Alright – THIS is how we’ll do it.” – LRH
In 1978, the year that he referred to as “The Year of Lightning Fast New Tech,” LRH named Super Power the most major breakthrough of that year – the same year he released the Purification Rundown, New Era Dianetics, and NED for OTs!
For over 30 years the Sea Organization has been dedicatedly working towards this epic release according to exact programs and strategies from LRH. We are now closer than ever to the final alignment of elements necessary to release these rundowns and the sole missing piece is the final addition of staff members who will realize the most crucial event in our history.
We have never been closer – only a handful more to go.
For those who do not qualify for the Sea Org, then my question is how can you back this up?
For those who do – my question is will you be one of the Final 500?
Frank Feeney
Recruitment Officer
Senior HCO Flag Land Base
Really? 500 MORE on top of the 1000+ “already signed up”??
Let’s say only 100 (less than 10%) of the 1000 were trained as Super Power auditors (half the rest blew and the balance were assigned as admins or ripped off for something else). This would be more auditors than the FSO currently has. But wouldn’t it be better to get g even 1 auditor going right now? The hours of that ONE auditor would be accomplishing something.
This is like someone announcing “we have the cure for cancer, but we have to build a 500 million dollar hospital to make it available in surroundings that are equal to its importance” and then 15 years later when the hospital is built and paper covers all the windows, they announce “We only have 1000 doctors, we need 500 more before we can start saving lives….”
But its worse than that. If you take the pronouncements about Super Power on their face, the delivery of this single service is the make break point of mankind and everyone’s eternity. On what humanitarian basis is this being withheld from the people of earth?
I guess David Miscavige really doesn’t buy his own hype….
The white elephant building is sitting there, little different than when Tom DeVocht left Clearwater in 2001 with most of the construction done. More than a decade later the white elephant is turning shades of mildew green and gray.
Dear Leader has had 32 YEARS to pilot the rundowns (think about what happened in 32 years from 1950 to 1982 – LRH discovered, piloted and released EVERYTHING from Dianetics to NOTs – ALL lectures, ALL HCOBs, ALL books, ALL policy). So it cannot be that…
And thus Miscavige has had to figure out how to shift the blame onto the public in a new way as he can no longer blame them for not coughing up the money for the building.
It’s the same routine as the well-worn “No OT IX and X until you have bought Ideal buildings for all orgs,” except its “No Super Power til 500 of you sign up for the Sea Org.”
No lie is apparently too big to tell the blind being led by the blind.
News just in from the Flag OT Committee:
Two weeks ago Alan Juvonen, (now apparently posted as “Recruiter FSO” — I guess his financial crimes finally caught up with him) announced that they not only have a “second dentist at Flag” but he made clear how “very essential the opening of the new building and the release of the Super Power Rundowns is to Planetary Clearing.”
He made particular note of the “Cause Resurgence Rundown” (Running Program — NOT part of Super Power but was a punishment tool used by Miscavige at Gold which became so infamous he had the running program track plowed under attempting to cover any evidence of it — obviously it isnt important to deliver to the Int Base Crew any more… ).
But after the hype “Mr. Juvonen” finally noted “that only about 150-180 more staff are needed, and asked that we spread the word to anyone we know who would love to join staff.”
Sometimes the goal posts move further away, sometimes they move closer. But they are ALWAYS out of range….
by Mike Rinder
(My first comment here – Mike, thank you for your posts and bringing truth…)
About the release of Superpower, I see two major problems standing in the way:
First, the “preparations” being done are far to lucrative to be stopped. The release of Superpower would effectively cut off regging for ‘the building’.
Second; – I have read what is available to FSO staff on what the Superpower RDs are called and what they are supposed to do, and based on that I see another major problem that would come about from actual delivery of such tech: There is the Ethics Repair List, of course, and I am pretty sure there is at least one RD or more that addresses perception and the ability to THINK.
I already know what happens when one fully grasps the Logics and material in the tapes ‘The Perception of Truth’, and then turns this towards resolving what is going on around that makes no sense, in the SO. One becomes a serious problem to the Powers that Be, and is eventually ‘neutralized’. I got this result from studying the Data Series and The Logics/Perception of Truth, and some co-audit auditing.
Now we are talking about high power rundowns that have this result an an EP?
There will have to be a twist – I do not see the Powers that Be idly sitting by while full power of perception, release from the effects of past poor ethics handlings and the ability to think are being restored to the masses.
The church’s promo letter stated “We have never been closer”.
Well great – that’s a statement you can uphold forever.
And even without lying …
Hi Mike. Great post about how the Midget has the clubbed seals by the balls.
Added the link of your blog to the French Independents blog.
This accounts for the new t-shirts they are wearing that say
“The Why Is You.”
Like the update: “Sometimes the goal posts move further away, sometimes they move closer. But they are ALWAYS out of range….”
Isn’t that the truth. Also noticed they put greens on top of the building. To look like progress?
Amen to that sister.
