Scientologists believe that anything written or spoken by L. Ron Hubbard is absolute truth. It requires no further inspection than the source of the words. This alone guarantees truth and accuracy. They also believe that repeating them will cause everyone who reads it to be inspired by the genius of the man and hand over money to gain access to more of his amazing truths. Or better yet, experience his promised states of spiritual godliness. Or even better, enable others to experience it by donating to an ideal org or the IAS.
Without a second thought (?) scientologists spew “LRH quotes” as if they are pixie dust.
The great thing about this quote is what it reveals about how Hubbard wanted his believers to act. Thinking in scientology is frowned upon. Literally. Do not ponder what this statement means or if it makes sense. Just observe and accept it. And if by chance you do think for a second “this does not make sense” then “find your misunderstood word.” This IS scientology.
Sometimes Hubbard’s words are more revealing than one would expect. But only if you think about them.
If OTs create their own reality, why did TC need a bunch of SO members to trick out his airplane hangar? Couldn’t he just “create” it stylin’ and perfect?
Oh, the look and fix may not work, but I am pretty sure I have fixed the VCR by blowing in it.
Typical confusing LRH wisdom. I use think this was so brilliant. Hubbard demonized being human. Of course he would, he was a monster.
(Know to Mystery Scale 1953 – Scientology 0-8)
The real genius of LRH was he created a solution (to getting rich), went looking for a problem, and he invented one.
Have you, or Leah ever thought about practicing or joining any other religion since Scientology?
I can only answer for me. No.
$cientology & LRH’s desire to have people shut down their critical thinking faculties reminds me of a unintentionally funny tagline used for the 1988 movie WILLOW which we used to make fun of as a convenient self-serving remark – “Forget all you know, or think you know.” By doing so it’s the only way the cult’s teachings might hold up.
A fellow staff member was standing on the dock where the Apollo was moored, and a generator was running. Apparently, the noise was bothering Lron so he came off the ship and stared at the generator for several minutes. Applying the look principle, Lron noticed a switch, flipped it, and the engine stopped running. The staff member was astonished as he relayed to me what a genius Lron was. I thought to myself, “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Scientology: where the ability to turn off an annoying generator is one of the godlike abilities you can expect to develop!
Seriously though, i wonder why that generator was running. Usually it means you need electricity for something. If it was for an air pump, someone could have suffocated. Did you guys know why it was running, and did Lron bother to find out?
This is in some ways the epitome of Hubbard’s and Scientology’s amateurism – that you don’t need expertise, or even experts, to fix problems or to do things. Except that falls flat, when it comes it to technology (including mechanics) and science (including medicine); in simpler things, like basic psychology and mental health, it still can be the wrong approach, though less obviously so.
Hubbard obviously wasn’t much of a handyman, or a mechanic – among other shortcomings in many areas that he pretended or professed to be competent in. For instance, many times what is seen at first glance, is actually just a symptom or effect of something that needs to be addressed – thought through, analyzed, and diagnosed – or the problem just comes back. If your car won’t start, assuming the battery is bad and putting in a new one might be the obvious thing – but that won’t do you much good without thinking it through and checking the alternator, to be sure the problem isn’t that the battery isn’t getting charged. And health issues often aren’t what they seem, and rather than seemingly obvious home remedies, need expert medical attention – failures on that account led Hubbard to poor health and an early death, and to many of his adherents following him down that unfortunate path.
You have to understand that to use pure logic won’t get you to understand why people got involved in scientology or any other religion.
You have to use other forms of logic that many people do not know. Le Bon discovered it and Hubbard read Le Bon.
Mystic logic.
It stills hold true to this day.
Oh My God! That is absolutly the dumbest thing I have EVER heard. Do any of these people have a brain? Lord have mercy!
That quote is just another example of Hubbard regarding people with complete contempt – his subject is full of such doublespeak. Doublespeak is language that’s intended to deceive or confuse people. The words used in doublespeak can often be understood in more than one way. Doublespeak is language which pretends to communicate but doesn’t. It is language which makes the bad seem good, the negative seem positive.
