This article is being written specifically for those of you who are still “in” Scientology, still actively “on lines” or around in the orgs (although, of course, I want everyone to read it).
I know there are many of you “still ins” who read this blog, probably many more than any of you actually realize. I have been exactly where you are right now. And I wanted to share some things that helped me get to a much better place across all my dynamics.
There come points in everyone’s life where they are forced to face a hard truth. They know that they cannot continue to turn a blind eye or be reasonable. They know that the time has come to make a decision. In light of current events with RCS (Radical Corporate Scientology), that time is now.
I have been involved with Scientology for a very long time. I can tell you that I am highly tech and admin trained and I have had a lot of auditing. Involved for many years, I went from public to Class V org staff to Sea Org and I spent a good amount of time in different echelons and on different posts. Being a voracious reader, I studied almost everything from LRH I could get my hands on.
Like many of you, I’ve seen plenty of outnesses in my years. I want to expand on this a little to give context to where I’m coming from and hopefully, relate to some of what you have seen too.
The IRS victory of 1993 seemed to be a watershed moment. The inevitable expansion of Scientology seemed assured. Yet three years later, it had not happened. Then the original “Golden Age of Tech” in 1996, which assured us all that perfect auditors were now all but guaranteed, and more swiftly than ever before. We would take the planet this lifetime! Yet another three years passed and no one could seem to get past the Metering Course. Then came Arbitraries Removed and the floodgates to OT opened up wide. We weren’t making any auditors yet, but look at those people rocketing up to OT!
When the tragedy of September 11, 2001 happened, COB’s response was to write The Wake-Up Call, an issue which at once invalidated and implored all Scientologists to get them to “do more”. I was in the Sea Org by this time and thought that surely this would handle the reasonable attitude of all those dilettante public Scientologists. Now we would see some real expansion! Again, disappointment continued to frustrate me.
Then in 2003 came the first rumblings of what became the Ideal Org program. Then The Basics. These were pushed harder than all the earlier programs combined. Yet the result was that the stats were now really going down! The only stats that anyone seemed to care about anymore were all related to donations and those were pounded harder than ever before: Donations for Ideal Org buildings, for IAS, LRH Books into Libraries, Planetary Dissemination, etc etc. No one seemed to care anymore if orgs made any money selling services, despite LRH specifically stating in policy that the only reasons orgs exist is to sell and deliver materials and service to the public and get in public to sell and deliver to. All of that took a back seat to getting in more money no matter what it took to get those money stats up.
So now in 2013 we have the Big Solution that is supposed to resolve all of this. The Golden Age of Tech Phase II and the long-awaited release of Super Power. And the result of these new programs? A lot of PR and hype and no tangible result. Bridge progress is now measured in how many times you can re-do services, not actually make motion UP The Bridge to achieve a truly higher spiritual state.
Through all of the years that these things were going on, I watched the dismantling of Church management with creeping alarm, wondering what was going on but feeling powerless to do anything about it. The President of the Church of Scientology, Heber Jentsch, just disappeared. Then so did the other Int Management executives: ED Int, Snr C/S Int, WDC members, Int Management Exec Committee members. Their names didn’t appear on issues anymore, just their post titles. Then there were no new issues or programs being released by any of them. Just endless orders and directions and programs directly from RTC. Yet every single issue about RTC specifically states it is not a management body and is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the Churches worldwide.
I’m only recounting all of this to tell you what I have seen with my own eyes. I didn’t watch all of this from afar. I didn’t “hear about” this. I was immersed right in the middle of it. Getting these programs done was all I worked on for many years. And it became more and more obvious with each passing year that the Church was going farther and farther off-purpose, yet David Miscavige kept grandly announcing at every new event how much expansion there was, how popular Dianetics and Scientology were, how we were so close to taking this planet. Stats at events didn’t have any actual number attached to them, but they sure all were going up!
To those out there who have seen any of this, who have some idea of what I’m talking about, I know it is not an easy confront but it is the right thing to do. You know in your heart of hearts that the Church of Scientology no longer stands for what it says in its very own Creed. This is not the fault of the rank-and-file Scientologists. They are most of them very good people. But they are followers. The leaders of RCS have been operating a squirrel group for quite some time and no one actually noticed when it happened. But its so blatantly obvious now, that you have seen it and you know you need to do something about it, even if only for yourself.
But what do you do?
You don’t have to march right into the org and stand before an injust Comm Ev whose members have already determined your guilt before you even opened your mouth. You don’t have to write long KRs that will be used only as evidence against you of your “disaffection”. You don’t have to cooperate with the corrupt Sea Org or RCS at all, in fact. Their justice system, while it sounds swell on paper, is being used only as window dressing these days.
Instead, just contact friends and family members and and say what’s on your mind. Be honest with yourself. Let others know. And don’t be afraid to say what you think. You may be quite surprised at the responses or reactions you get back. Because I can tell you this: you are NOT the only one who is thinking about this and who wants to get out before it’s too late. There are cases of family members under the same roof who lived with each other for years without knowing that the other desperately wanted to get out of RCS but was afraid to say anything for fear of disconnection.
If you are having doubts right now and you don’t know what to do, then the thing to do is to find out more information. The Church is not going to give you that information. Believe me, I tried to get it myself and received nothing but cold, haughty stares and invalidative refutations that the only reason I was even asking these questions was because of all my overts. Look at what happened with other “declared SPs” who have now spoken out. They ran into the exact same thing when they were upfront and honest with the Church’s representatives.
No one in RCS feels that they owe you any kind of explanation or answers for your questions when it comes to finding out what is really going on. So go on-line and look for yourself. One or two or three natterers do not the truth make. But when you find out that there are thousands – yes, thousands – who have spoken out against the Church, you will quickly see that it is not a “handful of bitter apostates on the fringe of the internet.” Not even close. And their stories are not all lies and natter and disaffection. There is truth out there, waiting for you to find it.
I hope you do so and may you never be the same again.
Galactic Patrol
Ilbye says
Great write up Galactic. Glad Mike posted it here. You have freedom to communicate or, not. As you choose. Don’t worry about any people here making you wrong for how you communicate. They are just trying to solve a problem that they don’t have full data about. I think their intention is good, if misguided.
Tom M says
The more of us out means less and less disconnection. Come out if you want to end disconnection
ML Tom
Hallie Jane says
A simple truth. I encourage everyone to do what they feel is right. For many of us, that is coming out. However scary it is, if you feel you should, do it! Like any decision that is big or hard, you can handle it and it will work out. You will stand taller in truth and strike a blow to disconnection.
Formost says
PTS = Not announcing publicly one has left the CO$.
A = A = A ….
DM has far more intelligent and creative arbitraries.
Try again. Jihadist GPM recruitment tool …
Just Me says
GP, nice post. Heartfelt and true. Thanks.
statpush says
Nicely said GP.
For years now I have been saying these things to close friends without success. So much so, that I have concluded that there is nothing one can say to those “still in” that will wake them up – they have to experience something for themselves, it has to be their own.
I have had “friends” ask me, in opposition, “What data do you have?” This is part of the problem. They either lack the confront to FIND that data for themselves or are just too lazy to pursue it. Their inability or unwillingness to LOOK for themselves is what has allowed this situation to come about.
The best responses I could solicit from them are:
“You should write that up”
“Hmm…that’s not right”
But, that is where it ends.
They are unwilling to consider that “things are rotten in Denmark”. They just won’t go there.
Why? Who knows, I’m sure its different for everyone. But talking isn’t going to do it. They need to feel the jackboot of the MAA pressing against their neck for it to hit home that “This ain’t right”.
Those of us who have spent time researching the church (past and present) have done so based on a DESIRE to KNOW THE TRUTH. There has to be hunger to KNOW, it has to be important to warrant the time and energy.
It still amazes me how tolerant Scnists can be towards abuse. They can be treated like shit, ripped off, invalidated, evaluated, on and on, and simply pick themselves off the ground and brush it off.
For me, the personal experience that forever woke me up was being forced/coerced to say that something was true, which was demonstrably NOT. I felt like I had to take a stand and object. That simple act prompted them to release the dogs, and the rest, as they say, is history.
This is not invalidate the many stories and viewpoints that are posted on blogs like this. It is important and serves as a TR3 for many. We HAVE cognited, others HAVE NOT. But sharing a cog with someone does not make it theirs. However, it does plant the seed…
FG says
Very right your comment, Statpush.
Hallie Jane says
Great comment Statpush. I guess it becomes real when it’s real. Someone told me before I went to flag for the first time, that the service was terrible. I thought they just experienced some slows or a lot of dev-t or something. When I went and saw gross out tech for myself, I then realized the service was truly TERRIBLE. I think family disconnection and shitty auditing are the hot issues, that when personally experienced, cause a rift in allegiance.
Jane Doe says
Dora, yes, you’re right. And I might add let’s not forget the horrible MAA cycles at Flag done by young, new, green SO recruits from Eastern Europe and Russia. It has been my experience that the further up the org command chain you go, such as from Msn to Org, from Org to Flag, from Flag to Int, etc, the closer you get to DM, the worse the out tech and overts on public and staff are.
So the Sheeple who have never been to Flag or the Ship have never been treated to the special shark infested waters where the shark, oops, I mean reg is lurking at every step on the routing form and in every corner of the org and they do pounce on you. Gang Bang regging is the order of the day. And if Planetary Dissem wants money and you tell them you gave it all to the IAS the day before, it doesn’t cut it and they still crush sell you and never let you out of their office.
And the auditors call you in for a session at night and then bait and switch and tell you, “it’s too late for a session (what? I’m on West Coast time and I’m hitting my stride at 8:00 p.m. your time, which is 5:00 p.m. my time)…. so the auditor breaks the auditor’s code to give you a session and ends up running her hidden agenda on you to sell you the latest tapes or books or whatever is the thing of the day there. So even auditors are taken off their post to sell you, and they resort to promising a session to get you in the room and then say, “oops, too late for a session but I want to talk to you about…” And same thing for the MAA’s who call you in for your ethics interview, and then bait and switch and use the time to crush sell you the latest books or tapes.
statpush says
The Two Janes,
Don’t get me started about Flag…my experiences ranged from “supremely uneventful” (I came all this way for THIS?) to “f*cking disaster” (don’t want to do Scn anymore). Never again.
You’re right – the closer you get to DM and RTC the worse the results. Interesting, eh?
Jane Doe says
Schorsch says
I had been on training in an AO. Miles from home and no money to buy a ticket to go home. Then something went wrong on my training and they stated, I should retrain all starting with the student hat. This would extend my stay from 3 month to at least one year. I did start the student hat as I did not even have the chance to blow. So more and more disagreement came up accompanied by more and more mass piling up. I could not longer study as all my attention had been on this ridge. The I decided to fully agree. At the exact time I did fully agree with what I have been told the ridge disappeared and all the masses around me. The next hour I have been sent to ethics stating that they found out me being a SP and they have to throw me out and send me back home. So I could go home.
Alaska Ronn says
One of the best summations of the dwinling spiral the miscarriage scene. Crim. I live through all of it inside as well.
Birgit says
Thanks for writing what you wrote!
