I originally posted a version of this in early 2017. I have updated it with additional information and quotes.
It’s important, especially in light of the ongoing prosecution of Danny Masterson, other investigations, and civil cases. Anyone who confronts scientology witnesses needs to understand the nature of the beast.
While repeatedly asserting that they are “the most ethical group on earth” and that they are constantly having to “get rid of” people who “cannot live up to their ethical standards,” in truth, every dedicated scientologist is a liar. Why?
The short answer: they believe that achieving the “Aims of Scientology” and “Clearing The Planet” are so vital for the well-being of all mankind that those ends justify any means.
But, as with most other things in scientology, the simple answer is also the simplistic answer that really doesn’t bring much understanding.
So, let’s break it down.
First, why do I say every dedicated scientologist is a liar? If you ask ANY scientologist about the “confidential upper level materials” they will lie and tell you “it’s not part of scientology” or “it’s not true” or “that is an alteration.” Even if you read or show them the exact writing by L. Ron Hubbard. If you ask any scientologist whether you can be a scientologist and a christian, the vast majority will tell you “absolutely” even though they know it is a lie (see “Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too?” ).
But the lying is not limited to these two things, and there is a lot of “scripture” that explains this.
Let us once again return to that all-important writing of L. Ron Hubbard: Keeping Scientology Working.
We’re not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn’t cute or something to do for lack of something better. The whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology. This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out of the trap now, we may never again have another chance. Remember, this is our first chance to do so in all the endless trillions of years of the past.
Scientologists take this to heart. Hubbard expressed it here and in many other places. The future of all mankind rests in the hands of those who have “the tech.” Everyone is counting on them, whether they know it or not and this is an awesome responsibility. NOTHING is more important than this and NOTHING must prevent scientology from achieving its objectives.
The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics
This is the guiding principle laid out by Hubbard as the foundation of all morality and even survival. Here is how Hubbard put it in 1980 in his Policy Letter entitled Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics.
An optimum solution to any problem would be that solution which brought the greatest benefits to the greatest number of dynamics.
He goes on to explain this concept:
To be good, a thing must contain construction which outweighs the destruction it contains. A new cure which saves a hundred lives and kills one is an acceptable cure.
To really understand what he is talking about it is necessary to understand “the Dynamics” in scientology. These are the 8 “urges towards survival”. Here is the description straight from the scientology website:
There is nothing inherently wrong with this. It makes some sense and seems benign.
Until you consider what the “3rd Dynamic” is for scientologists: Scientology. This is their group. And they honestly believe that scientology is the ONLY route to save every man, woman and child on planet earth. It is their belief that if scientology is flourishing, then every person, every family, every group, mankind and even animals and the environment will flourish.
So, the real equation for scientologists then becomes: :”If it is good for scientology, it increases survival across ALL Dynamics and thus it must be good.” This justifies not only lying but harming people so long as it is for the benefit of scientology.
The “Acceptable Truth” and the “Shore Story”
Hubbard explained that in scientology that there is something known as an “acceptable truth.” He defined it this way in his PR Series:
Handling truth is a touchy business also. You don’t have to tell everything you know-that would jam the comm line too. Tell an acceptable truth. Agreement with one’s message is what PR is seeking to achieve. Thus the message must compare to the personal experience of the audience.
Scientology “doctrine” also encompasses the “Shore Story” which is used to cover up the truth. It first came into use in the Sea Org during the Apollo years when Hubbard did not want to be found. Thus there was a “Shore Story” concocted that everyone on his ship Apollo had to learn when they were “ashore” – they were never to mention scientology, only that the Apollo was home to a “Management consulting company called Operation and Transport Corporation.” It was a lie, this was the elite top echelon of scientology on earth, but it was an “acceptable truth.” Again, when scientologists first moved to Clearwater, the “Shore Story” was that this was “United Churches of Florida” and that the buildings had been purchased by “Southern Land Development and Leasing Corporation.” Many “Shore Stories” have been used to conceal the truth from the media, government and public about scientology activities.
In scientology, when dealing with the outside world, the truth is malleable… Or more accurately, the truth in scientology is whatever they believe best serves to make scientology look good or conceal its involvement altogether.
The Code of Honor
Another foundational writing of Hubbard that scientologists rely on heavily is Hubbard’s “Code of Honor.” Again, this is from the scientology website.
Like the description of the Dynamics, there is nothing inherently wrong with this. Except in how it is applied.
MANY scientologists will quote paragraph 12 as the explanation that justifies immoral or unethical acts if those acts are in furtherance of “helping scientology” which is, of course, always a “just cause.”
Fair Game
We see these principles spelled out in the Fair Game policy.
Those designated as enemies of scientology may be, according to Hubbard:
…deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.