I don’t care how damn good a mechanic says they are, if they don’t think about why something does what it does and its interaction within a piece of machinery and the operator who uses it I’d fire the idiot! I’d expect them to assess/think about and mentally compute how the machinery is used or abused and by who as part of solving any problems it has. Just looking & fixing it is good for money extraction but customers generally like know why & often want to assess why they are charged so much – then the doublespeak really comes into play by the unscrupulousness, such as Scientologists explaining they have life’s solutions. I was brought up as a kid where I had to spend most weekends working on my car just so it’d get me to work during the week, such was my measly income at the time. Geezers, how does one learn anything without some thinking thrown at the situations presented. You can look all you like but if you don’t figure out ‘why’ you’re doomed to repeat the same situation that got you in trouble in the first place. Complete trust in others ‘reasons’ is fraught with potential danger – think about it. Another way to look at this is that Hubbard makes you believe you are inadequate and that you require his guidance if you’re not already an expert like he thinks he is, at everything! He’s a confidence trickster.
Look don’t think – that’s the way a robot functions isn’t it?
The sinister aspect of all this Scientology “wisdom” is that it doesn’t actually make the round peg fit in the square hole, but Hubbard worked out a method where people will pay huge money or dedicate their entire lives to giving it a go, convinced that it does. The subject has been around for 6 decades you know, where are the positive results? All I see is the same pitch over and over and heartbreaking observations of people who believed in it.
Love that comment!
Very well put about how “if you don’t figure out ‘why’ you’re doomed to repeat the same situation that got you in trouble in the first place” – that explains a lot of Scientology’s persistent problems.
Particularly having been in the military, and being something of a military history buff, it’s always struck me that Hubbard seemed to have taken away the worst lessons of his limited experience in the wartime navy. In combat, indeed, you have to just look and act – but for that to actually be effective, there has to be a lot of training and analysis behind it. And during wartime, particularly on the side of a power with a deep bench of men and materiel, it may make sense to throw inordinate resources at problems, and risk being wasteful in order to get a critical job done – but that’s not a sustainable way to operate, in general.
Humbly tendered as a gift to Dave:
I feel shitty
Oh, so shitty
I feel shitty and witty and right!
And I pity
Any staff who fuck with me tonight!
Feel like harming
Oh, yes harming!
It’s alarming the harming I feel!
And so shitty
That I hardly can believe I’m real!
See the witty grin in that mirror there
Who can that destructive dude be?
Such a witty face
Such a lot of MEST
Such a winning style
Such a witty me!
Feel like shunning
And destroying
Feel like hitting and bashing some sheep
For I’m feared
By so many gullible creeps!
Awesome work Scribe?
To: Scribe
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: that little song you just made up.
Words Of Wisdom: Don’t Think
Don’t even THINK about joining the “cherch”….
Then you don’t have to THINK about how to plan an escape…
Thank you Mike!
Another great post for the day….
and another use of that photo of Hubbard.
I like to see that one and the other one, the Big Zit photo…
I like to think of Still Ins…googling and coming across your page by design or accident, and seeing the Ugly Truth Photos. I like to think of it giving someone pause and a seed of doubt planted.
You would think that if Hubbard had any power what-so-ever, he would have used it to keep his form and figure, and perhaps improve his blubbery underbelly looks.
I wish there were photos of him wearing glasses. He HAD to have had to use them. Presbyopia spares none.
Soon after I joined staff all of the executives in the org pulled an all-nighter.
In a mid-sized org, well over half of the staff would be considered executives and so this affected quite a lot of people.
Hubbard had decided to turn HCO into a network like the Guardian’s Office and the Flag Rep. Network, meaning that HCO would become autonomous and would no longer report to the Org Executive Director.
HCO (Hubbard Communications Office) is the division of an org responsible for personnel and ethics.
Anyhow, Hubbard wrote some issues about this and we all had to spend the night word-clearing them.
