While repeatedly asserting that they are “the most ethical group on earth” and that they are constantly having to “get rid of” people who “cannot live up to their ethical standards,” in truth, every dedicated scientologist is a liar. Why?
The short answer: they believe that achieving the “Aims of Scientology” and “Clearing The Planet” are so vital for the well-being of all mankind that those ends justify any means.
But, as with most other things in scientology, the simple answer is also the simplistic answer that really doesn’t bring much understanding.
So, let’s break it down.
First, why do I say every dedicated scientologist is a liar? If you ask ANY scientologist about the “confidential upper level materials” they will lie and tell you “it’s not part of scientology” or “it’s not true” or “that is an alteration.” Even if you read or show them the exact writing by L. Ron Hubbard. If you ask any scientologist whether you can be a scientologist and a christian, the vast majority will tell you “absolutely” even though they know it is a lie (see “Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too?” ).
But the lying is not limited to these two things, and there is a lot of “scripture” that explains this.
Let us once again return to that all-important writing of L. Ron Hubbard: Keeping Scientology Working.
We’re not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn’t cute or something to do for lack of something better. The whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology. This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out of the trap now, we may never again have another chance. Remember, this is our first chance to do so in all the endless trillions of years of the past.
Scientologists take this to heart. Hubbard expressed it here and in many other places. The future of all mankind rests in the hands of those who have “the tech.” Everyone is counting on them, whether they know it or not and this is an awesome responsibility. NOTHING is more important than this and NOTHING must prevent scientology from achieving its objectives.
The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics
This is the guiding principle laid out by Hubbard as the foundation of all morality and even survival. Here is how Hubbard put it in 1980 in his Policy Letter entitled Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics.
An optimum solution to any problem would be that solution which brought the greatest benefits to the greatest number of dynamics.
He goes on to explain this concept:
To be good, a thing must contain construction which outweighs the destruction it contains. A new cure which saves a hundred lives and kills one is an acceptable cure.
To really understand what he is talking about it is necessary to understand “the Dynamics” in scientology. These are the 8 “urges towards survival”. Here is the description straight from the scientology website:
There is nothing inherently wrong with this. It makes some sense and seems benign.
Until you consider what the “3rd Dynamic” is for scientologists: Scientology. This is their group. And they honestly believe that scientology is the ONLY route to save every man, woman and child on planet earth. That if scientology is flourishing, then every person, every family, every group, mankind and even animals and the environment will flourish.
So, the essential equation for scientologists then becomes: :”If it is good for scientology, it increases survival across ALL Dynamics and thus it must be good.” This is the equation that justifies not only lying but harming people so long as it is for the benefit of scientology.
The “Acceptable Truth” and the “Shore Story”
The idea in scientology that there is something known as an “acceptable truth” factors into the equation.
Hubbard defined it this way in his PR Series:
Handling truth is a touchy business also. You don’t have to tell everything you know-that would jam the comm line too. Tell an acceptable truth. Agreement with one’s message is what PR is seeking to achieve. Thus the message must compare to the personal experience of the audience.
Scientology “doctrine” also encompasses the “Shore Story” which is used to cover up the truth. It first came into use in the Sea Org during the Apollo years when Hubbard did not want to be found. Thus there was a “Shore Story” concocted that everyone from the Apollo had to learn when they were “ashore” – they were never to mention scientology, only that the Apollo was home to a “Management consulting company called Operation and Transport Corporation.” Again, when scientologists first moved to Clearwater, they claimed to be “United Churches of Florida” and that the buildings had been purchased by “Southern Land Development and Leasing Corporation.” Many “shore stories” have been used to conceal the truth from the media and public about scientology activities.
In scientology, when dealing with the outside world, the truth is malleable… Or more accurately, the truth in scientology is whatever they believe best serves to make scientology look good.
Code of Honor
Another foundational writing of Hubbard that scientologists rely on heavily is Hubbard’s “Code of Honor”. Again, this is taken from the scientology website.
Like the description of the Dynamics, there is nothing inherently wrong with this. Except in how it is applied.
MANY scientologists will quote paragraph 12 as the explanation that justifies immoral or unethical acts if those acts are in furtherance of “helping scientology” which is, of course, always a “just cause.”
Fair Game
We see these principles spelled out in the Fair Game policy.
Those designated as enemies of scientology may be:
…deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.
Scientology says this policy was canceled, but in fact, the policy of how to treat enemies (SPs) was NOT changed, only this reference was canceled because “it caused bad public relations.”
The practice of declaring people FAIR GAME will cease. FAIR GAME may not appear on any Ethics Order. It causes bad public relations. This [policy letter] does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP.
Anyone or anything thought to be an enemy of scientology may be lied to. This is not just an isolated statement — it is the distillation of a LOT of “scripture” in scientology. And explains why the PRACTICE is not altered, just the use of the term.
“Wogs,” the Government and the Media
Hubbard dictates an attitude towards the outside world that is the mindset of every good scientologists. Anyone who is not a scientologist is a “wog” – someone to be treated with a mixture of pity and contempt. Wogs do not understand life. They are ignorant, misinformed or evil. They do not know how to solve their own or mankind’s problems. They are doomed to an eternity of suffering unless they wake up and begin to “apply the tech.”
Hubbard defined a “wog” in a Briefing Course lecture in 1966:
…common, everyday garden-variety humanoid … He ‘is’ a body. [He] doesn’t know he’s there, etc. He isn’t there as a spirit at all. He is not operating as a thetan.
And beneath the pity and contempt for wogs in general is the hatred reserved for Govt Officials, the justice system and the Media (just a step above the dreaded psychiatrists). Hubbard rails repeatedly against “wog justice” and how it cannot be trusted, against FBI Agents and “tax cruds”, against Interpol and the KGB. They are all one big pot of Suppressives trying to destroy scientology. So too the media, who have seen him as a threat to their empire of chaos:
…there must be in our civilization some very disturbing elements for anything else [other than good] to be believed about Scientology. These disturbing elements are the Merchants of Chaos. They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes.
In fact, anyone who has any connection with these sordid types is banned from any participation in scientology.
With all this in mind, is it any wonder scientologists will brazenly lie to law enforcement, the media and even while giving sworn testimony under oath? It’s not only for the “greatest good” it’s also directed at those who are held in contempt as being blights on the good people of the world.
A Hubbard example
Finally, just to put a cherry on top of this rancid cake, here is a wonderful example from L. Ron Hubbard on HOW to go about destroying someone with lies.
It comes from his infamous writing in 1972 entitled Intelligence Principles. He is describing a hypothetical scenario of how you can “get rid of” an “antagonistic source.” This is EXACTLY the sort of thing done to Paulette Cooper as detailed in Tony Ortega’s book The Unbreakable Miss Lovely. It is one lie to be told after another and he lays out here the model of lying and fakery as standard procedure for scientology when dealing with “enemies.”
Example: Gosh Porge is located as an antagonistic source in the Bureau of Mines. Study Bu of Mines. They frown on corrupt and bankrupt employees, it is carefully worked out by survey. Gosh Porge receives a check for 250 pounds from the Aluminium Company of America at his office for “tip off and patents sent” and “his wife” runs up fur coat bills at Harrods who sue and “a man in Soho” wants his 1800 pounds gambling debt and “a mistress” calls his boss and demands the return of her diamonds “Gosh borrowed” and as it keeps up, even Gosh Porge’s best denials won’t prevent his being sacked.
And “Legal areas” like lawyers are a point of hit also.
Without consulting Legal Bu Bish Smish is suing C of S for truckloads. Survey his attorneys covertly. One finds they detest “people from the City”, very prejudiced against money clauses. So City blokes start appearing on their lines for Bish Smish – will he win the suit? Broker wants to know can Bish Smish cover his margins?
City bowler hat beats up lawyer with an umbrella because Bish Smish said he was going to get the lawyer to sue him over the “blocks of stock” Bish Smish swindled. Keep it up. Soon he won’t have any lawyer!
In truth, this scratches the surface of the documentation that could be laid out to support the fact that all scientologists lie.
The writings of L. Ron Hubbard MUST be followed in scientology. They are not optional.
Sadly, most people are generally honest and they do not at first blush grasp the concept that someone could simply lie. They have a hard time with the idea that what scientology says about people they do not like could in fact have NO BASIS in truth whatsoever. It is simply something scientology believes “by survey” to be unpopular. They think “embezzlement” is unpopular so they find people who accuse whistleblowers of “embezzling money” just like the “mistress” above. They think people find wife-beaters abhorrent, so they find some “City bowler hats” to claim critics are wife-beaters. It’s invented and intended to destroy reputations and cost people their jobs, and few can contemplate that a so-called “church” would do such a thing.
Unfortunately, it is also a difficult concept to get Judges to understand. Scientologists, especially people like Warren McShane or Allen Cartwright (who are sent to do depositions when all else fails so Miscavige can avoid the indignity) will NOT tell the truth, even when under oath, because they “know” it is not the “greatest good” to do so. That sort of lying is not normal.
So, especially when you see a scientologist talking about an “enemy” or “critic” or speaking to the media to “protect” scientology from “negative stories” or testifying in a court case to “save scientology from the evils of wog justice” — know that lies will be the norm, not the aberration.
Finally, some words from L. Ron Hubbard in Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics that seem apropos:
Lies are told because one is afraid of the consequences should one tell the truth. Destructive acts are usually done out of fear. Thus, the liar is inevitably a coward and the coward is inevitably a liar.”
I spent less than a year in a cult my parents that was packaged as a “school.” Less than a year that did a lifetime of damage. In the 80’s you could legally call it a school so it sounds different from what it really was – a registered group home. Started by a a cult of personality guru who had followers and initially took in runaway kids and had them shill for money. Later, he evolved it into a scheme to start an “emotional growth” boarding “school” (this was all false wording) stocked with his non accredited counselor “followers.” Like any good cult, they had their own process of isolation, auditing, levels, spycraft, hubris of saving the world, and conditioned us to detach from families and emotionally abuse each other to “level up.” If you questioned anything, they made our life a hell of isolation and psychological abuse. Most of the kids who went there were from rich families who didn’t want to parent. the place monitored our phone calls home (once every two weeks) and censored all letters in or out. It was in an isolated place and we were told we would die in the wilderness if we tried to leave. The brainwashing techniques were straight out of a Korean POW cam It was daily, exhaustive and harsh. The school part was a TOTAL sham. Like, Scientology, we were conditioned to turn in and on anyone who questioned the cult – which by the way, had levels and operating principles similar to scientology. (We had our own labels for SPs and auditing and disconnection.) For me to level up, I’d have to become what I hated to prove my worth. I actually managed to run away -no easy feat in the mountains-under harrowing circumstances, and found nice people who took me in for a week. I had to stay hidden because people were looking for me. Finally, they drove me to my hometown a few hours away. My Mom was indoctrinated; my Dad was not. Thank God he saw reason.The funny thing was that even though I knew I had to get out of there, for a long time after, I still tried to live by the principles (called Agreements) because I was so brainwashed. How I know that scientology is a cult is because most cults operate in similar ways even if they are culturally different.
