All of Europe’s businesses are dependent upon the creation of an “Ideal Org” in Denmark.
With that sort of genius (clearly a master of the Data Series) in play — the US should be BOOMING by now, so too South Africa and Australia and Italy and Spain and Denmark and Russia and Sweden and England and Germany…. My God, there should be a planetary economic upsurge the likes of which have never been seen before emanating from the “Ideal Orgs”!
So, give us your money! NOW! It’s urgent. And if it causes you pain, well, that’s just how we roll.
Von: WISE EUROPE <[email protected]>
An: WISE EUROPE <[email protected]>
Gesendet: 16:11 Sonntag, 16.Juni 2013
Betreff: Important Message – CO WISE EUROPE
WISE EUROPEOffice of the Commanding Officer WISE EuropeDear Friend,In order to create a real 3rd and 4th Dynamic Impact and change we need to demonstrate the Ideal Scene and we have to have an Ideal Base. The Continental Ideal Org is going to be the center of every single sector of Scientology. With this Org in place we can assist and clear every aspect in Life including the current decline of the economical scene.The time is NOW – we are completing the Europe Continental DK Ideal Org.There is no question, that we have to move fast and that we have to work together shoulder by shoulder to make this a reality. This includes that we have to suffer a bit, and it will get to the blood, sweat and tears stage, but this is part of the game.With Golden Age of Tech II on the horizon, we have to have this Ideal Org in Place in order to get people rapidly up the bridge. Further we need to disseminate the Admin Tech into every organization so that the result is going to be a flourishing and prospering environment.What has this to do with you as a WISE member?Everthing! Your company cannot be successful in a bad and declining environment where more and more companies are going broke, and where more and more people are going down the tonescale. What would be the outcome if the people in the government would know how to evaluate data correctly and how to find real WHYs? What would happen if they just would apply the datum of awarding upstats?I think this makes sense that the making of our Ideal continental Org influences all of us! Doesn’t it?Therefore We need your contribution!And we need it now!!!!!!!!!!!Move up to your next Status for the Denmark Ideal Org.Contact our office for any assistance.Ml,Paul StorferCO WISE EUVisit the website www.wise.orgOr contact the continental office in EuropeStore Kongensgade 551264 Copenhagen K, DenmarkOffice: 0045 33737322 orMobile: 0045 27201511Fax: 0045 3373 7321
You are criminally out-exchange and YOUR stats are seriously DOWN (they suck big-time in fact).
Therefore no donations for you!
Please blow – you’ll be glad you did!
WISE is a rip off and a shakedown. They do nothing for you except call you once a year when/if your membership needs to be renewed. WISE is superfluous as anyone can buy, read and apply the admin tech of the Green Vols. WISE execs are robots who do what the CO$ tells them to do, which lately is shilling for the Dwarf’s real estate.
So much for WISE being “secular”, eh?
Precisely Graduated.
Oh, Lord, this is getting trés pathetique!
What a confused, pathetic, begging, asshole. He has my vote to be the next “WDC Ideal Orgs”. I feel sorry for any business owner stupid enough to give this guy the time of day….
How can the church STILL be squeezing money out of only 20K* people world wide? NO ONE is objecting to church officials yet?
*sorry I meant 8 million 🙂
“have to have” eh? Yikes!
More sales talk. It’s just a sales and marketing organization. But is now really just a receive “contributions” or “donations” organization. Oh, I forget, it’s religious in nature. LOL
Somehow the ‘religious” part always gets dropped.
Inducing “fear” sells. But yet the church says it helps people become better, but yet at every moment they sell “fear”, go figure.
I dunno, in my parts of the world, I don’t see people going broke nor down tonescale. In fact, the wogs in my part of the world are do’in just fine.
I’m sorry, was that email supposed to make sense?
Made sense to me what’s your agenda?
Sorry I may have misunderstood your original reference. WISE letter makes less sense. I thought lownSP was clear.
“In order to CREATE a REAL 3rd and 4th dynamic” impact and change….” WTF?
Yes – the ones Scientology have created are only a delusion – a figment in David Miscavige’s glossy promo propaganda Sherman Speaking mind.
The members and staff are bleeding – most of them are completely broke. Many have borrowed huge amounts of debt to go up the Bridge and donate to Miscavige’s slush fund – then they can’t pay off the debt because they are caved in – and they file Bankruptcy and let their homes get foreclosed on.
One of the reason’s the economy is doing bad is because of people borrowing money – getting in to debt they can’t pay back. This was all cleverly designed. People took the bait – borrowed on their homes (used them as banks) and took out credit w/o even realizing they would cave themselves in financially.
Scientology Organization completely took advantage of their members – encouraged them to take on debt and did not care if they could pay it back.