I agree with every single word.
Birgit says
Dani´s comment just shows how difficult it is to live by the Auditor´s Code: NO EVALUATION! We always think we know best what other people should do or think and have a difficult time keeping our mouths shut. I would agree that GP has every right to live by what is true for him.
MaBű says
I like very much the comment David St Lawrence aka Old Auditor made in the South African blog.
David St Lawrence on December 17, 2013 at 1:45 am said:
“Those who try to impose their own viewpoints on others should take a look at what it the greatest good for the greater number of dynamics FOR THE PERSON INVOLVED.
I have a respectably sized practice, 40 odd active clients on 5 continents and a good percentage of them are still under the radar for very good reasons. Some have family on staff or children on staff or share child support responsibilities with people still active in the church.
The Safe Point policy applies to independents as well as Scientologists. One can speak up and make valid points as an anonymous voice. Galactic Patrol is in good company with thousands of highly active anonymous ex church members and should stay under the radar until he or she feels free to come out and declare his or her identity to the world.
I feel that anyone who criticizes others for not coming out is not following the Auditor’s Code and is more likely still dramatizing some of the church identity we try to remove over time.
Save your energy for auditing people and helping them recover from church indoctrination. There is plenty of work to do and we do not need to repeat the errors of the cult we escaped from.”
Leonore says
Thank you for telling your story and sharing your perspective. Every person who shares their stories when they can helps run the 3D engram. You give courage and hope to others to look, see, communicate – whether or not it is time now (or ever) to state your name publicly. Your sincerity rings more true than a name. I hope you can find some friends with whom you can continue a discussion and dialog. You are not used to looking for friends in the wog world, but you will find love and friendship is out there. You may not be able to talk Scientology with them, but there are many good things in life to enjoy and to give and take with others. You can bring order and do good wherever you are.
Sometimes these stories seem to me to be a kind of unraveling of a terribly tangled knot – a knot of tangled hopes, dreams, purposes. energies, lives. Each one who expresses their situation helps to loosen the knot.
Thanks for writing yours.
Jens TINGLEFF says
“… say what’s on your mind. Be honest with yourself.”
Why is it that the members accept to NOT do this?
Sejanus says
So if Co$ management was changed tomorrow…..what could keep the damage from being done all over again under someone else’s watch?
chrismann9 says
Just “come out” already. Jesus. If I can be honest here, and if you are interested. That was my initial reaction. I don’t know you. I don’t dislike or judge you, but I feel your article is a bit useless if you sign it as Galactic Patrol. You are keeping yourself in a place where you cannot be there and have a name and be a real terminal, so that weakens your communication IMO. Just my 2 cents. You will find out who your friends are when you come out, and your current “friends” and associates will seem very different.
Just Me says
You do what YOU need to do. And trust that others will do the same. I remember how long it took you to come out yourself. How soon you forget.
2cents says
This was an excellent post, thank you GP.
For every communication, there are multiple demographics and receipt-points. Mike’s blog readers (and before that Marty’s etc.) have many different brands of what is “right,” in or out of the world of scientology. Notwithstanding, ESMB and TonyO’s blogs (and before that Jeff Hawkins etc.) were and are completely skewed away from any sort of center (i.e, compassion, freedom or pan-determinism), calling for nothing less than the abolishment of everything Hubbard and current Cof$.
It is no surprise therefore to see all sorts of “yes and no” viewpoints on whether one should reveal one’s name or not. There are so many parts of “gray” on this; it is not simply black and white as some say. Black and white, when viewed non-logically or with the ability to change one’s mind is nothing more than a fixed idea, bluntly.
There are, like-it-or-not, gradients; in all of life. Gradients for staying or remaining in the church/philosophy – all the way to vociferous hate-mongering of everything Hubbard etc.
I post under 2cents. I have my personal and other reasons for this; many of which have been shared already herein. I have been part of SCN for decades and even worked directly with LRH. I have also read many of the books and data which contradict a great deal of his life or accomplishments (Jon Atack, Lawrence Wright etc.). I also know how to think for myself. Within the body of SCN I have found jewels of knowledge not available ANYWHERE else. Comparing these to all the SHIT I have seen in the subject from about ’63 to PT, they still out-weigh the crap. SCN did not fail me – I made it work for me!
Yet, I am out. But have connections still in.
And it has always been this way. Philosophy and religion (and to a lesser degree politics) are, factually, states of mind. As the universe is largely made up of “twos” (black/white, right/wrong, yes/no) one is “persuaded” to be in one camp or another – if only by reality or peer pressure. Before some heretics proved that the earth was round and not flat, believing otherwise could lose you your life. You can think of many such examples of this: perhaps even in your current life now…
The fact that “independent” thought manifests and abounds on scientology, here and elsewhere, is a boon to the otherwise cloaked and corralled “fixed” ideas of other-determinism – be it for or agin SCN.
Only when one can know himself, and can act on that origin, can one start to be free. Communication from that point must be done on gradient steps, if only to remain alive, in communication or even fruitful with his fellows.
Nothing is black and white.
Graduated says
Hear, hear.
Hallie Jane says
I’ll give you a buck for that, very wise.
Lovealways says
Once you are out and declared , you do not have access to others still in and cannot make a difference by getting in touch with them.
On the other hand , as GP said you run the risk of having someone write a report on you and then , game over.Declared. Refuse to go through A to E.
That’s what happened to us. And the irony is that being disconnected from our kid and grand children, we feel that commenting with our real names will slow the process of getting her back.
It is a messed up game.tough decisions that affect many lives.It definitely felt freer under the radar. No regrets though.
missionguy says
In 75 from a big booming mission. joined so in 80. left 2003. the 10 years out i have handled my ruin better than doing whole bridge better than doing rpf. scn did not have all my answers. scn is nearly completely god-less. such a joy to be out. new wife. new step kids. My scn family is so bitter. guarded. afraid. bigited. that is what culture they have. makes me so sad to see the degradation of good people and some good helping tech. it aint perfect though. mission guy
Brian says
Great write up. I hope it helps many people.
FG says
Just to add to my comment. The main reason they stay, and I stayed, is because they are afraid to change. Afraid to collapse reality, their continuum, their stat maybe. In fact, they “know” they shouldn’t change. Very often a “no change” get a stat going up. But it is when this is normal or affluence.
They don’t see the low condition, they actually postulate it’s up. It’s a way to not “Q & A” with reality, a sort of tone 40. They are like into a U boat.
FG says
Thanks GP. That is a work to write this. I’m not english mother tongue so it’s not so easy for me to speak.
I used to be under the radar, till some good friend finally made a report. And that was it… But I made sure not to loose family members. But lot’s of friends dissapeared.
Basically they cannot stomach the truth. They have been carefully taught to not-is. It’s an actual abiltity they developped : to not know the truth. And they are so proud of it. They feel they are defending Scientology.
They know something is wrong, but they think that the slack path is to criticize. They rather “keep their Tr’s in”. Like if those out points are just « bank ». The hero is the one who stands still in the storm. They will “go through”. They are like the communists which despite all evidences continued to support Stalin. That the price to pay for having a “clear planet”.
They no longer apply reason.
Reason for them is a lower from of thinking. It’s something for “wogs”. Heroism is to follow policy, being “unreasonnable” no matter what.
They think they are OT and that we are just becoming wogs, gradiently…
But are they themselve scientologists ?
Most of them are second generation, I will no be racist against born scientologist (not past life scientologist, genetic scientologist) But yes, I am ! They’re born there, it’s part of their life, like catholics. They didn’t get mostly through “need of change” so their awarness level is often not up to practice scientology.
Unfortunately my english vocabulary is too poor, then I sound mild. I could tell more cruel expression if I knew how.
But lets take it technically : Middle class PTS. Scientology is part of their doomed middle classness!
Mostly they cannot listen, nor ack. They identify with Miscavige and Cruise. They have a « scientologist attitude », and they certainly cannot audit. Their ability to really duplicate and understand another being is at fault. They can only agree, ack robotically, and sometime they look at you like if you are a very strange person. How come such disaffected scientologist, borderline squirrel, can understand them so well, when they really originate about their case and difficulties ? So odd….
Their explonation is « old breed of OT ». But never they think, you audited thousands of hours and you know your business. But It was before GAT, when we were all « squirrel ». Listening to LRH tape « demo of an assist » and we thought, that actually was the way to audit !
Yes, GP, we need to communicate our viewpoint. To apply the credo in fact. Each time we don’t, we let them sink into their out valence.
During WW2, there were some german citizens who knew about the crimes of the nazis. Aside being afraid, they thought it would be treason of their country, disaffection to speak up. But they betrayed humanity and, utimately, their country.
I tell that, because, being no longer under the radar, having been found out, disconnected by friends, i still find myself not speaking, hiding to some degree, hoping that I wouldn’t have spoken… sometime I wish having had those « iron Trs » where you don’t say a thing ! I don’t advocate getting out of « under the radar ». It maybe a more confortable position, maybe even more effective.
After all, « Heroic fashion » to handle PTS ness is out tech per HCOB 10 aug 73 !
To some degree one may think it’s an overt to put another person in confusion in shaking his stable data.
I wouldn’t be into a two valued logic, but is it not an overt of greater magnitude to withold the truth ?
Yes, the time is now… The balance is on the fence….
Hallie Jane says
Very well expressed. I understand your meaning perfectly!
i-Betty says
What a terrific article, thank you,
thetapotata says
It’s funny, when I first got in, it was all about the ARC triangle. It was the key to most everything about Scientology. It seems to me there has been a giant attempt to replace the use of ARC with Command Intention which is a brand of enforced reality. I first realized this when an IAS reg came to town and he appeared to have no understanding of ARC. He tried to force everything and that was when I decided to avoid all IAS activity like the plague. This lead to my complete withdrawal of all Scientology activity. Clearly Miscavige hates the ARC triangle.
Leonore says
A very simple, very cogent observation – that “command intention” (David Miscavige’s command intention, that is) has replaced the ARC triangle. What you point out says so much about how things have devolved.
thetapotata says
Thanks. I also meant to point out that GP’s write up communicates with ARC and is very refreshing. At times I forget that was really important to me. I tend to spend a lot of time pointing how how destructive DM’s management is that I forget what I liked about being active in Scientology. High ARC like GP uses is something I miss. So many truly good people are or were active in Scientology.
TerrilPark says
Go Mike!
Alias alas says
Hello to those on the fence. You have a journey ahead of you. Let me help you with one step. I will be up front. I have never been a scientologist. So what right do I have to criticize Scientology? Well, I’m not even criticizing Scientology, I’m criticizing David Miscavidge, who is NOT LRH. More specifically, I am not criticizing your beliefs, I am criticizing David Miscavidge’s behavior.
Let me point you towards two pieces of media that piqued my interest in the Church of Scientology:
The Truth Rundown
Scientology: A History of Violence
What struck me about these pieces of media was not only the explosive allegations of physical abuse and degradation perpetrated by David Miscavidge, but the church’s response. If you look and listen, you will find that the church did not merely say the ex-members were lying. It said that Marty Rathbun especially perpetrated a reign of terror over a year, attacking many different people dozens of times.
