The idiocy from those who have not even seen the events, but probably read the hype on Facebook (but doesnt seem to have gotten the memo on only IAS members with cards being let in).
Rob Ford does not have a monopoly on Crazy in Canada. But then again I doubt Canada has a monopoly on Scientology Crazy!
He really comes up with some pretty unique lines.
It’s not your fault.
The books were messed up but everything else was perfect?? C’mon!!!????”
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 15:17:09 -0800
Hi xxxx.
I want to tell you something about this event coming–Golden Age of Tech — Phase Two:
All org Executive Directors on earth, 160 of them went to Flag and met with David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board.
When our ED came back this is what he said:“It isn’t released yet so it’s still confidential. But I’ll give you some clues and you have to guess the rest.“
Prior to the BASICS (2007) most people didn’t even know what the books of Scientology contained, never mind actually read them. It’s like a Christian who doesn’t know the Bible. Big outpoint!
“Next, the books were pretty much all wrong; out of order, pieces missing and stuff added by others. Squirrelly!! You know about this right?
“Nowadays anyone in Scientology who isn’t studying the BASICS is looked on as a pariah. It is a 180 degree turn from “the way things always were” in Scientology to Bang! The Basics. Present Time!
“Look here’s a quiz: Whaddya think’s been going on with everything else in our religion???? The books were messed up but everything else was perfect?? C’mon!!!????
“Look — I can’t tell you more. But you really ought to come see this release. Ideally you go to Flag this weekend (15,16,17) or see it here a week later (23,24).”
- Bring a friend whose case is screwed up or who can’t study. Bring a friend who quit.
- Bring a friend who wanted to be an auditor. Bring a friend who thinks he’s Clear or OT or aberrated–but not sure which one.
- This is for everyone who ever tried. You’ll maybe cry your eyes out but you’ll also laugh with relief.
- ALL WILL BE REVEALED. Scientology is easy again.
- Anyone can win. Anyone can make it. It’s not your fault.
This is a renaissance. The birth of a New Scientology. The beginning of a new world. It will be a religious experience, believe me.
Spread the word. Bring them all. Call the org 604-681-9121 for details and reservations.
We anticipate a sold-out venue. Numbered tickets (no charge) will be required to guarantee seating. SRO (Standing Room Only) will be available upon sell out.
You can write me back too for more info.
Scientology is easy again? Really? What’s he been smokin?
So reg slamming, sec checking, disconnection, RPF, and the Hole are all in the past and DM stepped aside in favor of honest and competent leadership that acknowledges the sins of the founder?
Ha…thought not.
Thank you for doing outflowing truth to that guy, Me.
I hope the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta is monitoring the events carefully. There appear to be outbreaks of infectious ShermanSpeak.
According to Jason Bennick: If the Nobel Peace Prize was to be truly awarded for humanitarian efforts in “reducing standing armies”, then it is unquestionable that the accomplishment of this quarter of a century project, lead through the personal sweat equity, unequaled efforts and overcoming insurmountable odds by David Miscavige would factually be recognized the world over.
What does that even mean? I understand that it’s supposed to be some form of ass-kissing, but I could produce more coherent text by puking alphabet soup.
Thank you so much Mike for your fantastic job of reporting the goings on of the weekend!
I went to downtown Clearwater on Sunday for the ribbon cutting, standing in the areas right outside the barricades. You could see DM on the video screen of the event, but couldn’t hear much due to the helicopter noise. There was a guy standing next to me and I asked him if he was a scientologist. He said he was since 1988 and that he flew in on Saturday from South America for the event but got there too late to get a pass. He was planning to return home on Monday. This guy flew in from another country but was not allowed to get in because he didn’t have a card! How crazy is that?
I asked him if he ever saw anything on the internet about scientology or DM. He said he only saw some shows on TV. I told him that he should go online to look up what Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun and Debbie Cook have had to say about their experiences. I told him that I was a declared OT8 and was against what was happening in the orgs, the way people were being treated/regged, and with the horrible disconnection practices going on. He admitted that they do lie about disconnection and that it really exists. He said now with all the new changes, that maybe they will stop that. I was surprised he didn’t walk away from me the second I said I was declared. I’m glad I said something to him to maybe nudge him to be brave enough to seek more info.
Here’s an example of how “fringe” things are with the Church. Same weekend, a little game called League of Legends had an online event. Their attendance?
32 million.
More drivel to put in one ear and out the other.
