If it was a puzzle why Bogota Colombia “ideal” org was done before say Harlem or Auckland or Silicon Valley or Valley or any of the others we have been hearing about for some time as being “next” and “most important.”
I think Ethan Hunt accidentally spilled the beans at the world premiere of MI5 as he explained to the The Hollywood Reporter.
Of course, there is a long history of ideal org planning being done so “Mr. Cruise” would not have to be ashamed by the state of the local small and failing scientology outpost — all the way back to the very first “ideal orgs” in New York (where he had an apartment) and Madrid (where his girlfriend at the time, Penelope Cruz) was from. He has also shot plenty of movies in London. And of course, Berlin.
At least the oddity of a sudden ideal org in Bogota when he has been showing the “ideal” Caracas building for years is explained.
But what is NOT explained is how the biggest disseminator in the history of epic milestones and best scientologist I know, never disseminates to his co-stars? In fact, it was Simon Pegg who commented, after working on several MI movies, that Tom IAS Freedom Medal of Valor Cruise has never spoken to him about scientology.
So, why does he need a nice scientology building? So he can pop in for a cup of coffee at the “cafe” that all ideal orgs now have? This could be the answer — these ideal orgs are actually the world’s most expensive and exclusive coffee bars so COP and Mr. Cruise never have to be without their personal blend of cappuccino.
Cherchez la Tom….
It seems to me that there is an additional explanation. Scn may very well be taking a page from the cigarette industry playbook: When your product is being viewed as too toxic in the developed world, move on to the developing world.
There, it is a status symbol for the “arrived” and “arriving” to have the privilege of repeating the mistakes of the developed world. Not to mention, you don’t have to worry about the entheta that has been created by press, scholars, “bitter, defrocked apostates,” lawsuits and activists. These countries may also still be catching up in terms of internet penetration, and fewer people will have the English skills to consume and comprehend all that data that is afflicting scn in the developed world. This applies not only to the “church” but also to its front organizations which may thrive (for a while) in an environment where regulations may be laxer and backlash to evil perpetrated is still years off.
Finally, even though the gears of justice are grinding away maddeningly slowly, in those countries that kind of worries simply doesn’t exist yet (of course, given what scn is, that is just a matter of time–these people may be behind but they are not stupid).
I was recently up in Auckland and took a wee look at the current Church and the new Ideal org…both are in a state. The new Ideal Morg is in dire need of some work to stop looking like a crumbling ruin, but they seem to have spent most of the time putting up security cameras!
Since Tom Cruise can’t get a woman I will not be surprised if he visits our Red Light District in Amsterdam. So it will be logical that Amsterdam/ Holland will have the next Ideall Org…………….
Hi Mike, Thought I would look again at the picture of ” smiling Tom Cruise & David Miscavige”Maybe it’s just me,but it suddenly seemed their TRs & Tone 40+ Intention backfired. They look demented & in no way to me do they reflect keyed out glowing confident OT beings as they believe they are.More like underground dwellers caught in a second of sun.Bizarre! Always Ann.
Chairman of the pompadour, that gives me a giggle. Maybe in the future, COP can get hair styling tips from Donald Trump.
While the clams may have thought that the motorcycle made DLHDM look ‘cool’, but it really just helped TC go on his psych busting, big pharma tirades. And that is an outcome that the Dear Leader liked. So what if if it ended up costing TC his movie contract at Universal, and any future with Spielberg, the Dear Leader got some publicity for the clampire.
I think at pic really shouts out Pompatus of love, the forbidden love between Bronnies. Those little ponies are so jealous of the Ducati, now they won’t have get schooled in the Loon Tech and they won’t be able to ride into the sunset with them.
My personal observation on why Tom Cruise does not disseminate is that at the first sign of doubt the first thing a person does is to stop disseminating. it was true for me. Anyone else?