When scientology was a tolerable Hollywood eccentricity/indulgence. I had a friend who had escaped the sea org in the early naughts: horrible story.
Whose “paranoia” inspired me to chant Mike Rinder blew and so can you at a bunch of Annonymous demonstrations including NYC, Philadelphia, DC, Hartford, Boston. Hidden behind a facemask. Or a scarf. So so so so happy to see you free.
Mike – I’m the adoptive parent of a child (now young adult) with Reactive Attachment Disorder. I’ve also worked at a “3rd world” orphanage and have experienced first hand the damage of trauma and detachment from a parent or sole caregiver in early childhood. My support group has over 2000 parents living the extraordinary challenges of raising kids who come from difficult beginnings (to say the least)… we’re “trauma mamas”. Separating a child from a bio parent results in its own form of actual brain damage. Some of THE most common behaviors: Lying in the face of the truth, triangulation of adults, lack of conscience development, lack of empathy (inability to feel the pain of others), dysregulation (inability to appropriately feel or express normal emotions). What Scientology accomplishes by separating parents from children is deliberate trauma & detachment. This is child abuse. They KNOW and have likely studied the effects of separating parents/child and minimalizing the importance of this essential relationship. The brain becomes hard wired for lying (even when the truth is easier), and they become numb to normal human connections – which results in kids & young adults who will easily snitch on or harm family or friends in order to survive. Survival mode is the main state of the brain (think Lord of the Flies). All thinking is done in the back of the brain; damage done to amygdala (research function of this part of brain for an ah ha moment). Very common behaviors found in children raised in North Korea, for example (read “Escape from Camp 14”). Scientology systematically damages the brain of children by separating them from parents and marginalizing role of family unit. AGAIN: CHILD ABUSE. When my daughter would look at me when she was in serious survival mode or dysregulated- I called it shark eyes. I have seen that in many scientologists, especially David M & Tom C. The ones who escape are like the few, rare adopted children who have miraculously avoided permanent damage. It’s like their frontal lobe wakes up. Anyway please do some research on RAD… see if you don’t see what I’m seeing: Deliberate abuse to children via detachment. It’s akin to giving a child an illness on purpose. :(. And for Scientology escapees I highly recommend neurofeedback therapy to reawaken shutdown areas of the brain. It is incredibly helpful (an excellent program is Brain Paint).
Fascinating. Thanks for taking the time to lay this out.
Kaycee P. I also found your post fascinating, and say thanks for writing it. I wasn’t familiar with the term “triangulation of adults” and had to read about it on Wikipedia, it’s always good to learn something new. I’ve read “Escape from Camp 14”, which you recommended, another good book is “Aquariums of Pyongyang” (silly title) but the book is actually the true story of a North Korean boy imprisoned at 10 years old along with his family in a concentration camp, it’s really good, also, “First they killed my father” another true story of a young girl separated from her family during the Cambodian war which killed of 1/4 of the population and growing up in children’s groups under the Khmer Rouge, both these books illustrate exactly what you are talking about, how they separate children from their family and it causes personality disturbances. I don’t know if it was a goal of Scientology to do this, I think it just fell into place as the adults worked and the children were an afterthought. It’s really nice to know that people are doing research into this and developing techniques to help, that’s very encouraging.
The lies seem so deep and multifaceted, I’m not sure a Scientologist could see the truth. The biggest lie I see is the way they go out of their way to discredit and disparage former high ranking officials. For instance calling you (Mike Rinder) a liar, cheater, and verbal and mentally abusive to your family is not just an assault on you it’s an assault on Scientology. If they really think you were this terrible person, how do they reconcile that THEY promoted you within the ranks and made you a spokesperson? At the very least they would have to admit that they had bad judgment for allowing you to hold a high ranking office. How do they possibly account for all of these former high ranking officials now acting as a SP? At some point they’ll have to either back pedal on what they’ve said about you guys or have to “admit” they let these SP’s slip through the cracks. Either way they look foolish. This is one thing that really boggles my mind.
Wow! Great Post!
Mike, this post needs to be listed along the left with the other ‘Important Articles.’ It’s hard for someone like myself (never in, never known anyone who was) even to comprehend how they can constantly lie, and this lays it out bare. It’s critical to understanding what a wreck this cult is.
After reading all of this, it becomes incredibly easy to understand why the current President-Elect has been called “a closet Scientologist.”
Between his regarding “truth” as meaning “whatever is most useful at the moment”, and his “fair-gaming” of (“Crooked” and more) Hillary Clinton and others (and the way he used “emotional proof” and other tactics to destroy every one of his debate opponents), it seems obvious that he has had more than casual exposure to the CO$.
And if it still didn’t seem obvious, his July 4’th party speech at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre, or the contents of his Trump U. playbook (which details the most efficient practices for separating students from their money) should have clinched it. (http://bit.ly/2idEHcc)
I read and read what you have written. You, sir, have a true gift in writing! Thank you.
How is it that they still have the tax credit.,This is NOT a religion. Why does the government continue this classification?
Donna, the Church acts as an income tax enforcer for the IRS when it comes to its parishioners. I guess the IRS takes allies where it can find them in the private sector…
Code of Honor: Miscavige sure took number 12 to a new level.
As a fan of the talented Dr Seuss, are we seeing his influence in the gobble de gook about ‘Bish Smish’ in the example Mike has quoted, what a crock of s**t that man spouted, no wonder I had so much trouble understanding what he was on about.
Just guessing: I think what’s meant by newbie is someone who hasn’t spent a lot if time learning about Scientology and/or the Co$. Some of us never-ins (people like me who have never taken a course or in any other way been Scientologists, not even for a little while) have put quite a bit of time into understanding as much as we can about Scientologists’ and former Scientologists’ experiences, the lingo used, keeping track of the many acronyms, the methods by which indoctrination works, and so on. I don’t think I’d call myself a newbie at this point, but I’m definitely a never-in. I will never KNOW what it is that those who have been in Scientology have lived; all I can do is read and think about it, and try to understand from the perspective of an outsider. And thank goodness I won’t ever have to go through what so many have been through.
If you’re learning about the Co$ and its horrors but and a fair amount of it is still shocking, you may be a newbie. I tend towards a cynical mindset anyway and I find it horrifying, heart wrenching, gut-tearing, sickening, and vile, but not shocking, not after reading about it for the past several years. I wish I still did.
Jeff Hawkin’s “Closing Minds: How Scientology’s “Ethics Technology” is Used to Control Their Members” is very good on this topic, also.
one of the things I want to say about these articles is my appreciation for the lack of ‘snark’. I’m rather ecstatic about this article, others of Miike’s, and the A&E series, Going Clear, et al. We don’t need the snark. Some other contributors (though mainly lovely) include attitude and snark. I think this distracts from the message – the FACTS will create the snark in the recipient, will give the true picture which will result in agreement, outrage, and abhorrence.
The facts themselves are mind blowing. We don’t need to supply the emotion. That will come with learning the facts.
All of Hubbard’s extra stuff are deflections off of the lack of “OT” or “Clear.”
Not having any “OT” or “Clear” members, and himself not being “OT” (supernatural), no demonstration of “soul-flying” out of his skull with full exteriorization with 360 degrees visio, and NO members doing this, the discussion gets turned to all sorts of other stuff.
Hubbard’s subject would be valid if the Scientologists just did courses training them to be real deal soul-counselors who through the soul-counseling actually made ANY of them into supernatural “OT” people.
The subject does not need all this extra stuff that gets deflected to.
The subject only needs to be the procedures and make making “OT” people like traininng people how to ride bicycles.
Soul-flying through Hubbard’s soul-counseling, that is all Scientology needs to be.
And it should be free, in the same way bicycle riding is free to learn, your friends or family can teach you for free.
The truth can only hurt the ones having secrets.
When you say newbie , I’m not sure exactly if it’s a code or that you mean someone who isn’t a scamoligist oh and am I allowed to say that? (Shivers wondering if you all can get my I P address)
As I’ve said in a precious post. I’ve been trying to find out about this “religion” for years with out actually walking into a (I have an addictive nature and was afraid to do that) Church or mission. As I am an X JW , I’m seeing many similarities. LITTLE I might add.
I’ve ready reaf all of Lois’s 7 chapters and look forward to seeing what happens on Leah and Mike’s A &E show.
Please keep posting as I am being enlightened
No worries. A “newbie” is just someone who is new to the subject. 🙂
No real tech expert here, but I don’t think anyone here can get your IP. And even if so then what? It’s not like the COS goes after every critic. There are just too many. I myself have been in this fight say 8.5 years now and I never had any problem. Must say though I’m Dutch.
Thank you 🙂
??? Disappointed to read a JW is interested to become a Scientologist (sp) Never ever do they ask for a… penny.. For.. all.. that goes into the literature provided. That alone… proves.. JWs cares For “us” ..Not.. them. No similarities what’s so.. ever
Michele ,
Just looking for answers, that’s all
Not a good idea to use your real name online. And especially on websites like these. Never give out info about yourself that could identify you. These days it’s very easy to track someone down because they’ve used the same username somewhere else or because they talk too much about themselves and so on. I can’t understand those people who leave comments with their name and surname lol. It’s basic common sense to not do that.
Hi Mike, EXCELLENT article! How another one about TR-L, how it was taught, who got it, and where did they use the “training”. I remember a story about some poor schlub that wanted a small refund from the Co$ {ASHO?). While he was in the Org, he was tackled by some SOrg goons, who then called police and falsely said he had a gun and was waving it around and threatening people. They gave the police a rusty old gun, and said it was his.
When the the case went to trial, the PROSECUTOR, not the defense, dismissed the case. In more than twenty years of work, he’d NEVER seen a case where all the :witnesses” told exactly the same story, and smelled a rat. I smell a skunk, but that’s just me…..or is it?
Oh, we once had a barrel of money
Saving the planet ain’t funny
But we travel along, following Ron
Lie by lie
Don’t know what’s coming tomorrow
Probably we’ll once again borrow
But we travel along, following Ron
Lie by lie
We’re good with disconnection
Won’t accept our SP son’s call
Just as long as we’re donating
It doesn’t matter at all
When Dave has the whole bridge recharted
We’ll be the same as we started
But we travel along, following Ron
Lie by lie
Just travelin’ along, following Ron
Lie by lie
YOU are a goddamned riot!
I think it’s safe to say the vast majority of public scientologists do NOT enjoy scientology any more and staff do NOT enjoy their lives. They are compelled to stay conjoined to it because of fear not love. I think the two main fears that prevail are the fear of losing their “eternity” and the fear of crow. Eating it, I mean.
(I’m curious what wise counsel our former church members who insist the “tech” produces OT abilities and “case gain”, etc. would give those poor souls who are afraid of the ‘dwindling spiral’. If scientology performs wonders then Hubbard might have been right about that dwindling destiny of eternal inertness. He might have been right about all of it!)
