Oh, to be in the UK today for this MONUMENTAL MILESTONE event.
The apex of the vortex of the universe. The planet is about to shift on its axis.
The entire continent is going to move into full on continental clearing mode. Its imminent… A Clear UK.
Miscavige is SOO desperate to have anything to show the clubbed seals that he is resorting to Potemkin Villages in Clearwater and renovating a building across the road from St Hill (as if there isn’t enough room at St Hill to cater to the 25 public and manage a continent of failed orgs (and 2 missions).
As they say, NO ideal orgs in the UK since 2006 — coming up on 10 years of fail.
Bet that dinner is going to be a treat. Sea Org mess halls have traditionally vied for Michelin stars, no doubt the rice and beans will be to die for.
And don’t forget, this is your ONLY opportunity to see inside the management building OMG.
PS: They are giving out special awards — so that means FUNdraising! Maybe even some people dressed up in funny outfits.
I’m not a scientologist but I’m behind you 100% Keep going!
The cult spending its money and having higher maintenance and property taxes as a result has got to be a good thing. The more property they have got and the more expensively it is furnished then the quicker they will run out of money and collapse. There will be no new members with money joining the cult because of the crazy way it is set up with fixed donations not being returnable. No wog with money and a couple of brain cells is going to go down that path. Plus there is plenty on the Internet that says that Scientology is nasty shit with Xenu the galactic overlord and body thetans. So no new members with money and it is not that the current Scientologists in the UK have deep roots into money-making businesses that make money off the general public as an indirect source of money for the cult. Just long-term UK Scientologists becoming progressively broke and going further into debt. And there will be no net money to collect off them from their wills as they will all die in debt.
Please, buy and renovate more buildings in the UK and turn them all into palaces.
Old news that I noticed when cross-indexing: Markus Wuethrich, the guy who sends out emails trying to sell cassettes, is the President/Director of Author Services, Inc. On paper, at least.
Author Services Inc. – Registered in Florida as Foreign Profit Corporation April 19, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project
I’m sure that he was selected for this demanding position by a complex process like “Hey you with the broom, what’s your name?” “Okay, write that in the box.”
Hi RMycroft,Thank you for your post on Jeffery Augustine.That name rings some bell in my head! Love where you posted the process where he was selected for his position,” Hey you with the broom “..I don’t know but somewhere I wrote to him maybe, I should have listed my regular commers because now I can’t recall any but the real showstoppers,but he was somewhere back in the day.Not pleasant either.Ann.
“International Landlord Office”? Ah, never mind. I see it’s just another money raking scam on the sheeple.
>L. Ron Hubbard Theme Park
The admission price includes a carton of cigarettes – just like L Ron smoked!
Next to L Ron’s place, you will find:
Lil David Miscavige’s Ideal World:
A building that is very large in area and completely EMPTY=IDEAL, and the ceilings are only 5′ 6″ high. Your choice – a fifth of scotch or rum, with admission. Be sure to bring along the cigarettes from L Ron’s world!
Hi visitor, Love this theme park!Don’t forget the policy on Radiation, that can be handed to each as they enter.My carton of Kools would cause lung cancer for me just by looking at the stuff now & SO members must dig deep for change for cigs as a carton here is now $60.00.Thank the Universe I quit over 40 years ago.But Ron really had me hooked on the disgusting menthol high for my SO time in.He could sell it…Ann.
Hi Alex Castillo ex Flag evaluator 1974-1981,I am very pleased to meet you.There were a lot of situations for me in SO Asho F,where I swear I should have known what was going on.When I look back,I had missed some early warning flags I needed to have done something about.Tony’s book was amazing for me.Paulette Cooper is one of the heroes so very strong.Clearing The Planet was a burning Intention for me also,until toward the end of my SO time,the wheels came off the Tech as I had known it, & GOI Tech took over my case etc. Ann.
Check to Scientology = real estate purchase. Real estate = proof Scientology is growing. Proof Scientology is growing = justified religion. Justified religion = Scientology’s practices are legitimate. It’s a circle of false equations.