I would LOVE to think that you are right. However, another reason why TC is not disseminating (or appears not to be, at least) may simply be the backlash he has experienced in the past. Unfortunately for him, he just simply presents too big a target. The moment he opens his mouth, he invites all kinds of reactions–from gutter press to highbrow press to activists of all stripes–to confront him on all fronts.
While TC had some notable times in his career when he tried to disseminate, he has also remained mum for many years. He may be “religiously” confused, but he also is a shrewd businessman. And his tomfoolery has cost him dearly.No doubt, TC remembers which side the bread is buttered on!
Very good point, T.P. I was was once talking up scientology mainly out of habit, (it was my “spiel”) but I suddenly lost incentive to continue when I recalled something a non-scientology friend said to me earlier: “I know lots of clears and they’re all more fucked up than I am!”
“The figure the tyrant-monster is known to the mythologies, folk traditions, legends, and even nightmares of the world; and his characteristics are everywhere essentially the same. He is the hoarder of the general benefit. He is the monster avid for the greedy rights of “my and mine.” The havoc wrought by him is described in mythology and fairy tale as being universal throughout his domain. This may be no more than his household, his own tortured psyche, or the lives that he blights with the touch of his friendship and assistance; or it may amount to the extent of his civilization. The inflated ego of the tyrant is a curse to himself and his world – no matter how his affairs may seem to prosper. Self-terrorized, fear-haunted, alert at every hand to meet and battle back the anticipated aggressions of his environment, which are primarily the reflections of the uncontrollable impulses to acquisition within himself, the giant of self-achieved independence is the world’s messenger of disaster, even though, in his mind, he may entertain himself with humane intentions. Wherever he sets his hand there is a cry (if not from the housetops, then – more miserably – within every heart); a cry for the redeeming hero, the carrier of the shining blade, whose blow, whose touch, whose existence, will liberate the land.”
‘The Hero With A Thousand Faces’
Joseph Campbell
Hi MM,Thank you.I have lots of books,but will have to get Joseph Campbell out & dust him off.Maybe all of us can whield the shining blades & liberate the sea & land.That is strange to think that Ron/David types have been here for centuries apon centuries, if I read J Campbell correctly.Ann.
You read correctly Ann.
Cruise can afford space ship. Maybe there should be an org in the Van Allen Belt, or on the moon.
hehe… made me laugh 🙂
I read somewhere (Geir Isene’s book..?) that TC visited Oslo some years ago, and the Norwegian scientology cherch spent lavishly to renovate their “org” just off the busiest shopping street in Oslo. Not long after they were thrown out, for not paying their bills. They moved to an area with mostly industry, and hardly any foot traffick at all.
The Oslo mOrg is insolvent and is not really operating anymore.
Very interesting catch there Mike, you have a sharp eye for details 🙂
There has been a lot of commentary over the years on all the ways the Pompadour of Scientology (oops meant Pope of Scientology) has destroyed the Church as an institution and whatever good existed in Scientology. Now, likewise considering all the information that has come out in the past decade or so on the relationship of Miscavige and Cruise and all the things Miscavige does to court Cruise (add sTCcohb?) perhaps Cruise should be acknowledged for his large part in that destruction, since a good chunk of it has been done to impress him.
Touche, SadStateofAffairs.
Especially because in scientology everyone is to blame for everything that happens, hey? There’s an earthquake somewhere and somehow I caused it with my out-ethics. TC should be made to see this as well.
I’d rather just see the Ducati’s. Forget the dudes sitting on them.
Same sex marriage is gaining political favour worldwide now. Perhaps dave & Tom are a new age type of couple?? Shelly has evaporated from miscavige’s life, no kids to worry about either. Tom’s female relationship problems have plagued his life and let’s face it, he’s had some of the most beautiful woman on earth clambering after him, perhaps deep down he’s just not interested anymore. I have seen it mentioned many times by people close to those two that their relationship is kind of bizarre. So, perhaps it’s simpler than it looks and they are just too famous and are being shy about it.
It stands to reason why Tom wouldn’t disseminate to Hollywood’s elite… jealously is a powerful emotion and the knot isn’t fully tight yet.