Scientologists lie because of fear not love. Liars are afraid and they hide. That shows consciousness of being wrong. In standing up for truth you are fearless. Those criticizing the church are fearless. The liars know this. They’re ashamed. There is no persistence in this universe, everything changes. It’s just a matter of time before the majority of them come clean. A minority never will if history teaches us anything.
I think the fears are secret fears, quelched and subdued. I think the IN are IN and do enjoy it for the most part. They have “points” they would like “fixed” (or answered) but don’t speak of it. I was drifting away, but then went back on service and became again devout by just doing service. All of my Off Kilter Thoughts were handled and fixed and once again I was writing 3 page success stories. (and glad of it) It’s vicious.
I don’t think the lies come from knowing self protection. I think they come from true belief and the heart through brainwashing. It’s the ones who are not immediately on course/service and “winning” who mouth the party line to appear to toe the line and not lose family/jobs/connections. I say this as I’m somewhat one of the latter. I’m sooo f*cking out but can’t shout it from it the rooftops)
In other words you think I’m completely off the mark.
Isn’t “hiding” the lowest level on the Tone Scale?
I really REALLY hope Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath becomes a regular series on A&E. I love the work you are doing, and the two of you together have a wonderful dynamic. I especially thought that last week’s episode showed the show coming into its own. And taking on the private investigators/Miscavige’s secret police was wonderful to see. You should do a whole show about investigating the investigators sent to harass people.
Couldn’t agree more. My wife and I have been shocked by the large and loyal following of what amounts to nothing more than a sophisticated cult. Seems like crimes have been and continue to be committed by this closed society that preys on idealistic honest good intentioned families and their money. Makes our blood boil! Mike and Leah are truly doing “gods work” – please stay strong and continue the fight.
Amen to your comment!
“Church” of Scientology NOT ~ more like a CULT and all part of being called a “religion” for the love of MONEY and CONTROL to all those believers.
Keeping them all in my prayers for them to see what God is truly about.
Funny.. I was JUST going to write the exact same thing as you❗I LOVE this show SO much.. Because how well Leah & Mike are fully showing people JUST how bad this Cult is! Please.. Mike & Leah do MORE of these episodes ??
A little Scientology humor. You WILL laugh!!
Brian we haven*t met, but we definitely belong to the same family. Thanks for the giggle. Well deserved and we’ll earned.
Sorry for the typo…
We are family now Barbara??
Well from My POV it’s clear they do about what they do Inc saving the Planet to members & where’s there Money going to & Hush Money to abortions to locking ppl up in what’s darn close to Jail & some ppl are Chronic Liars to Beef up there Ego or Bad deeds & if ? Claims to be a “church” the last thing they’d want for scamming ppl is anyone telling the real Truth esp when that could or would Hurt them if there Dirty lil secrets got out.U have ppl having to Escape if that wasn’t bad enough & ? tries to speak out about what they went through & the “church” Loose term there goes & spread Lies that say they did ? Crimes a clear case of Defamation of character IMO that should hold up in any Court Inc Theft but seems that’s okay but dare to Question anyone a crime,guess ? needs hit that E meter,I feel for the ppl who are Good,decent ppl just sucked into that mess while the Bad ones Cont to spread Lies,Fear,ect sad..
Spot on Mike, this is an excellent description of the lies and deception. Apparently my disconnected son and 2 of my disconnected sisters have done a video about me (I have not seen it yet)….will most probably be published on the church’s website when our episodes have aired. But per the producer, they were blaming me for the disconnection! What they do not remember, is I have emails from them proving that I did not disconnect from them…in fact they were operating on orders from OSA. If the A&E show does not show these on the show, then I will publish them on this site when our episodes are done. They disconnected from me BEFORE I was declared while still receiving a comm-ev and sec-checks at AOLA. But they can easily just lie about all of that on video against me. Makes me sick……..
I hear you Lowie. Let’s get something ready for the night of your show with the documents.
Thanks Mike, I will start preparing it all now as it needs to be made public and I am just so pissed right now….how they could have the gall!
Mike.. it’s… Wonderful.. Knowing you are actually reading & replying to us sharing our thoughts & feelings. That.. Means a LOT ?
Lois, you can*t let them make you angry yet. Wait for it….. The public believes you and right now that brings you closer to your goal. Once scientology (I really don*t think it deserves to be capitalized, do you?) falls you*ll be vindicated and then your family and friends will regret their decisions. Poof! The need for anger…gone. After reading your earlier article I admire you so much. Don’t know if I’ve ever had as much courage as you’ve shown. If it’s still in vogue to say it, YOU GO GIRL!!
L Ron Hubbard also told Scientologists that if you want something to persist it must contain a lie. So important is this notion, it was written in the Axioms.
And if someone is trying to control you? How do they do it? They lie to you. Another gem of wisdom from the Scientology arsenal of inappropriateness.
Hubbard for whatever he may or may not have thought of himself or others badly needed a sec check. His crimes are becoming more and more obvious as honesty invades the Scientology empire.
Mike, this is an excellent presentation – and very fair at the same time. I applaud you for acknowledging what was right before it turned so wrong.
It’s very eye-opening to see how a “slippery slope” can evolve. At least we can benefit from having learned the lesson.
An interesting thought that comes to mind is that this article could apply to almost any organized religion. What makes Scientology worse is the scale and systematic methods used. I suspect the reason few megachurches denounce Scientology is because they are in the same racket, but on a much smaller scale.
One thing that needs to be done is to separate the issue of tax-exempt status from being a “legitimate church”.
Kudos Mike. You’ve tackled very well an extremely difficult scenario to explain. ie The truth of how an operating Scientologist’s mind actually works. They are not generally bad people, in fact they are quite the opposite for their intentions are based on good things. However, instead of expanding Scientology as they insist they are doing, they are actually shrinking and destroying it, and all the while the “help” button is in BIG NEON LIGHTS flashing away in their minds. They are so out of communication with life it stings!
Maybe the simplicity of why a Scientologist lies has to be lived and then rejected as lies before it can be understood. Like a lot of things in life one has to experience it first hand in an operating environment to grasp it. Intellectual understanding is not all that successful in the real world and favors ivory tower behavior. What strikes me as the insanity of a Scientologist, is the evidence. What must a Scientologist reject or suppress with their own sense of right and wrong when they see an empty Org (that they paid for). They lie to themselves just as much as they will lie to anyone else.
The more I see and read of the effect of Hubbard’s Policy letters by the ex-management and HCO departmental SO on this site the more clarity of the insanity and knee jerk reaction that Scientology was founded upon as a group. I happen to like some of the tech and like to see people unburden themselves of personal upsets etc but the operating climate devised for Scientology is extremely bigoted.
And to top everything off, there is this, also LRH scripture: “Lying is the lowest form of creativity.”
Another outstanding and very well-written essay that provides a primer for those who are not already intimately aware of cherch’s delusional belief in its supposed higher moral authority and the basis for their justification in committing the crimes and abuses that the cherch has become infamous for.
Like every other fundamentalist, absolutist religious belief system that has come before it, $cn’s belief that it alone has the corner on spiritual truth provides believers with the moral justification to use any means necessary to achieve its ends, creating a subculture in which whatever the cult does is justified under what $cilon zealots truly believe is a transcendent moral code.
Place that “holier than thou” belief system in a larger societal milieu that is seen as dominated by forces of evil who are allied against the only true hope that mankind has had of “escaping the trap” for millions of years and it all becomes some sort of titanic struggle between the forces of light and the forces of evil that must be won at whatever the cost. And within it, only a very tightly organized and totally dedicated group dedicated to that higher purpose above any other personal or familial concerns can hope to triumph.
It’s an apocalyptic vision that the messianic founder that has invoked to place this military-style organization on a constant war footing in which everything must be sacrificed in order to insure the group’s survival because, without it, the individual and family could never hope to survive in the first place.
Perhaps if there really was some sort of grand conspiracy of ancient, evil aliens plotting to enslave all of mankind – with alien invader forces manning implant stations on Venus and Mars and Xenu looking on with evil glee – then all that hyperbolic rhetoric and militarized zealotry might be justifiable. However, because all of this delusionally paranoid space opera nonsense has no basis whatsoever in reality, the cult’s supposedly higher moral code is, in reality, nothing more than a system of enslavement itself. Enslaved to the false beliefs and paranoid delusions of its founder, $cilons continue to perpetuate the madness and do irreparable damage to individuals and families while struggling to remain oblivious of the monstrous acts of evil that the cult continues to engage in.
Well said Harpoona. It amazes me that one sick-minded sociopath wrote a few books filled with his hogwash nonsense (and the books were actually purchased by anyone) further pumping up his ego and therefore allowing himself to actually believe he would just start a new religion to follow him….right straight into the pits of hell. It is correct to say that these two egotistical mere mortals (LRH & DM) have unequivocally done MORE lasting damage to this entire planet that all the forces of nature ever have! It is a cult….a nasty brainwashing of people robbing them of innocence by the unraveling of the family unit. Everything ever written and passed off as gospel by these two bird brains is disgusting!
Love your post. It is all SO Very true❗
Wow, Mike, you’re on a roll. Another top article, telling it like it is.
The deciding factor which prompted my resignation was witnessing the destruction of concepts of good and bad. The church was working overtime to discredit me and putting a lot of pressure to get my spouse to divorce me. I thought, “all I have to do is expose them and their dirty deeds to my inner circle of Scn friends, and there will be a backlash.”
To my dismay, when informing them of these despicable acts, NONE of them would admit this was a WRONG or BAD action. I asked them point-blank, “Do you think trying to break up my marriage is a GOOD thing or a BAD thing?” No one could admit it was wrong. Only one person even responded to me, and his response was “it doesn’t matter if its right or wrong.”
At that point I knew without any doubt, this was not my group. Years of practicing Scn had weakened or destroyed their moral fiber; to the point where they were incapable of recognizing right from wrong, much less standing up against it. ALL of them stood by and watched while the church put me and my family through the wringer. ALL of them disconnected from me BEFORE I was declared.
I know many “wogs” who would not allow that to happen to me (or anyone else).
Afterwards, I knew with 100% certainty that I could NEVER trust a Scnist – EVER. They cannot be counted upon to:
1) Do the right thing
2) Stand up and object to wrongful acts
They will predictably:
1) Do nothing
2) Not object or resist the actions of the church against another, no matter how immoral or disgusting.
These people are spiritually lost.
StatPush, you are so right on the money. My son and family members also disconnected from me before I was declared. I kept asking them, isn’t this wrong, don’t you see that this is wrong…….all of them had “justifications” as to what was being done to me by the “church” was not wrong!
Lowie. Don’t give up on them. We love you. David and Molly
You said it, Brother.
I could not believe that this would be the end result of years of being involved in the Church of Scientology. But I finally saw that it was. And I, like you, realized that this was NOT the group I had joined.
So I left and then I turned around and exposed them on the Internet, as so many others have done – and are doing still.