If you believe that, I have one question for you. Why did no one call the police during this reign of terror? Why did no one think a man choking and punching another man deserves the attention of the police? Or why did no one allegedly under Marty Rathbun’s simply call David Miscavidge?
You can see that the ex-wives interviewed on Anderson Cooper have no answer to this question. They become combative, but they can’t answer a very simple and fair question.
If the church had merely said the defectors were lying, that is one thing. But in their zeal to attack the attacker, they have manufactured a party line that really doesn’t make a whole lot sense.
And so we are lead to the conclusion that David Miscavidge physically beats his staff. There are plenty of other human rights abuses committed by this organization, but this is a big and easily verifiable one. How far off the rails must an organization be when the leader feels entitled to physically attack subordinates? Whether or not you choose to remain a Scientologist, this is clearly an organization that you can’t be a part of.
Jump! A world where you can think for yourself awaits you.
And finally a shout-out to Mike Rinder. I’m a long time lurker, first time commenter. You are doing great work here. Keep it up!
Hallie Jane says
Very astute Allas alas. Human rights abuses are certainly a telltale sign for any person of decency. Thanks for your comment.
Still on your side says
Alias Alias, you make a good point, why do people who were never in, like you and I, care about the church and Miscavige? For the same reason good people care about females and children under the Taliban, to name just one organization that brings Miscavige to mind. Another reason is because there are people stuck in other smaller cults who have no voice. If Miscavige is shut down, if lawmakers understand that theft of free will is a crime against society then perhaps other people will get the benefit of the lessons learned in stopping Miscavige.
Hallie Jane says
candide says
I am a French scientologist, still in good standing with the current church. Many of my scientologists friends (around ten at this time) are like me under cover. We believe that we can change the current management, in fact the other solutions outside the miscavology world aren’t optimum too, in the long range Indies will fail, laking discipline, structurally inapt to preserve standard tech, ethically questionable. We know that in front of so much foolishness of Miscavige’s followers it will be extremely difficult to success. Maybe a time will arrive, that many questions arise as the reasons why this situation happened, how it was possible that a such squirrel could hijack the whole subject, how such clever, intelligent staff as Guillaume, Ray Mithof, Starkey Brother, or at FSO the Tuckers, Rhodes and so on could adhere to such devastating tech. I can’t comprehend how it is possible that the Gat II is degrading to such unimaginable range the CS series without protest from Tech and Qual, How they feel People like Stefan Schumaker, Qual sec at Aosh Eu since, 1980. Good people, though, really very good people, maybe quite reasonable but to to this extend ! I am flabbergasted !
Galactic patrol, alright but are you still in good standing with the Miscavilogy ? I agree that this is the time to change before it is too late to recover the whole subject.
Galactic Patrol says
I am not in good standing. I attempted to make my viewpoints and questions about the “Miscavology” known to the right people on the proper channels. My questions were ignored and the only thing I received back was “you have overts” and glib statements that I need to “apply policy.” Despite my repeatedly asking the questions that any rational Scientologist would ask if they knew about it, every one of my questions was ignored. They didn’t even pretend to care if I ever got any answers to my questions. To them, the only reason I was even asking those questions was because “I had overts.” It’s a thought-stopping process with them.
Jane Doe says
Galactic Patrol, having been recently declared and had my family discionnect from me because of that, let me offer some advice to you: If yo are already not in “good standing” as you say, then get your ducks in a row so as to be proactive. That means weaning yourself off Scn business comm lines and getting new business from elsewhere. It means Safe Pointing yourself. It means weaning yourself off your Scn comm lines and finding new Indie ones. These same Scn comm lines will turn on you and betray you by spying on you for 3 months and turning in everything they glean from you as well as passing on the party line to you of whatever the puppeteer tells them to say to you. Just ask me how I know this. Even your close family may spy on and report on you. Again ask me how I know. And gather up the LRH references you want to have your intimate people read as you have “the talk” with them about the church and DM. Have them read your references before you say anything bad about the church. Have them read each reference and get them to agree that it is a good idea. Things such as the Creed of the Church of Scn, and Look Don’t Listen, and What’s True for You… and the refs on when a building becomes more important than the pcs etc, blow it up,. and any other references you want to show them. Have them read and then discuss each reference. But do it before the family is used as a tool against you.
My mistake was not having my references ready so that I could be there and watch them read it or read it aloud to them. and then discuss it. When they send the family over to “handle you” it is always on their terms, unannounced, unexpected, and so you don’t have your counter references in place to give them. So when they spend hours at the MAA’s being shown Black PR on everything and everyone who has spoken truth, and then they spend hours at the MAA being drilled on what to say to you and how to handle you, and then they show up unannounced, it puts you (and did me) at Effect. You aren’t prepared with your side of it. And they know this and that is why they use the element of surprise on you. If they turn the family against you (as they did with me), tell them you want equal time to what they spent in the MAA’s office, which was hours and hours. You probably won’t get equal time, but strike before they know you are a risk and get your truth in before they shut you out, hold their ears and say, ‘I can’t hear you!” Have your say before they disconnect from you. Ask me how I know.
Galactic Patrol says
Dear Jane,
I think I understand exactly how you know so I don’t think I have to ask. It’s clear you have been through a lot. I totally get your point about having and using the references to back up your points and I think in future comm from me, you’ll see more of this too.
The exact reason I have not “come out” yet is that I am doing exactly what you describe: getting my ducks in a row. When they are, I’ll be able to move forward. Until they are, I will do everything I can to communicate the best way I know how on whatever lines I can get on to existing Scientologists.
Unfortunately, as this time my lines to real live Scientologists is pretty cut off.
Jane Doe says
Thank you for your compassion, Galactic Patrol. I understand the need to Safepoint yourself and get your ducks in a row before coming out. Please do so with my blessing. (not that you need it). And when I mentioned references, I meant for your family to read to try to enlighten them and bring them out with you.
Each and every one of us has been hurt in some form by the church and DM. We all have our own unique story to tell. This blog and discussion forum has been so valuable to me and to so many others. We get here the acknowledgement and understanding and empathy for the church’s overts on us. BUT we are not just wallowing in it like total victims. No, we are speaking out, with or without a pen name. Everyone on here, UTR or Out, are all to be commended for confronting the evil and acting upon it and disconnecting from the suppressive church and DM. I want to thank Mike immensely for putting this forum here for us and for his amazing articles and invitations to view the truth so as to as-is it when we see it as it is. Thank you Mike.
Aquamarine says
Very powerful post, and sage advice, Jane Doe. Anyone more of a social personality than you the RCS would be hard pressed to find. Big hug to you, Special Person.
Jane Doe says
Awwww shucks, Aqua, I’m blushing. Thank you! Hugs to you too!
Paolo says
Jane Doe. This is really true. It happened to me as well. What you wrote is very important advice for anyone leaving. You have to prepare because scientology will attack all of your commlines.
Jane Doe says
Right on Paolo. I wish you well in creating your life and flourishing and prospering.
Hallie Jane says
Oh dear Jane Doe. The shit hit the fan, eh? I make a mean Xmas dinner and you’re welcome.
Jane Doe says
Yep it hit the fan for me, and now for a friend of mine too. He is going through an SP Declare, disconnection of his family, and a very un-amicable divorce all at the same time. I am helping him by being a terminal for him and doing things to help. I am encouraging him to come join the Indie world where he will be welcomed and validated. LA is being purged by DM and his OSA monkeys. Thanks for the invite Hallie Jane… it means the world to me! But I”m going to see family that I was insufferably “better than” for years. I am going to mend the fences, build ARC, and apologize for being such a condescending prick to them for years when I bought the “we are better than them” think under corporate Scn. Wish me luck!
FG says
Yes Jane… It’s exactly what you said. One has to be aware of consequences. You have to bring your reality to people before they are made to disconnect from you. With GAT2, DM has given again the illusion he was making it, and they all renew their loyalty to the party.
All their “maybe” has been wiped out. And those who would listen to you will not. But their reality will change again. But for now they seem to be in control, but it’s just an illusion.
Jane Doe says
Gerhard Waterkamp says
There are two books that may clear up the question how David Miscavige could corrupt the subject. A hard read my friend but here they are: “Barefaced Messiah” and “Going Clear, Scientology, Hollywood and the prison of belief.”
It will answer your questions how Miscavige was able to take over the church. It will leave you stuck some with another question, how such a technology,- we all know is capable of doing great things for an individual, – could evolve under those circumstances.
mwesten says
How will you “change the current management”? What will you do differently to all those before you who failed? How will you remove DM and his cronies? How will you erase 6 decades of abuse, lies and deceit? How will you erase it from org culture? How will you persuade people that the tech does indeed belong in an organised “church”? That you deserve religious/charitable status for selling an expensive abreaction therapy?
I mean no offence but I believe you are seriously deluded if you think you can salvage this “church”. Many before you believed the same thing. Wasn’t it Einstein who said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results? What makes you so different?
“Hope is simply a future possibility that one might have an effect on something and is a substitute for being able to have it on something now.” — LRH, 30 December 1957, Cause and Effect – Education, Unknowing Effect. Ability Congress.
Formost says
Even here we have divisions between those who deliver Scientology and provide training to the public and those who exclusively make a career living on natterblogs with no further participation in the subject. Here you can associate with whomever you want, no requirement to be nice to every CO$ money-caller to keep your butt out of the MAA’s office.
Jane Doe says
Foremost, where or who did the quote come from that you start your post with? Just curious.
Formost says
candide says
December 16, 2013 at 5:08 pm
Peter says
Response to Candide: I think you are very judgemental regarding the indies and rigid in your thinking. They’ve shown their ethics and integrity by leaving the suppressive group and carrying forward the tech.
In truth, I would love to see no major organization of scientology again. Back when I was in, over 3 decades ago, the Missions were where it was consistently happening. There were few ethics problems, consistently high production, and a great deal of fun occurring along with other positive things. No group ever became strong enough to dominate any other group, and no one wanted to try. Without the “central” church, there will be no further David Misconceiveds taking control. Ten thousand missions would have a far better chance to “spread the word” than 500 “Ideal” orgs would ever be able to do. BIG organizations are necessarily awkward and clumsy. Lord knows we’ve watched that happen over the past 30 years or so.
The tech will NOT remain precisely as it is. Nor, to my way of thinking, should it. To grow is to change and more David Mayo’s will come along, testing things to improve them. Discovering and trying out expanded ideas is the hallmark of true expansion. Those things that don’t actually work in the marketplace will either be corrected or trashed.
Hubbard was not the only person in the world to have an idea. There are millions of highly intelligent people out there changing the world for the better. Most have never heard of – nor will they – of scientology, its tech, its faulty ethics system or anything else about it. And that, too, is as it should be.
Freedom means to be FREE, not to slavishly follow *only* the work of one man. Hubbard, as every other human I’ve met or dealt with, was a flawed being. His living habits,his drug use, his botched family life, his treatment of others, his demand that only HE had the answers to life, his incessant need to attack, attack, attack, GUARANTEED that scientology, in that form, would fail, as all dictatorships have always failed. No matter the intentions at the beginning, they alway change into something anti life.
