While scientology continues to promote ScientologyTV network (and don’t you dare refer to it as a streaming channel –even though that is exactly what it is — or scientology will accuse you of being a bigot because you don’t buy into their “network” nomenclature) it seems they have forgotten, or are ignoring the wisdom of their Founder. L. Ron Hubbard banned TV for Sea Org members, referring to it as: “only a pattern of lights and shadows which is a restimulative mechanism to shuffle your bank around, and give you again some segment of that which you have already experienced.”
Below is an issue I came across from 1982, courtesy of Christi Gordon.
Ron is pretty clear how bad TV is for everyone, except perhaps himself — as he always had a TV and VCR in his bedroom to watch movies which he did almost daily.
As with so much in scientology, it’s “do what Ron says, not what he does.” And another rule of thumb—apply the rules when they are convenient, ignore them they’re not…
Scientology’s visual media nasty material production, if that is being done today also at this Scientology Media Organization operation in Hollywood, then that means something grander, to me.
It means that Hubbard’s home grown MKULTRA OSA Team Xenu “counter” “implanting” ideas/smearing with the flashy visual “implanting” effects, is all to this rarefied public that only Hubbard’s mind exempllified.
Hubbard created the Xenu character for official Scientology, explaining why us humans are buried under implanted ideas which Xenu implanted into us, our “R6 Bank” of implanted bad bad ideas.
The OSA DIY MKULTRA branch of Scientology’s full Team Xenu cos play acting staffers of the Sea Org (Loyal Officers countering the Xenu bad guys) is really just full circle L. Ron Hubbard’s pulp prolific, he got carried away by his own imagination (S. I. Hawakaya article key point in 1951 about Hubbard), and today, Scientologists are stuck holding this Hubbard mentality bag for their own roles in their imaginative spiritual battle they think they are doing here on earth!
It’s all due to Hubbard’s own mental ill health, all of the deepest most worrisome and anti-society parts of this slowly disintegrating cult Scientology. Hubbard’s fiction story churning mind, turned into “religion” stories, Team Xenu and countering Xenu’s R6 implanting and souls dumping, requiring the savior Hubbard to come up with Scientology’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism to rid ourselves of Xenu’s souls with the Xenu R6 implants off our human bodies, to he end of supposedly spiritually saving all us humans. (and then in the Class 6 course tech film, we learn going out to other space civilizations is long range something we have to realize will need to be done)
OSA is just “Black Dianetics” which is Hubbard’s version of MKULTRA disinformation stuff, using Xenu’s implanting R6 tactics.
It’s all just Hubbard’s crazy mind played out by his captive audience.
So Mr. Hubbard was himself a TV and movie addict but disapproved of it for others. How interesting!
One must but suppose that he believed himself impervious to the harm he believed was caused by watching a lot of TV, while on the other hand, we lesser beings were of course, utterly susceptible to it. Amazing.
Yes, and chain smoking cigarettes could never hurt HIM. Amazing.
And then we have OSA pontificating about how overts and witholds can react upon a person and plough him into his reactive bank,..with the exception of…, OSA, which, with no worries, perform their operations involving lying to people, cheating them, blackening the reputations of their perceived enemies, intimidating them, threatening threatening them, tricking them – you name it, OSA can do any or all of the above, OSA can, per Co$ scripture, perpetrate any trick or fraud on an “enemy” and yet, magically receive NO backlash from any of it, no matter how great the injustice, no matter how ruthless and vindictive the actions. OSA can commit crimes, but will never, ever themselves pull in what they dish out! Amazing.
On a happier note, Mike, thinking of you
Pretty much covers it Aqua.
Bullies never make sense, no matter how much you try to understand them, but their actions are easily recognizable.
Thanks, Yawn, Yes, very true but its sad and depressing and at the same time makes me so angry inside. I take injustice too personally. Anyone’s injustice. Oh, well, all one can do is give thanks for one’s own blessings while doing whatever one can in the areas one can control to help right the injustice. It does no good for one to merely stew in anger and resentment. That’s what I tell myself. Of itself, feeling bad about some injustice, ongoingly, is not healthy nor does it help. The answer is action, not reaction. That’s what I tell myself, pretty much all the time.
Further, towards the end, LRH wrote to Author Services Inc staff, to turn his fiction “LRH properties” into movies, starting with “Battlefield Earth” first, and then proceed with the older novels of LRH’s.
