This was just mailed to me. It is a little dated, but one thing you can be certain of — things have not gotten better since this was issued.
It might be difficult to read as this is a scan of what appears to be a photocopy of a fax of a “goldenrod.” But I am laying out the important things here anyway, which are the figures on the first page which explain why this interrogatory is being issued. For those not familiar with an “interrogatory” it is something issued by the Ethics Department intended to help them get to the bottom of a bad situation by interrogating people about what they might know. Recipients are supposed to respond, it is considered an offense not to do so.
According to their preamble, there are 275 OTs in the local field. They are not making a lot of progress on clearing the UK, let alone East Grinstead which has a population of 25,000 (there are 100,000 in Crawley right next door). They have been delivering OT levels at St Hill since 1967… And that is the extent of the community? And 275 is the result of 47X, straight up and vertical expansion.
But it’s what they say from there — and the subject of the interrogatory — that is so interesting.
Less than half are reported “active” (even though all that requires is lodging a false report with someone once a week that you did “something”).
Just 82 have completed the full Basics Books and Lectures line up released in 2007 and heavily promoted as to the SPEED with which the books and lectures can now be read because the semi-colons are all in the right place. Everyone in scientology was relentlessly hounded about this until it was superseded by GAG II in November 2012. In 7.5 years, less than 25% of the “OT’s” have completed the highest priority thing in scientology.
But then the real bad news pours forth.
Only 44 of them have completed a GAT II auditing step (Purif/Objectives or anything else) ANYWHERE.
And a grand total of 10 have completed a GAG II course anywhere. And that includes the MANDATORY for everyone super new, lightning fast, better than ever Student Hat.
And even worse — only 37 out of 275 have seen the 4 MV Events.
Now this is a field that is not “on board.” And these figures are for “OTs” — the top of the tree. The Elite of scientology. The consumers of the greatest volumes of KoolAid over the longest time. Even they will not attend the Miscavige events….
It’s a wonder the stormtroopers haven’t arrived to take over the UK like they did in PAC and Africa? Maybe they are running out of cannon fodder to send on these failed missions?
And believe me, St Hill is MUCH better off than most areas. It is still a Sea Org org so it is at least open. And tt does still have the cachet of “LRH’s home.” And most of their “local OT’s” are VERY close by.
There is a tiny core of people that attend the events and participate in the latest “release” and the vast majority are sitting on the sidelines, doing nothing, but probably afraid to announce themselves for fear of suffering disconnection. This is EXACTLY why the church continues to practice disconnection. But it’s a mighty Catch 22 as the very thing that is keeping people from publicly walking away is one of the key reasons they WANT to walk away. So, they silently disappear, but from Miscavige’s perspective, this is a better state of affairs than the embarrassment of noisy departures. Because it makes it easier for him to try to maintain the pretense that things are fine in the People’s Democratic Republic of Scientology. Because that one fact — the belief that he is guiding scientology to save the planet is all that keeps him in power.
From what I see the death of the thing is imminent.
Post after post here documents the steep decline of the criminal cult of $cientology. The loss of support should cut off Sea Org and staff recruitment. Soon evil cult-leader David Miscavige will be giving Shermanspeak lectures to empty rooms. $cientology has lots of $ in reserve, but can it operate with almost no members or staff? Evil narcissist David Miscavige needs people to worship his evilness.
What other religion asks members question after question about other people’s faith. What other religion cares most about who you are spying on.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s SuperScientologist to the unrescue!
Mike, I did not know you were part of Saint Hill staff!
With your publication of this document Saint Hill is forced to voluntarily sell 275 x 12 1/2 hours of sec checking to discover who leaked it. Did you fill out your FSM selection slip?
The guys that wrote the Interrogatories were not “love bombing” the OTs to get more money off them, that’s for sure. Ha.
I think using the “Ethics angle” on public OTs to force more “Ideal Org” money from them is not just an act of desperation, but it is an indication of the complete collaps of the organization.
HBO and BBC might very well clear the way for law enforcement to kick them while they are down… we’ll see.
I am happy to hear about that OTs in East Grinstead or England do not want to go with GAT i or GAT II .. and further I was sure for myself that very few will go with the Basics .. because it was a stupid idea that everybody has to throw away his old books .. and exchange it with new ones .. on own costs .. and would get nothing more than the same ideas or concepts ..
I was once shocked when I heard that David Miscavige went over semicolon .. why? Oh a lot of people do not understand it .. and then reading the sentence wrong. See: He came at home; his wife was not there.
If you read it you can have two meanings if you do not understand semicolon. So on, LRH did spoke a lot of his works on tape .. following is a semicolon not an introduction of SPs .. but an art how LRH gave his message or ideas to the public .. whatever, speaking and wrinting are different fields of communication ..
But if you did Grad 0 (Communication) you should be able to duplicate anyway any communication with all failures or lies or misduplication possible .. why? If you do not understand it easily, it is no communication ..
As a Grad 0 Release you should know what communication is all about .. David Miscavige do not know that really very good .. now, today, yesterday, forever and never ..
Ron, Mankind’s Greatest Friend, Inventor of Music on the whole track as Arp Cola, Saviour of the Universe and from all Universes, would never have dreamed to issue such a cruel letter to his faithful followers. This is all the result of an Evil Dwarfenführer ruthlessly taking over the Church Scientology in a coup and inventing that and other things to dominate and control people where once there was Freedom and Light.
… err … oh … LRH wrote the policy … and LRH authorised that it be sent out in situations like this …
But I am sure LRH meant well when He wrote that Policy … unlike that evil dwarf.
This story and the comments here are why I believe the collapse of the cherch will come quite suddenly, and maybe with little immediate warning. I believe that the majority of Scientologists are now ready to leave (at least the organized church), but are staying under the radar because of fear of disconnection. Disconnection can only be enforced as long as there are people to enforce it. When it becomes impossible to hide the exodus of SO and staff even from the most deluded, people will realize that any disconnection will be temporary, and will end when the whole house of cards collapses.
An old family friend was a political official in Leipzig, East Germany. He said the strength of the system was that despite private doubts, everyone believed that everyone ELSE believed that the system was eternal and omnipotent. When they looked out of their window and saw “that guy they KNEW to be a good communist” heading for the demonstrations, and that the police were taking off their name badges and directing traffic INTO the area…the spell was broken. They saw that the assumed party loyalty was an illusion.
DM can keep a lot of people in the dark for a while, and no one can predict when the final straw will be dropped, but it is coming, and it’s going to catch us all off guard when it comes. I can’t wait!
I think a lot of people stay because they believe in the tech, or the original work of LRH. They might roll their eyes at events or have some unspoken doubt’s about Miscavige and his programs, but still feel a responsibility to support Scientology itself. That’s where I was at for probably 10 years. I felt the events and most of what eminated from miscavige and upper management to be PR designed to hype up members and get them involved. I wasn’t sure about various programs. I thought maybe they were OK, but that my org just didn’t get it done. Like if COB is pushing to get your org “Ideal” and its still failing, then its your fault. You weren’t OT enough to get it there. You did not comply with command intention.
I think that is Miscaviges way of controlling and dominating others. I think LRH would make sure it got done. Miscavige actually wants you to fail and the only success permitted is for his own PR.
Oh yes, I didn’t mean to imply that they weren’t still scientologists, just that it must be getting obvious to everyone that the COS is falling apart rapidly and isn’t even bothering to deliver services (aside from sec checks)…I think at some point there will be a contagious mass realization that it’s time to go.
Now this is a real friendly way to reach out to people, isn’t it? Not.