We are getting lots of calls from Flag to ‘reserve’ us to buy the new release from staff members there. Being in CA, we haven’t seen the event yet but the cost is only $10,000! Probably for two emeters, which for us means $20,000 because we are a right and left handed couple. Oh well.
Since we started getting calls to buy the release on Saturday, this means that sales quotas are on the horizon for the poor staff. They will be sleep deprived as they won’t be allowed to go to sleep at night unless their quotas are met. Not to metion the IAS quotas that will be assigned next event.
It never changes for staff or public; talk about being “stuck in Time”.
I only got one call from a Robo-caller that started saying something about the Brave New World of the Golden Age of Tech sequel which is a bad movie I’d already seen so I hung up 🙂
“Bring a friend who thinks he’s Clear or OT or aberrated–but not sure which one.”
Um. What does this even mean?
“Today, I am either Clear, OT or totally screwed up. Not sure. Maybe I’ll figure it out after coffee.”
muhahaha. Can Anons aply too now?
You’re brilliant! It really depends on the coffee 😀
I can’t even wrap my head around this drivel. It just goes in one ear and out the other.
We are getting lots of calls here in California from staff at Flag, selling “the release”, which they don’t say what it is but that its $10,000 and they want to reserve us to buy it from them.
This means sales quotas for the staff. And sleep deprivation unless they make those quotas. Not to mention the IAS event forthcoming, with more quotas to meet.
Same old story for public and staff. Talk about being stuck in time.
I would like to throw some questions out as regards RCS’s usage of the phrase “golden age”..
Is not this characterization of an activity or a subject applied AFTER the time period has already PASSED?
For example, I’ve heard this phrase applied to the early years of television – TV’s “Golden Age” of the late ’40s and early 50’s. Ok, fine, but did anyone living in that time period refer to that same time period as a “Golden Age”, i.e. “Well, we are living in television’s Golden Age right now” ?. To my understanding, this time period for television was named “Golden Age of ” much later, in the mid-70s.
Another example, just off the top of my head, would be, “The Golden Age of the Pyramids”. which lasted for some thousands of years. Again, is it likely that during this time, people were calling it a Golden Age and thinking of the activities of intense pyramid building in any such way? No, this time period was so named in retrospect, many centuries later.
In my opinion, if Scientology has ever had a “Golden Age of Tech” it would have been from the early ’60s to the early ’80s. Say what you will about LRH but when he was alive, the stats over-all were the best they have ever been.
For David Miscavige to use the word “golden” to characterize ANY part of his own regime of falling stats, crashed stats, auditors declared SPs, public declared SPs, public leaving in droves, is, to say the least, an MU on his part as puffery of the most pathetic sort, and when enough time has passed, History will note this and ridicule Him.
But, if you’re reading this, no worries, Dwarf. I will ALWAYS capitalizze the H’s on your pronouns – promise!
Davie is a legend in his own mind, and dreams in technicolor. The real problem are those that support him.
Right on Aquamarine. Golden Age or Gilded Age is always referencing something from the past. But like everything else, he just redefined it.
Should be the Golden Age (is over) of Tech 🙂
Rob Ford is an embarrassment to all Canadians… thank god(if there is 1) im NOT from Toronto. Here in London, ON at least our mayors not a crackhead he just doesn’t actually live in the city and is facing fraud charges for steeling money from the tax payers! Im so GLAD there’s no church presence here. Sounds like the BC scientologists are doing enough as it is. lol .Although we did spawn Paul Haggis! Glad hes free and exposing the corporate church. I have NO problems with Scientology itself I believe people should be free to practise and believe what they wish as long as they don’t hurt others but the corporate church does indeed hurt a lot of people and its great people like Mike are working to expose this to the world!
“Prior to the BASICS (2007) most people didn’t even know what the books of Scientology contained, never mind actually read them. It’s like a Christian who doesn’t know the Bible. Big outpoint!”
Amazing. To have such certainty of mind. Knowing for a fact, that those thousands of senior Scientologists who were auditing successfully before this dude took his first failed steps – in reality, didn’t know what the f**k they were doing, because – they never read the books.
My cerebral cortex is aching at the mental gymnastics I am putting it through, in trying to understand how such hubris comes from such an idiot.
This person’s comment and others I’ve read here over the past several days, are for me, some of the most frightening examples of robotism I have ever encountered. I’m tempted to laugh, but then I catch myself. It’s not funny in a traditional sense. More like watching clips from one of those Jackass Movies and seeing a horse kick someone in the crotch. Funny – more surreal and creepy.