At the moment, Misconceived is the ruler of a dying organization. It’s life blood, new public, is, at best, a minor trickle. The purpose of making great auditors who produce winning pcs/OTs has been abandoned. Who in their right mind would desire to take over such a debacle? Choosing a wrecked vehicle over a newly built one seems quite illogical to me. But, of course, you are FREE to try.
GP, I don’t think you need explain yourself beyond what you, yourself, desire to do. That, too, is FREEDOM. And those who attempt to coerce you to do otherwise, to do what THEY think, are exactly the kind of people I wanted to leave behind when I was graduated from scientology.
God speed to us all.
Penny says
Great post Peter! “Freedom means to be free”.
Here are the Random House definitions of the word:
Are Scientologists in the current RCS free? I do not think so.
Graduated says
Spot-on, Peter. Well said.
Jens TINGLEFF says
One slight issue with reform from the inside (other than how to do it) is the liability for compensating the victims of the crimes of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.
In France this organisation is already convicted of organised criminal fraud. (Look at the blog “infinite complacency” for an excellent English language write-up of years of litigation.)
If the “ethics” folders were not destroyed, what would come out? Would you be forced to keep the contents of the “ethics” folders confidential to protect the organisation? Even if you realise that these folders contain evidence of crimes? (The French victims should inform themselves about Alain Stoffen’s “ethics” folder debacle.)
Ed Kette says
Dear GP:
Thank you for being there and writing it.
The more Scientologist read this blog, JohnPCapitalist’s, therealAskTheScientologist’s, the more theta will be regained and dirty mushroom will be put in his real earned position.
cotch says
I keep thinking of the LRH datum, you get the condition you fail to assign and wonder how that will manifest for those still in. Daves condition is treason, that has spread to the whole church now. OTCs are willing and able to send into bankruptcy their fellow church members to support the ias et al fraud. So they are now in treason too. Meanwhile I know of at least 2 major OTC members who have gone broke themselves, one whose marriage has collapsed, and I am off the lines, not privy to all the info.
I DO NOT want my name associated with that organization any more!!
And what is also interesting is that in talking to people about Scientology, they are actually interested and in comm if you tell them you are not a part of the church. Put daves head on the pike where it belongs, and people talk to you.
So I agree GP, now is the time, actually now is way way past the time. So to all the whistleblowers out there, when I had my head in the sand, you yanked it out, I had a look around and saw reality for the first time in ages, Thankyou!!
Also I must say, in doing that, and a quick, great cleanup from a competent Independent, the wins that had been suppressed under the church then flowed back in. Lifes been good ever since!! So thankyou, also to the Independents, keeping the Tech alive!!
Idle Morgue says
Cotch – the OT Committee ,members are a joke…no one is really there. Sure – Gold comes to the Org and gets people to sit in for PR Photos…but the OT Committee’s pretty much are a joke. They get nothing done in the Org I went to and I was new and tried to help but there was no “group”. All I encountered were STOPS from upper management and it was clear that upper management was NOT going to spend money on anything including Toilet Paper for the Org.
There are no friendships that are real in Scientology. No new public, nothing getting done that is of value. I personally witnessed these facts with OT’s: Cancer, Divorces, illnesses, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, early deaths, not able to communicate, no care or concern for anyone other than the “stat” they are after.
Scientology has turned into a faux religion…faking everything including their “OT-ness” That was 3 years ago and I am sure it has only gotten worse. I saw OT 7’s and 8’s just stay away….and eventually dwindle down across their dynamics. Scientology is a dark and empty hole that sucks the energy and money out of everyone that comes within its reach. In our area – it is known as an evil cult that destroys in the name of help! ARC is used to manipulate and no one cares about anyone.
There are a few die hard families holding open the Org’s putting up with unbearable abuse from management but so heavily invested with free labor and money…they have to be RIGHT.
I guess it may kill them if they knew the truth. It is going to be a tough truth to confront if and when they LOOK. Some may never LOOK and will die to be right.
Poor souls!
Lookingin says
Civil disobedience along with those have bared their chests to the onslaught of arrows has resulted in more exposure of the insanity that has prevailed in this group called Scientology. I have helped more than a few people wake up and leave in the way you have suggested. And yes, you will be surprised by some as they were having the same thoughts as yours and didn’t know how to broach the subject. Take the lead and one person enlightened is one more person out.
KRoycee says
My husband has been FSM to a selectee for over twenty years. That person has been on lines at his local org for all that time with the sole purpose of attaining the state of Clear. He finally left the church and received auditing from an Indie auditor (Hayden James) and after three intensives, IIRC, he went Clear. Twenty years at the org and he never got to Clear!!!!! (Like those exclamation marks, OSA?) So, yes, real auditing is being done in the field, right now. That’s the only way to go if you are interested in receiving Scn auditing and making the gains that are available through that technology.
Jane Doe says
Well done Hayden for making a Clear in the Indie field! Yea! The tech works and is alive and well in the field in the hands of standard auditors. So nice to hear this win.
Hallie Jane says
Doug Parent says
I just want to echo KRoycee in saying that the most expedient way of going up the bridge is as far away from the Corp Miscavige version of Scientology as possible. Indie auditors have no other agenda other than giving good auditing and the persons gains. No other agenda. I spent 30 years in the Church/Cult chasing Clear and OT and accomplished only what I could by aligning myself with others who had the same goal. (Thanks Rita) I have made more bridge progress by leaving the cult in the space of a year and half versus 30 in the cult. STUCK AT CLEAR? Church won’t let you get auditing? Church making you disconnect from family/friends who aren’t posing a direct problem for you? Is the church creating a problem? Is the church demanding more money than you can come up with for services? Guess what, now you have a choice. Here it is. A. Stay PTS and stay stuck and stay broke. B) Go up the bridge and get what you came into Scientology in the first place. There are no other options.
Conan says
Galactic Patrol,
Wonderful write up, thanks.
Here is a view from a doctor’s perspective, of what happens to us when we fail to confront those situations we have noticed.
From the book “When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection” by Gabor Mate MD:
“Illness not only has a history but also tells a history. It is a culmination of a lifelong history of struggle for self.
From a simple biological perspective, it may appear that the survival of the physical organism ought to be nature’s ultimate goal. It would seem, however, that the existence of an autonomous, self-regulating psyche is nature’s higher purpose.
Mind and spirit can survive grievous physical injury, but time and again we see that the physical body begins to succumb when psychic integrity and freedom are jeopardized.”
“The same influences that the organism is most likely to interpret as emotionally stressful, are not surprisingly, also the most powerful psychic triggers for the HPA axis:
“Psychological factors such as uncertainty, conflict, lack of control, and lack of information, etc. are considered the most stressful stimuli and strongly activate the HPA axis.
Sense of control and consummatory behavior results in immediate suppression of HPA activity.”
Consummatory behavior – from the Latin consummare, “to complete”- is behavior that removes the danger or relieves the tension caused by it.
We recall that stress-inducing stimuli are not always objective external threats like predators or potential physical disasters but also include internal perceptions that something we consider essential is lacking. This is why lack of control, lack of information-and, as we will see, unsatisfied emotional needs (e.g., lack of love), trigger the HPA axis.
Consummation of such needs abolishes the stress response. “
Mike Leopold says
Very well said! Especially the last…
Roxy says
Yes, “LOOK, DON’T LISTEN” should be the repetitive command given to anyone still in and that it should continue to be given until such time as the person/people still in actually comply. Galactic Patrol’s article here is another form of it. I hope many “still-ins” who read this realize just how important it is.
HolyCash says
This is a very inspiring and compassionate message. I would add this if it helps:
If you were told when you joined Scientology that it meant:
a) you agreed to not think for yourself,
b) you desired to not speak honestly,
c) you wanted to be afraid of voicing your opinions, and
d) you longed to sacrifice your family and friends for status in eternity,
would you still have signed up?
If not, then you never made this agreement with the group so why would you need permission to speak honestly with your family and friends now?
Zana says
Great point.
MaBű says
Katie Holmes planning and execution was state of the art flawless.
Here is an article about the Safe Point for those under the radar.
Here is a thread (MaBű | July 23, 2012 at 9:49 pm) discussing Katie Holmes implementation of the Safe Point (she probably used her own common sense instead of LRH’s reference).
Jane Doe says
Galactic Patrol, you said what I’ve been thinking for a long time. And you said it better than I ever could. Thank you! I want your article to be sent anonymously to every Scn still in the church and every Scn still in the SO or on staff. This message needs to get out there. Thank you Mike for publishing GP’s article. And I do have to ask, why using the fake name? Why not your own name on this wonderful article?
Galactic Patrol says
Thank you Jane Doe. See my answer to Dani above. I’m just not in a place I can come out yet.
My message is what is important for now, not me. I hope the lurkers and still-ins who are reading this understand that. I’m not saying they should come out publicly. I’m just saying that should get out by any means necessary.
I am sure that in good time I will make myself known and you guys will be the first to hear about it.
Hallie Jane says
You, your viewpoint, your comm and your well being are all extremely important. 🙂
Al Brown says
Yes GP. Make your own decision about it. That’s what I did. I posted under an assumed name for a long time before using my actual name as I do now. Mike Rinder wrote a post or an article about this subject around 2 or 3 years ago regarding how different people travel different paths in making themselves fully known. That article at the time made me feel really sane about taking the gradient that I did take as it made me recognize that everyone was right regardless of which path they were on as long as their path lead to more freedom and happiness to help themselves and others. Mike’s article made people right…..maybe Mike remembers this post and will post it again sometime. He might have had it posted on Marty’s site at the time.
Mary Rathernotsay says
I could not agree more, Al.
Certain posters here seem to have a martyr complex. That’s fine for those folks who wish to be martyrs. My view is many people feel that they have sacrificed enough already.
He who feels that he has a right to lecture other posters on “Integrity” is off the rails. Your first Integrity should be to yourself. Not to anyone else’s opinion.
I have a good idea that once COB is forced to depose or flee, and the dirty laundry gets very publicly aired, at that point many more people will come out from under the radar. Because it will literally become safer to do so. I congratulate and admire those who stuck their necks out for all of us. They are heroes. At the same time I don’t hear Mike or Marty trying to persuade everyone else that it is perfectly safe to come out from their alias. They have given their reader’s that respect. Let each make his or her own choice in this matter.
I appreciate GPs letter. I appreciate Mike posting it. I appreciate Mike allowing those of us who chose to, to post under alias.
And I appreciate everyone’s courage- in whatever degree it manifests.
Jane Doe says
Martin Padfield says
Very well said Galactic Patrol. You only might have added as a PS: Oh and by the way, Miscavige isn’t just the Mother of all Squirrels, he is also a classic, textbook SP, or Sociopath perhaps more accurately, who revels in belittling, hazing, enslaving, punishing and even torturing his own staff. He is under a Temporary Restraining Order for harassment, and his violence and unusual punishment regimen is now a matter of court record – see Debbie Cook’s testimony easily found online.