Sending out a communication like this is like someone with a bad case of B.O. interrogating people about why they don’t want to hang out with them. ……Take a freaking shower, buddy!
As for the COS, they might try creating a more friendly environment and stop enforcing Miscavigology upon people who do not want it.
And why would anyone have to protest “standard schedules”? The HCO Policy entitled “Course Schedules” (It is in Vol IV of the green volumes) has a provision permits people to have special schedules Oh, that’s right. The Church of Miscavigology only applies those references which align with Miscavige’s whims.
By the way, if this ridiculous “interrogatory” is hard to read, you can just press “control” and “+” simultaneously on your keyboard and it will enlarge everything on your screen.
Man, this brings back some bad heavy-ethics memories. I was at St. Hill for a bit. It’s a shame my bro is still to tied in with this cult.
Gestapo is right!
Notice how they throw in some innocuous general questions just to hide what they’re really after. Namely, you being their snitch and informant.
Hell whats next.
`Has anyone in your immediate household or family expressed negative comments about Scientology? If so date, duration and detailed description of what was said and did anyone express sympathy? If so name.
Has anyone in your immediate household or family expressed disagreement with Church policy as issued by your dear leader? If so date, duration and detailed description of what was said and did anyone express sympathy? If so name.
Remember your membership in the church depends on it!`
This is insane!
I think it’s fast approaching the point that unless you’re paying money to miscavige on a continual basis or join the SO you are degraded and out ethics and will be treated as such.
They’ll fast track questioning to something like – Are you involved with anyone that is not an active IAS supporter, not on services or a current staff member?
You will be expected to give full particulars of everyone you live with and or work with or converse with in any way, including all computer contacts both casually and professionally.
Heinrich Himmler and his famous dossiers on everyone must be a logical and overwhelming desire for miscavige to emulate and surpass. Sieg Heil!
Here’s an interesting question – who does or would miscavige admire? excluding TC.
I Yawnalot – “I think it’s fast approaching the point that unless you’re paying money to miscavige on a continual basis or join the SO you are degraded and out ethics and will be treated as such.”
They are already there. I’ve been out 2 years. That’s already happening,
Sometime on 2 December there is going to be a database server upgrade. The blog will be down for about 20 minutes. This is the notice from the webhosting service:
The upgrade process consists of several steps to ensure a successful upgrade and we expect it will take up to 20 minutes to complete. During this time, the database server will be unavailable for your website. This means that any websites — WordPress, Joomla, or any other software that depends on the database server — will be inaccessible during the upgrade process.
We apologize for the downtime during the upgrade process, however, due to the sensitive nature of the upgrade, the database server needs to be offline in order for your databases to be properly upgraded and to ensure data integrity.
Hey Dave, your BFF Tom did a few Mission Impossibles – well I know they were fake as he’s an actor, but I won’t nitpick. Here’s yours: Get Mike Rinder to shut up!
I see many exes have answered the questions (very comically, I might add) and I wanted to try it as a never-in. 🙂
1. Are you a member of OT Committee? – Obviously not.
2. If you are not an active member of the OT committee, are you contributing to Scientology in any other way? – Well I wouldn’t exactly call it contributing to Scientology, but I am working on being a HUGE pain in your ass.
3. Are you aware of anyone having any disagreement with OT Committee activities or targets? – Oh my god yes!!
4. Do you know of anyone who is defeatist or sceptical about making Ideal Orgs in the UK? – See answer to # 3
5. How far are you on the Basics line up? – Probably further than you’d imagine, and it still doesn’t make any sense.
6. How far are you on the Golden Age of Tech II training line up? – Wouldn’t go near it with a 50 foot red bow.
7. Are you aware of anyone being dissatisfied or in disagreement with any aspect of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II services or implantation? – Oh yes….many, many, many people.
8. What course are you on? – Full on SP course. Who do I have to do to get a goldenrod?
9. How many hours do you study a week? – Study being an SP? At least a couple hours a day.
10. If you are on auditing lines, what services are you on and how many hours do you do a week? – Huh?
11. Do you know anyone protesting standard course schedules in the org? – I’m sure I do.
12. How many of the Maiden Voyage events have you attended? – Thank Xenu….None.
13. Have you seen all 3 Golden Age of Tech Phase II release events in full? – I’m not a masochist, so No.
14. If you missed any of these international events, what was the reason? – Because I’m not insane, and as a never-in I might kick one of your regs asses if they treated me the way they treat members.
15. Are you aware of anyone protesting event attendance or suggesting doing something else instead? – SO many people. I suggest they do other things all the time.
16. Are you aware of any activities in the field that are distracting Scientologists from coming in on service or attending events? – Do you want a list? Ok. Rinder, Ortega, Karen & Jeff, Tory, ESMB, WWP, Twitter, Facebook….SP’s….we’re everywhere. 🙂
#8 should have said “what do I have to do to get a goldenrod”, not who do I have to do…I don’t want one that bad. LOL
Nice job for a wog 🙂
Bitter, unemployed, fringe wog. 😀
Those are my absolutest favoritest kind….
Well Nolagirl, at least you haven’t been defrocked, but you are pushin the envelope for sure!
That survey reminds of an old called “You Asked For It “
Indeed horribly bad news and your observation of several or many OTs quietly disappearing is also true; I know some of them for sure.
It was predictable, by December not only FSO, but AOLA and obviously St Hill, are experiencing the quiet or open desertions of parishioner that came to see things as they are.
Next year is headed for a collapse.
I notice the letter has, on the heading “Religious Education Center Inc”; I assume is for legal protection.
I guess I must be missing something here. Per the section on the clear in DMSMH, the most important trait of the clear is that he is rational. He has no reactive mind so is making analytical and sane decisions. (and no, these folks near SH are not “cleared cannibals”; one has to be trained in basic LRH data to go OT). So re: OTs not doing the pro survival thing and being active on lines …. HOW COULD THIS BE? That would be contradicting the most basic and important of all LRH data. Oh wait, ….. maybe the OTs who go off lines ARE making the rational decision ….. OK, I get it now (I think) ….
What is good for the duck hunter (Miscavige) is not necessarily good for the duck (sheeple).
OMG! another PR gem from the house that never sleeps.
Seems to me miscavige could easily convince himself about replacing kool-aide with glycol in the near future by the look of the communication his cult oozes forth to please him. He’s painting himself into a very tight corner – it’s a worry what that maniac is capable of. His version of survey tech is one where the results must match his preconceived convictions or else!
He’s a maniac, maniac on the floor, and he’s screaming like he never did before.
I could not resist filling this out…
1. Are you a member of OT Committee? (by member is meant having an assigned function and products to the stats I/C weekly)
Yes, after being regged within an inch of my financial solvency this week; I had just enough credit left on my mobile to order the pizza at our last OT Committee meeting. We ordered 10 pizza’s which I might add was upstat from the prior meeting of 7 pizzas.
2. If you are not an active member of the OT Committee, are you contributing to Scientology in any other way? If so, please state what you are doing specifically on this each week.
I contribute regularly on the Internet.
3. Are you aware of anyone protesting involvement with the OT Committee or having any disagreement with OT Committee activities and targets?
Yes. The other 151 OT’s on this comm! I suggest a Joburg Sec Check.
4. Do you know of anyone who is defeatist sceptical about making Ideal Orgs in the UK?
Mike Rinder
5. How far are you on the Basics line up?
Which one? The first set I purchased? Please be specific.
6 How far are you on the Golden Age of Tech II training line up?
I am as far as COB.
7. Are you aware of anyone being dissatisfied or in disagreement with any aspect of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II services or implementation?
This list is so long I can not be bothered. I’ll make it easy for you, perhaps you just take whatever members list that has ever existed and start with that.