Sorry to butt in an off topic manner Mike. I just finished reading Tony Ortega’s book on Paulette Cooper and I must say I find hard to believe that having been a Flag Management Org Manager/Evaluator, full FEBC, DSEC, OEC, etc etc (notice the capitals), the whole Green on White ” bridge”, during the exact period of time when Paulette was under the gun, when LRH was intent in making her disappear, when the media was reporting so much about her case, I NEVER NOTICED what was going on!! Even when one day in the middle of the night me and the entire management team were suddenly ordered to leave Clearwater and fly to LA because “there was going to be an FBI raid on CW” , I never considered what was going behind the scene. How fucking emarrasing that is.
Too busy trying to clear the planet I guess. Blush, my bad!!
Oh, is that all. After Mike Rinder’s grandly written prelude to this announcement, knowing how Dickcavige is, I just thought it would be one of the standard events of late… Dickcavige making an appearance at some European rinky dink over billed event, a gathering to celebrate something ridiculous like Dickcavige taking a landmark dump (he’s so nuts I wouldn’t put it past him), or a dinner honoring one of his dogs landmark doo doo’s… you never know with him, except that whatever it is, it will be more fodder for the fraudulated. Is silly bathroom humor allowed at this forum?
Hi In Dog I Trust, Good to see your post again.For me there is always a space for silly bathroom humor! After I had to clean my first toilet with a toothbrush & got a cert for men’s urinal cleaning on the Excalibur, I had to have bathroom humor.It is when I was so hungry & hurt etc I cried while doing toilet torture clean, but before that hit,I definitely retained my sense of laughter,around bathrooms.Still do,with all my medical tests everyone around me ,we just laugh.Ron SO & cancers took my modesty right out the window- nothing bothers me about my body now.Just trying to keep it firing on all burners! Ann.
Thank you Ann. Wow, you’ve been through a lot. It’s great to see you still have your great sense of humor in tact. Keep firing up those burners! You go girl! I’m rooting for you!
In Dog I Trust, Thank you! I needed a pep talk today. Always Ann.
“This is not to be missed!” is code for: Write a check and turn it in or else it gets sec-checked again.
It’s more serial fundraising in the spirit of Buffalo Bill (not the cowboy)
I always did wonder what, “This is not to be missed” meant.
Hi Len Zinberg, Yes and make sure the ponies are those Wild West Broncos that Ron rode at the age of 2 or so!Cause over MEST always Ann.
“No Ideal Orgs in the UK since 2006”
I have to believe that certain people in the UK have more common sense than certain Americans. At least on this issue.
Regarding Martin Padfield’s comment about ‘Fonthill’, it’s very ironic that this very same building used to be a school “awash with rumours of child abuse by its teachers – which proved well founded a year later when a teacher was convicted.” How many rumors of child abuse ie: children recruited into the Sea Org, doing manual labor, denied a proper education, cult think indoctrination, teen marriages and forced abortions, have we already heard?
Isn’t there a big charity operating out of that place?
No Roland, the charity is not located at that place. It appears to be unconnected to The Cult but associated with the school that was previously there.
The Fonthill Foundation, a legit educational charity which actually helps people, was started with the proceeds of the 2011 sale of the former school property.
So a new ‘Ideal Continental Liaison Office’ is finished. What’s next? The Ideal Janitors Room? An Ideal Landry {with matching coin operated washers and dryers}?
So no Ideal sewage treatment facility? Just another way to pollute the nearby river.
When the speaker from the Ideal International Landlords Office talks, will they explain why all the money raised for ‘Ideal Birningham’ and elsewhere in the UK was spent on another building for CLO?
All the ‘awards’ guarantee some foolish whale will show up and get regged again for something else? Isn’t Tom Cruise in the UK right now? The pr tour for MI5 should be starting up soon, I wonder if he’ll give a shout out to Xenu and his homeboy DLHDM?
Yes, but will there be pony rides?
Oh please and cotton candy too??