Still on your side says
Thank you Martin Padfield for reminding everyone of the restraining order against Miscavige. The lies and glossy PR of Karen Pouw et al can’t get rid of that fact. Not one legitimate leader of a western religion in recent history has had a court issue an injunction against him for harassing a woman who was never a member of his church. It is unprecedented and shameful. Miscavige thought his army of lawyers would make short work of Monique Rathbun’s lawsuit within two weeks. Yet, it is now four months later, and not only is the lawsuit still active against Miscavige, three days ago the court ordered him to submit to a deposition because the court found there to be an issue about whether he has ever conducted business in Texas. In other words, the judge isn’t taking Miscavige at his word. To the contrary, the judge clearly thinks Miscavige has a credibility problem.
I often hear of the Scientologist credo that one need only be concerned with what is true for you based on what you have observed to be true, but I almost never see that in action. That is surprising. I would expect that credo to be alive and well, especially among ex-members. I am not saying that ex-members deliberately misrepresent what is true for them. Instead, I see ex-members, and an increasing number of disaffected current members, not seeing what is directly in front of them, perhaps because they have suffered so much abuse over the years their psyche won’t let them see what is true.
Today is the four month anniversary of Monique Rathbun’s lawsuit against Miscavige and that lawsuit is still going strong. There are empty Idle Morgues around the world. A bare 3,000 people showed up to the “biggest event in church history.” Current members are openly discussing the situation inside the church on the Internet. Another celebrity has left the church and the gossip sites and magazines are supporting her. If you look at these events by themselves, you miss the bigger picture. An apt analogy would be four people trying to figure out what an elephant is by feeling its body parts in the dark. If you add the events up, it is clear that the church is approaching critical mass, an explosion is coming. It doesn’t matter whether you remain anonymous, the only question is whether you see the elephant and understand that what was true for thirty years is no longer true. Miscavige’s old games aren’t working, and the church is in very serious trouble.
Galactic Patrol says
Zephyr says
Excellent message Mike, especially around this time of the year.
Somehow we want everybody to make it as far as possible without being subjugated to ‘Reverse Scientology’ and/or ‘Black Dianetics’. Personal integrity is the best starting point!
stevenpoore2012 says
Simple, Concise. Perfect!
Dani Lemberger says
Hello “Galactic Patrol”,
Thank you for your article and I definitely agree with what you say.
My wife, my friends and I have traveled the route you propose. We have reached the same conclusions and have made our position public, with an impact on many more. For me, the contents of your article is totally true.
And yet, as a friend, I must let you know that I take issue with you publishing your article incognito, without putting your name on it. I would even say to my close friend, Mike Rinder, that he possibly erred in publishing the article without a name.
If you urge others to look for themselves and make a decision, you are in fact asking them to do their Doubt Formula and get de-PTS-ed. You are absolutely right, that is what people need to do. Yet if you don’t publish your name, thought comes to my mind that maybe you are still hiding, still “under-the-radar, still PTS.
I may be missing something, since I do not know who you are and what your personal circumstances are.
I’ll be glad if you clarify or respond, Dani
Galactic Patrol says
Dear Dani,
You are 100% correct that you do not know my life and you do not know what my personal circumstances are. Putting out my words and my ideas are the best I can do right now. My name is of secondary importance to those.
I am in a world of hurt and I am re-establishing my life and my comm lines as best I can. The wounds are still very fresh. Perhaps when I have my life in a more stable place, when I have my friends and family stable and am in a place where being attacked by the Church for who I am will not be as catastrophic as it would be right now. I deeply admire Mark, Mike, Tony O, you and anyone else who puts their names out on the front lines. I intend to be there myself some day. But not yet.
Perhaps it will sound like justification to your ears, but I am doing something and I am urging others who are still in to do the same. In case there is any question, I am not still in and I am considered by the Church to be in bad standing. I am not formally declared, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time until I am.
If you want more, I’m sorry to disappoint you. This is what you get for now. I do have more planned. More ideas to write about, more things I can do to urge others I am in personal contact with to get out. I hope this clarifies my position.
Idle Morgue says
Big Hug GP!! I think we all understand your pain!! Big hug!!
Hallie Jane says
You do what you damn well please GP. We all have our own viewpoint, dynamics, track, priorities and sense of time frame. Get up each morning, read the code of honor and do what you think is right. We embarked on a journey to achieve new awareness’ and abilities, not to have someone else make our decisions for us. Gains can only be made from one’s own point of view. I know people who are very bitter because they allowed the church to insinuate into their code of honor. It’s the overts on ourselves and those we love that hurt the most. Do what YOU think is right and make no apologies.
Tony DePhillips says
Hi Galactic Patrol,
I enjoyed your communication.
I think a person can de-PTS themselves on a gradient. Becoming more and more cause as they fix things up along the way. I think if each person does more and more to expose the truth and to put in order then things will continue to get better.
Since people are basically good I think they will do this natively once they find their item. The cob has been suppressing for too long and I really feel his reign of terror is coming to a close. It may not happen this year (or it may) It may not even happen in five years, but if people keep communicating then the truth will eventually overtake the lies.
People like Dani and Mike Rinder and other notables have taken on a large sphere of responsibility and they probably do so out of their own high ethics and integrity levels. Having this level of confront has its own rewards in life.
From your communication you sound like you have done a lot to support the goals of making the planet a better place. Thank you for what you have done and for what you are doing now.
Jens TINGLEFF says
Given that more than 2100 people have stood up and used their real names, I would say that there is not a great need for anyone to do more than what they feel comfortable with.
Idle Morgue says
Dani – it is not up to you to tell people to go public.
It is what he says that matters…if he does not want to go public and have his family disconnect, lose business connections etc, that is HIS decision. Glad to have his comments because he obviously knows from the inside…on how the insiders feel…and that is what is important. THANK YOU GP – for posting this – you are spot on my friend!!
Galactic Patrol says
Thank you Idle Morgue. Thank you very much.
Zana says
I agree. No need to come out right now. I’m still under the radar because I have business associates whom I don’t want to upset. Also, I don’t want to be Fair Gamed. I just want to lead a calm and productive life now that I’m away from the harassment and return to galvanizing my business — which went way down because of PTS-ness to the cult. You will know when it will be right for you to go public. Just as I will know. I’m not a big enough fish for it to make any difference to anyone. Even so, I’m not willing to test my luck and be Fair Gamed or destroy my livelihood when I can just rise above all this and watch it from the air. I have helped a few people on the fence… however I don’t have enough support from anyone to take on Co$ by myself. Dani and his family and his associates were together in this and moved forward as a unit. Their game was to create clears as a life’s purpose. My life purpose is different from that. My inner voice tells me not to be a target for someone shooting arrows until I’m high enough in the air that the arrows can’t take me down.
Glad you’re out. Glad I’m out. Whew. I don’t feel so stupid when I hear other peoples’ stories. It helps.
Thank you again for patrolling for us, GP.
Cooper Kessel says
Idle Morgue,
Please reread the Creed (of a Scientologist) and note that Dani is simply saying what is true for him based on what he has observed to be true.
It absolutely is up to Dani to be able to speak freely on any subject as he sees fit and I am here to back up his right to do so. If (we) as a group had not been so stuck in fear and had done exactly what Dani is doing and suggesting we all do then I think we would not be looking at the epic FAIL that Scientology has become.
For gawds sake, grow a pair and speak your truth and don’t attack (or make less of) those who do choose to do so and who encourage others to do the same.
Anyone wanting to have a chat or needing assistance can call me at 209-928-4822.
That goes for you too Davey.
Idle Morgue says
Cooper – I will say whatever I want to say, thank you. …and I will say it again – it is not okay for Dani to try to make less of anyone who leaves Scientology and WANTS to remain anonymous! Grow some human abilities of compassion and understanding, FOR GAWDS SAKE!
Idle Morgue says
BTW Cooper – I am NOT a Scientologist anymore. I am excercising my human rights to think freely, speak freely and practice any religion I wish to. No one but GOD (and last time I looked Cooper – you are not God) can take away those rights. So take the creed and follow it yourself if you are a Scientologist!! For me – I am a human being and I believe in God! Peace!
Chris Mann says
After years of this now I don’t really understand being “under the radar”. How long are people going to be under? 10-20 more years? Maybe when Miscavige dies of old age in 30 years it will be less risky
Cooper Kessel says
If you want to chat Idle, give me a call.
Al Brown says
I’ve been thinking that in the next election I will probably vote for Cooper to take the God job. Cooper seems qualified.
Dani Lemberger says
Dear GP, IM, Coop and Zana,
Isn’t it great we can disagree, communicate and exchange viewpoints? (Having open comm is even more valuable than the actual contents, I believe.)
I am glad this came up for discussion. I hope my comment was not over-provocative or offensive to anyone. But then, we Israelis do have a reputation for chutzpah.
I am not in a position to judge anyone or even make suggestions, not knowing what the individual consequences might be. It is true that I was fortunate to leave with my family and group intact.
However, my observation is that staying “UTR” (under-the-radar) is more damage in the long term. I have been doing ethics consultations with the public of Dror for over twenty years. Time and again I saw people trying to make up their minds about something in their lives and having to go through Doubt. The sticking point has always been Step 6. “… announce the fact publicly to both sides.”
The person considers he has decided but then cannot tell those concerned. Right there he’s stuck, oftentimes for years, at “Hang-up at Doubt”, and the decision nullified. What is unconfrontable now, or seems unhandleable, we postpone to some future date. But then we’re bogged down in it, not free yet from a previous allegiance and hampered in creating our own future.
Those who fear being “fair gamed” or reprisal from the Church, I suspect are out of PT. (Here I go judging others again). The good news, as I know it, is DM & his minions have been defanged, have become toothless, confused, dazed. Marty, Mike, Luis, Debbie and others have stood up formidably and have taken a beating for us all. DM and his mob are done, finished. There are too many of us now, they cannot go after anyone, definitely not after everyone.
The more of us come out in the open, the more will follow suit. The trickle will become a flood, the godly “Tipping Point” sooner to come.
Coop has offered help, I am willing to give any support I can ([email protected]).
Thank you for being there and communicating, Dani
Tony DePhillips says
Hi Dani,
I agree with most of what you say. The handling for hang up a doubt is false data stripping and PTS handlings. I would argue that reading the blogs could constitute as both and then communicating on the blogs could then start to be slight gentle cause over the suppression. Finding other sources of income, safe pointing friends, etc, could be part of the PTS handling prior to making a big announcement.
Thanks for doing what you do.
Jane Doe says
Dani, I agree with what you say. But one little sticking point for those in LA. You are in Israel. It is harder for the church to send goons to fair game you there. The ones of us who live in LA can be fair gamed quite easily as it is in their same city and close to the org. I’d love to hear from some LA Indies who live within driving distance of the org, what kind of Fair Gaming has gone on for them. Michael Fairman was very much fair gamed. But then again, he was a big fish and he made a big splash when he went public, so maybe that is not an equal comparison.