It really is great having the former international spokesman, and head of OSA, and a beautifully famous actress being such effective critics of scientology every week in front of millions of people on TV.
It’s a dream come true for long-time critics of Scientology. These are the days of floating on our backs in the pool, drinking mint juleps in the sun, and rockin out to the radio. These are the salad days.
The Poodle Boy is finally getting his well deserved Karma-gram.
Next, we’ll be cutting to the Poodle Boy Perp Walk in 5…4…3…2….
Very well said!! Glad you got out. Sorry that you even had to go through any of that.
Before I left the church, I talk to a very good friend who was defending the church very hard (he disconnected from me) We use to be very close.
Our conversation was on Miscavige’s abuse. I said that I was mostly true as I didnt see why dedicated Sea Org member would invent such thing as the hole etc…
My friend fist denied, and i oppose to that : “you are not that gullible?” (I trapped him) He said “No of course… and what if Miscavige is beating his juniors… You know, he just make things go right… He must be surrounded by a lot of idiots. (and he took me as an exemple, I was screaming easly when I had idiot’s junior in my job !” (He thought he won the argument !).Like on a war causualties were meaningless, in comparison with the purpose. It was like a kind of communist.
So he knew Miscavige was a little tyrant but he was “making things go right”.
And he ask me to consider what scientology would be without Miscavige, who handled the IRS ? He asked me to look at the big picture.
When I said that scientology would be better off without Miscavige, he looked at me like I was an idiot who didnt really get it. Stupidely self determined, when he was pandetermined.
They are like they know and other don’t know.
For them it’s all making sense, we are to some degree obeying to secrets instructions mysterious that only Miscavige knows.
Even I found one who told me : “amazing that Miscvige took power in scientology, no ?” I said “Yes, so young !”
“Normal !”, he answers.
He looked at me like he would give me the secret of the universe. ” You know the lectures where LRH says a thetan can run another body ?” Well, yes, I said… And he sort of reveal with a shiver : “LRH is in the body of Miscavige, this is why he is COB.”
Yes, how comes the son of Ron Miscavige can be COB, a little bully?. Because LRH is running him. So it makes Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde. I almost believed his “cog”!
Docteur Miscavige and Mister Hubbard, isn’t that funny ?
You’ve got to lie a little, pry a little
And let them evil SPs die a little
That’s the story of, that’s the glory of Ron
MJ? is that you writing as Mephisto?
Lies are the very DNA of scientology.
When I was in Sea Org, I was “beached for out 2-D”. That was the lie I was told was going to be my “shore story”. The truth was that I was being raped by someone who was my senior and they pulled me off course as a briefing course supervisor and put me in the GO (Guardian’s Office) because my senior was too valuable to punish.
The students I supervised were not aware that I was put in the GO, they thought I was on the street. I disappeared overnight. One of my students, informed me a few years ago that he had made a concerted effort to locate me and offer me a place to stay. This would have put him at great personal risk, and I respect him greatly for doing this for me.
The truth is even stranger. More than thirty years later I discovered that the story I was told was going to be my shore story about being beached for out 2-D was not the story the people were told. My ethics order, which another person kept for years and actually published on a message board as “the strangest ethics order he had ever seen” said I had had sex with Briefing Course students to raise student points.
In the GO, I received intensive training on how to lie convincingly. Why? Because it was important. “The greatest good for the greatest number”. The greatest number, when distilled to the actual truth was, and always has been in scientology only what LRH referred to as the 3rd Dynamic – the group.
The individual has always been treated poorly, sex and family are ignored at best and treated as an aberration as worst, mankind is sneered at, only scientologists matter, animals are considered Dev-T (developed and unnecessary traffic), MEST (matter, energy, space and time) – personal belongings, are frowned upon as they slow you down and get in your way, and of course you learn that there is no God the higher up you get.
In other words, although 8 dynamics are preached, only one is worshiped, the group must be protected at all cost.
The most freeing thing that happened to me upon escaping scientology was the ability to not have to remember what lies I was supposed to tell and what I was not allowed to say at all, but to actually speak the truth again.
Every scientologist who manages to escape can be branded by scientology as “an avowed liar” because that is what scientology made them. You are not even allowed to admit truths like “this is no fun” I hate how I feel” “I am not enjoying this” to yourself, much less others. Telling the truth is an amazing feeling after being forced to lie simply to survive.
Wow! That’s the best example of the depth of crap Scientologists will stoop to. And they did that to a supervisor no less – the ones who train Scientologists. However, that event clarifies the double standards Scientology deals in, what they preach is NOT what they practice. Glad you’re out Valerie, & good luck to you.
Valerie- Your post here communicates very well what a Scientologists does and what is engrained into staff and S.O. My daughter is currently in the SO and exhibits these behaviors. She does not like her current job but insists she is NOT Unhappy about it, very loudly when asked. Obviously she is afraid of the repercussions should she be found to have spoken the truth about her S.O. job. She does not yet SEE the OUTPOINTs in this.
@Tim, my mother saved the letters I wrote home. When things were at their worst, I was living in the Hollywood Inn in a cramped room with several other women, no heat at night, deciding if I was going to buy toothpaste or shampoo or possibly skip both and splurge on that awful vending machine coffee so I could make it through another day, skimpy food at best and I was writing chirpy letters home thanking her for the foot socks and letting her know how much I was enjoying life.
I believed I was I had to to keep going every day.
Valerie, what a horrible way you were treated. Very sad and I’m sorry to hear what happened to you. The stories that are coming out on this blog and other sites, makes me feel that Mike and Leah could do 3 seasons or more of the Aftermath….
Mike.. I’m reading SO many stories here of x Scientology.. Your show could go on & on if you got these people’s stories on the air ??
I’m so sorry that ? hurt you & you were trying to doing good but you were abused in the wort way U didn’t deserve that No One dose it wasn’t your fault that said that sorry to say doesn’t surprise me,where could U go who could U tell that wouldn’t twist things around & prob blame you,ppl that are abusers talk a good talk but under it all there not nice ppl and I’d bet it gets worse I just feel it There Perfect & anyone who has a Issue w them are Bad or ? thy call it I see it clear as day & been w abusive ppl so I get it know there tricks but I hope you can heal & put that behind you,your a worthy person & I send U Luv….
If indeed Scientologists have gotten into the habit of compulsively and continually lying to each other. that’s the beginning of the end. Who can you trust, if your fellow COS members are lying to you and you can no longer take their word for anything? Let the implosion begin…..with an air of mistrust, .the foundations of COS will begin to topple and that is going to work it’s way up to the top, to DM himself.
Here is a link to the latest scientific research about lying. Eventually you even believe your own lies. Fascinating stuff.
And PBS’s newer NOVA doco, “Memory Hackers” exposes the future of potential memory manipulation. Every scientologist, former member, and those trying to understand what happens to people when they go through the auditing process, how any of us could ever have believed some of the “memories” we came up with in session and believed Any of it, science now has an answer for us.
It might also be of interest to those who are confidently positive they could never be unduly influenced, as well as anyone interested in how any person, group, or even an entire country’s population can be manipulated. As an American voter and citizen, I have rekindled a keen interest in furthering my education on the subject. Highly recommend a peek inside your brain.
This is just so…. shit. It’s shit. Garbage masquerading as goodness. Self help that helps nothing. Lies, betrayal, forced separation.
Destruction of everything it touches. Fuck sake, let it end.
Heart goes out to all who are fighting for freedom and truth. You have a strength I cannot fathom.
My sentiments exactly!
Excellent post. It hits on every point. Hopefully our two favorite Scientologists on Twitter will read it. Of course, if they do, they will call it a bunch of lies, which would then prove Mike is spot on.
Another aspect to the relationship of die-hard kool-aid drinker Scn-ists with non-‘s (wogs), less seasoned Scn-ists, or the new category of fringe or under-the-radar Scn-ists is that the die-hards consider that ANY resistance to anything that they are asking, be it buy services, get on course, join staff, join the sea org, or just give money ,is nothing but “bank” – the reactive mind. It is not the “real person”. The basic assumption is that every single person, if they were to think rationally without the interference of all the various bad memories or bad things they themselves have done, would instantly embrace Scientology to the max. If you are not willing to do that, that means that it is your “bank” that is in control, not the real you. Therefore, what takes place from that moment on is not an effort to communicate with a person, but control them. So when that lie is coming out of the mouth, it is not really a lie told to a person, but just controlling the bank, for the person’s own good, of course.
This is IMO, one of the major reasons why a huge percentage of their calls are not answered, even by non-declared people. What’s the point? There won’t be any real communication, and people resent being lied to and efforts to control them.
Very well said! Scn’s view of outsiders is either one of quiet contempt and pity for all these poor spiritually comatose meat sacks or one that sees them as being evil, degraded beings who are subconsciously programmed to resist that which – if they only realized it – could set them free.
$cn’s fundamental tenets of faith require all True Believer $cilons to perceive everyone who’s NOT a $cilon as The Other. And since those who are not cult members are, by definition, deluded about or unaware of their own deepest spiritual nature, they’re not just viewed as sub-human, but as sub-spiritual beings who have the choice of either realizing their true spiritual nature through some incredibly expensive cult rituals or of being consigned to the status of unsalvagable degraded being, if they’re not actively opposing $cn, or of evil suppressive person if they are.
In some distant utopian $cn future, when all of the able have been made more able, everyone who’s too spiritually degraded to accept the Truth of $cn and get on the bridge now will be picked up and salvaged at some unspecified future date. Even the SP’s who are actively impeding the spread of the $cn Good News will eventually be handled because it’s all just bank that’s holding them back, and since $cn has the solution there, no one will be left behind ultimately.
But, in the meantime, anyone that gets in $cn’s way or opposes it publicly will be dealt with as harshly as need be because they’re not only hurting others, in the $cn view of the cosmos, they’re also hurting themselves. It’s an absolutist, Master Race vision that, while you’re mesmerized by it, seems to be based on air-tight logic; but once you’re no longer guzzling the Kool-Aid it appears as mad as anything that humans have ever concocted.
Ah, dichotomy, thy name is $cientology. Lron outlawed the public use of ‘fair game’, and as shown here and elsewhere, not its actual use. You can do it, but don’t write it down and don’t talk about around wogs or any one not in the GO or OSA.
All of Lron’s ‘philosophy’ boils down to, ‘Whatever gets me the most money and adoration’. Every person in the clampire is disposable. Every ‘precept’ is disposable and subject to change at any time. So don’t frame that Clear Certificate, that OT 8 tribute, it is subject to recall at any time. Everything is subject to the cash flow of the scam.
How’s that for your ‘eternity’?
Great essay Mike, your nail gun of truth is sealing the clam coffin very well. Soon, to paraphrase Tom Cruise, ‘we’ll only read about $cientology in the history books’. That guy is such a putz….
I think it is very telling that Fair Game was “cancelled” because of “it caused bad public relations.” NOT because it was WRONG; no, because it made us look bad.
What kind of person thinks this way? A little insight into the mind of Hubbard.
