I am not sure who sent this to me, but it is an interesting collection of quotes from the leader of the Nation of Islam:
The brazen racism and Antisemitism is breathtaking.
And yet, it was just announced that Abdul Malik Sayyid (formerly Tony Muhammad), his Western Regional Director, had attested to the state of Clear…
Alfraudie, in his tweet making the announcement, even acknowledges the great “HON MLF” (Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan).
Scientology is SO desperate to try to attract members they are still hitching their wagon to the idea they are making inroads into black society through partnership with the NOI. In fact, what they are doing is positioning themselves as even more wingnut than people already perceive them to be. If that is possible.
What baffles me is the ethnic Jews who are such an important part of the old guard of scientology tolerating this. There are many of them. Because support of the NOI is condoned by Miscavige they just bite their tongues and say nothing? Miscavige has not yet come out and publicly distanced himself and the organization from this hatred. Yet scientology continue to tout themselves as great “humanitarians”… It is going to have to happen sooner or later. The two universes are going to implode.
This sort of cognitive dissonance almost defines scientology. It is a study in contradictions.
It’s now October 2022 and I’m almost finished your book A Billion Years. Thank you so much for your beautiful heart and openness in talking about Scientology. My cousins husband married Tom Cruise‘s sister and their work involves prisons and inmates. Since his involvement with the cruise family our side of the family have lost contact with our cousin. They will not communicate with me on email or phone. My other cousin went to the cruise compound to visit his uncle and was prevented from taking his flight back home. Thankfully he was under age and his mother was able to get her child of the compound. I’m so glad Katie Holmes got her child out of the grip of sea org. If she had waited another year or two she would’ve lost the child completely in the wheels of sea org. Anyway Mike thank you so much for your strength in shedding light on this undoubtedly evil Miscavige.
There are quite a lot of Jewish staff members and I did question why they could accept this partnership with NOI, or had they never read any of Farrakhan’s stuff? I was told that bringing in NOI members got the stats up, and that was all that mattered.
One has to wonder how long it will be before the pictures of Hitler and LRH will be hanging together.
NOI gets control mechanisms.
Scientology gets fresh meat.
Marriage made in hell.
The divorce is going to be epic.
Is anyone going to address the fact that he “cleared himself”! So did he just walk into the org and say “Guess what I’m clear!”. I wonder if they did the CCRD on him? Was it even done or did they just skip it cause he’s been yoked by Dear Leader with the Freedumb medal?
I’ve always thought the whole ‘Clear’ thing was the antithesis of clear. You spend countless hours, years even, taking courses and auditing to rid yourself of the ‘reactive mind’ then one day you get the ‘Clear Cognition’ that you made (mocked) the whole thing up. Then you get to be put on the meter and be questioned to make sure that you did in fact realize that you just wasted years of your life. Then you get a number and you get to pay for a way overpriced bracelet!
Right Linear. Probably DM looked at the folder and just said that he was clear.
Last time he did something like this, it was at flag but it became a historical mess.
I am still wondering how one can reach clear but still feeling hate and being racist.
Oh yes….sorry… Got c/s’d by DM and maybe is a cannibal clear. Morons.
It is much worse that that. After someone decides someone is clear, someone else decides there was a flaw in the process and the first someone has to do it all over again for an even higher price. Rewind and repeat. Rewind and repeat. Don’t stop until the victim cannot borrow any more money.
Then declare bankruptcy. Rewind and repeat. Then declare bankruptcy. Rewind and repeat. Again and again.
The whole idea of “clear” was just a stupid joke in the first place. It means your mind no longer has any secrets with which the criminal scam can blackmail you with. Once you are clear, there is no point in any further clearing cuz you have no secrets left. They only repeat when they can’t get any other suckers and they can at least make you pay for holding the cans. This criminal enterprise has got to stop. Or be stopped.
Once Terra Cognita wrote a very interesting post about it. Reactive mind and I guess on being clear just on the 1st dynamic.
Anyway it takes a lot of willing blindness to the cult adepts to do not see that NOI’s believes doesn’t fit but contrasts instead with what scientology wants people to think. The end is behind the corner.
To again be pedantic, the person formerly known ad8 Tony Muhammad is now known as Abdul Malik Sayyid MUHAMMAD. Mike, you appear to omit the word “Muhammad” from his new name.
I now think of him as T HAMS Muhammad. Since he calls himself ‘The Honorable’ Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad…T HAMS just makes more sense and is easier for me to remember. I also thought of TAMS Muhammad (Using Tony AMS) but really T HAMS sounds so much better. Just my mnemonics acting up…
ISN – Since you’ve been tracking him. do you know his “official” CofS Clear # ? The last I read the CofS was claiming 79,000 + Clears.
Also, the NOI is apparently keeping its own Clear numbers and they were at 11 (eleven) so that makes Tony #12.