Scientology says this policy was canceled, but in fact, the policy of how to treat enemies (SPs) was NOT changed, only reference to the term “Fair Game” was canceled because “it caused bad public relations.”
The practice of declaring people FAIR GAME will cease. FAIR GAME may not appear on any Ethics Order. It causes bad public relations. This [policy letter] does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP.
Anyone or anything thought to be an enemy of scientology may be lied to. This is not just an isolated statement — it is the distillation of a LOT of “scripture” in scientology. And explains why the PRACTICE is not altered, just the use of the term.
“Wogs,” the Government and the Media
Hubbard dictates an attitude towards the outside world that is the mindset of every good scientologists. Anyone who is not a scientologist is a “wog” – someone to be treated with a mixture of pity and contempt. Wogs do not understand life. They are ignorant, misinformed or evil. They do not know how to solve their own or mankind’s problems. They are doomed to an eternity of suffering unless they wake up and begin to “apply the tech.”
Hubbard defined a “wog” in a Briefing Course lecture in 1966:
…common, everyday garden-variety humanoid … He ‘is’ a body. [He] doesn’t know he’s there, etc. He isn’t there as a spirit at all. He is not operating as a thetan.
And beneath the pity and contempt for wogs in general is the hatred reserved for Govt Officials, the justice system and the Media (just a step above the dreaded psychiatrists). Hubbard rails repeatedly against “wog justice” and how it cannot be trusted, against FBI Agents and “tax cruds”, against Interpol and the KGB. They are all one big pot of Suppressives trying to destroy scientology. So too the media, who have seen him as a threat to their empire of chaos:
…there must be in our civilization some very disturbing elements for anything else [other than good] to be believed about Scientology. These disturbing elements are the Merchants of Chaos. They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes.
In fact, anyone who has any connection with these sordid types is banned from any participation in scientology.
And the very bottom of the barrel, according to Hubbard, are police and court systems which are “composed of downstats who couldn’t make it in life any other way.”
Hubbard goes on to proclaim (and remember, scientologists are bound to understand and follow his every word):
“Police and justice systems, aided by advice from criminal practitioners such as psychologists and psychiatrists, sink into a belief that all men are criminals. This at once justifies their own vicious practices and excuses their merciless injustices against all men.”
“The FBI… principles are carefully planned wholly on terrorism and conducts itself more lawlessly than any criminal it ever listed as Public Enemy #1….. In the name of “justice” they practice every conceivable perversion of injustice.”
With all this in mind, is it any wonder scientologists will brazenly lie to law enforcement, the media and even while giving sworn testimony under oath? It’s not only for the “greatest good” it’s also directed at those who are held in contempt as being blights on the good people of the world.
Handle it with Scientology
A corollary to the contempt for “wogs” is the belief that everything in life and in the world can be dealt with better, smarter and faster within scientology. The “Wog” justice system is slow, unjust and only helps criminals.
Hubbard also states:
“We have a superior law code and legal system which gives real justice to people…”
“So therefore we must use Scientology tech, admin and justice in all our affairs. No matter how mad it sounds, we only fail when we don’t.”
Every scientologist knows that if they come across a matter that would ordinarily be reported to authorities, that their FIRST and ONLY obligation is to report it to the appropriate person in scientology, usually a representative of the Office of Special Affairs (OSA). If interaction is required with government agencies, OSA will take care of it.
All scientologists believe the organization will take care of any and all matters — and better than “wogs” can do it.
A Hubbard example
To put a cherry on top of this rancid cake, here is a wonderful example from L. Ron Hubbard on HOW to go about destroying someone with lies.
It comes from his infamous writing in 1972 entitled Intelligence Principles. He is describing a hypothetical scenario of how you can “get rid of” an “enemy.” This is EXACTLY the sort of thing done to Paulette Cooper as detailed in Tony Ortega’s book The Unbreakable Miss Lovely. It is one lie to be told after another and he lays out here the model of lying and fakery as standard procedure for scientology when dealing with “enemies.”
Example: Gosh Porge is located as an antagonistic source in the Bureau of Mines. Study Bu of Mines. They frown on corrupt and bankrupt employees, it is carefully worked out by survey. Gosh Porge receives a check for 250 pounds from the Aluminium Company of America at his office for “tip off and patents sent” and “his wife” runs up fur coat bills at Harrods who sue and “a man in Soho” wants his 1800 pounds gambling debt and “a mistress” calls his boss and demands the return of her diamonds “Gosh borrowed” and as it keeps up, even Gosh Porge’s best denials won’t prevent his being sacked.
And “Legal areas” like lawyers are a point of hit also.