He even wished the script “Revolt In The Stars” to be turned into a movie, that had half of the Xenu story in it, just the Xenu mass murdering loads of humanoids.
Hubbard was unaware of his inconsistencies.
Scientologists are left holding the bag of all of Hubbard’s messy orders and strategies.
The full Hubbard mess upon the faithful followers isn’t tolerable by even Hubbard himself.
Imagine when LRH told Sarge that he’d failed, and that LRH was going to go now do the “OT running program” on himself once he died, that’s kind of LRH self case supervising himself to go do the “OT RPF” soul therapy on himself!
Scientologists NEED to read and really absorb LRH’s dismal failure admissions LRH made to Sarge which are in the end of the “Going Clear…” book which all Scientologists and ex’s need to at least read that final 10 pages of that book and realize LRH was in bad shape, and he thought he failed.
The Kindle enhanced edition which has the Wright and Sarge interview to watch, I highly recommend ex’s and average Scientologists read and watch before they get stuck further with Hubbard’s bag of bad ideas.
Miscavige cannot make anything good out of the Hubbard bag, it’s impossible no matter how much Miscavige tries.
Hubbard’s orders and strategies and ideas will defeat whoever is trying to make those ideas sell.
Scientology is a cornucopia of bad ideas that no one can sell.
Hubbard left them the problem of trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
The quickest solution is “quit fast” as per KSW 1.
And those that quit, please donate to the Aftermath Foundation for they help people who have trouble quitting and restarting in life.
First of all: so good to hear from you, Mike!
Second of all: In that little square at the last page (Negative effects of TV on children), he talks about how it is being motionless in front of the TV that is the primary danger.
But staying motionless for hours in an auditing room is, of course, perfectly fine…
Mike Rinder to the gold phone! You are needed to hurry up get well and fully recover. A new action with Leah Remini’s lawsuit against scientology and david miscavige has been filed and your knowledge and expertise is needed in the battle to come. You are just too valuable an asset.
Get well quickly my good man.
It’s like you could basically go through every point of the basic belief in Scientology and show how David M either doesn’t follow it, or promotes something opposite. Very interesting Mike. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, hypocrisy knows no bounds with Hubbard.
What about his insatiable desire to get celebrities into Scientology? What’s a celebrities comm line to world consist of??? TVs, big screens and now little flat screens watched and used daily by tens of millions.
Of course Miscavige took that even further with installing into every Org TV monitors playing their role in getting the message of Scientology to anyone silly enough to watch them, let alone believe the crap that’s on them. He even owns a TV station!
Yes, TVs are evil according to Hubbard, they give more enlightenment of what Scientology actually is and does.
The Church of Paranoia is plain to see if you actually look at the source of it. Good reference.
Yawn is the perfect name to describe Hubbard and his world views – especially TV.
Hubbard formed his views almost 100 years ago. How much interest can you have in someone expressing views that were formed so long ago? It’s just ancient history now and far too outdated to be very interesting.
There are some great thinkers who have gone down in history that people still like to discuss and find value in their writings – people like Nicholas Tesla and other great scientists.
But even though his thinking resulted in a major change to the world’s economy, who finds any interest in Henry Ford in 2023?
Great thinkers – like great people from long ago – are time sensitive. As the years go by, it may be sad to say, but these people and their ideas are simple outmoded and outdated as time goes by.
There may well be some good reasons to understand cults like Scamatology. The main reason is that they are still active and still causing terrible suffering among many people. People have good reasons to try and destroy cults that destroy peoples lives.
But I just cannot see why there is any interest in Hubbard’s teachings today. How much relevance can there be in someone’s thoughts about technology (like TV) almost 100 years after it first came into widespread use? If you look at TV today and compare it with TV in the 1950s, it’s just not worth spending time trying to understand what value or importance the technology TV has today.
TV today is almost nothing like TV of the 1950s and I would suggest that technology is currently changing so fast that TV will not be recognizable in the next ten or twenty years.
Hubbard was nothing but a con man who made a huge amount of money by destroying the lives of huge numbers of victims.
I just can’t get behind spending time trying to study or understand the precepts he put forward in the service of making himself wealthy at the expense of millions of his victims.
IMHO, it’s almost a complete waste of our time.
You are so right, and to add insult to injury, Hubbard seriously attempted to make time stand still in 1965 with KSW1. Such blanket stupidity, it boggles the mind in it’s destructive nature. The evidence is in and it grows every day just how abusive it is to defy progress. It utterly defeats individual enthusiasm in a relative short time and turns it into an aggressive dictatorship like it is witnessed in the SO and Org staff.