8. What course are you on? (please specify whether this is on an extension course or in the org)
I am on course at 2 orgs, one is the other is have you visited?
9. How many hours do you study a week?
2-3 hours a week, It depends on the comments.
10. If you are on auditing lines, what services are you on and how many hours do you do a week?
None. My auditor got declared & certificates revoked when she refused to buy a Mark VIII Ultra E-Meter for USD$5,000 even though the existing one was perfectly fine.
11. Do you know of anyone protesting standard course schedules in the org?
Yes, but they are not so much as ‘protesting’, they simply don’t turn up.
12. How many of the Maiden Voyage events have you attended?
• MV 1 (Friday 27 June)
• MV 2 (Friday 4 July)
• MV 3 (Friday 11 July)
• MV 4 (Friday 18 July)
None. I was undergoing colonic irrigation on all of those dates.
13. Have you seen all 3 Golden Age of Tech Phase II release events in full?
Oh must have missed those, has Tony posted them on The Underground Bunker? Can you please send me the link?
14. If you missed any of these international events, what was the reason?
Please see answer provided for question 12.
15. Are you aware of anyone protesting event attendance or suggesting doing something else instead?
Anonymous and some CICS called OTVIIIisGrrr8
16. Are you aware of any activities in the field that are distracting Scientologists from coming in on service or attending events?
Yes, the truth.
Now that bought a smile to my face!
What’s true is what’s true for you.
#4 LOL
Oneone2014. That was hilarious and True!
.”16. Do you know of any distractions…” Well, there’s this thing called the internet. (Mike Rinder’s Blog, Ortega’s blog, etc.)
Bawhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Now that’s some funny shit!
Ditto and double what OSD said!
The aim of this interog is to find the “WHO” and the expected action is that the person once found will be executed using Scientology Justice and shown for all to see — the famous “head on pike”. And who did LRH look too for this technology? LRH credits Genghis Khan for this “tech”. Apparently when subduing the vast lands of Eurasia and China, good old Genghis would use the jolly old “head on a pike” technology to keep the natives in line. I appreciate some of the things that LRH came up with, but trying to emulate Genghis Khan is not one of them.
Also when a dictatorship or other suppressive regime starts to fail, it starts furtherst from the center of command. Almost all the OTs in the UK live around Saint Hill and they are MUCH more active than the handful scattered around the rest of England. So if England shows a shocking 20% of all OTs on board with GAT II, then ANZO is much worse.
Flag and LA will be better. Perhaps 30-40% of all local OT’s are on board with GAT II in Flag and LA? If Flag and LA have double the support of the UK, that is still a catastrophic situation for David Miscavige.
This is what these people are actually saying:
Of 275 people who are OT there are just 124 (45%) who show up at all. People making any effort, or even pretending to make an effort to help Scientology along 50%.
In the 7 years since the release of the revised Scientology materials known as the Basics only 33% have fully supported it by completing the study.
In the 8 months since the release of GAT II only 20% have found time to do even one course or auditing action.
So in summary,
50% are completely gone and never show up for anything.
67% are not supporting the whole Basics Fiasco.
80% are not supporting the whole GAT II “toilet my certs” program.
Bad news for David Miscagive.
Good news for everyone who really hates his guts.
Great reporting Mike. You really nailed it with your comments. Thanks for bringing us this breath of fresh air.
Suppressive dictators never consult their minions, nor do they care what their opinions are. Its all about issuing orders and getting compliance. That model may have worked in the Dark Ages, but in the Information Age it is folly.
The Scn public have one foot in the free modern world and the other in the twisted paramilitary bubble of Scn. This interrog is all the proof you need to know which world they prefer.
I think DM’s own words are coming back to haunt him – “Power is really when people listen to you” (paraphrase). Clearly less and less people are listening to him, and are simply non-complying to his precious “Command Intention.”
By your summary, the majority of OTs in the Saint Hill field are unknowingly or unknowingly under the radar.
Definition: Under The Radar – “Without attracting notice; in an undetected or secretive manner.”
By publishing this interrog the church has confirmed the existence of public being under the radar, since the purpose of the interrog is to DETECT such an individual. But, they’ve done worse than that, they’ve actually assigned numbers to it, giving everyone the idea of the real magnitude of the problem at Saint Hill.
And what a problem it is.
We should all paper copy this goldenrod, fill it in with some humour and some actual truths and post it to the Ethics Section SH and hopefully shake their “stable data” of corporate scientology.
+1 Invisible.
That actually is a good idea…
Funny, for stat-obsessed CoS, why the need to ask their public if they are on course or in session? All this data is readily available from the course admin or D of P. So, why the 3rd degree on the field? Maybe a chance for the MAA to flex her muscles and exert some control? Remind everyone who’s boss? Remember who has the whip? Just a reminder of what it means to be OT in the CoS?
That was easy to answer. I don’t’ get all the fuss.
1. No.
2. No.
3. Yes
4. No. Oh wait, I read that wrong. I though it said do you know anyone who is NOT defeatist or skeptical about making Ideal Orgs in the UK. Then the answer without the NOT is Yes.
5. Nowhere.
6. Nowhere.
7. Yes.
8. Life.
9. I generally study my interests, like animals, yoga, plant life, etc. about 10 hours a week, thanks for asking.
10. n/a
11. No
12. None
13. No
14. Wasn’t invited
15. No
16. Real life
Did I pass?
Flying colors — no wonder you have a graduate degree!
Having been the SUBJECT of a St Hill Interrogatory, I think I can speak with some authority on this matter… 😉
If this was sent out last July, I’m guessing that the jackboot of ‘Ethics’ has been round to kick those that were identified as being ‘counter-intentioned’ or ‘not on-board with Command Intention’ or one of the other myriad of meaningless drivel that regularly spews from the idiots running the mad-house. Possibly the inquisition is still on-going.
This, in turn, will create more disaffected members who don’t want to get involved and certainly don’t want to publicly admit that they are a Scientologist. I’m not surprised by the situation, but it is interesting to see that cult ‘management’ have started to realise the paucity of their support amongst their public. And remember, these are the MOST dedicated public Scientologists in the UK. East Grinstead and neighbouring Crowborough (Sea Org nesting site) has the ONLY concentration of Scientologists in the whole of the UK (pop 64,000,000 odd). Probably more than half the entire UK pop of Scns live in this area. And yet, if you walk through East Grinstead, you would be hard-pressed to spot any obvious evidence of this. The East Grinstead field is, with a few exceptions, in apathy.
The public are hiding and they are in fear. Any time I have attempted to engage any in conversation, they recall in fear at the mere suggestion of any criticism of Miscavige or his ‘church’. The ones who know me, will cross the street or pretend they haven’t seen me. Well they would, wouldn’t they – I mean it isn’t as if they have risen to such spiritual heights that they can confront anything? No wait-
From my own investigations, it is clear that a large number know very well that there is something very wrong with their church, but don’t want to do anything that might mark them out. So, they just do as little as possible to avoid becoming the next ‘head on a pike’, pretend to toe the line and just wait for someone else to fix the problem. And how many times have they read and star-rated KSW1? I dunno, maybe Hubb IS going to come riding in on his white charger and pick up the pieces. Maybe, but I just find it rather pathetic.
You forgot to mention your videos of Saint Hill OTs…
I like #16. “Are you aware of any activities in the field that are distracting scientologists from coming in on service or attending events?” They are damned if they do answer honestly, as it’s a catch 22 question. These look to be a good questions that will push someone over the fence. Yes!
