Why would anyone in their right mind want to enter a scientology propaganda center, let alone during a pandemic?
This “Scientology Information Center” is in the lobby of the old Clearwater Bank building. It is the ONLY scientology “church” building you can walk into off the street in Clearwater. You cannot enter the Ft Harrison hotel, the Super Power building, the Sandcastle, Oak Cove, Osceola, West Coast, old Lee Arnold building, Coachman or any of the other buildings scientology owns in Clearwater, despite their claim of being “open” to the community.
The ONLY building you are allowed into is this lobby (and the other front group organizations Potemkin Village along N. Ft. Harrison).
If you do mistakenly cross the threshhold of the Scientology Information Center (“SIC”) you will be bombarded with propaganda about the great work of scientology in the community, videos of “Ideal Orgs” (though they are all empty) to “prove” the popularity and expansion of scientology and videos of the “humanitarian programs” that are pure smoke and mirrors photo ops. If you express any interest in Hubbard’s “technology” at all at all, you will be sent to either the Bellaire “ideal” mission or the Tampa “ideal” org to become the latest “raw meat” to be fed into the fundraising meat grinder.
Scientology is promoting the “good work” they are doing to combat COVID-19. Even their own propaganda tells people to maintain social distancing. The best social distancing is to not be in the same space as someone else. Yet, scientology is violating their own advice to try to convince people to come in to find out about the advice to stay out.
The illogic of this is scientology at its essence. They cannot help themselves. The woman who runs the SIC has a statistic (probably, number of people successfully toured) and she is a “downstat” and it is expected that she do anything possible to “get her stats up.”
The best advice they have ever given concerning scientology is: keep your distance!
Here is what they have to say from their “Stay Well” website.
It would be cool if an OT8 Scientologist could make a light saber controlling MAST. Or help control COVID.
I jest really out of sadness to hear of Kelly Preston’s death from breast cancer. As a doctor I recommend all people to seek out scientifically proven, evidence based medicine forms of prevention that are not blessed by LRH or his followers. Delays in screenings is how we lost Steve Jobs to pancreatic cancer and now Kelly.
Get you mammograms, colonoscopies, immunizations and try to exercise and eat right. Wash your hands, wear a mask, and keep ARC in mind. Alert, Responsible, and the real Clear of mindfulness.
I just saved you $300,000 avoiding the Bridge to Freedom. Use some of that money on hand sanitizer and masks. Total cost of this Life Rundown? None, nada, zero.
Stay safe and Scientology Free.
I spent last week in Clearwater visiting family. Usually there are staff wondering around at local shops on Saturday mornings with some staff getting time off for liberty. There was NO ONE. A drove around the area on multiple days and I saw almost no one. Twice I saw a bus with a handful of staff and once I saw one person standing in front of a building. The place looked DESERTED. Amazing.
OK…..This was a good while ago maybe some 15 to 20 years ago.. BUT…..here you go……
So maybe I can’ t get into MOST of the Scientology Buildings….BUT I ALMOST was “denied access to the Trump Towers Bldg in NYC.
Anyway…my Grand Uncle & I were visiting NYC which we did twice a month regularly….& unfortunately….I HAD to use the “ladies room” rather urgently.
We were a few steps away from Trump Towers and we stepped inside. Two rather large men were “standing guard” & at first REFUSED me access to the “ladies room”. WWWhhaaatttt????
Well, I said “Here I am, 5 feet tall & 115 to 120 Lbs…an older lady…I will LEAVE my pocketbook with my 70+ year old elderly Uncle if you like…I REALLY NEED TO PEE”……
I was “magically allowed to use the ladies room”….WOW…I actually peed in the Ladies Room at Trump Towers…………………..thank God no one had to “FRISK ME”…..
OT: I just finished listening to Leah and Mike’s new podcast. I have missed you guys!! I think it’s wonderful how passionate Leah is and how upset she gets, because what you guys are talking about is UPSETTING!!! Can’t wait for next week. 🙂
When I read the following excerpt from today’s blog …
“If you do mistakenly cross the threshhold of the Scientology Information Center (“SIC”) … ”
I fully expected the next sentence to begin with …
“Somebody would huff and they’d puff and they’d BLOW YOUR MOTHERFUCKING BUILDING DOWN!!!”