Great new webiste, Mike. Great post.
You know most people who are on verge of being indicted for fraud and depositions are imminent, will at least pretend to be doing something honest. Dave is truly an only one, and, thank god, an only one.
As one of the newly declared SPs (as of 3/21/13) I would like to comment on Super Power in a manner of speaking. As a Class 6, I joined the SO in 1979 specifically to train for and audit Super Power. Needless to usay, It never happened and instead I wound up at Int working on the tech films at Gold in 1980-1982 when I left the SO. It was my understanding that this was due to the fact that auditors that had been training to audit Super Power were unable to duplicate the Super Power tech and KTL/LOC was created to correct that study bug. At least that’s what I was told back then.
It is beyond ridiculous that people are so gullible that they believe every lie told to them. It’s like the lies they are told as to why “OT9 & 10” are not being delivered. The fact that they don’t exist doesn’t seem to register in their minds as an outpoint. Or the fact that its been 25 since OT 8 was released. I’m just sayin…
Bonnie — nice to see you here.
Congratulations on your declare!! You have joined a distinguished and expanding list of people, most of whom I would be proud to call my friend — but what would you expect of an SP? 🙂
Dan Koon has a good write up about Super Power at Steve Hall’s site: Super Power — Its Context and Theory
Bonnie, it is indeed ludicrous, but those you speak of have invested their lives, their finances, their hopes and dreams and they have placed a huge amount of their trust in the Church. I think its a combination of these factors, with trust the most serious factor. They are simply continuing to make themselves right, is all. Its like a spouse married to an inveterate cheater, year in, year out, the more he/she accepts the spouse’s lies is the more he/she has to continue to do so in order to make be right. And the more time that goes by, the greater the must-have on being right. My opinion.
Meant to say, “…has to continue to do so in order to be right. And the more time that goes by, the greater the must-have on not only being right now, but on having been right all along.”
” It is beyond ridiculous that people are so gullible that they believe every lie told to them.”
+ 1 🙂
I was there and got trained as an auditor in 1978 (the year of lighting fast tech.) I moved up both sides of the bridge (Dianetic Clear, did some Grades, became an Auditor and so forth) and even joined staff. Sure there were things wrong with the church back then but some progress could be made. But in 1983 when the New Order took over the Church no progress was possible no matter how hard I tried and how much money I threw at it. So the idea of setting impossible goals and moving the goal posts in not new.
I actually believe that if you were not in Scientology before 1983 (when the Hubbard family ran the show) you don’t really know what Scientology is all about. What do you think?
Peter (on the dark side)
I actually believe that if you were not in Scientology before 1983 (when the Hubbard family ran the show) you don’t really know what Scientology is all about.
As someone whose been a Scientologist since the early 70s, I’d have to agree with that statement, Peter.
I don’t know about that. I recently re-read Robert Kaufman’s book, which includes his experiences at St Hill back in the 70’s. It seems to me that it is the same as it ever was, only the exploitation is more efficiently accomplished now.
A friend at this year’s New Year’s event said that cob didn’t even mention the SP building. At the end of the event he slipped in a mention of the new delivery building opening later this year.
I remember hearing that 500 more staff were needed to man the SP building 10 years ago. Billy Lindstein I believe was the big gun brought in to do the “special briefing” and to find recruit prospects. No one joined.
The white elephant of a building is filled with the purple elephant in the room…
Delighted to see your new blog, Mike. It’s been exciting to see Marty’s blog evolving towards teaching, and I know there are now so many others who are also doing the sort of thing he started 4 years ago. I check Ortega most days, but I have been missing the ‘insider view’, so will look forward to adding this blog to my daily diet!
The whole reason LRH developed Super Power was as a handling for the botched List 1 R/Ser project that wiped out the WHQ base as well as Flag, PAC and other SO units in 1978. Hundreds of people were sent to the RPF for being “L1 R/Sers” based on one person’s technical MU and alter-is of what an R/S was. LRH found out about it several months after it had been going on and within days or weeks RPFs around the world emptied out. He then began putting Super Power together which starts with the Ethics Repair List. (I wonder why.) Anyway, Super Power was a staff enhancement action and making staff more productive on their jobs was what was going to clear the planet, not putting Flag public through it at exorbitant rates. DM is corrupt beyond belief. The public who need Super Power are those who went Clear on Dianetics and thus cannot receive the old Power Processes (which are dynamite). Only one of the Super Power processes relates to Power, by the way. The rest consists of the ERL, FDSing, drills on the actions of one’s job and things like that, which would apply to staff members, not Flag public. As I say, DM is corrupt beyond belief.
Thanks for weighing in on this Dan….
You of course KNOW all about Super Power.
To David Miscavige, it is merely a marketing tool…
Thanks, Dan, for the clarification. When LRH realised what had happened, he went right ahead with a correction. That’s the measure of his greatness: it’s not the mistakes you make, it’s how you deal with them. LRH wasn’t God come down from Heaven with a toolbox of ready-made fixes.