Wow — we’re not in Kansas any more, Toto.
I agree OT.
This is the same presumptuous assumption made when they rereleased “the basics” (which had supposedly had been released in ’91 fully *corrected* per KSW etc, etc ad nauseam which I’ll avoid commenting further on for now) that no one actually read them and if they did didn’t understand them.
And maybe that was the problem.
Scientologists I mean real ones (not the low IQ moronic lunatics who are continually dramatizing the glee of insanity and who wouldn’t understand how to put Mac & Cheese together if they bothered to read the directions and want an Idiot’s Guide to or a for Dummies version of “Scientology” which is regurgitated and spoon fed to them that are infesting the Orgs these days) understood them too well and asked too many embarrassing questions and wrote too many annoying reports on the alterations and squirreling that was going on so they had to either be neutralized (with threats of disconnection from they’re friends and family or coerced into line with what I call reverse “ethics” or labeling them “disaffected” ) or eliminated (by overtly or covertly expelling them) so that the easily controlled “masses” who didn’t ask too many questions and followed directions robotically yet with enthusiasm AKA “Koolaid Drinkers” could take their place.
In other words what they wanted was another ineffective *cult* slavishly devoted to a “leader” who like them is a low IQ moronic lunatic who would normally go by the name “Simon” but happens to be named David Miscavige.
What a complete and utter moron. I knew there was some fixed idea behind the psycho mania of the basics sales. I read all the books decades ago and have enjoyed studying them over time. Obviously someone decided, that no one had read the books and forced the issue. Instead of making the actual bridge available like a comm or HQS course, lots of co auditing and affordable academy training, leading to the briefing course, they crammed all the books down everyone’s throat, at any level on the bridge. It doesn’t matter if someone’s read them 6x’s or none, audited 5000 hours or none, we are all the same. Apparently, all stupid little humanoids, need to be ordered what to do or we will wander off. I so hate being treated like I don’t have the ability to think for myself or make a prosurvival decision. The attitude in this email is so condescending and a good example of the distain that the rcs has for it’s public. With all the status worship, it’s amazing that the status of actual bridge achievement means absolutely nothing. It takes a lot of patient, persistent, correct handling with FULL study actions, to resolve deep and persistent study issues. The rcs is all about vapid, superficial, mechanical and forced. No way will they ever achieve results in this atmosphere, so they have to rely on mechanical gimmicks, glossaries with no etymologies and excessive, picky, over-itemized, aberrated revamps of LRH’s original works.
You go girl! +1
I would guess that for the hard core koolaid drinkers, the explanations of “correcting the tech” that “some SP screwed up” and “COB found the problem & fixed it”…..WILL ALWAYS WORK. ENDLESSLY.
I am in doubt, ether Mike earned this years SP award or Leah Remini, or Mike’s special corerespondent(s)
Why not all three? There are usually three ‘IAS Fiefdom Medal’ winners each year, after all.
I just received a full transcript of the COB s eight minute speech dedicating the Flag Building.!!!!!
Hello, whup,whup, whup, whup, and , chop.,chop,chop, chop, so, whup,whup, whup, whup,whup,
Fuck it !! cop,chop, chop,whup whup,whup.
That’s hysterical, Jose! Can you send it here somehow?
That’s a fascinating email, Mike, isn’t it? Of course we have to bear in mind that the message has been filtered twice: first through the distillation by the ED of what he heard at Flag, and then through the author’s more condensed version of what the ED said. But after all that, a fairly clear message still remains.
Heidi elegantly and succinctly translates it, in her comment above, like this: “Please, please come back! We’re different now! We’ve changed!” I think that captures the gist of it, even if the ED didn’t intend it to sound exactly that way.
This is pretty revealing actually. It casts a different and bleaker light on the whole GAT II/Super Power push. John P. has been analyzing Miscavige’s maneuverings here as primarily a (bungled) roll-out of some new “products” to shore up the RCS’s income stream. Quite eye-opening and insightful stuff. But this email offers another slant, albeit a narrow and refracted one. It suggests that Super GAT is more of a reactive move than a progressive one: a ploy to recapture lost members (or customers, if you prefer) and to rekindle the dwindling enthusiasm of the active flock.