Of course, we were expected to be back on post on time the next morning.
Three weeks later, this changes was summarily cancelled. Apparently, the stats had crashed after this new system was put in.
Of course, the all-nighter would never have been approved if staff were paid overtime but the other thing that this made clear was that Hubbard was far from infallible and could make mistakes just like the rest of us. After all, Hubbard himself said that absolutes are not obtainable.
This did not particularly come as an eye-opener to me because I had never considered everything that Hubbard said to be perfect truth in the first place and would have considered any such assertion to be ridiculous.
I always liked the auditing but, as my time on staff proceeded I became increasingly unhappy about the way orgs were run. By the end of my contract (I did not re-sign) I was still a Scientologist but had come to view Hubbard as a deeply-flawed individual. And Miscavige was never anything to me at all except for the dude who happened to be running the show after Hubbard’s death.
I’m glad for you. I was sooooo much further deluded than this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HCO Bring Order!
To think I used to believe crap like this! Surely it’s better to look and think at the same time. Take a modern engine with electronic controls, there is really not much to see, you could take the thing apart and not identify a problem from just looking at it, if you thought about it though you could do voltage and other tests to isolate the problem.
Hubbard was nothing but a minor player in the 19th Century spiritualist movement highlighted by Blavatsky and Theosophy. There were hundreds of people writing books inspired by resistance to the scientific movement. Theosophy produced modern versions of the old intuitive techniques which Hubbard copied in the writing of “History of Man”. Hubbard was probably the last of the old movement which found a new window for him after WWII. Hubbard laid a foundation of wealth which Theosophy omitted so we see it alive today in Miscavige. Hubbard is famous for producing “American Trash” which is the best way to describe Scientology.
There are at least two places that he contradicts those words. One place that I recall is in New Slant on Life: Ch: How to study a science.
The other place, I do not recall where it is, but he says, something to the effect that he is only human and something else.
But in “How to Study a Science” is the best one, because he tells everyone to stop parroting, and question everything he says. He says to think for yourselves. Do your own research and complete your cycle of learning, by reading everything of comparable magnitude in the known universe.
Those are the keys and door and the directions to the way out of the trap of scn.
Yep, that’s Hubbard alright, burning the candle from both ends. To be yourself is to never fit in as a Scientologist. Hubbard for all his words to the contrary hated individualization/self determinism and saw it as his greatest threat.
Every Scientologist is an FSM, whether they want to be or not. Geezers… how many people were punished for not taking that seriously – remember the eligibility route to introversion, financial ruin and familial obliteration?
Look don’t think??? Then how do you decide when to cross the street?? That Lron, just another shill for an auto injury law firm.
Mike, this is one of (the many) things I struggle with. How does a Scientologist reconcile the contradictions? LRH stated Dianetics is not a religion yet Scientology is founded on it. (On Dianetics) LRH stated that Religion was a false implant yet Scientology insists it’s a religion. Even within the ranks they can’t seem to get cohesion. The CCHR insists Mental Illness isn’t real, yet Dianetics (Hubbard) acknowledged Mental Illness as a condition and Scientology says they can cure it.
COS insists that the Tech can conquer the Reactive Mind and cure disease, yet when people get ill they are PTS and pulled it in on themselves. If the Tech worked there would BE no PTS…oh god help me…
I understand that there is a lot of mental manipulation and brain reprogramming that goes on, but I just cannot seem to get past these constant conflicting messages.
I had a long private conversation with Gemma once (before a wise man suggested steering clear of her ?) and she told me that she did not believe in any sort of God or Supreme Being. She told me that one could believe if one wanted to (this isn’t right, either.) But Hubbard at one point stated: “No culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an empirical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical and less valuable to themselves and society….A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man.”
I would think that this conflict of belief alone would cause (or should cause) a crises of faith. Or at least a lot of confusion as one attempts to justify Scientology’s place in one’s life.
