CHILD USA has been involved in two specific events scientology cannot tolerate, and more broadly in successful efforts to give victims voices.
First: The Executive Director of Child USA, Marci Hamilton, a constitutional law professor, successfully argued in the California Appeals Court to overturn the ruling that would have forced Danny Masterson’s victims to submit to scientology’s sham arbitration. It was the first loss scientology had suffered in its efforts to suppress all attempts to get justice by those it abused.
Second: CHILD USA supported and assisted in the passage of the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021 which prevents victims of sexual abuse being forced into arbitration. (Gretchen Carlson and her organization Lift Our Voices spearheaded this effort). It was signed into law by President Biden on 3 March 2022. Specifically, it amends the Federal Arbitration Act to prohibit enforcement of a mandatory arbitration agreement “with respect to a case which is filed under Federal, Tribal, or State law and relates to the sexual assault dispute or the sexual harassment dispute.” The Act provides that a mandatory arbitration agreement is not enforceable “at the election of the person alleging conduct constituting a sexual harassment dispute or sexual assault dispute.”
This law was a central element in the recent argument in Los Angeles Superior Court which resulted in a tentative ruling from Judge Broadbelt that eviscerated scientology’s religious “arbitration” play that has been so successful in front of almost all judges, except the California Appeals court as noted above. The proposed ruling was so devastating that Miscavige used a peremptory challenge to remove the judge before he could make his ruling official.
Finally, scientology is generally not in favor of the enormous amount of good work CHILD USA has done to eliminate statute of limitations bars on victims of child sexual abuse. Any organization that harbors perpetrators of child sexual abuse or seeks to keep sex abuse scandals out of the public eye — as scientology does — opposes these efforts.
CHILD USA has become a big thorn in scientology’s efforts to suppress the rights of their victims to have their day in court.
And as with all enemies of scientology, they are engaging in a Fair Game campaign of harassment, rumor-mongering and attempted intimidation. So, if you see anything that doesn’t seem to add up being said about CHILD USA, know that it is very likely orchestrated by scientology.
How many former Scientologist child victims were able to take advantage of the extended statute of limitations through Child USA? When will we see those lawsuit in the courts? Finally something being done for those second generation victims!
This is not information collected anywhere. Plaintiffs may choose to announce it, but many do not seek publicity.
Surely if CHILD USA has done so much to eliminate statute of limitations (albeit temporarily) they’d have some idea of whether any scientology-related lawsuits have been brought as a result? Particularly if one of the board members was representing quite a few of them (poorly)?
I don’t have time, to be online, all day.
CHILD USA have done so much to eliminate statute of limitations.
CHILD USA probably do not make public, victims.
An attorney, can be a bad person, and represent people well.
I am asking myself, why you are trying to defame CHILD USA.
Again, I am sure all the videos, have nothing to do with the Aaron Smith Levin scandal.
With kind regards
You don’t want to accept the truth even when I answer your question — rather stick to what “surely must be true.” Child USA is a think tank, it does not directly represent victims. It’s not a lawfirm. How many cases did Kent’s firm bring based on SOL law changes for Scientology victims? I don’t think any. I am aware of 4 cases they filed for Scn victims total. Are there other lawyers who have? No idea. Do you think there is some mechanism or requirement for lawyers to report information like this? Any yes, Kent’s actions are unconscionable. I have not spoken to him in more than 2 years, though I have spoken to one of the lawyers in his firm who represented Val Haney when her being forced into “arbitration” was being argued. Again, I doubt you care to hear this, and will instead believe what is said by people who don’t know but pretend they do (“this must be the case”) in order to get clicks on their channels.
Mike, why didn’t you share the info about the suspended statute with the wider community? Victims could have done something Only one lawsuit made it under the wire
I have done plenty of posts about the work of Child USA and SOL reform here and on social media. Child USA does press releases all the time and all the information is on the website. What leads you to conclude I “didnt share it?” Is there a specific person or persons I should have shared it with?
There is a syncronized effort, done by Scientology, bitter ex scientologists, and Sptv, to destroy CHILD USA, by attacking Mike Rinder, on youtube. Now, I can only say that I see, a man, on a long road of redemption. It makes me sad, when an organization, like Child USA, is attacked, because it is the children, and their right being attacked.
Shame on these creepy people.
Kind regards Kim
Kim check out the lawyer Rinder sent his friend to. As yet Mike hasn’t spoken on this issue however I’m waiting to see where he stands on this since the lawyer and the victim are both his friends.
Child USA is a great organization and mike can help assure they aren’t tainted by this lawyer a recently removed board member btw.
The lawyer was never my friend, though I did try to assist the other lawyers in his firm in their litigation against scientology. I did not refer or send my friend to him. I did not know of the allegations against him until VERY recently — long after he was no longer representing my friend. Anyone saying otherwise is making up “facts” to forward some agenda.
