The crazy disaster capitalism in the scientology world is a constant presence that never seems to take a break.
As long as there are natural or man-made disasters in the world there is an opportunity for scientology to make some money. As I have pointed out many times before, they are not asking for money to send these out at COST, they are selling these with a large profit margin built into the price.
And as I have also commented on: why isn’t the IAS springing the $50,000 it would COST to do this mailing? They certainly have the money.
Finally, how do they think this is going to help VICTIMS of this sort of senseless violence?
From: Caralyn Percy <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 3:47 PM
Subject: Help bring calm to Las Vegas
Dear Reader,
We have all heard about the violence in Las Vegas, but we haven’t heard an equal amount about how to help.
What does it take to calm an area down after a major catastrophe? And then what does it take to keep that area calm.
Here is a workable solution. In times of turmoil and violence, when the routines of daily life have been disrupted, many have used The Way to Happiness® to shine a light of peace, tolerance and respect and help those who are surviving the trauma.
When you tell someone that the reason why you are giving them this book is because “Your survival is important to me”, that sets the stage for peace, understanding and well… common sense.
There are more than 600,000 people in Las Vegas who need to receive this message. If one of your family members was at that concert, you would want to help, right?
Well guess what? When you look at people as part of the Family of Man (and Woman) then each of us did have a family member at that concert. Help us to send 200,000 The Way to Happiness books to Las Vegas.
Keep the Peace and Unity flowing. Please donate today!
Caralyn Percy
[email protected]
A book?? They want to send books? Oh yeah…I’m sure people are saying, “Boy, I wish I had a book to bring my life back to normal”. That’s demeaning and the ultimate arrogance.
Scientology is like a shark circling it’s prey, biting off bits over and over. Meaning squeezing money out of its members bit by bit. They are deplorable.
There is never help for the victims ever offered, is just for the remaining citizens that qualify as targets and selectees that might be in shock and vulnerable to believe that Scientology has a way , luckily they all probably been exposed to A&E and hardly a target anymore, but who cares scientology already pocketed 50k out somebody’s college funds, to make 10 cents print outs of that booklet good for nothing
I am repulsed by this…especially when my family was effected by the shooting and can count one of the fallen 58 as our own, which we are burying on Wednesday.
They need to shove their booklet up their ass (and I would tell them if they offered one to me) and donate $$$ to help victim families and the community at large. The trauma response teams are continuinally working without sleep to continue to counsel victims and their families as well as 1st responders. It sickens me that these selfish, arrogant, and disgustingly dispationate group of morons would attempt to profit from other’s tragedy…especially with a worthless piece of crap booklet where most of the garbage in it was plagiarized or is common sense.
They need to look within themselves and ignite a light long ago extinguished.
Teen, I’m so sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and to your family for this senseless, tragic loss.
I also am so sorry for your loss.
Very sorry for your loss, teen. And, yes, they continue to profit from others tragedies. This is a mentally sick group.
Teen, I am so sorry. Words are not enough…
Just want to say how sorry I am for your loss Teen
Thank you!
My condolences Teen.
I am so sorry for what you are going through. You and your family are in my prayers.
Teen I am,so sorry and saddened by your loss. Thanks goodness there are kind, caring people helping with this. Scientologists are a bunch of greedy losers. My families’ prayers go out to you, from Canada.
Thank you so much everyone. She was one of the youngest victims….just starting out in life….so very sad and tragic…
Hello everyone.
I just sent quite a long letter directly to Alexandra Bruell.
[email protected]
I could not get on the actual page that was sent on this blog. I just told her to interview both sides, watch the overwhelming evidence, and what the cult has to say, and then report her findings. I am sure that there will not be too much more information from her.
Just another reg cycle. I laugh when pics pop up in my Facebook of another group of volunteer ‘ministers’ heading to another disaster. So hard not to say anything, but I really want to! No one has time for your robotic stares and garbage booklets.
And the truth is, Scientologists think that any tragedy that befells a person was something they ‘pulled in. ‘ I’m sure the families of the Vegas shooting want to hear that! And the people who lost their homes and loved ones in the Hurricanes. Just a bunch of a-holes.
I am, actually WAS, a second gen, btw.