Scientology is one big dysfunctional family. A common tool to Keep it dysfunctional is emotional blackmail. Disconnection is emotional blackmail by most definitions, including legal. I hope this Christmas season those who lurk here will put down the cans for just a day and find your way home again. Life is short and precious and if you can’t hug your family, you can’t call it belief, or evolution and you sure can’t call it OT. This Interrogatory is but a glimspe.
“Emotional blackmail is a form of emotional abuse, which involves the use of emotions and insecurities of the victim to manipulate the victim. It is usually directed at controlling the victim’s behavior and actions. In an emotional blackmail, the blackmailer usually adopts any of the following methods:
a. to threaten to endanger the life;
b. to say that blackmailer will feel depressed or sad if the victim do not do what the blackmailer says;
c. to control the victim by using money;
d. to pressurize by keeping the blackmailers feeling and desires before victim;
e. to threaten to go away from victim or end the relationship with the victim;
f. to make the victim feel guilty;
g. to manipulate the victim in such a way that victim feels compassionate;
h. to threaten to hurt victim or make things difficult for victim;
i. to demoralize the victim;
j. to deprive victim of love, appreciation, care, etc; and
k. to make victim feel that s/he is selfish and inconsiderate.
Hand Route a Christmas card this year instead.
You have to love that last question the most. It implies some outside distraction being responsible for such bad numbers. It certainly isn’t anything the church has done. No one in good standing would dare answer that truthfully. Whoever fills that out is likely to serve up a heaping portion of the same baloney that they are being fed. Sweets for the sweet. That is of course unless they want to be Sec-Checked until next July.
I believe this is relevant to the topic:
“A double bind is technically defined as a situation where:
1. Explicitly, if you do some Action, you’ll be punished
2. Implicitly, if you don’t do that Action, you’ll also be punished
3. If you bring up the contradiction, you’ll be punished
4. You can’t leave the situation”
The theory of the double bind was formulated by Gregory Bateson and his research group over 50 years ago. It seems to describe the mechanics of suppression quite accurately. As the article says, just step away from it!
The most famous Scientology equivalent of this is of course “Pie Face”.
Love the “R-Factor” at the head of this.
How long do you think it’ll be in the unprecedented evolution of Dave’s cult before all the OT’s are rounded up and given an ‘MCI’ style briefing?
What a nightmare for poor Dave having to pretend all is well to the masses when all he really wants do is assign everyone to the RPF for the rest of their respective eternities.
Except from Tom and the Duggans of course.
Ah yes, the price of greatness. To be so misunderstood.
Plus, cris, HE really wants to hit someone.
Best question: Are you contributing to Scientology in any other way? Yes SIR i payed all my money that i had,so you can finance your expensive whisky and your great haircut………
So great………the end is near!
Ah yes, interrogs. Reminds me of the good ‘ol days in the Sea Org. You just can’t beat a good interrrog followed by a meter check. If your needle wasn’t dirty going into the check, the MAA could fix that for you with a good wonderful sneer and stare-down. Guaranteed to be followed by an O/W write-up, and no libs that weekend.
This letter reveals “precise” statistics about 275 OTs, and their activities, but then it asks these, presumably, same 275 OTs, to provide much of the same information the letter claims to already know. I wonder why after reading it, I am reminded of this old joke: “Somewhere in the world a woman gives birth to a child every minute. We have to find this woman and stop her.”
If the interrog doesn’t work the next step is to hobble all of the OT’s.
Interestingly enough, DM is hobbling his own self.
And he doesn’t have many “feet” to lose – at least vertically. haha
Thanks Mike! This reminds me of when we used to get our weekly Ethics E-meter Checks and an Interrog at least once a month, if not twice at Gold. At one point it seemed like we had an Interrog to fill out at every muster! The thing is, these activities are all based on Lord Hubris from Tilden’s policies for Ethics Officers and MAA;s.
In HCO PL 11 May 1965 I, Ethics Officer Hat, El Ron states:
“The activities of the Ethics Officer consist of isolating individuals who are stopping proper flows by pulling withholds with ethics technology and by removing as necessary potential trouble sources and suppressive individuals off org comm lines and by generally enforcing Ethics Codes.
“The technology of how this is done is quite precise.
“In a nutshell, (a) one finds an imperfect functioning of some portion of the org and then (b) finds something that one doesn’t understand about it and then (c) interrogates by despatch the individuals in that portion connected with the imperfect functioning.
“An Ethics Officer’s first job is usually cleaning up the org of its potential trouble sources and requesting a Comm Ev for the suppressives. That gets things in focus quickly and smooths an org down so it will function.
“Then one looks for down statistics in the OIC charts. These aren’t understandable, of course, so one interrogates by sending interrogatories to the people concerned. In their answers there will be something that doesn’t make sense at all to the Ethics Officer – example, “We can’t pay the bills because Josie has been on course.” The Ethics Officer is only looking for something he himself can’t reconcile. So he sends interrogatories to the person who wrote it and to Josie. Sooner or later some wild withhold or even a crime shows up when one does this. The trick of this “org auditing” is to find a piece of string sticking out – something one can’t understand and, by interrogatories, pull on it. A small cat shows up. Pull with some more interrogatories. A baby gorilla shows up. Pull some more. A tiger appears. Pull again and wow! You’ve got a General Sherman tank!”
Someone mentioned that the Interrog they did was glutz PR, true dat! However, I’d like to point out that the policies themselves, that they MUST apply, are beyond glutz PR. They’re psychotic. And now with the internet, we have been exposing how this “Church” actually operates.
” The trick of this “org auditing” is to find a piece of string sticking out – something one can’t understand and, by interrogatories, pull on it.”
Yo Dave,
Have you checked your backside lately? Looks like a frickin hangmans noose is dangling good buddy. Hope you get it tucked in before one of your downstat staffers trips over it.
Technology. ..”You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think that it means. “
Bwahahahahahaaaaa! Inconthievable!
Dear OT reading this – know that you are not alone. In fact, you are in the majority. In the town of LRH’s former home in East Grinstead, England, more than half the OTs in the local area are refusing to be active within the Church. The proof is the Interrogatory Number 22 that you can read at the top of this page. Yes, more than half the OTs who live in Ron’s former home town have had it up to the teeth with the Diminuative Dictator and his ways and have gone inactive. Welcome to the growing majority! Know that you are in good company. Join the movement! 🙂
The wagons keep circling in ever tightening rotations with the people inside the wagons actually shooting each other in an effort to avoid being killed by the Indians. The Church of Scientology, blindly and stupidly doing themselves in, as usual. Please pass the salt by popcorn needs a little something. Thanks Mike.
De Church of DMadness lurches and staggers forth. “Supported” by their kool-aid injected sheeple, themselves no doubt propped up with mandatory Golden Age crutches, that feature a built-in automatic fleece comb/extending/shearing arms, to enable rapid removal of this ‘valuable’ a$$et, (for safe keeping by de Pope, naturally.) Fleecing, it appears, remains de Ponzi activity of choice!
Ho hum! 🙂
I just reread the Interrog because number of times through,heh. I thought at first this was good news. Now that I have found my Word, I now realize this is fantabulous news!
1) If 33 is the number of staff Reported active members, in honest, real world math that translates to 8.
2) This Interrogatory was whipped up in July so by now, December, out of those actual 8:
– 4 have taken a senior citizen’s medical leave (permanently)
– 1 has run off with the IAS reg
– 2 have blown
– and the last one left just gave up, declared himself and disconnected his telex machine.
I’m sorry but I read that last sentence as “the last one just gave up, declared himself and disconnected from his telex machine”.
It made sense.