Thank you, Mike for reporting on the Flavor-Of-The-Year-Reason-Why Super Power still can’t be delivered. Its just so disgusting.
Al Capone was finally nailed for tax evasion. He tumbled from his mighty place for a relatively innocuous offense in relation to his other crimes. Somehow, I have a hunch that it will happen this way for Mr. M. Not tax evasion, of course, but something, not big some relatively small thing that will trip him up. I have that picture, for some reason, very strongly.
Thanks…… Mister Koon
Thank you Dan. Very Interesting! I have shared your information on another forum. This is quite fascinating. Leaves me wanting to read a book from you even though you haven’t written one!
I love the “staff” racket they have going. When they are trying to lure you in you are referred to as “staff”. Well! That sounds mighty official and important right , huh? That carries some POWER in it! Look at your uniform! Mighty official!
After you are pimped to death and sitting on the curb you are then called a “volunteer” and “freeloader”.
Hey! That is why you don’t see “Before” and “After” photos!
You know what the Church does with the “after staff” photos? They mock up web sites and use the photos to scare people!
“Oh look at how bad such and such looks after 20 years of working in this place” “Look at such and such after 20 years here, now working at Dunkin Donuts”. They fair game themselves like this!
The Church has videos and web sites going 24/7 now announcing former staff as “BITTER” , as they try to bring in new volunteers and future Freeloaders in the front door.
I really don’t think David wants new people coming in. Just LOOK at the effort he puts into scaring people off! They don’t have one single success story up on the net from someone that in the Sea Org Org. They have testimony after testimony of the “bitters”. The word “defrocked” practically screams “RAPED”!
Oracle, you’re right. ‘Future Freeloaders’ is just another angle by which DM can milk this little scam.
It has always amazed me that for so long so many have been taken in by the ludicrous rantings and ravings of a cheap, greasy, sleazy little man from whom I would never have so much as bought a used car.
It makes perfect sense why Flag will need at least 200 more staff for the Super Power building to open. Fleecing the remaining 23 dedicated public of their money, and Sec Checking them into never before reached states of Introversion won’t happen on its own. It will take a united effort of the throughly indoctrinated to make this happen.
Natalie 😉
This is unbelievable.
Mike, what is your take on what actually goes on in DMs head when he puts out these targets?
To plan this and act upon it is to operate in a bubble disassociated from what is real. Put another way, it is down-right bone-headed!
Demand is declining, no auditors are being made in orgs, support is being lost day-after-day, but he continues.
It is astounding the depth of the idiocy involved. He sets up the entire movement for a loss. He is indeed engineering his own demise.
Interesting, I remember the very first time I heard that “all orgs SH size” was the prerequisite for IX and X, and being independent-minded for a long time, I thought, “that is setting us up for a loss”. An admin target for freedom. It has never happened before. Then to compound the incredulity, you look at all the very small orgs in your area and think “SH size? Nah.”
This Superpower yarn seems very much like the flavour of what was sold when the first SH size target was announced. Same pattern, different time.
and the beat goes on and on and on and…..
Mike thank you, this recruiter letters is full of out points such as:
“With over one thousand Super Power recruits having been gotten and many hundreds of those in the recent months of 2010′ –“in the recent months and then he writes 2010!!!
The next out point is “For over 30 years…= added time.
And another: “release according to exact programs and strategies from LRH” a falsehood as if such strategies were existant and followed they would have gotten the product as LRH’s programs usualy got the product.
And another out point: “We are now closer than ever to the final alignment of elements necessary to release these rundowns and the sole missing piece” – the sole missing piece is a falsehood as auditors would have to be trained.
I hope some public catches these out point up and makes them known…maybe there is still soemone than can see them.
Thanks you for the posting Mike and for this web.
Actually 500 new Sea Org Member is too low a target.
They probably need to recruit 1,000 in order to off set the attrition of those Sea Org member who will leave before Super Power is ever released.
I was wondering what the inside of that huge elephant of a building must be like with those hot humid Clearwater summers! Alot of Mold and Mildew can grow in an empty building over 12 years time! That will give him another excuse to have to delay. We need to retro fit the building due to the extreme weather conditions!
Like all world class criminals and despots, Miscavige understands that success is achieved by selling the Big Lie. In fact, the bigger the lie, the larger the out-point, the more impossible-to-believe, a caper is, the better its chances of being accepted and supported by his minions and victims.
Take the Superpower building, for example. The initial projects to prepare the site for groundbreaking began in early 1994. I know, because I was part of it. Even before that, the public was being briefed for years about the church’s intention to build it. A large model of a futuristic looking building sat in the mezzanine level of the FH lobby, which stimulated the public’s interest and helped open their wallets.
It was Big. A Big idea. A Big project. A Big promise. A Big game. A Big commitment. Of course, it required Big money from the public to pull it all off. But how do you sell all this to the public if they know that everything required to deliver Superpower was already in the church’s hands? Big Lies. Lots of them. Cost? Hundreds of millions of dollars. Time to complete the project? Years and years — decades, even. Staff required to deliver? Thousands above the existing staff complement.
