This was the Re: Line of the Email. Why Columbus?
Good question, and it is certainly not answered in this promotional item….
Everything except the “Buckeye Cafe” is what every “ideal org” supposedly has.
Columbus claims they are a “Fully manned org” — what they are not saying is that Columbus is “Fully manned” by Sea Org members who were sent there because there were no qualified staff in the place and they had to do a “Grand Opening.” The Sea Org members were sent to “replace themselves” and they have not done so. There isn’t any real public in the org so nobody to recruit.
It’s a total shitshow.
Just like the other “ideal orgs.” Apparently Orlando is even worse.
Every org can cookie-cutter that list for their own use in about 10 minutes flat. SOME might even have sites of interest and DELIVERY stats they can crow about. of course, Davey don’t need no DELIVERY with his new business model: STATUS is the name of the game. Increasing your status level equals solid case gain, I understand. The more you bleed yourself dry, the better you feel, and the more others respect you, even if you look and smell like a wino on a 10-week bender. (or Davey on a Tuesday.)
I used to work (for 5 years) a few buildings down from the center in Columbus Ohio. It was NEVER open to the public and I never saw anyone inside. Once there was a sign outside advertising the sale of Hubbard’s books but that is about it. I don’t see that there is any success in Columbus at all thank goodness!
Leave”, that has been the report given on all of the monuments to Davey’s ineptitude: Empty, the sound of crickets, deteriorating buildings, etc. At most, some have propaganda videos running on endless loops in the fully automated Div VI near the street door, the same garbage shown on SCNTV at great cost with no viewership.
Driving by always freaked me out, but I was oddly comforted that they were completely ignored and looked small, empty, and pathetic. Their “new” building gets less pedestrian traffic, but it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I drive past it. It sickens me to know that it’s there.
I watched the whole Aftermath Series (DVR’d it from the first episode) and listened to every podcast, watched every documentary, and am starting to get into looking at some of the exposing youtube videos.
I would love to try to get rid of them, but I feel like it’s an exercise in futility until their tax exempt status is revoked. I’m not wealthy, and I don’t have vast resources. But they have literally zero presence outside of their building. And that stupid channel on DirecTV
Thanks for posting this! Now how do we get them out of here?
Cautiously optimistic that the public face of scienbollocky has melted waaaay beyond the point of reconstruction…
It’s all about rounding up the remaining kool-aid guzzlers at Flag and at the ship that shall never sail again, docked in Aruba…
I think L.A. is pretty much DOA with this Covid pandemic and the various environmental disasters that are happening and worsening in Cali…
The orgs/missions in the southwest and the midwest are closed or near-dead.
The east coast orgs are similarly quiet or dead.
Ex-scientologists CONTINUE to make podcasts and post videos on various platforms and write blogs about the cult and its epic, policy-driven, cruel criminal fuckery.
Their public reputation is worse than shit, as shit can be used as a fertilizer…
To the remaining SOLO NUTS auditors, Sea Borg, Office of Special Asshats slaves, and die-hard guzzlers of the Hubbard-Missravage kool-aid:
It’s a good time to walk out the door and not turn back…
Alas, “eternity” is not a commodity…
Mark, an eternity WITHOUT scientology is a valuable commodity and we’re soon to receive the initial down-payment from Davey’s EXCELLENT progress in dismantling what Hubbard & friends built!
Jere, I’ll still assert that Hubbard didn’t build much of anything — it was you and your friends, part of a whole generation of idealists and seekers who flooded Scientology expecting something, and often made it what it was in spite of Hubbard rather than because of him.
I think Miscavige is like someone who inherited a horse buggy whip factory in 1910. There’s nowhere to go but down when the world, and the markets, have passed you by.
Miscavige has of course been an awful authoritiarian. But then again, it seems that policies like ‘disconnection’ on steroids have actually kept Scientology together better than a lot of other high control groups from the same era, many of which have vanished almost entirely, like the dark offshoot Process Church which turned into the kinder and gentler Best Friends Animal Society that is almost unknown nowadays.
I’d love to hear more about what is going on at Columbus, and also Kansas City where they had to bring in so many Sea Org that they tried to buy an old Catholic church property to house them. I keep hoping that more people with inside knowledge, and recent defectors, will chime in.