What’s also very telling (and a point which I think is oft-missed in discussions about Fair Game) is something that Mike ably highlighted:
Fair Game *as a practice* was not cancelled. Just the use of the term itself. And I’m pretty sure that another term to replace it was never actually coined.
So here was another stroke of evil genius: don’t ban *doing it*, just ban *calling it anything*. You still have to do it as per the policy. But without any words to describe it, it ceases to exist, even though it’s still happening. Bye bye bad PR.
Yet another example of the masterful use of language, a la 1984.
Very well said. And did I say VERY WELL SAID? I did. And I meant Very Well Said! 🙂
Be interesting to hear from those sailors who served under Hubbard in the navy. Too long ago now I suppose but be interesting none the less. The more the truth comes out about him it is very obvious as an leader he was terrible and very destructive to those he should have cared for. As an officer I can’t see that would any different, probably worse if he ever actually had to engage the enemy.
For all his advice about team players and the greatest good for everyone, his actions and motivations within his personal navy are indescribably ridiculous. The majority of people are loyal first in any group activity, Scientology preys on that like a vulture.
Right, but he sure showed those magnetic deposits who was boss, though, didn’t he?
LOL! I wonder if the USN ever billed him for the depth charges, they ain’t cheap!
To I Yawnalot,
Chortle, chortle!
Dear Mr. Miscavige (or as you will be referred to in the future, Inmate 709864)
Thank you for your inquiry into the available facilities here at the lovely Florida Maximum Security Prison.
We are sorry but we will be unable to provide the following as you’ve requested:
1. Luxurious Penthouse Accommodations
2. Concubines/Concubones of your choosing
3. Personal Tailor
4. Private Masseuse
5. State of the art Gym
6. Weekend getaways to Vegas and Monte Carlo
7. Vistarol
8. Heated whirlpool
9. Personal Chef
As well the guards will not be required to salute and bow at your feet.
However if you are having difficulties transitioning from your current occupation as Evil Cult Dictator we do have an excellent psychiatric staff who will provide medications to make your lengthy stay here as pleasant as possible.
Warden Harvey
Orange is the new black…..don’t drop the soap in the shower DM……
Of course that’s a fantasy, it will never come to pass. DM won’t even show up for a deposition, he has no intention of ever going to jail. Don’t underestimate an evil cult leader who has come from nothing to running a multi-billion dollar conglomerate as the sole dictator with no one having the power to unseat him… you think he is going to jail? DM followed in the footsteps of LRH, in how he runs Scientology, and he will most likely emulate LRH’s last days as well by spending them in hiding from the law, but probably in a Swiss chalet, or a villa in Monaco, or Spanish hacienda overlooking the sea, and not at a dusty ranch in Creston, CA in a bluebird motor home.
I like my story better.
me too. 🙂 as long as you make sure he is presented with a ‘freeloader’ bill when (or if) he ever gets out.
I*m slightly surprised you forgot the tanning bed!
Actually it wasn’t my fault. My secretary transcribed my reply and left it out, SP that she is. I also discovered she omitted the unlimited liver transplants.
With over three decades to secure his financial future, and with the professional assistance of some of best legal counsel that money can buy, lil davey has almost certainly created a completely legal framework within which he and his legal team could enrich themselves without breaking a single law.
CEO’s and presidents of large, international non-profit organizations are typically compensated extremely well and enjoy all manner of perqs and golden parachute clauses in their contracts, so there’s really no need to steal or embezzle when you can create your own compensation package, then alter it over the years to enhance its value in a perfectly legal way that’s not even different than the standard industry practice.
Of course it’s a total scandal and moral inequity that lil davey could live like a prince and amass wealth in anticipation of his retirement, while rank and file $ea Orgy staff make less than prison industry wages, enjoy less than no perqs and have absolutely no pension plan. But it’s the lack of internal oversight and due diligence by all who support the cherch with their contributions that is to blame there, not some sort of illegal embezzlement scheme. $cn shadowy, high-dollar legal weasels have colluded with lil davey to create a perfectly legal scheme of mutual enrichment which, when the cult’s books finally get reviewed, is very likely to reveal no illegality whatsoever.
After all, the interest of cult’s legal team and lil davey are one and the same, so by protecting his interests they are protecting their own; and by keeping him on this side of the legal line, they are keeping themselves safe from prosecution as well.
$cilons in good standing with the cherch have every right to demand an itemized accounting of every penny that flows into the cherch and every last cent that lil davey authorizes the disbursement of. But until they decide to actually do their own due diligence and review the books before contributing more, they’ve left it to lil davey to decide how their funds will be used. That kind of negligence of fiduciary responsibilities almost always turns out badly, so it’s really the cult’s contributing members who will have only themselves to blame when the truth about where the money went is finally revealed because they have had the ability to discover it for themselves all along, yet stupidly chose not to.
Yet not a friend in the world. Not even Princess Lou. Did a sorrier sack of shit ever breath air?
One day a shadow will be the last thing Miscavige ever sees. All the money and legal protection in the world doesn’t prevent karma having the final say.
T.J. gees, I was enjoying Harvey’s story and with full visualization – did you have to bring me down to earth, your story is more probable. Yuck.
Ms.P: I always dream of David Miscavige flipping burgers at McDonalds. I think prison is too good for him. Can you imagine him actually trying to get a job in the “real world?” Who would hire him, even if they had no clue who he was? How long could he stay employed – only to his first temper tantrum (so less than a day). It would be, in my mind, the most poetic justice to just let him go out on the street and try to find a job and earn a living.
I realize that he probably has his escape well planned, but I can dream, right.
And I think the poetic justice to his plight is that of course he can’t ever escape who he is and will live out the rest of his life in splendid isolated torment no matter how many slaves he has around him. Poor baby.
If DM thinks the FBI might raid him, he’ll probably run to the Peewinds, and have it stay in international waters. Of course, it is such a rust-bucket that it will break up and sink in the first storm. So Davey might go to Davey Jones locker.
SNOOURT…..blub, blub
No worries…DM will “come back” in another life won’t he??….won’t he??? won’t he????
Isn’t lying positioned as just another form of ‘creativity’ in Scientology. I may be mistaken but I seem to recall lying as a form of ‘creative processing’. Does that ring any bells with anyone?
I do recall doing the PR Checksheet when I first joined the Guardians Office. We drilled ‘Reporter TRs’ and learned to tell acceptable truths whenever the media asked embarrassing questions.
Some of us were better liars than others – some were so proficient that they should have be awarded a certificate for Liar Release.
The book ‘Bare Faced Messiah’ takes us to the earlier similar on the chain…L. Ron Hubbard’s own stories of his childhood – horse riding prowess and bonding with Blackfoot Indians. Then there is his stellar education as a nuclear physicist, his daring exploits during WW II, and his amazing recovery from blindness.
Charming? Perhaps, but for sure, first and foremost, LRH was a storyteller and he had no reason to stop with Excalibur and Dianetics. He played to the room and the room was full of people willing to listen, wanting to improve themselves and make a better world.
I concur Zola. Hubbard was always “on the make”; Dianetics and Scientology was just another method he used to gain wealth and admiration. He saw he was on to something with Dianetics. He just kicked it up a notch with Scn. Scn permitted him to do what he did best – spin a good yarn. Some real sophisticated shit. Like a cosmic cowboy sitting ’round the campfire telling tall tales.
Until the penultimate transformation – he BELIEVED it.
Enter Ron, the Messiah.
Great article! Points 9 & 10 of the Code of Honour are downright destructive and might explain Scientology suicides or the lack of empathy for suicides in general.
Mike – We watched the little teaser episode which will aire tonight on A& E. OMG – it is amazing! So powerful.
Can you and Leah continue to do these programs.
You are cracking some bubbles and it is helping.
Please – do MORE!! You are a great team!
I wish Marty Rathbun would contribute to the motion!
Those designated as enemies of scientology may be:
…deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.
In order for this to be true a member of the church would have to know what an SP is in the first place, and judging from the experiences of Paulette Cooper, Tory Christman, Mark Rathbun, Mike Rinder and others that Scientologists routinely harass, it is apparent that the church hasn’t a clue of what a real SP is.
In 2017 may they get one! 🙂
When I was in the Sea Org, I was a guinea pig for many a pilot (trial version0 program because I was in Tours most of the town. When I did land back into the org, I was not supposed to be on post. I was on the Purif pilo, and then David Mayo (he was the top auditing tech official in Scientology at the time) came out with a version of auditing for “The Way To Happiness” booklets – the Happiness Rundown. It took the auditor a long time to convince my anxiety about actually telling the truth, the whole truth, to simmer down. That rundown was my first step Out of the maze. For that reason (most of the others on the pilot were also on their journey Out) Mayo’s version was cancelled.
The biggest lie in Scientology is that Scientology is there to help you. The truth is Scientology is there to financially rape you and if that requires also mentally and physically abusing you in every which way, fine. That greatest good mantra is the at the crux of every malignant manipulating group.
The longer you are involved in the Scientology Liar’s Club the more you feel anxious and uncomfortable around non members (not everyone was dictated to feel contempt, but pity, yes). But there is a science about what happens physically in your brain about lying and why it gets easier the more you do. Scientology has to vet who they allow to speak, tweet, text, comment to the public because they get too much exposure to too many facts the scientologist knows is correct but must say it’s a lie.
What both Hubbard and Miscavige are incapable of understanding is that most people got into Scientology to help themselves improve something about their life and to help others. Eventually all those lies implode. I have likened what you have described as “slow boiling frog” to that Peter Sellers movie, “Being There”. The Scientology Machine replaces your own identity with the identity of a narcissist/sociopath. There are some natural borns, of course, as in any group, but for most, all those lies culminate in denying who you really are and why you got in to Scientology in the first place. The human spirit is much stronger and more resilient than Hubbard ever imagined.
For those of you under the rader lurking here and watching Leah Remini’s A&E Series, “Scientology The Aftermath”, important lie is # of Scientologist stat. It was confirmed in Aug 2013 by Int staff less than 20,000 worldwide, now estimated 10,000. That is Worldwide! You now have the power to Do Something: Write up your own Knowledge Report, accept the consequences. If you all do this enmasse, Now, there will only be a few thousand left and no one, I mean no one, can continue to lie to themselves about who they really are, where they really are, and why they should follow your lead out the door. You have been given an extraordinary opportunity to help the very few still in to get out. Miscavige’s definition of an SP is one who no longer lies about who they are, what they see, and loves their family and friends. Go ahead and declare yourself then! You have the numbers now on your side. You have the Power now. All you have to do is tell the truth.
Please keep in mind that the last to turn out the lights will be the narcissists, sociopaths, criminals, pervs, regges (vulture staff salesmen), FSM’s (vulture field/public salesmen). Most in this category are the only ones in Scientology who Are being themselves! Lying is factually part of their DNA. They are slaves to their neural pathways. They can’t change. Some can’t love. They will try to keep you in because they feed off you. And that’s the truth, the whole truth, and nuthin’ but the truth.