I am so tired of the ‘new’ SPTV crew making wild and unfounded accusations against Mike Rinder. I no longer watch but ooccasionally it comes up on my feed. Hang in there Mike.
Thank you for this statement!
I hope we can hear / see / read the side of the victim at some stage.
Meanwhile still a lot of food for thoughts for me to digest.
I just did a quick Google search, just now, and journalists are treating this case, in accordance with the laws these people have to follow. The fact is that Kent was acting wrongly, in one case, and was acting, on his own. He has now excused himself. Everything else is not fact, at this point. Should all these assumptions, be proven right, it would sadden me. I will always support people, who help children. I am sure this has nothing to do with the new Aaron Smith Levin, former girlfriend allegations…
Kind regards
CHILD USA is a great organization unlike Scientology that could also be why Scientology hates it so much.
You have a great point Eviee. Scientology doesn’t really have a good name for itself and doesn’t help anyone despite what members think. Meanwhile CHILD USA has been able to make a great name for itself because of how it has helped.
This post makes me want to make a donation to Child USA. Any enemy of Scientology is a friend of mine.
Mike, how did you become anti scn?I was wondering if it was for the rpf, the hole and the slop, and the confessions, that sent you to arc breck and on resentment hatred, or was there something else, like what the osa site claims. because I always saw you…vgis in events. Did the tech work before it hit you in the teeth?Was Dave Satan even before?
I covered this in detail in my book. It answers all your questions.
@ Pietro Vannucci – What do your materials say?
Good on you Mike, for letting Pietro’s comment stay, on your blog, so that we can see, how a scientologist, or bitter ex scientologist really thinks. God forbid that we focus on helping children.
No no, lets attack people, for getting out of scio, with their sanity intact.
“my” materials…what is written on: whoismikerinder. something,com,net…the book? ahh I thought she was gossiping about Tom Cruise and his weddings. well.. anyway you stayed in sea org for a long time… the question is: if it was so terrible, why was it good before the hole? couldn’t you have done Blow before?
As I said, all will be explained if you read my book. You can get it on Amazon, or if you want a signed copy, you can order it here at the home page of the blog…
This is in response to Mike’s response to Pietro Vanucci:
LOL! Perfect.
Still laughing,
PS: Ultimately your words will of course be on titanium plates, Mike, but in the interim please consider releasing a Leatherbound edition. The time is now.
Pietro, if you’re brave enough, you can read all the installments of my Scientology experience on Tony’s blog as well. While you’re there, read trial testimony regarding Masterson. Or maybe review pleadings in the other high profile suits currently out there. Here in Mike’s blog, ex Scientologists also tell their harrowing tales. I hope you get out with your sanity intact. I almost didn’t get out alive. If you read Mike’s book, which I have both digitally and hard bound, you can see exactly how it works. Hopefully you can save yourself.
It’s not surprising that Scientology hates CHILD USA. Not only does Scientology hide the abuse of children. Also the fact that DM is not to fond of children. But like Suzie stated that you are on the board of directors and Leah is an ambassador. It gives them all the more reason to hate a organization that does so much good. Far more good than Scientology.
Of course Scientology hates CHILD USA for those reasons but if I am remembering correctly you are also on the Board of Directors. Which adds another level of hate, also Leah is an ambassador for CHILD USA. So pretty much the two most outspoken people trying to stop the abuses of Scientology are on the side of a powerful organization trying to stop child abuse.
Thank you. Yes, you are correct. I am on the Board and Leah is an ambassador.
Because Miscavige is scared witless of kids?
Interesting question. As far as I recall, there is no photo of DM with a child within hundreds of meters. All leaders in general try to be photographed with children. He never does. It seems (based on things I’ve heard) he’s terrified that children’s body thetans might jump on him.
Apart from this, the fact that CHILD USA could be seen as an enemy tells us how paranoid and sociopathic someone can be, unless he has something to hide, which in scientology is called missed withhold phenomena.
Many kids today are quite tall for their age…just saying;-)
Thanks, viewed in this perspective, it’s enlightening.
I thought it was because he’s not much taller than the average 13 year and has all the emotional stability of said age group.
I met him one time and the top of his head came up to my chest. And I’m only 5’5”!
Also kids can be quite spontaneous and unscripted. Perhaps he’s afraid of questions which in all innocence they may ask him in front of their parents. Like, “Mr. Miscavige how come we need anotherbuilding when this one’s empty?” LOL – can you imagine?
Kids are “Dev-T” for the Dwarf. They take time, attention, effort and most of all money that should be going into HIS pocket. Useless eaters are children. Dead weight for 16 years until they drop out of high school and join staff or the SO.