As I have mentioned in a number of posts recently, there has been a remarkable groundswell of response to Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.
It goes beyond the show trending on Twitter every week, many, many emails and messages on Facebook and handshakes in the supermarket from complete strangers. Most heartening is the number of people who are reaching out to tell their stories. Many have not been heard from before, and the stories are utterly devastating. Perhaps it is a measure of the level of devastation inflicted on people how long it takes for them to be able to talk about it. It is both heartening and heartbreaking to see how many have come forward, and continue to come forward. And it is my hope that many more will come forward.
It got me to thinking Why Now? Why have so many stepped into the light and why should everyone take the opportunity to do so now.
What is different? Because it IS different…
There has been media coverage of scientology and its abuses before. Joe Childs and Tom Tobin did masterful work in the “Truth Rundown” series in the St Petersburg Times back in 2009 (which was really my “coming out”). Janet Reitman wrote in Rolling Stone and then her book Inside Scientology. Lawrence Wright wrote a piece for the New Yorker which then evolved into his masterpiece Going Clear and ultimately the Alex Gibney film of the same name. Bryan Seymour and Steve Cannane have done brilliant work exposing scientology abuses in Australia. So too John Sweeney on the BBC and then in his book Church of Fear.
But none of this groundbreaking journalism has resulted in the atmosphere we see today.
I think there are a number of factors that have accrued into a “perfect storm” for scientology.
+ Social media. Today Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are how a LOT of people track what is going on in the world. Leah is social media savvy, so is A&E. There has been a growing tide of people talking about the show and making it clear to everyone the tremendous support for the victims of scientology abuse and the level of anger directed at the perpetrators. It is palpable. There is a virtual mob with pitchforks and torches and they are not going to quiet down til things change.
+ Leah is truly a champion for those who have been damaged. People trust her. They know she will fight for them. They know she understands them. They know she CARES about them and has gone to pains to explain to the world that those who have been abused are victims and there is nothing wrong with that (“victim” is a bad word in scientology). People listen to her and she has proven she is doing exactly what she said she was going to do — give a voice to those who otherwise would not be heard. Scientology claims Leah Remini is a “washed up actress” with no career. Social media and ratings say otherwise. It used to be that scientology’s big gun, Tom Cruise, would be out pitching for the S and double triangle. Today he is quiet as a doped up dormouse. So, who is the biggest voice on earth speaking about scientology? Leah Remini. And she is on the side of good.
+ Scientology has lost its mojo. They are truly the boy who cried wolf. They make groundless threats and never follow them up. All of the people and media mentioned above, and many others, have had their inboxes collapsed with an apparently endless stream of scientology legal threat letters. And not once since scientology had its butt kicked by Time Inc has scientology proceeded to sue. Their threats are empty and everyone knows it. Nowadays it is no longer considered dangerous to make jokes about or report on scientology. In fact, everyone is doing it.
+ The smears scientology have created on people for so long have been exposed as lame lies. Repeatedly. So much so that it has been turned on them to demonstrate that they do and say anything to destroy “critics” just as everyone says they do. Aaron Smith-Levin’s response on Tony Ortega’s blog to the smear website they put up on him two hours after the show aired is a perfect example. If some had been worried about stepping out for fear of how they might be smeared, it is pretty clear now that there isn’t anyone who is not already a scientologist that buys a word they say. It is laughed off at best, treated with utter scorn and derision at worst.
+ There is strength in numbers. The more others speaking out, the safer it is for everyone else. It is a snowball gathering size and speed as it rolls downhill and becomes an avalanche that will bury everything in its path.
+ This show, and Leah in particular speaks to people emotionally. And this is perhaps the single most important point. It is virtually impossible to adequately portray the pain of experience on the printed page. The Going Clear film was a more analytical and in some ways sterile approach to scientology. Of course, that was also dictated by the limited amount of time and massive scope of the material that was covered. With a LOT more time, and the focus on real people’s experiences and pain, I believe this series is reaching people in a different way. It is speaking to their hearts, not just their brains.
Now IS the time to speak. If you have a story to tell, and you are willing to speak up and speak out, send us an email at [email protected]. And please respect the fact that we don’t have a staff of people to read and respond to the emails. Don’t use this email to simply write a note of thanks, put that on this blog or Facebook or Twitter. And don’t write about stories you heard that someone else experienced. Or with advice on how to deal with PTSD. Or any of the other very well meaning communications that have come in. We want to reserve this email address for those who have personal stories of abuse and pain in scientology that there are willing to come forward and tell.
I hope if you have been worried about stepping forward in the past, you will have the courage to do so now. It’s important your voice is heard and your story is told too. Many have told me that the action of simply writing and explaining your story can be incredibly cathartic. I hope you find it so.
Hello Mike,
My name is Daniela. I am a Christian and I love learning about Scientology, the courses have helped me so much especially with injuries and trauma . Something the Catholic Church needs to learn is to respect everyone’s choices because they started to look in global eye like the fascists Mussolini and Hitler church, both Catholics, and God forbid we go through that persecution again collectively. I respect all Church and I hope the Catholic Church respects everyone’s rights and freedoms.
Also not in the cult, but after reading all these posts all I can say is truly speak YOUR OWN TRUTH, and let the healing began. Whether here or somewhere else, let the chains that bind you fall away because you will feel so much better.
You have been victimized by this so called religion. Victimized, not a victim and therein lies the difference.
Speak out, let your true self out from under all that garbage and learn what freedom truly is for you.
There is strength in numbers, healing within and without. Join with others…..there is hope.
I have been out of town and missed the 20/20 show. After reading your comments I am not sure I want to watch it. I have been so moved by how real courage is being displayed for the first time in a long time that I don’t want to watch anything that casts ANY doubt about what real hero’s look like. You and Leah are certainly putting yourselves in harms way for others, that is obvious. I admire both of you so much and I have cried with you during these interviews. It is a crime that a cult could hijack the word ‘religion’ and get away with the crimes that they are perpetrating on innocent children and families. I have written to Bernie, yes in VT. that’s what we call him, and other political representatives. I will support you in any way I can. Be well. I am praying for all of you.
I believe the government has not followed through with investigating this self-proclaimed religion is the fear of violating the constitutional rights afforded.
Sometimes one must find alternate avenues to reach the same destination.
The one thing, I know, is these scientology kids are not receiving the education required, by law.
This would be an alternate avenue to go into, investigating this organization.
This coming from a person raised in a family of public school educators and military men/women.
Even home schooling requirements are more strictly monitored than appears to being monitored in this organization.
I find it unfair and appalling that these children receive no education as required, by law.
I may be way off, here. Don’t get me wrong, I think this organization, which I refuse to call a church, should be widely investigated. I believe that the government must find a way to get their foot in the door and maybe education, or the lack there of, would be a good start. This cannot be argued or defended, especially if the kids cannot pass basic educational testing the rest of our children must pass.
I really hesitated to post this as I’m certain this site is closely monitored by that organization. I’d hate to give them a heads up.
That said, filing a complaint with the US Dept of Education is a good start.
The law is very specific and no religious organization is exempt from meeting federal education guidelines and testing guidelines.
I just happened to read a very interesting book on scientist Jack Parsons. In particular, his adventures into the occult with LRH. What I found interesting was a lot of the tenants of Scientology seem to be borrowed word for word from the teachings of Alistair Crowley, well known and self proclaimed “black magician” The title of the book is called “Strange Angel; The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons” by George Pendle. It is available on
Hi everyone. My name is Cory Montoya. I was in Scientology for 26 years from 1988-2014. I had always struggled with my sexual identity while in and always knew I had to hide it or I wouldn’t be allowed to be a Sciemtologist. It was horrifying. I also mostly adhered to Christian Values and Christian teaching.
I know that Scn tells you that you can have any faith but that’s not completely true. They said that believing in Jesus was an aberration. It was something called a heavenly implant. I guess the phrase: “What is true is what is true for you.” is just a farce in Scientology to reel you in. Scn tries to get you to change what is true for you instead of accepting you as you are. It nearly destroyed my life. I’m a lot happier that I’m out. Thanks Mike for all you have done to be a light to us.
Why Now? I think another factor is the American public is awake now to the dangers of fake news, misinformation, disinformation, hacking, and smear campaigns in relation to the Russians and the 2016 elections. There are some similarities between Scientology’s fair game policy and Russian meddling, disinformation, and fake news. Many people see that connection and are appalled and want to do something about it. We as a country need to get back to operating in reality, telling the truth, having integrity, and respecting the facts … and we need to stop believing in made-up stories, fantasies, and disinformation. We need to be able to call out a fraud when we see it and not let the con men of the world cheat, lie, and steal with impunity.
Big Time! That’s exactly what I feel watching the show – Scientology tactics are identical to tactics seen in 2016 election. Including schoolyard taunt style ad hominem attacks that somehow make news. It’s truly bizarre. You would think a church responding to an apostate would be something dignified like “we love and miss that person. That person is dealing with personal issues, but they are welcome back into the fold at any time.” Not “that person is a big poopy-head who also has cooties! So there!!!!” Of course, I would also expect similar dignity from someone running for and then elected president so…
Right … scientology isn’t really a church or a religion, is it. It’s more like a club with members who share a similar mindset. Or an abusive cult that brainwashes its adherents. Or a fraudulent self-help business that’s basically a ponzi scheme, built on the backs of slave labor. I know Leah said Scientology doesn’t believe in God or Jesus and it teaches God is a lie. I haven’t heard about any kind of worship or devotional aspect to Scientology. It’s amazing scientology convinced the IRS they were a religion. If I understand it, scientologists believe in technology more than anything. There’s nothing wrong with technology, but technology isn’t a religion.
Lets Keep the Heat on with Season 2
I am a Scientologist from the 70’s (yes I still consider myself to be a Scientologist) But I have not been directly affiliated with the church since 1980 just after the formation of the RTC and just before DM’s power play.
The Church lies to it’s own adherents. When the FBI raided the Hollywood Sea Org we as staff members in the LA Org were told it had to do with the IRS suppression of the Church, not that it had anything to do with the church’s fraud in trying to set up a reporter. It’s nice to finally learn the truth. I am very disappointed at how much the church has degraded under the management of DM, but am not surprised. It was predicted!
Way to go Mike and Leah for what you are doing! I have pretty much stayed clear of the church since leaving, though I also had Goldenrod issued with my name on it, so that made it fairly easy to stay disconnected. And my wife and friends all left at the same time I did and that made is even easier
You have my support and good luck. You more than anyone knows the risks of being an opterm of the church Mike, so keep aware as I do not put anything past them. I sincerely hope your family sees the light sooner rather than later.
No doubt the church became more evil with Miscavige.
Yet, I would have to say the most despicable black ops was against Paulette Cooper. And that was done by Ron himself. They sought to destroy her life with lies and hoped she would kill herself.
On the scale of horrors done to people, Ron takes the cake.
One more thing: Everything that Miscavige is doing can find and HCOB or writing of Ron’s that instructs for that behavior.
There is a logical fallacy about the frequency of abuse with Miscavige. Although true, it’s all started with Ron. Miscavige is simply applying Bolivar: The Responsibility Of Leaders and How Scientology Deals With Critics:The L Ron Hubbard Playbook.
The lack of empathy, sympathy and decency is woven into the fabric of Scientology. That is because Ron was mentally and emotionally a basket case. Totally disassociated from reality.
Psyches from Farsec?
Wishing suicide by electric shock?
Preaching being cause but blaming everyone else for his troubles.
Remember, Ron put sympathy below hate on the tone scale. Can you imangine what that can do to someone who thinks Ron is infallible?
The young boy Miscavige learned how to be abusive from his teacher.
His teacher was a narcissistic megalomaniacal loon.
That is the source of Scientology’s troubles: the life and teachings of
L Ron Hubbard: period!
LRH truly was a basket case among basket cases, to use the vernacular term.
Some of the newer people reading this blog might enjoy reading the older stuff about LRH. I’m thinking of “Messiah or Madman” which I think you can download at no cost on the internet. Also, there’s “Let’s Sell Them a Piece of Blue Sky” I believe it’s called. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
Anyway, just Google those titles if you’re just learning about COS AND LRH. It will be well worth your time, IMHO. You will be left aghast.
A Patch of Blue Sky
Thanks to you and Leah for the great shows. I travel Ft. Harrison Ave. very often, and can’t help but to shake my head in disbelief. I see those young SeaOrg’s walking the street looking like Zombies. No emotion on their faces! Clearwater is trying to revitalize downtown, but, until they get rid of the Scientologists, the area will always be a ghost town. Visitors are freaked-out about the “church” ‘s influence. Those “Zombies” are someone’s children and they will never know the joys and sorrows of growing up normal.
Mike Rinder you are the Best!
Thank you sooo much for overcoming L.Ron Hubbard& His Fracking Florida Fair Game Policy/ Politics since Flag Land Base occupied Clearwater, Florida 1975 .
The Fort Harrison Hotel which the gov.
of Florida R .Scot as AG. P.Bondi promoting ‘Flag Land Base as SUPER POWER/ America Great Again slogan via surveyed buttons to push via DM’s hired PR Firms / New York Ad agencies.