Well said! Disconnect from the cult before the cult disconnects you from your family, friends, assets, and finally, from your core identity as a real human being!
As more and more wise up and get out, the remaining few will be subjected to ever harsher discipline and mind control techniques. You may have been bad, but no one deserves to be treated in the way that lil davey + evil minions have repeatedly demonstrated an eager willingness to engage in.
Twin up and get out, it will be one of the very best things that you ever did and a true first step in attaining your actual spiritual freedom!
The Hole Does Not Exist, Wow! I blew down reading both your comments. Such truth smack between the eyes.
“Please keep in mind that the last to turn out the lights will be the narcissists, sociopaths, criminals, pervs, regges (vulture staff salesmen), FSM’s (vulture field/public salesmen). Most in this category are the only ones in Scientology who Are being themselves! Lying is factually part of their DNA. They are slaves to their neural pathways. They can’t change. Some can’t love. They will try to keep you in because they feed off you. And that’s the truth, the whole truth, and nuthin’ but the truth.”
Silence. As the truth sinks in.
Since so many are looking up your alley of deceit . . .
Devastation Update:
Your watered down Winter Wonderland has been removed from the parking lot of your Information Center on Hollywood Boulevard in record time, the Center is going into bunker mode by covering up its windows, and there is some guy in dark garb out on the sidewalk waving a red flag to warn public not to enter the building.
You and Tom can exchange lies and pregnant pauses while watching TV tonight in the Officers’ Lounge. Tell Lou to stock the bar with fresh popcorn. Life is bubblelicious.
Three Feet Back, can you contact me privately? Give me your email address please, or ask Mike to give you mine. I have a question for you.
This is a wonderful article. Thank you, once again.
You are taking this apart brick by brick and illustrating the giant twisty corrupt morass that is scientology.
Not only does this deconstruct and lay bare the real and actual truth of what it is, how it works, and what really goes on – for the entire world to see – you’re also pegging it and calling it for those still in. And giving relief to those of us still wiping the goo from our eyes, still processing coming to our senses.
Being in is to be blinded to all of this, to have it all justified and excused. It truly is brainwashing.
Scientologists in general are not nasty ugly liars. The bulk of all the people I worked with and dealt with in scientology were good, sweet, hard-working people. Honest to a fault in so many ways.
From my view there is only one explanation for how we ended up swallowing and forwarding this dangerous nonsense. (for decades of our lives) …. it’s the most cunning brainwashing scheme imaginable.
Scientologists in general are not nasty ugly liars. The bulk of all the people I worked with and dealt with in scientology were good, sweet, hard-working people. Honest to a fault in so many ways.
From my view there is only one explanation for how we ended up swallowing and forwarding this dangerous nonsense. (for decades of our lives) …. it’s the most cunning brainwashing scheme imaginable.
With you 100% on this. I realized when I read it that I might have created the impression that scientologists are generally devious. Not the case at all. They are blind when it comes to scientology.
Yes. Good point to point out.
Agreed. We cannot demonize those unfortunate souls still in Scientology. They need love and compassion and help to get out. Scientology is not a religion and seems to be devoid of love. We need to show those in scientology that “true love” awaits them in the world outside Scientology. LRH was a demon.
Excellent article, but I also agree completely on this point, and glad to hear you do too, Mike. Mob hatred can be whipped up pretty easily, and I think we have to be careful to avoid feeding that hatred (some of which I have seen by commenters at media and other sites) which can lead to witch hunts and “the only good Scientologist is… etc.” I certainly do not want friends and acquaintances (all good people) who are still “in” to suffer unjustly, even though I pray that they will one day open their eyes.
I have actually found ex scientologists to be very compassionate about scientologists. Look at Mike and the way he feels about his kids and I about my own son. It’s lovely and compassionate and yet they say some very hateful things about him and me respectively. We exes seem to understand the mindset.
Very true. Most of the vitriol seems to come from some who have never even read a book, let alone been on course or staff, and they seem to seize on anything that will help dehumanize the objects of their hatred.
These cults/religious zealots offer up a “way or plan to save the world from Evil or the impure” that from the outside to good, sweet, hard-working, honest to a fault people can’t wait to jump on the band wagon and “spread the joy”. That’s when the head games begin, when they have gotten you to believe whole heartedly that what you have been told is right, the ONLY way, and that any other way is unacceptable.
When our own personal truth reveals itself to us, that’s when we see the light of day & are able to separate ourselves from their smothering control. All of the survivors of CO$ who have managed to “blow” and have the guts to step forward to A & E and give their own personal accounts of the TRUTH that is CO$ are to be commended. It takes great courage and fortitude to tell it like it is, despite all the criticism from family, friends, & former co workers who run smear campaigns against each and every one of you.
There will be a time when DM and his goon squad of abusers will sooner or later face the consequences of their actions…..after seeing the long list of names of the former CO$ members who’ve bailed out” (blew/escaped)….some after decades of loyalty and paying thousands or millions of dollars for “auditing sessions”, classes, books, DVD/CD AND then receiving as Leah showed “Certificates of Commendations” …..now CO$ begins a campaign to try to smear their good name……can THEY ALL be liars????
yessssssssss. (and I admit to a flutter of excitement that you respond to my comment. I’m a fan, admittedly. You’re gunna be famous, Mr. Rinder)
Would you buy a “Truth Rundown” from this group? LOL…..when were those HCOB’s issued? I have never seen them….
That reminds me of the Taliban. They are also taught it is OK to lie to the enemy, what ever it takes to accomplish the goal. You would think that the general parishioners in Scientology would think any lying
is wrong and they would all question this policy. Small cracks in the beliefs of those people could be helpful to end this cult.
Mike, after reading Lois Reisdorf’s excellent series I learned that the current policy of disconnection and treatment of SPs is mostly an invention of DM’s version of Scientology. This was news to me as an outsider and a real eye opener. I have a suggestion for a future article: What are the major changes in the teachings and rules/procedures of the CoS following the death of LRH and DM’s rise to power? I know of the disconnections and change to the way money is raised (from fundraisers for followers rather than new member fees and services) and spent (on large posh empty buildings vs the frugal orgs of the past). I find it ironic that Scientology has become the thing it hates the most: A squirrel religion.
No, that is not true. DM has taken what Hubbard said to greater lengths in order to preserve his position (though ultimately it will be what will undo him). Hubbard became very dark in his later years. He saw a LOT of enemies within (Mission Holders, squirrels, the GO, scientology businesses “stealing” from “his” orgs) and was very adamant about declaring or expelling and excommunicating them, cutting off all scientologists from any contact with them and taking out all their “connections.” I would say he was almost obsessed with this. Miscavige carried out Hubbard’s orders on this and has subsequently taken it on as his own operating principle.
I did not mean to say that LRH did not create the practice of disconnection. I read Lois to say that things changed dramatically once DM took over and the little used process was suddenly applied far more widely. Instead of just the LRH enemies, all members were potentially at risk of being forced to disconnect from their loved ones. I do bow to your expert knowledge here. Thanks for replying.
LRH and DM are so reminiscent of Lenin and Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Phot, and other psycopath dictators /leaders who descended into a mental hell and took everybody them.
The need to be right for the Scientologist is pathological. They are like the thirsty near death lost desert dweller certain of the lush mirage.
The desert dweller sees as his only hope of survival getting to that non existent oasis. The need to believe in that oasis is desperate as it is the “only hope” of survival.
So anyone trying to convince the person that his vision is flawed will equal losing hope.
That is why you can use logic and reason to point out the flaws is Hubbard’s fallacious scientism and they attack the person’s character for daring to bring the scrutiny.
The mirage of Hubbard is too sacred, too “workable” to be dismantled.
“When the debate is lost, slander is the tool of the loser”
I don’t know how many times I have criticized Ron’s doctrines and instead of arguing my ideas and disagreeing with my actual ideas, the Ron apologist simply defaults to something wrong with me as a person.
You would think that they would consider that everyone reading their ad hominem attacks would see this obvious flaw in their ability to dialogue. But like magic they have no clue!
My take is because they are really emotional and not as intellectual as they think.
My spiritual teachers as a line,”feelings travel faster than thought.”
So that’s what happens to them. Their feelings, sentiments, beliefs and emotions find there way to their mouths before reason and logic does.
When you pop a little child’s ballon they cry. No matter how many times you say we’ll get a new one, their emotions over ride the moment.
That is the mind set of true believers.
When a little 3 year old boy is dressed up as a fireman and “knows” he is a fireman, us adults say,”oh boy, look at you, you are a big fireman.” Then the little boy smiles and everyone enjoys the play. We can call that group think, group bonding, group agreement. Everyone agrees with the game. Like a Scientology event.
But with fundamentalist religionists adults that wear the identity of belonging to the “wisest religion in the universe” captained by the “wisest man in the mind universe”, they don’t cry like the little boy. Their emotions are more adultly developed.
They attack the person. Brand the person as somehow bad and assign a nefarious cause to their scrutiny.
If an adult would coldly deal the little boy that the truth is that he is not a fireman, the little boy would cry.
With Scientology adults when Ron or Scientology is criticized, their status as a “full fledged delusional fireman” is threatened.
Then the emotions of needing Ron and his tech to be special and held in high esteem is talking through their mouths. Not adult dialog and reason.
It’s always attack of the person. And this one line always defines them:
“When debate is lost slander is the tool of the loser.”
Maybe some Scientologists are consciously lying when cornered by logic. But I think most of them are simply letting emotions talk instead of logic and reason.
They hate you for saying,”look here little boy, you are not a real fireman”
Love the visual metaphor! And the “water” that continues to shimmer and entice even as it recedes in the distance is always the next new level that, supposedly, will cure everything bad that’s not yet been handled.
Maybe this current crisis will finally make lil davey pull out his very last bit of mirage bait, OaTy 9&10, in a last ditch effort to keep those who continue to lust after non-existent superhuman powers focused on something other than his sociopathic behavior as the cult’s absolute ruler.
Who knows, really, as the cult enters its Last Days many end-game scenarios are possible, including lil davey dialing up the cruelty and sadism in order to hold on to the last few $cilons that remain. Perhaps he’ll try to employ both the non-existent magic carrot and the very real whip together in order to keep the cult from imploding just a little bit longer.
Or…… somehow, the Feds are watching this thing with a microscope. They are gathering data daily from the internet, this site and A&E.
Listening to the stories that violate the churches tax status. Waiting, gathering, studying and questioning major players behind the curtain.
SECURING a water proof case.
Using all of the law power of the Federal Government that can boomerang on Miscavige with all the secretive intel force that the church once weilded.
Except now the tables are turned. Maybe there are dumpster divers at Int.
Maybe moles forwarding evidence to the FBI.
Ron taught his willing hounds to use the law to harass. Maybe the law is about to do the harassing.
The chase scene is about to go down.
So is the ‘greatest good for the greatest number’ principle something an average Scientologist tries to comply with in his daily life, or is it something never really much thought about unless the ‘good’ in question is Scientology? – It just seems like such an impractical moral code would trip a person up pretty often.