This is the ADMIN tech I abhore. It is not the REGGES job to care about what happens once he/she has their stat. And so it goes…on and on and on.
An organization must know what is happening to make sure a person is receiving the ultimate service for the money exchanged.
Scientology keeps everything secret and everyone gagged.
Scientology contributed to the motion of economic collapse!
One of the million reason’s I left –
I saw this REGG totally cave in this woman.
(Actually I saw this many, many times)
She was encouraged by the 3 regges hammering her for hours – to put the entire bridge on her credit cards (don’t call hubby – to ensure a 3rd party conflict instigated by the Church of Scientology)
This was a Class Five Morgue. After she did it – she could not even get up it – she was completely caved in.
Her “ruin” was money and the Regg told her she would become a Millionaire! All sorts of claims and she got caught up in the heat of the regg cycle.
She had come into Scientology through WISE to improve her practice.
Her family lent her $75,000 to pay her bills and keep her home. BUT FLAG GOT THAT FROM HER TOO!! It was about 8 months later she was freaking out – and Flag said “come on down and do the “havingness rundown”.
When she came home – she could not have anything – the Church of Scientology TOOK everything! She did not even have money for plane ticket or to check out….she had to call her father. Another planted 3rd party conflict the Cult started – fighting with dad about the cult. Carefully masked though.
FLAG got ALL OF HER MONEY AGAIN to buy another bridge. They knew he had already paid for it once but told her she could not transfer – she had to pay for it again. They had found out she had received a loan from the family. She had not even started the 1st Bridge – and Flag is so greedy they make her buy another.
I have names of people in the Class 5 Org (very small) that have filed bankruptcy and lost their homes to foreclosure – it is staggering! Kept very quiet. One guy was a big WISE supporter! He borrowed $250K on his house and went to FLAG for one year – did all the grades and all three L’s – came home – spent money like it grew on trees and about 8 months later – totally caved in financially. He quit going to the Org but has to keep his mouth shut because his wives whole family is in.
Thanks for posting Mike – awesome information!
Jeeezzz! Thank you for sharing this!! Wow. It’s like a train wreck. !!! THANK YOU! I KNEW there was a reason I had to get outta there. !!!
I’m liking these exclamation marks.. !!! Whew!
Blown, I must respectfully disagree with you about admin tech. Admin Tech is based on “Income greater than outgo, plus reserves”. This applies to an individual, a company, a nation. The admin tech, applied correctly, will make you (anyone) solvent. Its not just for Scn Orgs, which indeed, do not apply it, or they WOULD be solvent. “Income greater than outgo, plus reserves” is effected thru “exchange in abundance”.
That means delivering services very well in volume. Every business has their tech, their ethics and their admin. If you take Scn admin and apply it to a business it will follow that the tech of that business MUST improve, unless the business’s ethics are out, in which case the businesses ethics have to be gotten in. The tech, ethics and admin of any business all work together and impact each other for good or bad.
I have a lot of training in LRH admin tech. I use some of it. Some principles in it are true breakthroughs, e.g. the philosophical background of Org Board, for those few who truly understand it is a very powerful tool. Some (like the Data Series) are priceless. But many aspects of it are badly outdated or lacking. A few examples:
1. There is nothing in LRH admin tech about product development. Since the CoS didn’t need it, it’s nowhere on the org board. It is only designed to build an organization that sells and delivers a product that is already made and given to it.
2. The rigid organizational structure and command hierarchy described in the admin tech is not ideal for every type of organization. For a creative type organization (e.g. one that develops products) it is not the right structure.
3. Hard sell is ripe for the museum (“would you believe it, that’s how they sold things in the 20th century”). In 2013, it doesn’t work, it is rejected, socially unacceptable and ineffective in a world of instant sharing of customer experience of a company’s sales tactics.
4. As LRH emphasised in different places that the admin tech works if and because “you are not selling cars or life insurance or MEST, etc.” Well, companies do sell cars and life insurance and MEST. So now it gets kinda schizophrenic. So we are selling MEST. Do we still roll with this anyway? But LRH says it is not for selling MEST. Or should we use something else…? But then we will get kicked in the ass by the EO for squirreling with the admin tech… Oh my, we should just close the business and all join the Sea Org together…
5. The admin tech is frozen in time, while truly outstanding business books are written each year by creators and leaders of organizations that are a hell of a lot more successful than the church of scientology. The tech of running a business is evolving and is constantly improved by some very sharp people. On the other hand, I still recall my argument with a staff member years ago when he quoted LRH saying something like income goes up 3 weeks after a big mailing. I tried to explain to him that it was because at the time it was written, letters took weeks to reach people and the time for people to physically come in or send in a check took about 3 weeks – but after sending out a bulk EMAIL, he shouldn’t hold his breath and wait for 3 weeks for the income to go up… because replies (if any) should start coming in in MINUTES. He absolutely didn’t get it. He said “LRH said 3 weeks”. Amen.