Len & I Yawnalot, yes! You will get that! Now, the horses will be play by RPF folks. And let me tell you, they’ve really been practicing! You can hardly tell there are people inside those horse costumes. As for cotton candy, well, it’s sort of kind of, you know, looks like cotton candy. But, it’s really just cotton spray painted pink. But, hey, you’ll still get ’em!
Len, a question. I have heard Tory say this and some on here, as well as Carla Moxon: when you hung out with Scitol fellows back in the day, did you engage in the talk about Ron and his spaceship? I’m wondering if this sort of talk was common when people were hanging around together.
Hi OTD-OUTTHEDOOR, Good to see your post.I may not be answering your question correctly, but no I did not talk with or talk about The Morgue all the time & really not when on post at all. But in break moments or at special briefings the Spaceship would be present.Invisible but we in the SO believed there it would be when needed.Ron could do all.Crazy! Ann.
While on staff in Hawai’i, we were told Ron’s spaceship could hold 10,000 people and that it was parked inside some mountain.
Hi OSD, Thank you I had forgotten about the magic mountain,like the sword in the stone,& now the spacecraft in the rock.I first encountered The Morgue in Ole Doc Methuselah by Ron.Whoever wrote me on SO1 loved that book,but really loved Slaves Of Sleep also his.The title fits right in with the still ins who have closed their minds.Ann.And Deaths Deputy too,that one has shades of GOI/OSA to come.
Thanks, Ann!
“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald
Hi MM, Thank you for this insight.Always Ann.
You’re welcome Ann. Wise words to live by.
Excellent quote, Michael! Bravo!
Glad you like it OSD.
Soon to be the new site for the UK “Hole”. That’s why public won’t be allowed in after the event is over…
Bizarre. Fonthill isn’t “just across the road” – it is off Coombe Hill road, maybe a mile by car, half a mile as the crow flies. It used to be a school till 2011 but closed ostensibly due to falling pupil numbers but was already awash with rumours of child abuse by its teachers – which proved well founded a year later when a teacher was convicted.
The CLO moved from Rottingdean to St Hill in 1983 precisely so it could be right there on the lines of the delivery Orgs (in the old days when there was more than one delivery Org at St Hill). Now it is moving OFF the grounds!!! Well I’m sure AOSH staff won’t mind – they would probably be happier of the entirety of CLO, CMO, Flag Reps, RTC Reps et al would move somewhere in the vicinity of Saturn – which is surprisingly warm apparently.
Hi Martin Padfield,Thank you for your post.It helps set the scene to have an orientation of the geography.This is strange,a year or so ago a Baton Rouge our small market local TV personality was murdered by his partner who then killed himselfThe tele man’s first name was Roger,& it all came out he had been run out of England for molesting kids at a school in East Grinsted,where he was a teacher.Hid out here for some years by assuming his alter ego.People end up in the strangest places! May not be the same school,but could be.A move to Saturn for them all,The Morgue will be flying in to pick them up! Always enjoy your posts.Ann.
You wouldn’t know if this was Scientology’s own Greenfields School by any chance? They had quite a scandal in 1994 when it came to light that one of their teachers molested a number of boys under his care since he also ran the boys’ boarding programme… I was there when all this blew up and always wondered what happened to the guy.
Yes I know Forest Row is not quite East Grinstead, but if CLOUK is now “across the road” then for all intents and purposes it might as well be 🙂
The rear of the Fonthill property backs up on to Saint Hill Road, opposite and a little beyond the East Grinstead Sports Club, as near as I can tell from Google Maps.
Hi,DB2, Good to meet you.You mentioned Greenfields School in your post & that indicated to me that the ex-teacher from East Grinstead who was murdered here in Baton Rouge, seems to me he may have been from there.I know he was not in London,further out.I was in England in 66 & 72,went to,East Grinstead & probably went by St.Hill as I was in that area a week or so.Back to the future in 2 yrs on I was in SO at Asho F.Ann.
You are right, Martin there is a route across the playing fields of the old school which takes you out onto St Hill Road. From there it is a short walk to St Hill. I’d say about 800 yards from the old school building to the castle at St Hill.