Now that would be some real “FAIR GAME” horseshit for ya! Don’t you think?
Maybe they should get a hold of the mailing list for the Masochists of America?
WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO ENTER AN ORG NOW? When we infiltrated Pasadena Ideal Org 1 week after opening the only people there were us two protester/looky loo smirkers and one woman who just wanted to use the bathroom! Jokes probably on her since they are known for having toilet paper shortages even in non-pandemic times 🙂 JUMP TO THE MOMENT HERE! https://youtu.be/t85vzQfkJ_w?t=241
Hey, AGP! How’s it going? Yeah, I remember watching that video. Empty org. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Reminded me of my days at CCNashville. You could literally hear the empty echoes in the hallways. The only times we got a lot of people in was for Thursday evening Writers Night or for some David Miscavige event.
AGP, yesterday I searched for all scientology videos for this year. This one didn’t come up because you don’t have the word scientology in the main title. A KEY word to the wise. 😉
Oh I put keywords in all the videos I post but when even I search for them in just my videos sometimes they don’t show up even though I typed the exact keyword. Very frustrating. Also, I think youtube is secretly preventing people from finding me.
It is the MAIN title that matters most. If you don’t put it there the search engine doesn’t think it is important
To: Angry Gay Pope
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: annoying my staff.
I’ve watched your videos and I’m telling you here and now to stop taunting my staff! Anti Shirtless Lady(whoever she is) is considering another restraining order. Chubbieta has gone down the Tone Scale and is no longer having wins on course! Oh, and Odo, poor Odo! That poor soul wants to run off to Austria because you put him through so much grief over at Big Blue! And let’s talk about Parker Osmon! You and your cohort, Nasty Nathanial, enturbulated him so bad with the whole tattoo thing that now he sucks his thumb, wets his bunk and since we don’t have a tech for that, we may have to send him home to his mommy! Along with Angel whom you also enturbulated by telling him his hairstyle makes him look like Hitler! He actually wants to cuddle up with you! Something about seeing you as an older brother figure. Well, we don’t have a tech for that either.
All I’m saying is knock off the assaults or there will be repercussions big time!
And stop telling people that I beat my staff! That is so not true!
The ‘not-allowed’ signs don’t include sex so there’s that
Really? You actually want to walk into an org and get all out-ethics on the second dynamic?
O/T. Inside the Trump and Farrakhan Ties to Scientology
Whistleblowers Leah Remini and Mike Rinder open up on the links between Donald Trump, the Nation of Islam, and the Church of Scientology, from loans and donations to fundraising.
For several blatantly obvious reasons, ongoing for the past 3 years this link up should surprise no one. That said, bravo to Leah and Mike for exposing this wretched administration’s Covid relief loans to the Church of Scientology. Every penny will go right into Miscavige’s pocket.
The money was part of a trillion dollar Covid-19 economic stimulus program which was rushed out with bipartisan support. It’s typical for Mainstream Media to blame Trump and his administration for everything.
I’m aware of that, Richard. In addition to CO$, a number of undeserving organizations, with bi-partisan support from Congress and the Senate have received stimulus money they didn’t deserve.
Having said that, the links between the Trump Administration and the Church of Scientology have long been observable to anyone ready, willing and able to look.
Unfortunately the Mainstream Media HASN’T been looking.
Oh my Aqua! You have a wonderful ability to cut through the horseshit and then to speak the truth!
You speak the truth!
That’s a wonderful compliment to someone like me, Skyler. I’m not sure I deserve it but thank you very much.
Through a friend I received the photo of a guy who has just attested Clear with the certificate in his hand.
It comes from a whatsapp group of an Italian org.
However, what really struck me is that this new ‘homo novis’ (for those who do not know when you become Clear you move on the evolutionary scale from homo sapiens to homo novis) in the photo taken inside the org he wears both the mask and the gloves! One doesn’t even see him smiling.
Not bad for a brand new being, who has eradicated the reactive mind (on the first dynamic, whatever it means) source of all the bad things.
God knows what they are now aware to have become. In zen meditation you reach consciousness of you being the witness of the ‘here and now’. Note: You are not ‘more’ into the here and now. No, you realize to BE the here and now.