I went by Orlando once when they were in a worn and dirty old roadside commercial building that must have been their location for years. They seemed like a hole-in-the-wall org, and their sad state was confirmed by things I later read, including that they couldn’t even finish their own central files in time for the opening of the “ideal” building and had to send them over to Clearwater.
“Fully staffed org.” Well that of course that implies that most orgs are NOT fully staffed, so this one is a desired rarity.
Since the truth of most scn statements, my suspicion is that Columbus may, at best, have a few warm bodies in Div 1, HCOl just enough to fabricate stats that DM won’t get too upset about. What’s the phrase, “acceptable truths”?
Thanks; I always enjoy reading comments like this.
If the Eyesore, I mean Buckeye, Cafe is so “famous” then how come I can’t find any mention of it outside of the $camalotofmoney site and a few pay for “news” p.r. sites.
I like the blurb for the joint that basically says: “If you ain’t a sheepbot then you aren’t welcome!”
“Hello, my name is Regge and I will be looking after you while you here.”
Take your order, “Donation hint, hint.”
Return with your order, “Donation hint, hint.”
Give you the bill (with Donations greatly appreciated printed on it), “Donation?”
Follow you to the counter while dropping not so subtle hints about donations.
Watch as you open your purse or wallet to pay, and suggest that giving the $45 change from the $50 you’re paying with as a donation, “Imagine how good you will feel as you consider all the people you will be helping.”
Then the person behind the counter joins in and they try to double team you.
And on it goes until you finally escape. With your change and a splitting headache.
These type of scenarios where an org get SO members to fill up what is missing and remaining there to hold the fort falls under the definiton of ‘garrison mission’.
The chances that the guy can recruit and replace himself ‐ and having to fight with all the others requests of personel – are so low one can’t even imagine.
Plus if he is seen as a key terminal to keep the stats up they will leave him there forever.
These ideal orgs are just a bunch of stat push that wont never last one day after the ribbon cutting.
And what is really bad is that miscavige knows it.
Right, LmR; the WORST thing is to be seen as really competent. Then they’ll chain you to your post with double the guards to ensure you never get away, not even for vacations. The same thing happened to me at the worst wog job I had after Flag. The first vacation I took in 8-9 years, the owner fired me when I called in to see if there were any problems I might be able to work on over the phone. Seemed “going above and beyond” was verboten.
LmR: McSavage don’t care as long as the extortion money, … err … “donations” keep flying into his Cayman Island or Swiss accounts.
In my case, a Billion reasons to fly away —like the wind. Part of my depression that started my trip Home was that the old man thought it’d take a Billion or more years to accomplish his high-as-a-kite dreams. If he REALLY had something to work with, it’d not take that long!
Can you imagine waking up a billion years from now and realizing how LITTLE had been accomplished? That’s depressing.
Dear Jere, I KNOW what you mean. As I mentioned before I had friends from High School who got hooked on “Hare Krishna”…..devastated their families totally. There was forced separations from family & friends to prevent the member from leaving the “commune”.
I recall seeing two former friends in Times Square in the late 1960’early 1070’s jumping up in down in “karate attire”….two had partially shaved heads, barefoot, bells jingling….holding signs begging for money.
I knew their parents who were beyond hurt, devastation & shock…all the college fund money “somehow ended up in the hands of you know who”…..along with money saved for college books, equipment, a car. Most hurtful was the “required disconnection” from their former family & friends.
Many years went by with no contact, when a chance came….too many years & too much hurt had come……all was lost.
I recall one or two of these “kids” committed suicide….no money, no job, no future, no nothing. Every cent went to Hare Kristhna.
Thank goodness I had common sense NOT to join anything…as my father always said
“If something seems too good to be true…………..” That prevented me from indulging.
Nothing was accomplished from Hare Krisna, The Moonies, The Children Of God…..Heaven’s Gate people died….BUT there is STILL an ACTIVE website & participants…..Now THAT ALONE is SCARY.
For you….you are OUT, living the best life you can away from it all….I wish you & your family much joy & health!
I love how one of their main selling points is a “fully manned org.” Now what does that really say?
Every position including the ED is “held from above” and there are only 1 or 2 clams left to DO anything. Of course that means that the auditor and C/S are still studying their course materials, the receptionist/bookstore/treasury person peeks in on them every once in a while as course sup. All pretty much dog-tired and broken
That may be too charitable, guessing there are as many as 3 folks in total “manning” the hundred or more vital posts Hubbard required be filled one way or the other on his “streamlined” Organizing Board.