And after nearly twenty years, when the public has done their part to support the Big Idea, and all they have to show for their Big support is a Big concrete palace, devoid of all activity with its windows blacked out, well, you’ve got to come up with more Big Lies to keep the public from taking your head.
The point is, it’s easier to sell a lie that’s so monstrous that no one can believe it’s untrue. Criminals just have to be sharp enough to spot the the upper limit of the public’s reality, then exceed it by so much, that their victims’ ability to disbelieve is suspended.
I mean, who would believe that Miscavige has never had any intention of delivering the Superpower rundowns?
Who would believe that he had all of the basic books re-done, just so that he could alter LRH’s writings enough to secure new copyrights and make millions selling the books all over again to the public?
Who would believe that he would force staff and public around the world to bleed themselves dry to build opulent properties, in order to build his own real estate portfolio?
Who would believe that he’s personally kept thousands of people auditing on OT VII for years and years, just to inflate the coffers of the church?
And who could possibly believe that this one man has been the primary driver behind the 95% drop in the church’s most vital statistics over the last three decades?
Is it any wonder that people walk right by that giant, empty edifice every day, and fail to spot the Big Lie?
Lies, lies, more lies, out-of-context LRH quotes, and more and more excuses … what’s next?
Mike: This is like someone announcing “we have the cure for cancer, but we have to build a 500 million dollar hospital to make it available in surroundings that are equal to its importance” and then 15 years later when the hospital is built and paper covers all the windows, they announce “We only have 1000 doctors, we need 500 more before we can start saving lives….”
Ouch. What a great analogy! Thanks for that one, Mike. Just brilliant.
This sort of flies in the teeth of the numbers of Scientologists being in the millions.
Mike, I think you picked the perfect example of Miscavige’s Ne Plus Ultra Scams of All Time.
The “all Orgs St. Hill Size for release of IX, X” was dropped (put on the back burner) over 10 years ago, (I’m sure, to be resurrected for a later date of scamming).
But this Superpower “release” has gone way too far – a point of no return! With the great big white elephant SP building right there in plain sight as a way too obvious, right in your face, constant reminder for all the largest donors in Scientology from all over the planet coming to flag to see!
And to make matters worse and on top of that, if the impossible, never to be met staff recruit targets are to be dropped to finally release superpower, how can dm save face. All the Flag crew would know! How could he justify this? and if he keeps delaying “iminate release”… He loses credibility with ALL
Miscavige has really painted himself into a very tight and inescapable corner on this one!
It just may prove out to be the ultimate nail in his coffin of lies and deceit. The one that got totally out of control. Again, excellent choice to zero in on.
You forget that his followers have lost the ability to think logically. I believe he already perverted “OT8” and “OT7” to create none thinking zombies.
Well a part of this has to be what is happening at Flag since DM really got the place being run solely and only by royal command via his RTC reps, which I guess has been full on for the last 10 years. Since that time there has been a steady drain of top people out of the FSO- top auditors, top C/Ses, top Executives, department heads, senior execs, top supervisors, top registrars. They have tried to soften up to stem the tide but it was too little, too late. DM just pulled the plug on standard ethics, tech and admin and all the talent and skill that once made up Flag is just draining away. Also new recruits enter into this bizarre atmosphere of super-control – “we know you are inherently evil and cannot control yourself, so with these rules and regulations strictly enforced by a huge battalion of security and ethics people, we will keep you on the straight and narrow.”.(by the way if anyone has a copy of that document the” Flag Land Base Staff Regulations” send it to Mike Rinder. It would make a hell of a post. Anyhow, new recruits expect to arrive at the pinnacle of Scientology and OT oneness with LRH. Instead they are treated like they are in federal pen. In fact people in Federal pen get to watch TV and get proper sleep. The good news is that unlike Federal Pen, you can route out if you can confront all the vicious threats of SP declare and eternal damnation. But hey, the possibility of eternal damnation or certain living hell for the rest of this life? That’s not a hard choice. That’s why the numbers never made sense. “OK we only need 380 more people”. Opp’s, 90 people routed out over the last 6 months, another 27 had to be SP declared for shopping in a prohibited 7-Eleven. “OK We just need 500 more people”. Then RTC introduces a new bizarre pilot program- probably the latest is where trainees get to audit with 3 RTC reps standing in the room and discussing the reads and FNs. This results is 100 of the 132 Super Power Trainees all getting stuck on course for 23 months and getting Comm Eved out of the TTC. Thus “We only need …more people to release Super Power”.
But in the end I think I know the real why. DM knows that when the Ethics Repair List starts getting delivered his whole house of cards is going to come crashing down. His entire power is built on perversions of Scientology ethics tech. So he knows that Super Power is the end for him. All the adulation at events, having the power to beat up on people, inflict sick punishments, all the things he really cherishes will go away. He will try and stave it off, Eventually though he will have to release it and he will make damned sure that no staff get it. Anyhow, if you look at it in that light it all makes sense. There have been many, many “expansions” to this project which have just delayed and delayed and delayed. He knows that his silver bullet is right there in the Ethics list. And it’s coming soon.
