Scientology are off and running with their “25 year unbroken record” of Winter Wonderland self-promotion.
Can you imagine putting out a press release in advance of “beginning construction” for few plywood elf-house facades? Only a scientology-mind could conceive of this. “Construction”? Makes it sound like they are building the Great Wall of China.
The desperation to get themselves in the news for something other than defrauding people of their life savings and destroying families is palpable.
The citizens of Clearwater should be aware that the park in which they construct “Winter Wonderland” is itself a deception.
While they post a sign saying all are welcome, they reserve the right to throw you out if you are drunk, loud, setting of fireworks, carrying a gun or generally being obnoxious. What they DON’T say is that they will demand you leave if you don’t follow their religious beliefs. Particularly if you are what they deem to be an “anti-scientologist” — or even connected to one.
Last year, they demanded that the wife and children of Aaron Smith-Levin leave Winter Wonderland (he was not present) or they would call the police. Aaron’s wife and 3 daughters have never uttered a word against scientology, but no matter, they are connected to Aaron who is deemed a “Suppressive Person.” Not very “Christmaslike” behavior. The girls were participating in what scientology claims is a “community event”, they are residents of Clearwater.
So too scientology called the police to evict Mark Bunker for sitting in the park a couple of months ago — he was doing absolutely nothing. The only person present, sitting quietly on a bench. Not consuming alcohol, swearing or setting off fireworks. But that didn’t matter.
Don’t be fooled. The sign at the entrance to the park is a lie.
And don’t be fooled that scientology actually cares about Christmas. They believe Christianity is a false religion created to enslave mankind. (In fact, all other religions are false enslavements of man, though they are a little easier on Buddhism because L. Ron Hubbard said he was Guatama Siddhartha in an earlier lifetime). Christmas is simply an opportunity to appear to be in harmony with and supportive of other religions.
Again, don’t be fooled. Scientology tells the world you can be a scientologist and a Christian, Jew or Muslim. It’s another lie designed to entrap the unwary. Though they continue to take this position publicly, when asked about this as part of the effort to gain tax exemption, they had to tell the IRS the truth and admit this is a lie.
PS: Only scientology can get excited about “construction planning”. They do it with their “ideal” orgs and now with their PR front for Christmas. It’s another sign of how out of touch with reality they are.
Ooh, Christmas was the time of the annual staff “Beer and Cheese Party!” LRH was so generous to the staff who’s lives he was destroying that once a year he allowed some money be spent on beer and cheese for the staff. A local public usually donated $500 to subsidy it. To offset that we were actually receiving something for our labor for a change, we usually had to donate a week’s wages (which wasn’t much) to get the ED an “upstat” Christmas gift. Rank has its privileges.
Celebrating Christmas. While a Scientologist recently posted that Mary was a “Ho” and was raped by a Demi-god that resulted in the birth of Jesus. The STAND League, which shouts from the rooftops that it was created to fight religious bigotry, has done nothing.
So yeah. Christmas. Freedom.
“(In fact, all other religions are false enslavements of man, though they are a little easier on Buddhism because L. Ron Hubbard said he was Guatama Siddhartha in an earlier lifetime). Christmas is simply an opportunity to appear to be in harmony with and supportive of other religions.”
Scientology is full of contradictions. When I decided to leave Scientology in the late 1980’s, I was handed a LRH Sea Org policy unavailable to the public. It was very short. I do not remember the exact words. It tried to destroy Buddhism and Buddhists in one vile sentence. It said something like “Buddhists are in a Black Hole”. The great tragedy of Hubbard was that he did not even understand any form of Buddhism. In the 1960’s he claimed to have been Gotama and to have been his teacher in the same breath. But these Scientologists will not listen to facts. They prefer the “fake news” of Scientology.
Hubbard rightly gave himself the title of Anti Christ. It’s what he was. He was anti Love and compassion.
That’s what Christ taught. Love your enemies.
Hubbard taught to destroy your enemies.
Him being an Anti Christ is not an emotional metaphysical delusional judgement by a true believer.
It’s a reasonable accurate conclusion based on the above discrepancy.
Thanks for the comment, bro. I love your words.
HI George! Thank you. I always like seeing your posts.
Back in 2000, my brother and his wife made their first visit to Clearwater and found that they too were barred from visiting the Winter Wonderland. Since then when they’ve come back, they’ve watched as doors get locked as we approach each of their storefronts while walking down a street and have the “All Welcome” sign pulled off the sidewalk when we near the visitor center. Wacky.
I’ve not posted before but have followed the activities of Scientology for several years due to a niece who got caught up in it for about a year around 10 years ago. I moved to Pinellas county in the summer of 2017, and am just stunned and creeped out by downtown Clearwater….it’s sad that it is so strange.