From this viewpoint, Miscavige is not so much rolling out the New Coke as frantically repackaging and re-branding Coca-Cola Classic. “Standard Tech” the banner proclaimed — almost the antithesis of the “All New!!” messaging you expect around product launches. Or as Heidi says, “Please, please come back!”
I would venture the radical suggestion that this is a sign of sanity and rationality on David’s part — a sign that he’s finally admitted (to himself at least) he has a problem: dwindling active membership, crippling staff shortages, paltry attendance at events, proliferating legal assaults. He’s trying to respond, and even trying to address some actual problems — e.g. people stuck for years on the Bridge — as opposed to merely waging his endless war on thought-crimes and imaginary SPs. It’s far too late in the game for any of this to work, but it’s not crazy to try.
Of course it’s further proof that Miscavige is now totally “at effect” of the many enemies he has made over decades, and even of the countless victims he has left drained and broken along they way. Not all of those victims are as broken as he thought, and those enemies are much more creative and resourceful than he’d imagined. But that’s what we do in life, Dave: we learn.
I would say that’s a pretty fair analysis. The Coke analogy is bang on too. When “New Coke” was such a dismal failure that the then unheard-of Pepsi was able to make up market share to compete on equal terms, Coca Cola then backtracked, withdrew its New Coke and relaunched its original Coke, but lost millions into the bargain.
This does look like a last throw of the dice by Him. And yet… He still has to make it somehow His brand. It’s a conundrum. His flock are still hailing Him as the great savior of everything – now as the above email shows, to a buttock clenching degree. The reaction of one devotee was to place His Event as a moment to rival the Big Bang. That’s as close to Hypno-Fest-Jonestown style hysteria as it gets. I think what he has done is the old hypnotists trick of scrambling the rational senses of the victims, then dramatically placing His product as the solution to the confusion that they now feel. It’s kinda what he’s been doing for years – but this is the ne plus ultra. I’ve never seen such an unreal, hysterical and mesmerized reaction to any event before this one.
In the movie, “Endless Love”, a young guy besotted with a beautiful teen, played by Brooke Shields, sets fire to her family home so he can save her and all of them and be considered a hero, so that she will love him. Maybe this is where David Miscavige first got the idea to causitively screw up LRH’s tech and then provide the solutions, to position himself as “Theta The Problem Solver” over all of Scientology. “Endless Love” was a very popular film in the mid-70s.
New Coke was a distraction, to prevent people from noticing that the yummy sugar in Coca-Cola was being replaced by high-fructose corn syrup when they re-released Coke Classic. It worked beautifully. The taste difference between a Mexican or European Coke (which have real sugar) and American Coke is marked. But fans were just happy to have any semblance of the original again and had forgotten how much better the old had tasted.
I think that’s an even better analogy – because, going by the comments from all you indies, he’s been stripping out the ingredients that made Scn good for anyone. The delicious sugar is gone and those who know better (indies) get their Cokes elsewhere and leave the American stuff to those who don’t know that something better exists (still-ins).
Just an observation from a never-in who also loves a good Mexican Coke!
I’m just glad i’m on this side of the fence.
I am glad you are here too… 🙂
I await the depositions! Mike, I tip my hat to you. Do we have any new ex’s this week? Come guys, the Indie 500 is almost there!
Dear Mike,
It really does not matter if Super Power can make diamonds out of your own shit. ( turds)
Must have — Can’t Have***** does not make you Clear or OT
Silver lining though, One Billion years from now an prospector will discover a secret vault
with titanium plates that one dated Nov 17, 2013 that has etched into it a huge building with a smattering of people in front with a helicopter hovering overhead. The people will be construed as worshiping the second coming of Christ in a helicopter ( which came from heaven)
New Scientology. Yeahhhh!! Hijack……..attempted…=….dismal failure :.) KSW, ya’ll.
ALL WILL BE REVEALED. <Pay no attention to the dwarf behind the curtain.
The content of this email was written by Peter Byrne, ED Vancouver Fnd recently returned from his briefing with the almighty cob. And no, Toronto doesn’t have a monopoly on crazy in Canada.
Peter has been in Scientology for many years – came in as a very 1.1 druggie who liked to J&D pretty much everything – and still does. He moved up the ranks to his position of ED and is one of DM’s biggest proponents, valence and all.
He is married to Anne Byrne who is the Day ED. A nice thetan all too long swept up in all of the church craziness, unfortunately. When her past husband was declared an SP in the 80’s she ended up disconnecting from her young daughter (who wasn’t a Scientologist) who lived with the ‘sp’ dad. Can you imagine, disconnecting from your own daughter only because she was too young to be on her own and her father took care of her.