Maybe off topic but newsworthy none the less.
A friend just told me she’s just received both an email and a voicemail from someone saying they are with a Flag chaplain’s office tour. They told her they are near her town and will drop by and try to help her up the bridge. So, the mecca of tech perfection is sending vampires out on house calls now! Holy Shit Batman! Desperation to the max. Friend told me she’ll just ignore them.
Flag “Chaplain”. Wanna bet it’s a Div VI registrar’s tour renamed to a real-sounding title. And /YES, they gotta be scraping the bottom of the barrel to send a “tour” for what sounds like retail registration. Holy DESPERATION, Batman!
I only hope that they’re nowhere near me, not that I have ANY trouble saying “NO!” to hateful salesmen. (Apologies to all who were saddled with the post. It was a thankless task much of the time.)
Scientology is a total shitshow. Smoke and mirrors.
Unfortunately, Scientology will continue until the government shuts them dow but probably won’t because the government uses Scientology and Scientologists as guinnea pigs in the mind control experiment they use for politics.
“…probably won’t because the government uses Scientology and Scientologists as guinnea pigs in the mind control experiment they use for politics.”
Care to provide evidence to back up this part your idiotic statement?
GL: Did you learn anything from the scamming, deceiving, conning, manipulating, unduly influencing from the Scientology shenanigan’s and how mind fuckery works?
Do you know how mass hypnosis really works?
Do you understand how propaganda is used to unduly influence the masses?
Just a suggestion for your own sanity.
Go all the way down that rabbit hole, GL, study up on propaganda and mind control and make sure you park your ego and self righteous knowingness at the door or you won’t ever know the truth. Just goes to show that Cognitive Dissonance keeps the sheeple trapped and clueless.
Study up on the tactics Hitler and his henchmen used to get millions of human beings slaughter and abuse 6 millions jews who did nothing wrong.
Inhumane and cruel.
We know you can do it GL and others who don’t believe they have not been unduly influence via politicians. You did it to either get out or stay away from the cult of Scientology.
“…probably won’t because the government uses Scientology and Scientologists as guinnea pigs in the mind control experiment they use for politics.”
I will ask again: Can you provide some sort of evidence that the government is using $camalotofmoneyology as guinea pigs.
You have made the assumption, incorrectly, from someone asking a question to a statement, that on the surface is a baseless opinion and sounding paranoid, bears an answer to concluding that I am, or have ever been, a $camologist. That’s an amazing piece of arrogance on your part. If you can’t answer a little more civilly then anything further you have to say on the matter is a waste of time.
GL – Do tell me why the government hasn’t shut the evil cult down? What benefit do they get by putting their heads in the sand and pretending lives don’t get destroyed.
No protection for innocent people trusting they are walking into a “church”.
Here is a little data
Do more research on “Operation Paperclip”
As far as the mind control the governments use, I can’t and won’t spoon feed you the truth via research you can do on your own.
“… I can’t and won’t spoon feed you the truth via research you can do on your own.”
It is incumbent upon you as the original poster to provide something, anything, to back up what, when asked, can now be described as a spurious comment and therefore be ignored. You have gone the route of the shoddiest type of commenter that is all to prevalent nowadays: Do your own research. Sheer intellectual laziness.
Now as to your link to “Operation Paperclip.” What in the hell does bringing Nazi scientists, chemists, etc to the US after the end of W.W. 2 have to do with $camology? You seem to be drawing an incredibly long bow trying to tie the two together and failing dismally.
GL: I can see the conversation is triggering that ole Scientological Implant and getting you upset
Cognitive dissonance plays a role
Do your own research. Or don’t. It’s your sanity at stake.
You are still using the loaded language Scientology implanted into your subconscious mind .
Do some research on de programming after leaving a cult
It takes many years coupled with persistence and a conscious effort to accomplish sufficient Deprogramming from Scientology.
None of our minds will ever be totally cleansed from the garbage LRH implanted.
It has been my experience that most ex Scientologist never accomplish the daunting task And get sucked into other Cults, including political cults and multi level marketing scams.
The experiments were conducted by the tRUMP minions, GL. The evidence is clear, so to speak — Totally obvious.
Sadly, I was taken in by his simple lies the first time. By the “stolen” election (for which there was zero evidence), I twigged that he was a fraud and hadn’t done a tenth of his claimed accomplishments, much like Hubbard. Both were crazy as loons. tRUMP’s lies are just easier to research.