Disconnection is a catch 22… that’s excellent Mike. It is a string to hold people in place , but is getting tighter and tighter , the breaking point hopefully is near. Except for the die hard who believes that people leave because of o/ws.
Just when I think Scn has scored all the own goals possible, they top themselves. Don’t these people have a box on their desks – the one with the blinking light and the keyboard – that would instantly produce the answers to these questions without making them look like idiots?
(Hint, it’s the thing that you’re reading Mike Rinder’s blog on…)
” that would instantly produce the answers to these questions without making them look like idiots? ”
Not possible Margaret. No matter the sit, they will look like the idiots they are.
Putting this into perspective… this issue was released prior to the CLOSING of Saint Hill Foundation. SHF had the expressed purpose of “servicing the people of East Grinstead”.
I think we can expect a new round of SP declares coming down the line.
It’s a Donkey F**kers Roundup !
Johnny Carson would say ” I see a PURGE in your near future”.
More than half the OTs in East Grinstead offlines and not gleefully happy, applying the tech and creating expansion. They must be plotting against you, sir, and they need to be punished. Please, COB sir, do a South Africa on them.
Yes, sure, no, not .. you obviously are OT VIII and Class VIII .. you mean the guys are generally suppressed, and the basic agreement should be cleared .. that is a south african .. isn’t it ..
Their use of the term “interrogatory” is interesting, because the term does have legal connotations:-
In law, interrogatories are a formal set of written questions propounded by one litigant and required to be answered by an adversary, in order to clarify matters of fact and help to determine in advance what facts will be presented at any trial in the case.
So, in that context, for a church to be sending such documents to their highest-level parishioners is astonishing. The implication is that the church believes it has judicial authority over its parishioners and can compel them to answer these questions, and the answers may be used in some further action against them.
I would imagine that anyone with even the tiniest ounce of free will would throw that straight in the bin, at the very least???
“The implication is that the church believes it has judicial authority over its parishioners and can compel them to answer these questions, and the answers may be used in some further action against them.”
Of course it does. When you walk into any Church of Scientology and take any service, you are automatically under their Canon Law.
The main thing that kept Scientologist from waking up to their massive loss of civil liberties, is all the confusion implanted by Hubbard with his assertions to be and “exact science” and his wholesale invalidations of every religion and religious leader known to man.
Not to mention Hubbard’s vociferous claims to ‘total freedom ” and “self determinism” for everybody.
By the time Scientologist wake up, they are owned by the church and under the control of Miscavige or any of his religious morons.
It is a SCAM.
Re: … they are owned by the church and under the control of Miscavige or any of his religious morons.
“I think you’re being quite rude and quite insulting.”
Yes, the church does think that it has (internal) judicial authority and can compel these answers, and that it correct to the extent that members believe this too and comply.
The level of incompetence here is stunning. No wonder Miscavige thinks he has to do everything himself. If the #1 priority of COB is to keep people thinking that the organization is expanding at an ever faster rate, you shouldn’t risk anyone waking up by sending out actual statistics, particularly not ones that jive with what they are seeing in their daily lives. No matter how much Kool-Aid they may be drinking, eventually the “reality adjustment” from these numbers will eat away at the illusion and will snap them out of the fever dream.
So how on earth did somebody approve sending this out to the public?
Once this actually drives more away from Scientology, then Dave will have to send in another one of his handpicked teams from Florida to fix things right up, which will drive results into the ground, as has already happened in South Africa and is busy happening in LA. You can just imagine how thrilled a bunch of Brits will be to have a bunch of hard-ass Americans dropped into Saint Hill and ordering the public around like they order each other around…
“So how on earth did somebody approve sending this out to the public? ” Internal controls must be dissolving, coupled with a massive brain drain. Reminds me of nuclear materials being smuggled out of Russia in the post Soviet Union meltdown. The saying, inmates running the asylum doesn’t do the situation justice.
JPC … it might just be that “the deep cover mole” (one of them) is right there in Ron’s home in Dept. 3 …. issuing an interrogatory whose reason APPEARS to be to get data on SPs and slackers, but whose REAL intent is to get the word out that the field is disaffected and not participating …. hmmm ….. yes, very well could be …..
Infiltration? Inconceivable!
Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in UK
22 July 2014
Interrogatory Number 22
A Proclamation of the Laws and Regulations to be followed by Magistrates and Secular Officials against Heretics and their Accomplices and Protectors.
To root up from the midst of Christian people the weed of heretical wickedness, which infests the healthy plants more than it formerly did, pouring out licentiousness through the offices of the enemy of mankind in this age the more eagerly (as we address ourselves to the sweated labor of the task assigned us) the more dangerously we overlook the manner in which this weed runs riot among the Catholic growth.
Law 2.
3. At the commencement of his term of office, at the assembly of citizens convoked as is the custom, by the authority of the city or feudal domain, the head of state or ruler of the city or feudal domain shall accuse of criminal conduct all heretics of both sexes, no matter by what name they appear on the rolls of citizens.
And furthermore, that no heretical man or woman may dwell, sojourn, or maintain a bare subsistence in the country, or any kind of jurisdiction or district belonging to it, whoever shall find the heretical man or woman shall boldly seize, with impunity, all his or their goods, and freely carry them off, to belong to the remover with full right, unless this kind of removing is restricted to persons designated by law.
Ordered by our Holy Pontiff David Miscavige I,_SS_Innocentius_IV,_Bulla_%27Ad_Extirpanda%27,_EN.pdf
16. “Are you aware of any activities in the field that are distracting Scientologists from coming in on service or attending events?”
Well yes actually. I found that there were some very good auditors who had left the church, became Independents and were available for auditing and training. Once I found this out I realized I could continue on the Bridge and get some great auditing very inexpensively and no longer had a need to come in for service or attend events.
Debbie Cook’s letter and Independent Auditors served to permanently distract me from Dave’s church
Very true, KFrancis. I do not want any more auditing or training, but if I did, I would go to the Independent Field, where it is more affordable and money does not have to be given to the IAS and sent up lines to the Mother Church.
Yea. Honest answer to number 16: Because I’m sick of coming in to study because my next book is DMSMH and I’ve read it three times already and I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than read it again. My next auditing action is SRD and I’d rather cut my hands off than touch that wall – Again.
So any action in the field distracts me from coming in for services. PLUS, I’m sick of the IAS regges barring the doors after course so I can’t leave.
And the reason I don’t go to events is because I’d rather piece my eardrums then listen to one more bloviated run-on sentence from David Miscavige to those horrible sound effects and graphics.
Hmmm, what distracts me from attending events? Well, running my business, earning a living, taking walks, dating, seeing friends, reading the great books I still haven’t read, watching the great films on DVD I missed, grooming my long-haired cat who has an endless supply of this stuff…lets see, what else…organizing and throwing things I no longer need, and, oh, yes! This blog! Especially Mike Rinder’s satire of David Miscavige’s speeches…most distracting!
Vee have vays of making you talk.
Just did a quick count….6 out of the 16 questions involve ‘tattling’ on someone else…….what kind of church does this! And why can’t its members see it for what it is.
What kind of churches? The culty kind.
‘Do you know of anyone …?’
They are looking for a Third Party or the big SP, who will by responsible for the collaps of the field.
Don’t they know who that is? More and more people in the field know that it is Miscavige. No need to look further.
“Do you know of anyone…” Sara, you got me thinking. I re-read this thing and now I think its real purpose is to get answers to THESE questions. Kind of clever of them because the “who” questions are salted here and there amongst the legit, straightforward questions concerning Bridge progress and so forth. Whoo! Creepy. Creepy Cult.