Together, they make the perfect ‘IDEAL’ couple.
Focus…it is unthinkable that a mother could disconnect from her own child, but, in reality, it was probably the BEST thing for that little girl, as heartbreaking as it must of been for her.
Do you know if the child was young enough at the time to have no memory of her missing mother?
I believe the child was 10 or 12. Pretty certain a pre-teen.
That is COLD. Actually, literally inhuman.
It’s so inconceivable that someone would just dump their child and their parent hat. THAT should be the subject of an ethics cycle, to correct the treason on the 2D, not the opposite. The process of becoming more OT has to do with taking greater responsibility on the dynamics and creating better and better alignment between them. Reason and contemplation toward optimum survival from YOUR OWN POINT OF VIEW, has left the building. The huge, ridiculous, opulent, wasteful, empty building, that is.
That’s right. Just an empty shell, devoid of life and feeling. So glad not to be part of that escalation of craziness.
That’s devastating for the child. A pre-teen. To have her mother dis-own her. At that age. Whew. Sad. Hope the daughter is okay.
This guy is basically saying everything in Scientology has been “squirrely”. Does that mean that anyone who spent 100’s of thousands of dollars doing the bridge now gets a no charge fix? It amazes me that people will buy this and not only re-do what they have already done, bought and paid for but they will pay for it again. “We deliver what we promise” , really?
Selling heaven. The con that never grows old.
Its a totally new Malibu Stacy!
No its not, you just put a hat on an old one.
No we didnt.
Yes you did.
OK…we did, but come on its a cool new hat!
COBsucker really did it this time, He got his inspiration from the Simpsons…DOH!
Each time I read one of these over-the-top proclamations it makes me want to puke.
Help as betrayal. Betrayal as help. This is what gradually undermines the potential of applying actual Scientology practices to the benefit others broadly in this world.
What the COS needs right now and what would benefit the SUBJECT of Scientology would be a public confession from His Squirrelyness, David Mi$cavige, of past and present mis-deeds against LRH’s Tech. Because every time one promises something and then doesn’t deliver it, they brand them-self or their organization a liar to the public. It is a shame that DM’s suppressive behavior and lies have become associated with the subject of Scientology by the public at large.
DM: “But I’m telling the truth this time, honest”
John Q. Public: “Right, buddy boy, but let’s hear a sincere confession and accurate description of your previous lies and overt acts first before I even begin to think about believing anything you will ever have to say.”
This recycled GAG Tech will not revitalize the subject of Scientology.
The independent field will have to do so by sorting it out for ourselves and separating the Subject of Scientology from the “church” of Scientology in the public mind.
Accurate and to the point, thanks! And btw, I think you’re full of e spirit too!
Wow–I mean…the subject has been annihilated. What the heck IS this??
Anyway, a little while ago I happened to see the LRH Birthday Event from March 2012–the opening speech and all the rolling thunder false stats. Beautiful graphics supporting all the lies. But look–if you see this display you believe it. Are you gonna go check out all those little countries that just got their own Way to Happiness booklets? Are you going to look up every book review quoted and check on how many publications of any sort have been sold into China? No, you’re not. You have no way to fact check all that hype.
So all the guys seeing that display of lies feel very secure in their activities in the RCS and think it’s all going just peachy. No wonder they all think it’s wonderful and sing His praises.
So when DM says that all the earlier tech is just a bunch of mixed up hogwash that he had to sort out himself (never even completed an auditing internship from what I’ve heard…) they believe him. They’ll believe anything he says because he bombards them with all the falsity of how great they’re doing.
He just stands up there and lies lies lies with NO conscience at all.
The kinda jive you get from someone selling “Hot Goods” out of the back of his van.
“The kinda jive you get from someone selling “Hot Goods” out of the back of his van.”
Yes, that’s how they talk!
Imagine the disappointment that is going to take place in every Org of the planet when people are going to watch ‘THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN THE WHOLE TIME TRACK’.
These re re re re release are quite tiepid ; the new old E-Meter has nothing special , squirrels have cheaper and more advanced e-meters in the field. The Primary Rd has NOT been released, Standard Dianetics has not been placed back to where it used be (before the scientology grades ), prices are the same, no new OT Levels have been released,, sec checks are stll be done… i mean after 20 years COB was able to release books, tapes and the accademy levels. C’mon , is that all ??? Well i guess THIS IS NOT OVER YET … in 20 years time he will release the new new new Ot levels and class 5, 6, 7, 8.