Bottom Line ‘Super Power R/ D @ Flag & all It’s Bldgs Fraud/ Worldwide Fraud as Ideal Orgs. OUTDATED AS IN C.1965policies as Hubbard ‘Mental Health/ 9 May 1950/ Dianetics & Hubbard franchises for Profit/ Missions & Orgs.Business Plan by design x- rd’s
‘Grade Chart’
circa 1963
Fraud Hubbard ‘Blue Bird/ Project/ Alt right ‘clear mission-clearing the planet
‘As The Greatest Good/ Fascism
Ideal scene ‘above the law/ sea org fraternal ‘religious ‘order of Surpreme Court became ‘CST Corp/ Citizens United/ RTC Watchdog Commitee/ The New Guardian’s Offices of Special Affairs/ Flag Secret services privatized
via ‘Citizens Commissions on
Human Rights/ Worlwide anti psy’op war on drugs/ Corpt CST/ RTC.
I was a Scientologist too. Your show has brought about a flood of emotions I hadn’t felt in a lot of years. The thing that has stunned me most is the racing of my heartbeat and the vivid memories of fear when hearing others describe the moment they “make a run for it”. After 26 years, i thought I was over it and it was well behind me but I find I am reliving it as though it just happened.
In my opinion, this show is…by far…the most devastating blow to Scientology the organization has ever faced. I can only hope & pray it is the final blow.
I thank you and Leah, as well as all the others who have joined this effort to finally expose the truth in such a broad-sweeping, globe-encompassing way.
Has anyone else seen the facebook ad for Sling TV where they are using the A&E Aftermath show to promote their product??? Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I thought it was interesting. Lots of commenters about Scientology and one lady who wants to tell her story. It’s going viral y’all!!!
Speaking of making this issue part of the mainstream media discussion!
I bought the January issue of US weekly (the one with Judge Judy on the cover) AND right inside is a 2 page spread that says,
“Where is Shelly Miscavage!”
These 2 pages are covered with iconic photos from all Tom Cruises hit movies and Shellie is photoshopped hiding in each one!
They do have a small blurb on the pages and it does mention the backstory and Leah’s missing person reporting.
Whatever gets people interested and asking questions!
Heh. Come to think of it, US Weekly would never do a Scientology story without making Tom Cruise the centerpiece. This ain’t the New York Review of Books we’re talking about.
Where is Marty in all this? Under his bed?
Here are two other angles to consider:
Hurricane Leah is focused on the *practices* of CoS. Previous attacks (like Anonymous, South Park, etc) on Scn focused on the wacky beliefs of Scn. Most people are generally tolerate of odd beliefs in the US, especially people who already practice a religion (myself included) I have differences of opinion with my LDS / Mormon friends, and I don’t agree with their beliefs. That doesn’t mean the LDS church is not religious or an evil group.
However, If I found out that even my own church’s leadership were engaging in half of the acts of evil that the CoS is doing, I’d be running for the exits and denouncing them to everyone. People who I tell the stories I hear on the show are stunned and can hardly believe it. Could you imagine the Pope beating the cardinals regularly? Jews recruiting 12 year old kids as ordained Rabbis and forcing them to live away from their parents? Buddhists being continually shaken down for money for empty monasteries and temples? A church charging hundreds of dollars for a service? It’s utterly outrageous.
The other thing is that we are coming out of an incredibly contentious election in the US. A non-partisan cause to rally around is probably in high demand right now. The guy in the M.A.G.A. cap and the guy with an “I’m with Her” T-shirt can both hold up a banner denouncing disconnection. I have not run into any defenders of Scn policies among those I have talked with all across the political spectrum.
Of course there were people in Anonymous who made fun of the Scientology-beliefs, but there were others too (and a great deal of them) who focsued on protesting the abuses. (I count myself among those.)
Hi Mike,
You and Leah are fantastic! All of the featured people have been unbelievably “real” – in pain, yet so brave and incredibly strong. I find myself crying while cheering for them.
One thing that always makes me laugh – Leah/A&E, like most journalists of late, simply quotes Scientology’s response verbatim. The statements are so utterly ridiculous: “here is Scientology’s response – it is as stupid as it sounds”. No rational person with half a functioning brain could read that garbage and not conclude they insane bullies.
Thank you for all you do!
So telling that their trash and bash web pages of ex-members have do not have places for comments. What are they afraid of ? The truth ? Cowards.
I spotted that one too. Cowards is right…. Theycouldnt cope with the grief they would get, it would break the tinterweb….
There are retired Clearwater Police Officers who know the truth about Scientology. Their is a lot of background there.
Hi Mike. In all honesty I’ve always known that Scientology exists but never knew anything about it until your program aired. I am curious though: COB refers to Chairman of the Board which in turn refers to the highly payed head of a corporation. If he/she is the COB, then there are also payed board members. Does this not then make the current state of Scientology a business and not a religion. Again I am naive on this subject.
There are Boards of non-profits too. It’s a title he assumed. Nobody ever heard of anyone in scientology with this title before he assumed it.
There are no other Board members. Just DM.
I hope you realize what this makes you, Mr. Rinder. It makes you an actual humanitarian, and that is not something you can simply buy.
Glad that NOW has finally come. I also believe that social media — especially tagged onto Leah and Mike’s good work — is the game-changer.
There is a lot of talk about celebs and I would like to make a quick point.
Celebs have been a powerful tool for CoS. They lend an air of legitimacy and “coolness.” I think that actors and actresses have believed that the tech has helped their craft (such as tone levels).
It is important that we chip away at this. Being in the CoS is not yet a critical liability for an actor, but it may be at some point. If we shun the films and shows with CoS celebs, we can hit them in the pocketbook. Then, I think we will see more celebs come out.
And my particular beef is with Greta Van Susteran. After all, her celebrity is not from acting, but from being a legal analyst. She cannot be ignorant of the abuse, and is supposed to be a national leader in critical thinking. I think that it’s creepy that she is a leading voice in law, but is immersed in a “religion” which holds little respect for government, and has historically abused the court process. She and her husband wield a great amount of power, in and out of the CoS, and certainly should receive heavy scrutiny.
BTW, she is currently negotiating with CSNBC, and I encourage all to let CSNBC know how you feel about bringing her onto their team. Again, make CoS celebrity a liability, for the celeb and their affiliates. That’s how WE can help Mike and Leah fight the good fight.
Sorry, it’s too late, MSNBC announced today that she has joined the network. (Probably because, unlike celebrities like Cruise and Travolta, Greta has publicly kept very quiet about being in the church).
I had no idea that Greta was a member of this cult. I saw her interview with Rachel Maddow and I thought it odd that Rachel was supportive of Greta but I assumed it was because they are both gay. I am historically not naive but I don’t Greta much thought. Didn’t know she was married and really didn’t care. Of note, I stopped seeing movies with Cruise and Travolta years ago.
Hey Mike,
Long time reader, first time posting… I just went to the scientology website to see what they were saying about you and Leah. I ended up on the Quick Facts page. Under Overall Expansion since 2004, they have 6 items listed. Five of the six bullet points deal with number of buildings, square footage, etc. The sixth bullet point says:
“The number of people newly introduced to Scientology and starting on training or counseling per week exceeds 26 times any previous week in history.”
How does one even interpret this statement? Are they implying that the growth is exponential? If that’s the case, the entire population of the US would be studying their precepts within a 2-month period. Am I interpreting that correctly?
Thanks for your informative and entertaining website. I can’t wait for the 20/20 report!
Who knows, they come up with all sorts of interpretations. They could take ONE org and compare its stats one week when they got 26 people in to its lowest week in the last decade when they got one. That then becomes 26X and this is “extrapolated” because “scientology is expanding everywhere”. This is about as logical as it can be.
As Miscavige withdraws more and more from reality the weaker $camology becomes until it is seen as a microscopic fringe dweller. All it can do now is cannibalise itself out of existence.
Here in Australia “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath” is in limbo with no sign of when it becomes available to watch. Which, in the scheme of things, is nothing new for content here.
Watch it on YouTube?
Kronomex, you might need to try an app like Opera VPN or Opera Mini that will allow you to change your regional setting to the USA. If the program is unlocked you should be able watch it from the A&E site or YouTube.
Thumbs up to Mike Rinder, Leah Remini, & A&E for the massive exposure on the Scientology cult! I have both cried for & laughed with the escapees, while watching the show. I have never been, nor personally know any Scientologists. This show has truly taken me on an emotional roller coaster ride. I have racked my brain trying to figure out how our government can declare Scientology a religion, & in doing so, is limited to step up & hold them accountable for the abuse it inflicts on it’s members. Is this really the kind of country we want to live in? One that says all you have to do is declare it a religion, & you can have free reign to do whatever you want to your members! Physical assault; no problem. Forced poverty; sure thing. Slave labor; acceptable. Forced abortion; hey, one less American taking up space. Unlawful imprisonment; saving the taxpayers a lot of money, thanks. Enough already! Since children join & work for the “church,” can nothing be done about illegal child labor? We’re supposed to have laws against this!! The “church” is also proving that everything Mike & Leah are exposing is true, by simply having their undercover people being caught on the show. I hope people understand that when you force others to remove their human emotions, all that is left is a robot in human form. It’s our emotions & feelings that make us human! I hope that Scientology is brought to it’s knees & all it’s members are freed to live in peace with their families. I also want to hear what John Travolta, Tom Cruise, & all the other celebrities have to say about this show. I’m sure they’ve never witnessed or experienced the abuse themselves, because they’re cash cows for the “church.” Keep up the great work Mike & Leah, & know there are people out here supporting & cheering you on! Together, we can make a difference.
One of the questions in the stress test asked if you think open prisons work.
Premonition right there.
Who ever made that test up knew what was going on, besides brainwashing
Just got the chance to watch episode 6 last night. Another powerful episode, probably the most powerful yet in the series.
Mike and Leah continue doing their righteous work. And it IS righteous because it is not just about the church of scientology. The CoS may not in numbers affect many people worldwide (first acknowledging of course that EVERY life is important even if an organization abuses just a handful) but organized authoritarianism, whether in religion or government or any other venue IS worldwide and HAS been happening w e know for as long as history has been written (so probably before that as well).
So … keep on keepin’ on, Mike and Leah. You are doing extremely important work that is helping people and will continue to help many many more people throughout the world, because your work contributes to opening peoples’ eyes as to what freedom really means.
I don’t know all the people that know what took place between the Church of Scientology and myself, and I am not looking to enter a popularity contest over publicizing overts that “pass” for Dianetics and Scientology services in a Church of Scientology. I very clearly recall a time, more than one, when I did not know such a thing existed as disagreeing with the church over their practices. Now that I do, consequently I feel a lot better living with the truth rather than with the pack of lies that “everything in the church is OK”. To settle for Scientologists lies is to settle for an unhappy life and not even be aware of one’s own happiness. Thank goodness many people have wised up, and some of them like Leah Remini gone public worldwide with their experiences. Would LRH settle for the kind of services like the ones the church delivered to me? Probably not. So why should anybody? Thanks for coming forward if you have with your story. 🙂
I dont know how much impact it will have but recently I have been taking the mail I receive from Scientology, tearing off the portion with my name/address and sending a copy of Debbys New Year Letter back to the person who signed at the bottom. Its free postage too! Just a little way to possibly get through to the current staff.
I admire you, Mike for your bravery and determination! I hate that you have been through this. Kudos to you and Leah for not backing down!
“Why Now?” Because the tide has turned. Thousands of people have been bullied, threatened, coerced, and Fair Gamed by OSAholes, lawyers, and PIs. Now, there are so many “coming out” at once that even OSA doesn’t have enough goons to harass them all! Government intervention is coming, and soon. 2017 will be the year the Chult of $cientology goes down in flaming wreckage. I’m stocking up on popcorn. It’s going to be public, nasty, and horrifying. The Tabloids are going to have material for YEARS! Sorry to disappoint, but the Chult will be going down for what Dastardly Midget did to Shelly, not for all the other stuff. But hey, as long as it goes down, who cares…….
Re: Sea Org staff have their own set of reasons. Came to mind because I just saw on Tampa Bay local ABC TV news a short segment on homelessness in the Bay area and a shout out to PCHLB, Pinellas County Homeless Leadership Board.
I was homeless for a short while when first escaping Sea Org from LA and ironically landing in Pinellas County (Clearwater is located inthis county, Flag, major Scientology hub, for newbies). It was friggin’ cold! in Florida in December when I languished on a deserted tour bus, no electricity, working toilets, and worst, no coffee machine.
I will never forget that ever. I recently sent you an email Mike offering our guest room in our home, humble as it is, to any escaping Scientologist who needs it. They’d just need their own car. I can always stretch a food budget.
I remembered that Sheriff Bob Gualtieri serves on that Homeless Board. Yes, I recognize many other names on that board that are safepointed. I don’t care anymore. I sent a tweet to the PCHLB asking them to watch Leah Remini’s #ScientologyTheAftermath series. I also asked if Sheriff Gualtieri would extend his education efforts and speak to Scientology’s Sea Org staff about how to get interim housing, their program on getting jobs, back on their feet, their passports back, things like that.