(trivia questions)
It makes my skin crawl to read these quotes. The hatred is utterly horrifying. I don’t like to make leaps but there is a sense that anyone aligning themselves with this man is almost condoning his hatred.
Yeah, it makes my skin crawl, too, Andrea. I also agree with everything you wrote, except for the word “almost.”
I guess that would make him a squirrel.
I met Tony in person, years ago, when it was announced they (N.OI.)
Were having a town meeting at the “Church of Scientology Community Center” in Inglewoid.
Having NEVER in 45 years had I ever heard od a “scientology Community Center”. My friend Lynn Campbell and I decided to go check it out.
There was a huge line of people outside. We parked and went over to ask what is up? We were told:.”They kicked us out!” (Way to go, $cientology!)
Tony drove up in a limo and jumped out. I put my hand out to shake hands…he refuse. “I don’t shake hands with anyone against my leader”
I tried to explain this was just a money making Scam and suggested he learn *both* sides
He dove back in the limo and drove off. “Clear”? My ASS.
Love to you Mike and all reading this. Stay in, stay safe, stay healthy!
Much love, Tory/Magoo
The NOI will never have enough “highly trained” auditors to deliver the “upper bridge” so they might just dump the upper bridge and stick with Dianetics and the lower bridge and start their own “delivery centers”. Pure speculation.
In the 1970s someone could train to be a Class IV scientology auditor and dianetic auditor in a year or less. Whatever indy groups are left would gladly welcome NOI students. They wouldn’t be following Ron’s “path to Total Freedom” but half a loaf of bread is better than no loaf at all.
(End of being facetious)
Have you done articles on the FSM kickback system of Scientology’s?
a) Why did the IRS overlook this patently obvious kickback institutionalized irreligious activity that has gone on non stop in Scientology history up to today?
b) How did Scientology get by with their FSM kickback system, didn’t the IRS even notice?
The good old Nation of Islam and Scientology strange bedfellowship.
Makes sense. Scientology and NOI’s strange bedfellowship.
NOI leaders, has it been proven, it certainly seems highly likely, are getting FSM commissions for their flock’s doing Scientology services.
Money kickbacks (FSM and IAS commissions) in effect, to the leaders of NOI who get their flock doing Scn services.
Do NOI flock members sign up for IAS membership in order to get their IAS discounts also?
Birds of a feather, flock together.
One thing Scientology’s got on other religions, are the FSM “religious” kickback monty incentives that Scientology has.
I wonder if other “religions” have similar kickback systems to the Scientology FSM/kickback official system?
A new joke, kinda said to the tune of “My momma’s so fat…”
“I’m sooooo scientology…”
“How scientology are you?”
“I’m soooo scientology, here’s an example, I’m Jewish, and when I went to the event that announced Tony Muhammad was a freedumb medal winner, I still stood up and applauded.”
WHO”S NEXT with a joke!!!
Ooookay. Here goes!
I am so Scientology that every time I see an IAS video I run straight for the IAS reg and increase my status!
I mean, it’s almost like those seed faith guys on TV!
Hey, wait! Why is a repo company taking my car?
“I’m so Scientology. “
“How Scientology are you?”
“I’m so scientology, that when a customer told me the price of the car I was selling was completely unreasonable, I thanked him for the compliment.”
Most Muslims consider NOI to be a cult and even Mohammed Ali (an early high-profile supporter) eventually left to join main-stream Sunni Islam.
Mohammed said that Christians and Jews are peoples of the Book and gave them a higher status than idolaters (although lower than Muslims.) For most of history it was easier to be a Jew under Muslim rule than under Christian. This tradition of religious tolerance towards Jews has been tempered in modern times because many Muslims consider Israel to be a modern crusader state.
Despite this, the kind of poison spewed by Farrakhan and his followers have no place within Islam or anywhere else.
By the time this alliance between NOI and Scientology was being put in place I was already pretty much out of Scientology. It made me very uneasy and reinforced my desire to leave.
Cavalier. True. If one takes a couple of seconds and looks at this scenario, one realizes the strange and worrying dissonance that it emanates.
Alfraudie, and Miscabage, both sold their soul to the devil of greed, power, money and corruption.
Yes, sooner or later it is going to catch up with them.
I agree Silvia. This is one unholy alliance, or one alliance that would love to destroy the other and take away their toys. No way this is going to turn out well for either one of them, and that’s a very very good thing. I do think though that DM has way overestimated his ability to make this work to his advantage. Here are two power hungry evil intention cults acting like they are playing nicey nicey with each other. Should be interesting. Pop corn anyone?