Assuming orgs will be still around to clear bank accounts !
I’m struggling to reign in my contempt for the stupidity of these people. I have to keep reminding myself that I was one of them once. Jesus. Oh, and I just got my second invite from someone who hasn’t been in comm with me for years. All of a sudden, just out of the blue, all friendly.and warm and nicey-nice, and would I come so we can hang out together? I’ve just eaten a heavy Indian food meal rather late at nite and this comm is not assisting my digestive processes. The pressure on staff must be huge.
Please come back….we don’t beat staff or public anymore. Slapping Singer around at the NY renos was a mistake!
yawn sigh yawn sigh with a big belly laugh in between. the people are truly kool aid drinker to the max
Good to have you back after your brief respite Mike.
Yeah we’ve heard about that Ford dude even down here in LA where a lota crazy shit happens where we had the Terminator as Governor we still couldn’t top having a crack head as a mayor.
All I gotta say is:
Oh Canada 🙂
Its worse than just him being a crack head. He’s been under survallance for 3months by his OWN CITYS police force. 1 of his best friends and sometimes driver just got charged with possesion with intent(weed) and extortion related to the video tape of mr ford rockin it up! His brother (also city counsselur) is a known ex hash dealer. Oh and there’s many pictures of drunk or high in public as well as mr mayor with sommalli drug dealers who later got murdered or tossed in jail! Now that the police admit they have video of him smoking crack he won’t resign even as he’s stripped of his mayoral powers!
Ps appologies for bad spelling using a crappy old blackberry!
Pps maybe CoB could take some PR types from Rob Ford!! After all this shit went public somehow his approval ratings went UP! Only in Canada only in Toronto! I’d love to see slappy on video commiting his various sins!
Good point ozzybud!
I’m sure there were many of those who support Slappy at the Org who actually read that series of articles entitled “The Truth Rundown” in the SP KNA TBTs who totally approved of lil’Davy’s “tough love”, “management style” just as there are many in Toronto who support a crack head and a criminal who has connections to organized crime.
Unfortunately they call this “democracy” which is not what the founding fathers of this country conceived it to be.
Like as in the Church of Scientology or the city of Toronto. We are dealing with an uninformed (at best) and a completely misinformed , disinformed and criminal population at worst.
One that would support total reprobates and moral lepers like Miscavige or Ford.
It’s not your fault, but you’ll have to take responsibility for it and re-buy all your materials again. We hope this indication will unstick the flows to your wallet.
“The books were messed up but everything else was perfect?? C’mon!!!????”
It sure is hard to know whether this e-mail is satire or whether the writer takes itself seriously.
“I’ll give you some clues and you have to guess the rest”.
Let me guess what the confidential New Scientology message will be….. “as a bankrupt business we fucked up and will refund your money – just give us another try”. Somehow I doubt I’m guessing correctly despite them going back 180 deg. I wonder if the dangling free-of-charge carrot will last longer than the first few minutes? Then the costs of buying more e-meters and new books with the semicolons replaced will be announced with demands you can’r leave ’til you’ve been relieved of your credit cards.
My bet is on the latter.
Seems to me that email is from the other side of Canada, Vancouver. I believe that’s the org’s phone number and the area code is 604.
Unless they’ve made some changes, the ED in question would be Peter Byrne. Really nice guy who’s been running foundation since around 87 or 88 I think. I don’t really feel sorry for these guys, because they are the ones who deliberately choose to not look. But with regard to Peter and his wife Anne, I know their hearts and I hope they wake up.
There are a couple of miscavige-like chicks up there who are probably still making sure everyone is appropriately introverted and out of valence.
Those are the old days, Les. But even back then, Peter was an a_ _ to deal with. Currently, he’s foremost in ensuring the Idealness of everything. From looking down his nose at the pariahs to ensuring everyone knows Scientology is fun again because he says so.
Yea. I guess you have to assume the valence to survive even though it’s killing you.
LDW your last sentence was a hoot! Made me laugh. And they probably think they are doing good as well! But it was very funny – I knew a few like that.
The purifvan email address is based out of the Vancouver org. All they do is spam Craigslist Vancouver with detoxification ads.