Politically, tRUMP is as dead as Hubbard.
AMEN…………….to it all!
The Freewinds…..a/k/a SHIP OF FOOLS.
You hit the jack pot,
It’s a very successful application of stockholm syndrome.
For those who forgot it, in mid 80’s employees of a foreign mission was taken hostage by group of young Swedish radicalist.
After couple of weeks when they got freed they were having sympathy for hijackers and denied any coercive measures taken by them.
Some thing similar happening here , after all these processing or training , getting exposed all facets of their life , followers feel themselves at the mercy of Cult.
They with guilt conscious justify all the wrong doings of the Cult, as they “deserved” it.
A very superior form of control through manipulation of mind.
Cults are for control, obsession and deception. As long as they can do it, they “exist”.
So these Sea Org members will remain there indefinitely? Just curious how that works.
Not well. They eventually leave in most cases….
The Cafe reminds me of ISKCON (Hindu) Temple ,here in down town Toronto, open for public.
A vegetarian restaurant ,where members either donate time or stuff .All the proceeds goes to temple.
That’s the Hari Krishnas, right? I went there a couple of times for their “free” vegetarian feast on Sunday afternoon. Of course it wasn’t really free, as they nickel and dimed you until you shut them up with some green, but I have to say, the food was really tasty – a healthy relief from my pizza slices and beer diet at the time.
That Hari Krishna restaurant calls itelf a “Vegetarian Restaurant”. But they use several modern products like white sugar to lower their costs. As far as I’m concerned, this is false advertising. People who live natural or vegan diets abhor refined sugar and white flour. They are some of the worst products there are.
So, I would call this restaurant an attempt to rake in donations while keep their costs rock bottom. The result is just to grab as much cash as possible. Why does that seem so familiar?
If you are looking for ways to eat healthy, I would advise people to avoid this restaurant. There is a much better restaurant in the same city that is run by the members of the Sri Chinmoy group. I’s called the Annapurna restaurant and it’s located on Bathurst St. near Dupont.
You have to pay for the food. Would you expect to get good food for free? But their food seems to be an accurate sampling of the best Indian vegetarian food available. Their prices are reasonable and their food is delicious. I can’t imagine them using low cost products like refined sugar.
Hi, my experience with the Krishna Restaurant was back in the ’70’s. The word ‘vegan’ hadn’t entered common parlance, and “vegetarianism” meant included dairy and eggs; avoiding meat and fish was the main idea, and the only group practicing what came to be called veganism were the macrobiotic set. I remember a macro devotee telling me it was okay to smoke (as macro guru George Osawa did), because a microbiotic diet would neutralize the cancer-causing properties of cigarettes (good luck with that).
I also ate in the Sri Chinmoy restaurant in San Francisco which was run by Carlos Santana’s wife (so I was told). She worked behind the counter and always had a friendly smile.
I saw some Krishnas on the street before the COVID hit. The had the oblong drums but were dresses conservatively; no white robes. They’re still around but I think they had their moment. Knowing what I now know about scientology, the Krishnas’ small time panhandling pales by comparison.
Replace THEMSELVES? WHO were THEY “replacing”? The folks “missing” should be replacing themselves, first, of course, but Dwarfenführer® can’t be bothered to do the “organize” part of “Cope and organize”. As long as the accounts he controls keep getting fatter, he don’t care. AFAICT, Columbus was in the same shape as Philadelphia: a small franchise barely hanging in there forced to ‘graduate’ to becoming a full org right now, now, NOW! Then forced to acquire a white elephant of an “ideal” org too big for ANY org to use effectively. Even Flag in its heyday of 1000 real staff and bursting-at-the-seams DELIVERY couldn’t have used all 50,000 square feet of those monstrosities, though we used more square footage if you count the berthing only Sea Org orgs require for their staff. I doubt the idle morgs could legally be used for berthing though that sort of thing might be a good idea for org staff to be able to live without being paid for their effort. I believe that only those with an external income and a paid-for home (maybe the parents’ place) can afford to work for scientology in any capacity. The greed at the top precludes the staff from getting paid a living wage. Started with Tubby; continues unabated with the tiny tyrant™.
I live in central Ohio and never even knew there was an org in Columbus until I read it on your blog. I’ve only driven by the new “Ideal” org once or twice . . . .crickets!