Just to contemplate his utterances taken in as timeless wisdom like, “the tech is free, keep is so & make the tech your own etc.” If that was workable or true we wouldn’t be here on this blog demanding justice for the most appalling criminality Scientology commits, especially on the young, the aged and defenseless. It both weaponized and bobby trapped the desire of freedom and hope.
I am the source of the CMO PAC ED 12 September 1982 “Crew & TV”. I know that the images are scans of my original document because there are unique, tell-tale marks imbedded in the scans I did of the two pages.
Thank you!
Wait! In that issue, did Hubbard create a new cause of sickness? TV! Lolol!!
My wife and I lived on the 7th Floor Leb Hall from 1983-88, Room 711. I had a mini TV where I would watch the Laker games in the comfort of my room. Omg. I hid the TV every day in a secret hiding spot. CMO PAC and Security never found. It was a cheap POS maybe worth $75 then.
Yes I go there: Hitler alsoo watched movies way into the night before he went to bed around 3 or past 3 at night and nobody dared to wake him before he crawled out of his bed around 12 noon or 13 midday.
It has been demonstrated that well within two minutes of watching television, most people enter a hypnotic alpha state bordering on theta, (a trance-like state induced by the flicker of the television broadcast signal). Viewers in this state are no longer able to critically evaluate, discern, or pass judgement from their own moral database on the material viewed….~Rense
Maybe Hubbard did not want another to move in on his action….
Well your last sentence was what I was gonna say!!!! Do as Ron says ugh. I am so thrilled that you are well enough to share this with us!!! I’m sure this has been a scary journey for you both and I wish nothing but good health for you!!!!
We alllll really miss you Mike and look forward to your return to SPTV!!!! I hate using this word (reminds me of my CULT exp) but wow you have a “TESTIMONY” to share!!! Like the one you had wasn’t big enough already eh lol yes I’m Canadian lol Scottish Lass at heart…..
Love to you & Christy xo
“All you’ve got to introduce is motionlessness; you’ll get aberration”
Thanks, Hubbard, for the TRs, and instructions on how to hold the cans while be audited. Scientology – working as intended.
Haha, very good, you made me laugh…
ANYTHING that competed with ron’s need for stats, make money, and on-purpose work was bad, bad, bad. He cobbled up a bunch of 90% lies to make the point that he was taking away another distraction to his need for stats, make money, and on-purpose work. The crew gets only stats, make money, and on- purpose work and no sex, family, friends, breaks, vacations, or ‘life-as-we-know-it’ outside of the sea org.
I remember when those orders came out. It guaranteed that SO members would definitely lose touch with the world around them. Of course if you were a TV celebrity the rules did not apply for the presidents office at Celebrity Centre. Hypocrisy piled on hypocrisy.
What a load of bs! Work hours largely reduced due to labor saving technologies that allowed people free time and the entertainment industry expanded to fill the niche. For the first time, middle class people didn’t have to spend every waking moment just trying to provide for themselves.
Did sea org members have a lot of stuff to chitchat about at mealtimes besides work? I’ve read how little time was given for meals, so I doubt it.
This is frightening! I don’t disagree entirely with LRH’s conclusion, ie TV bad. But I wouldn’t make quite as broad of a statement as that and most of his reasoning is pretty whack so I THINK I’m ok lol.
So lovely to see that you’re posting, Mr. Rinder
Your Goldie
Television, along with an evening news broadcast about the death of Mary Sue Hubbard’s dog, is the reason I’m no longer in Scientology.
Yes, L. Ron Hubbard. TV is dangerous… to scientology!
Oh golly, those cathode ray tubes will be the death of us!
Hahaha, it’s so good to see you posting, Mike. Hope you’re recovering with comfort and ease.
Big love always.
Hi Mike. I hope you are doing better on your medical pgm. I’m suggesting a post for the near future concerning the Tech Films of scn. I’ve had a conversation with Mitch Brisker who was part of redoing them all in the recent years, purging all the now SPs actors from the previous versions. The funny part for Miscavige is the fact that Mitch was the director and now he has joined the SP’s Club. So Dave is now left with a real problem of having to redo them all……. and we might even offer him a solution for the almost impossible task!! The best candidate for the Mission Impossible is no other than Tom Cruise as the Director of the New State of The Art Tech Films!!!
How (bloody) wonderful.