Even if it is true that a person “pulled it in” there is a time for empathy and compassion. Once when I was at the org in Johannesburg (and it was situated in one of the most crime ridden parts of the city) I came out of course to find my car stolen. I returned to the org lamenting “I KNEW this was going to happen one day!” A SO member standing right there responded “You see, you pulled it in.” I stared at her for a long moment debating whether to smash her face in – I knew there was something to what she said, but I really was in no mood for hearing it at that precise moment. As it transpired, the police found my car the next morning – the thieves had pushed it around the corner and abandoned it. I get enormous satisfaction from this outcome, primarily because of that self-righteous and antagonistic comment I received.
The concept of “pulling it in” makes me bristle. Are we really that developed and powerful ? If I pulled it in then…poof ! I push it out. The end. There is no such thing as perfection because if things were perfect nothing changes. Maybe those bad events help us learn. No matter how painful. I also agree with the importance of empathy & compassion. We give those things in sincerity because we understand.
I wonder if Caralyn gives a damn about her “Family of Man (and Woman)” being forced to disconnect from their “Family of Man (and Woman).”
I wonder if Caralyn would be willing to say to someone who had been beaten or who had been held against they will, “Your survival was important to me.”
Guess not.
Diane C K, I don’t understand to what you are referring: what economies, what secret societies? Expand on this, please.
My questions above were meant to be placed far below but somehow ended up on top.
The most recent census info puts the Las Vegas population in the area of 600K. They say here that 600K people need this book. Does that mean NO-ONE in Las Vegas has this book yet? But this “religion” is the biggest and fastest growing etc right? lol
Actually, the Las Vegas Strip isn’t even in the city. It is located south of the Las Vegas city limits in the unincorporated towns of Paradise and Winchester, with Mandalay Bay being the southernmost major casino.
The Las Vegas Valley has over 2 million wogs, so they need to fundraise an additional 1.5 million booklets.
DING DING DING….We have a winner!
There are roughly 632K+ in the city of Las Vegas. Clark County 2.16M. (Source: Bing)
There is a Celebrity Center in Las Vegas yet that info is not included on the flyer.
So sickening, the cherch’s ambulance-chasing. Enriching themselves off of the misery and tragedy of others. Classic “Merchants of Chaos”, the archtype of their own “tech”.
Ambulance chaser says it perfectly!!
$camology would chase hearses if they could to get money. Many moons ago I thought zombies would avoid parliaments because they know that there isn’t any nutritional in a politician. However, I think that they would rather snack on a political brain rather then attempt to chew on a $camologist. The regges would be trying to get donations off them as they gnawed on some OT5.
What’s the ABSOLUTE LAST thing you want to hear after being hit by any disaster, calamity, or life-shocking event?…
“Hi, I’m LRH, and I’m here to help.”
Oh yeah. I can only imagine the peace and calm descending upon me after being handed the Scamology booklet following the Los Vegas tragedy. We can all see and feel the true motive behind this action and it is entirely manipulative, arrogant and insulting. The peace & calm part comes when the receiver balls up the info and shoves it down the throat of the Scientologist handing it out.. Steaming pile of horseshit if there ever was one.
I’m a Never In…i wonder how many Scientologists there are in Las Vegas. My guess out of 600000 residents very few..handing out pamphlets about a fake ass “religion ” doesn’t exactly fit there
“What does it take to calm an area down after a major catastrophe? And then what does it take to keep that area calm. Here is a workable solution. In times of turmoil and violence, when the routines of daily life have been disrupted, many have used The Way to Happiness® to shine a light of peace, tolerance and respect and help those who are surviving the trauma”.
Cultists who chump for this kind of supremely fuzzy-headed, magical thinking seem to believe that the mere act of handing out X number of TWTH booklets is going to accomplish the desired effect.
When there’s a correlation between their increased effort to distribute this trite, simplistic little tract and a decrease in, for example, the amount of violent crime in the region they’ve been distributed it in, then the cult is quick to delusionally imagine that there was some direct causal relationship between the two.
But when the opposite occurs, and the mass distribution of TWTH coincides with worsening conditions, as it has in Venezuela, then no mention of that fact is made.
The cult just can’t have it both ways: If mass distribution of TWTH does indeed have a direct causal effect on the group to which its been distributed, then there’s no way to avoid concluding that $cn caused the increase in civil unrest, violence, starvation, etc. that’s now occurring in Venezuela by its mass distribution of TWTH booklets to that country’s citizens!