Without consulting Legal Bu Bish Smish is suing C of S for truckloads. Survey his attorneys covertly. One finds they detest “people from the City”, very prejudiced against money clauses. So City blokes start appearing on their lines for Bish Smish – will he win the suit? Broker wants to know can Bish Smish cover his margins?
City bowler hat beats up lawyer with an umbrella because Bish Smish said he was going to get the lawyer to sue him over the “blocks of stock” Bish Smish swindled. Keep it up. Soon he won’t have any lawyer!
Real Life Example
There are numerous examples of scientologists provably lying in public — perhaps the most infamous of all is when Tommy Davis said on CNN “There is no such thing as disconnection.”
But, one could argue “that was not lying under oath.” True, so here is an on point example. And for this I refer to my old friend Marty Rathbun’s blog for his posting of 19 August, 2010 entitled Lying in Miscavige’s $70 Million Bunker.
This article not only recounts the fact that the President of RTC, Warren McShane, is kept in his position by Miscavige for the sole reason that he is a good liar under oath (something Miscavige also told me and others) but it documents completely contradictory statements made by McShane to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office and Tommy Davis in a sworn deposition. McShane swore to the Sheriff’s that he sent 4 people to Corpus Christi Texas to retrieve John Brousseau after he escaped the Int Base. One of the 4 was Tommy Davis. Under oath in deposition, Davis claimed he was NOT sent by anyone and simply went because he was “JB’s friend.” Rathbun also documents other lies told by McShane to the RCSO. I only cite Rathbun for the specific example of scientology officials lying under oath because today scientology itself cites Rathbun as a reliable and trustworthy source of information. They have promoted numerous videos he has done for them over the last couple of years.
And scientologists not only lie, they also destroy evidence. Once again, Marty Rathbun speaks:
Destruction of evidence reported in St Petersburg Times
Rathbun’s deposition testimony on 22 December 2014 concerning destruction of evidence in the Lisa McPherson case:
Q. Was the McPherson case the case in which you have acknowledged that you ordered the destruction of documents?
A. At the behest of David Miscavige, yeah.
Q. So — so the answer is, you ordered the destruction of documents, correct?
A. I forwarded the order to destroy any evidence that might link David Miscavige to the case.
Some Statements from Law Enforcement
In a summary of findings made by the FBI in an investigation they conducted into scientology in 2009, the FBI agents concluded:
“All Sea Org members are instructed how to lie to outsiders and authorities who might inquire of their living and working conditions.”
And this is from the US DOJ Sentencing Memorandum submitted in the case of 11 senior scientologists who pled guilty to infiltrating the US government, obstruction of justice and other charges:
“The brazen and persistent burglaries, thefts and bugging’s directed against the United States Government were but one minor aspect of the defendants wanton assault upon the laws of this country. The well-orchestrated campaign to thwart the federal Grand Jury Investigation by destroying evidence, giving false fingerprints in response to a Grand Jury subpoena, harboring a fugitive, kidnapping a witness, preparing an elaborate cover-up story, and assisting in the giving of false statements to the Grand Jury shows the contempt which these defendants had for the judicial system of this country. Their total disregard for the laws is further made clear by the criminal campaigns of vilification, burglaries, and thefts which they carried out against private and public individuals and organizations and carefully documented in minute detail.
“…these defendants were willing to frame their critics to the point of giving false testimony under oath against them and having them arrested and indicted speaks legion for their disdain for the rule of law. Indeed, they arrogantly placed themselves above the law meting out their personal brand of punishment to those “guilty” of opposing their selfish alms.
“The crimes committed by these defendants is of a breadth and scope previously unheard of. No building, office, desk, or file was safe from their snooping and prying.’ No individual or organization was free from their despicable conspiratorial minds. The tools of their trade were miniature transmitters, lock picks, secret codes, ‘ forged credentials, and any other device they found necessary to carry out their conspiratorial schemes.
“L. Ron Hubbard wrote in his dictionary entitled “Modern Management Technology Defined” that “truth is what is true for you.” Thus, with the founder’s blessings they could wantonly commit perjury as long as it was in the Interest of Scientology. The defendants rewarded criminal activities that ended in success and sternly rebuked those that failed. The standards of human conduct embodied in such practices represent no less than the absolute perversion of any known ethical value system. In view of this, it defies the imagination that these defendants have the unmitigated audacity to seek to defend their actions in the name of “religion,”
This only scratches the surface of the documentation that could be laid out to support the fact that all scientologists lie to protect scientology.
The writings of L. Ron Hubbard MUST be followed in scientology. They are not optional.
Sadly, most people are generally honest and they do not at first blush grasp the concept that someone could simply lie. They have a hard time with the idea that what scientology says about people they do not like could in fact have NO BASIS in truth whatsoever. Often they will invent things based on “surveys” — they think “embezzlement” is unpopular so they accuse whistleblowers of “embezzling money” just like the “mistress” does in the Hubbard example above. They think people find wife-beaters abhorrent, so they find some “City bowler hats” to claim victims of their abuses are wife-beaters. It’s invented and intended to destroy reputations and cost people their jobs, and few can contemplate that a so-called “church” would do such a thing.