Davey building fetish around Tom is just his way of love trying to find a way to impress. What lengths would you go to for your soul-mate?
I Yawnalot – This one still cracks me up.
For those who have “donated” the “hand in the back pocket” maybe isn’t so damn funny.
That is a very funny clip and then that thought comes in, maybe it isn’t so far off the mark, miscavige is slimly ever which way but loose.
I Yawnalot, I cracked up, too. I’m still laughing five minutes later!
Who knows, you may actually be on to something; Scn dwells in the world of the bizarre!
Does anybody think Tom Cruise wants to go down with David Miscavige? I don’t. I know Tom isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer but never underestimate the compensatory powers of vanity. Cruise has taken some disastrous hits recently to his public image due to his association with DM and scientology. I think Cruise, were he man enough, would tell DM to take a hike for the last thing he wants for his career and persona is to be seen publicly with the man. But then, Cruise might be far more stupid than I ever thought.
I think after the War of the Worlds fiasco (TC demanding a VM tent on set) perhaps he realized that demanding your faith be shoved down your co-workers throats is not a good idea.
Wait…..that’s never stopped him before……never mind……
That photo always cracks me up…..those two are beyond clueless. The homo-erotic theme of the photo is like the volleyball scene in Top Gun.
And I am guessing COB has that picture blown up and taped to the ceiling above his bed. Like I did with my Shawn Cassidy/Andy Gibb posters back in the day. Da doo run run
I hope the press (gossip mags) pick up on this story. For a Big Being, he sure allows those ‘rags’ to bother him (think his last lawsuit that he dropped when he had to admit Katie left him because of the Co$).
Did Miscavige have his head enlarged in Photoshop in this pic? It looks odd.
We’ve mentioned this before: the “bobblehead” look is common to both alcoholics and anorexics.
I think the whole Ideal Org plan was from Tom Cruise. DM worships this movie star and the movie star worships this “God”. They both have billions of dollars to provide “smoke and mirrors” to the world to fool them into thinking they are big beans.
Tom Cruise has proved himself. beyond a reasonable dcubt, that HE is indeed one of this galaxy’s biggest bean on the planet.
I mean – come on folks….the ability to spot and SHATTER SP’s is remarkable.
Who else has the courage and skill to have spy cameras all over his property?
To catch the perps in the high crime of “kissing” – Jamie Lesavoy and boyfriend is truly a WELL DONE and deserves a Medal of Valor presented by David “Let him Die” Miscavige.
It is now hitting the media airwaves and spreading like wildfire.
Scientology is beyond done. Skip the fork and get the straw.
Hi Idle Morgue,A perfect post.I love Tom’s ability to spot and shatter SPs” All the smoke & mirrors in the universe can only reflect outward both their true selves.That money,will allow them to continue on their way is a given,but trying to split power equally down the middle when dealing with vast amounts,and a narcacisstic pair with very frightening to me beliefs about their OTness act as if they are the “only keepers of the flame.”The road ahead will be far from smooth for both.Ann.
I understand that the COB’s coffee
is “Blue Mountain” special from best of one of 4 farms.
made with Distilled water, the maker is no doubt special.
Hi Jose Chung, Old eyes, I read your post as Blue Monster Coffee & thought good marketing to the right big being!Ann.
I would venture that Mr Cruise has a pretty poor track record of one-to-one disseminating, especially to the fairer sex – they all seem to end up as overnight SPs or kicked out of his family circle. Maybe he can’t spot a real SP after all – or maybe he is writing his own history books. Has he – I mean – has he ever MET an SP? HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA! (cue 5 minutes maniacal laughter)
For a fraction of the price of one of the Idle Orgs, some flunky could carry a custom-built backpack cappuccino machine. Just saying.
So if the Toxic Midget is Pompadour, does that make Cruise Louis XV?
Naw, not Louis. T.C. only hangs with females if it enhances his external PR. Otherwise, he prefers men…
So, Henri III then.