Rory — you got the picture perfectly.
I share your sentiment: DM knows that when the Ethics Repair List starts getting delivered his whole house of cards is going to come crashing down.
So, what I have concluded is that he is spending a lot of time piloting how to reverse this rundown so the EP is a recognition that “Command Intention” is the word of God and if you think you may have been wronged it just means you have to buy more sec checking to move you off your motivators….
If he ever delivers this, it will be altered.
That’s really scarry. He could seriously mess people up with an “Ethics repair list” that runs “black ethics” in on someone. I am glad I’m out of there!!
I think that the reason there is no delivery to the millions of super power is me. On doing an introspection I found out that I have: overts, MUs, I am PTS, and I am putting case on post. As a result I am enturbulating dm, and he cannot do his job.
I will do the following to remedy the situation:
I will give all my money, houses, and shares to dm.
I will give all the money of my family down to third cousine twice removed to dm.
I will borrow money and buy 100 intensives of class XII auditing for Sec Checks.
I will do my conditions, at which point I will need to borrow at list $20 million to cover my Liability.
I will submit to dm’s ministration of pain and suffering.
At this point dm will no longer be enturbulated. Superpower will begin.
Great plan ST. Except you need to join the SO, along with all your immediate family to help make the 1500 staff quota. But you won’t need anything in the SO so it will be good for you to unload all your worldly burdens (possessions) before you get into the SO as it will lock you in (you will have no way of leaving) and demonstrate your true commitment….With that small addition — Carry On!
Of course, joining the SO is so obvious that I forgot to mention it.
and don’t forget ST – not to worry about joining SO as there will be fund raising to cover your debts, you’ll be on the EPF within 48 hours.
Super Power Reg Charmaine nabbed Dr Denk when he was at Flag either to get back on “The Level” or when he was there for his 6 month check. I think it was the former and it was around 2001 or 2002. He wouldn’t commit a donation to her at that time so when he arrived home, she called. Not only did Charmaine call but Gunhild Jacobs from ASI called. It seems the two were double-teaming for a Super Power donation AND a Preservation of the Tech donation. I said “No, absolutely not!” and wrote it up to ASI. I never heard another word about this cycle but to this day I remain amazed Charmaine and Gunhild could come up with such an idea and attempt to implement it.
To answer your question Mike on wouldn’t it be worth it to have even ONE auditor delivering these Earth salvaging processes, I would have to say ……. uhm…… You see, LRH said that “THIS is how” we will clear the planet. But ….. uhm …. those of us who are still lucid know that Super Power will not clear or salvage the planet, So the sooner Miscavige gets folks on it, the sooner it will be somewhat obvious to a number of Scientologists that the planet is not being cleared (though I suspect if he announces at events that the planet IS being cleared now that Super Power has started, the vast majority of Scientologists will fully swallow it.) So the fact that this “final push” seems to be being made just means that the money stats have been way down and need to be given a sharp kick in the ass. And those of you who have a button on the CoS getting in tons of money and the GI stat going up, brace yourselves. Cause when the donos finally dry up (if you’re not qualified to join the SO, find out how else you can help, guess how kiddies?), the doors will open and a FLOOD of money will come in for intensives and acccomadations and no doubt preps (sec checks, etc) and the coffers will be bursting for a while as OT7s and 8s will make another try at the brass ring to FINALLY handle their case and reach homo novis. That won’t happen and then the final ten year push to OT9 will really get started to give them some more hope. The OT9 building will start getting built, the OT9 package will start to be sold ….. You gotta hand it to Miscavige. He does have an area of genius. *by the way, if super power would salvage the planet, why didn’t LRH get it going before he went gaga – you know, supreme test and all (so don’t give me no stinking excuses).
Many of my Scn friends who are still “in” completely believe that Super Power is a Super Weapon against planetary aberration. These same friends believe that OT7s and 8s brought down the Berlin Wall. No one looks at the actual doingness that would be required to “Clear the Planet”. No one can confront (including myself) the scale and order of magnitude neccessary to accomplish such a task. I’ll take a stab at it – take all of the schools (primary, secondary, college, university), all of the healthcare facilities, all government run facilities (administration, finance, miltary, welfare, both local and national, etc) on the planet and re-purpose them to deliver auditing and training – then you MIGHT, JUST MIGHT, have something that you could call planetary clearing in progress – and I have my doubts about that. Planetary Clearing would be one of the most monumental tasks ever attempted by the whole of mankind!