Yeah, it was downtown on high street. It was a shady little retail shop. Usually creepy looking with videos playing in the front window.
The biggest reason to not even start “the Bridge” (Hubbard’s quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism step by step stepladder) is it is quackery.
And you don’t need this quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism.
You don’t need this stuff.
Xenu didn’t dump zillions of surplus souls onto earth during the Wall of Fire conflagration “engram” (the 4th Dynamic Engram, no less).
Xenu is believed to be the “who” for really all of any human being’s “OT case” (your surplus souls/aka “body-thetans”‘. “case”).
You don’t have this nonsense “case” to even get rid of.
Scientology is a bogus quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism sales snipe-hunting outfit whose members don’t even know they are such.
Hubbard kept everyone carefully believing other lofty sentiments, never really bothering to even call Scientology pseudo-therapy and exorcism for what they really are.
Quackery that pretends religious legitimacy.
The world needs to know Scientology simply for what the stepladder of steps are.
Pseudo-therapy (past lives trauma relief, supposedly)
Years of exorcism (on the OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)
Pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
That’s Scientology.
Xenu is the reason for all the Scientology exorcism levels, since Xenu earth dumped the “body-thetans” onto earth that supposedly all humans are infested with today and which need the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism.
That’s the simplicity of what Scientology’s selling.
The Ideal Orgs aren’t allowed to even simply define themselves.
And it’s all on Hubbard.
He set up this word misuse self defining of Scientology so it’s never going to be simply defined by any of the Scientologists.
The public need to know what Scientology is, but don’t rely on the Scientologists to ever tell you their OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps are exorcism, nor that Xenu is the man who caused earth the surplus souls (“body-thetans”) which Scientology exorcise off themselves on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Chuck, best summary of Scientology ever printed. Keep up the great work.
C’mon, Chuck! Don’t hold back.😇 Tell us exactly what you think of Tubby’s quackery.
Xenu didn’t exist, the ” Galactic Confederation” of 75 planets didn’t exist, it was a scam from before the beginning as Dianutics was only a slightly modified psychoanalytic procedure that had been abandoned before Hubbard HEARD about it. The only “research” Hubbard did was scanning through psych texts randomly in the local library.
Seems like it would be more fun to go to the Harlem org, but then there’d be the cost of accommodations in NYC as compared to Ohio.
Wonder how their campaign makes the folks at the “Cincinnati” org in Kentucky feel.
Also, d’you think we say Columbus instead of his real Italian name Columbo because people would first think of Lt. Columbo, as played by Peter Falk?
Just one more thing …
Joe, it might sound like more fun to go to the Harlem Org, but in fact it would be ZERO fun to go to any Org. Why? Because any Org or Mission dishes up the same standard dreck. The only fun one would have at the Harlem Org would be waking up and blowing that pop stand and finding out how much cool shit was going down in the ‘hood OUTSIDE the building. Away from the course sups, ethics officers, regges, recruiters, etc.
Back in the days, when I was in NYC (about 50 years ago), there were a bunch of NYO staff who found apartments cheap enough that even THEY could afford them IF they chose to live in squalor even the Sea Org didn’t have to put up with. IF they can get the local skinny, out-of-towners *could* live pretty cheaply. I’d expect Columbus to have even better deals for places considerably cleaner, though. But what’s to do on a weekend if you’re not studying in both Day and Foundation orgs’ schedules in order to speed through Davey’s “endless GAT/GAK on-ramp” to the Bridge™ to total delusion.
And NOWHERE in the promo do they promise actual results. Oh yeah, I forgot. Its $cientology!
Of course they can’t promise results. There are none to be had in what’s calling itself scientology these days. A nebulous “go up the Bridge” is the best they can muster.
Oh, so, so true Jere. Sadly I listened to that nebulous plea for far too long. A complete waste of money and time. Thankfully I woke up and walked out.
From my unofficial, unscientific survey, everyone who got away quickly enough experienced a sudden improvement in all Dynamics and a considerable diminishment of any and all emotional problems. In addition, we finally had money and time we could spend upon ourselves and anyone we cared about. The end of endless other-determination— doing what was dictated from above
So many of us woke up enough to leave, ensuring that there are fewer clams currently clapping** than there are “Bitter de-frocked apostates”.
**:(Sorry, I couldn’t resist the alliteration.)
Mike, how long can they keep up this facade? Usually there is tipping point where the ship is clearly going down.
