Any time there is a post about ideal org failures, there is a lot of speculation about “Why?”
I have written various posts and comments about this from time to time, but realized I had never put it all in one place.
There are two reasons for the ideal org program that go hand in hand. And it explains why, in spite of the clear failure of this program to bring about planetary clearing, or anything at all aligned with the “Aims of Scientology,” it will continue to be pushed until the very end.
1. It is vital for Miscavige to hold onto his position
2. IRS concerns
But before explaining these points more thoroughly, a review of the history of how “ideal orgs” came about will help put everything else in context.
In 2002 the city of Buffalo moved to force the church in Buffalo out of its building under the laws of eminent domain in order to construct a parking ramp.
The church sued, claiming this was preventing the practice of its religion.
The city settled, agreeing to pay money to allow the org to relocate. Prices of property in Buffalo were crazy cheap at the time and they found a large building. Miscavige had been working on his plan to eliminate the “incompetence of staff” in Div 6 by replacing them with scripted videos to explain dianetics and scientology. And so this was given the go ahead with a large space allocated for “AV displays” in Div 6. This was the precursor to the FART Div 6 and Miscavige told everyone who would listen about his brilliant plan that would drive millions onto the Bridge. Henceforth all orgs needed to have enough space for his Golden Age of Div 6.
Around the same time, Joburg Org had become extremely unsafe in its downtown premises (a staff member had been murdered on the street outside the org) and by necessity they were having to move.
Also at the time, Miscavige had been spending a lot of time at Flag with the McPherson case. Tampa Org, which was in a strip mall had become a flap through non-payment of their rent. Buffalo was financed by the city. Joburg was pretty easy to finance as there was a huge amount of money sitting in South Africa that could not be gotten out of the country awaiting exchange control approval (which would never come for the amounts that were there). The value of the rand was decreasing. So, he approved a building be purchased. But Tampa was different. So he personally briefed Jenny Linson and Angie Blankenship to round up the local “OT’s” and hold THEM responsible for the state of Tampa Org on the basis that it was out ethics for THEM to have their nearest Class V org such a disgrace and they needed to “take responsibility.”
The CMO in Clearwater were put onto Tampa Org virtually on an all hands basis, collecting money, finding the building, recruiting staff and getting the renovations done.
Same in Africa with all of CMO Africa full time on the Joburg Org and CMO EUS was directly involved in Buffalo. It became Miscavige’s pet project. He reviewed the space plans and rejected them numerous times, constantly “refining” the planning. Anyone who has ever worked on these lines can tell you that this is perhaps the most frustrating and unproductive thing they have ever been engaged in. Not only do the goalposts constantly shift, the playing field tilts and the sprinklers go on and off at random times. He spends hundreds of hours on something that should take an hour and then complains about how overworked he is.
But compared to today, those first orgs were done at lightning speed. They opened the following year — Tampa in March 2003 and Joburg and Buffalo in November. And with them the “Ideal Org” program was born. even though at that early age it didnt have a formal name — in fact, it was called “The Buffalo Strategy” because Buffalo was “so successful.” Miscavige sent out programs to all orgs to “do the Buffalo strategy.”
The next priority orgs were primarily for the benefit of Tom Cruise. Madrid (his 2D at the time was Penelope Cruz, though by the time the org opened they were split up — Miscavige was also there trying to gain religious recognition for scientology in Spain), New York (because Tom had an apartment there and visited often and may need to bring someone important into the org — you will recall it was also where he had a “chance” encounter with his church selected bride to be) and San Francisco (not especially Tom Cruise related — there happened to be a lot of wealthy people there and a building that attracted Miscavige’s attention, the “original Transamerica building”).
This whole fiasco could have ended after Tampa, Buffalo and Joburg. So, back to the two reasons WHY this has become the most important thing in scientology:
1. It is vital for Miscavige to hold onto his position
The ONLY way Miscavige (at least at the outset) was able to maintain his position of power (which by his definition is having people listen to you) was to be seen by scientologists as both “on Source” and responsible for expanding scientology.
He managed to convince the sheeple that he “knew” what LRH wanted done and that he was ruthlessly dedicated to ensuring there was nothing but standard tech in the church. He pronounced himself the man who let in the light and ended the era of the blind leading the blind with his brilliant innovation of the “Golden Age Of Tech.” Plus he kept re-releasing books and lectures, each time newly packaged, but sold as “being on source for the first time.” And each new release heavily stressed how “COB” was making sure ALL tech in its “100% pure form” was gotten into the hands of scientologists and the world. People who WANT to believe something have very short memories. The vast majority didn’t notice that the “now on Source” stuff replaced what had previously been sold to them as the “now on source stuff” by the same guy. It’s happened over and over. So, he has pretty cleverly maneuvered himself into the positioning of being the ultimate “on source” scientologist in the minds of staff and public. Nowadays he is actually less concerned about “following LRH” than he is about ensuring people understand what HIS “command intention” is. He lived out the 21 years that LRH was theoretically going to reappear in and added on a few more to be safe and then started cranking up the “Command Intention” push and the “Cult of COB.” It would take too long to really lay out how he has accomplished this, and it is not really important for this posting. Suffice to say, in the minds of “good scientologists” there is no doubt that Miscavige is the best scientologist they know.
But there is that pesky second prong — expanding scientology. This is really important. In the scientology mindset, beyond anything else on planet earth, expanding scientology is “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” Of course, scientology will help ALL dynamics of EVERYONE. So, if someone is expanding scientology, they have virtually unlimited “ethics protection”, they can “get away with murder.” This is absolutely vital to Miscavige. Many of you may have experienced telling a KMoolAid drinker about Miscavige beating people up or living lavishly only for them to respond with “that is unimportant, look at his stats, he can get away with murder.” This IS the pervasive think within the sheeple. Anyone who is exposing the facts about Miscavige is dismissed as “an SP attacking an upstat” and his “foibles” are excused because of the massive good he is doing.
It is for this reason Miscavige spends an inordinate amount of time convincing people he is an “upstat.” This includes all the idiotic sounding numbers — the miles of conduit laid, square inches of ink etc etc. These are the foundation for the big generality lies. “We have expanded 5X since the release of Golden Age Of Tech II”. These lies are swallowed whole.
But, even if his lies are bought, he had a big problem.
The LRH “game” for orgs was to reach the size of old St Hill. Every staff member on earth has had that hammered into them for years. They all know what it means. So too the public. A big Academy with lots of students and lots of clears being made – IN ADDITION to staff being well paid and going OT with their own universe corps.
To compound the problem, Miscavige had invented an arbitrary that he would not release the mythical OT IX and X until “all orgs were SH Size.”
He tried at Maiden Voyages to convince the OT Ambassadors that they had to be responsible for getting their org to SH Size if they ever wanted to get OT IX and X. It was HEAVILY pushed for a while, and a number of OT VIII’s were recruited to be org EDs (thus directly responsible for getting OT IX and X — see Geir Isene’s story about meeting Miscavige on the Freewinds). But the problem was that these OT Ambassadors had no more chance of getting an org to SH Size than the existing staff did. And that was impossible. A few orgs were “announced” but they had been stat-pushed and artificially propped up to reach the arbitrary stat quotas for the week they were awarded and promptly sank back to their previous levels. The reality began to set in with the OT Ambassadors — all orgs are NEVER going to be SH Size and the Bridge has ended right where I am at (OT VIII) and I still don’t know WTF. It also began to sink in with them, when they were putting their attention on expanding the orgs to SH size, that this was NOT happening.