This posting reminds me of something I came up against in the mid-1990’s. This was before GAT I and GAT II. As a student on the Briefing Course at ASHO, I owned the tech volumes and the BC tapes. These were a requirement of being at student at that time. A friend was starting the BC but bemoaning the fact she couldn’t afford the materials. I offered to let her use mine to help her out. Her response was, “I’ll have to report this.” Apparently there was some something going on within ASHO about students not owning their own materials and my action of offering to help out a friend was a red flag. Rachel
Rachel, you naughty girl!
You are right, sharing materials is an absolute no go! I suggested sharing a few times as it seemed very practical – less cost, less crap cluttering up your home – but it was never to be, their need for money is insatiable.
They may as well shout from the roof tops: “Hey! We’re failing! And there’s not a damn thing we can do about it!” Gosh, Mike, this is more fun than a barrel of scientologists.
+1. LOL!!
With such underwhelming enthusiasm of the “OT’s” to get with the program, as evidenced by their R-factor, it’s funny to notice the TM of 48 hours.
And what to make of the closing sentence (this is send to OT’s, the most ethical beings on the planet).
Rather than the usual lies we expect from a OT Cult member! 🙂
Such a great point CM. The last time I was in an org (flag) I felt like a door on an automotive assembly line. Even though I had many accomplishments, I apparently couldn’t make any decisions for myself because I was too out ethics, degraded, didn’t make any grades, was ill trained, and just fell off the turnip truck. It’s so bizarre they think they can invalidate the shit out of people and they’ll want to come back for more. More and more people are saying “no thanks”.
First, I thought it was an MU that caused someone to act like this. They didn’t understand. Then I thought it was suppression – they were forcefully influenced by others (seniors, execs, etc.) who made them act in bizarre ways. Then I realized they had become the problem, they were actively preventing change by being the suppression they believed they were fighting. Ultimately, I saw it as Evil. Simple really, they do it ( bad deeds done with great stupidity) because they’ve lost the ability to see the difference.
“…..intended to help them get to the bottom of a bad situation”
Are they really ready to find out what is waiting for them at the bottom of this bad situation? If they are going to open up this Pandora’s Box they better be ready to look at some real evil. I wouldn’t want to wade in there without General George S. Patton standing alongside me because there is some real ugly waiting at the bottom.
No worries though, the “Why” found for this situation will be that the OT’s are just a bunch of out-ethics humanoids, who didn’t make the grade and need to start all over….Oh wait….that’s already underway.
All true, KFrancis. As someone commented earlier, they want a head on a pike. God forbid they get a Real Why. They’ll reject the data and make him or her the Who.
Gee whiz Dave, sorry about your losses over in England. Them damn SPs again, huh? Here’s a couple datums you can use right here, right now. You’re welcome!
1. Man thrives in a challenging environment
2. Make it go right
Hope this helps.
No OT could honestly answer that they are happy with being forced to go to reg events or forced to study materials they have already studied…. The fact is, all OTs are unhappy with these things but they not talking about it. But, OT reading this (with an IQ above a grapefruit) will surmise that there are a lot of other OTs that are unhappy too.
Only an untrained, low case level, idiot Sea Org zealot would ask a public OT “now answer me honestly, do you have any disagreements with me kicking you in balls? Has your wife complained about it? If so, please turn her in so we can disconnect her from you.”
This interrogatory is doing more to disseminate the fact that there IS general dissension among the troops than any single disgruntled OT could have done. Good for you “Field Control Sec”
+100 LOL
That’s so true. The Interrog poses so many more interesting questions than the bland “No…not really…” answers that these local “OTs” are going to give. Just over a year ago I had some one rock up on my lines who was beyond desperate at how bad things had got at “Ron’s Home”. Squirrelling wouldn’t even begin to describe some of the things she told me. Can’t say too much as she hasn’t gone public yet – but suffice to say all is not well at “The Hill”. Because of the long history there, just about all of the local field have their lives firmly embedded in Scientology companies, family ties etc. Were it not for that I can say with absolute certainty there wouldn’t even be the TEN reported GAG II training comps. TEN for goodness’ sake. And two of them overseas.
To the Public MAA / Field Control Sec: You are wasting paper and time. Your field isn’t just disaffected – it’s disappeared, never to return. The truth is out there and isn’t going away. And the more force and threats you use the worse it’s going to get. ML, Martin Padfield – overnight SP – unofficially.
Martin, you mean “Brevet SP”?
Exactly Robert.
In fact, David Miscavige should promulgate this Interrogatory in the Clearwater area. Please!
Right on Robert!
As I recall that old Nightline interview with David Miscavige, The leader of Scientology told Ted Kopple that “Power is how many people will listen to you.”
Sounds like the OT’s of St. Hill are no longer listening.
You have been summoned by The House of UnScientology Activities Committee. They haven’t eaten or slept since 1984 and they have questions.
This Interrogatory reminded me that the impetus for George Orwell’s “1984” was McCarthyism. Welcome to the World of Miscavigism.
1984 was written in 1948, before McCarthy was well known. Eric Blair (his real name) had been in Spain during the Civil War and had seen both Communists and Fascists at their most mind-controlling.
That’s right, Bob. Orwell was given the, “This is what we are going to do with the world” tour by the communists. That’s when he left the Communist party. He wrote “1984” even though he was deathly ill and died soon after.
If you haven’t read the book, this BBC version of it captures it best. We should all watch or read this. It is exactly like the church:
I’m sure the returns on this showed that 1285 of the 275 were all doing things at the OTHER idle morgues, which wre booming.
Mike, Nice commentary you make as today’s posting.
Dave, you’ve got to get those two SO members who wrote that Ethics Interrog handled. They aren’t supposed to tell the truth like that. After all, this is the ©GOLDEN AGE OF LYING. (GAL)
And hold the presses on any re-issuing of HCOPLs in OEC Volumes. We’ve got new High Crimes to get into the Suppressive Acts HCOPL:
“Failure to attend an international event to see what color Dave’s hair is now.”
“Protesting an event where Dave is going to do Shermanspeak”.
Add: Being the last to rise for a standing ovation from a COB speech, even if it was viewed on video.
Note that it is Interrogatory Number 22 – which means that the previous 21 interrogatories must have failed. 🙂
It was sent out back in July so I guess they got everything smoothed out by the time the IAS event came along. I suspect the Secretary who was attempting to control the field was able to get those on the fence to at least attend the opening of the new management building over in Europe to make up for their loser contributions to date.
Now what Dave?
No fair kicking Dave when he’s down.
Peter! That made me laugh out loud for real! Interrog #22. Interrogatory Catch 22 – as Sheldon said. LOL
Not surprised about the interrogatory. Mike – excellent commentary. Definitely a catch-22 situation.
This really tells you all you need to know about the Road to Total Fiefdom. None of the recipients are considered free by the “church”, unless you use its own unspoken definition: freedom to act within the law as laid down by Hubbard and primarily David Miscavige.
I love an interrog with an “R Factor” that shows just how screwed up the organization is and lets each OT know that they are not alone in their disaffection.
Exactly! It reminded me of all the Invests about David Mayo. We know how well that worked out.
l” I ove an interrog with an “R Factor” that shows just how screwed up the organization is and lets each OT know that they are not alone in their disaffection.” Well said, Matt.
Good one, Mat.
“How many other OTs have valid doubts about the organization?”
jgg2012 – The rest of them.
All who didn’t answer. 😀
What a piece of “Glutz PR” that Ethics Interrog is. My guess is that the Public MAA and the Field Dissem Sec who wrote that thing and sent it out into a field of people on the fringes are in big trouble now. We should look for these two SO members to show up here on this blog pretty soon.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dave kills HCO Ethics publications from now on. Those things were meant for the bubble of scientologists only. Sort of like Tom Cruise’s video. The bubble just doesn’t survive when it collides with planet earth.