I stumbled into one of their street fairs, or whatever they are called, when my husband and I had reservations at the Clear Sky on Cleveland (non-Scientology I am told) restaurant this past summer. We had parked in the municipal garage and taken the stairwell down to an alley to walk to the restaurant. Immediately after exiting the garage we were approached (more like accosted) by someone asking if we had wristbands. Cleveland Street was blocked off for the event. I noticed that the Boy Scouts had a booth, that there was a ride like a gyroscope for kids. We hurried on to our dinner.
I did notice a lot of people streaming in and out of their information center on Cleveland. I can’t imagine that wasn’t staged, although the people were dressed in normal street clothes; none of the uniforms that look like catering staff uniforms to me. After dinner, I just had to walk down Cleveland St. out of curiosity. Yes, there was a rather lame petting zoo, and a weird band playing Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing”, wearing what looked like polyester matching outfits from the 70’s. By the time we got to our car, pulled out onto Garden Ave, and were driving by Cleveland Street, it looked like an army of ants that were already breaking down the entire street fair already, like a well-oiled machine. Bizarre. It was close to 10:00, so I’m guessing the street closure permit was good until that time.
Downtown Clearwater could be a great place if they hadn’t bought up everything. Although their building facades are really very nice (even the outdoor trash receptacles at Flag are extremely attractive, lol), I’d rather see business that is useful and relevant to the community in there……. not to mention the entire goal of Scientology, which seems to be relieving folks of all their assets.
Hey kids, come sit on LRH’s lap… oh wait, that is a Halloween tradition. Very scary.
I don’t know the exact legality of a non-profit organization kicking people out, including children from a community-wide promoted event due to their parents religious beliefs. I would have made more noise about this. Too bad the mother didn’t video this interaction. I’m sure it would go viral – right up there with BBQ Becky and other despicable people. Either the community is welcome or it is a private event – can’t be both.
when my wife and I first moved to the pinellas area we were driving to I think Largo but taking the back roads. When we drove past the winter wonderland we decided to stop thinking it was actually a community thing. It came off as bland and kind of creepy. We very quickly left when we saw the SCN booths ready to take personality surveys.
Things that don’t make sense:
—Stealing a holiday celebrating the birthday of Jesus (who Scientology reviles)
—Everything else about Scientology
Instead, why not have a big party for the whole Clearwater community celebrating LRH’s birthday? It could run for 3-4 weeks, complete with cute, plywood thetan houses, petting zoo with all the animals dressed up like the most famous enemies and SPs, rides for the kiddies, etc. I’m sure the citizens are eager to publicly lionize the man who continues to bring excellent repute to their fair city (NOT!)
I’m dreaming of a cult Christmas
Just like the ones I’ve always known
Where Miscavige hits ’em and staffers stiffen
To not wind up in The Hole
I’m dreaming of a cult Christmas
With every KR that I write
May my face to Dave be out of sight
And may Christmas time not keep me up all night!
Funny !
Winter came with Scientology at its very conception. Many kind and warm hearted people, decades later severely regret any association with that organization.
Their PR message is of love & community but their indulgences are of deceit & destruction.
The similarities with certain aspects of The Game of Thrones and Scientology is uncanny, but the former is entertainment, the later is not.
I guess another way of trying to understand Scientology would be to survey actual members of Scientology, but all you’ll ever get is a security guard response or a prerecorded message on a monitor at their organizations and now a TV station. Blogs such as this contain essentially accurate surveys of past members of Scientology.
Christmas & Scientology… I have a problem using those two words in the same sentence. I shared 10 Christmases with Scientology – I regret every one of them.
One wonders whether they have license from the estate of Theo Geisel for a special appearance of The Grinch. One also wonders what Dr. Seuss would think about his character being used to promote Scientology.
Ahhhh Yes… there is nothing like spending the Holiday’s in a Scientology mORGue.
Especially the celebration of our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ’s birthday.
Scientology’s Mecca – Flag in Clearwater, Florida – where you check in (but can’t check out) to Scientology’s Mecca of technical extortion, money laundering, black mail, bribery and epic mind fucking. Flag – where we strip you of your bank account, your identity, your credit cards, your family, your mest and your rational mind.
May the good Lord bless you and your family as we shatter your bank account, shatter your family and shatter your mind.
Happy Holidays
ARC and ML
Your Sea Org Slaves from the Fort Homicide and Flag Scam Base
Ho, ho, ho, little girl (or little boy)! I bet you’d like a new E-meter for Christmas, like the ones mom and dad have. Have you been a good little clam this year?
I don’t know how the Scientology display looks, but the Burns Fantasy of Lights at Midwestern State University was huge, and we did not turn anyone away, not SP, PSP, wog, Staff, Public, Sea Org, or OT. Even Lil Davey would be welcome, though Santa might try him on for an elf costume.