Aviv Bershadsky says
Hi Jane,
Thank you for your comment. I would disagree on this point. I live in Israel and I work with Dani at the Dror Center. The moment we went public, the Church sent its staff from Tel-Aviv Org to third party each of our public and friends against us. This caused us and myself personally great losses of friends and financial difficulties. But I can not care less. I did not do the public announcement because I counted that it would bring a lesser damage to me. I did it because I believed it is the right thing to do and I still feel great with this decision despite any losses I had. It doesn’t matter if it’s LA, Israel or Antarctica. Personal Integrity is just Personal Integrity no matter where you are.
Dani Lemberger says
Thank you Tony and Jane,
My partner Aviv has made a blunt statement. Again, Israeli brashness.
I think it would be very different if we “indie” Scientologists got organized in some fashion. If people had a group to join when they left the church, life would be much easier. There’s actually thousands of us, I personally know hundreds, but we have no network, no support system, no firm group with resources to carry forward the message.
Without this association or group, people feel vulnerable and have to be careful. Maybe it’s time for us to act in a coordinated fashion.
And, of course, Ethics is a personal matter and I’m in no position to force my ideas. If I could just force one idea across, it’ll be to have DM jump off the GG Bridge.
Just from my experience over the past year, those I know who’ve “gone public”, are free and happy, many going back up the Bridge. Those I know who are careful about it, it acts on them like a withhold, making them unhappy and unable to make progress.
We at Dror give service to those “above” or “under the radar”. We don’t judge nor prod. But there’s much more space outside, come join us.
Tony DePhillips says
I fully agree that a coordinated effort and group would be very desirable. I went to the first two Indy group parties and had a great time and then they started to breakup for different reasons. I think it would be better to have a group that shared a common denominator such as “freedom fighters against the cob” or something where there won’t be squabbling about the tech and “what is standard” and such. A group that would have broad interest amongst a large percentage of ex RCS members and even non Scientologists too. This group could garner donations for protection of whistleblowers and things of this nature as well as camaraderie.
Jane Doe says
Tony de Phillips I am totally with you on this! You are so right about this. In fact an Indie friend and I were discussing this very subject only yesterday — the need for a group, the need to be united as Indies and have a functioning group of us instead of a bunch of solo practitioners etc who want to go it alone. A bunch of only ones does not a group make. LRH says that OTs survive better with other OTs. He also said that what got us in the soup in the first place was our failure to organize and form efficient groups. He said the war between the meat bodies and the thetans was won by the inferior group (the mest bodies) because of the failure of the thetans and OTs to organize. The meat bodies were very organized and that is why they won. I have subjective reality on that for sure! It isn’t just blind faith of believing what LRH wrote about how we need to form a group and organize…. I have run the WT incidents on this and believe me, I lost in those incidents. So let’s not be knuckle-headed about it now. Let’s take the tech and use it to form a strong juggernaut. We could really do some damage to DM and the church and bring it down years sooner than it would have come down naturally if left on its own. And that will save a lot of people from utter ruination. And let’s put aside our little internal squabbles. Let’s look at the bigger picture and pull together.
Idle Morgue says
Dani – we are all familiar with the tech and would it not be great if everyone could state their name – GP was step one of leaving and announcing publically he is out and why. Not everyone has a group to leave with like you did so it is a bit easier when you have support. Scientology is designed to destroy families and it does – that is very real. I don’t believe you lost any family members but I don’t know for sure and would not begin to know your pain of leaving – I am sure you had your share of upsets associated with leaving corporate scientology. I do absolutely commend you for doing what you did and having the strength to set up a independent scene. You have a true group that can ban together. Where I am – there is no true friendships that I have had in Scientology – I got in recently and there is no real honest love amongst the people. It is a sad scene….everything is pretend and fake ARC. Once a staff or public has their stat – they toss you aside like a piece of trash. All I can say is unless you have support – it is very difficult. Not to mention – some of us don’t want ANYONE to know we were ever in Scientology due to the horrific reputation it has in the public’s eyes. I had lots of losses by being in Scientology – friends and business due to the crazy stuff Scientology has done to people…and I had no clue why – until I LOOKED. I am embarrassed to ever admit to being a Scientologist. Also – by staying anon – I got people out! I can do more damage remaining anon and need no ones blessing or approval to remain anon. Unfortunately, we are dealing with an evil cult that takes our hard earned money and sues and harasses anyone who tries to fix their criminal ways of “being, doing and having”. Scientology spends more money on their fake PR and hiding their crimes than actually helping anyone.
Doug Parent says
Excellent posting Galactic Patrol. Great posting. Dani I wanted to chime in on your point. I agree to an extent but I have observed that there is a gradient that enables a person to de-PTS themselves from the cult. Posting on the internet anonymously is one important gradient and a significant step towards freedom. The gradient before that is gaining the courage to go on the internet in the first place. Once a person reads enough of other peoples experience’s of abuse, whether posted anonymously or not, they gain the courage to take another step and then another. I believe any and all communication about the abuses of the Scientology Crime Syndicate are welcome and serve a purpose.
Hallie Jane says
Great point Doug, respecting gradients can be very disenturbulating.
overrunincalif says
I think it’s great that people come out and publish their name for all to see.
But it’s totally OK if you don’t. Varying circumstances etc. Personally I’m in good standing, (as far as I know) but have lots of disagreements with the COS. Enough so that I will never support them again. But I also have the ability to fly under the radar right up to their front steps, fold my wings and walk into the bldg. I hate the fact that the worst enemies for the “church” are it’s own former members. Well that’s another story completely. But for now, I’m not on the fence, I’m watching from behind it.
Globetrotter says
Dany, I am also not giving my name and I am definitely out, if only in “passive resistance” (haven’t been near the “church” in years so they probably suspect as much that I’m seriously “disaffected” but they probably don’t know that I’m TOTALLY out). So why am I not putting my name out there?
I have a lot of good friends who are on-lines Scientologists. They are truly good people in my estimation (or they wouldn’t be my friends). By confronting the church and openly leaving, I would allow this “church” to ruin some of those comm lines. I am not a “freedom fighter” who would die for the cause to expose this “church” (although if they started screwing with me like they did with others, I would definitely fight back and it would hurt them – I have a ton of connections, and unlike the “church”, I have rock solid credibility). I simply don’t care about this “church” any longer. But I do care about my friends and that means protecting my comm lines, and currently the best strategy I could come up with is being “under the radar”.
I shared my views and probably contributed significantly to 4 of my friends quietly leaving so far. I openly discuss the situation in the church with them with the mutual understanding that these conversations stay between us. I also worked very hard to help open the eyes of one of my best friends who first wouldn’t have any of it, and I was taking a risk on losing him – in which case he would have also reported on me to the church which would mean I would now officially be a Special Person. So I took a chance but friends do that for friends, and now he is also out, in “passive resistance” and is a regular reader of this blog.
This has worked for me. I’m not being attacked, I’m not declared, I don’t have to deal with the chaos of my friends disconnecting from me, etc.
Scientology used to be my religion, but it no longer is. I use a lot of things I learned from LRH as I found tremendous value in some of those things. But I am not “following” LRH or Scientology or the church any more.
I could say it is like The Art of War, and I’m fighting it my way, which would have some truth to it, but it is much less heroic than that. I want to get on with my life with the least amount of chaos and unnecessary distraction. The “church” became an antidote to what I believed in while I was “in”, which is the reason for my leaving it behind. The same “church” wants to fiercely FIGHT those who turn against it. I have no reason or need to have that confrontation and go to battle. For what? LRH’s work, which I find valuable, doesn’t need “protecting”. It’s there for anyone to use. The internet is a hell of a lot more effective “Preservation of the Tech” project than the church’s metal plates. Want to preserve it? Don’t hide it – put it all over the place.
Anyway, the church wants to fight those who leave, but I don’t want to fight with the church. So I just stay away.
As LRH himself said in the Hymn of Asia:
If a ruler rules well
Assist him
If he rules with violence
Do not assist him
And let that be
His penalty.
ed says
Makes sense to me. I’m fully out and auditing as an indie. But by being under the radar but openly refusing to participate I didn’t immediately lose business connections, and so far have gotten one person fully out and two more to cognite. And they have connections. So I think I’m having more impact by being incognito. It’s subtle but working.
NeverClear says
I totally understand your need for a pseudonym. When the time is right, you will know and you will have hundreds, if not thousands, of people behind you. Dani is right in one respect, giving your name will make a bigger impact, but you have to prepared for the good and the bad that comes with it.
Galactic Patrol says
Thank you and I agree with what you are doing completely. Sometimes we are in a position (for now) to do more good by staying “inside” and working our magic with our friends and family while they are still willing to communicate with us. Once you have shed that cloak and “come out” there is no going back ever. And the Church makes damn sure that every single person they can reach knows it.
So I fully support what you are doing in running an “underground railroad” of sorts and I hope you continue. Every action like this contributes to taking money out of Scientology’s coffers and more and more people away from that group. And right now that is what is needed.
Globetrotter says
… plus as an added benefit, we still have a chance to go and check out the oiliness table in person! 🙂
Hallie Jane says
Dani, I appreciate very much, your desire for total transparency and honesty, it is my desire too. That said, and with all due respect, I take issue with broadly indicating that anyone, not totally out, is PTS. This could easily be a wrong indication for many, is not necessarily true and is frankly, not for you to decide. A stock in trade of the rcs, is to tell someone they’re out ethics when they’re not, or pts when they’re not, or have overts when they don’t. It’s eval, inval and out tech and it’s not the purview of random people to decide these things, about another’s life. This is between you, your auditor and your god if you have one. Pts is a very specific technical condition, beings can be under extremely challenging conditions and NOT be pts. I would like to see a new era of respect for privacy of spiritual matters in scn. We are all traveling very personal roads, one may have small children to protect, one may have insufficient information, one may have limited experience, one may have a wife on solo nots, so he may want to zip it for awhile to not interfere with her wins……………! (hint for Dani) I respected the time it took my husband to come around because I respected him, not because I was afraid to come out. After all the damage to families in scn, I respect people putting their families first, when they’re making major decisions, taking the time and contemplation they need. The doubt formula never indicated to me because I was never in doubt about scn. What I realized is that scn was a liability TO me. Then I started looking and communicating and realized the church was actually in confusion, because scn itself was absent from everything I was experiencing. I’m sure my journey was very unique, as was yours and every other unique spiritual being. I appreciate what you’re doing very much Dani and would like to see the indie 500 list hit 10,000! I truly believe that LRH would be utterly disgusted with the rcs, so I’m very proud to be on the list. of my Special Person status and the good company I keep.
Dani Lemberger says
Dear Hallie Jane (AKA Dora),
It may come as a surprise, but I agree with every word you say. In practice, there is no difference between us. I have many close friends who are UTR (under-the-radar) or OLIGS (Off-Lines-In-Good-Standing). It is not for me to dictate to another what they should do, and I have never done so.
You and I may be using the term “PTS” with different definitions. Per LRH, if a person cannot complete Doubt Formula, he is hung up at Doubt which is PTSness.
PTS is not used as a derogatory or to insult or invalidate anyone. It’s just a condition one is in. I spent years in the Church, made a fool by DM and his apparatus, taken advantage of, bilked of money and years of my life. I was worse than PTS, I was an idiot. Many other left in 1982, I only left in 2012.