I’ll let you know if they get back to me. LOL As I understand it, Sheriff Gualtieri is thumbs down on body cams, so just in case you hear I’ve been arrested on some weird charge, like associating with known bitter SP’s, I mean criminals, I might need to borrow a few lawyers still hanging around these parts.
Thank you so much THDE. I remember you (and many other generous souls) making that offer of accommodations. I did not however know your backstory. Wow. Makes it even more poignant.
Thanks for everything you are doing. This sort of effort WILL make a diffrence.
I would also suggest speaking to an employment agency or resume service about how to rewrite your cult posts and skills into relatable terms to help with getting employment … which can also be a barrier to transitioning into the real world.
I mean for exes in general. Not referring to you THDE. Happy to help if anyone needs it on their way out.
I am always surprised when escaped from the cult folks say they have no skills when they get out. They have amazing skills. They have work strong ethics. Devocht had construction skills. Marc Headley had A/V and furniture building skills. Claire Headley had clerical and administration skills. Rinder had persuasive and negotiation skills. They may have not had work history but they had impressive work skills.
Kats said….”I am always surprised when escaped from the cult folks say they have no skills when they get out. They have amazing skills. They have work strong ethics. Devocht had construction skills. Marc Headley had A/V and furniture building skills. Claire Headley had clerical and administration skills. Rinder had persuasive and negotiation skills. They may have not had work history but they had impressive work skills.”
Well said!
Kat, not sure if links are allowed but in the second half of this video Chris Shelton and Aaron Levin cover the employment topic quite well and have some useful tips for those on the exit route?
Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Kim Jong Il, Caligula, Idi Amin, David Miscavige, Saddam Hussein, Mao Zedong…
Congratulations midget. You’re on the list.
Harvey, I have to admit… you, OSD and Newcomer and often Yawn A lot, crack me up on these comments. Love it!
Hey! It’s what we do…
In my area, Mike and Leah’s show comes on right after the series “Intervention,” and I keep thinking their show not only should but hopefully will become an open-ended, long-term series too. It has even broader implications than what goes on in the Church of Scientology, as it applies to all cults and regligious denominations that indoctrinate their members to believe they have all the answers and that there is no need to be aware of any other views or additions to knowledge about the world. This show serves a real public need in that it can help people in all such groups become aware of the dangers of a mentality that is closed as well as one that draws a line between “us and them.”
I think that’s what we all want.
I agree! On Youtube, there is a young couple who make videos about their experiences as Jehovah’s Witnesses and why they left. They recently posted a video about Leah’s show and all of the similarities between Watchtower & Scientology. A series exposing all cults would be amazing.
Yo Dave,
What is the date you plan to begin broadcasting on SuMP? You could get Greta Van Susteren and Kirsty Alley to do a show about the Aftermath of Aftermath showing how Your Orgs are bustling and how all of the new people are applying $cientology to their lives and really winning.
Then do a follow up with the Tom and Dave Show on how to build successful marriages and long term relationships. You and Tom could be filmed riding your motorcycles up to Bob Duggan’s house for a BBQ and Bob could interview one of his sons he sent off to South Africa!
I can tell you’re pissed. Real pissed. I like it and I support you. Being pissed at Scientology is normal & essential.
Excellent job
Need to expand to the rest of América, south of the river Grande / Bravo. To México, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, Dominican Rep.
I love this series…Of all the things I’ve read, nothing has helped me “blowndown” (for lack of a better term) than this program.
Keep it going! 🙂
Hopefully, it will be a blowdown series!
Crazy thought – Wearing a T-shirt that says “I’m an Ex-Scientologist” That would be a conversation starter. Of course remember the old saying “Don’t talk about religion or politics in a bar.” laughter
Check out, they actually sell anti-Scientology t-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, etc. You can get a “suppressive person” t-shirt! Or, my personal favorite, a bumper sticker that says, “Scientology. Making Mormons look sane since 1952”!
Kathy H. – Funny! Nice people but not my favorite religion. IMO one religion can be just as crazy as the next depending on how people practice it. Watching any fundamentalist on a tv show reveals how fixed they are in their beliefs, so I just accept it is what it is. I spent many a day getting stoned in the Rocky Mountains before starting my scn “career” at the Salt Lake City mission around 1972.
One time I chatted briefly with a JW at my front gate. Looking into her eyes, it struck me that she was really *there*, clear eyes, no wavering. Her “thereness” was obviously rooted in her religious belief. I had (have) no objection to that other than I knew she would have a persistent desire to swing me to her beliefs, so I chose not to engage. When I was in scn I had to a great degree that same certainty, which is often mentioned on the blogs.
Thank you Mike and Leah! This series is phenomenal! Everyone who has left (or wants to leave) has had such similar experiences! If you were former staff or SO it’s about the bad conditions, the lack of empathy for one another, being labeled a “degraded being” and worse if you are not sacrificing everything in your body and soul for the cause. If you were a public person you were constantly being fleeced. IAS registrars jumping your fence in the night for a “reg cycle” or being forced to buy the latest overpriced, repackaged shit tapes and books. Weekly being harassed for not being on course, criticized for not “making it go right” by maxing out your credit, refinancing your home, dumping your children and running off to FLAG for 3 months and the list goes on. Add to this don’t ever question ANYTHING or you will risk “UN-KNOWING” nearly everyone you have known for most of your life. What a sick sham. I was brought into the church at age 11, served several years on staff, spent many more years as a public. Thank the LORD I now live hundreds of miles from the nearest cult and life has never been better! My precious children are away from the horse shit. You two are bringing me to TEARS with every episode I watch. Each person interviewed has experienced at least one thing that I too have experienced. You are connecting us all…I have a dear friend who chats with me after each show about our tears, her entire family is still “IN” not to mention dozens of friends. She would do anything for them to come to their senses. The massive threat of loss is holding her back and is so powerful. PLEASE continue this series, it is going to change thousands of lives and free many from the shackles, it just may take some time!
?❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️ so true
Those six points all are accuate, Mike, but perhaps you missed the #1 reason why former Scientologists are just now speaking out.
When we were in, none or our reports were answered with much of anything that didn’t smack you back down with some sort of confidence buster and other assorted and sundry Scientology penalties. The only people we were told to listen to were the Scientology celebs, perhaps a few of the wealthy patrons, and a smattering of the select few top Management Executives of the moment
The majority of Scientologists had no voice, only invoices. We were told what to do, say, and think. For those of us troublemakers who spoke up anyway, we were blown out of the water, or the hole, chewed up, decimated and heaved out like so much forgettable garbage. Of course, we were still hunted down for decades so we woudn’t miss a single glossy full color promo piece in the mail featuring what the latest celeb, patron or top management exec had to say about what we should think. The Scientology fun parade just never ends.
And to keep it real, out here in the real world celebs, wealthy and top guns are the ones the majority listen to when it comes to broad swipes at holding attention and jacking up ratings. While documentaries have seeded some growing fan bases in the last two years, Realty TV still reigns king and queen (heh heh) of viewers’ eyes and adoration. Celebs and wealthy patrons and top guns are the golden children of this genre. It all seems familiar in some sort of foggy discombobulated way. LOL
The short version (I do have one) of the biggest difference why:
Before, Mike Rinder and Leah Remini were In. Now, Mike Rinder and Leah Remini are Out.
Let the rousing chorus begin!
Is there any way to get a complete list of Scientogy owned companies?
You can google WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) but you won’t find much information there. They are very secretive and it seems that WISE membership is dwindling as fast as the cult itself. You won’t have much luck finding a listing any more than you would have much luck going to and trying to find a listing for the scientology field group, mission, shadowy front group, volunteer minister, org, etc. nearest you even though the cult claims more than 10,000 of these groups exist all over the world and they are expanding at unprecedented rates. Apparently they are expanding so fast they can’t keep up with something as mundane as a list of their organizations including addresses, phone numbers or email contact info.
If you are trying to find out if a business you are dealing with is a company owned by a scientologist, that’s pretty easy. Just google the “owner’s name” + “scientology” and you will most likely find your answer within a couple of clicks. If you find a connection, it would be worth just asking the person directly if they are still a scientologist because a lot of these lists are outdated and the owner may well have extracted themselves from the cult.
If all else fails, trust your gut. If you are an ex-scientologist, you can usually smell these guys out as soon as you receive a mailing from them or step into their office. Often times they have some sort of hint that they are involved such as a certificate of completion or motivational poster on the wall with scientology references. Personally I would never do business with a scientologist. It’s not that they are bad people or incompetent. It’s bad enough going to a dentist or mechanic that needs to make a boat payment, but you can bet your ass that if you are dealing with an active scientologist they will have their credit cards maxed and owe everybody they know their first born. That boat payment pales in comparison.
Mike sez:
“As I have mentioned in a number of posts recently, there has been a remarkable groundswell of response to Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.
It goes beyond the show trending on Twitter every week, many, many emails and messages on Facebook and handshakes in the supermarket from complete strangers.”
Mike, surely you don’t think you are the only one in this situation!!! I can just imagine Cap’n Miscavige has MANY similar experiences. So much so, that this is probably the only reason that he avoids going out in public or to the nearest 7-11 in Hemet to get a super sized Slurpee because he will be instantly recognized and overwhelmed with raw meat public clamoring to get a glimpse of the great religious leader. It’s tough business being in such a lofty position, so one must remain something of a recluse, just as the Founder did. This is level of fame is so bad in fact that even the Dear Leader’s exiled wife has to make clandestine appearances in public ( and she isn’t nearly as well known as COB RTC. No, she is content to quietly work in the background for the $¢i€nto£ogy Religion ©™® so that this sector of the guh-lax-ee can be salvaged.
So Mr. Rinder, I think you should step back from the limelight of the A&E world and stick to what you do best, being an unemployed blogger on the fringes of the internet.
Please carry on.
You can’t be serious…. I don’t see anywhere where he thought he was “the only one in this situation!!!” All the same- talking about him being an “unemployed blogger” I don’t feel is accurate. I am hoping you were joking.
No, not serious at all. A long time poster who is making fun of Miscavige. Scientology has long tried to dismiss me as “an unemployed blogger on the fringes of the internet” — it is a long-running joke here and at other scientology blogs like Tony Ortega’s and formerly at Marty Rathbun’s.
But I do appreciate you, a first time poster, jumping to my defense.
This is exactly why I never feel alone.
You need to write a KR on yourself for reading something negative about Scientology.
I am not now nor have I ever been a Scientologist. I have however not missed one single episode of Leah Remini’s new show. I can honestly say my heart is aching for the people who have been brave enough to share their stories. I want to help spread the word about this to others…and I have been by telling everyone who will listen to me about the show and how terribly the people have been treated by their religious belief system. It is NOT ok. I feel ashamed that as a caring and compassionate person just going about my life that I did not know that this is what Scientology is about. I want to do more to help them ALL. What can a non scientologist do to make a difference for all the people who have been affected by this deceitful entity? Please keep doing what y’all are doing and know that you are not alone in your quest. It You are awakening not only Scientologists but people in general to the abuses and hypocrisy that go on daily in the Church and Sea Org. I am outraged and want to help. Julie Tann
Thanks for watching this, Julie. In fact, if you want, tell your friends what you saw.
Hi, Julie. I’m River. Like you, I am a never-in. Some 40 years ago I, a 17 year old girl, was body-routed into the Berkeley org for a “free personality test”. After telling me everything that was wrong with me, information which I was either already very aware of, what with my mother studying to become a clinical psychologist and with my own experience of surviving a dozen years of psychiatry and other psychotherapy by that point, or thought was complete and utter crap, the administrator tried to reg me for a $50 introductory course. At the time, I was earning a dollar per hour babysitting when I was allowed to earn anything, and was otherwise a full time high school student on a university track, and I literally laughed long and loudly in his face. I was required to save 80% of what I earned in the bank. He suggested with a straight face that I attempt to borrow it from my starving-student mother who was supporting herself and all 3 of her kids by singing as a professional soloist in a church. I believe at the time she was employed by an Episcopal church (Christian denomination in the US that is known as the Anglican Church in England and elsewhere), but she may still have been working for the Christian Scientists, and in either case she no more had money to waste on my taking a Scientology course than she had to bury in the garden and hope it sprouted a money tree. Four of us were living on an annual income – hers – of $6500, and she was still paying her ex-husband back for his half of our house as well as the mortgage, food, transportation, university tuition and books, and all the other expenses that go into being a full time college student single mom raising three teens, one of them a boy with a figurative hollow leg.
I laughed my way out of that org and never regretted it, but I became interested in Scientology and its beliefs then and there. I no more took it seriously than I took Christian Science or Christianity itself seriously, but recognized that some people did, and was always been interested in why. To me and my siblings, church at that time was where Mom went to earn a living singing, not a place any of us went to worship G-d.