So, Miscavige came up with a new “why” — the “orgs are trying to do too little” and pitched this in one of the all-time insane briefings that the clubbed seals lapped up. It “explained” the failure to reach SH Size was because they didn’t have an org capable of doing so. He equated it to trying to do an auditing session without having a meter or room set up properly. The handling for this was to “slam dunk” all orgs right now — “straight up and vertical, no gradients” and that meant “get a building big enough for all the functions of an org to be performed.” Everyone loved this because it “explained” their failures and gave them something else to concentrate on. Instead of expanding orgs, he now gave the OT Ambassadors the job of raising the money and finding the buildings. Now they couldn’t complain about no OT IX and X because the “only reason” it was not available to them was that not all orgs had become “ideal” (even this was a gradual evolution to redefine the term as the LRH policy letter doesn’t resemble what is now known as an “ideal org”) and the ONLY reason for that was that they had failed to collect enough money.
He also took their attention off the actual expansion of the orgs (there isn’t any) and convinced them that if they just got the buildings that would BE expansion and everything would happen by magic. It was genius. And of course, with all the attention on “ideal orgs” the staff forgot about the concept of ever getting a Universe Corps as nobody talked about that any more.
So why doesn’t the church just BUY and RENOVATE all the buildings? I have brought this up a number of times as they are happy to suck the last dollars out of anyone and everyone for the “most important program on earth,” but when a catastrophe like Boston happens they do nothing. Well, as long as they are NOT done, Miscavige doesn’t have to come up with something and call it OT IX and X. Though he does recognize he has to find something for the OT VIIIs to do — which has been a parade of Basics, Congresses, ACCs, Purif, Objectives, Student Hat, Running Pgm and Super Power. But that’s beside the point of the “ideal orgs.”
It’s a beautiful scheme — they raise money for him to buy buildings he owns and as long as they are not done he doesn’t have to confront what to do about his promised OT IX and X. And not only that, he has taken all attention off having to get staff through OT levels by providing Universe Corps to them – a complete pain in the ass. AND the total amount of church reserves (his ultimate “stat” to protect him from any possible internal dissent should the natives become restless he could simply claim “upstats”) just keeps going up and up and up. And he doesn’t have to have any organization or auditors or supervisors to deliver services to make money, it just rolls in to Reserves and he sits like Scrooge McDuck and watches.
Add to this that he has something to SHOW. He has redefined expansion to mean “new buildings”. And those “new churches” prove that scientology is expanding under his leadership. If you go to the website, it is a parade of glowing reports about scientology’s international expansion with 37 “new churches” opened since 2003 (the Mormons have probably opened 370 real NEW temples in that time) and how “Mr. Miscavige” has been at the helm spearheading this incredible expansion of the “fastest growing religion on earth.”
You only need to attend a single event or read one of their magazines to know that “scientology expansion” now equals “square feet of renovated space.” And new buildings equals new orgs. And all you need for new buildings is money and a team of CGI people to make videos and the entire scam is in place. To quote Miscavige “just add water” and you have “expansion.”
2. IRS
The second element is the IRS. The reason that churches (and other institutions) are granted tax exempt status is because they are in theory providing a public benefit. All share in the goodwill and services provided by churches one way or another so taxing them makes no sense. But the IRS is concerned that the money is actually SPENT for the public benefit and is not simply accumulated. Accumulated cash is NOT benefiting the public. You are of course allowed to have reserves for future expansion or for disastrous occurrences, and a large amount is allowable.
While Miscavige can hide a lot of what he does behind “religious belief and practice protected under the First Amendment” (labor law violations, abuse of church workers etc etc) it is far more difficult to hide how much money you are taking in and accumulating. Especially when you constantly publish lists of the amounts that people give (‘statuses”). The IRS is severely limited in its ability to look into the finances of churches — but still, Miscavige and his lawyers are aware that this area of accumulating reserves is a vulnerable one.
He could spend the money on real charitable programs. Build schools. Provide vaccines. Give away food. Even give away WTH booklets or dianetics and scientology books. But he sees all of those things as draining HIS Reserves stats. And he HAS to remain “upstat” at all times, even if it destroys the entire church to keep HIS pretense going. He is above reproach because of this. It is LRH who said the ultimate stat of CO CMO Int/WDC Chairman is Total Sea Org Reserves (he never gave a stat for RTC and in any event, that is not what Miscavige does, he is directly involved in the day to day micromanagement of everything in scientology).
One thing you CAN do with the money is buy facilities to “service your parishioners.” And the IRS basically takes you at your word that this is part of your religious belief and practice. Thus the CST vaults and the ridiculous expense involved in them was proudly shown to the IRS as a valid use of church funds. Virtually any property purchased that can be given a “religious significance” passes muster with the IRS.
The beauty of property purchases is that they are also included in the “Total Reserves Stat” — thus a $10 million cash outlay does not decrease Miscavige’s Total Reserves Stat as it simply changes significance from cash to property.
This is why you see ridiculous properties like KCET being purchased for more than $40 million (who knows how much to “renovate” it?). Or Larry Hadman’s former mansion for $10 million for a “celebrity Narconon”. Or various “ideal org buildings.”
The building expenses are a defense against charges of accumulating too much in reserves.
He will always have to come up with new schemes to spend money on real estate. Buying “ideal orgs” is one way but it has a downside. It curtails the revenue stream every time one is purchased. And it takes him ever closer to having to release the non-existent OT IX and X.
Believe me, no matter how nutty the “ideal org” program gets, it is not going away.
Not while Miscavige is running the show.
A reader asked for definitions of a number of terms. I am adding them here for other readers who also may not be familiar with the arcane language of scientology:
Div 6 — the public division of a scientology organization, responsible for contacting new people and interesting them in scientology and getting them started on their first service
AV Displays — Audio Visual displays — a series of video and audio presentations implemented by David Miscavige for Div 6 to “bypass staff incompetence” so people could have scientology explained to them by canned statements
FART Div 6 — a derogatory acronym I coined to describe the Miscavige “Div 6 AV” — it stands for Fully Automated Robot TV
CMO – Commodore’s Messenger Organization, a senior (once most senior until the formation of RTC or Religious Technology Center) internal division within the scientology hierarchy. Named after the people who delivered messages for L. Ron Hubbard (the Commodore) in the early days of the Sea Organization. Though they were young, they had enormous authority derived from the fact that they worked directly for Hubbard.
2D – the second of the 8 dynamics which are the urges towards survival – 1 is self, 2 is family, 3 groups, 4 mankind, 5 living things, 6 physical things without life, 7 spirits, 8 God or infinity
Universe Corps — an internal organization created by Hubbard to move scientology staff up the Bridge to OT. It’s a theory that has never worked out in practice.