Unfortunately, it is also a difficult concept to get police, prosecutors and judges to understand. Scientologists, especially people like Warren McShane or Allen Cartwright (who are sent to do depositions when all else fails so Miscavige can avoid the indignity) will NOT tell the truth, even when under oath, because they “know” it is not the “greatest good” to do so. That sort of lying is not normal in the outside world, but is absolutely the norm in scientology.
So, especially when you see a scientologist talking about an “enemy” or “critic” (often someone who has suffered abuses and spoken out about it) or speaking to the media to “protect” scientology from “negative stories” or testifying in a court case to “save scientology from the evils of wog justice” — know that lies will be the usual, not the aberration.
“Ends justify any means.” Didn’t Tovarish Lenin say that?
Hubbard said the lowest form of creation is lying, so he never told lies as he was simply creating. He was so addicted to exaggeration that even when he was telling the truth he was lying.
> downstats who couldn’t make it in life any other way.
The same can be said of LRH himself. It’s extraordinary to me how similar his behavior is to Trump’s, including his proclivity for projection: his insults reveal what he thinks about himself. Clearly he suffered from the same personality disorder.
Isn’t reading from “drear Alice” just a training on how to tell something completely random, and make it sound like your own words, and convince the other one that what you are saying is true? – For me this is the first step of training on how become a perfect lier. And this isn’t even high level Scientology..
LHR was an expert in psychology. He was able to interrupt healthy psychological development and supplant it with “how to be a narcissist and join with other narcissists to make 1 main narcissist rich”.
Healthy human psychology is one that is driven by understanding, natural curiosity and learning, not about power and control.
From the get-go, LHR’s writings are a perversion of the truth. Yes, some are driven by power and control. they are called 3 year olds. psychological 3 year olds, who inhabit adult bodies, are those who are wanting that type of message, that they can control their way through life. That is a lie that most people grow out of.
Grown ups know that the only thing you can truly control is YOU. LHR was an expert in using psychology against people who needed help the most. He was a predator and so is miscavige, revolta, screwz and the rest of them.
I wasn’t sure where to post this, but I was watching the aftermath on Netflix for the first time. Something that Kind of blew my mind was something that LRH said about religion. He said something to the effect of “the only way a religion can control you is through lies. All other religions are a lie, because how else can they control you,”.
If all writings and spoken word of LRH is doctrine, doesn’t that “prove” Scientology is a lie. Aren’t there other policies talking about controlling parishioners, especially newcomers by registrars to get them to pay money?
In other words, is there a way Scientologists can be shown they are being controlled by showing them LRH’s own words. Or vice verse, being lied to?
Of course, Cults are the only religions seeking to control their followers.
I have been in the navy and was at one point married to a scientologist who blew the seaorg. I really realted to this article. The inability to tell the truth was made very evident as my ex wife and I split up.
When my daughter was three we were returning from feeding thw ducks near where I live. My daughter started crying, at which point I asked i if she had a rock in her shoe. She shook her her no. I then asked what was wrong. She relayed to me that her mother had told her that if she came to see daddy she could not go to Disneyland.
I later attempted to speak to her mother to try to stop her from hurting our daughter further. She first tried to blame my daughter trying to lead me to believe that a three year old made that up. Then when I did not believe her, she tried to blame me for telling my daughter that she could not go to Disneyland if she came to my house I was completely done. That is also when I knew she had no ability to tell the truth.
It has always been apparent to me that Scientology existed to help people cover up their secrets. The only thing I’ve ever heard that seems just or humane is that if you are traumatized at a young age, the true soul you were born to be is altered and Scientology can help you undo the damage. Like intense therapy. But what has evolved is an organization totally devoid of any spiritual principles like love, kindness, and forgiveness. Without spiritual principles, no true recovery can ever be achieved. I strongly support that Scientology lose its tax exempt status. Without that, it will crumble like a house of cards. L. Ron Hubbard forgot the most important part of self recovery, to love yourself and others. It needs to be totally outed as the criminally insane cult that it is. People get empty and lost and they look for something to fill the void. Watch out for meanness!!
The COS Theme Song…..
Liar Liar Pants On Fire…..
#2 on the Honor Code (Never withdraw allegiance once granted.) always bugs me.
Basically it says whatever you fall for (or into) when you are young, impressionable, immature, etc – hang on to it. Don’t ever grow and mature and adjust your views to be a better more well-rounded person.