*sigh* Annnddd that all just proved your original point, I guess. “Don’t Think”…
Stefani H,
If the contradictions and double-speak in Hubbard’s writings cause your head to conflictation; just imagine what was going on inside elron’s head. No, maybe it is best to not go there.
Lol, no thanks! The closest I’ve come is reading his Affirmations. That cesspool is way too dark and deep for me!
Just do not look at that photo of LRH.
He’s actually right., I looked, and that is how I achieved the state of Freedom Release (The full certainty that you will never go back)
It is 23 days before Christmas – the celebration of the birth of our lord and savior – Jesus Christ.
Here is a Scientological jingle to help Scientologists celebrate the Holiday Season
Sung to the tune of “Mary, did you know?”
“Xenu, Did you KNOW”?
Xenu, did you know
That L R H’s 3rd wife went to prison?
Xenu, did you know
That L R H – will ruin our sons and daughters?
Did you know,
That L R H – has come to rob you blind?
This charlatan that was created,
Will soon destroy your mind.
Xenu, did you know
That L R H – will take all of your money?
Xenu, did you know
That L R H – will shatter your life with your honey?
Did you know,
That L R H – has been married 3 times?
Divorce is a common side effect
Abortion for sea org mothers
Is what is in store for you.
The blind won’t see
The deaf won’t hear
The dead won’t live again.
The lame won’t walk
The dumb won’t speak
The praises of Dianetic’s.
Xenu, did you know
That L R H – is charlatan and a con man?
Xenu, did you know
That L R H – stole Jack Parson’s girlfriend?
Did you know,
That L R H – is mankind’s worst friend?
This Dianetics book your holding, is the con man’s greatest plan.
Xenu, did you know
That L R H’s 3rd wife went to prison?
Xenu, did you know
That L R H – will ruin our sons and daughters?
Did you know,
That L R H – has come to rob you blind?
This charlatan that was created,
Will soon destroy your mind.
Remember folks
Xenu is the reason for the season!
Stat ?
Happy Holidays SP’s….
Here is a little ditty to honor our own powerful….and beautiful in every way….
Leah Remini
Thanks for all you do !
Sung to the tune of “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer”
Leah – the gorgeous SP!
You know Jason Beghe, Mike Rinder and Nancy Many
Jeffrey and Karen, Jon Atack and the Headley’s,
But do you recall?
The most famous SP of all?
Leah the gorgeous SP
Has a very SP way
Of exposing the truth about Scientology
and helping members leave today
All of the other SP’s
Used to be silenced into fear
Scientology suppressed abused members
from having a family they held dear
Then one foggy Auditor’s Day
Leah came out to say,
Scientology is horrible hoax
It suppresses people in every way
Then all the SP’s loved her,
As they shouted out with glee,
Leah the gorgeous SP
You’ll go down in history!
Okay. Here’s my carol:
Said the body router to the passing wog:
Do you see what I see?
At the corner near the traffic light.
Do you see what I see?
An org! An org! Opened yesterday!
Where for knowledge you have to pay.
Where for knowledge you have to pay.
Said the Div 2 reg to the public man:
Do you know what I know
Getting up the Bridge, public man.
Do you know what I know?
You pay! You pay! To the IAS!
And your status will be the best!
And your status will be the best!
Good one Alcoboy. Except now it’s stuck in my head. ?
Hey, didn’t Hubturd also say “look don’t listen”? So, why should anyone listen to the idiot?
“I am here if you need anything…except a refund.”
It is ironic that LRH offered a key to freeing oneself of Scientology; because when you actually do LOOK, what you see is empty buildings, OTs who get sick, families that are no longer together, staff and public living in financial distress, neglected children, dead bodies at drug rehab centers, draconian Sea Org management, disappeared people (Shelly and Heber, and others), lack of compassion (“If it’s his time to die, let him die. Don’t intervene. Don’t do anything.”…can you believe that!) etc. Juxtaposed with the shiny COB in fine clothing, snipping red ribbons around the world and living the life.
Yes, by all means… LOOK!