LRH admin tech has some very good, very usable components, but anyone who tries to run a business exclusively based on and completely adhering to everything it says and rejecting everything that’s not part of it or contradicts what LRH says, is doomed to failure.
Just consider this: if the admin tech is a whole and it is a complete, workable system, why is it that the church of scientology is a failing, corrupt, ridiculed organization, so out of touch that it is not even funny any longer? Because they are not using their own tech? Nah, I’m not buying that. Qual is supposed to take care of enforcing the knowledge and usage of the tech and it has obviously failed. The Exec division should lead the organization to prosperity, and it is anything but prosperous. PR tech is supposed to generate great recognition and popularity – and see how far it got them. Financial policy is supposed to keep the organization solvent, but show me a solvent org… So does that mean that everyone in these organization is out ethics? Well, there is a Personnel Section on that org board that is supposed to hire upstat, qualified people. If something goes wrong after they are hired, there an ethics section on that org board, but then obviously that failed too. So then, what part of it IS really working for the very organization that is the most avid follower of that “tech”…?
From my personal experience, there are certain parts that are great. Some are brilliant. But you have to be able to pick out the wheat from the chaff and use what really works – and discard the outdated or inapplicable parts.
So anyone who tells me that the admin tech as a complete system “works”, you just have to abide by it, please show me WHERE it is working. Proof of that pudding, please?
You know, for years, I thought how Miscavige stifled the various multiple orders hitting the churches from the various network heads, in some ways was a relief at the org level.
Miscavige dumbed it all down to just what Miscavige wished be the single key thing that everyone was working on.
This pleading WISE EU message, to me, just looks like all the earlier similar attempts by “network” heads (this case it’s the EU WISE office head) to coordinate their message.
Coordinated messages have a way of becoming illogical, especially when the pressure is on forcing coordination which in fact is a mono-single-message, which the single message appears to be this central org like org, Ideal central org for the cont, message.
What Miscavige in effect is doing, from his dictatorial position to put this massive pressure to force everyone to say the same message, is create these illogical mental connections from the other networks (this case being WISE EU, which of course has nothing to do with making a central org for the EU continent).
It’s an example of Miscavige’s simplifying management style, and I’m sure in other groups in world history, these types of ramifications happen when the top boss is a clueless dictator who cannot see the illogical results of their actions.
All of Hubbard’s writings, at least, are waiting in the wings, for whoever inherits this mess that Miscavige is making with Miscavige’s idiot simple makes no sense management style, just follow orders you idiots.
Memo to FLB Justice Chief: I have decided to do my A-E. My amends project will be to see that the use of !!!!!!!!!! in Scientology promo, letters and emails becomes a high crime. I’m so keyed out to have found my real mission in life!!!!!!!!!! Oops.
“Your company cannot be successful in a bad and declining environment where more and more companies are going broke, and where more and more people are going down the tonescale. What would be the outcome if the people in the government would know how to evaluate data correctly and how to find real WHYs?”
So let me get this straight. Your company and your prosperity depend on giving us all your money for an extravagant building so we can fix the government so they can find a right why so the economy can improve so your company can be successful.
Analysis: The author of this letter is a blathering, blithering idiot with evil purps cloaked in deluded cult fanaticism.
The author of this letter is completely aware of what he is doing, gets a 10% commission on the money he raises, is a complete sociopath and doesn’t give a shit.
I’m tempted to give him the benefit of the doubt and go with the former, which was my first over-riding impression. Incredibly amateurish, incompetent and illogical. And this is the CO WISE EU? I guess that also further belies the ineptness and desperation further up lines that such an individual would be posted as a senior continental executive.
LDW, you just posted all my thoughts! A company’s success is not predicated necessarily upon the success of other companies! How ridiculous, really! But then, WISE can be depended upon to to be evasive, manipulative and plain, downright dumb.
“What would happen if they would just would apply the datum of rewarding upstats? ”
As far as I know every time this experiment has been tried, the early adopters get rewarded and their later colleagues less so until the last group gets no rewards. In a relatively closed system you run out of new recruits to fuel.the system.
“What would happen if they would just would apply the datum of rewarding upstats?”
As far as I know every time this experiment has been tried, the early adopters get rewarded and their later colleagues less so until the last group gets no rewards.
You seem to be confusing a system of just compensation with a ponzi scheme. Life isn’t a ‘zero sum’ game. Each of us in capable of creating energy, and exchangeable valuable products in endless abundance. When people are rewarded for their valuable products, they produce more. When non-producers go unrewarded for their lack of production, it tends to motivate them to join the productive class.