Like you, I haven’t missed an episode of this show. Like you, I want to help raise awareness and to stop the ongoing abuses. But I recognize that while my most effective efforts will of necessity be US-based (suggestions like contacting our Congresspeople and the IRS are very good), the Church of Scientology is a worldwide problem. Earlier this afternoon I read an article published a few months ago about Co$’s growing presence in Taiwan. The Co$ may be something like a hydra: cut off one head and it still has plenty of others, and will just grow a new one aimed at another country. So perhaps some organizing with a more global potential outreach would also be effective. I don’t know and can’t say for sure, but the political activist in me, always where my idealism has been longest retained, says it’s worth a try. To that end, I’ll be contacting not only my Congressman, who’s a good friend, and my Senators, but and SumOfUs, among other organizations which have proven themselves effective at grassroots organizing on a global basis. Getting a petition going via isn’t a bad idea either. There is a great deal that we as individuals can accomplish on our own and a great deal that an organized public outcry can accomplish as well.
Freedom of religion in the US does not permit abuse to continue unchecked. Things which are illegal for individuals and fictional persons such as corporations to engage in, like kidnapping and slavery, do not suddenly become legal under cover of religious belief. If all of us never-ins who have been watching this show add our demands for investigations of illegalities, revocation of tax-exempt status, etc. to the voices of former Scientologists telling their stories, we will magnify the truth of their lived experiences with our outrage. We have a vital part to play in helping to put a stop to this.
No doubt I’m far too long-winded and don’t know half of what I should. I hope otherswill correct me where I err and add to what never-ins like Julie and me can do to help.
Thank you River for your comments to my email. I will definitely begin sending emails to my congressmen and the other organizations you mentioned above. I feel that we the people have to be outspoken and do whatever we can to help get the message of what is happening to these individuals and family members out to those who are in the position to actually do something to end this despicable treatment of our brothers and sisters.
Postcards from the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation (aka “THE ATLANTA IDEAL ORG” touting the book are showing up all over Atlanta. Whats funny is that is doing the cult more harm than good. People put a picture of the postcard on their wall and then all of their friends start chiming in as to what a sham it is. Just adding to the snowball. The postcard does not mention Scientology anywhere but gives the address of the org. Keep up the good word and work Mike.
Scientology, for all the criminal enterprise it engages in, it’s been going on for a seriously long time and it originated exclusively from its top management is now under threat of exposing itself as a vanguard on very dangerous mission. We may well be seeing the beginning of a war being waged on multiple fronts. People in general are now demanding change across a broad spectrum of organised and political life. The way the media is now beginning to pick up on Leah’s emotional plead for the lies & abuses to stop by exposing the human heartache and misery it creates is proving to be an effective weapon against corruption. It may well set a precedent for a new type of exposure parameter for the criminality in social, financial and jurisprudence management. The world is riddled with corruption and Scientology is not the only corporate type entity that survives on lies and orchestrated PR to extract money and create victims at the same time. The way the Catholic Church has had to face its own past and operative procedures creating and covering up child abuse has hit a chord among us all. The GFC has hurt a lot of people yet no one has yet been held accountable for the victims that greed created. Wars rage in countries least capable of affording them but powerful players move their military hardware around like pieces on a chess board, inciting all sorts of responses both at home and abroad. But the bottom line is the victim count continues to rise across a massive amount of social landscapes. Perhaps the internet/electronic age truly has a golden side.
Something new is emerging here. Maybe, just maybe the groundswell of people power is being harnessed for something really good. Social media, that large beast of a thing may well be more effective as a justice mechanism than anyone ever realized – I hope so. If this method of exposure turns out to be effective in eliminating the abuses perpetrated by Scientology, who’s next?
In American tele journalism, that with the most legs has always been personal tragedy stories. The little girl stuck in the well stuff. And the David vs. the Goliath. This series has both and they TRUE!
Perfect combo
And a perfect shitstorm for the cult.
Oh yes OSD. Container ships full of shit being fed into huge fans aimed right at the cult.
All of those are excellent points and go a long way to explaining what is different now that, seemingly overnight, has burst open the flood gates of reporting and public interest in the cult and its abusive/criminal policies and practices.
You mention that Leah’s series has touched the hearts of many who have been shocked, outraged and disgusted by the pitiless cruelty and sadistic savagery with which the cherch has ripped apart families and remorselessly destroyed the lives of many. Instead of a cold, intellectual analysis of its bizarre belief system or a comprehensive overview of the cherch’s history, Leah has focused in on telling the very raw personal stories of individuals and families who, for a variety of different reason, found themselves caught in the jaws of an uncaring and unfeeling monstrous machine that chewed them up and spit them out, then came back to do it again if they dared to speak out about the treatment that they received at the hands of this killer cult.
I think the common denominator appeal or major factor of relateability there is that, regardless of how little folks know about $cn’s belief system or history, everyone can relate at a very deep level to the pain and feelings of inconsolable loss of a child and destruction of a family’s bonds.You don’t need to know a thing about $cn to know that destroying family ties and causing children to become estranged from their parents is an evil and reprehensible practice.
So, the direct emotional appeal of the series, which puts the cherch’s heinous policy of coerced disconnection in the foreground of the narrative as it unfolds in a variety of different ways for different families, is one that everyone can relate to. And the unscripted raw emotion of the folks who’ve been featured in each of the episodes so far comes across as genuine, sincere and completely honest.
Raising public awareness about this killer cult is a major achievement in its own right, but all of that outrage, anger and disgust needs to be channeled into constructive action if it is to be effective in bringing about real reform within the cherch and bringing justice to those who have been victimized by it. For that reason, as Leah’s series draws to an end, it’s time to plan and strategize how to keep the ball rolling and focus in on those areas that are most likely to yield the best results in the shortest amount of time.
It’s really a multi-front war in which everyone who feels motivated to act can choose their favorite battle. Personally, I think that focusing in on the cult’s strategy of recruiting young, naive and idealistic kids for indoctrination and mind control needs to highlighted and gone into in detail. There’s a dual purpose that can be served there: Inoculating young people against cult recruitment by raising public awareness of how bad conditions really are within this pseudo-military organization will create “herd immunity” to its propaganda as more folks become aware that $cn is the “cruelest religion on earth,” rather than the coolest. In addition, while many of the felony crimes that lil davey and his evil minions have committed against adult members of the group have had the statute of limitations run out on them, crimes against children within the $ea Org, such as sexual molestation and institutional cover up, are not subject to the sme kind of time limits for prosecution.
I agree Harpoona! One of the fronts of attack on this heartless cult is to connect the dots between L Ron Hubbard’s writings and their application in the real world.
After the stories of pain and suffering, there needs to be a detailed research, connecting the dots between the writings and Hubbard and the heartless crazed behavior of his minions.
I am on that task. There are some fundamental writings that reflect the development of the Scientology anti social personality.
Boy, that felt good to say: the Scientology anti social personality.
At this point I must say, that even though John Travolta is universally known to be a nice guy, his utter denial and refusal to look at these atrocities makes him an anti social personality as he IS instrumental in supporting a group that destroys families.
I am sure there were some nice Nazi sympathizers who knew nothing of the atrocities because they refused to look.
Ignorance of the law of karma does not excuse one of the consequences of violating karmic law.
Hey John Travolta, you may not understand the laws of gravity. But the laws of gravity don’t give a rats ass if you understand it.
Jump out of a window. Gravity will kick your ass.
Avoid and deny the atrocities of your church at your own peril.
You will create your own punishment.
If you have the guts John take a look. Looking is not a crime.
How have you come so far down to consider looking is non survival??????
That is what you have been taught John.
The additional value of Leah’s very widely disseminated series is that it removes the last traces of plausible deniability that cult celebs, like JT and TC, have long hid behind.
Serious allegations against the cherch and its sociopathic leader have been made by credible individuals who suffered direct harm from the actions purposefully taken by the cherch against them and their families. If the cherch can not rebut the specifics of those accusations, but instead chooses to smear the victims and engage in ad hominem attack, then there’s no justifiable basis for not looking into the matter further to learn the truth for yourself, especially if you’ve been a pampered $cn celeb who’s been used by the cherch to promote itself, based on your affiliation with it.
There’s some real responsible there that, with the airing of Leah’s series, can no longer be disregarded. In addition to lending their good names to the cult, these celebs have all contributed millions to the cherch as well. If those funds were used to surveill, harass, intimidate, threaten, blackmail, coerce and publicly smear folks for merely telling the truth about their experiences in the cult, then they’re as culpable in those abuses as those who ordered it and carried it out.
About now, we can begin to call $cilons like JT and TC, who’ve purposefully NOT informed themselves about the cult’s crimes and abuses, Good Scientologists, in direct allusion to the Good Germans who, at the close of the WW11, swore they had no idea what the Nazis were up to in the death camps right next door. The fact that folks didn’t know doesn’t absolve them of the responsibility for finding out for themselves exactly what they are supporting. And there’s every credible reason to believe that the cherch has been engaging in crimes and abuses that no one with a conscience should stand silent in the face of.
Giving truth its due, Hitler was smart enough to place all the concentration and extermination camps OUTSIDE of Germany, thus not “next door”. And during WWII, most of us had no idea that both Japanese and German Americans were removed from their homes, their businesses and homes confiscated, and sent to camps well out of sight of the general public. NO publications or radio stations mentioned any of this.
Well, that’s not true. Dachau, the first concentration camp was in Germany. So too Buchenwald. And many others… Auschwitz not.
the gman77 said, “And during WWII, most of us had no idea that both Japanese and German Americans were removed from their homes”
That is incorrect. My mom kept the newspaper FRONT PAGE, above the fold announcements that FDR was rounding up American born citizens of Japanese descent, taking ALL of their property and putting them into concentration camps.
We were even taught that in American history and shown the news announcements.
So, much for FDR being one of the “best Presidents…
Well stated Brian and let’s add TC, Kirstie, etc. to the list of ostriches with head in sand. Not only have they been taught this but even now with all what’s going on they continue to not accept and deny.
I said this before when I started reading here and finding out what was going on in my church it was a HARD pill to swallow but it had to be done. I could of gone back to the old habit of not looking at “entheta”, not listening to SP’s, etc. but I didn’t cause I knew deep down that there was something wrong “right here in river city”. There is NO excuse for these celebs or anybody else.
John Travolta’s, “They’ve always been nice to me,” is beyond pathetic. Celebs such as he, Preston, Alley, Archer, Masterson, Pepron, Ribisi, Moss, Stafford, Cruise, etc. have had more than ample opportunity to now look into these atrocities on their own and wake the hell up. The tipping point has occurred. The emperor has no clothes and the longer these celebs continue to follow blindly in step, the more culpable and ludicrous they become in the public’s hearts and minds.
And Beck Hansen. Can we please add him to this list by name? Outside scientology critic circles, he keeps getting a pass and it irks me. His one foot in/one foot out bullshit does not absolve him.
But, he was always trying to be, stayin’ alive..stayin’ alive. Oh oh oh oh, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive….
Ms. P, you are bad ass!! I love you!
Yes yes yes, these celebrities are guilty for every crime against common laws of decency that this church commits.
That is because they support this church. I will never see a Travolta or Cruise movie again.
Years and years ago when TV was in black and white I think, I remember seeing Elvis in an interview. He was asked his opinion about something going on in politics. Elvis looked a little stunned and with raised eyebrows stared back. Then uttered, “how would I know? I’m just an entertainer.” Elvis always struck me as an honest type of guy after that. No matter what fame did to him.
The people like TC, Travolta, Alley etc are just entertainers catering to the whim of the public at large. The fact they not only support such a vicious cult as Scientology but they also encourage others to support it too. Their intelligence level is extremely low and they exist in more than one PR bubble at the same time. No matter how much one may be convinced otherwise, money and fame does not substitute for conscience. I wouldn’t have a Scientologist’s conscience at any price.
Brian – you bad ass too! I love all your posts. And just think soon we will be meeting at OSD’s beach party celebrating DM’s demise. It’s happening sooner than I thought.
I really like it when you get pissed off! The celebs are some of the biggest Kool- Aid drinkers.
I have a PhD in psychology and even with all my knowledge, i only make a minuscule impact on a person with PTSD as the person simply telling their trauma story over and over. This outreach that Mike and Leah and the others who have survived the traumas of Scientology offer the most powerful vehicle for healing than anything a clinician can do. I can only assure a client their experience was really a bonafide trauma. You, however, can heal and assure them they were not alone in their trauma. You can give them hope for change through your example. Only love can do that! Blessings to you all!
Thank you so much doctor. Appreciate you weighing in here…
Glad to get your perspective, Dr. Taheny. I was once told by a clinician that “grief needs to be shared.” These words alone were profoundly healing. I was so used to bottling up or thinking I was imposing on friends or needed to just get on with my life or get into the present or be in the now or that’s being a victim or, or, or, …. No! Grief needed to be shared.
After I decompressed from being a Scientologist I realized that there was real power in being vulnerable and open. Consciously unsure. Comfortable in ambiguity.
I realized that embracing my brokenness led to healing.
That pain was something to learn from. Not something to audit out.
That giving was giving for its own sake. Not giving for reward.
L Ron Hubbard was disassociated from his feelings and emotions.
He was shut down emotionally. I do not believe he had empathy or sympathy.
He did not feel the pain he caused others. He blamed others for his condition.