Phillip, the “Honor Code” is also hypocritical on that point because it assumes or expects people will withdraw whatever allegiances they had prior to Scientology – many prior life allegiances are even in direct conflict with Hubbard’s perverse constructs and practices, though of course Scientology is not honest about that up front. Plus of course it makes no allowance for dealing with situations in which allegiance is not returned, is violated or exploited. And though it’s less obvious, of course any allegiances granted after Scientology, that the CofS doesn’t approve of, are expected to be withdrawn, too.
It’s a disingenuous attempt to try to lock people into being loyal to Scientology above all else, and even if Scientology betrays them. That “code” as well as the “way to happiness” precepts are cynically veiled situational ethics, intended to always skew to benefit Scientology as the “greatest good” at the cost of others.
scientologists lie, must lie, can’t not lie; it’s so written in their “scripture”. If they don’t, the whole house of cards implodes catastrophically.
scientology apparently will never learn that an “acceptable truth” must first be TRUE. Otherwise, the folks lied to catch onto their being lied to too often.
Shereefe, the SPs ARE fighting back; Leah & Mike via “Aftermath”, many people via the Aftermath foundation, Anonymous’s various protests on-line and IRL, even we who support the blogs getting the real truth out effectively; far more effectively than scientology has been distributing it’s “acceptable truths, a/k/a LIES. These days, the InterWebZ is NOT friendly to the organization representing itself as scientology. We SPs are more powerful than ANY scientologist
As has been said before, scientologists are most EXPERT at making enemies who can and do expose their dirty little secrets to the purifying light of the truth.
A perfect brief example of being caught lying on camera as MR just described above: https://youtu.be/T94xLs5srwo
OMG! Delphi — NOT scientology!? Tell me another after I clean the coffee off of my screen.
This article should be introduced as support evidence in the upcoming Masterson rape trail. It clearly show any Scientologist witness cannot be believed.
Are the courts equipped to handle such organized perjury, the likes of which I’m sure haven’t even been seen in mafia racketeering trials?
richardb42 :
they can’t really wrap their tiny little brains around the idea that a self-described “church” could lie with such aplomb. Of COURSE all criminals lie as uniformly, but any court has to treat any calling themselves a religion with the finest of kid gloves. They can’t, in their minds, make a mistake about that lest they undermine all religions
The Church of Scientology is a crime syndicate just like the Mafia, the main difference that the latter doesn’t offer personal counseling.
Sicilian Mobs perform extortion at gunpoint, the Church of Scientology in “Locked Door Events”.
Mafioso gangs shoot those who oppose their criminal activities, the Church of Scientology does it legally via Stasi Psych Ops, covert harassment operations and armies of lawyers.
Just because it contains the misnomer “Church” and doesn’t deal in illegal substances, doesn’t make it any more honest than any of the Mexican or Colombian drug cartels.
The Church of Scientology bankrupts primarily the elderly while in the same fell swoop is obsessed with “Putting Ethics In” on the planet. Their followers are expected to “Die in the attempt”. An evil and crazy house of mirrors.
Ever watched those nature shows? (I can’t). The predator animal selects the weakest to stalk and take down and eat. For whatever reason, the weakest. Maybe its the youngest, or the oldest. But its the easiest to separate from the herd for whatever reason. That’s the predator’s “selectee.”
And that’s Scientology.
The target of the Registrar is frequently not a wealthy person at all.
How vulnerable is she or he? How much does this person want to help at this particular time? Generally, (per the PC folder) how much does this person NEED to help?
Wealthy people are frequently NOT easily separated from their money. Which is why they have money 🙂 They know the “tech” of holding onto it 🙂
Wealthy people can be QUITE tight fisted and more importantly they are insulated by accountants and controllers and managers…its the ordinary, non-celeb, possibly comfortable income but not actually wealthy Scientologist who REALLY wants to help, really NEEDS to help, whom the Registrar’s unerringly select out of the herd. That’s the “bread & butter” selectee for the registrar. That the most vulnerable, never fail selectee who will ALWAYS give them a “stat”.
Believe me, I speak from experience. My own, unfortunately 🙂
PS: I speak from experience – my own, unfortunately 🙂
The big names with the top $$$ on IAS target boards are usually the whales. The “Not-Haves” are usually recruited for staff or gutted some other way. Everyone is some sort of of energy resource for this Mobster Cult, and they take out of you all they can get.
Even if you liked SCN auditing (Which I did), you cannot just go in, pay for it, and receive it. No, no, no … all sorts of strings have to be attached to you under the pretense of “Responsibility” and “Saving the Planet” — Step #1 in turning REALITY upside down on its head. In Step #2 of Hubbard’s altered REALITY, you get bankrupted, disconnected from your family … and told it’s because you have crimes against Scientology.