Nothing like paying hundreds of thousands of dollars “to be a free being” only to get owned by a cult that has the ability to ruin your business and personal relationships.
The “OT” knows that if he doesn’t answer up on the interrog he will be summoned to Ethics for further interrogation on the e-meter. If he doesn’t show up for the interrogation someone will go to his home or business. All 275 “OTs” will respond or face the consequences. They will be Scientology’s bitches until they cut their losses and walk away.
“… someone will go to his home or business …”
This has always struck me as one of the more amazing features of Scientology. That they come uninvited to your home or work at all hours, and don’t leave until they get what they want, and that the recipients of these visits don’t break with Scientology over that alone, is a sign of servitude if ever there was one. Individuality is definitely not an acceptable trait in a Scientologist.
Its very sad that at the point of being harrassed at work and home,folks are either too scared or too indoctrinated(sic?) to call police and stand up for their rights. Having never been ( knock on wood) a part of this horriffic cult I find it diffucult to wrap my mind around this voluntary loss of individual freedom of choice. Again,very sad. I congratulate every one of you who have set yourselves free and are speaking out against the teensy tiny Miscavige and his enforcers…keep it up folks. I do believe just by looking at his photos that Slappy is getting a little more stressed out every day…karma is real in my beliefs,and its coming.With luck,you will get to watch
Turning up on your doorstep uninvited really,really used to annoy me, even if you told them to go away they didn’t, these days I would have no qualms about phoning the cops to get them removed.
I know I shouldn’t be but I CONTINUE to be astounded by the stupidity of this “Interrogatory.” Who wants to knowingly be part of ANY group that’s going to control you to this extent? Why would anyone answer this Interrogatory truthfully, or at all, knowing what this evil group will do with honest answers.
Strange you would mention that. According to the original grade chart, you didn’t have to be OT. (I will email that grade chart to you tonight Mike)
Auditor 107. Flag 1965 Supplement
Gave this as
Grade IV Release EP
Scientology: Rooting out and crushing dissent since 1952
I have a simple test. If you received this questionnaire and didn’t gasp in disgusted amazement upon reading it, then you are swimming in a sea of foolishness. Come to the surface. Breath in the atmosphere of self-determinism. It will be transformative.
OMG. Nice going Mike to get your hands on that. You are much better connected up with the world than Dave is. It looks like the “big dogs” are running with you just fine in the “tall grass”. © Tommy Davis
As a British citizen then that is wonderful news. It’s also good news for East Grinstead because it means it is becoming a saner place.
As a sometimes protester of Saint Hill, this makes me very happy. I wonder how many of those “OTs” the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology sent out to “confront” us have packed up and left or are just quietly not coming in to any more services or (fleecing) events?
Unless I’m very much mistaken, there’s a former London Foundation bOrg member who’s commenting here from time to time 🙂
From my experience, this is a typical way to find someone’s head to put on a pike and take pressure off of the remaining staff. “Look, Joe’s the WHY. Let’s declare him and everything will magically become hunky-dory!”
If people don’t voluntarily answer, the ones who arrive at the org will be pulled in for one-on-one questioning until an acceptable pair of shoulders can be found to take the blame.
They have to “hand route” this in. We know what this means. I got chills. Some things you never forget.
True indeed!
OMG they have to “hand route” this in? That smacks of being pulled in to put on the cans for interrogation and intimidation. My friend went through that in a Com Ev and it was total Inquisition without the rack, but almost as bad. This will restimulate anyone with Nazi track, Torquemada Inquisition track, etc etc. It is an intimidation tactic to scare them into compliance.
They are not a church – they are bullies. If they did to the general public what they do or try to do to their members they would be viewed as a criminal organization.
Wonder if this type thing is going out in other areas? They are showing fear – where is that on the tone scale again?
Actually, they are at “Can’t hide”, and only an apparency away from “Total failure”.
Spot on!
They are a criminal organization. One critic described scientology as a cross between the Moonies and the Mafia. They are a cancer in every country they’re in.
Let’s not insult moonies ( whacked ), mafia (hardworking blue collar men). As bad as cancer is, clammers are WORSE!
Bullies is correct.
I can imagine a Catholic just finishing his confession:
“Okay, now I need you to fill out this Interrogatory and report to me the contributions you have made to your local parish in the last six months.
“Explain to me why you don’t come to confession every week.
“You need to come to confession every day for the next year so we can keep track of what you’ve been up to because we can’t trust that you ARE actually donating the required 10% tithe.
“Furthermore, you need to tithe more than the usual 10% of your income because we need it to support the Pope.
“Which reminds me, the Pope is coming to America next week and we need you to be at that event or it will be considered a mortal sin for which you will have to tithe another $25,000 to make up the damage that does to the church.
“Also, it saddens me to tell you this but you will have to disconncect from your parents because we hear they don’t like you donating your inheritance to the Catholic Church. Because
“After all, we are ONLY interested in your Eternity and your Ascension into Heaven.
“Now, say 10 Hail Mary’s and 1 rosary and leave whatever is in your wallet in the collection plate on your way out.”
+100 still laughing~
Great find, Mike.
I read this interrogatory from the viewpoint of it being addressed to ME.
It started off ok, and at first I thought, “This is OK”, but then about halfway thru the the list my spontaneous thought was, “How DARE you people question me in this manner!”
Despite there being no caps, what communicates is either shouting in anger, or a sarcastic, low key, simmering anger.
Pretty low-toned, overall, and I’d guess that it was designed to ensure responses by rousing the apathetic or else by infuriating anyone at 2.0 or above.
In other words, make ’em good and scared, or good and mad.
Hey, why don’t we all print this thing out, answer it fully with extra paper as necessary or with flip answers as the mood strikes us, and send it in? I’ll spring for postage to go across the pond!
Mike, your sources and resources are absolutely top of the line!
Ja, mein Führer!!!
Sorry if this is off thread a bit, but over at Tony O’s site, there is a piece from some KA drinker saying how full LA Org is with tons of new public now that the SO took over and that she has “seen it with her own eyes.” Can one of our UTR’s go into the LA Org and tell us is it really full of parishoners? We need a report from a correspondent and UTR please.
I promise you – the public on course or SRD are NOT new public. It’s the same recycled crew. New people are not joining Scientology at LA org.
It’s pretty amazing that they’d even send something like this out. I mean, it’s a stark, stark indication of just how quickly Scientology is collapsing, but the funniest part is that they’re desperately trying to figure out WHY. Well guys, just a hint, but maybe Scientology’s precipitous decline starting riiiiiiiight around the time Miscavige started to “Fix” things might have something to do with it, eh? Nah, it’s SP transcription errors!
They know why. The questions they are asking betray this. Also they read the blogs and comments so they definitely know why people are staying away. Instead of changing their behavior and program, which they cannot do, their only recourse is to convince you are wrong for being disaffected or intimidate you into getting with the program.
Yep. This is a ‘hammer down’ activity to try and force compliance through fear. No doubt there are many who do fear. Once you state your name you are basically saying ” yes, it’s me you sick fuck. Take your best shot because it will be your last one!”
Then they run for cover because they know the leverage over you has evaporated.
Yo Dave,
Bring it good buddy!
No…NO…they really are truly mystified why people don’t want to come in and do services they don’t need but are being forced on them. They don’t know why people don’t want to come in and listen to the mad miscavige spew false stats. They are truly unaware that the public doesn’t like getting regged for every penny they earn. They have no idea that anyone in the field has actually read the actual PL on Ideal Orgs and is fully aware that it is a squirrel program. They are clueless to the fact that all of miscavige’s so-called “tech handlings” are a complet fail.