To ACTUALLY make that happen, virtually every neighborhood on the planet would need an organization the size of FLAG to train and process the local natives. WAIT! you say, we don’t have to clear everyone, all we need to do is tip the theta/enthea scale in favor of theta and Presto-chango! we’ll have a cleared planet in no time. Presumably this is based on the theory that we live in a world of 24/7 chronic restimulation (hence entheta), and all we need to do is key-out enough people and the rest just sort of takes care of itself. My God…
I’m sorry folks, Super Power as designed by LRH may produce some fantasic results, but I don’t think a Cleared Planet is one of them. If it somehow did, you can pretty well bet DM has ensured it didn’t.
I’ll say it again – Scnists are predisposed to believing in fantasic things. Those who have woken up become realists, which is not a bad thing; realists can actually DO something about it. For the dellusional Scnist theta will work its magic and glow everything right.
Sorry…didn’t intend on this being a rant.
That fat concrete joke will be a tourist attraction for those who take the how-bad-can-a-cult-get tour.
Frank Feeny? That’s fresh!
Some reg must be getting “rehabilitated” all around town for promising Louis a new cross on the building.
The staff at Int can trick out Tom Cruise’s airplane hangar and renovate custom comfort from a fallen tree for his SUV, but they can’t make a cross? I piece of jewelry to hang on the building?
Heeeey, something seems funny here.
All that cash for a cross? There are entire Church buildings for sale all across the U.S. for a fraction of that! They could have bought one and pulled off the cross, and hung it around the Church in Clearwater. Used the Building the cross had been on to set up a new mission. Just add a few pointys to the cross.
I really don’t think David has taken an economics class. He is way too high maintenance. If you take his pay, the value of all of his perks, including homes, food, travel, and personal staff, which are planet wide (Gifts provided by the Church, that no gift tax is ever paid on) , he must be making over a million a year not counting his moonlighting gigs. Now all of this out PR and legals fees and law suits over a piece of jewelry for a building!
“Dear Leader has had 32 YEARS to pilot the rundowns (think about what happened in 32 years from 1950 to 1982 – LRH discovered, piloted and released EVERYTHING from Dianetics to NOTs – ALL lectures, ALL HCOBs, ALL books, ALL policy). So it cannot be that…”
Anyone who is “on the fence” might want to take a look at that sentence and re-read the article.
And if anyone thinks that Mike might just be “blowing smoke” in this statement, please read LRH ED 301 INT. , Dec 17th, 1978 in Tech XI, on page 383. It is Ron’s Journal 30 (put into written form) which was played at every Org and mission in the world on New Years Eve.
.Miscavige is not only a liar, but also an embezzler and a squirrel. He is not friend of L. Ron Hubbard.
“Dear Leader has had 32 YEARS to pilot the rundowns (think about what happened in 32 years from 1950 to 1982 – LRH discovered, piloted and released EVERYTHING from Dianetics to NOTs – ALL lectures, ALL HCOBs, ALL books, ALL policy). So it cannot be that…”
But Mike, aren’t you forgetting that dear leader had to fix all those LRH materials. And because he’s so modest and always tells the lesser tale, he didn’t mention all the technical research he toiled over – we only saw the final shinning product. Aren’t you forgetting GAT? And so it’s not a stretch to understand that dm will need to RE DO the superpower rundowns. Hell, he’s the ONLY ONE who Can Do It! LOL
Can you imagine (if these RDs ever are released) what kind of damage the DM version of Super Power will do? The PC repair actions needed boggle the mind!
Wow, the never ending streams of bullshit scams dreamed up by dm really have no limit!
I hope they DO release Super Power (SP). Then all the bots can see that this was just one more lie that never comes to fruition and more people will bail out.
Even if they do release it you know it has to be some squirreled tech created by DM. You could just as well ask me to drink gasoline.
Thank you for the update on 500 more Sea Org Members.
Previous stipulations to release Super Power were
++++++All Orgs St. Hill size
++++++ 10,000 people “on the level” i,.e. on Solo Nots
++++++1000 new SO members
++++++All public through the BASICS
The above was sent out in spam Emails, asking for more donations, and pretending Super Power was imminent.
~~~~~so here we are, now it is “:500 more staff.”
Regges on post in Scientology, they will say ANYTHING for the “greatest good”– even if it is lies, fraud and completely unreal results. “Stably exterior with full perception” for L-10. It is pitched even now today. No one in Scientology EVER EVER went stably exterior with full perception. Momentarily yes, but STABLE ? never !
The ends justifies the means, no matter what LIES,
It is the greatest Good ! The lying concerning Super Power is not viewed as a lie, it is the GREATEST GOOD !
Karen, I’m stably exterior with full perception right now. While my body is typing this, I am in Dave Miscavige’s bedroom. The Chairman is in a loose fitting pink type of chiffon robe and he’s dressing his Tom Cruise action figure in a sort of “Ken doll” all leather outfit – the kind guys wear in “those bars.” Now he’s taking the Cruise action figure and he’s moving it towards his waist …. I can’t look, I’m getting back to my body right NOW. I thought my confront was real high, but I guess I gotta do some more TR0.