CGI people — Computer Generated Images (fake) people
RTC — Religious Technology Center. The seniormost scientology organization headed by David Miscavige, the self-styled “Chairman of the Board” (there is no board).
over staffing, over building, of dodgy quack pseudo-therapy/exorcism business.
Getting others consumed with making the quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism training and delivering, too many staff, too many executives, too much bureaucracy…..
…..and then methodically blaming all concerned when the overstaffed operation fails at selling the quackery.
Setting up grandiose goals tie them to the overbuilt empire, and blame all who participate.
Those who escape blame would be the whales.
And the whales end up secure from the blame, so long as they keep funding this non working overbuilt auto pilot self blaming operation as it continually fails, day in day out.
Scientology, built by nutty L. Ron Hubbard.
With Xenu and body-thetans words unallowed to be defined, except by quitters and outsiders.
And when the nut Hubbard is near to death, he admits to one person that he failed, and he sure did, and now all in Scientology share that identical secret themselves.
Failing with Hubbard.
All anyone needs talk about Scientology is the Xenu dumping of R6 implanted body-thetans which require OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism to remove from one’s human body.
Scientology is a long runway overstaffed institutionalized self blaming snipe hunting operation chasing Xenu’s dumped body-thetans.
An impossible proposition, except for the productive already rich whales and upper middle class who aren’t ruined by funding this operation.
Great article Mike – nice to get the back story for those three first “ideal orgs”. Typical ad hoc thinking by DM – turned a bad idea into an awful policy.
What was the “disaster” in Boston that you referred to?
Sorry Mick. It was fresh in my mind when I wrote this, but I had to go look it up. I was referring to this:
I added this as a hyperlink to the reference in the posting now.
aha, thanks Mike. Gawd what a disaster.
Not sure if you remember the series of undercover “obs missions” that were done in late spring 1978? I did NYF and Bsn D . I was impressed with Bsn D Div 6, impressed with the building. It was an org that was gradually disintegrating alas.. That was just before (IIRC) our mission to AOLA.
Thanks for posting all this stuff Mike – keeps my old memory cells alive I think. LOL
oops, late spring 1979!!!!
Slightly off topic: Have multiple ex-Scientologists who can’t get their $ back tried Criminal Complaints/Warrants…?
I’m rewatching the Aftermath episode on lawsuits + the contracts that are supposed to skirt the Law as if a person can sign away his Rights.
1st – the Law is not absolute. It’s a process. Judges + Juries make decisions to apply the Law. Sometimes, a judge in one jurisdiction makes one ruling + a judge in a different one gives a contradictory ruling in another.
2nd – Criminal Courts are different from Civil. You don’t have to worry about Arbitration Clauses in a contract when making a Criminal Charge in a Criminal Court.
Why can’t multiple ex-Scientologists- who have the will to do so – go to a Criminal Court in the jurisdiction where they used to get Scientology Auditing + Courses and petition a Judge to issue a Criminal Warrant for ongoing Fraud…?
The Church Documents are so clearly designed to attempt to skirt the Law to in effect make Fraud “Legal” – somewhere in the Untied States, I’d bet, you could find multiple judges willing to agree that there is Probable Cause that a crime has been committed for the Court to issue an Arrest Warrant.
An Arrest Warrant would make it the duty of the Police to make an arrest + compel the Prosecutor to investigate + prepare a possible Court Case.
The attempt to defraud is so obvious, I’d bet multiple Prosecutors would end up somewhere bringing a case to Trial if a Judge issued a Warrant…
And if a Criminal Court took up a trial for Fraud, it would likely open the door to better treatment in Civil Courts concerning the Contracts that require Arbitration + sign away a Church member’s rights.
A Contract that has clauses that violate the Law are null + void.
I’d think perusing the Church multiple times in the Criminal Courts across the country would help convince Civil Court Judges that the Contracts the Church uses are —- not Legal or legally binding…
An Arrest Warrant isn’t a Judge making a final decision that Scientology is Guilty. It simply says there is enough evidence to warrant a Prosecutor + the Police to investigate the Case for possible Criminal Trial.
Somewhere in the country, I have to believe there are Judges + Prosecutors that would be willing to pursue criminal Fraud charges against local Scientology Orgs despite what clauses the Contracts members have signed.
If I sign a Contact that says I am giving Mike Render $5,000 to shoot me + cut off my head and he can’t be charged for Homicide or sued by my family because I am giving him permission to do it ——- he’s going to get arrested for Homicide — because a Contract or Clauses in a Contract cannot negate Laws.
Usage since its inception: WOG
Mike, thank you for re-posting this brilliant analysis and commentary on Miscavige’s Real Why for Ideal Orgs. It makes total sense and answers every question I had about why Ideal Orgs were/are so relentlessly pushed. Great work, Mike!
I thought I had gotten it the first time, but reading it again, I REALLY got it. Well, you know, “Number of times over the material”, etc., lol. Sorry to sound like a K/A drinker but Ideal Orgs WAS the reason I left. I had so many MUs about this program. It just made NO sense to me, and I saw how it was decimating my little org, and ultimately I got in trouble for doubting and asking questions about it and showing how off – policy it was.
“Here’s the church, and here’s the steeple
Open the door and see all the sheeple.
Here’s the C.O.B. going upstairs,
And here is the flock, full of despair.”
Gee, I wonder what could have prompted that? Thanks again for your help, Mike.
somehow, in the depths of my mind, I always remember LRH saying that a Class 8, St Hill Briefing Course grad, couldn’t but boom an org.
Seems to be lost in grand general scheme by DM, always being on-source, no memory. Or was that statement erased from history? Or now no longer promoted?
Dave is a curious fellow
Who never enjoyed being mellow
He got rid of Shelly
Turned Yager to jelly
But deep down we know that he’s yellow
Perfect, blindersOff!
Bravo! Hands clapping, Blinders!
I have a question about OT IX & X. How does Miscavige actually gin these things up? I mean — Does he attempt to do it himself, or does he involve others in a conspiracy to create from whole cloth something allegedly from Source? Who would be involved? Or, will there never be any OT IX and X anyway, despite the recent explicit noises made in that direction?
David Miscavige is tipping all staff and public now. With training and pre recs. The policy letter “Only SSO can tip” must have been shredded long ago.
He tipped everyone on the planet to do basics courses.Regardless of their formal training.
“A deadly one is losing tech personnel or not recruiting them.”
(So Miscavige cancels everyone’s certs on the planet with GAOT! Under the guise of retraining them with “better information”.)
“Look over your org and see if this mechanism has effected your operation. DON”T TOLERATE IT. EXPOSE IT AND RELAY THE VITAL INFORMATION.
Your survival depends on it.” L.R.H.
In Data series 10 THE IDEAL ORG, Hubbard says, “The staff would be well paid because they were productive”. “And the PR Area Control would be such that no one would dream of threatening it”.
Excuse me, where is there an “Ideal Org” that Miscavige attests to?
It is a high crime to have an ARCXen field! The planet is out of ARC with the Church of Scientology! There is no ideal org, ANYWHERE!
Miscavige only dramatizes with holds on vital information lines! And when people pass on vital information regarding his REAL statistics and activities, he issues FALSE REPORTS in return!