The ship going down, they just don’t care!
BKmole, Scamology is LONG past the tipping point. In the USA there are almost no non-staff adherents. Go to any Ideal Morgue on a week night or a Saturday. EMPTY. The largest single group active is at home Solo NUTS auditors.
I’m half expecting one or more of their mausoleums to burn down from the flaunting of electrical codes I saw running rampant through the renovations we did in the Fort Harrison in ’76. Of course they’ll try to pin the damage on us apostates somehow, but I’ve got an iron-clad alibi. For the next few years, I suspect. I physically can’t get to them thar places and don’t smoke anymore, so don’t have a working lighter or matches.
Once ONE of them burns to the ground, the odds of others just as shoddily renovated flaming up increases. doubt WE will have to do ANYthing as the demented Midget loses more of his tiny empire’s net worth with each empty warehouse lost to entropy.
BKmole, I expect we’ll pretty soon see rats abandoning the good ship McSavage. When Fleecewinds sinks, it’ll probably be “donated” to be an artificial reef for the local divers. And of course, its value will be greatly inflated to give the accountants even another reduction of (trackable) gross income
Good to read that no one is buying their shtick anymore. I wonder if david miscavige knows this and is just trying to hang on as leader until he can blame it one someone else and/or moves off to Target 3. Wait! He’ll probably have to move off to Target 2 to fix the mess LRH created there.
I’ll repeat something I once said before. I don’t wish it on him, but the best thing for Miscavige would be to contract a serious illness that would allow him to resign without repercussions. A mild stroke would fit the bill, one he could recover from enough to go scuba diving or whatever. I’m sure he’s salting funds away in a Swiss bank account if he’s got any brains. He could slowly disengage from the cherch claiming “health reasons.”
On second thought: I just remembered Shelly. He can’t leave until she passes away. She knows too much, and probably enough to send him to the slammer. So, there he is, stuck as COB. Dictators do not lead happy lives, and he’s no exception.
… and as much as I’d like to think a more benevolent dictator for the church of scientology would step in, I doubt that would happen. Cruelty and injustice is just baked into its system; that organism thinks it needs to be cruel to survive. Plus, who would take over at this point, some lawyer for the church?
Good point, Mary. Yes, cruelty and injustice is baked into scientology. After all, look who founded it?
Who would take over? It would have to be some total kook-aid drinker like Moxon. The army of wog lawyers, like Ms. Ying Ling, want nothing to do with the cherch beyond the billable hours.
Hope you’re doing well, Mary. Your tearful .appearance on The Aftermath remains vividly in my mind. All the stuff you went through; I’m so glad you got out of there. Take care, Scott, aka bixntram
AFAICT, the only guy who could take the reigns over after Dwarfenführer® is TC, though he doesn’t need the money DM is salting away, and seems disinclined to take a management role on in scn. Heck, he HAS his aircraft AND the licenses to pilot them.DM’s got tons of MEST, but the locations SUCK. TC has houses in desirable places, DM’s stuck in Southern California, LONG distances from anywhere anyone wants to be.
Mary, it’d be kinda fitting if the sharks who served Dwarfenführer® so faithfully for so long got to experience what a dog’s dropping of an enterprise they’d been defending. Who knows? Maybe they’ll accumulate enough dirt on DM to get him extradited and tried for some of his crimes
Maybe Shelly will finally be “found” and released from her punishment.
BnT, I think Miscavige is a typical authoritarian leader who knows nothing but being in charge, and can’t imagine anything other than life at the peak of a power structure. Such types almost never retire to a quiet life, even when it would be the wisest choice.
Also, I think that Miscavige would have to fear bitter exes coming after him – including some of his own direct victims – if he ever left the “point of power” in Scientology. Whoever follows after him is likely to scapegoat Miscavige for everything that has gone wrong, turning him into a pariah and the biggest SP of all time, and he would have to live with knowing he was being vilified where once he was glorified, and ensconced in a walled compound with a security team.
Like gamblers, such types never really plan for losing. The reason they’re in the positions they are, is because they don’t think like, and aren’t motivated like, normal people.
Very astute observations; thanks. He’ll probably go out like Hitler, who railed against the Jews and the generals who “betrayed” him to the very end.
PeaceMaker, DM made himself the most effective and worst SP in scn’s history. He’s doing an INCREDIBLE job dismantling the organization Tubby created.