And, going by car is about 1 mile. Given that most staff berthing is around 14 miles away, this probably isn’t actually too much of an incovenience. Perhaps they want to shift the staff away so the public can’t see just how puny they really are?
The real mystery is why they think they need such a big building for a handful of CLO staff who manage a handful of UK orgs, the vast majority of which are no bigger than a modest-sized mission. More smoke and mirrors from Miscavige – he is all about Big MEST (over-compensating?). Which for a cult that believes ‘Theta is senior to MEST’ is a bit peculiar. At least if anyone stopped to think about it.
Sounds like it could be managed out of a Men’s room crapper stall, as long as they install a telex machine. Neighboring stall could be LRH’s office.
Axiom 142, they do believe that theta is senior to mest, but part of the “build it and they will come” Ideal Morgue hoodwinking is convincing the Still Ins that “raw public”, aka Wogs, believe the opposite therefore, big, impressive buildings are the only way to attract large numbers of raw public, in that, unlike Scientologists who are attuned to spiritual matters and theta, wogs are only capable of appreciating MEST
Another factor is as we all know St Hill Road is quite dangerous for foot traffic. I can’t see the sense in having Sea Org members at all hours of the day and night, in all kinds of mental trauma, crossing it is such a great idea.
On the plus side, if all the Network guys, CMO, RTC etc etc will also be based there it will be a relief for those who actually do anything productive. The layers of management is ludicrous in the extreme. One time while standing in as Reg near 2pm on Thursday there were no less than TWELVE “executives” round my desk while I was trying to get some work done – all demanding compliance on different and conflicting programs. Classic case of too many chiefs, not enough Indians. I slipped away under the desk and let them argue away with each other. I don’t think they even noticed. True story.
Why wouldn’t public be welcome in a “management” building on a regular basis? What in great oobly goobly are they hiding in there?
Scientology: Forever hiding a bunch of top secret Nothing.
Hi hgc10, My thought exactly! What is so secret that the game becomes,what is it where is it who is it why is it?Nothing more than crumbled dreams scattered to the winds while the greedy will not sees keep guarding the empty fortresses for someone who ran rough shod over them all,and will leave them holding the empty bag.Ann.
Just busy hiding their crimes, I guess.
It’s bad enough when public wander into an empty Ideal Morgue and discover no one there. But there’s a plausible excuse: “hey, they’re all out disseminating to people in the community” or “they’re all at Flag practicing to deliver standard tech absolutely standardly.”
But if it’s an administration building, it’s a little harder to disguise the fact that the building is meant to hold 800 workers but they only have about 20 people who are all basically sitting around reorganizing the paper clips in their desk drawers, because the empire is crumbling and the administrators have nothing to administer.
I have lived some years across to Saint Hill .. never heard of or seen Fonthill in this environment .. it is not there where they say .. about the staff, I have heard that they have lost Peter Morgan .. Snr Chaplain ..
Hi Mike,When oh when will the still ins break out!Special commemorative awards for this evening only! And total joy and astonishment when The SO Mess is revealed in all its’culinary glory to the starving whales,celebs,big being donors!Plus breakfast & lunch& dinner! Heat up those dogs rice & beans.That’s pulling out all the stops!And that cLo Badge just gives me chills!So OT,WOW! Plus we live in Fairhill subdivision,oh gosh please don’t confuse me with Fonthill,as in the font of all evil scams.Always Ann.
Way past kicking a Dead Horse.
nuff said.
Ideal Org Fail Disaster 2015
In the event of something happening to me,
There is something I would like you all to see.
It’s just a photograph of who I used to be
Have you seen my life, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it’s like on the outside?
Don’t go digging too deep, or you will backslide, Mr. Jones
I kept shutting down all contact with SPs
Is it true that all the psychs are after me?
Or have they really got much better things to do?
And my so-called church just wants to hide the truth?
Have you seen my life, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it’s like on the outside?
Don’t go digging too deep, or you will backslide, Mr. Jones
Backsliding is inevitable if you dig too deep.
Dinner at 5.30pm? Afternoon tea, surely?