Welcome to the real ugly side of the Twilight Zone. Top is bottom, Right is Left, North is South …
True, all that you say, Foremost.
Formost said:
“The Church of Scientology is a crime syndicate just like the Mafia, the main difference that the latter doesn’t offer personal counseling.”
Yes, they do, and it’s similar in tenor, on the order of “An offer they can’t refuse”. In the end, All of scn’s “counseling” amounts to “Give us MOney, MORE money, even MORE M-O-N-E-Y!
Yup, any way, any method, any trick, any coercion the CO$ can muster to shake the $$$ out of you. They’ll even threaten to declare your wife if you won’t cough up the demanded $$$. Real Mafioso stuff.
It’s every citizen’s duty and responsibility to accurately inform the public and media about the Church of Scientology’s criminal behavior.
At least the Mafia has an inviolable code; scientology breaks any law, even their own, if there’s “good” money in it.
If they get away with it, they’re applauded. Only if they fail at their task, no matter its morality, do they get in trouble with their scientology ‘seniors’. BUT if it brings in MONEY, all can be forgiven.
Mike, someday can you explain why SP’s don’t fight back? I’m guessing that there’s hundreds but I have no idea. They know exactly how Scientology works. I’m a never in, so your blog today helps one to better understand their credibility. I believe that one joined Scientology innocently. Seems like most joined to save the planet ( very good intentions ) but once the truth is shown, they go away quietly. Hopefully the victims of DM will show their Attys blog articles like this one.
Like Mike says, the theory of “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” would be fine and workable except that the cult has it all squared around that Third Dynamic = Scientology and Scientology covers EVERYTHING, i.e, Scientology governs ALL dynamics so, effectively – according to this “logic” – effectively one must always put Scientology first, because then and only then, will the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics be applied!
Interesting, eh?
Even when I was still in, I was thinking about “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics”: “Yeah, right! The greatest good for the 3. Dynamic (only)”.
Hubbard said also: As soon as you knock out one of these dynamics on a human being and you say “For this individual, this dynamic cannot possibly exist,” you get trouble, because they all get knocked out. They come down on the same level. In other words, if you cut out half of one dynamic, you have cut out half of the rest of the dynamics. This package of dynamics is very vital to the survival of an individual.
Really?? With all what he did and how he set up the Orwellian system? The insolence! And this is still propagated and sold on the “Dynamics of Existence” course.
BINGO, Aqua. And THEN it all got collapsed down to Dwarfenführer®, as the self-declared “pope” of scientology, his word is the most important in the whole world, even trumping the clams’ own consciences, and it’s especially. superior to LRH’s “inalterable” writings.
Now, whenever the mood strikes, Davey-Boy will alter ANYTHING he wants, KSW be damned.
I lied to my father to stop him from calling the FBI when he thought (correctly) that my wife was being held against her will on the Freewinds. And I was dying of AIDS and just wanted to see her one last time before I died. I was not afraid of being declared SP. Has anyone ever seen an SP Declare on a dead man?
Bill, has ANYONE seen an SP declare except on the Internet? I didn’t. MANY have said they have never seen theirs; evidently only people who must disconnect from people declared SP get to see the “Goldenrod” as justification for deserting their friends in need.
In early days ( for me 1979 or 80 they used to come in my in-basket.
Scientology is a general lie. Or if someonw wants, a huge amount of half truths.
The concept of thetan is one of the basic falsehoodof the cult.
Life is just life and can be categorized into a significance.
LmR, I can’t think of a single statement in scientology which isn’t a lie of some sort; no “in general” about it.
Ya know, Mr Spock said “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” back in 1966. I think Hubbard was inspired by yet another sci-fi show.
Yup, Scott. He didn’t even have the imagination to change the wording much. That makes the plagiarism even easier to spot.
It follows that as hubbard was following his own creed, that his own comfort and wealth was a just cause, that he did not fear to hurt his followers lives and minds and physical bodies. He would do anything harmful, criminal or dishonest to his flock if it padded his bank account or feathered his nest. He could be as nasty and depraved as necessary to protect his own first dynamic. All those high sounding dynamics were inverted. They all served hubbard’s first, his urge to survive as a perverted, lying, dissipated, conniving, drug addicted philandering bigamist conman.
Very well put, imop. We comment a lot here about the heinous acts of The Tiny One, but let’s not forget that it was Hubbard who created a space in which sadists and narcissists can thrive.
Very true. The dynamics wee inverted. In fact, I personally think that Hubbard was not trying to free Body Thetans on the OT levels. In fact, I think he was converting his followers to Demons. That was his true goal.
Michael, He didn’t care anything about the slaves he created and accumulated. I’m not certain that he valued them more highly than “wogs”, which were suitable for nothing better than elimination without regret.