I get the strategy now. Cob’s handling is this: It’s Scientology was so squirreled up that NOBODY REALLY EVER DID IT. (of course this doesn’t explain why so many early Scientologists had life changing wins.)This explains why so many “OT’s” and others went nuts and left the “church”. This is the cob’s explanation of why things are so bad and now how it’s going to be perfect.
This is really his last chance I think. I can see more bots buying into this theory. But when it too fails, I think it is all over for cob. I believe that he has really backed himself into a corner for good now.
Yawn. Same old stuff to get you in the door.
if “It’s not your fault” then who’s fault is it?
hey you! yeah you there up on the podium, I’m talking to you. who’s fault is it?
what’s that you say, you can’t hear me? you got helicopters in your ears?
ok, I’ll remember to ask you again in 3 years when the Platinum Age of Tech gets released.
“Its not your fault”.
“No, you aren’t stupid”.
Didn’t He say the same sort of thing when the Basics came out?
He did a huge covert invalidation in the basic’s speech while saying ‘it’s not your fault’. He first stated that we didn’t understand anything we read (essentially) and the reason was ‘not your fault’. That speech gave me chills! While people clap, I’m having a major “ahh ha’ moment. I read ‘the basics’ when I first got in and no I didn’t misunderstand them, thank you very much. That was in ’74, when life in Scientology, right or wrong, was simple.
So, yea, if it isn’t our fault, and we have been getting messed up tech all along, then we should get some compensation. There is ‘free service, free fall’ and there is also “purchasing liability of a staff member”. Well, these policies aim to make the public or staff member responsible for actions costing the church money which were not approved by a committee. So, when the church makes us pay for services that weren’t right, shouldn’t there be a policy for that?? Shouldn’t the individuals responsible for dishing out ‘bad’ tech be made to pay??? Of course not. The Church is never wrong and never takes responsibility even when basically admitting it is wrong.
Yes he did Aquamarine, and it’s just as stupid. He’s saying that the study tech doesn’t work, that failures are common and you have no responsibility in the matter. Study problems and case can be very difficult to get through, but with a skilled, patience auditor or word clearer it’s quite possible. With the change over in training from an organic, human, cognitive, process, to the robotic, impatient, irrational pursuit of perfection they have going now, there’s no hope for the set of circumstances needed, to handle these problems. Thetans need a SAFE space, to consider, to decide and to cognite and KNOW. All the things introduced have to do with bypassing the being’s perceptions and substituting a machine to do the observing and concluding. The training side of the bridge, as a vehicle for case gain and greater perceptions and abilities, has been thoroughly unmocked.
yeah and he’s going to say the same thing when the platinum version comes out and then the diamond version and…………the jigg wil be up before it gets that far though.
“All will be revealed” was the big button that kept so many of us coming back year after year.
Yes, all will be revealed when Toto the little dog runs up and pulls the curtain aside and you see the short little SP working all the levers and gadgets to produce the smoke and mirrors and big booming voice that comprise his evil valence.
“Bring a friend who thinks he’s Clear or OT or aberrated–but not sure which one.”
It’s nice to know you have a friend like this who is going to evaluate you and invalidate any case state or training level you have achieved.
But they (meaning Davey) did that back in 1996 for GAT 1 and 17 years later why not do it again. Back to square one for everyone. The Dark age of tech is now getting Darker.
scientology is a science of evaluating (Tone Level? Social or Thetan?? Labels – “Freeloader, DB, PTS, SP etc. Scientology is also the science of covert invalidation and nullification!! Are they giving everyone refunds for the OUT TECH they sold and made millions on? Making people buy e-meters (2 of them for $4,200 each) now releasing new ones at $5,000 a pop! This is so messed up – how can any of them still in think this is okay?
The super ultra OT 8 was made in Taiwan for $40. each.
So if everyone on Earth needs two the manufacturing cost is $80.(dollars)
D.M.s profit is $9,920.(dollars) Say Earths population is 7 billion,
7,000,000,000 X 9,920 = 70,440,000,000,000.
Factor in books,CD’s,IAS donations ( mandatory) Auditing fee’s, church accomo’s,
Training fee’s,Global disasters ( you are responsible chump) Ideal org reno’s,
Clear obscure places fundraisers, CCHR Int ( the psychs still make babies that become little psychs) Donations for staff getting trained at Flag, Other things not listed you will pay for.
All added up conservative estimated income for David Miscavige is around
$ 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. PLUS,and all TAX FREE !!!!!!