“A place called Fonthill”- a place un-known to Google Maps. Looks like something else which exists solely in Scientology’s parallel universe.
I googled “Fonthill, East Grinstead”, and found it right away on Google Maps.
Adjacent to the “Sussex Soap Factory.” The guard towers and Ultra Barrier, if any, are difficult to see in the satellite photos.
Fricken hilarious. The new goon parlor will surely enable the remaining most dedicated goons in the history of goon universes. What you want to bet they don’t wait until morning for the pick pocketing to begin, probably before desert.
Does anyone know how many people live/work daily at St. Hill? More than a thousand?
Maybe 250
250?! When were you there last, if you don’t mind.
Hi Martin Padfield,250 doing the work of more than a thousand! Always Ann.
I thought that far more people were there. Doesn’t sound like a bustling place.
OTD, you better stop thinking for yourself!!! That’s a high crime…
Only a handful of staff actually live at St Hill. There is (officially) only berthing for perhaps 15 odd on the estate. Most staff (Sea Org) live at Walsh Manor which is located in Crowborough, about 14 miles away.
I’d be surprised if there were much more than about 200 staff now. I was last on line sthere in 2008, but I am a regular visitor to the area.
Do they commute to St. Hill and then return to Walsh Manor? Sorry to pester you but I am curious about how it works.
They had 60-70 Sea Org to run CLO Canada. I’d expect they’d need more for CLO UK, but maybe they’re staffing less these days?
Even in the 80s there was rarely more than 30 – 40 CLO staff at any given time. But with network people, CMO, OSA etc the whole of “management” as in non-delivery Org staff could have been as much as 150.
Although a bit dated now, a detailed breakdown of the 2011 census revealed some information concerning the occupation of Walsh Manor. It’s in an electoral ward that contained just 668 residents, 335 of whom lived in a communal establishment which can only be the Manor. There were 294 self-declared scientologists in the ward—the largest concentration in the UK—but it’s likely that some residents of the Manor didn’t answer the question or recorded something else. A proportion of the residents were probably staff, and I would guess visitors or those attending courses made up the remainder.
Detailed information is here, the drop-down menu provides detailed stats for those who are interested:
With the new Disneyland-style, strip mall of regs, COS has completely lost the plot.
I mean, what’s next? The L. Ron Hubbard Theme Park? Complete with The Apollo boat ride? A Super Power Roller Coaster? Tunnel-of-Ethics? And every Thursday at 2:00 a Sea Org marching band parades the park?
Hi Statpush,You have it cooking with super heat today! What a theme park,The Apollo Boat Ride complete with a very fine mist of blue dust,just to keep the super stop cancer in its tracks vitamins goodie bags moving that are given out as favors.Tunnel Of Ethics this is the best ride.Love bomb you going in,steal all your money while in the tunnel & reward you with Liability or Danger when you finish the ride.And that Sea Orge Marching Band! Playing Fly Me To The Moon & let me hitch another ride home!Always Ann.
Great idea, but I’d say at 2:05 every Thursday, there’s a public execution. It’s a real crowd pleaser.
Hi Hingle McCringleberry, Good to meet you! 2:05 Thursday! I keep seeing that darn time in my meandering dreams-nightmares!And Muster Up Asho Fdn! All of us jumping around to line up & get our voices in order for those Hip Hip Hoorays!Always Ann.
Dang, Hingle, I should have put that into my L.Ron Hubbard Theme Park! Man, I’m slipping!
Hmmmmmm. Statpush, I believe you’re on to something: L. Ron Hubbard Theme Park!
As you walk into the park, staff members dressed up as ‘public’ will rummage through your pockets for any money you may be carrying.
When you ride Snow White, she’ll yell at your kids to join the Sea Org TODAY and she tell the parents that they’re DBs and worthless.
If you and your kids go on the Merry-Go-Round, it won’t stop until all IAS goals are met. This could take many, many hours so it’s best to bring a lunch for everyone.