When I was in, the greatest good meant to me:
1) disseminating Scientology
2) getting auditing and being on course
3) defending Scientology
4) attacking SPs
5) shunning people who were critical of Ron or Scientology
6) living to clear the planet (creating a Scientology planet!! Please shoot me first)
Basically the doctrine of greatest good when I was in, was the building material for my self created bubble.
The greatest good could, I believe, boil down to this one idea:
When I was a Sea Org member in New York FOLOEUS, we use to meet at the end of the day with GO members in the large course room and all look at a map of the world.
The Instruction for all of us was to visualize a Scientology Planet. That WAS the goal.
L Ron Hubbard actually wanted to take over the world and make a Scientology planet.
Remember that new comers when Ron apologists are squirming to put the broken pieces of his busted, deconstructed image back together again.
He wanted to take over planet earth. I was there. I was part of the looney toons.
I can tell you from my experience that once you are fully indoctrinated, daily life. I always struggled and questioned this one though, as did others, and it’s just one that trips you up.
It might help you to understand if you know that Scientologists believe, at least at first and especially in the earlier decades, that there was an actual science to it all (oops, another lie). The concept is that the auditing processes will help you and all human beings be free of impulses that are destructive to you and others and will help increase your understanding, your abilities, your intellect. You believe that human beings can evolve and Scientology is the map (or bridge) to reaching a new plane of existence.
Many of the veteran scientologist, the now grandmothers and grandfathers heading up Scientology families, came from an era mauled and scarred by wars and grew up terrified of being bombed and the world turned into smoldering rot. That era inspired many bright visionaries and pioneers that actually did help mankind. Hubbard was not one of them, but he knew for he was. We believed that yesterday’s science fiction could be tomorrow’s science. Many of us were rebels. We saw it happening live when we saw a man land on the moon while riots and racism raged down our streets. Scientology manipulated that dream of a better world by many means, but especially that “greatest good” lie. I’m rooting for the grandkids to be the rebels they were born to be. Only this time, Google is their guide. Hope this helps.
You are supposed to apply it to every decision you make, all the time. In practice you only have to worry about it on those rare occasions that you have to justify your actions to a superior or someone who is accusing you of doing something wrong.
As Mike points out, when you are on staff or actually participating as an active student etc. the principle instantly simplifies to “Scientology way or the highway”.
You can say you want to go on a date (Second Dynamic, Sex and the Family) but the course supervisor will say “How can you think about woggy stuff like dates when you are scheduled to be on course????” Dynamics 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Groups = Scientology, All Mankind, All Living Things, The Spirit and Infinity) gang up on Dynamic 2 and win in a landslide. No date.
And of course most dedicated Scientology folks are on course every evening and all day Saturday and Sunday which leaves exactly zero time for dates, bowling, reading books that are not by Hubbard, you name it.
So the moral code is pretty practical for the Scientologist who is firmly in the bubble. Sacrifice all to the cause and you are all good.
In ordinary real life it breaks down pretty fast. How do you assign greatest good to something? Something may be very very good for your first dynamic, like stealing from your employer. But it is bad on the third dynamic of your company. But is it really that bad? The boss probably won’t notice. And you can buy a new red corvette (good for the second dynamic too). It seemingly doesn’t affect the other dynamics. But then if you factor in getting caught by the cops…
Most people don’t need some complicated formula to figure out right and wrong.
Let’s not forget Hubbard’s “ethics protection.” In his own words he stated, “. . .if a staff member is getting production up by having his own statistic excellent, Ethics sure isn’t interested. . . In short a staff member can get away with murder so long as his statistic is up. . .”
Just curious. Were Rex Fowler’s stats up when he murdered his business partner? I’m not being snarky here. “Wog” justice was done and he is in prison, as he should be. But to my knowledge, he was never declared and his wife was not made to disconnect from him. In the world of scientology, was he allowed to get away with murder because his “stats” were up?
Easy and true answer. L Ron was a pathological liar (well documented) and he trained his followers to lie in order to protect his “church” and ongoing scam.
Scientologists debase themselves in this way without a second thought, lying for scientology as if to protect their own children. These are otherwise decent people who believe honesty is important. It’s such a twisted world.
“Wogs do not understand life. They are ignorant, misinformed, or evil.” I read those words and immediately thought of Tom Cruise and his stunningly condescending attitude during the infamous Matt Lauer interview.
“Matt, Matt, Matt……you’re glib!” Tom Cruise
Excellent post Mike! You document what in a nutshell could be, that all of the horrible deeds that Scientologists take part in, from perjury, to regging families to the point of bankruptcy and losing their homes, fair game, etc., all boils down to the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. And that none of the dynamics would even exist without the 3rd dynamic – Scientology. So, they sacrifice their personal lives, their families, their integrity and everything else in life for the cult and then feel good about it!
I suppose it is similar to being a spy for your country against the enemy country. Commit horrible deeds for the greatest good, your country and it’s cause, whatever that may be.
In the past few months I have attempted to comment on this exact phenomenon but would get about 3 paragraphs into my comment and deleted it as it was too complex to adequately explain. You just did it perfectly. Thanks.
Fraud and misrepresentation has been the cult’s practice in dealing with the US government for over 40 years. This is based on personal knowledge and observation. When challenged the response (excuse) is always; “it is the greatest good”. This is despite the risk of suffering severe penalties including imprisonment. It is time for real and effective action from the government and courts. You know this too Mike.
The saddest part is they lie to themselves even more than they lie to others.
Hubbard said in the “Way to Happiness”: “Seek to live with the truth”. Not “Seek the truth” or “Live a truthful life”. Or even “Tell the truth”. No, you are supposed to tell an “Acceptable truth”.
Until they come out of the bubble a bit and get some real information about Hubbard and the real activities of the “Church” it is unlikely that they will be able to stop lying to themselves. And it is a long hard road when you have an active fantasy life going with yourself as the top dog.
But the truth is the only thing that will set them free,
Indeed Bruce. Scientologist might consider using the tech to investigate the scene for themselves instead of getting their information from Int Mgmt. Everything they need to know about the actual scene is just a few mouse clicks away. Start with scientology disconnection fair game death of L R Hubbard FBI snow white Paulette Cooper Debbie Cooks email. Technical deviations from Hubbard’s original techniques have been deviated from for the purpose of financial gain. Do a full research on the subject of out tech concerning NOTS and Solo Nots. CS Series 73RB. The Church of Scientology is not your friend despite what David Miscavige tells you.
Doug said, “Indeed Bruce. Scientologist might consider using the tech to investigate the scene for themselves”
NOT a good idea. Why? Because per LRH TECH, anyone who finds DM as an SP or WHO is just PTS Type 2 and needs ethics & Qual handling.
This is a very good article. Thanks Mike Rinder. I think this is on-topic and relevant, hopefully you won’t mind posting it – this is a link to a YouTube video made by two former Jehovah’s witness who watched you & Leah Remini’s “Aftermath” A&E series and are astounded by the similarities of the two organizations. They go through point-by-point how they are similar, including how their Watchtower Association tries to recover members, their own internal “Justice system”, how their “disfellowshipping” is similar to Scn “disconnection” and in the first few minutes of the video talk about this very topic of today’s post here, how it acceptable for JW’s to lie, to not divulge information to the authorities, as their “spiritual warfare” policy is similar to Scientology’s “fair game” policy.
It’s worth watching, it’s another view of how ex-members of both organizations have to go through a mental process of recovery, they talk about their reactions to Leah Remini and Mike Rinder throughout the video, and it’s interesting to see how they perceive Scientology based on viewing the A&E series and their comparison of the organizations.
Have a wonderful day everyone; here in sunny CA we are finally getting some rain, thank goodness, as we’ve been in a state of drought, with water rationing this past year.
I am an X JW. And the similarities are really remarkable
Viewing people talking about their experiences really helps to understand the decompression process of those who leave a restricted, cult-like environment, whether it be Scientology, Jehovah’s witnesses, the FLDS (under Warren Jeffs) or similar organizations. We can all learn from each other and help ex-members to adapt more easily to the larger world and become happier while reintegrating into society. There are a few well-known cult-type organizations, and the experiences of those who leave tend to be similar. We are all on this planet together, let’s give each other a helping hand.
Thank you for this excellent article today Mike. After Scientology touches your life…in any way…especially thru disconnection and fair game tactics…it’s very hard to get past the disbelief that human beings do these things to other fellow humans…and that the Cult of Scientology actually encourages their members to act with deceptive practices and scorching betrayals towards those they consider mere WOGs or ‘enemie’s’ ( whether their actual enemies or just ‘perceived’ as such ). Finding oneself in the aftermath of anything ‘Scientology’ can be painful. It’s often difficult to sort thru the lies excruciating to confront the broken faith you one had in the basic goodness of mankind after dealing with such depravity and evil found within the dark side of Scientology. The process of restoring oneself and relearning to trust after all the lies…can seem impossible.
My heart is so grateful for what you and Leah Remini are doing with this series. I don’t even have the words to thank you enough. When I was so broken-hearted and grieving…alone in a foreign country…having finally run away after all the hurt and destruction this Cult did to my life and my family…I never thought that the truth would be told and this organization would be exposed for the destruction they cause to so many other lives…so many families and futures.
Thank you & Leah and to all who speak up and provide a voice for those of us yet not ready to do so…Thank you from my heart…for carrying the torches and lighting the way. It’s been a very long journey back home…
Yes! Just look at what the church is having its members who are close to those doing the Leah Aftermath show.
The ones I have seen, including my own son and husband’s boyhood friend, all say we “disconnected” from them. The church is twisting the truth and using the word “disconnected” in other senses. A divorce pre-scientology has now become a “disconnection.”
The fact that I did not go into the org and get a sec check and recant and do amends and change my mind about david miscavige being a sociopath, means that I DISCONNECTED. This is also the scenario that in my son’s mind is the church giving me “every opportunity to go in and handle the situation.” (Another distortion of the truth)
My family members are doing the same thing, claiming I disconnected from them, when in fact they stopped talking to me,cut ties with me. That must be the new spin, ‘acceptable truth’, they’ve been instructed to tell.
Yup. Because we did not go in and get “handled” within the confines and “tech” of the church, we “disconnected” from them, by forcing them to Declare us evil – and the rest just follows. In other words, you can never leave.
There are just so many terms and concepts that $cn has coined or twisted that it makes the cult a true master of Orwellian doublespeak. The cherch’s current attempt to make the thoroughly reprehensible and invidious practice of coerced disconnection seem as if it’s actually the choice of those who’ve had their ties to family and friends cut by cherch decree is among the most outrageous and evil examples of it.
To add sadism to evil, lil davey the SP I/C has coerced still-in members who are related to individuals featured on Leah’s series to make cringeingly painful to watch, scripted “hostage” videos in which the individual’s family member or former colleagues engages in more ad hominem attacks while never addressing the serious allegations that have been made.