He is not a “good scientologist” or a “good staff member”. he isn’t even a Sea Org member! Hasn’t done anything on the bridge for decades!
He blocks the flow of vital information.
OT IX @ X are not workable as they exist and the key to unlock this is a rebirth of the pre OT so his new young body can organize the BT’s/Clusters to be freed, so OTIX is to commit suicide and OTX is to re-do the purif and SRD to the new EP of EXT with FULL perceptions and all BT’s/Clusters freed. So all OTVIII’s are to come to the ship to drink GAT kool-ade and have their old bodies dumped overboard. Then they are to take up new bodies at the secret materity ward at int. where young recruits have been impregnated by DLHDM. Hurry and purchase your pkg today!!!
Do you take VISA?
WOW! At last… a spiritual guide of consequence, the ether gets thinner.
Do you sell sign totem poles?
It’s amazing how much your style has changed over the years, Mike. The beginning of this post is structured like an LRH PL (opening with an evaluation of the scene and then an explanation of how the author knew the solution but realized he hadn’t put it all in one place, and of course a lot of single-sentence paragraphs). You don’t write like that any more, and even in this blog post, one can see how once you get into high gear, you drop the LRH valence. All part of the process of getting out, I suppose.
Thank you, for this excellent article, Mike!
“So, if someone is expanding scientology, they have virtually unlimited “ethics protection”, they can “get away with murder. … This IS the pervasive think within the sheeple. Anyone who is exposing the facts about Miscavige is dismissed as “an SP attacking an upstat” and his “foibles” are excused because of the massive good he is doing.”
I think this point is getting to little attention. Scientology IS shrinking. David Miscavige is a DOWN-STAT.
He has to avoid at all costs that the members of the Church of Scientology find him out. I can see him standing at the podium at his events proclaiming all his glorious achievements with his faux smile … and wondering who knows about his farce… .
Sounds like a classic missed withhold, right Dave?
I’m going with MUs and crimes.
I’m going with search warrants and convictions.
Naw, you’ve got him all wrong he’s just confused.
His ruin in life is Hollywood… he was never really meant to be an ecclesiastical leader, it was just that it was forced upon him. Responsibility is a such a bitch…
Anyone know of any practicing auditors?
Practicing auditors? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now that’s a good one! Wait….what? You were serious? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
Miscavige’s genius, if you want to call it that, isn’t that he’s a clever swindler but that he knows the gullibility of his flock so well he can swindle them in broad daylight, out in the open, publicly and with trumpets blaring. Cheap swindlers are a dime a dozen but a group of wealthy compliant fools is a real treasure!
DM = HPI (Hubbard Professional Implantor)
WOW! You are so correct that scientologists have no memory, at all! Ripped off 2, 3 & even 4 times on the same scam, unfriggenbeliveable stupidity to such a degree is self created in lieu of common sense.
I see a disturbing parallel in the Cof$ to the way the military handles boredom within its ranks when no enemy is immediately available. Dig a hole and fill it back in again, get ’em all excited briefly about something else, then dig that hole again someplace else. But the common them is, “bullshit baffles minds,” and without doubt, miscavige is the biggest bullshit artist ever to suck breath.
Your logic is crisp, honest and effective Mike, pity it deflects so easily off the knuckleheaded Kool-Aid drinker. The battle of attrition over time will eventually sink the miscavige era but geezers it’d be nice to see that fucker sent to jail.
Christmas in a month people – you ready?
Useful to have this restated as Shortarse starts the latest phase in his long-term con: now all orgs must be TWICE Saint Hill size before OT 9 & 10 will be released. This might explain the recent flurry of activity on the ‘Freewinds’, which has departed from plying its immemorial Netherlands Antilles triangle and has been visiting the eastern Caribbean islands instead: it must be loaded with rubes getting ready for the promised but ever-receding OT release yet again…
It’s intriguing to see how the original Ideal Org scam started almost by accident in Buffalo. Though at one point you call him a genius, has Miscavige ever really had an original idea in his life, beyond his psychopathic ability to grab opportunities first? I’d rather give him the same title Russell Miller applied to Hubbard in ‘Barefaced Messiah’: “Apostle of the Main Chance”.
Does the desire to appear upstat apply to groups outside of Official Scientology? For example the constant push by the Islamic State to grab territory and kill infidels?
I just posted the following comment on my blog:
“Upstat” in Official Scientology means an improvement in a statistic, such as an increase in membership or money received for services. Because there is a long running decrease in membership numbers and with it a drop in money taken in by the church the current management has begun an effort to create an illusion of expansion by purchasing and refurbishing larger building in major urban centers. The apparent purpose of the “Ideal Org” program is to create an illusion of expansion to the internal membership. Although the membership is directed to believe the leadership without question a human mind requires actual sense data in order independently verify a specific belief or in this case to maintain the illusion.
Although the doctrine of Islam commands aggression on nonbelievers the Islamic State is under attack from all sides and is losing territory and subjects to exploit. In order to maintain the illusion of progress, and appear to be “upstat” an effort must be made to attack visible targets outside of control zone of the Islamic State. Thus the recent attacks in Paris and other locations in Europe.
Great write-up. I Didn’t realize DM came up with the arbitrary that all orgs have to be SH size before OT 9&10 are released. I assume that was an LRH policy. Question: Does all orgs becoming ideal replace all orgs going SH for OT 9&10 to be released? I’m just curious.
Fascinating article Mike, thank you.
What a convoluted mind in having to lie, lie, and lie again in order to maintain the impression that he is listened to (yet the evidence is that more people are departing his realm) and that he is ‘safe’ because he stole and amassed money (nevertheless, he lives in terror and hides from public life just in case he gets sued)
Yes the scam will continue as long as he is there, but also he is going to need to invent much more many lies to keep the few remaining blind followers to believe his grandiose presence has some value…yet, little by little the game will continua to shrink and eventually collapse.
You made me think of that “Road to Freedom” song about “Lie, lie, lie”. Oooh, what a sad song. Too bad the ending’s not so good for little Davie. He won’t let anybody use the tech on him so he won’t get the “HURRAY” in the end. Although he might get something else in the end – in prison.
Good ol’ Amanda Ambrose.
2. The Worried Being – 04:53
There were some good things. Thanks Peter Schless for saving us from another Space Jazz album. Hurry up and come out. We have some music to do. Bring Charlie Rush while you’re at it. He needs to be playing drums instead of doing reno’s at that old apartment building at the end of L. Ron Hubbard way.
Definitions please? It’s a few extra words but it appears that many never ins follow this blog. I also don’t know some of the abbreviations.
This was a helpful essay for me. Among other things it explains for me how current Scientologists can actually believe in scn expansion.
Div 6, AV displays (audio video), FART Div 6, CMO, 2d, Universe Corps, CGI people, RTC
Div 6 — the public division of a scientology organization, responsible for contacting new people and interesting them in scientology and getting them started on their first service
AV Displays — Audio Visual displays — a series of video and audio presentations implemented by David Miscavige for Div 6 to “bypass staff incompetence” so people could have scientology explained to them by canned statements
FART Div 6 — a derogatory acronym I coined to describe the Miscavige “Div 6 AV” — it stands for Fully Automated Robot TV
CMO – Commodore’s Messenger Organization, a senior (once most senior until the formation of RTC or Religious Technology Center) internal division within the scientology hierarchy. Named after the people who delivered messages for L. Ron Hubbard (the Commodore) in the early days of the Sea Organization. Though they were young, they had enormous authority derived from the fact that they worked directly for Hubbard.