Yes Zola! You are seeing clearly without a doubt. Succintly and well said.
“Look, don’t think.” Really? Nowadays in the world of scientology, with its 50 plus years of results not met, families not whole, empty buildings…; it’s more like “Don’t look, don’t think, just believe.”
What Mary said, with this tacked on after ” believe “: OBEY…AND PAY!
Yes. That’s more like it.
But Mary, believing without seeing is faith and Scientologists are told not to take anything on faith so we’re where Tom Cruise said “we create our own reality” that way when you look, you see what you want to rather than what’s really there.
And, don’t forget, “We’re O.K.; it’s the rest of the world that’s crazy”.
OSA and lurkers – you are investing an incredible amount of time and money assisting Scientology.
You may want to look for yourself and decide what is the truth.
There is a reason there is a policy “it is a high crime to investigate Scientology, the founders and the leader”.
It keeps you dumb ed down and clueless.
OSA and Lurkers, consider this as well: Why is a ” tech ” that is ” senior to life itself “, that is THE ONLY true path to spiritual salvation for humankind, not able to withstand and even welcome scientific scrutiny, critical assessment, lively dissent and debate, and practice without enforcement or punishment? In the 60 years or so that scientology/ dianetics have existed, have you met ONE scientologist who exhibits the promised condition and behavior of a ” Clear ” , as defined in the books DMSMH, DIANETICS 55, and Science Of Survival ? Has scientology produced an Operating Thetan that you have personally known who has the abillity to factually and empirically control matter, energy, space, and time? Wouldn’t all of the researchers in the various sciences be clamoring to avail themselves of a ” technology ” that enables anyone to practically and demonstrably control the very phenomena that they study and investigate and seek to understand for decades? Why isn’t there evidence of the new medicines and arts and technologies brought to the world, courtesy of the ” whole-track recall ” of all of the operating thetans among the alleged MILLIONS of scientologists in the world? Why are the orgs empty? Why doesn’t your Chairman Of The Board personally ” handle ” your group’s horrible public reputation with public speeches and appearances in the world OUTSIDE of scientology ” orgs “? Have you ever wondered why scientology organizations NEVER make mistakes and NEVER apologize? Why is it that you, as an individual, are responsible for ” pulling in ” attacks and ” suppression ” and catastrophes and accidents, but scientology organizations are NEVER responsible for or deserving of any criticisms or allegations or resentments or legal investigations or journalistic exposés directed at them? If your tech is so perfect, so unassailable, so beyond reproach, why are there many orders of magnitude more EX-scientologists than there are current, practicing, proudly visible scientologists? And…where the hell is L.Ron Hubbard? Or Shelly Miscavige?
Mark Foster – I am a lurker
Thank you the post today
I am out of doubt and leaving Scientology
As hard as it is to face the truth, it is harder to keep lying to myself
Everything you said is true
There are no clears or OT’s
I should know
I am both
But I have not changed and my life is worse
I just learned in Scientology to pretend
Thank you Mike and Leah for the show
It helped me to realize Scientology hurts people much more than it helps
I am done with Scientology!
Welcome to the world, Tito and Cupcake! You’ll find it a bit strange, no doubt, after years “in”, but you’ll also find opportunities for fun and freedom without guilt. Let us know if you need help, and be sure to visit the Aftermath Foundation page if you need practical help!
?Yes! Thrilled to hear this. Congrats! ❤
Tito and Cupcake – Good For You! This is the first step toward Freedom / Living! Good luck and Best Wishes.
Tito and cupcake, welcome to the beautiful world of freedom and happiness. Way to go! Even if it takes a bit you will love it.
Yep, what Ann said.
Tito and Cupcake! Woohoo!
Carpe diem! Mourn the cult betrayal and love the life you have now!
Pro tips: dump the lingo and the concepts and be proactive about
your cult recovery; check out Jon Atack, Steve Hassan, Margaret Singer,
Rick Ross, Janja Lalich and many others who write about undue influence.
I wish you and your loved ones happiness and peace?