O/T. Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad yet again promotes the anti-Semitic book, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.”
ESMB Redux post:
Minister Tony Muhammad apparently believes that Jewish people today are morally responsible for what the Lehman brothers allegedly did almost 150 years ago.
While I generally try to provide analysis and observations concerning only the subject of Scientology, I felt compelled to show in the linked ESMB Redux post that Minister Tony Muhammad’s argument is contrary to the express, clear and repeated teachings of the Quran and is, indeed, un-Islamic.
[To go even more far afield, as a part of my self-appointed “hat,” I have listened to hours of lectures by Minister Tony Muhammad. I have conversely been astounded to hear him mock Christian beliefs (e.g.., the virgin birth of Jesus, the eventual resurrection of the dead) that are entirely consistent with the Quran and in point of fact are mirrored by verses in the Quran. One sometimes wonders if the Minister has ever actually read the Quran.]
Jews do not come off well in the Quran. And especially not in the Hadith. They are referred to specifically and often. Definitely not in a good way, for the most part. In addition, the Day of Judgement is said to arrive only when Muslims and Jews duke it out (and the Jews lose, obvs). Sure, there’s a few generic quotes you can cherry pick to claim the NOI is “unislamic” but the arguable reality is that antisemitism is embedded in Islamic culture and has been for centuries.
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can’t say this often enough.
mwesten, I specifically said only that Minister Tony Muhammad’s argument that the Jewish people today are morally responsible for the alleged actions of the Lehman Brothers almost 150 years ago is contrary to the express, clear and repeated teachings of the Quran and is, indeed, un-Islamic. In my ESMB Redux post I quote the verses of the Quran relevant to that specific point. I did not purport to address the Quran’s view of the Jewish people generally or as a whole.
Sure. That’s exactly why your argument is faulty. One could assert that blaming psychiatrists for the holocaust is “unscientological.” There’s a whole host of lovely, fluffy quotes on accusation, blame and responsibility I could use to support such a claim. Surely you can see that without addressing the wider scriptural and cultural issues, such an endeavour is farcical.
mwestern, I’m going to jump in here merely to point out – not to disagree with you but to point out that there’s a big distinction between religious text and scripture and “culture”.
For example, Jesus Christ preached turning the other cheek and the brotherhood of man. A thousand years after his death we have the Crusades. What did these bloody, selfish brutal wars have to do with anything Jesus said? The answer is: nothing. Is there anything written about Jesus Christ to indicate that his advice to Christians in handling “infidels” would be to invade them and slaughter them and take their lands and possessions?
There’s Christian text and scripture, and there’s the culture of the people who practice Christianity, and a very clear distinction between the two should be drawn. The Crusades and the Inquisition and the Salem Witch trials had NOTHING to do with anything that Jesus Christ said in the New Testament.
I would say the same MIGHT apply to the text of the Quran and the culture of those who practice Islam.
Is it possible that the hatred of Jews, the hatred and conviction that anyone who is NOT of Islam must be destroyed comes from the CULTURE of those practicing Islam and not from the actual text of the Quran itself?
I’ve never read the Quran but I’ve known many Muslims and they seem to be ordinary humans who just want to practice their faith, raise their families and do well, etc.
Your thoughts?
“Jesus Christ preached turning the other cheek and the brotherhood of man. A thousand years after his death we have the Crusades. What did these bloody, selfish brutal wars have to do with anything Jesus said?”
Very little. Which is why the church found appropriate justification from the Old Testament instead.
“Is it possible that the hatred of Jews, the hatred and conviction that anyone who is NOT of Islam must be destroyed comes from the CULTURE of those practicing Islam and not from the actual text of the Quran itself?”
Recent polls here in the UK suggest over half of all British muslims want homosexuality outlawed. I’m sorry but I’d find it extremely difficult to argue liberal, milquetoast British culture is to blame for such a sentiment.
That’s not to say culture is always immaterial. In theocracies and religious communities (even within secular nations), culture is arguably rooted in scripture. In part, at the very least.
That doesn’t mean all muslims are fundamentalists, despite the fundamentalist dictates of their scripture. I’m less concerned about the peaceful, silent majority, tbh – history is replete with examples of their irrelevance.