2D – the second of the 8 dynamnics which are the urges towards survival – 1 is self, 2 is family, 3 groups, 4 mankind, 5 living things, 6 physical things without life, 7 spirits, 8 God or infinity
Universe Corps — an internal organization created by Hubbard to move scientology staff up the Bridge to OT. It’s a theory that has never worked out in practice.
CGI people — Computer Generated Images (fake) people
RTC — Religious Technology Center. The seniormost scientology organization headed by David Miscavige, the self-styled “Chairman of the Board” (there is no board).
CGI people, oh my gosh you mean the guy with no head in the crowd
watching the COB speak at Portland was fake and his head
was not a down payment for his next status ?
Jose, if you look really close you’ll find that guy’s head up his ass.
I found an ass up my head once…
You’ve got it ass backwards.
Or bass asswards. I’m just so confused….
My favorite insult from the Hungarian language was the nickname of a Police official from the true crime book about the infamous Whiskey Bandit: Mound of asshat.
Was this on Hollywood Boulevard?
There might be more than one in that crowd, Blinders off.
No doubt.
On Dynamics: While a nation may be defined as a group it should fit in between mere groups and mankind as a whole. Was there ever an effort to bring Scientology into the armed forces of any nation?
Excellent Mike – thank you. I’m an ex, out for over 30 years and this brings me up to date. I did know 2d, but just stating it as “family” simplifies it.
I wonder how many staff quit because being considered incompetent ruined their morale. Morale in Div6 had to be low already because they weren’t getting enough raw meat inside the door. Add this showing how much esteem that management had for them, and I’d think it would have a real negative effect on staff contract renewals.
Does anyone know if this did happen?
Mike: I don’t know if you believe in fate – I think about it a lot but am not sure yet if I do. But if there is such a thing as destiny or preordained movements, I like to think of your decades within scientology as something that was set in motion to bring about its ultimate implosion and downfall.
The way you are able to articulate all of the machinations and manipulations that go on behind the cult’s elaborately produced facades, bringing them down to the basic dog shit level thinking that Miscavige mistakes for brilliance – I’m not sure anyone else could do this as well as you do.
We wouldn’t be hearing the full story in all of its evil glory, if you hadn’t been there, in the position you were, that close to the insanity of it all.
I’m sorry you had to endure what you have, but sure am glad you are where you are now.
Yes! What a brilliant summation. Sometimes it takes the best of us to look evil in the eye for /a really long time to get the full measure of the sociopath who started all this and the sociopath student who stole an empire before its founder was even dead. Sociopaths are hard to understand. They really are a different species. Just imagine if you had no conscious at all and you could “dazzle” people and mimic emotion. They are a killer of a different kind, although of course this does not mean that the majority commit physical murder (in fact most don’t).
The Ideal Org Programme aligns perfectly with Scn’s cognitive dissonance.
The sheeple known the technology of Scn ALWAYS works. If it doesn’t either a) the materials are wrong, or b) it is not being applied correctly.
While Scnists may have received some benefit from auditing or training, deep down they know they have not achieved the grandiose claims that Hubbard promised. So, it is quite easy for them to accept that the materials may have been incorrect. Likewise, if auditors were not trained properly, then the results would suffer.
To consider there is a possible third reason c) Hubbard’s technology is not perfect and may not work on all cases, is just too much to confront. To do so risks bringing down the house of cards.
As much as they like to boast about their ability to confront, there is a tacit agreement that one thing must never, ever be fully confronted – that is Scn itself.
So, it comes as no surprise that the sheeple would go along with Miscavige’s hair-brained “if you build it they will come” business strategy. To challenge it or question it’s soundness strikes at the core agreement that keeps the flimsy façade in place.
local “OT’s” and hold THEM responsible for the state of Tampa Org on the basis that it was out ethics for THEM to have their nearest Class V org such a disgrace and they needed to “take responsibility.”
So what happened to the OTVIII CLASS VIII’s in Clearwater 4 yards away do they get a free ride and just keep their heads down?
Seems Tampa chases its OT’s Clearwater does not?
Why is this?
As a Buffalonian, I remember that fiasco. Originally, CoS Buffalo was located in a tiny, tiny storefront on a one way street downtown. The only people I ever seen there were the “worker bees” in their white shirts and black pants sweeping the sidewalks. Then, virtually overnight, came the BIG, beautiful, Ideal Org right on Main Street. At the grand opening Miscavige was standing up there giving a speech that would make Hitler proud. Tom Cruise must have had other plans that day because the only celebs that were there were actress Jenna Elfman and Billy Sheehan, a Buffalo boy who is regarded as one of the best electric bass guitar players on the planet. I knew Billy back in the early 80’s. He was a humble guy who never mentioned Scientology (even though he had been an original Buffalo parishioner since 1971).
Mayor Masiello proclaimed November 16th as, “The Church of Scientology of Buffalo Day.”
And of course we had the Rededication of the Church of Scientology Buffalo” on June 30th, 2012.
I wonder what DM has in store for the “Re-re-dedication” in 2022?? 😉
Thats about the best summation of ideal org scientology strategy by the micro cheese sausage I’ve ever read!! A Nigerian scam of religeous preportions, Dave you are so clever that when you hang yourself by your own entrails one day you may brag about it prior!!
Mike, if DM reads this I wonder if he wonders how many spies he must have reporting to you? Either that or psycho’s get pretty predictable after each dispicable act. It still really surprises though me how well you read this twerp sometimes! Again, what a summary..I was in Joburg when this madness began, ground zero for Africa’s part in a process that hurt so many!
Seeing Scn receive the blows it is getting and having DM’s crimes blasted with Going Clear and now Leah’s expose, is just ever so sweet!! I hope we can once again see those who are stuck behind the “iron curtain”. Cant wait!
TC you’re still a chop(asshole) forever! Redemption for thee lies in exposing your bumchum and helping secure justice for all! Get to that mission impossible wont you.
Will someone please make a prediction about when scientology will fall? I know no one can predict the future, but is it hanging by a thread? A rope? Are there things in the wings the general pop. don’t know about? Shouldn’t it have come crashing down by now?????
I have been thinking the same exact thing! I think things like, “What if Miscavige suddenly died tomorrow?”. Is there another madman waiting in the wings to perform a coup like HE did after LRH died? Or will everybody scream “Thank God!” and blow? However, I think a corporation that BIG will not disappear overnight. It reminds me of that line from the “Angels & Demons” movie, “The church will not fall in a day”.
Jenny Linson is next in line for the post of COB (Chairman of the Broads)
Chairwoman of the Bitches.
Charlady of the Brothel.
Chief clown of the Bozos.