Holy shit, I almost fell out of my chair with that mental image picture.
Joe Pendleton
Hi Karen –
As someone who has delivered the Ls to pcs, I put a lot of weight to what you say you have experienced.
So when you say this:
Regges on post in Scientology, they will say ANYTHING for the “greatest good”– even if it is lies, fraud and completely unreal results. “Stably exterior with full perception” for L-10. It is pitched even now today. No one in Scientology EVER EVER went stably exterior with full perception. Momentarily yes, but STABLE ? never !
I sit up and take notice.
But I have to ask you, wasn’t it LRH who said that L10 and L12 produce a thetan who is stably exterior with full perception?
I mean, why would reges say it if LRH had not told them to say it?
Allen — by now you should know that there are a LOT of reasons why people say things. Especially regges. But primary among them is that they have quotas to meet. They get desperate. They promise the world. IAS regges tell people if they give their money to the IAS they will become wealthy. LRH certainly didnt say that — he never heard of the IAS. But I will also agree, there have been a lot of hype statements from LRH about what certain auditing will or will not do. Doesnt make the process invalid or invaluable but it sure makes it easy to poke fun at….
Hi Mike –
I’m not trying to poke fun at anything. And certainly not at Karen. Karen and I have spoken to each other on the phone and I understand and respect what she is trying to do, as well as what she has done, for people.
I do understand about the quotas, and the Scientology Skinner Box that Hubbard created for staff with Targets, Conditions, Rewards and Penalties, etc. All those are Operant Conditioning techniques and they do create a socially coercive environment where people can become quite frantic and insane.
But my point to Karen is that “stably exterior with full perception” as an EP for the L’s came directly from the writings of L Ron Hubbard, and not from Reges.
Here is the evidence for my statement:
“The Flag OT Executive Rundown makes a stable thetan exterior and is not likely to become PTS to anything”. LRH 1971
OOD June 22 1971 “L10 INCOMPLETES”
Last November and onward almost 150 crew were started on L10. NONE OF THESE COMPLETED IT.
Somebody eager got a lot of them to “attest L10 Completion”. This was NOT a completion and was false.
The End Phenomena of L10 is Clear OT, fully exterior full perception while exterior, no bank. It takes 50 to 150 hours of auditing.
Only those who make this EP are “L10 Completions”.
I have just found out about these enforced attests. It upsets people to be told to attest to something not made.
The bulk of the crew will be completed eventually. The best bet is to get some of this groovey yum yum auditing on Dn and Lower Grades and onto Solo.
Alanzo ~~
Not only did I audit Ls morning noon and night for 7 years of my life, but I became the Ls CS subsequently, so I can speak with authority and certainty on what the Ls can and cannot do as I lived and breathed it.
The EPs are horrendously puffed up and deceptive.
Even if a pc does get some huge blow out and win ~~ they return home to all the situations any human being can face, an unfaithful wife, a business folding in bankruptcy, a hostile neighbor shooting at their dog, old knee injury acting up and business partner pilfering the finance.
The blow out on the “L” was temporary, transient and becomes “So what ?”
These days they are charging $100,.000 for 3 Ls. On the Apollo it was $7500 for all 3 !
Yes, LRH did overstate gains and EPs.
A Clear is supposed to be bullet proof from common colds !
Witness how many OT VIIIs die of cancer….
I have seen and have all the information on the Miscavige interference with the Ls technology and it is no wonder that Ls pcs return numerous times to have them “repaired” for new $$$$$.
Blogs like this uncover the lies, fraud and deception.
Thanks, Karen –
Your experience is invaluable for people who have been lied to about Scientology and still walk around with those lies in their heads.
I very much appreciate and respect the work you are doing to dispel those lies so that people can think clearly with true information and can make informed decisions about their own involvement in Scientology.
Thank you for that insight, Karen!
I read the OODs statement. I could have attested to that after finishing L12. But he does not enter a time factor in his description, “forever” “stable’ or stable until…… He is describing the EP. You think if someone walks out of the Org after that two days goes by and he get’s hit by a Mac Truck and it does not finish him off and he is laid up with a broken neck that conditions will not change? It helps to have some common sense.
Also, for the sake of context on what is being charged for the Ls today vs the early 70’s – $7500 in 1972 would correspond to roughly $40,000 in today’s dollars.
Thank you for being so frank and bluntly honest in your comments on this topic and regarding the L’s. I’m glad that someone of your technical pedigree and prowess is speaking so plainly about the realities of abilities gained in Scientology. I see the main benefit of practicing Scn at this time as becoming more ethical, honest and able in the MEST universe while evolving into a more spiritual being.
I mean let’s face it, we’re living in the MEST universe – and that is the reality that will obtain until such time that the MAJORITY of individuals on this planet evolve to a higher state of being.
Thanks for the reality check.