“Prior to the BASICS (2007) most people didn’t even know what the books of Scientology contained, never mind actually read them.”
The above is, first, such a generality (typical of the SP) and, second, such an untruth that I can only conclude that this character is just parroting somebody else’s words with no understanding whatsoever.
But makes sense form the angle that a sociopath/SP has, as one of his (evil) purposes, to completely wreck self-determinism; and boy, the e-mails and blogs and the hysterical response from some Church members proves so, zero self determinism.
Oh, and by the way, this comes from an LRH Book I happened to read long ago and thanks to it I was able to see the madness of the Devil Moron.
“All org Executive Directors on earth, 160 of them went to Flag…”
Is this finally an official stat? (160 Orgs total?)
Not really. Foundation Orgs and Day Orgs have different EDs, by and large.
You always have to remove a zero (sometimes two!).
So…16 would probably be the correct number.
Correction – 80 Orgs total – one ED for Day and one ED for Foundation! Dwindling spiral!! Wow – I think there will be people leaving in droves after they find out more squirrel tech is being released. What I want to know – WHAT IS NEXT! Miscavige is out of releases…this hupla will die very fast! Everyone is BROKE!
There are a lot of orgs that don’t have day/foundation splits, so the number is higher than 80, on paper, but that only highlights that many “Class V Orgs” are no better than hole-in-the-wall missions.
Big giveaway, isn’t it, and betrays the writer’s child-like naiveté, like a small child accidentally blurting out that they’d found the cookie jar and discovered there were soooo many cookies in there.
So true Poet13c, and kindly put.
160 EDs does not mean 160 orgs. Some orgs have 2 EDs for day and foundation. So – less than 160 orgs…worldwide…
Other than the 10K worth of Warehouse Mark VIII’s, what exactly was little CoB-stopper selling, anyway?
Where’s the ‘release’?
Price lists?
A glossy, over-produced catalog of must-haves that your eternity and the salvation of the planet depends on?
If that was it, then we’re sure as hell staring GAT XXIII in the face by the time HE (Almighty CoB) gets all the other stuff dusted off and into the hands of the faithful, ( I mean, sub-servient and apparently mesmerized.)
Maybe everybody needs to redo both sides of the Bridge (blindfolded and backwards) without the dictionary before they are entitled to do it again with it?
Or the Tech Vols. Or the SHSBC.
I fail to see what apparently, wasn’t in fact there to see.
Obviously, I have some MUs.
As a Toronto born citizen I admit I am so embarrassed by this elected official.
I’ve never understood the TO compulsion to elect idiots that act like professional wrestlers or the Cool-Aid man. Most of us aren’t even Scientologists. In fact, I’d hazard a guess that most of us don’t even like Cool-Aid.
I say we get it over with and nominate Russell Oliver as Mayor-For-Life.
It’s OK. The email is from Vancouver.
As a rare native of Washington, DC, I remember the whole Marion Barry crack-and-whores scandal when I was 12 on the news. Barry did not try to RPF the cops and reporters.
“Scientology is easy again.” It was never hard for those who could read and duplicate the written word. What a crock to say that Scn was not easy. When the real tech was correctly applied, it was easy. It IS easy in the Indie field outside the church. And word to the wise, Davie, the people who have half a brain, the tech trained auditors and CSes who could LOOK and SEE… those people are all out alive and well in the Indie field, delivering Ron’s tech purely without your additives and twists and squirrelings. It’s not hard at all.
Well said Jane. Scientology was and is for the able who can read but we can also help people to improve their reading as well so all can win. But the main marketing stress was always on making the able more able – or this is what LRH said anyway! Apparently DM wants idiots now who have trouble reading and duplicating so his gang of hyenas can reg them to the ying yongs without querying the “illegal orders”.
+ 1
What a crock indeed Jane Doe! It begs the question, how did it get so hard? The thing is having cognitions and gaining new abilities can take some work and effort. Sometimes it takes high confront but when wins are achieved it energizes one to do more. I believe that study tech has been completely abandoned. They don’t have time to clear words on people because they are too busy money grubbing.
“Please, please come back! We’re different now! We’ve changed!” This sounds like a plea from an abuser to their victim.
“sounds like a plea from an abuser to their victim” couldn’t be more spot on right, Heidi.
Spot on!
They anticipate a sold-out audience = we “pray” at least half a dozen show up to be cornered and squeezed.