Interesting question and there’s loads of hopefuls out there just inching it’s all over by this afternoon. But scientology itself ceased decades ago and that is a fail right there. The scam perpetuated by miscavige lives on and he’ll continue to ride that wave until it closes out on some rocky reef.
I look and hope with interest how he’s going to come undone. Monique Rathbun maybe, Narconon cases, Lisa’s case gets opened up again or Tony Ortega stumbles on a winning formula, maybe Mike does. Perhaps dm gets sloppy with security and someone pays him a late night visit. Maybe something completely left field??
He’s survived legally for so long it seems incredible but surely in there something has the possibility to slip through the safety net. Capone came undone on tax evasion. Maybe a lawyer close to him will stab him in the back, who knows. Possibly tc or Travolta get blackmailed and have to turn on him. The last thing dm would ever want and is a nightmare for him is that one of those two denounce him as a criminal.
Miscavige I believe has no concept of a plan ever coming to fruition of being usurped from within, he went to extraordinary lengths to supress those close to him but he does live in constant paranoia & he deserves that.
I just hope it happens soon, it’ll be such a blast and the party will go on for at least a week and then I have a number of people I want to talk to… real personal like.
PREDICTION: Two months or less before the Feebies (FBI) grab Dwarfe Malignante for imprisoning Shelly in filth and squalor. Shelly is no longer a DM pawn, and won’t say she’s there willingly. DM refunded 300 thousand dollars to Leah Remini rather than have Shelly call Leah and say she’s OK. The Feebies have figured this out. Goodbye, Dwarfe!
The resulting scandal and intense press coverage, will doom the Co$. And that isn’t counting all the execs getting out of the “Hole”, and their tales of horror.
I like that… nice thinking 99.
Okay…what’s next, now that OT IX and X have come around the corner since August 2014, when this post was first made. I imagine FFT is furiously creating course work out of whole cloth as LRH never defined what these OT levels actually were. And this on top of the recent PR flaps and Hurricane Leah.
Sucks to be Miscavige, what with all the work he has to do and the incompetence of everyone around him!
Fascinating read! What a self-deluded outfit Scientology has become.
Here is an excerpt from what I think is the IRS agreement regarding reserves (from
3. Report on central reserves transactions and balances. As part of the Annual Report, the CTCC shall deliver to the Service a summary of central reserves transactions containing information in similar format to the summary information that was provided as part of the Qualified Written Material, with the exception that the information included in the Annual Report need not contain a list of reserves transfers to non-reserves accounts of the same Scientology-related entity. In this regard, for each year that this subparagraph applies, the Annual Report should contain a list of all expenditures (as described below) that have been made from the Church’s central reserves system as described in the Qualified Written Material, or from the central reserves account of one Scientology-related entity into the central reserves account of another such entity. The list should include (i) the date of the expenditure, (ii) to whom the payment was made, (iii) by whom the payment was received, (iv) the purpose of the expenditure, and whether, and if so, why, in the opinion of the CTCC, this transfer furthers Code section 501(c) (3) purposes. For this purpose, the term “expenditure” includes, but is not limited to, grants, purchases, transfers, loans or repayments of loans, or other expenditures of assets under the control of the central reserves committee. In addition, the Annual Report shall include a beginning balance and a year-end balance showing the amount of cash and other assets in the Central Reserves.
It’s a scheme that seems to be a band aid at best. Public Scientologists and especially OTVIII’s have to be frustrated. I have a question I am curious about. To your knowledge how far up the bridge is MisCavge if he is at all. I know he probably doesn’t care but I would think public sociologists would want him to be the highest. Does anyone know and does anyone ask?
David Miscavige has proclaimed he is a “Natural OT”
He installed copper ground rods wired to his auditing room
for sessions at Int. Base (It’s anybody’s guess as his case level )
Based on the evidence of inordinate amounts of bullshit emanating from Cap’n Dave, as well as his overall personality castration complex, it has been determined that he is a Natural Steer.
Well, of course he can say that. But, it’s because he KNOWS this shit doesn’t work! He hasn’t picked up the can for 17 years. So proclaiming himself a “Natural Clear” means he doesn’t have to participate in any training or auditing. I’m a little surprised he hasn’t said he’s God.
Natural Clear is just to shock and awe the minions….
The Punching Pontiff attested to Clear and has a number.
He declared himself a “Natural OT” .
This has to be the perfect pick up line for bubble dwellers
“Hey Babe, I’m a Natural OT, come for a ride in my custom motorcycle
I got one for Tom Cruise too !.
You had me at, “The Punching Pontiff!” Instant classic! And yes, declaring himself a Natural OT IS the perfect pick up line for the clams.
Nice post, Jose!
So true, OSD. Purely and only for the status and to protect him from having to go in session.
He’s come pretty close. The Pope of Scientology. It would be too much of a PR flap to say he was God…so he just doesn’t SAY it.
I sometimes think that his declaration of being a Natural OT comes from the fear he feels about picking up the can and instantly Rock Slamming….
Terror. Remember that we are dealing with a bona fidie Es Pee here. Terror.
A “natural OT”?? Interesting, considering OT doesn’t even exist. Gag me. What a blithering idiot. It’s even worse that people believe it.
Out in my neck of the woods we call that, “Gag me with a spoon.”
Why staff were not audited and trained extensively was the one thing that always baffled me when I was in an sipping the kool-aid. Auditing and training was the product being sold to the public and supposedly the only reason orgs and missions even existed. So, why weren’t the staff getting the goods? It seemed to me that if the staff were made ‘more able’ by achieving all the vaunted abilities that were listed for all to see on the grade chart, the org or mission would be a place where ‘raw meat wogs’ would be flooding in to get those same abilities. Who wouldn’t want to be ‘clear’ or ‘ot’? Who wouldn’t want to be trained to help others gain these same abilities?
My head was so muddled with being a true-believer, that I bought all of the excuses that were presented to me as to why staff weren’t getting serviced. It took me a LONG time to realize that the reason the orgs and missions weren’t having their doors broken down by floods of public demanding services was because the ‘tech’ just doesn’t work, let alone work 100% of the time. If the staff were fully trained and audited to the highest levels, the orgs and missions would still be empty. Much more difficult to explain to a questioning public. Not impossible though. Looking back the thing that really baffles me is how long it took me to realize that the whole thing was a scam. Some of us are very slow on the uptake, but not nearly as slow as those who are buying into the ‘ideal org’ scam. That is even more blatant than the bullshit that was fed to me all those years ago. There is still hope for many of them though, especially those who are brave enough to see through the ‘Truman Show’ world and read these ‘suppressive’ blogs in the real world. Good luck lurkers, freedom awaits if you are even braver and able to escape from the self imposed trap you are in.
I always had that same question when I was in. You must be my Soul Sister.
Ms B, great post! And keep in mind the majority of us here drank that damn Kool-Aid. When I did OT 3 outside of the cult, I just sat there and shook my head. I then started laughing.
Here’s the thing, Ms B., is your out. I’m out. All the posters here that were in are out. Like the rest of us, you got your life back! You don’t know what freedom is until it’s taken away from you! I was ELATED when I left staff! You couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.
So, rejoice! You’re no long part of that cult. And will never be again…
Mine tasted like lemon twist.