There you go again Mark, violating basic LRH mindfuckery by asking questions that involve some cognitive ability. Not to worry – Dave’s gonna handle it all on GAT Three.
Lastly, for all your erudite postings on the Rinderland slice of the blogosphere, I hereby declare you an IP – Impressive Person.
Mark, standing ovation! This needs to be posted everywhere. ❤
Yes! I agree Kim. This is awesome. Great job Mark! You are opening more eyes.
Some of us higher level beings can actually look AND think about a problem … but I guess Ron didn’t know many of those type of folk back in the day.
I remember that shite. I remember I would get mad at myself if I was “thinking.” It was called figure figure and that was a huge insult we hurled at each other. But I could not “figure out” why things just didn’t make sense to me. Stat push? Heavy ethics? Invalidating juniors until they blow? Clear wasn’t a big deal? OT’s still got sick? It was not fun anymore? So I stuffed those thoughts and got a belly ache instead, added to all that anxiety and Confusion. Good results ay? Sometimes, after all these years, I still peel that onion of confusion and go aha because I remember why I got confused in the first place and THAT clears up my real misunderstood. LOL
oohhh yah. Nothing like feeling BAD and worrying if you’re just degraded or too far down scale to even be salvaged…..
“Think” vs “Know” vs “Look” … all that shyte that made us self conscious and worried.
I used to worry about remembering by “looking at pictures”. (mental pictures) I would try to picture something sometimes in order to remember… where I was, what I’d been doing, where did I put that thing…?
and yet “clears don’t have pictures”…. so … does that mean that I’m not clear? If I think of my mother and get a picture of her face? That means I’m degraded or not clear and have to use machinery like any down scale wog?
I remember begin given a bad time for “trying to think” or “looking at pictures” … as opposed to “using my knowingness”
all kinds of little traps to keep us feeling like we NEED scientology.
The whole premise of Scn is that you are not good enough as you are and need Scn to be fixed.
You’re an old thetan who has forgotten all his past, you lost all your abilities and you have all of these aberrations… the entire bridge is a series of steps to FIX YOU.
Nothing in the world means anything except Scn. The MEST universe is a Lie and the only truth is Scn and LRH. GIve up the entire world and only follow and work for and in scn.
I guess Einstein and Tesla and countless others had it wrong. Thanks Ron.
Can you imagine saying that to Elon Musk.
You would not even get a job in his SpaceX
as the third rate janitor.
No doubt.
All these years & The Cult of Scientology is still banging at Old Ghost Ron’s door, absolutely sure that continuing to bang against said door 24/7 will result in a different outcome. One would deduce that after doing the same action for decades, the cult of Scientology would learn. I know now Scientology never learns anything. It only repeats destructive policies and continues to Lie about the effects of clearing the planet and going OT. Thank you Mike. And Diana Dernehl with all your MUs your ride on the twisted bridge will be a roller coaster! ??
Hi Ann,
The thing is you cannot really learn without some
kind of “think”.
Before Scientology I usd to read quite a lot (fiction
as well as nonfiction) but then I took my reading into
hiding even from my wife. Later in the SO I felt really
guilty (smuggling and hiding). Remembered one time
I was so jealous when I saw a Sea Org member sitting
in the mess hall and reading a newspaper in front of
everyone to see. But that was at PAC. However at INT
you were allowed to buy a newspaper at the canteen but
of course you had no time to read it.
Then, many years later, I saw a picture
of now this exSO member’s mother at Flag sitting reading
a newspaper and having a cup of coffee. She was also
SO at the time of the picture. Well, now I can also indulge
without shame, blame and regret.
You would think that the OSA “agents” whose duties it is
to read the current events in papers would somehow wake
up and start to think. But the way they did it was ‘scanning’
for key words and now all that can be computerized, if they
have advanced that far.
No think, no forward progress.
Reminds me of something out of 1984.
Look, don’t think.
Think, don’t listen.
Listen, don’t speak.
Speak, don’t care.
–New Era Mantra