On the Autopia ride (the little cars that you can drive), although there’s two seats, only person from your family will be able to sit. The other seat is for the Ethics Officer. All Ethics Officers have a special clicker. As you approach what looks like a giant door with and ‘S’ and a ‘O’ on it, the EO clicks his or her clicker and it opens up. Your child and the EO disappear into the darkness. If your child starts crying the EO will say to your child, “You better shut up before I really give you something to cry about.
When you and your family go on what’s billed as a Star Wars Adventure, you’ll learn about body thetans! By the end of the ride, an ominous voice says, “You and your children have between 2,000 and 4, 000 (more if they think your wealthy).
When you and your family go on the LRH Space Mountain, it will take you to Target 2! You see how Hubbard is fairing in clearing that planet. You’ll also go to Mars and Venus to see the implant stations. The ride continues indefinitely until those in your rocket ship donate to the Target Two initiative.
When you and your family go on the Buzz Lightyear ride, you’ll see all the SPs that OSA knows about and you’re encouraged to kill them with abandon and call out there crimes at the same time. This ride is really fun! Those who kill the most SPs, get a free bottle of water! Wow!
When you and your family go on Pirates of the Caribbean ride, you’ll notice only every other row is filled with riders. You soon find out why. As your journey continues, the pirates jump into the boats and sec check everyone. Those that have ‘evil intentions’ and thrown overboard and left to fend for themselves. It’s a good thing to make sure your kids know how to swim.
When you and your family go to the Hubbard Mansion of Horrors (formally the Haunted Mansion), You’ll encounter what looks like millions of body thetans swirling all around you! You head, body, arms, legs will all feel pain as the BTs invade yours and your kids bodies. Now, your kids might start screaming so it’s a good idea to calm them down quickly before the reg hears them and charges you for the disruption. It’s a really good idea to always have your check book handy.
When you and your family go on the Mark Twain (now called the Miscavige Steamship), you’ll have a great time! The cast members on the doc all yell out: “DISCONNECTION NOW!” Although you think it means disconnect from the doc, it doesn’t. They just don’t want to scare anyone right off the bat. And, once again, the ride does not make port until every singe family on board disconnects from all of their family members. Now, this ride can take days, so, again, have plenty of food,water and blankets for the ordeal. Now, some of you might lose your jobs for not showing up at work, so you might want to call in beforehand.
When you and your family get on the monorail, you’ll have a fantastic ride all around the park. And don’t worry about the big door with the letters ‘IAS’ on it. When the monorail enters through the open doors, it takes you on an incredible adventure to Flag Land! Flag Land is the best ride in the park! Again, you may be gone for up to a billion years, but, hey, you really had nothing better to do anyways. This is a ride you can be on for years and years and years, and years and years and years. So pack right.
Yes, L. Ron Hubbard Park! There’s something evil for everyone! See you there!
Hi OSD, Now I’ll never go to sleep!No clowns I’m scared of them.Always Ann.
You don’t want to know what the Ideal Hot Dogs are made from.
Don’t ask what the Ideal Hot Dogs are made from.
Statpush, the cob already made a theme park with thrill rides. It’s the Superpower gyroscope thingey and the oiliness table and all the other attractions in the multimillion dollar Super Power Building.
I like the oily table….
Q. The L. Ron Hubbard Theme Park? Complete with The Apollo boat ride?
A. Qualified Scientologists can already enjoy these inspiring attractions on the ground floor of the Super Power Flag Mecca building! I kid you not.
Statpush, “Tunnel of Ethics”…”Super Power Roller Coaster”…you’re cracking me up. But look, can we have a Potential Trouble Source Roller Coaster also? After all, this is what PTS’s DO, so give them REALITY on their PTS condition by mandating a ride on the Ethics “Rollycoaster” (that was how LRH pronounced it) before going into the Ethics Tunnel. Gosh this all sounds like so much fun I might want to re-think doing my A to E!
Captain Miscavige would certainly insist upon a Chaos Merchant Shooting Gallery in his theme park with effigies of Mike, Marty, Mosey, Jenna, Tony, etc. whizzing around. I would suggest a special area called Sea Org World with various aquatic attractions including The False Porpoise Rundown.