More like Richard the Third
You know, Tony Ortega keeps saying that – unlike Travolta – there is no indication that the Cruiser fancies men; although the rumour has it that his PC folders on what happens in his relations with the ladies are pretty hilarious reading for Slappy over a Scotch or two.
I’m sorry but I crack up every time I see this picture of the big beings on their motorcycles. With the appropriate frowns to show how bad they are. How corny are these two fools?
That photo was hand delivered by Miscavige to the LA Time so they could use it as an “exclusive” once he had determined he could not stop their story from airing. He figured he would get some good coverage out of it and present the image that he wants of himself. Cool. Tough. Leather jacketed BFF of his Medal of Valor ceremony hugfest partner, Mr. Cruise. He ain’t no stodgy unhip dude like the Pope or the Dalai Lama….
Ha ha ha! Cruise is known for his gratuitous grin/mega smile in all of his publicity photos, but he made an exception for his best pal in this pic. Sure showed US.
Vanity and self-promotion. I have to reiterate NOLAGirl: these two have a truly bizarre relationship.
Mike, so after Chairman of the Pompadour had the pic of he and Tom hand delivered to the LA Times, did they run the picture after all?
Yes, you can look it up. It was front page. December 2005. Article written by Kim Christensen and Claire Hoffman (the same Kim Christensen that broke the Let Him Die Miscavige story)
No, Alice, that’s their “You’re either all IN or you’re all OUT” look. It works too, cuz, statements like that made me take another look at WHO AND WHAT I was a part of.
OK, I got curious and looked up the Los Angeles Times story (thanks for letting us know it was in December 2005) – here is the direct link to it: http://www.latimes.com/news/la-fi-scientology18dec18-story.html#page=1
an advertisement pops up first that you have to “x” out, but after that, there it is! Good reading. – T.J.
These comments are so hilarious yet apt, someone should make a film of them. It would be a smash hit. It would tell the real tale and be a comedy at the same time.
Miscavige (and Tom) would throw a thrombie. it would be fun to see what his defence/PR would be after its showing.
Please someone, do this.
That picture has always made my gaydar shoot red.
That picture has always made my gaydar go into hiding, reluctant to ever appear again. A gay man without gaydar is a tragic thing indeed.
Have you seen the shooped copy, where instead of motorcycles, they are riding on My Little Ponies? It’s a hoot, google it. I had to save a copy as it makes me chuckle.
Hi Gtsix,Those poor My Little Ponies. I hope they will buck! Ann.
Good day to you Ann! I hope your weekend was lovely.
I have searched google all morning, but I can’t find it anymore – or I would link to it here. The Ponies survived – They’re magical afterall 🙂
Hi Gtsix,Thank you for the news that those magical ponies got the hell out of cos territory.I always enjoy your posts.Weekend is so hot here one can fry an egg on the road.I don’t
,but there are those here that would pull out a bottle of hot sauce & instant breakfast.Where was hot sauce on the Excalibur.At least I could then swallow a bit of those nasty
powdered runny eggs! Always Ann.
That’s the first time I saw horses’ asses on my little ponies.
Dave will spare no expense (with other people’s hard earned money) to impress his boy. Who needs a wife when these two have each other. Luckily they live separately so they don’t have to fight over the mirror.
Matt, you made me spill coffee on my computer! Laughing out loud!
” Luckily they live separately so they don’t have to fight over the mirror.”
Doesn’t matter Mat.. They see NO reflection.
Excellent post Mr Rinder. But I wish to offer another answer for this question: “So, why does he need a nice scientology building? So he can pop in for a cup of coffee at the “cafe” that all ideal orgs now have? “.
I am quite sure that Lord Cruise would never stoop to setting foot in a place where the unwashed masses also go. He does not mix with plebians except on when he is on the red carpet and has no choice. Perhaps a guided tour of the empty building to make sure all is in order, but no more than that.