As I recall when receiving Grades auditing there was a command on one of the levels of “Create a lie” or words to that effect. And in some of the special TR’s courses for staff and in the PR Hat, there is a TR called “Non Answer the Question” or words to that effect. On that one the coach asks you a question and you have to give a non-answer while appearing to answer it. To me, this is lying also. If you deflect someone off the question and don’t answer it, that is a lie of omission.
The first question any attorney needs to ask any $cientologist is :
Have your done training routine L?
Tell the jury what TR-L is.
The witness is dismissed.
Yes sir ( or maam or (cow?); I have done it on the Freewinds when the (new) STCC came out around 1993. I believe we were told we would go to the RPF if we did not finish by a certain date. 1993; isn’t that when DM and company were working on the IRS to get tax exemption for the cult? Naw, could’nt be because DM has no management lines into the cult. I guess to be a successful Sea Org member you have to be a lyin sack of shit
Zee Moo, I didn’t hear about TR-L until I read about it on-line; here, I suspect.
The problem, zee, is that the’ll lie about Tr-L, or about drillling it until it is easier than breathing to them.
The following may actually be relevant to Mike’s story today in that the answer may fall within the area of “acceptable truth” in Scientology.
On ESMB Redux I ask:
Why is the Church of Scientology allowing members to publicly oppose, obstruct and thwart Command Intention that people wear face masks?
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The Church of Scientology is spending a significant amount of money promoting itself as a responsible “masks, gloves, social distancing” organization only to have an increasing number of stories and tweets be about how Scientologists are leading anti-mask and anti-social distancing protests and other efforts.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Probably because enough culties believe that mandating that people wear masks to prevent the spread of Covid 19 is a violation of their constitutional rights, and Scientology doesn’t want to annoy them.
Of course the mandating of mask wearing IS a violation of constitutional rights. No argument there!
But this highly contagious virus has demonstrated a remarkable lack of interest in anyone’s rights!
So the Cult of Scientology stays safely on both sides of a health issue that has, stupidly and dangerously become a political issue.
And all the while nature goes about its business, culling the herd.
I could comment on what I read here today, but it would require what Army guys call “barracks language.”
Well, if the people cannot handle that kind of language, who can? DM?
From what I’ve read DM routinely uses obscene language.
From what I’ve heard, he has a one-curse-for-every-occasion mouth, the ignorant twit’s way to try to shock his minions into compliance.
This blog often resonates with deep truths about Scientology, but never more so than today.
Thank you!
This is such important info for the public at large to understand. It shows how the members of the Church of Scientology under the leadership of David Miscavige are operating and that they have no scruple to lie and how this gets justified.
I was hoping you would bring this article anew. You managed in this article in a succinct way to show the indoctrination which is underlying the justifications why it is ok for Scientologists to lie. It is even demanded for the protection of the ‘church’, its members and management, as well as used to attack former members and critics.
That Hubbard talked so much about “truth” is just pure cynicism, as well as that the CoS’s spokespersons accuse any critics that they would be liars. It’s a pure projection of what is their standard operating procedure, desclaimers and besides the propaganda and deceit.
It would probably be good to put this article/headline somewhere on the frontpage of your site.
They lie for the exact same reasons all other criminals lie.
They have one additional very strong factor that causes them to lie even more so than all other criminals.
They are operating under mind control and the “group think” includes a great many reasons why they are compelled to lie.
Same as organized crime syndicates Skyler
What. Trying to pick up babes?
That “Code Of Honor” is truly scary. A psychopath will have no problem following this code.
I fully agree that lying is the default mode for Scientologists.
Well written but way too long. Who are you talking to? Are you on the side of ex-scientologists? Or creating something else? Lying is truly scary. And for me, this “article” would never relate to a scientologist that has realized the depth of this cult. Nevertheless, cheers.
Who are you talking to?
Are you on the side of ex-scientologists?
Or creating something else?
Huh? He is making a comment, saying what he thinks.
And for me, this “article” would never relate to a scientologist that has realized the depth of this cult.
“This cult” — was created by Hubbard, along with the mind-set; and he was quite some liar himself. 9:40 > https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x69ae1e
Who are YOU TALKING to? Mike or richardb42?
I’m pretty sure he was referring to the article. It is long, but for those of us that will like to see this evil cult die, any info is good info.
Just in case the comment was directed my way – believe me, I’ve seen the effect of this criminal mind-control mafia organization first hand. My 22yo gf just basically dropped her budding life to join Sea Org. What a bunch of evil bastards they are.
Craig, what do you mean by the phrase, “the DEPTH of this cult”(emphasis mine)? Are you referring to the degree to which Scientologists lie?
“Default mode.” Yes, I agree. They like constantly and automatically. They must, in order to remain “in good standing”.