I don’t think they are trying to find out ‘Why’ so much as ‘Who’….as in ‘WHO is responsible for the eminent collapse, WHO is not following COB’s brilliant game plan….’
I think it’s me.
Send in the hit squads!
Are you officially declared Michael?
What makes it official, a mailed goldenrod? Nothing in writing, but I can safely assume I’m a Special Person.
Micheal wrote:
“I think it’s me.”
Not it’s not. It’s me!
I’m SPartacus!
Hey! I just want everyone to know it is definitelyn NOT ME! I mean, DAVID MISCAVAGE is the most competent, compassionate, caring, wonderful, kind leader any church could have. And I’ve met all the leaders of the world! COB, we’re lucky to have you!
Wait…what? Oh crap! I’m channeling Tom Cruise again.
It’s because he cares so very, very, very, very much.
MM “I think it’s me”, now quit trying to hog all the credit for being the SP for yourself. There are those of us who want to stand right up there on that glorious SP stage with you.
Quit bogarting the SP Stage. There’s plenty of room for all of us.
Hell, if we all got invited to one of the glorious IAS events (I AM SP), we could fill any hall David Miscavige reserved, and enough of us would be elbowing others aside for podium time that the oversize podium which Davey boy cowers behind would look miniscule.
Valerie I stand corrected. It’s been hard carrying the whole world on my shoulders.
Are we going to have to present SP papers to get into your party OSD? Or can we just swipe our old International Association of Assholes card?
No need for papers or IAA. And for you, Coop, you will be greeted as a conquering hero! The party WILL happen!
I thought it was me…….whoops, there were 7 SPs at my Thanksgiving table, I guess we’re abundant!! And I’m thankful for each and every one!
Perfectly legible, Mike. It reads like something straight out of Kafka’s The Trial.
If you are going to post under a pseudonym, it’s heard to beat a beauty like this one….
Peasemould reads Kafka.
I like him already.
Thank-you, Mike 🙂 I pinched it from the 1960’s BBC radio comedy Round the Horne:
Brilliant pseudonym!
Can someone explain this to me; I’ve never read Kafka. 🙁
The name comes from an old BBC show, Mary.
Not directly a Kafka-esque reference. It just ties in nicely because Peasemold Gruntfuttock was smarmy dictator type character. And Kafka’s book The Trial is about a guy accused of a crime, but no one will tell him what it is. Lots of injust weirdness ensues. So the other comments by Peasemold and Alanzo were combining the two different worlds of the Round the Horne show with Kafka’s book.
If you haven’t had an all-out roaring laughter attack yet today -to the point of just about wetting yourself- don’t miss out on the maaavelous education in
Things are heating up. This sounds like a demand for Knowledge Reports to be written on oneself. If this isn’t a wake-up call for those “inactive” OTs, I don’t know what is.
My god! Who would be fool enough to actually answer that thing and send it in? It looks more like something issued by the Gestapo than a church.
If they don’t send in a response then that would not be an OT thing to do which would mean … that perhaps … they are not really and truly an OT Being … and therefore they should have their OT certificates cancelled. Maybe even have their Clear certificate cancelled since even a Clear would take responsibility and fill out the form and hand it in. So make them redo all those levels and then there will be more money flowing in!
I would say I sent my compliance report telepathically. Not my fault if their end doesn’t have anyone capable of picking it up.
I would say “I had already done this in 3 or 4 lifetimes past” then ask “why don’t you have that data anymore?”
Yea but if you don’t then they come knocking……………
I received something of this sort via email back in 2007 or so. I was told a no-report would result in sending an ethics chit to my file. I was also warned about ‘flippant’ answers! I just cannot figure out why someone would think that of all the kool aide consuming public that I might give a flippant answer!
So I sent back the email and said I was too busy working to pay down debts to have time to do a detailed response and to go ahead and send in the ethics chit. That went over really well! It was at that time I said to myself “Coop, you are done with this stupid fucking bullshit! No more events, no more donos, no more OT comittee crap and no more Ideal Org stuff. Wake the fuck up you dumb shit!!!”
I didn’t receive an official declare until Feb 17th 2012. I guess they needed to ‘investigate’ things and find a real why or something. Why you ask? Why the fuck not I say! Life and times, as difficult as they have been dealing with the most ethical group on the planet, are leaps and bounds more fun and productive without a Cult to help you along!!
Yo Dave,
Not sure if you have put 2 and 2 together yet but your policy to “continue with the beatings until morale improves” may have a flaw in it good buddy. I’ll just leave it to you for now but if you want, have your OSA Bots give me a call and I’ll perhaps send you up a little report on it. 209-928-4822 …. leave a message!
I love your humor Cooper.
“Coop, you are done with this stupid fucking bullshit! No more events, no more donos, no more OT committee crap and no more Ideal Org stuff…. Wake the fuck up you dumb shit!!!”
Hey Coop…sorry you had to verbally and spiritually flog yourself in this way, it must have been a rough day, but it had to be done and you were just the right man for the job! Ha..ha..
Coop, My guess is it took them 5 years to finally declare you because they knew you were loud and an OL and would become their worst nightmare if they did declare you. You would not go quietly into that good night. So they held off as long as they could knowing that if the did declare you, you would not take it lying down and you would get active and loud and take as many with you as you could, which you did. So take a win on the fact that they tried not to declare you so as to save the collateral damage it would cause. But then they finally did and it was a lucky day for you to be set free from the cult. Keep on ranting and spewing and influencing others. It’s a good thing.
Coop, you’re a one man scientology wrecking crew! And, as I explained on the phone with you, you are certainly NOT a dumb shit! We were all dumb shits at some point with our involvement in the cult! Now, were fans sitting in the bleachers watching and rooting for the cult to simply disappear! Keep that party in mind, my friend!
And I think we are just getting started OSD! Thanks for the votes of confidence folks. As regards the dumb shit aspect I think you are correct. But ….. if not a ‘dumb shit’ then for sure a stupid fuck! Now I do only consider this as it applies to myself and I do it for therapeutic reasons more than anything else. If I cannot laugh at myself then I certainly cannot laugh with anyone else either.
And I can tell you, I really enjoy laughing with the lot of you folks! It makes up for a lot of crying times …. in the past.
“I was also warned about ‘flippant’ answers! I just cannot figure out why someone would think that of all the kool aide consuming public that I might give a flippant answer!”
Okay, I know I’ve had too much to drink since this morning (one glass of wine’ll do it) and you might tell me to get a life, but this line still makes me laugh this evening.
I had a horribly depressing evening last night watching the tribute to a friend of my son’s. I was REALLY good friends with his mother and she disconnected from me after her son wrote her up for some comment she made about my unjust declare. He was killed in a motorcycle accident last week and a friend made a really nice tribute to him. I am not allowed to reach out to my friend and be there for her or even grieve myself the way I normally would because this effing church took even that away from me. The tribute to him has a picture of my son with her son when they were young boys and then another more recently. It was heartbreaking all the way around.
My point being,
you make me laugh Cooper.
I just CANNOT imagine for the life of me why ANYONE would caution you about giving “flippant answers” :)…
LOL! And your absolutely right! If we can’t laugh at ourselves, we can’t laugh with anyone else. But, the really fantastic thing is, WE’RE NOT IN THAT FUCKING CULT ANYMORE! I’m hoping when it all falls a part, you’ll get your kids back, my friend.
When they never have any toilet paper, how long do you think it takes them to beg, borrow or steal goldenrod paper and keep it?