If there’s a “Mike and Leah” of the Islamic world then I’d happily nominate Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. And yet, whilst Mike and Leah are celebrated by outsiders for their exposition, Maajid and Ayaan are routinely attacked and dismissed for being “islamophobic.” The supposedly liberal-thinking West is still unwilling to confront some of the uncomfortable truths about this religion, not to mention the blatant double standard. This is a problem. As all of us here can attest, we must be free to question, criticise, expose, even ridicule religion if there is any hope for change. We all wish scientologists would get involved, no matter how lovely and peaceful they may be. So why not muslims?
That being said, there’s a reason why Islamic reformists have security details.
“…Minister Tony Muhammad’s argument is contrary to the express, clear and repeated teachings of the Quran and is, indeed, un-Islamic.”
If you read, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”, as told to author Alex Haley you’ll find that Malcolm X had this exact realization during a visit to Mecca. Upon his return to the US he was a changed man who wanted to lead an NOI that would forge the brotherhood of man between the races in sync with the true meaning of Islam which means “peace”; “submission to the will of God”. He wanted to take the NOI in an entirely different direction and he spoke up about this, loudly. His fellow NOI disagreed, apparently. Not long afterwards Malcolm X, aka Malcolm Little, was murdered in cold blood by his own NOI members.
You know, instead of the standard invalidative response here, I am going to say good for them. They are cleaning their building.
Guess what, so are 100% of other businesses that have employees returning to work. 99.9% of them do not take the opportunity to spin it into a PR campaign. Their actions prove an invaluable lesson. #TheHype
Wonder if any of us “SPs” could cross the threshold if we wore a COVID-19 mask.
Hee, hee.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: SPs crossing the threshold.
Hell, no, you can’t cross the threshold if you are an SP! Even if you are wearing a mask. And don’t think that a mask can conceal you because I have developed a special tech to ferret out SPs who dare sully my most holy Ideal Orgs with their enturbulated presence and hiding it behind a mask!
Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to the Academy. I’m twinning with Danny Masterson on the Scottish Rundown and he’s almost at EP.
From: Alcoboy
Re: Danny Masterson
Translation: Danny is almost bombed out of his skull on very expensive scotch and little Davey needs to catch up.
Peace and blessings!
Hey Dave.
Once you wake up from the drug Danny slipped into your scotch and discover your butt is sore you might want to consider joining all the other victims in their lawsuits.
To: Glenn
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: squirrel tech.
That will never happen as such a move is out-tech and staunch Scientologists like Danny would never do a thing like that!
Shows what you know!
To: Chairman of the Bored
Fr; Glenn
Re: The Teck
Guess you haven’t read through Danny’s PC folders or watched the video recordings of his auditing sessions as you did with TC’s. If you did you’d be fully updated and on sourass (hee, hee, hee) so would have the truth. And just to remind you, you and I knew each other when you were in the CMO as a kid. You want me to post all the shit I witnessed you do back then? I could give the public the “Truth Rundown” on you. So confront the truth Davey boy; as it will set you free.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: the truth
Just a quick note to say that I listened to the podcast this evening (my night is your morning) and I really enjoyed it. You and Leah have a real “presence” as a team and I thought you delivered the information you wanted to in a very interesting manner as well.
Are scientologists deadly? The purpose to join a cult is to be immortal.
Birds fly, fish swim and clams shut up.
Alan Funt did it better as a founder of a scam.
Ok, ok. Let’s come to order, people. Now, birds fly (except when the birds get shot). Fish swim (except when they get caught and eaten).
Do this one hundred times.
Fish gotta swim,
Birds gotta fly,
I’m gonna hate this scam ’til I die
Can’t help hating the OSA
Good one, Briget 🙂
I have one for you Aqua. I stole this from the TV show, “Flaked”.
For the longest time I tried to drown my sorrows in alcohol and then all kinds of other drugs. But the fuckers learned to swim. Piss me off!
Cute 🙂 @ Skyler.
Hey! That’s a good one!
I’m confused. How was the tv show Candid Camera a scam?
Hey Alcoboy! I have no idea how it was a scam. But it would be very easy to “cheat” so to speak. All they would have to do is pre-arrange for some people to have the kinds of reactions on air hey would want them to have. Reactions designed to bring in better ratings.