There will be a time in this Scientology healing where the basic on the chain will be found, investigated, categorized, diagnosed and revealed for all to see.
That basic on the chain will be Hubbard himself.
He is basic basic.
When WE deconstruct his devious and consciously deceptive nature, there will be deep healing.
He deceived us all for money, fame and power. Never forget that.
If you cannot yet conceive of that it is because the imprinting and data of Ron’s messiaship still inhabits your cognitive faculties.
What a horrible feeling of betrayal knowing that the man we placed our faith in was a con man who could care less about us.
It’s embarrassing to even think about it. But it is true.
So well put Brian
This is so true that I became emotional just reading your comment. I worked with a therapist that used this same method and I came through the depression, after leaving the church, a lot quicker than I had expected. She really changed things for me when she explained that my trauma was real. That was the first time I really understood the hold that the church had on me. It was shocking at first and then I healed quickly. Now I am so “in tune” to BS!
I forgot to add that Mike’s blog and The Underground bunker and all the commentors were also my therapy. 🙂
I can’t tell you how happy I am to see all of this exposed, and really hope the IRS will yank the cherch’s tax exempt status. I don’t have much of a story. Several years of “wins” and feel good followed by 15 years of “death by a thousand cuts.” All pain, no gain. It finally dawned on me that I was there for the cherch rather than the cherch being there for me. And it still took a year to feel normal.
Keep this train rolling. You, Leah, and too many to mention are doing the service to mankind that we got in for.
I believe Leah and Mike are disarming Scientology by exposing the two tools they use to keep members in, 1) fear and 2) shame. Fear of disconnection or losing one’s salvation has been frequently discussed. I hope the issue of shame will also get more airtime. I am sure many members are fearful that their past behavior (that they may be ashamed of) will be exposed. First, I know it is difficult to have your “dirty laundry” aired out, but we all have done things we are ashamed of. There will be those who judge, but they are also projecting their own issues onto another. Secondly. The cult mixes in so many lies and exaggeration, no one except the person targeted really knows what accusations are true
and which are false.
Some of the ex-members you and Leah have provided a stellar example of people who feel remorse and sadness over their past behavior. I am sure that has been cathartic for the person interviewed as well as many viewers who have struggled with guilt. They are not letting personal shame stop them from exposing Miscavage. They are brave heroes in my book! All of you are amazing and worth all the kudos you get! Ann
Viewership numbers for ‘Aftermath’ are through the roof and straight up and vertical. I’d like to throw in a 47x but, what variable is ‘x’? I need some graphs with unlabeled axis to figure that one out. ‘Little’ A & E is getting great numbers and I do hope season 2 is being planned.
The internet is the hero of this story. Everyone who posted the secret writings and told their stories got the $cienoes into the watercraft on excrement creek without a propulsion device.
Xenu dot net, exscientologykids and everyone else created the atmosphere that gave us South Park’s ‘Trapped in the Closet’ and set that big rock rolling down the side of the volcano. That big rock is now bigger than a boulder and getting a lot of attention. Evey story told brings more abuses and actual crimes to light.
$cientology is very vulnerable to a good IRS and Immigration investigation. The very corporate structure of $cientology is in violation of the 93 IRS agreement. And by its use of religious worker visas, Immigration can easily find violations in law by the way CO$ does things.
All it takes is that one more story that gets attention, and that boulder is going to crush some nasty clams. Yeah, the tipping point has been reached.
“unlabeled axis”…:) Maybe an explosion or two?
So that’s where my axel went! But mine was labeled.
CPO commented on a couple other folks who posted here yesterday.
CPO, Wognited, newcomer, stat push, Valerie, Mary, and so many more, I thought I was good at shtick! You guys always leave me with a smile on my face. Thanks.
And here I thought I was funny! You guys are awesome!
Thanks for making me laugh…..
I meant to put in both Meph & Mike Wyn. Hey, old age is not pretty.
I am glad you mentioned the victim thing. That was the only thing that has rubbed me wrong about the show so far. Not because it is wrong the Leah said it, but because, as you say, scientologists see victims as a bad thing. When Leah looked at the camera and said “you are victims” or whatever the exact language was, I thought that possibly some people who hadn’t decompressed enough to accept that would not be able to understand that she meant that as a good thing, not a bad thing. Just a thought.
Couple of thoughts on this, Valerie…
Leah’s program seems to be for the general public, who do not have a perverted view of “victim”, or Scnists who still have a heart and understand people can be harmed by the actions of others.
Unlike Scn video publications, which appear to target Scnists.
I sincerely believe Scnists view the abuse meted out by the church as somehow justified. That they need to “toughen up” or somehow feel they deserve it or “pulled it in”. You know, it’s a tough universe and only tigers survive, blah, blah, blah.
In my own case, my Scn “friends” saw the torment leveled against me by the church as: “for my own good”, or “maybe it will shock some sense into him”. Their words, not mine.
Interesting that you say that. One thing my ex (of over 30 years) told me (when he was trying to convince me to come back to him – while he was married to someone else and wanted me to take him back so he could dump her – “the only reason I treated you bad while we were married was so you wouldn’t think you were something special and leave me”.
HUH????? ROFL!!!
Perhaps a better way to put it is to say they are survivors of trauma inflicted by a parentified institution. That may take the stigma out of it, but it isn’t as straightforward as saying victim. However, I also know the process of acknowledging what truly happened demands such straightforward language so while it may grate against the sensibilities of a person indoctrinated in Scientology, it can also be liberating as it directly challenges their teaching. A person is forced to confront it directly which can be healing.
Well, there is the difference between “a victim” and “being a victim”.
Leah is a victim. But she sure as hell isn’t being one.
True dat!
The positive results of your, and Leah’s, work is healing so many wounds of so many exe’s is amazing. You truly need to be acknowledged for striking such an effective blow.
I sent the following to A&E feedback, as yet one more voice:
More please!
I am appalled at what I am seeing on this show. What seemed a new age movement 50 years ago, along with numerous other and similar movements, has apparently morphed into something straight out of Dante’s Inferno.
Your service to humankind in exposing the abuses within this cult is a light of truth that needs to be shined brightly. Please consider continuing this series.
Yes there isa strength in numbers!
Below links for ex-members speaking out, and for victims of disconnection.
Mike above has given an e-mail if you want to contact Leah and him.
On the pages you can find help on what else you can do if you want to speak out!
For anyone interested in reading further:
The show’s greatest strength is the personal story. The non-Scientologist audience gains better understanding of what a cult is like by seeing how it affects people on a personal level. Compare that humane, down-to-earth, genuine approach with Scientology’s cold, mean-spirited responses. The continued absence of official spokespersons–or David Miscavige himself–to defend Scientology on camera just drives home the message that this cult doesn’t even have the moral conviction to stand behind its actions. Meanwhile, the featured ex-Scientologists each week are frank and open with their tales of suffering inside the organization. On the question of who’s more believable, it’s not hard to side with those who are transparent and consistent versus a controlling group that remains silent and evasive. Anyone who is without guilt doesn’t hide the truth nor run from it.
Scientology’s indoctrination intentionally creates members who are devoid of emotion and critical thinking skills. What Scientology lacks is precisely what Leah Remini and “Aftermath” has in abundance. Scientology has ZERO heart, ZERO logic and ZERO principles…and boy, does it ever show!!
Terrific comment Madame. Thank you.
I think nearly everyone has an innate perception of authenticity. So far, Leah’s guests score high marks. If one were identify the church’s positioning, it would probably be something like a crooked politician or a heartless multi-national corporation. People know when they’re being fed bullshit and have no sympathy when they cry foul.
If one is being spoon fed a daily dose of only ONE side of the coin, one can never attain Critical Thinking. The members are forbidden to use the Internet and anything that they may have seen that is against CO$ they’ve been told is a lie.
If Ron M had NOT been given that Kindle by his OWN son David M (with internet access STILL intact ad David M had not removed it) would Ron M have ever known what is really going on inside CO$?
Can’t see the forest through/for the trees because all they have ever gotten was all the Bullsh** that they’ve been fed by CO$.
Finally Leah had brought this to light, along with Mike and all the others who have stepped forward to share with the public their own horrific tales of being taken advantage of, physically and emotionally abused, and having their own families disconnect from them as per CO$ policy.
Time to bring CO$ down, I can imagine there is a great amount of “damage control” being done internally. David M must be on everyone’s case to “get rid of this lie that Leah, Mike, the others and that A & E is attempt to harm CO$”
The implosion is near, keep the faith people!
“The continued absence of official spokespersons–or David Miscavige himself–to defend Scientology on camera just drives home the message that this cult doesn’t even have the moral conviction to stand behind its actions. Meanwhile, the featured ex-Scientologists each week are frank and open with their tales of suffering inside the organization.”
Indeed. And what’s infuriating to me is that the people telling their stories–the real victims–are the ones expressing sorrow and regret. Meanwhile, the ones who really should be doing the mea culpa dance don’t even have the balls to show up.
It feels so good to come out from under the radar! I didnt know the relief I would feel at simply being honest with the people around me. I feel like a more worthwhile person because I am truer to my own beliefs and less afraid. I say all this as an encouragement to others who may still be on the fence about speaking out. No one is saying you have to go on 20/20 or anything. But i realize now that coming out with my story on this blog was a significant step in my healing, my growth and my sense of self after Scientology. I wish that for all, in your own way, may you experience this for yourself.
So many thanks to you Mike, for all you are doing.
Thank you for speaking up Liz. I think it is important for others to hear this from someone who so recently stood up. Love to you and your family.
Thanks, any way I can help!
All those who feel comfortable about speaking out, should tell their stories. This is really what it’s all about.
That’s a really great point.
Mike, in relation to emailing in the stories…are you looking for stories for upcoming media or to compile some sort of documentation for authorities or a website or some such thing?
I’m sure most exes have stories that would be cathartic and powerful if collected en mass…but for multiple reasons may want to have control over where the information ends up.
I’m sure there are many academic types in the pool of exes who would be willing volunteers in compiling compelling documents. Me included.
That may be fuel for launching Senete Enquiries or Royal Commisions depending on where the stories come from.
As Elvis would say…a little less conversation, a little more action.
Even I’m starting to think something can be done about it???
Mike, in relation to emailing in the stories…are you looking for stories for upcoming media or to compile some sort of documentation for authorities or a website or some such thing?
All of the above. The use of any information will be cleared with the person beforehand.
Thanks. I’d say prepare for Inbox avalanche
Thanks. I had the same Q.
Even though I suffer from the pain of losing my son, I never would have guessed the degree it would be worth getting out of this church. It is so worth it! On every level! – Even considering the loss of my son. I wish I would have done it years earlier.
Anybody reading this that is sitting on the fence or just being quiet about “being done” because it doesn’t matter, you don’t have “a story;” you’re just done, or you do have a story but you don’t think it’s a big deal – all I have to say is that speaking your own mind or living according to what’s true in your mind, will have a greater positive effect on your life than you can imagine.
I feel sorry for those who feel like they can’t speak their mind because it’s their job or it would create such upheaval in their family or they don’t want to lose a friend(s). I’ve been there and now I can see so much more clearly that I shouldn’t have been afraid of losing a thing. It’s way better to be honest about who you are and what you believe then to be controlled by another group or person.
No truer words were spoken than “You have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
Very true Mary. We create the fear for ourselves and that fear often comes from a basis of belief -in something.
‘If I speak up then I believe that something bad will happen as a result.’
Your comment:
” I wish I would have done it years earlier. ”
brings up an amen from me.
Had I done so I am certain things would have turned out differently and my son would very likely not be involved in the cherch at all. So, to use a cult term lest I forget …. I will ‘change my operating basis’!
Yo Dave,
You are going to need to step up and take some responsibility for your cherch good buddy. El Con turned the whole shit-er-ee over to you because he knew You and only You were the right man for the job. So Dave, it is time, after all, who else can get the job done as well as you? Get your scrawny ass in front of the big screen and lets tell it like it is.
I suggest you reach out to Mike and Leah for a guest appearance. You…… appearing on national television…… in all of your wonderous magnificence……. should be able to single handedly……… put these naysayers to shame……….. Dave. Dave? Dave? Are you there ….Dave?
Would you guys get Dave out from under His desk and tell Him …………”You’ve got to save our cherch!”
Toss a few firecrackers under it.
Exactly Mcarren, I have also lost my son and my side of the family and I Feel free for the first time in my life! I miss him terribly but he is the one who has NOBODY now, he is in a worse situation. His only family (Aunts & Uncles) is on the other side of the world. He has no parents or brothers to help him or to communicate to if he wants to talk. He has a fiancé but that’s it. I know he is in financial trouble as I get some of his credit card statements (have no idea where to forward them to). I just hope he comes to his senses soon. But it is such a relief to be out of this, thank God!
I, too, have recently told a few close non-scn friends that I am now an EX-Scientologist. I have been immersing myself in truth from our great no-holds-barred internet resources since the beginning of the show’s airing. It feels good to know my fence-sitting ways and reservations about the cherch were not in vain. I am ready to tell my story that began in 1981 at Flag Land Base.