This alliance is actually a mesalliance of convenience. If it were a relationship it would be a mutually convenient, extended, but ultimately temporary shack up. NOI is a poor, fringe cult of mostly poor, disadvanged, unemployed people; NOI’s leaders need MONEY. Scientology is a shrinking albeit very rich fringe cult desperate for BODIES/ Each cult has leaders who are profoundly dishonest. NOIs cannot for long remain NOIs and be Scientologists too. Other than the convenient, “for now you’ll scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” factor there is nothing linking the two cults, no real affinity or shared reality; no honest communication between the NOI and Scientologists is possible The alliance has no firm foundation; like any shack up relationship built solely on mutual convenience it is temporary and it will end, badly.
Words of Wisdom? More like Words of Sleazedom. Don’t you think?
Sleazedom! I love it! Nicely done, Skyler!
Howdy OSD! Nice to see you. I hope you are staying safe.
I’m staying safe! No one can touch me!
“The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed space ship the size of a city which will rain destruction on White America”.
This is totally Occult tradition. It probably comes from a distorted view of the Book of Revelation which is 100% Occult. It is impossible to stop the Occult especially in America because of the First Amendment. The NOI probably gravitates to Scientology because of the Occult link. Hubbard as the anti-Christ in OT VIII is the same idea. Miscavige does not want to deal with the issue of Hubbard’s Occult nature because he does not understand it. All of the race supremacy ideas are distorted Occult view of Blavatsky’s Seven races. These NOI minds were simply allowed to read Occult literature and fill in the blanks. The Fundamentalists in America get even more Occult but keep their views private. My friend Larry is Southern Baptist and has very extreme Occult views on heaven etc.
My own personal view is that neo-Platonists were destroyed in about the 3rd Century AD with the murder of Hypatia. Blavatsky would share that view. No stopping weird Occult today. The mind has been conditioned over the centuries to accept all of it.
George, here’s a thought: What if “Mother Wheel”, as re the incident detailed in the Book of Ezekiel, was simply another term for a UFO? The Bible has a number of incidents which could be considered as UFO sightings. One example – the Jonah Story, you know, where he is swallowed by a whale and lives inside the whale’s belly for 3 days and is then regurgitated, whole, by said whale…fantastic, right? Well, what if this wasn’t a whale but a submarine UFO that “swallowed” Jonah for a few days? Is it so incredible that primitive people of that time might have considered a sea going UFO to be a large fish?
I don’t necessarily believe in UFOs but then I don’t necessarily disbelieve in their existence either. After all, we travel in space. And in our galaxy alone there are billions of suns and even more billions of planets. And that’s just OUR galaxy. There are supposedly millions (billions?) MORE galaxies, and filled with stars, which in turn have planets…isn’t it a bit of a stretch to believe that WE are “it” – the ONLY ONES in the entire universe?
I don’t think I’m being airy-fairy or “woo”ful in allowing for the possibility of life out there, life of all kinds, some of it FAR more technologically advanced than we are, some of it far behind us technologically, and whatever lies between.
Honestly, I’ve always thought so. How can we, little planet earth, be the only place in the universe that has – life? Isn’t believing THAT a bit of a stretch, considering the numbers?
Point being, I find it very interesting to view in some of the magical Biblical stories in the category of possible UFO sightings.
Full disclosure: I’ve never seen a UFO or experienced anything personally that way nor do I know of anyone personally who has.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t exist. I think the law of averages favor that they do. And if they do, it would certainly explain a number of “miracles” in the Bible. Maybe they’re not miracles at all, merely misunderstood technology! Just a possibility.
“This sort of cognitive dissonance almost defines scientology.“
Perhaps I should have said “is a defining characteristic” as there are other things that define it in my view. Other groups have cognitive dissonance down to a fine art. But scientology has a unique combination of cognitive dissonance, fair game and money worship…
Indeed Mike, I knew you knew. I was playfully acknowledging the obvious.
In this weird ass time we are in I’d just like to say again thank you for everything you do and have to put up with.
May you and your family be safe and happy.
Right Mike. Clear anti-Semitism and racism that are also declared loudly. Another contradiction that emerges is technical: if the technology is as true and functional as they say and delivered in a standard way, how the hell is it possible that one attests clear with with evil purpose and hatred ???
It isn’t possible.
As for Calypso Louie … He’s just dramatising his next level … or maybe the next five levels … He just needs to GET IN SESSION!
As for the ethnic Jews still in the CoS … One Scientology axiom I have found to be totally true … The practice of not-isness reduces understanding … There comes a point in one’s long career in Scientology where one just becomes stupider and stupider … And all the people with “high confront” and great observational powers, confront and observe virtually nothing that is real … Just the mockups of reality given to them … And if any of them dare to glimpse the truth, they quickly revert to their “survival stable datum” of more not-isness …
Mr. Big got to Clear the Original Way In His Own Head, or something like that, meaning he didn’t go meet with (or pay) those white folks at the fancy-pants whitebread CoS building. When Missy Cabbage realizes they are effectively cutting him out of the revenue stream, he will take action… who else has he got left to hate, anyway?