@Mike Rinder:
“Dear Leader has had 32 YEARS to pilot the rundowns (think about what happened in 32 years from 1950 to 1982 – LRH discovered, piloted and released EVERYTHING from Dianetics to NOTs – ALL lectures, ALL HCOBs, ALL books, ALL policy). So it cannot be that…”
Poignant, searing… just an awesome passage, Mike.
Great insight. He just keeps kicking that can down the road. I wonder if part of the delay, is that they were just not able to get the super duper spectacular results that everyone is expecting. I mean it’s kinda become the crowning non-achievment for the Miscavige administration, and the elephant in the room for faithful Scientologists who have donated large sums and have patiently waited for years. I would think if they can get the results that have been promised, even a trickle of completions would be better than what they’ve been doing.
500 more auditors? For a total of 1500….for what? They don’t even 1500 public anymore. (Unless you count all those extras they hire for photo ops at the events).
I’m certain it makes no difference and that the current attitude is the same, but — is that a typo or is the email actually from 2010?
Howard Hughes’ “Spruce Goose” had more operational time and success than this Superpower building.
Funny article Mike.
I thought just awhile ago that they said Super Power was going to be released soon?
Anyways, I have long since stopped believing any of thier BS.
Have a nice weekend!
Tony — thanks. EVery year since 2001 they have said “this year for absolute certain, cross my heart and hope to die…” This letter is from late 2010, but I dont think it has been published anywhere before. It just shows that they will say ANYTHING (except the truth).
>> … that there remains only 500 Staff members needed for the release of Super Power!
>>> This letter is from late 2010,….
And exactly this is the problem. In July 2011 they only needed 380 new staff members, but in summer 2012 they needed 850, as you can see here (at 3:02):
Nothing is attached to your comment….
Because nothing CAN be attached here. Therefore you have to look for it in the linked youtube-video at 3:02 as described.
You dont even provide a youtube address or name of the video you are referring to. Look at your original comment.
I don´t know, but I see the picture of Tory in the youtube-link. I placed the link and the software of the blog detected it as youtube and automatically displays it. And if I click on the middle of this picture the youtube-video is played. Anyhow here is the link (add at the beginning):
Uncover — sorry, the embedded code didnt show up on the Administrator view of the comment. I just looked at how it shows on the webpage and see Tori there large as life! Don’t know why I couldnt see anything. I need to sort that out as otherwise I might be putting up videos of TV bloopers… 🙂
I was on the floor!
OMG! One could sit and list out point after out point in the Church until the list goes up the wall and across the ceiling…And just a few of them should be enough to wake up a person. Sometimes only one should be needed. It’s wild. But we have all been there. I sit here and look and what happened to me over the years and maybe compared to many others it was mild. But, ya know what. IT WASN’T MILD! It was inhumane and completely NUTS! But there I was, keeping going in the Church somehow until it was impossible. Everyone who is out hit that point. And as Miscavige and followers continue the madness, person by person hit their tipping point and walk. Freedom awaits. Although for some of us the freedom is a bit limited because of the threat of disconnection as we try to keep businesses and families together. And we take our risks. Tomorrow I am meeting my Indie Auditor and his wife at a restaurant. Funny thing is, that is more risky for me then getting the Auditing in a safe location. LOL Can anyone say Soviet Union? Just thought I would throw in a little info re the Under The Radar people and how it is for us. Things are progressing for me though and I hope to be completely free… well it will take as long as it takes. My postulate is SOON.
I think someone should start a pool on what the next excuse will be. Like most of you, my guess is that after Miscavige gets his 500 more sea org recruits (which I imagine he will be the one to keep track of the number, so he doesn’t actually have to keep his word when it truly hits the 500 mark) there will be another hurdle put in place. I’m sure the goalpost will get moved back a few more times, I’m just curious as to what form those goalpost will take on.
Miscavige and the Radical Church have been writing hyped-up checks that actual Superpower won’t be able to cash. So Miscavige is moving the goal posts again and again until the jig is up.
The jig will be up when:
1) what little remains of the field will call for his head in a basket due to continuous no-delivery, or
2) people who finally do start getting the rundowns, and then leave scientology altogether in a state of crushing disappointment, will create such a PR flap that delivery halts. The reality of what Superpower can do, as beneficial to the person as it might be, can never match the giga-hyped expectations of parishioners who finally receive the mythical rundowns after waiting over three decades for them.
Superpower is the last hope for those OT VIIIs that didn’t get their cases handled; there is nothing more after that. Few, if any, will stick around for the non-existing OT 9 and 10.
My mistake – Frank Feeny, not Charlie
Totally agreed Mike, Miscavige still is the Emperor of BS.
It seems that poor Charlie Sweeney loves to shuffle datums quite a bit. The Purif was released when we were at X in 1979 as all of us there had to do it.
Also, there is one pink Elephant of an omission – LRH intended to get Superpower delivered to all staffs and thus planetary clearing would occur! How would the delivery of Superpower, as DM altered it, to public clear the of planet? It takes LRH Orgs. Oops! One just can’t take an LRH sentence and apply it willy nilly.
Codswallop I’d say!