You’ll be hearing from me, Mike 😉
Hi J – I too recently told a close non-scn friend that I am an ex-scien. He was shocked and intrigued. He loves the show and of course had 50 questions. I have many friends that don’t know and really the only reason I don’t mention it is because it’s too exhausting to explain.
Hi there Mrs. P, After I posted this I went on facebook. I have very few scn friends on FB, mainly people I just follow and don’t actually know. I unfriended all of them and then I made a Public announcement (Life Event option) on now being an ex-scientologist and I mentioned the show being instrumental in my going public. I offered to answer Qs and I hope my non-scn friends will ask me Qs and that I can answer them in a way that makes sense. In a small way… making a blow against the enemy 😉
To Liz Gale: Well done for coming out on this blog. You will feel much better from it. Welcome to the side of Light. Are you related to Stan Gale?
I`ve been watching all the Shows here in Switzerland and don’t ask me how I could do that….
Just recently there were News, that it will be shown in the German A&E Network in translated Version in spring 2017.
It will be very interesting to see what will happen then in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
I can imagine that european TV Networks would be interested to produce with Mike and Lea local Shows. In Europe there are thousands of untold stories and People can’t go into the open as they can in the USA. Many are fully out, don’t have any relatives behind but never would tell their stories in the open, not because of fear of the Church but merely feeling shame and not wanting to talk about it.
and making a fool of themselves to admit they were lured.
and so they remain in FEAR! They think they are out but they are still – in FEAR.
One thing that I noticed the show does that is different than other things is that you focus more on the pain, rather than what the Church believes. Most of us learned about Scientology through South Park or Tom Cruise’s ramblings. I just thought it was some weird religion celebrities and their fans got themselves into, but it was harmless. I mean really, you have to be crazy to trust a story about aliens being dropped into volcanoes.
But the A&E show illustrates that the members of Scientology aren’t all crazy. Every single person you interviewed seems rational and their reasons for joining Scientology as rational as well. When you start showing these people as real human beings that had genuinely good reasons and intentions for joining the church, it’s much harder to overlook what the hell is going on.
Thanks — very good point
I agree and I think it’s a necessary aspect of the show. It’s not about the beliefs. It’s about the abuses.
There is a vast array of abuses inflicted by this church and it got worse when it could use the First Amendment not only for the tax exempt status but to protect itself. There is no way this church would have gotten away with the abuses to the extent it has if it didn’t have the First Amendment to protect it. That’s another reason it needs to lose it 501c3 status.
I agree about the focus of the show, but to those never in, the belief system is important in order to understand how the policies of abuse were developed and why they continue. Without that context, it can be difficult for viewers to appreciate the level of indoctrination and why still in family members act and respond the way they do.
I think the show has done an incredible job on both fronts. Sincere appreciation and admiration for the deft hand and months of hard emotional and physical work.
The other thing it accomplishes is exposing institutional abuse. Ex-Scnists, generally, do not care what Scnists believe. It’s the immutable policies laid out by Hubbard which result in harm and abuse.
A comment in an article today by Ann Coulter:
“The SPLC is like the cult awareness groups taken over by Scientologists. Terrified parents would call for help in rescuing their kids from Scientology and be told, No, Scientology is not a cult.”
The hits just keep on coming. The Co$ is the go-to analogy to fraud and fake news stories.
There are so many KRs in your ethics folder that they would go from here to the moon and back.
Thank you Mike,a tremendous and extremely important post.When I began to write my Sea Org story here,I never knew during my first steps on a blog,how amazing my life became and continues to evolve.I have a much better balance within when looking at my time with the cult,than I had before.So this old lady wants to say please write your story to knowledge reports.The wave will become so powerful and strong the more we all add our experiences with this cult.Love & Truth Revealed is such a guiding light.?
Hey Ann, we lived to tell the tale. 🙂 One thing you can say about our Scn experience, as unpleasant as they were, is we have some pretty incredible stories. These have great value and should be spread far and wide. And maybe future generations will avoid the trap.
Love you statpush you are one of my favorites always.?
Every week. I wait in anticipation for the next episode. I absolutely LOVE what you and Leah Reminy are doing. I love the passion and compassion for which you both stand for ridding the world of the in humane treatment of each person involved in this POS “church”. My question for Mike is: I noticed that DM is a much smaller sized man…how could you hold back and not knock in on his ass? Because. I would have with one kick to the ball sack.
The show is brilliant. It is as though we are part of the conversation and we are learning about what people have to say at the same time Leah is. An perfect example of this is when Aaron describes his neighbor’s concern that their dog would still be allowed to come over and visit her, even as she is cutting off all relations with the family, including the children, because, you know, “the dog wouldn’t understand.” Leah’s reaction is real – “You are lying! (laughter)” It is the same reaction I had at home watching the show. You, Leah and the producers of this show are handling this really well. It is just a series of real conversations with people that we would like to know and befriend. We care about them now. There is empathy with their situation and what has happened to them. People want to help.
Mike Heron and Robin Williamson. If you guys are there, you must step up and have the courage to make right what you did.
We believed in you guys. We looked up to you. You hide from the fact that you guys pushed Scientology. You were the biggest advertisers of Scientology late sixties early seventies.
“If not for the plan of the magic man”?????? I know who you meant Robin. Your concerts in New York at the Filmore East and Lincoln Center were like Scientology events.
I was let in back stage once because you wife at the time saw I was wearing my Sea Org
giddy up.
I became a Scientologist because of you!!!
You brought in hundreds if not thousands.
Tell your story. Make this right. You have no idea how many lives you influence has ruined.
You have no idea what happened to Likki at the end.
It was terrible. Your church, the church of Scientology spit her out and made her sign a waiver that if she killed herself Scientology would not be responsible.
I can cry right now because of the callous disregard they had for someone who helped staff 60% of the entire U.K. Staff of Scientologists.
You guys helped create this cult. Come forward with courage and truth.
The OT levels were a lie. This whole LRH thing was a lie.
You helped create this. Finish this life with a clean conscience. Help us to deconstruct the lies you supported.
Anyone who knows Mike or Robin. Please tell them to read my post.
My name is Brian Thomas Lambert. I was married to Likki. Her story has not been told.
The OT levels totally screwed with my x wife’s mind. The Incredible Stringband were powerful sales people for this cult.
Looks like the info is out there. Never heard of the Incredible Stringband. Looks like Scientology dried up the creativity.
Hello sweet,kind Brian, You are a hero and you are a light in the dark.Likki is still a part of my life,I still have her early LPs and CDs from the those years.I will not forget her blowing a kiss to me in an auditorium hallway in LA after she hugged me when you and she were performing and I was in SO.Her lyrics and power gave me courage to join SO blind.I wrote Robin and Mike,Robin had a comm with me for awhile,Mike did not.So I do not know them personally,but wherever they are,you are such a force trying to pull them into the sun with all this.Likki did not deserve the treatment she received from this black hearted cult,none of us do,but she was a beautiful exotic flower that was crushed under the cult’s boot.I cried for her,but now I send her love & peace.Love & Hugs to you & yours.????
I was at a Scientology party & met the band members. This was back in the late 70s.
I thought Brian mentioned a week or 2 ago that the Incredible Stringband played at Woodstock, so to play there kind of makes them big in the business. I would think anyway.
I’m not that sure they played at Woodstock. I mean, I don’t remember listening to them. Anyone?
We may have crossed paths OSD,we may have.??
Yes, they did play at Woodstock
Laughing at the “Type 4 PTS” handle! Maybe PTS Types up to and including Type 15 could be added to the grade chart alongside the OT levels.
I stand corrected, type 4. Thanks for the link.
Hi Brian. I am so sorry for what you went through and for what happened to Likki. <3 I hope we get to hear the whole story at some point.
My mother also went psychotic (ended up with a diagnosis of schizophrenia) on the upper levels after 20 years in and didn't recover. So our family learned 1st hand that Scientology can do permanent & irreversible damage. Sending you love & support. <3
It looks like those two fellows can be contacted here:
@RobinAndBinaWilliamson on Twitter
Interesting read but posting the mobile number is tantamount to harassment just like the cult you hate. It’s a disgrace you would even consider this a reasonable thing to do, you should be ashamed of yourself for lowering yourself to the pitiful tactics used by trolls and generally horrible people. The fact that the blog owner has allowed this is also a sign of his disdain for decency.
Agreed. Missed it earlier. Phone nbr now deleted. But I don’t think it was a troll tactic, simply an effort to help reconnect people
Mike Heron’s blog has a picture of himself (younger) with a thin young woman. Is that Likki?
What about a nice little revenge cover story by TIME magazine? I can only dream…….
I’ve been talking to everyone I know on social media to get them to watch the show, and I just shared this blog to inform people and to tell them to watch Leah’s interview on 20/20.
The damage this “church” has caused people & families seems endless. It’s a viscous, incideous, cold-blooded cult (so many adjectives) and it needs to end NOW.
Many thanks to Leah, Mike, Amy & her sweet mom, Aaron and everyone else who has participated in the show. We HEAR you and we want to partner with you to tear this cult down! To end the pain so many are suffering.
Much love & support,
Laurie Schut
Excellent artical! I agree, Leah is a celeb, and she is honest, emotional and her communication impinge. Also the show is every week, every week is a new “kaboom” that breaks your heart.
Going clear was great! But it was 2 hours and after couple of weeks people I forgot about it.
Here it’s every week! And every week it gets better and better. Not that the previous was were less! Each story there is a person there that is hurt and breaks your heart, that you cry with them from your living room.
Leah is brilliant in her work! She is very passionate and real. She is adorable and lovable at the same time. It’s just a perfect combination and a job well done.
I believe and hope that due to the success and excellent rating we are going to have season 2
There are so many stories to tell.
This church is going down!
Thank you Mike and Leah!
You are the true fighter of Freedom! You deserves medals!
Persistence (and education) pays. Knowledge is power. Scientology is goin’ down. YAY! On a positive side note I have noticed more people speaking out about abuses in Jehovah’s Witness as well. I am guessing that some have watched the shows/documentaries on Scientology & noted the similarities. Perhaps all of this effort will greatly reduce the influence of other cults as well. Good job!
I’m totally with you and Leah mike!! You both are awesome. It’s good to know that there are others that have been hurt like me who are out of the church.
Both you and Leah and the rest who have been on the show or are connected with it are extremely brave and courageous.
One thing I’ve observed is that a lot of what Scientology is was actually taken or borrowed from other religions and spiritual traditions and other philosophies before L.R.H. even existed. For example the Way To Happiness booklet is largely taken from the Christian Bible. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this. I’m just curious.
I’m here for you Mike. If you need any help for anything let me know.
1. I truly hope the series will not end after 8 episodes, as surely the stories will not end. Continue to give people the necssary platform please.
2. By now, couldnt a class-action suit be made against the ‘church’, given so many same, corroborated tales?
3. Will Shelly Miscavige ever be saved, if in fact she is still even in the land of the living? I shudder to think what abuse she endures (or must have endured, as the case may be) at the hands of her lunatic husband. What else can people in this case do?
Also regarding Heber being held in the Hole for over 10 years and him being in his 70’s now, a shell of his former self — can’t the authorities be brought in on Elder Abuse? In my state they take any allegation of Elder Abuse very seriously and investigate it big time. Maybe this is an angle to get the authorities out to Int — call and report elder abuse on Heber Jenzcht.
Thank you Mike. You and Leah are doing such good work, necessary work. There are many more stories out there. With social media backing us up, we will be heard, the evil will continue to be exposed and more and more people will leave the cult.
Oh my God….I’m PLOTZING!
Well for God’s sake, Harvey! At least cover up! What…2 bottles of Jack?
What a difference 20 years makes.
I remember watching in horror the 20/20: Inside the Church of Scientology (December 20, 1998) (excerpts included in HBO Going Clear and available on youtube). I had been watching online off and on for a few years at that point, but that show just rocked me.
This show different, but the biggest difference is time, numbers and a lack of feared response.
I hope the old guard from the 20/20 piece (and before!) are watching and saying “Hell yeah, about damn time!” .
We are. Many of us from the old alt.religion.scientology UseNet group days have seeing $cientology crumble at the top of our ‘Bucket List’.
I am just wondering if a safe place is going to be established for people who are trying to get out of this organization? If people want to leave and have no outside connections or funds, wouldn’t the most important thing be to offer a place where people can reestablish a life in the real world? Wouldn’t some contact numbers and resources make it easier for an individual or family to escape if the idea is to offer real help?
Outstanding proposal, Loren! My sentiments exactly!
I think prior to now the underground railroad specifics have been kept on the QT to avoid Fair Game….but in this new climate with the world watching, the coast could be clear <3 We could call it "The Coast Is Clear"!
There already is a hotline number: 412-260-1170.
I don’t think a physical sanctuary needs to be created specifically for Scientologists who have blown. If the home of non-Scientology family or friends are located nearby, that would likely be the first place they’d head for (Scientology is also aware of such information and would immediately go there to track the escapee down. So it’s a judgment call as to how safe that move will be). Social services already exist for the homeless (e.g. hostels).