Whoops…”lie” , not “like”, constantly.
On one of Hubbards lecture tapes he lays out lying as a therapy. I applied it and became an effective liar. Does anyone remember that lecture? Yet another case where Hubbard elevated lying to an acceptable, survival activity. Excellent article. I think finding the lecture and laying out hubbards words would be strong.
Hubbard WOULD see lying as a sacrament, wouldn’t he? He did it so effortlessly for so long, even seemingly seamlessly lying to cover up when two or more of his lies were obviously incompatible.
So scientology is the church and teachings of lientology? Interesting.
Damn, Peggy! Are you talking about Lientology? I’ve heard about it.
I didn’t know it was a real thing OSD but since you have heard of it it has to be a real thing. I know you wouldn’t lie about that!
I’d NEVER lie about that!!! Other things I would!
As a “never in”….all I can say is that “the long arm of the law” isn’t quite long enough. Seems that the government is quaking in it’s shoes & too terrified to take on COS for fear of reprisals.
The COS can dig up long buried secrets & back door deals from the most “snow white pure politician”….no matter how deeply the “sin is buried”. The COS will hire every sneaky creepy private detective to do their dirty work & expose and shade as much as they can. They have NO FEAR because they’ve gotten away with this for decades it seems.
The COS attitude seems to be “You lie & I’ll swear to it”…… and “If you do anything against us you KNOW what will happen to you, your family, your friends…” FEAR is a great motivator to forget & step aside in silence no matter what is has cost you.
The AFTERMATH exposed quite a bit…yet “they” still exist, unscathed, continuously buying Real Estate so it appears the “religion” is growing.
As a religion, how DARE anyone separate a religion from government & expect to walk away unscathed.
It is never going to happen.
The government is hampered by this thing called the U.S. Constitution.
As soon as Lientology ASSERTS it’s a religion, they can do nothing if the Lying lawyers characterizes their criminal actions as “religious”, and lawyers are EXPERT liers, well-trained to do so convincingly! (more convincingly than most scns. They never could get me to lie *convincingly*. My conscience tripped me up every time.
Actually quite incorrect jere. It is QUITE narrow what they can claim as “religion”. No crimes fall into that. Perjury isn’t covered either. The only real place it has impact is what the gov’t can see regarding finances, Priest penitent privilege, which is CENTURIES old and didn’t begin with the US Constitution, how volunteers are treated employee wise (which under the US Const. the gov’t has no say over in any case), religion or not Non-profit status can be independent of religious status. Most of the crap they get away with has to do with people signing contracts with them that they should NEVER sign, people REFUSING to testify and themselves be honest citizens, and other legal dodges that are available to all. Also having gullible people around who refuse free education that is pushed in their face.
Excellent article, Mike. You should be an expert witness. Thank God I never bought into Scientology. Whatever Hubbard wrote I considered as a suggestion. Looking for the OT powers was a waste of time. He was a con artist. The mind of a twelve year old.
“In a summary of findings made by the FBI in an investigation they conducted into scientology in 2009, the FBI agents concluded:
“All Sea Org members are instructed how to lie to outsiders and authorities who might inquire of their living and working conditions.”
As an example: my husband and I ran into his boyhood friend who has disconnected from him and he talked to us for several minutes. At one point I asked him why he was talking shit about me to my son and he said that I committed treason by appearing on that Leah Remini show. Knowing that he had seen my episode I said to him, “So you know that I did not tell one lie.“ He acknowledged that and said, “It’s about the Bigger picture.“ (It’s about the “greatest good“ for the church of Scientology).
This is someone whose own son was allegedly physically assaulted by David Miscavage and yet, they are both still in.
This is someone who threw his ex-wife under the bus, his two step sons under the bus, his boyhood friend, a business partner and others under the bus – all for an “Atta boy!” from OSA.
Thanks for sharing. I am stunned by how deeply Hubbard could damage a mind. These people seem to really believe that Hubbard controls their eternity. They become demons and take any action to stamp out good. I should have beat Miscavige to a pulp in 1989 when I had the chance. It would have been the greatest good.
I’m so sorry, Mary.
Actually, this loser ex-friend of yours committed treason against the cult merely by watching Leah’s show.
He turned into an OSA operative. When you’re OSA, you can read what you want. (He’s like the gimp in Pulp Fiction, Maynard’s leather-clad servant.)
I see this type of thinking in politics also. Some believe Julian Assange should be imprisoned/destroyed for exposing US war crimes. For simply telling the truth.
The US war machine is a church that must be protected at all costs.
The group is everything.
SO true mwestern. Assange is to me an American hero
Once again, you have put together another informative and excellent article that is spot on.
THanks Mat
Yup! I hope the lawyers read this so they can be more preemptive with who they are dealing with.