The idiot’s sword of Scio-logic cuts both ways 😉
This is another example of Scientology idiocy begetting Scientology idiocy. Collectively as an organisation and individually they just can’t help themselves. They have been brainwashed into believing they are the ONLY ones who can ultimately do anything about ANY problem mankind has – PERIOD! It’s indicative that Hubbard instilled into his “flock,” (as they gobbled up his technology) that his religious, “make it your own” technological pursuit of life is the only answer for anything/everything happening in this universe. Now his legacy lives on in others in ways that insults the intelligence more and more. To a Scientologist, they insist within themselves they are the “only ones” & that money is their symbol of how successfully they are handling the world’s problems. The more a Scientologist gives over $ to the Cof$ the more they know they are truly helping – boy, what an ideal scam to have running on auto. No wonder their numbers are dropping dramatically. Quickest way to financial destitution I know – be a Scientologist!
It’s the same sick WTH formula no matter what the disaster – geezers, where’s the off switch for this shit!
So let’s say they do somehow get the 600,000 WTH books bought and donated. WHERE are they going to send them specifically? Maybe fly a plane overhead and drop pamplets down on the crowds? What distribution center will they put them in and then HOW will they distribute them? Are they also sending in volunteers to go out to the streets for force this booklet into people’s hands as they do when body routing? I don’t think Bernard Percy’s wife has even thought it through this far. What is the plan?
Hi ya Cindy. What you said reminds me of way back in the dim past of the 1970s of seeing images of US military transport planes dropping pamphlets over enemy held territory in Vietnam urging the VC to see the error of their ways. Look how effective that worked out!
In this scenario it’s just a money grab to profit from the printing of the TWH booklets. How they are to be distributed is beside the point, an after thought at best. There is NO plan as you so correctly alluded to.
Scientology is the agent orange of the mind – it defoliates common sense.
I Yawn A ot, “Scientology is the agent orange of the mind – it defoliates common sense. ” Can I quote you on that? Brilliant line that I wish I’d thought up.
Exactly what I was going to ask. Another was do they ever actually send/distribute the “books”. I mean what proof is there that they actually do what they say they will with the money? Does anyone know?
This is as bad as the Chicks tracks that depend on tragedy in someone’s life to be given
Or the tracks Samaritan’s Purse puts into their gifts for those in refugee areas.
While the Chick tracts are trying to scare people into repentance, and the scn org is taking advantage of a horrible tragedy, the Samaritan’s Purse tracts are included as a way to spread the Gospel. Unlike the scn org, Samaritan’s Purse actually gives real assistance to those in need without shoving religion down their throats. Please bear with me, as I am not very good with words.
” If one of your family members was at that concert, you would want to help, right?” (TWTH President Caralyn Percy)
I can’t tell you the number of times a scientologist pushed my buttons, making me feel guilty for not wanting to buy and/or have whatever it was that they were selling at the time. If there is one thing that keeps a scientologist a scientologist, is the desire to do the right thing; to help.
If you’re a scientologist reading this, don’t let your fellow scientologists play a guilt trip on you,
Thanks, Mike and Leah.
Fred G. Haseney
Ex-scientologist (1977-2014)
Right on! And, nicely said Fred
Ask a scientologist, “You would want to help, right?” if you found out your fellow scientologist had been beaten or held against their will or had money fraudulently taken from them or if their fellow scientologist was being forced to disconnect from a family member.
So true, Fred.
Spot on!
If they try this act in Napa/Sonoma, it won’t fly. Consider the stupidity of handing someone, who fled their burning house in whatever they happen to be wearing, a little book on a religious moral code. Handing out this booklet to people in Las Vegas implies that they are somehow at fault for what happened to them. It is no different than other religious kooks saying that hurricanes, domestic terror attacks and wild fires are Gods punishment for legalizing gay marriage, kneeling during the national anthem, becoming a sanctuary city/state, or non-support of the current president.
I idea. Take.all of.those booklets and dump them on a burning house.
If they came to Sonoma/Napa.they’d have to dodge the police, firemen and national guard. The burned areas are all cordoned off. They might be mistaken for looters. There are other scams happening there too.