My suggestion for blowing Scientologists is to either head for a police station or a REAL church (synagogue, mosque, temple), explain your situation to the clergy, then call your non-cult family/friend from there (I was thinking of hospitals but then I recall Lisa McPherson so I’m a bit cautious about that one. But if you’re in a pinch…well, that’s another judgment call). Another option is to go to a public area with lots of people around (e.g. shopping mall, town square, bus/train station, a pub/bar, library, college campus, embassy/consulate office, etc.) where you can cause a loud commotion if Scientologists attempt to apprehend you.
I’ve never been a Scientologist nor had to face such an emergency situation before. I’m basing my ideas on the escape stories of ex-Scientologists and what worked for them (but if anyone wants to correct me on how workable those ideas are, feel free to do so. The main idea is to go to a PUBLIC spot where you feel safe, where you can be seen by many, and from where you can contact others (by phone, by email, in person). I strongly advise places such as a police station, fire station, or places of worship as they are obliged to serve the public and are trained to handle emergency situations. They’re also authority figures and have plenty of contacts within the community should there be need of further assistance. Best of all, the police keep detailed records of events!! Anyway, I hope to hear more reports of Scientologists leaving the cult for a better life outside of it!
Hi Mike
Honestly I had no idea what Scientology was all about. I love Leah and have watched her in many programs and after reading articles in People Magazine I wanted to watch this series. I am truly devastated that this is going on in the world today. How they get away with treating people this way is completely unacceptable. I commend everyone working on this series to bring to light the truth. I was sobbing watching the show this week about the twins. How do they justify tearing families apart??!! It is ludicrous honestly. The way they are stalking you, Leah and the crew is just crazy. What do the hope to accomplish with that? I have been talking to friends and family about this series and everyone is now watching it. A&E needs to be commended for airing all of this and bringing to light the truth. Leah, may god be with you and your family as you continue on this journey to help these poor people. And why hasn’t anyone beat the crap out of DM?!?!?! He is not god and one of these days someone is going to do to him what he has been doing to them. You can only push a person so far. Do we know if his wife is alive ? God bless everyone and keep the faith. I will keep everyone in my prayers. #Leahrocks #dontbeabully #strongerinnumbers
Prior to the show, Scientology members seemed to me to be weird followers of Scifi writer L Ron Hubbard. Not much more than a bunch of low life loosers with no life.
Now however, this show has she’d new light on that perception of those people who have left Scientology. Leah’s interviews with you and the others featured on the show have put a real face and experience of what they have gone through persueing a life in Scientology. Starting with an ideal to better your lives and the world only to end up with that dream shattered.
I now feel bad for those who were sucked in and now feel helpless on how to leave the cult with family and friends still on board a ship with no port. I certainly hope that this season is not an end but the beginning of more seasons to come. The power of truth and exposure will be Scientology’s downfall.
I understand people who have been abused or taken advantage of (financially or otherwise) may be worried about any response from this abusive so-called “church” or what others may think of them. But please understand that the courage it takes for you to speak out about this serves as an enormous inspiration to everyone else, not only to those who have experienced the same abuses as you have, but also to those of us who have never been involved in Scientology and are just now learning about how destructive the current leadership and organizational structure of this “church” actually is.
Any of these ridiculous, blanket, “smears” that the church may throw out towards you are, as Mike says, either laughed off (because what they say truly is ridiculous on any sort of a logical level) or derided and ridiculed (for pretty much the same reason). The rest of the people in the world outside of Scientology (the other 7.5 billion individuals minus a mere 20K or so of those remaining in the church) understands this and none of us care one bit what statements this “church” makes (they all seem to start in the same robotic manner of “The church disputes many of the statements made by [fill in the blank]).
Leah and Mike and many, many others now have major platforms to speak out on your behalf and provide you with support as you transition from this destructive “church”, and behind them is an absolute army of us who will loudly support and greatly admire you for personally having the courage and the ultimate strength to break off the chains that this brutal “church” imposes on people’s lives (THEY are the ones who did this and who are at fault, not you). The size of your supporters (both the famous individuals and the regular public) completely dwarfs (infinitesimally) the size of any of the few remaining Scientologists who may try to slap a bunch of ridiculous, artificial, and ultimately laughable “labels” on you. In fact, being declared an SP these days by this obnoxious “church” is actually viewed as a Badge of Honor for the rest of us.
I can assure you that you are not alone……at all.
I think there may be a significant tipping point at which we have now arrived. I have a good guess that there are more ex-scios in the world now than there are members in good standing. More important, I think there may be as many exes participating in the critic scene as there are active scios. Maybe more. The COS may have simply reached the point of being outnumbered. From here on out, whatever energy and effort the COS puts out there, there is an equal or greater amount of energy and effort that’s countering all that they do. Simple physics.
Murray, I totally agree…??
I think a lot has to do with the fact that Leah is approachable and is real ………she has been in everyone’s living room and makes you feel like she is your best friend ………..Even when she was on the beach in Clearwater and that woman was looking for drugs Leah wanted to help ………yes she said as a Scientologist it was in me to help ………I think it is in Leah as a good person …………I truly believe in my heart of hearts that DM has so much on Tom Cruise that he is terrified to leave as is John Travolta and that is so sad …… is sad because most truly know what the “big secrets” might be …. be honest and I think most people would not have a problem with what comes out …………Mike you and Leah are doing so much good ……….I do not think this cult will be around much longer …….and would not be surprised if DM has not already started cleaning out accounts and making plans to disappear
I wouldn’t ‘victimize’ Tom or John. They are true believers and are lock in step with what DM is doing. They don’t care since the greater good of all is in play. They are treated like royalty and think they are the most important human beings on the planet. Whatever DM has on them is irrelevant in this day and age. They are just as guilty as DM for what is going on and the only real way for people to bring them to their knees is through the wallet. Stop going to their movies, shun them publicly. Don’t endorse or buy anything they are associated with. If Hollywood really wanted to stop them they could blackball them, but the all might dollar talks as long as Tom is willing to do MI movies the studio will keep working with them. It really will take the people to stop this.
I still cannot believe the IRS allowed this cult to be classified a religious org. I worked for them for 13 years (during that time). I can only surmise this went to a court for a decision??? If someone knows, I’d be interested in the details. Really makes me angry.
long story short, Sci started to personally sues members of the IRS and they buckled and gave them religious status. Think of Scio like the NRA fighting against gun laws 24/7 with no let up on pressure.
Lawrence Wright does an excellent write up in “Going Clear.”
It never went to court. Miscavige and Rathbun started having secret meeting with the IRS, and Fred Goldberg, the head of the agency in the early 1990s. The agents involved in these secret meetings were not the ones involved in the investigation of Co$.
During this period, there were several thousand lawsuits filed against the IRS and Their agents by adherents of scientology. I believe the estimate was 2600 lawsuits.
Why did Fred Goldberg give in? Some have hypothesized that ‘dirt’ was dug up on Fred. Others have stated that the IRS did not have the ability to fight so many nuisance suits and by giving in to Co$, all the lawsuits would disappear.
The IRS cannot classify any group as ‘religious’. They can only say they qualify for 501c whatever tax exemption. Only a court of law can determine if a group has ‘religious rights’ under the constitution and then only in relation to some lawsuit or criminal action.
For more background and discussion of that time, go to:
Well, there are categories of 501c3s including educational and religious. So the IRS has criteria for religious exemption. And they DO make a determination whether an organization fulfills those requirements.
As I understand it Mike those are all sub- categories under the umbrella of ‘charitable organizations’.
The exemption status of such organizations can be revoked possibly , retroactively for convictions of criminal activity. Revocation can also take place in my opinion for significant amounts of non- charitable activities. Surely the social harms of which perpetrated daily by Scientology entities, as is ‘tip of the iceberg’ revelations to hand would be sufficient evidence and grounds to require the IRS to ‘ not be found guilty of negligence of its civic duties’ to use its regulations for public trust benefit.
I do realize this encompasses many factors I have left out but I wanted to point out the possible tact and lend support to the hope of justice being carried out regarding exemptions.
Life has many areas of influences and I can say that the influence of the outright lies contained in the Dianetics book and voluminous subsequent lies I lost or wasted huge portions, over the course of 37 years, of better roads never taken or traveled.
The opportunity cost is not recoverable. The betrayal by the scam of Scientology is finally becoming publicly understood or groked and I am so very thankful for all the work by so many over so many decades to lead to the ending of the abuses and torts.
Since stress can contribute to death I have vowed to not come forward with my real identity for the is a possibility that doing so would precipitate life taking stress upon others in my life. I know this because of the state of terror such ‘an other’ arrived in and who expressed ” they will kill us all”.
I know that is not the case, but the other terrorized by Scientology, is just that: terrorized !
I see the best and life saving actions is to ask all reading this to continue to take the proxy and completely remove the source of the Scientology terror. Thanks
What you are all doing is necessary! I hope all you and Leah have done, as well as others speaking out, will result in investigations leading to criminal charges! I am waiting to hear the Feds and states are going to investigate! Bravo to all of you! This prison, the abuses, and this brainwashing and extortion of the “church” members needs to stop! It is all going to come tumbling down!!!!
As always, spot on. A withhold is Scientology speak for something a person does not want known because it is bad, shameful, embarrassing, etc. Scientologists now have a common withhold and that is that they are Scientologists. David Miscavige is a social freak. He is the Jim Jones of the 21st century with a shade of Charles Manson.
You nailed it Mat. I might add:
” He is the Jim Jones of the 21st century with a shade of Charles Manson.”
…… and applying the moral fiber of Adolph Hitler to the youth.
*Drink this Kool-aid as you strangle that German Shepherd pup you*ve been training for the past 6 months*. That*s the type of devotion demanded by the hierarchy. Truly blind.
Mat says: “Scientologists now have a common withhold and that is that they are Scientologists.”
You know your “religion” is doomed when you are afraid to answer a direct question, “Are you a Scientologist?” much less being willing to “disseminate” on behalf of it. And that’s the position that Scientologists are in today: they are now objects of derision and contempt instead of either fear or respect, or even of tolerance.
Today, anybody who tells a “wog” they are a Scientologist is like as not going to be asked immediately, “how can you be a member of a group that destroys families?” or something similarly painful to confront. Gone forever are the days when people would say “Scientology? What’s that?” and either remain ignorant or be willing to learn more.
So now the most ethical people on the planet, those with super power over MEST, and possessed of Homo Novis skills that we wogs can’t emulate, are now in hiding, fearful that any misstatements will expose them. Guess all those super OT powers aren’t all that super…
Not so super at all!
Instead of winning the PR battle by getting everyone to don “$cn, the coolest religion on earth” t-shirts and hum “We Stand Tall” while looking up with tears in their eyes at giant posters of Elron, the cult’s fast becoming known as “the cruelest religion on earth” and its few remaining celebrity shills have been sent scurrying for cover.
Even DM’s one-time BFF and fave fluffer, Tom “3rd BIGGEST Being” Cruise, appears to have retired for good as the cult’s World Ambassador and can longer be counted on to utter anything but vague platitudes, like “it’s a beautiful religion,” in defense of a cult in flames and free fall.
The cult’s vile and morally reprehensible acts have finally caught up to it and no amount of happy talk PR is going to change that. $cn has “danger pointed” itself completely and, as a result, almost everyone in this country (and many more abroad) has been inoculated against the spread of this virulent and pernicious meme disease.
Just as everyone now knows not to drink and drive, we’ve also learned as a society that, “friends don’t let friends do scientology”. It’s impossible to predict exactly when the cult will finally implode and collapse upon itself, but the fact that it’s locked in a death spiral from which there’s no escape seems certain. It’s not a question of if the cult is going to slam into the ground, but just one of when that will finally occur.
Say bye-bye, killer cult, it’s not been nice knowing you!
All rolled up into someone called David “The Dwarf” Miscavige. Nice post, Mat!
Most Scnists have been reticent about being a Scnist, even before Going Clear and Leah. I know I was.
Wonder why that is?
The beast is dying. We need all your stories now! Don’t be afraid. Likki if you are out there. Please contact Mike!
The world, your fans by the thousands, want to know what happened.
You always wanted to help the world with your beautiful voice in the Incredible Stringband.
Now you can help the world with your story.
Also contact A&E and tell them what you think. FLOOD their email. Tell them one season is not enough.
This show is building momentum and is just beginning.
[email protected]
Email sent!
Thanks for linking the A@E feedback. I just emailed them.
Thanks for the link. Done!
I hope the show continues. The momentum is huge.
Can someone enlighten me as to what it would specifically take to prove to the IRS that Scientology does not qualify for tax exempt status? Seems obvious that pure evil should not. But, what “proof” or “facts” will the govt. need? And, how can these be provided?
Also I have been wondering, as a never in, what techniques are used to brainwash members into so thoroughly believing the message to the point of disconnecting and staying in beyond all reason?
Each participate of the show seems to have had a unique “ah ha” moment. I found it of note that Aaron’s was The St. Petersburg Times series. It proves that getting the TRUTH out does work for some. May it continue to do so until the number of active Scientologists is ZERO.