If a person is under threat or intimidated or for any reason cannot speak up, then I understand this to be a condition of PTSness.
Those friends of mine who are being careful not to be found out are restraining themselves and prolonging their own suffering. Like, if you need to pull out a tooth, just confront it, get it done fast, get it over with. It’s their life, I don’t tell no one what to do. I’m just sharing with you my observations and thoughts on it.
Hope this clarifies, Dani
Cooper Kessel says
Well put Dani. Additional data can be found in the reference “Ethics Conditions, Hang Up at Doubt” which goes on to explain that the two reasons for the ‘hang up’ are PTSness, False Data or both.
Sorry I don’t have the Date of the issue but it is definately in the PTS/SP materials for those still interested.
A very good friend of mine left in ’82 and in hindsight I should have been willing to look as well. But I was too PTS to see and was not willing to pull any strings on the false data that was everywhere to be found if one could look.
There is a lot of charge that gets bypassed on the subject of ‘coming out’. It is obviously each persons choice and I am amazed at how much fear tends to reside just behind that Q&A but in the end it is a survival point. One tends to consider that their own survival will be better served by remaining out of sight.
It’s is a lot like the kid afraid to jump off the high dive. Much anguish exists until at last the jump is made. Then it’s all about getting everyone else to do the same because of how fun it is!
It’s great to have a venue to discuss and I also enjoy the fact that Dave reads it as well. Gives us all a comm line to Him who will not be named which did not exist prior to the internet.
Yo Dave, As I mentioned to Idle above, give me a call if you want to chat.
Idle Morgue says
I did not get from GP that he was PTS – in fact – he was “disconnecting from the suppressive group called Scientology” and he was very clear about his decision…never got any doubt from him at all. Maybe Hubbard was wrong by “announcing to both sides” where you stand…especially when the other side uses your money you were fraudulently regged for to fight you in the courts, hire private investigator’s to spy and harass you etc. Hubbard was not 100% right and I find that part of the doubt formula flawed. I believe you don’t have to say anything…you just stay away and you will make some improvement. No need to Chat Cooper – I have said everything I need to say. I agree that it is good to discuss some of the tech – I don’t think it always works as written. I personally have found many flaws in it – especially the “business tech”. I built my own company from the ground up without an Org Board and the green vols…and built a very successful business. No Ivy league degree either – just common sense and I cared about my customers. It is not rocket science where I need 10 (5 inch) green vols to tell me my every move in business. I have not found many Scientologist’s in my area that have any successful businesses too. I will stay away from that stuff and continue to use my years of experience to navigate through life.
Graduated says
@Dani: I understand your viewpoint about UTRs or OLIGS, but must demur on the idea that all such must necessarily be hung up at Doubt and therefore PTS. I would assume that is indeed the case for some who are IN FACT hung up at Doubt, but someone being UTR/OLIGS does not necessarily = hang up at Doubt. (And let us not forget that false data – which is incessantly promoted by both the Reverse C of S [RCS] AND much of the blogosphere – is also a cause of hang up at Doubt, for what is cognitive dissonance if not a hang up at Doubt.) There are many UTRs/OLIGSs who have transcended their cognitive dissonance and made their firm decision about the RCS, announced the fact publicly to both sides on this or other blogs, and moved well up the conditions. That they chose to do so under a pseudonym does not mitigate their achievement of moving from effect to attaining “slight gentle cause” – the EP of a PTS handling.
Stealth is not one of the symptoms of PTSness. Indeed, stealth is a major, prized strategic advantage in any tactical engagement. Why do you think Anonymous remains anonymous? Disclosing identity surrenders vital intelligence and thus vulnerabilities to one’s opposition, restricts freedom of movement and communication, and enables the opposition to get a fix on one’s location for their salvos. Accordingly, baring one’s soul to the Suppressive is not necessarily the wisest tactical move if one wants to remain free of suppression or maintain vital intelligence sources. How well informed would we be if all of Mike’s Special Correspondents just up a decided to add their names to the Indie 500 list?
Conversely, going public by the former leading lights of Scientology is also vital insofar as they are public figures and/or opinion leaders. When they publicly blow the whistle or take legal action with credible time, place, form, and event, that’s highly effective public relations heavy artillery. And it’s their place to do so. But let us not mix practices – Intelligence with Public Relations with PTS tech.
Something that’s unfortunately lost on many Scientologists is the importance of family. Why create a PTS Type A situation with family still in if one doesn’t need to? Particularly if one wants to remain free of PTSness? Wouldn’t that also be counterproductive to one’s efforts in enabling them to find their way out? Such would only be possible through maintaining good roads, fair weather communications. One does not HAVE to be on either extreme of this dichotomy. One does not need to dramatize the offered GPM. In fact, one does not have to participate in any offered games condition. In most circumstances, the “middle way” is the wisest and most effective. By doing so, if one can FDS one’s family out of the RCS, gradiently or en mass, and once again fully applying ARC, granting of beingness, compassion, Axioms and Logics, Chart of Human Evaluation, Auditors Code, Code of a Scientologist, Data Series, the Creed, etc., in their lives, wouldn’t that be a more desirable EP?
Discretion is the better part of valor.
Dani Lemberger says
Thank you Coop and Graduated,
I am elated! Aren’t we having fun with all this “arguing”, going back and forth, saying what we think? Just recently, this would be unthinkable.
Graduated, please let me know when you come out, I’ll congratulate you. Until such time, you’ll make your moves as is best for you.
Coop, the reference is in the Ethics book or the OEC vol’s. Tami told me in detail your story after you guys met with Greta. I salute your integrity and courage.
Hallie Jane says
Thanks for your genuine comm Dani, as usual. I think it’s more productive of learning and healing to not evaluate pts, or not, or, a specific condition such as doubt, for people who are coming to an understanding, that the church has gone to hell. This has been intentionally hidden for a long time. “If pc says it is a wrong item, it is a wrong item.” (law of listing and nulling #5) Of all possible areas, I’ve done the most list correction on condition assignments. The by passed charge can be horrendous. Also there is no minimum or maximum time allowed to apply a condition. I’ve done conditions with many, on their own determinism, for months to get a good and full result. It takes as long as it takes, and taking the time to get a real product doesn’t necessarily mean one is hung up. Conversely, one could feel hung up quickly and then, the pts step could be applied. “Optimum randomity is necessary to learning.” (dn. axiom #74) The important thing is that it indicates to the person being handled. I think it’s important to consider repair of past ethics also in rcs recovery. It’s been helpful to apply conditions to each major compromise, or code of honor violation, so that the past is not biting one in the ass. It can recover self esteem. My personal observation is that wrong indications and items are rampant amongst indies, because the rcs is dishing that out with reckless abandon. For those of us indies, who care about the tech of auditng, I would like to see the auditor’s code in pervasive use, whether used personally or with others, on all flows. Ethics applied as, reason and contemplation toward optimum survival, is all we’re really trying to do, but it will only be successful, if beings apply it with full arcu, on their own determinism, from their own viewpoint and in their own time. NOT the no comm, eval, inval, overt centric, make wrong squirrel crap the rcs has been dishing out. i would like to see a full practice of respect for beings, their privacy, their choices, even their right to crash and burn, on their own determinism, return to the scn community. To those who understand the causal relationship, of truth, as-isness and spiritual gain, it’s the only way to fly.
Hallie Jane says
By the way, I’m not surprised at all that we agree. Great lively discussion!
Jane Doe says
Wow Dora! What an amazingly astute comment. I love your ability to grant beingness and to help see the full picture with more clarity. VWD to you.
Tony DePhillips says
Haley you made some excellent points in your comment.
Hallie Jane says
Love you too Tony, happy holidays!
Jane Doe says
Excellent points Dora. It is true that some people have severe suppression on their lines and don’t go PTS to it. Let’s use the example of a policeman, who faces SP’s on a weekly if not daily basis. He can be connected to cold blooded killers making vicious threats in some cases. And yet he does not go PTS to it. So just because an UTR remains under the radar does not mean that they automatically are PTS to DM or the church. Some do things to remain at gentle cause over it. Maybe for them the gentle cause is just withdrawing energy and support by not giving money, not buying courses or auditing. Maybe they pass on books by Indies to others. And if they want to remain connected to LRH, they listen to LRH on their own or read the references on their own, and continue using LRH tech in their daily lives.
I think the point is well taken that for others to make evaluative statements such as, “You are PTS because you have not come out publicly,” is just not OK because it may not be true. And how does a person who hasn’t even met you have enough data about you and your situation and your case to make that kind of evaluation? If you are told you are PTS when you aren’t, that alone can have big case repercussions from the Wrong Indication, Wrong Item and Out List it creates. Per the LRH on Listing and Nulling, some of the biggest case upsets can come from an Out List.
So I am all for people coming out in their own time as only they know what is best for their own scene. But having said that, I know from talking to other Indies, that once they do come out, they tell me the feeling and relief is wonderful, and might even be as Coop described it, like overcoming the fear of jumping off the high dive and then feeling great about it. I will be coming out soon, as the time is nearing for me. I am proud of my Special Person Declare and proud to be rubbing elbows with the best that Scn had amongst its ranks, the cream of the crop who could see, did see, and then acted on it.
haydn says
Very well said! Re-read George Orwell’s Animal Farm recently. LMAO as I read it. It is well worth a read by anyone still caught in or those who managed to find their way out from under the mechanisms of David “Napoleon” Miscavige and the C of S.
remoteviewed says
Funny you brought up Animal Farm.
I’ve been calling the Church of Scientology the 501ciii Animal Farm for years.
I agree the book gives one an insight on the totalitarian and authoritarian state the Church has become.
Also Nineteen Eighty Four (the actual title of original Penguin Press edition not the CIA’s Congress of Cultural Freedom edition which has the last Chapter edited out) which is so true in many ways when you look at all the cameras that monitor Pac and Flag.
Another good read is Ron’s Essay on Authoritarianism which you can find in Vol 1 of either the newer or the original Tech Vols.
Galatic Patrol,
I’d like to thank you for allowing Mike to post this.
And of course Mike.
I’d like to thank you for posting it.
Of course there are going to be people who demand that you should have posted this under your actual name rather than a pseudonym.
I say ignore ’em.
Freedom of Speech includes the right to remain anonymous or use a nom de guerre.
Like many of our Founding Fathers did when they wrote the Federalist Papers before the American Revolution.
Even Ron did it when he edited Kenneth Goff’s Psychopolitics without attribution.
I’ve done it.
Regarding doubt.
My question is how can one be in doubt to an Organization that has over time gone into treason or lower?
Especially if you still hold the original ideals that Organization had at one time.
As Ronald Reagan once said about the Democratic Party. It was not him who abandoned the Party but that the Party abandoned him.
Many of us feel this way about the Church of Scientology.
richardgrant says
1984 … CIA … Last chapter … What?
remoteviewed says
See the following article:
“The agency also changed the ending of the movie version of ”1984,” disregarding Orwell’s specific instructions that the story not be altered. In the book, the protagonist, Winston Smith, is entirely defeated by the nightmarish totalitarian regime. In the very last line, Orwell writes of Winston, ”He loved Big Brother.” In the movie, Winston and his lover, Julia, are gunned down after Winston defiantly shouts: ”Down with Big Brother!””