Crap! You ALWAYS get the best tasting one!
Hate to be a party pooper but there WAS a time when the missions (at least – not the orgs) were full and bursting at the seams. Why? I can’t say exactly, but I would surmise that it was because the PEOPLE at that time, in that place, really did want to help people. The mission holders were not under the direct control of the new Nazi regime and could expand to their heart’s content.
We literally barely had enough room for everyone to be on course. You had to get there early to get a seat and to find a dictionary. There were never any shortages of twins or people to hold the cans for a drill.
And no one was being regged for anything but their next action. When I was in reception, the receptionist suggested I buy a book. I said, “Which one?” He said, “Whichever one sparks your interest.” Of course I chose the one that said, “This is a cold, hard, factual account of your first 300 trillion years” or something like that. He didn’t care if I was on the comm course, if that’s the one that indicated, that was the right book. He didn’t try to sell me a whole library – twice.
Trey Lotz’ place is a lot like that now. There are always good people waiting for a session, the comm is free and relaxed with people sitting there, and then you go in without waiting half a day. Calm, relaxed and busy.
It can be done. It was done. It is being done…without Miscavige.
Excellent post.
Interesting account. When I was on staff, I wrote an eval detailing out that the why of the org was based on the fact that it had zero reach into the raw public sector (as one of the contributing reasons, there were several or “multiple sits” as detailed in the DS). That the org had no Div 6 and that as a result of no new bodies, the org had severely cannibalized it’s field and, over time, ARCx a lot of it due to shoddy or no delivery, etc. The org, it’s ED being the Reg, seemed more interested in GI (the thing that if one got enough of in a week, we all had gas money) than it did getting in fresh bodies AND delivering to who was already there. Naturally when an org goes this far out exchange it’s condition drops to treason, and long enough confusion.
Well, after I sent my eval uplines, to which I think I just received a pat, ack (so typical), several months later at one of the Int Events I remember Miscavige unleashing his brain child for DIV 6 being the why for international Scn non-expansion and that these new displays would be the answer. Simply open up extravagant orgs, new people will be curious, they will see the displays and take any guesswork out of the enlightenment process (essentially the Dissem Drill).
I realize now that the primary difference between my eval and what unfolded was the solution or handling portion. My thought was that the org admin personnel needed to be body routing and getting out and engaging people, on an all hands basis for an hour or two a day (after all who the hell are we servicing, sitting at our desks and writing letters to pissed off people who’d rather take their chances at a Mission).
I think the human contact solution was “too out of control” for Miscavige who I didn’t know at the time was all about controlling things (micromanagement). In hindsight, the AV panels were probably because Miscavige had/has zero trust with anyone actually engaging others in DIV 6 activities. It’s the GAT-phenomenon of “one size fits all” blanket dissem, just like training had become.
Anyway, that is and was my view as those panels became a thing. Of course, years later, they are obviously another abysmal failure of Miscavige, not “doing the usual” but inventing “the greatest why in 50 years” and other such nonsense.
Michael. What a perfect eval. Absolutely. I was in the Div VI at that time I was talking about. We went from 12 staff to 90 in only 3 – 4 years. We had 8 people in Div VI who were working a full time, SO type schedule.
We could do that because we were making $50 to $150 (on a very good week) which, converted for inflation, was between $211 to $634 per week. Rent was only about $200 to $300 at the time (if you shared with other staff) and a gallon of milk was 50 cents. A person could live on that, at least.
So it can be and has been done. The tech isn’t all terrible. Most of us had wins on the comm course and in learning new things (if only because we had to look up so many new words – haha). Some people still get gain from auditing (as I say, see Trey Lotz or other standard auditors in the “Indie” field).
Also, Ron did say that we have to Clear people, one person at a time. You’re right about those panels. At best they are an elaborate “handle” step on the Dissem drill. Great, good, yes, we’re ok (is what the panels say). But then you have to roll up your sleeves and genuinely get in comm with the person and find out what THEY want. What part of the tech THEY can help THEM.
When Scientology works, it’s because we find out what’s needed and deliver it, not just put the little widget through the machine and pound it on the head like every other widget.
If you do it this way, you end up with this. No wonder nobody wants to go into an org.
Love this summation. I wasn’t aware DM introduced the arbitrary that OT 9&10 would be released when all orgs were SH size. I had assumed there was some LRH policy on this. Question: Is OT 9&10 to be released when all orgs are SH size or is it now when all orgs are ‘ideal’?
I think the latest pronouncement is that they will be released when pigs fly.
Or perhaps the first cold day in hell.
Who knows any more. It’s just sometime in the future. I am sure the people who are being regged to re-re-redo whatever is now nominated as the “prereqs” are being told it won’t be released until enough people have re-re-redone the bottom of the Bridge….
It will be released when Target Two is cleared or Betelguese becomes a supernova, whichever comes first.
Is target two in the street directory?
You didn’t know that? It’s in Science of Survival.
So, if I read you right, Mike, no 9 or 10 until they scrap the bottom of the barrel? Ok, got it!
No, you got nothing…
9&10 are already being delivered, the receivers just don’t know it yet. The cog is to be delivered by special courier when it’s Ideal Size. It’s the redo of the purif and SRD… geezers am I the only one in the know?
dm & I are close, real close.
I’m so jealous….
David Miscavige public execution scheduled for March 13, 2016 at the Los Angeles Coliseum. How many of you and your friends can I confirm?
Yo! I’m in.
My thetans and I will need fifty seats.
So…you’re bringing a small party to the party? These MUST be very special BTs if there’s only 50 of them. Do you hang out with them from time to time like you’ll be doing at this shindig? Any way I can get in?
“BlindersOff”, what a disturbing comment. It invokes images of ISIS beheading hostages. I don’t think anyone likes the direction Miscavige has been leading the church, or agrees with many of his actions, but calling for his public execution is a bit much, even if it is done in jest. Let’s think of more constructive ways to solve the problems in the church (such as revoking IRS exemption, ending the policy of disconnection or displacing the leader), but no death squads please. it’s just not funny.
Excellent article Mike Rinder, you give really good insight into why the accumulation of buildings and so forth, thanks for sharing your analysis and knowledge of the inner workings of the CofS.
Sorry, he pulled it in.
Yep. True dat! More than likely he’s a DB with BT issues.
…and all of his BTs are DBs, including the short one.
Hey, indie! I’m friends with the short one!
OSD – Suggest you disconnect before the killing valence gets you in his sights. 😉
FYI – we wanted to give the cobster a fighting chance, and since the event is being held in the coliseum, we’re allowing Dave to defend himself like the gladiator he is (no weapons) against that favorite symbol of Scientology, a 420 pound male lion flown in direct from Africa for this momentous occasion. To spice things up (after all, this is show business) the lion will have been starved for a week prior to the event. If Dave can put him down with his super powers, he will be allowed to live. Be there!!!
Update: Due to the unprecedented number of confirms, we are sold out!
It is imploding right now – so many people have left staff to go get jobs….no new people are coming in. This is a total failure. The public have seen Going Clear and read all the SP Basic Books line up…it is over for $lappintology!
~Hip Hip Hooray!