One year, in the late 80s, I helped refurbish displays for the Burns Fantasy of Lights at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, TX, a gorgeous annual event set up on the front lawn of my alma mater MSU. Here’s a good video of the 2017 version. Today there are several new displays, but many of them were up and running when I lived there 1986-90. I helped refurbish the Western Wagon seen very briefly at 4:33, and the Old Lady in the Shoe shown right after. The Three Little Pigs all worried, the revolving Dumbo, and the Raggedy Anns riding their tricycles round and round were favorites.
2017 – Daytime static displays, also shown in their full movement at night.
“Burns Fantasy of Lights at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, TX The lights/displays were originally started by Thomas and Lillian Burns in 1916. In 1928 the Burns built a home on the corner of Clarinda St and Harrison Blvd where they began a tradition of adding a new display each year. This tradition continued for the next 46 years. This tradition is continued by Midwestern State University. Each year around November 20th the displays are set up for all to see on the MSU campus. The displays remain up through the holiday season and are taken down after Christmas day. For more information visit the Fantasy of Lights web site at ”
They set up a slow curb lane, where traffic crawled past without stopping. This is a good view from a vehicle in 2016.
A video from 2013
MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights 2008, part 1
MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights 2008, part 2
I agree it is fantastic. I live 60 miles from Wichita Falls. Have been many times since I was a child. Everyone plays nice and oohs over it.
I would like to issue an apology to everyone. I forgot to send out a press release before I began construction last night of the caramel apples I issue to friends and family at no charge on Halloween.
Too late, they’re done now and ready for distribution to people I know. You’re still welcome to stop by and grab one if you’d like. No OCA completion required upon leaving, no sec check required at the door.
Maybe next year I will remember the press release.
Or not.
I think a success story would be appropriate!
Two things here today. Mike, to answer your question about the low flying plane. As a pilot we have to maintain 1000 feet above the highest object while over a city. If it was in country then 500 feet above highest object. Since most are transmisdion towers you actually are quite high. Unless you rent the Goodyear blimp and get special FAA override, it won’t happen.
Yeah, it’s also illegal to drop things out of a plane…
But it’s the thought that counts
Dropping heavy stuff from the air would be a turkey of a idea if they were heavy. Like, turkeys. Might cause a city-wide panic. I think it happened in Cincinnati once.
Poor ole Less…that has to be one of my all time favorite clips of anything!!!
Slightly North and East of Hemet would be nice!
The good old days. Les Nessman. Nice reference.
There are always Xenu tee shirs, coffee mugs, key chains, postcards, greeting cards…just off the top of my head…Oh, and paper towels and toilet paper!
“They believe Christianity is a false religion created to enslave mankind.”
Love the irony. That’s because the Cult of $cientology wants your brain-washed and enslaved mind all to itself. Funny how they fail to see the irony isn’t it?
But then when have $cientologists ever looked back on themselves objectively with clear thinking? Their cult obsession doesn’t show their self-assumed superiority, it shows their inferiority along with a supreme lack of analytical skills.
I kind of wish I were near enough to clearwater to waste some of my time there. I’d wear a shirt proclaiming Christmas as the birthday of Jesus and sing O Holy Night at the top of my lungs. How long do you think it would be before I was escorted out?
Hey, I could join you. I’d take my trumpet out and play religious carols as loud as I could – and I can blast pretty good.
I have a GREAT idea . . .
Fly over the “Winter Wonderland” in a small private plane and drop several hundred thousand “INFORMATIVE FLYERS” about how to LEAVE Scientology all over the “event”, including EXPOSING the “Clear Cognition” for those who DO NOT leave . . .
The “GTFO” alternative to “WTH” pamphlets !
Dave F.
What would happen if someone not known to them sat on the bench. Would that person be evicted?
Security would arrive forthwith to inquire as to who you are and why you are there…
It happened to someone that’s not a scientologist who my husband knows and it wasn’t because he knew my husband.
What if a Salvation Army bell ringer showed up next to the bench? Are the goons really going to throw the Salvation Army out? I’d love to be there to photograph that.
Have your camera ready.
Another wonderful day in the Land of Out, and another blessing to count… I’m not trapped at Flag over the holidays!
Flag promotes itself as “THE” place to be at Christmas .. But it’s actually a sad and lonely trap, and you can’t even moan about it, you’re supposed to be grateful for being on the level or in the course room.. “For the best gift to yourself”
Meanwhile, the only thing sadder than wandering the FH’s glitz on Christmas morn… Is to watch the staff busy on post with no hope of ANY Christmas family fun times.I
Christmas at Flag made me grateful that I could finish and LEAVE.