I’d also like to add that not only the movie but the book itself that is the American edition had the last chapter completely deleted.
Also the original title was “Nineteen Eighty Four” not “1984′.
Anyway many of us who used to post on the discussion board posted on such arcana many years ago with other links etc. that I can’t seem to find right now thanks to Google’s new algorithm which creates a data bubble.
Allow me to recommend an excellent book on the subject:
richardgrant says
Amazing! Thank you for such a detailed answer. I’ve even taught this book in an English class and never heard this story. It doesn’t seem to be even mentioned in the Wikipedia entry.
Leonore says
Interesting factoire re Nineteen Eighty Four and CIA.
A little side road here, but I read the article and want to comment that while we criticize the CIA for messing with our culture, this was standard counter-espionage, counter-propaganda – tit for tat. I once heard a wonderful lecture on game strategy, and after a lengthy discourse, one clear conclusion could be drawn: “Tit for tat” is just about the most effective game strategy there is for winning. I guess you could say that “West” did win, at least that round.
Jens TINGLEFF says
Google is Your Friend:
richardgrant says
Thanks, Jeff! I really did try to look it up, but I guess I was holding the google cans wrong.
Ex-RPFer says
Well Good on YOU Galactic Patrol! He speaks sooth that is for sure. I didn’t, rather couldn’t, stay as long as he has but everything he has stated there seems more than accurate. In the immortal words of my mother who got into Scientology in 1970 and has FINALLY gotten out, it isn’t Scientology any more. She went on staff with a group of people who were her friends and who wanted nothing more than to help themselves and each other become better people, thereby making the world a better place one person at a time. Scientology hasn’t been that for many years, decades now. I am not sure that it was ever really that but that is another discussion for another time. There are THOUSANDS of people out here waiting, with open arms to help you through the fog of despair and hurt.
Jose Chung says
Galactic Patrol,
It’s like I wrote your letter in my sleep word for word without guzzling
a quart of 100 year old scotch.
That does not make the hangover go away.
The hand writing is on the wall,the numbers don’t lie,and many more cliches.
President of the Kim Kardashian for COB Club
I’m gong back to bed
rockschoolswla says
I feel this was very relevent to the questions I was asking you.
gato rojo says
Very well said, GP!
If I may add one additional thing to your excellent observations….I was in a similar place of being surrounded by RCS SO members for many years, but I was not on the external-facing lines as you were. What opened my eyes (or I should say what I was seeing and experiencing and didn’t allow myself to admit it and object to it), was how badly the staff had come to treat each other. The way they spoke to each other, invalidated each other, told each other all the time how they had overts, how their production was never good enough….
I knew this was wrong and knew it was not at all how LRH wanted staff to be treated or to treat each other. I realized that if that was goingon a lot more was too. This was what finally drove me out the door.
Then when I was finally out I began seeing the stories about horrible regging, demanding money, the tech and policy alterations and how tiny my own old org had gotten. I was completely shocked that I had contributed to that as an SO member.
So again GP, you speak the truth clearly without invalidation–you just put it out there and described your experiences. Paraphrasing what the man says, “all I’m trying to teach you to do is look.”
Carcha says
[Here’s the text from the dust jacket of “Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics”:] [copy it, because that edition is now out-of-print]
“Scientology is defined as ‘knowing how to know’ and could be better defined as ‘summated and organized information about you.’ It’s everything that has been known about you for 2500 years at least. But it is summated so it is communicable, applicable, and gets some definite results. It can create changes for the better.
“Scientology data stands on the firm foundation of having looked, and your ability to know the subject is your ability to look.
“Man discovers he is blind. Then he says, “Hey, wait a minute’, and takes the veil off his eyes and takes a look. But he has a tendency to keep diving into complexities. By going in the direction of greater complexity Man gets a mystery created, sinking him into a priesthood, an Establishment cult, and he goes out of communication.
“So there is one continuing stress in Scientology and that is to greater simplicity, and that means greater communication.
“The simplicity of observation, the simplicity of communication itself, is functional and will take man from the bottom to the top. And the only thing I am trying to teach you is to look.”
Gayle aka TroubleShooter says
Excellent follow up to this post by GP Carcha. I had a great conversation yesterday with a young generation “SP”. He articulated outpoints and personal experiences as a former staff member of such magnitude which would violate the good common sense of ANY intelligent human being stave the followers or trapped or fearful inside the cob mob and did so with such clarity it was hard to imagine wasting such raw talent and denying the group cause his abilities and production not to mention a wicked sense of humor.
It was warmly amusing to hear this young man with years of staff experience describe the contrasts of LRH policy and what happened in front of him AND to hear him describe the confusions of some of the policy ITSELF where one ref was used to make a person or action wrong and yet he could quote another that made his actions ok or even correct. This phenomena inside the church of an apparent conflict of policy one against another which was always exused as “you have MUs” or “purpose is senior to policy” is what lead myself and most I know to eventually leave the fly trap as that is what it became clearer and clearer to me to be. You either “LIKE” the fact that you’re observations and determinism belong to “the church” to mold OR you get attacked. That’s what I saw and that’s what happened to me.
It’s unnerving to know how many peoples lives are being manipulate and these good folk in trying NOT to be effect of the church specifically the cob mob are being as affected as can be. It’s a LITTLE bit like you are told this is your house to live in yet you don’t like the style, size, color or location but you compromise on all your actually desires and beliefs of what is right for you because someone else is telling you what your moral code is or worse convincing you that your moral code doesn’t matter because you’re their bitch now.
Great post Mike thanks for making it one and GP thank you for writing it.
Gayle aka TroubleShooter says
Oh man so sorry for the missing “proof read”. I just don’t take the time sometimes…
One Point Won says
Perfect observation, Gato Rojo (Red Cat)! And per LRH’s Professional Auditor’s Bulletin 13, page 2 —
“It will often be discovered by the auditor that the preclear has ‘swapped terminals’ with these aberrative persons. The weight of aberration is such that the preclear has been swung into the valence of such people, for they have obviously won.”
Well, Mr. Miscavige, though it is true that many staff, public and SO members have obviously swapped terminals with you — swung into your valence — your “wining streak” is over.
Jackson - A.K.A Gary Morehead says
And if ANY of you would like help in ANY WAY, or would like helpful answer’s to your interesting questions you can call me ANYTIME, I will be there for you!
— Jackson 626 712 0668
Antoine says
Hi Jackson!
We talked before, i think, for good sprints of time, back in those days you were very busy still pushing the insane effort to get Basics books in everybodies hands?? If you are Jackson, the one and only…. I recall your shock and surprise in hearing my personal story, the blow down I think we were BOTH having was unforgettable cuz we really seemed to have connected there…. I mean, I have a very very unique story, and when I call, I’m certain you will remember me.
It wasn’t too long after that you where out. ( how you left Or I should say ESCAPED the Freewinds is a mindfuck )
Anyway, that was a long time ago, and guess what bud? ….it just so happens as luck would have it, I was laughing my brains out today, when I noticed my old hero Bugs Bunny (of all things) doing a parody, of Mr. David Miscavage. Now, you might think, there is no way Bugs Bunny can fit into this passionate mix. But let me point something out here. Let me have a rant here and bear with me a sec…
As soon as I read the first few paragraphs of mikes blog here I flew in a furious verbal rant. It all flowed out in a single piss storm. Everything flooded back like crazy cuz I GET IT!
No one can take away from me my wins with LRH tech, I was outside of my body more then once and the time at Flag it was 35 feet or more. Everything went so michanical and time stops and goes as fast as thought! …at the same time. It was such a simple Proccess too.
Everything was different and my awareness of everything was suddenly everywhere…..
Now you can’t describe this shit. And it’s fruitless to try, or very foolish. But Im not here for acknowledgement, I give no shit about that. Who cares in the spand of inifinty? In person or on video, I would be happy to get into this but reality here, this would take thousands of words. And my typing sucks, on an iPad no lesss. But back up a bit, it’s so not over your head. It is so easy to understand how Hubbard codified things cuz ones you “bridge” the gap EVERYTHING is simple. Here’s what I mean; My poor auditor is having a hard time She from Germany and maticulous, I,m having hard time!! And we got this huge room, we had the entire Drill room in the Couchman Bld. to ourselves and our chairs where kitty corner to the exit, more then 35 feet away.
So I’m getting tired of this fucking drill or Practical she has to do and I’m just there to ya know, like a free body to practice on. oh fun…
And she is German. Love her. I’m like “okay let’s play along” So I get serious and she drills on relentlessly and I have to really put myself into it, cuz it was not going away! And then it it hits me, poof!! IF this is REAL? BANG. I AM OUT. And I was out of my body and flash, “now I’m outta here!” So I fuck right off to the door. And as fast as I could think it I was there. But I stopped like a hit limit, right at the edge. “I am too far from my body. I won’t be able to see it. I’m SCARED!” so I’m stuck there. For what seemed like ever but it was just enough to turn my AWARENESS back on my Auditor. Who had enough time to ask twice, first very casual “What is happening?” in her wonderful German accent. The second time wasn’t so sweet, she seemed lost. Now in hindsight, I could of told you anything about that room. I just knew everything about it. I could of told exactly where her thumb was on the tone arm, I knew she look up and down to her meter twice between commands, I could of told you how many times she blinked. But I was much aware of what I was doing? I must of looked like a blob on a chair. She asked more insistent “What is happening?” Zing I was back. But I couldn’t believe it!! I was around this area but but no ware near it at the same time . TIME? It was standing still, I thought “OMG this this this is not real.” … “I got to try something else.” as if to prove thomething to myself. “I know; I’ll. go. on. Her. side. of the table!” my actual thought. And just like that, I was right behind her. At this point she is getting or sounding despet. “Whatis happening? WHAT ishappening!?” I’m like; OH god I want to tell her, I want to tell her, I want to tell her! So BANG! I am instantly over myself, but it it won’t do anything! I can’t get it to move!! I don’t know how to do it….
I can’t get my body to to do anything, and this is where time really went out the window. This is where (ok Stop. My iPad is acting up and freezing here. I might loose this all so I’ll post here and continue part two in reply. I hope)
Mike Rinder says
Jackson was long gone before the Basics came out….
vinaire says
Well said!
Right now much better case resolution is available outside the Church for much lesser cost. That is what each one of us is after.
Anon says
When I left the church, I was on endless objectives (no matter how many times I stated I was not getting any wins). Two years later, outside the church, I am on OTVII, I can exteriorize at will, and my savings account is increasing, not empty.
My relationship with my husband is at an all-time high and we continue to improve our communication.
I am free to apply Scientology as it’s written, or as I deem it to be true, not “as I’m told.”
I gained my freedom of eternity when I left the church. Contrary to popular fear.
vinaire says
There is truth in Scientology but it is to be determined by oneself. 🙂
The moment a “datum” is enforced it becomes an enforced datum and not truth. Truth is never enforced. It comes from within oneself.
DollarMorgue says
A great article.
May 2014 be an honest and happy year.