It’s a kind of “revenge by proxy” move on lil davey the sadist’s part in that they’re so obviously staged and coerced that the intention can’t be to convince anyone of anything. Instead, the message is much more direct: Attack me and I will humiliate your family members and make them compromise their personal integrity if I can no longer take revenge on you directly. Everyone who’s still in with family gets the very clear message sent that the same will happen to them if they cross him publicly.
One can only hope that by willingly subjecting themselves to being used in this manner that those who’ve been coerced into making these “hostage” videos will have had the seeds of their own disaffection planted and will, in time, look back on being used so sadistically as the point at which they too began to understand that it was time to escape the cult and stop the evil the evil that has been done to them and their family.
Making someone choose between their religious group affiliation and their connection to family is a defining characteristic of a cult and anyone that would allow, enable or stand silent in the face of it is, to one degree or another, in thrall to the cult and mind controlled by it…simple as that!
Yep that is how they spin it. We disconnected from them by not going in to “get handled.” I had a Scn call me who had an MAA on the line with him coaching him privately on what to say to me. I told him that I’d been declared without a Com Ev and without any goldenrod being issued. A Communication Lag and then he said, in the SO woman’s valence, that I had refused to go in. I said no, I was never ordered or told to go in, so how could I refuse? But they spin everything and their members believe every word from their mouths.
To make another analogy with NPD, scientology disconnection is the narcissist’s “silent treatment”.
The “silent treatment” is used by the person with NPD to punish and manipulate their target into doing what they want. Sometimes it is to get money, favors or even to get them to stop seeing other people the narcissist dislikes.
By the language of disconnecting scientologists, you can tell the goals of disconnection are exactly the same – the person must get back “in good standing” – stop criticizing, reading critical material / meeting critical people, submit to discipline and, almost always pay money to the church – to get back in contact with their loved ones.
The people doing the disconnection might not be aware that this is what they are doing. They might think it’s for the person’s own good. Or be manipulated themselves into it by the threat of disconnection from other people. But what they are doing is inherently manipulative. You have no right to demand absolute control over what a loved one reads and who they interact with – these things have nothing to do with you. Furthermore, as adults, you have to respect their right to decide what is good for them.
The personal choice to have no contact with somebody, or to divorce, is very different from this, and again, you can see this by listening to how the people who do it speak about it. You don’t stop talking to someone in the hope that they behave better towards you. You do it because you already know they won’t respect you, and you do so as a last resort to protect yourself from further harm. It’s not what they read or who they meet you object to, it’s what they’re *doing* to you.
Similarly, you don’t divorce so that your spouse takes better care of you, you divorce because your relationship is over. A divorce isn’t until one spouse gets back “in good standing”.
That is the difference between scientology disconnection / narcissistic silent treatment and the legit, freely made decision to cut off relationship with another person : you neither do it under manipulation of another nor do it to manipulate others. You do it as a last resort for self protection.
This is such an important point – and it’s one that I hope is made clear on Leah’s show.
Scientology claims that disconnection is voluntary. THIS IS A PROVABLE LIE: There are now hundreds upon hundreds of credible stories of people who were forced to disconnect from their family members *against their will*. And more stories are coming out every day. The only thing voluntary about it was that they had to choose between two horrible options: cut off contact with their disaffected family, or lose contact with their still-in family. Forcing someone to choose between two evils does not mean that it was voluntary. It was not voluntary for them to only be offered those two options.
Scientology claims that those who left the church are the ones who disconnected, not their family members who are still in. THIS IS A PROVABLE LIE: the ex-member is required to take some kind of action they don’t want to take, and spend money they don’t want to spend, in order for their still-in family to be willing to communicate with them. Clearly it’s the one demanding something of the other before they will have contact, who is the disconnectER; the ex-member who is begging for no-strings-attached contact is the disconnectEE.
It’s an upside-down world in there.
Well, I think every episode of the show is proving that to be a lie much more effectively than just saying it’s a lie.
True that! I’m sure it’s been an eye-opener for those who knew nothing about Scientology.
What I often find myself wondering as I watch is, what do newbies to this topic think – those for whom Scientology was nothing more than a fringe religion that some actors belong to? As someone who has been following them for decades, I already know too much – none of this is a surprise to me…although seeing it played out on the TV has been indescribably moving.
But I can’t help but wonder how effective are the church’s dumb statements (which I personally think are given way too much prominence, but I assume is done for legal reasons)? Do they actually give viewers pause to think that maybe the church has a point, and these people could possibly just be disgruntled former members? Or do they come across as the desperate attempts of a horrifying cult to falsely discredit the people who are revealing the truth (which is what we know to be the case)?
That’s kinda what I meant about “I hope it’s made clear” on the show. It’s clear as day to me, but how clear is it to the uninitiated? It’s hard for me to judge.
Although I do think that having Leah read their statement about her is pure genius. 😉
well said, @kemist
What is REALLY very VERY counter productive to the stated goals of Scientology is that Scientologists have gotten into the habit of COMPULSIVELY and CONTINUALLY lying TO EACH OTHER!
You have documented this very thoroughly over the years in regards to almost every stat that is presented to staff and parishioners. And of course the vicious lies about people who have dedicated decades of their lives to the CoS.
Staff lie to each other ALL THE TIME (about targets, cycles that are pending, personnel, etc) Sometimes it’s kind of laughable … “captain” Lundeen assuring all the BC students that the upcoming event IS most definitely the most important and ground breaking event EVER and that we will all be blown out … and then saying he actually hasn’t seen it, but that this is what he has been told …. ha ha
But this is a habit LRH was himself into from the very beginning* and he simply could not stop doing it and thus it became a way of operating in his organization.. Yes, HIGHLY ironic as the workability of auditing itself depends on truth as well as all of LRH’s admin procedures/data evaluation.
*and I do not mean just about his personal life and achievements, which was bad enough. But he also lied about his work. I happen to think Dianetic auditing is great and tremendously worthwhile. I think that LRH did in fact devise techniques, while built on others’ earlier work, were still unique in how they were done and extremely beneficial to the person getting the auditing.
But he certainly lied about the attributes of a Clear. He could not have possibly achieved those on people. And if for some strange occurrence, he did have some savant who did those things, he claimed that this state was done as a matter of course on Dianetics, and we know tha this could not have been true or observed by him, simply by the fact that he later determined that one needed to go backtrack on Dianetics to achieve this, thus he could not have achieved what he said he did by 1950.
But he most definitely lied about something else that I missed when I read DMSMH, didn’t catch until about a year ago as I flipped through the book in a used book store in Thailand. In the section on the clear, he said that the most important trait of a clear was that the clear was rational. Say what????? How could he know that in 1950? To determine that the “clears” he made were rational, wouldn’t he have had to follow them intensely in their lives for years to determine that they could indeed rationally handle all the diverse situations and problems which we all face in our lives over time? How long would you have to follow someone to determine that they had become rational in life? I would say at least five yeasr, AT LEAST, and DOCUMENT how you had determined that they were now indeed “rational” in all their decisions.
A lie. An important one. Right at the start. And again, I think LRH did a lot of wonderful work. But he could not control himself as to simple truth. And then later in Philadelphia ……
Excellent point Joe. The internal lying is a straight up and vertical milestone of epic proportions, especially when it comes to events.
I am thinking that the lying he’s doing with his vicious hit pieces from the kids is even worse than the events. This stuff is outright slander.
Miscavige’s behavior with this crap has reached the ultimate of repulsive.
He really is going off the deep end with his lying “PR” and getting family to be his mouth piece for it.
It absolutely will come back to bite him.
Joe: “And then later in Philadelphia ……”
Can you expand a bit on that?
Solid post, Mr. Rinder! Thank you!
Just in your post name, says it all! Escaped! You had to escape from the cult! And this is what more and more people are doing…..escaping. Good for you! In 2003, you got your old life back! And, isn’t it great being out! Congrats!
Thanks OSD, but even now, 13 years later, I still don’t feel fully free of its effects on me. This has been a hard series to watch in many ways, especially this weeks’ episode, where it’s shown how there is no such thing as “unconditional love” in Scientology, no God, and no leisure or pleasure allowed in the life of a dedicated scientologist. Once fundamentally stripped of one’s humanity like that for a long enough time, I’ve found it’s not so easy finding the way back. This cult cannot be burned down soon enough for me.
Hey Mike, did you see the shoops Intergalactic Walrus did over on the Bunker? They’re hilarious.
Copied here for convenience:
Thank you Mike (and Leah) for exposing the lies of the Co$, stocking up on kleenex for tonight’s show. Just listened to the candid conversation in the wee hours LRH had with the documentarian filmmaker aboard the Apollo in Steve Cannane’s book Fair Game. Seems all those lies had LRH caught in his own trap, surrounded by people who believed his con. I used to live a life with lies, now I feel compelled to live as honestly as possible, lies are such a sticky web attached to one’s soul, it is so freeing to cut through the BS and live a life out in the open free of secrets and lies.
Wow. So LRH encouraged scientologists to lie basically yet he at the same time admonishes liars. Just smh…. I continue to just be dumbfounded that people have gotten pulled into this crazy cult. Truly sad that their emotions are played on and they get sucked in. Again, so thankful fir what you are doing Mike Rinder and Leah Remini.
It’s the contradiction at the heart of a narcissist. Hubbard was a raging narcissist, and his organization reflects his personality in spades.
At their core, narcissists hate what they are. They are forever convinced that no one can ever love them if they knew what they really were, and that any affection people grant them depends on their beauty, youth, prowess, money and/or power.
That’s why of the one hand you’ll see them brazenly do such things… and in the next breath, condemn anyone who does such things. They hate those things and hate themselves for doing them, but have insulated themselves with such a thick coat of denial that they do not have the faculty to emotionally understand what they do.
For instance, they’ll tell you they hate unfaithful people, while they themselves are the worst kind of adulterous motherf***** you’ve ever had the displeasure to meet. Normally you’d expect someone who hates something to avoid doing that thing. But you’re not facing a normal person. You’re facing someone who is incapable of understanding their own or other people’s emotions. Whatever emotionally normal behavior they have acquired is just mimicking what people around them are doing*.
It’s so bizarre that most people disbelieve themselves rather than accept that such people exist.
* If you know a narcissist, one of the funniest experiment you can do is to suddenly and forcefully change your mind about something. You’ll see the narcissist flip flop between positions to follow yours – he / she has no personal opinion (or if they have, they will not reveal it to you); he / she is just mimicking yours so as to gain your trust. A piece of advice : if you ever catch somebody doing that, run away, no matter how charming they might seem.
So, they are all cowards and liars. Robots all, sadly in need of a wake up call. Hello…….are you there??..
Pinocchio needs a Miscavige like pompadour to make him (Pinocchio) seem more credible.
Instead of the old “Do birds fly?” They shoud ask instead: “Do Scientologists lie?”
If you issued that as a command, they would sit there dumbfounded, in silence…
And of course the correct answer is… only when they communicate.