I really never realized the frequency of thought policing I had to do while In. I
The bottom line with scn: the organization is NEVER wrong in any way, and even when mistakes are made and you have re-do the bridge 3 times.. You should just be grateful it exists and that all these people are working so hard to keep the bridge here for you.
I believed it to the core and “kept my mind right”
A ‘Winter Wonderland’ in south Florida? Where will the snow come from? From the frozen tears of all the disconnected and the fealty of the Sea bOrg.
” For 6 decades, strong has been the malevolent force and palpable evil exuded by this heinous cult, ” said Yoda. “Conceived in the darkness, were they, and consistent is their legacy of broken hearts, broken families, broken spirits, financial skulduggery, and premeditated criminality. Their existence: end; their leader, imprison.”
Heh SP’s….
I am having win after win reading Mike’s Blog….
Billboard Wars are back on!
I got my “create-create” on and have another billboard to put in Clearwater next to Winter Wonderland….
“Scientology – guaranteed to break your heart, your bank account and your mind – since 1950”
Sponsored by Ex Scientologist’s who now know what Scientology IS and what it is NOT.
Watch Leah Remini and Mike Rinder – A&E Scientology; The Aftermath! Season 3 – November 2018
Hey, Idle!
Try to top MY billboard!
It depicts Miscavige dressed like Ralphie from ‘A Christmas Story’ sitting in Santa’s lap. The caption reads:
Try to top that!
That is going to be tough…but I will try.
Picture this…
Santa’s Workshop…
Except there is a mis-spelled word “Santa” – it says
Satan’s Workshop
All the elves are busy making toys for the good little girls and boys….except for one little elf, Scientology’s leader – the tiny midget dwarf meister – David Miscavige.
The wee willie wanker he is sitting there drinking scotch, smoking camels and punching on another elf.
“Scientology – making the able more able since 1950”
Sponsered by the Sea Org Slaves still locked up in the Scientological Gulag – “The Hole”
Okay, you beat me. Can’t top that.
I guess a construction period of a month for this makes sense, if it takes them a decade or two to finish a large facility. And they’re supposed to be the most able people on the planet?!
The fancy press release with the bad grammar (“the start…and which will have”) in the photo caption makes quite an impression. There’s something of a pattern to their mistakes, similar to the way that speakers of particular foreign languages tend to make certain telling errors in English – I’m trying to figure out if they’re just organically developing their own internal dialect (they already have their own vocabulary of re-defined words, not just doctrinal ones like “disconnect” but propaganda variations of “arrive” and “attend”) or if it’s actually influenced by the tortuous Sherman-speak parroted by their Dear Leader.
It seems like the season might be approaching, for a large group SP field trip to Winter Wonderland….
It seems to me that the remaining scientologists on staff writing promo pieces are either 2nd and 3rd generation, meaning they are mising a proper education, particularly writing skills. The language they write is the same as they speak, which has many grammatical errors. This is the same problem I have as X sea ogre staff…48 years ago. Stunted growth.
Church of Blank? In their own words…..
And, are they fundraising to construct such a noble event or is the IAS giving a grant?
Clearwater Community Volunteers fundraises for this.
The cult just has no shame. They do however know how to try to exploit with great abandon 🙂 (I think that means they don’t care how the get what they want no matter how despicable it is?) If not I will just blame it on my thought bubble bursting.
Mike….Always been tempted to attend this Cataclysmic Historic Epic Awesome Event during the holidays….but knowing all I know now…..I am not certain I could keep my mouth shut….and end up with OOOOSSSSAAAA at my doorstep singing Christmas carols.
Keep Going.
In the city we’ll put on a show, man
Then pretend our noses aren’t brown
If SPs try to enter
We’ll say, No man
You’re never welcome
Just get out of town
Every day we conspire
Just to make stats go higher
We’re always afraid
Trying to please Dave
Living in a whiner wonderland
Love it!
“Scary Christmas to all!”
“This year there may even be surprise visits from the Grinch…” Does that mean Miscavige has overcome his fear of children?
My husband had a client, a wog, sit in that park and get kicked out also – for doing absolutely nothing but sitting.
Isn’t there a sign at the entrance that says welcome, and has a lot of rules on it? I’d like to see that picture again!
Construction planning? Now? It’s almost November. It should be built by now. “Construction planning” should start in February.
Thank Xenu the cult is so laughably incompetent in everything! Well done, Hubbardian “Project Management Tech”! Coupled with “Wait Until The Last Minute and Send a Press Release Tech.”
Faking a charitable Xmas event in order to prove that they are a charitable organization is so lame. Do they understand lies like this only add to the evidence the IRS has that they are not a charitable organization? Is that ironic? No, just plain stupid.
Right?! More like “Mary-Crass-Mass” would be more honest of them.