No, these multi million dollar mausoleums are specifically so that the members of his sub-eco-system have a place to get appropriate ethics and justice handlings. Wives, children, siblings all the inferior riff raff that surround him need constant handling to keep them in line with his lofty yet hands-on “management style”. Also he needs to offer the degraded wog beings around him a place to go to get fixed up and made fit for big-being company. And that place must reflect his big-beingness perfectly. Can you imagine the humilation if Lord Cruise referred some riff-raff cameraman to the local org to handle his small-beingness and it was a dump? This would be humiliating to Big Being Cruise and as such a crime of enormous magnitude. So for the curious minded I offer this explanation for the Idle Org Strategy. No matter where Lord Cruise is filming, there is always a luxury location where he can dump recalcitrant family members or degraded wog beings and that location always correctly reflects his tumescent munificance.
Hi Fully Hated,Good to meet you.What a tangled,knotted mess cos is,and no thanks to big beings Tom/ David.Those two do not radiate love,goodness,care,or humor.Ice cold with lots of toys & money,but no spark in those eyes.Dumping family members & wogs at luxury locations proves the former,no white hearts both always black.Ann.The buildings are just as cold & empty.
Chairman of the pompadour. Lol.
Not a follower of Massa Tom, I wasn’t aware he’d bought the Jack Reacher film franchise. Saddens me since the Reacher books are in my fave top 5 reading. The concept of “Shorty Cruise” playing a 250 extremely intelligent individual really makes me laugh. And I won’t add even a penny to this weird person’s pot.
Totally agree. I decided to never buy another ticket to a TC film after the postpartum depression fiasco. And I didn’t even know he was a Scieftologist then…
They are involved in an obsessive relationship headed for absolute disaster.
I remember when the Madrid Mission holder 1st told me about the plans for Madrid org. I was floored as I’d spent much time in that city and there was NO reach or demand for scamology. The opposite was in fact true.
Thanks for exposing the scam in S.A. Mike!
Leave it to you, Mike, to connect the dots. Kudos.
How about photo’s of the Bogota Org
LRH penthouse with heart shaped pink
bed and two embroidered pillows,
one COB,one Tom.
These two have a truly bizarre relationship.
This sounds like the multi-million dollar version of coming home with flowers because you know you f***ed up.
Jerry MacGuire was showing on our satellite channel yesterday. I saw that it was before this one day but decided that I couldn’t stomach it. Anyway, yesterday, I decided I would. I wanted to see or remember what Tom Cruise was all about and to see why I formerly liked him.
Well, I got ten to fifteen minutes into the movie and switch to another channel. What on earth….? All I could see was that military demeanour of his and hear that very little voice of his which has always spoilt the effect of him for me, even when I LIKED him. I didn’t observe any particularly good acting either. In fairness to him, perhaps I changed channels too quickly.
I can’t get out of my head the fact that he threw his thirteen year old niece out of his home which was also her home where she lived with her mother, Tom Cruise’s sister. The niece had been caught on the security camera snogging a boy. He banished her from LA where he lived so that he wouldn’t have to see her there. He put her on lower conditions and sent her to Flag ethics – holy maloney! Her liability took her two years because he wouldn’t sign it off. She didn’t see her mother for two years! because he wouldn’t allow it!. From thirteen to fifteen years old, she couldn’t see her mother!
I ask myself, what kind of person the mother is to have permitted this and to be restricted to phone calls only from her daughter for two years? What happened to her that she bent to her brother’s will with no say of her own, unless of course, she agreed with this treatment of a thirteen year old daughter! Yikes! What a disgusting situation. It’s sick.
Back to Jerry MaGuire – all I could see was this little runt, he’s also a dwarf which was barely concealed in a social scene, strutting around with his little voice, self important, reminding me of David Miscavige at every turn – and I couldn’t stand it for very long. Lol!
In the past, I saw several of his not very good movies just because he was a scientologist. How blind is love, how brainwashed I was – admiring this little prick! Lol!
In my defence, I didn’t know, did I?