Conversely, when people are rewarded for producing little or nothing, they produce more of the same. When high producers are cheated out of just compensation for their hard work, they begin producing less.
Right on! True true true!! Thank you.
Itis all so superficial, if we look good we can clear the planet. Does that make sense to anyone outside of hollywood?
Seems to be what one would expect. I’m sure not remotely surprised. A precise demonstration of the definition of insanity: “Doing the same (unsuccessful) thing over and over and expecting a different result.” I think I can promise that there will be an ever expanding stream of further insane actions before the Titanic rolls over and plunges to the sea bed.
Thats pimping all right… and extremely boring! Using the same old lines again. What a frustrating job that must be!
But they’re getting paid a whopping $50 per week. Unless it’s David Miscavige’s birthday…then they get about $12 for that week so they can buy Crazy Davey a new motorcycle. Or gold leaf golf cart.
Goddamnit! Why do they not bring in their all time Super Duper Super Power Pooper Scooper to give the presentation and save the frickin day? Matt knows all about things finance and could shed the light on how to extract the last bit of red juice out of the wretched pale faced whimpering Kool-Aide drinkers. They could fund the new Idle Morgue and he could garner enough in FSM commissions to cover his living expenses for a year.
To me, this email goes far beyond twisted logic into the realm of either total delusion or deliberate prevarication, or a combination of both. WISE has never had any real effect whatsoever on the world or regional economies. An Ideal org in Denmark will have no effect either. So deleting all the delusion and lies, all that is left is the message that Scientologists are expected to, no, demanded to: suffer.
I’m working out the Classification and Awareness Chart so that it’s easier to understand and study. I estimate at least a 500% improvement in speed along the gangplank. I’ve opted to do away with the term “Bridge” as there is no end in sight, but one can always see the end of the gangplank. Also works better with the imagery of Sharks, the Enforcers who you want to avoid at all costs, thus continued payment for status advancement is assured. Once one attains Eminence, (Ideal State), one is so far in debt that the Sharks will pay no attention as there is much more meat on the bone still up there on the plank.
I think it’s a win-win situation.
Might need a little tweaking. Help me out if you can. This is, after all, a Group Effort.
Distribution: Rumor mongerers
I’m all in for Eminence. How much do you need?
Would be best if we could do it next week hoping my bullion hoarding will pay off with a price recovery in gold!
Hey More Lives, if this wasn’t so true it would be hysterically funny. I love it. I am approving it and forwarding it to the next terminal. If it gets rushed up to Him maybe He’ll look at it before He takes off for the Ship so it can be released for Auditors Day. VWD. Me-ow.
My goodness – you should be a surrealistic painter ~ great description 🙂
How much more money does the I.A.S need,is there a end to the madness will it ever end,I do hope the church members wake up .
I was one of the first pubic members of WISE.
Long story short, They don’t deliver what they promise, so I quit.
I teach and counsel on finances and Gold Bullion business.
Mostly my best reference is P.T. Barnum’s ( Barnum and Bailey Circus)
book on Money because it works .
Desperation in every line.
yes. and especially in the line ,
“Therefore We need your contribution!
And we need it now!!!!!”
oops…I forgot a few exclamation points…here ya go…”!!!!!”
There, that’s better.
“Desperation in every line” — yes indeed! Here again is this pattern of insider Scilon communication revealing a sense of decline, depletion, impending doom.
I do love it, though, when writers like this try to wax eloquent and emotional in Scilon-speak. You get really heart-grabbing sentences like:
“What would happen if they just would apply the datum of awarding upstats?”
Oh my god yes, you’re right, why didn’t I see it, take my money please!
“In order to create a real 3rd and 4th Dynamic Impact and change we need to demonstrate the Ideal Scene and we have to have an Ideal Base.”
Isn’t this having to have before we can do. OMG this was drilled into me time and time again that “having to have before you can do” is not the correct order.
Things are so off base now its not even funny. Its the final throes of death screams of an organization on the way out. So sad.
Good point Richard,
It applies really to David Miscavige’s all things Idle which is different from the original Ideal concept which occurs if Scn Inc works the way it’s supposed to. It does transform the entire Scn Inc as now the concentration is having to have (as in Be Do Have) instead of just simply being and doing. Kind of like having to do basic instead of simply learning to Audit.
I wish you are right.
” it will get to the blood, sweat and tears stage, but this is part of the game” – Yes that’s so correct. David Miscavige’s game of abusing and torturing people and making people weep and bleed. And he LOVES it. Come on everyone- lets join in and play the DAVID MISCAVIGE GAME! Bleed, weep and sweat while he eats imported sea lion ternderloin served on a gold plate. Hmmm. I personally will probably sit this one out- I contributed enough blood sweat and tears before I WOKE UP.
It’s so pathetic: “blood, sweat and tears… but this is part of the game!”