This will put the public display before the LA Coliseum is renovated for the 2024 Olympics bid by the City. Sounds Ideal. Dave is expected to spontaneously combust when Leah hands an Oscar to Alex Gibney.
Even better than Nurotology! Slaughterology is known for taking no prisoners. It lays waste to staff and SO alike. No one is safe. It eats its children.
Wait…..what??? Idle, did I read you right when you said the staff was leaving to get jobs? Why would they do that when their pay is comparable to a career job? I don’t get it? Did they lose their faith in the Tech? Do they secretly want to be around WOGs? Is it not challenging enough in the Org? Just when I think I’ve heard everything, you post lands in my lap.
So who needs to keeps their stats up?
Oh, shit! Thanks for reminding me, Leslie! I’ve got a lot of body routing to do to remain upstat.
I will show up for that and hand out free popcorn, candy,
and drinks.
Great Jose. After the main event, we’re bringing the lion out for an unescorted tour of all the ideal orgs with the purpose of clearing them all.
Thank you very much for the clear and concise breakdown of the devolution of the church. All this time I thought that “Devil Malevolent” was just an out of control creepy ass psychopath.
Yes thank you Mike for reprinting your missive from last year. As a non-scientology person and one of your newbies readers (very much enjoying the conversations) the only way I’m learning the lingo is by your site and the books I’ve read so far “Troublemaker” and “Going Clear”. I’m about to look for the next one I need to read!! When I’m reading the stuff I’m reading about OT and OTX or OTIX or whatever the configurations are,
Scientology reminds me of my Mary Kay lady who talks in similar language about moving up in the hierarchy of that organization. There are always new missives coming down the pike about goals and meeting numbers etc. There’s usually at least 1 e-mail a week about somebody reaching the next level or next status in the Mary Kay Organization. Of course the difference is my Mary Kay lady makes money and is allowed to keep it and spend it on whatever she wants. Is that the same when someone brings in someone new to Scientology? Do they get points or money or move up the ladder or something or do they just get to be grateful they have “saved someone”.
Still fascinated by this subject, probably because it is the inner workings of a cult that Mike is showing us here (for those of you already in and out of it, sorry I’m not including you but you are in my thoughts and prayers to be honest). The minute the IRS yanks their tax status, which it will, within the next 5 years, all other countries will yank church status as the only reason they have church status in other countries is because of the IRS’ approval in this country. So I’m waiting and watching for the topple to happen, hoping that all the current members who have been fleeced will find their way to someone who had escaped and started a life on this side of life.
They do get commissions and training awards, Dawn. 10% on auditing sales and 15% on training.
I’m not sure about the training awards anymore. Used to be that the training awards lasted forever but, about 15 years ago, Miscavige got tired of “doing their training for free”, so he made the training awards only good for two years. These people who do a lot of bringing people in or getting them on their next service couldn’t use all of their training awards in a lifetime so they would help their “selectees” do a course if they couldn’t afford it. Gawd forbid.
Another criminal activity. At least Ron wanted to validate people for helping.
What I can’t get over is charging you all when “someone” (your auditor?”) has determined you’ve done something “wrong”. You have to pay financially because someone else has decided you caused some kind of slight???? It so reminds me of a teenage, female click where you can only get back in if you do something for each member of the click.
Getting commissions sounds like a business to me. I used to work for Chase in the 1980’s and sold mortgages. I got commission. Chase is a business. No church that I have ever attended has the kind of money structure Scientology has. I find it very odd and very businesslike.
No, he’s so much more!
Yes a really convoluted, sick scam. Question: what does RTC do anyways, other than terrorize and slave drive SO Base staff via its “Reps”. register trademarks, pander to celebs and serve Miscavige?
Sadstateofaffairs, I’m surprised at you! You forgot one of the most important things COB does: Hang with the most dedicated scientologist he knows. TC.
You got this down perfectly.
Nailed it.
Bravo Mike !!!!
I second that, Mike. Bravo! This was so good that you reprinted it. It explains the scam so that it is easily understood in all it’s eviliciousness. I just hope that in some of the books coming out about Scn and DM, that they include this key element of why he is buying up real estate. And maybe, just maybe someone in the IRS will read it and start an investigation (again).
Might as well call it the Isteal Org Strategy.
OH, the Isteal Orgs have been around now for a couple of decades. I’m not surprised you know about it, Blinders. In every Isteal Org there’s a tiny room in the basement where a certain office is. In that office, at midnight, the gather away from the others to chant: I steal! I steal! I stead! I….
Do they ever change tense?
‘I’ve stolen’ is popular in square circles and ‘I have stolen’ as opposed to ‘I will steal’ are oblong shaped pegs for hexagonal orifices. The room you talk of, is it round? square or rectangular? Maybe it has earth walls, extra points there but the internal lighting is now no longer required – the time machine has arrived.
See, scientology makes cents, billions of ’em.
Isteal org tragedy.
Perfect, Blinder’s.
You did say, “tragedy,” right?
excellent explanation indeed, Mike.
What I realized at the same time was that all this was based on something from the Data Series, whre the guru explained how to find the correct why for some situation.
As soon as I translated the data series for my org in french – it had never been done – i observe that Hubbardf had his own logic – but that it was’nt logiical, particularly if applied in the wog world, where logic has no exceptions!
It’s one of the reasons why I refused to apply much of Hubbard’s PLs and so. His logic was only based on “get money, get more money — right now”. Even regarding the red tech!
These writings do lead the cult to its death, whatever DM does.
I do have to say that every time I see the letters “WOG” in Scientology,I think of what it meant in England growing up in the 1970’s! WOG = Western Oriental Gentlemen and you might as well be using the word “NI**ER” as using the word WOG as they are interchangeable. IF LHR lived in England, as he did, he would have known what WOG really stood for..
Yeah, before Dave burned the dictionaries, this was a part of the definition and explanation of the term.
Hmmmm…My bad then. I always thought it was, ‘Worthy Oriental Gentleman.’ Either way it was an English slight.
Yeah, as usual there was some lipstick on the pig.
Hubbard had a knack for ripping things off and altering them to be absolutely certain that they were On Source.
The first Windows was actually made by Xerox.
That is what it means inside the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology, it is a very derogatory description. (The nonsense in the dictionary is just to appease the random browser; a fully signed up member/victim really does believe themself a superior species – “homo novis” so called by Hubbard…)
He did, Dawn. That’s what’s so awful about it. I thought it was “worthy” also.
This is an interesting definition/derivation:
I always hated using the term and called people Pre-Scientologist…back in the days when I liked Kool Aid.
Thanks for the link… Glad you have given up Kool Aid. I never did like that stuff. All sugar to keep you pumped up until you need more. Reminds me of your former little Napoleon Leader!! Every video I’ve seen him in I keep wondering if he’s standing on a box or sitting on a chair that’s been moved to the highest level. I’m not interested in what he’s saying because it’s all bulls**t! but I am fascinated by his rage this is so obvious when he talks. Off to look at Tony Ortega’s site before going to bed and dreaming of IRS men and women towering above Napoleon and him clenching his fists to keep his rage in. Doesn’t he get it, nobody outside the cult, is buying his con man act.