There’s two related levels at which the cult’s wholly undeserved federal tax-exempt status needs to be evaluated. First, the cult and the IRS entered into a specific agreement that, to my knowledge, has never been made public in its entirety. So, finding out exactly what the cult agreed to do in that agreement represents a necessary first step in the process of holding it accountable for fulfilling the specific terms of its agreement with the IRS.
Second, every religious organization seeking federal tax-exempt status from the IRS must conform to the rules, regulations and conditions described in the sections of the IRS code pertaining to them and these requirements are available publicly. See here for much more detail
Exactly what it would take to gain public access to the full agreement between the Co$ and the IRS – which settled the cult’s long-standing dispute with the IRS and paid off its back taxes owed – is uncertain, but the mere fact that it’s not available for public scrutiny sends up red flags and warning flares to me and many others who’ve followed the issue.
There’s no better way to bring this criminal cult to its knees than to strip it of its completely undeserved tax-exempt status. But there’s nothing that the cult would fight harder to preserve either. Efforts to bring pressure to bear in this matter are complicated by the fact that the IRS appears to have been very skillfully rolled by the cult in manipulating IRS officials at the time into settling this case on such astonishingly favorable terms to the cult. When and if a current investigation is launched, it’s certain to pour over the basis upon which the initial decision was made and it is at that point where all manner of unseemly and discreditable details about the IRS’s actions in the past could come to light.
Obviously, paying massively armed PI teams $10k per week to keep the cult leader’s escaped father under surveillance doesn’t sound like anyone’s idea of how a religious charity should be spending tax-exempt dollars. Many, many more examples can be cited and making the IRS aware of them all sounds like a very good start to me!
Thanks for the insights! After reading all of the posts today about how Scientology “achieved” its tax exempt status I can only shake my head at the underhanded tactics and at the IRS for caving to the pressure.
Brian, thanks for the link! I just emailed A&E! I hope everyone does!
I just did so, although it may not be very relevant for them as I live in the Netherlands.
Our Amsterdam Org is small and failing. That’s what Jenna Hill said. 🙂
Must say though both Alex Gibney’s Going Clear and Louis Theroux’ My Scientology movie were broadcasted here.
Emailed & shared thanks!
I agree that it is amazing that this stuff has been put out there so many times before but that it had not incited so much compassion, response and hopefully change, that this program is today. I honestly feel that those still in Scientology live in a culture of abuse just the same as domestic abuse victims in the way that they are controlled and manipulated so much that they fear to have their own individual thoughts, opinions and feelings. Also, can’t abuse or battery charges be filed for all of the physical abuse that DM has used towards others? Have the statutes of limitations run out? If not, I think everyone that has ever been physically abused needs to come forward and file police reports and/or lawsuits against DM personally!
” this stuff has been put out there so many times before ….”
with all due respect, I really don’t think this stuff has been put out there before, at least not with the specifics of the people and the detail of the impacts on peoples lives.
IMHO, removal of Scientology’s ‘status’ as a religion is the number one target. Then it can no longer hide behind the first amendment to ‘justify’ it’s horrific behavior toward the populations of earth. Lawsuits and the like can follow but will have a much improved chance of success if the perps cannot hide behind the cloak of religious discrimination false flag.
The A&E show is a game changer. The main issue being covered is how Scientology controls its members and ex members with their disconnection policy. The truth is out of the bag. There are now more SPs than Scn members in good standing. The fear that policy created is being dispelled.
It may seem to simplistic, however the Beatles movie Yellow Submarine is now in play and the Blue Meanies are Scientologists and the organization. And All You Need Is Love! As a long time member I know of thousands of people who have stories.
Mike and Leahs show is a chance to allow them to be told. Finally there is a chance for healing for ex members. I support Mike and Leah 100% in their efforts to finally bring the full truth to light.
I also think that the fact that A&E is a channel that most people have, as opposed to HBO which is a specialty channel you must subscribe to, helps a lot too. More people are likely to happen upon the show as they channel surf, and gain an interest in the content as they watch.
I also agree about the emotional content of the show. But what draws me in is seeing yours and Leah’s reactions to people’s stories and scientology’s antics – for example, the story about the dog was funnier when I saw your reaction to it and Leah’s. To me it speaks volumes when even the people who were the most involved and knowledgeable of the cult react that way to things. You two give an image to people’s thoughts and emotions and validate how we feel at home. It’s not to be underestimated.
Great points all around. The TRUTH has to be accessible. I happened to have HBO when Going Clear first aired. But, as you have pointed out, many do not have access to it.
I thought it wonderful that DM’s pitiful year end message, seen and heard by a handful (perhaps now dwindled to LESS THAN 10,000 by reasonable counts… NOT MILLIONS! WAKE UP “FOLLOWERS”!) was followed up by an A&E marathon of AFTERMATH on New Year’s Day that, no doubt, attracted scores more.
I really didn’t know much about Scientology before this show….I am riveted each and every week. Huge kudos to you and Leah for taking this on. My heart just breaks for all of you that were caught in the clutches of this horrible organization. Know that you are making a difference by speaking out, by educating, and by helping others tell their stories. Much respect and love to you.
Dear Scientology, would you like some Bactiene for that burn he just gave you??
OMG!!! LOL!!!!
Yeah, would you??? And I don’t even know what Bactiene is!
Bactine (bactiene) is a very old therapy for cuts and hurts. It supposedly had antiseptic as well as analgesic properties. (for germs and for pain)
You’re not THAT young OSD! It was often used in place of Merthiolate or Iodine because it didn’t sting as much.
Yes, It’s for pussies, that’s why Dave used it.
Iodine is what my grandmother used on me. Liberally, I might add…
so happy to hear people are coming out with their stories! and so bummed to learn next week is the last episode of the season – whaa?! why was i thinking there were supposed to be 8 episodes? (not counting the AMA special..) ah well, i shall just cross my fingers, send my support to A&E, and hope for a season 2.
I saw that the viewing numbers are still around the 1.5/1.6 million. Does that take into account all of the people that watch it on YouTube or that pay for the series which I understand can be done?
Just curious. It is having such an impact and with so many people talking about it, I get the impression that the figures above are a bit understated. I think a lot of non-US people are watching it on some Russian site as well.
No, those numbers are the live audience. Also does not take into account people who DVR and watch later. That IS tracked. Typical A&E show has 20% increase in audience from people DVRing and watching within 7 days. This show is increasing audience about 50% within 7 days. This is a very important number that networks watch as well as the initial audience. They can obviously track views on their website. Doubt they can monitor Russian sites or other odd places people watch.
Well then, using scientology logic we can safely assume that well over 100 million people watch every single week and the audience is growing by 47% after each episode.
It’s probably 5X Saint Hill by now;)
Clearly is right. I’m in the UK, and it is true that many of us who can’t access the show as it is geoblocked are watching through a Russian site. There must be many tens of thousands outside the US who are finding random ways of accessing it, and no way of counting.
Usually I wouldn’t dream of circumventing the proper channels, but in this case I feel I have a real duty not only to watch this magnificent and ground-breaking production, but to tell other people how to do so as well.
I’m reading your comment and laughing thinking of those overly produced propaganda videos the evil midget loves. OVER 100 MILLION PEOPLE WATCHING! (with that ridiculous music playing over it)
Those numbers also don’t include those of us who buy the show on Amazon or some other venue. I don’t get A&E, but have purchased the entire season and am watching each episode more than once. About 20 years ago, I wrote a novel about oppressive cults which was partially inspired by Scientology (the other cult that inspired it was Marshall Applewhite’s “Heaven’s Gate” cult). Thanks to you, Leah, and all who are speaking out. I sincerely hope you can bring this Goliath down.
Hi Mike
Watching this series in the U.K. You, Leah, the victims (for want of a better word!) and everyone else on the show should be so proud of the work you are doing to expose what is happening in Scientology. Aaron made me cry and my heart was hurting listening to his story. As have the previous episodes….
I just wanted to say thanks for putting in the lighter moments you experience, they make me laugh through the tears.. The neighbour not wanting to disconnect from the dog & you go ahead, no you go ahead, no you go ahead to the private investigator challenge by you spring to mind…
There were approx 2500 scientologists from the census in 2011 in the UK ??I would be really happy for that to be zero on the next one. 2021 I think……
Loving your work and sending love from the UK, stay strong you are all heroes to me.
I agree Lisa. The main subject is so sad and awful that the few moments of levity really make an impact. i just love the way Leah says the last name “Hawkins”…it cracks me up and Mike Rinder’s accent is sexy…I think he should read for Audiblebooks…I’d buy a lot of audiobooks…lol.
Haha thanks Theresa, yep, you have to love the Aussie/USA accent, it’s new to me….! Audiobooks is a great idea, ..
I love it when you laugh Mike. I hope you find lots of things to laugh about because your giggling is infectious! You make Scientology much easier to understand too. No mean feat…
Fantastic work…the end of Scientology is near!!
Thank you Leah, Mike and A &E your series is an eye opener I have watched since day 1 and as I post I am finding a lot of my friends are also watching or asking me about the show and I tell them to watch it. Hugs to everyone on the show and to all the people out there please tell your stories the world wants to know
I know you want the the FBI to get involved. Have you and your team thought about meeting with people who’ve taken down other cults? First thing that comes to mind is the ones who took down the FLDS sect led by Warren Jeffs. They could be a huge help in taking down David Bitchcaviage.
That is exactly what I was thinking. With the compounds looking more like a concentration camp, I wonder…all the people that are held against there will? The abuse? Isn’t that a crime?
I wondered about that too? How did the FBI take down that cult? It was all about the children and getting them to safety after months/years of figuring out how to stop Warren Jeffs from sleeping with children. Disgusting, vile, are words that don’t even begin to express the meaning behind the sick behavior. IT’s weird in the “real world”, people are not permitted to have sex with children so why is it any different in a “church”/cult. Deviant, sick minds…tragic is what it is.
Jeannette Pitts, the FBI didn’t take down the catholic church. There were FAR more instances of adults having sex with minors there than in Jeffs place…
Think about it.
Well then, I guess it is ok for chruch members to have sex with minors since there is so many religious precedents…..not!
Rob don’t get mad at me for pointing out the truth about the inactions of a gov agency. Highly illogical.
There are many examples throughout history of the inanity of “shooting the messenger”. I suggest some study time is in order for you.
Mike and all that are commenting on this part of the blog. I agree that there are far too many examples of children being abused by “clergy” whether it is in the Warren Jeffs cult or any other cult/religion, Catholic or otherwise.
I am just asking questions as to why it takes so long to get some sort of action regarding these horrible acts against innocent children in the name of an ideal, or belief system and that somehow it is justified? Or accepted is maybe a better word. Where is their own moral compass?
I wonder now having heard both Mike Rinder and Leah say over and over that much of what they did, or were exposed to was “generational” in that much of what they did or didn’t do is based in a belief or attitude of “acceptance” of what you do while in the church. Take out even the sexual perversion and the idea that its OK to make children work hours on end and for that matter making church staff members work from 8:00 – 10:00 is somehow OK and right? Who said so? (Rhetoric question).
It’s bizarre to me. I had a friend that got out of the church in the early 80’s and what I noticed is that many of the things she learned carried over even several years later. Working for hours on end, confessing constantly to rid her self of her “reactive” mind, not being able to relax. It was exhausting. As Leah mentioned that when she wasn’t on set she was working in the church 24/7. Just ludicrous.
Sending prayers for healing for anyone associated with CO$ and all the members that are still in and haven’t found a way out. Hopefully, soon, this “church”/cult will implode.
Going to be watching 20/20 tonight. So glad that the media is picking up the charge and exposing more and more about this ridiculous, tragic, religion.
Jeannette, the answer to your question is probably in the area of the authorities not having enough evidence to come close to getting convictions.
Talk to any competent D.A. and that is probably the answer you will get.
Well done all of you for speaking out. I know there must have been times it was incredibly difficult, especially when it was only a voice or there. But what an example of what a few brave people can do. This WILL change, is already changing. It’s not just scientologists or former scientologists who are watching and learning. I was on a blog recently that deals with abuses in the evangelical Protestant church and the discussion turned to your program. Authoritarian, abusive systems use similar tactics (not necessarily as extreme as your experiences) to silence victims. Your program and all of the other work that preceded it, is giving voice to the little people. You have shown that people can survive and thrive in the aftermath. Again, well done!
This is my note of thanks. But the bigger question is, “How do we get lawmakers and the IRS to grow big enough cajones to take away the Church’s tax-exempt status?” I hope that is the end result of the great work being done by this series.
Totally agree. I sent those forms to the IRS that Tony Ortega had on his site.
I live walking distance from downtown Clearwater. It is truly sad seeing these people on the daily as well as seeing their pamphlets in so many local businesses… even doctors offices is equally disturbing. I hope the church falls apart so that people’s lives can be restored. Want to save the world? Leave Scientology!
Leah’s show has hit the masses. Now by just mentioning A&E and Leah or scientology, old friends, relatives or strangers have seen it and comment. They are becoming educated, thank you Mike, Leah and all those who speak out.
A& E deserves so much credit by showing it so often, as it must be a winner for them too.