I don’t know if anyone from SFO came up here, but they certainly know what is happening. The volunteering is huge and I wasn’t able to because I had to leave and when I came back there was not a need for general helpers at the centers. They needed medical and other trained professionals, which VM’s are not! If a VM did come up here they would be taking pics and wearing the VM promo tee shirts so that everyone knew, and it would end up on a website/mag to make it look like they were the stars of the show! I’m waiting for the b.s. to flow. The books are not even an appropriate response anyway. They are moral guidelines. WTF!
You want real happiness after a tragedy like this? How about doing what Jesus said, “loving your neighbor as yourself” by providing them with food, clothes, shelter, and medical care? One rule, though – NO FEDERAL INTERFERENCE! Work independently, showing people they can actually help each other without Big Daddy Government in charge.
Whose rule, Satan’s?
Consider the direct and inevitable consequences of pursuing your silly “solution” in, for example, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the fire-ravaged regions of Northern California. Would less federal intervention in any of those regions have resulted in a better outcome?
Obviously not, so why would you need someone else to remind you of things that are so blatantly evident that even a $cientologist could see it!!?
Here’s the plain truth, about almost everything – the Federal government is mostly useless when immediate help is needed. Politicians feel a need to jump through so many hoops, trying to please everyone with an opinion…to the point the original problem is often glossed over. I’m reminded of an exchange from “Live Free or Die Hard”, where Bruce Willis says the Feds must have a backup plan for if the country’s ever hijacked. Justin Long replies in perfect deadpan, with a reference to Hurricane Katrina – “it took FEMA five days to get water to the Superdome”.
This is why I’m in favor of a much smaller Federal branch, with almost zero opportunities for corruption and a ton more accountability to the American public. Our first few Presidents went back to their previous jobs after serving in that capacity, because they didn’t believe in career politicians. If you want to solve a problem, let the individual state governments handle it; they’re usually more than capable without some bureaucrat breathing down their neck. I’ve said this many times: if Federal funding were immediately removed from every institution with a pattern of corruption, you’d see a lot of people and companies straighten up real quick.
I find it an odd position that Federal Government is bad, but State Government is good? How do you explain this thinking? Is County Government even gooder than State Govt? Is City Govt the best? I am seriously interested in a real reply. It’s something I have never been able to fully understand?
I have found at least around the Portland area, that if you vote down a school tax for instance, they come up with another tax. Multnomah County (which includes Portland) came up with a “Art Tax” of 35 dollars a year. This tax is just for Multnomah County and does not include the rest of the state. Does this give you any hint as to how low down the scale from Federal to state to County the BS goes.
A good start would be to google: 1.) Federal Republic, and 2.) Alexis de Tocqueville.
I take it nobody wants to answer the question? It was a real question. Telling me to google to figure it out is a waste of time. I hardly have time to read comments, let alone go research to figure out what someone else is thinking.
Hello Mike,
Reading those two items on Wikipedia is a fairly short explanation to your four questions above. It is a tough nut to crack, but it is what some of the best minds have distilled about the conundrum. Thank you for what you have done and continue to do.
I answered the question the other day Mike. In addition to that, THE question to answer (which I did) is; is the body acting in a constitutional manner
I missed it. Can u refer me to it more specifically or include it again
Sure Mike,
I have to digress because it is rooted in U.S. Civics. 1: The Fed gov cannot per the Constitution spend tax $ on the type of relief we are talking about (rebuilding individuals homes, etc.). PERIOD.
2: If they are going to spend, which they do, it has distorted over the decades where people build and live greatly. Before that spending, banks and insurance companies were loath to support building in those disaster prone areas. But since the Fed gov is willing to constantly rebuild disaster prone buildings over and over that is what happens.
3: States were supposed to have 1st call on taxing citizens in states. That’s why Income tax at the Fed level was illegal. That got changed and took those funds that States would be able to get and left them wanting. Now states have to go begging to the Fed Gov for LOCAL needs. Which injects national politics into who gets what.
For instance, Obama got snubbed in Florida and cut all funds to keep the inter-coastal waterways cleared. He provided some $ right before the elections last year but too late.
4: States screw up too by giving $ without at same time raising building codes to a level where hurricanes, floods & tornadoes cannot destroy housing.
Thanks for info.
Belated reply to Mike –
Mike, regarding Federal Bad vs State Good, it’s a sound bite thing, a tool for making sure the plebes follow their masters’ voices. There is no actual ‘Federal is Bad, State is Good’ conflict. You are seeing the result of too many sound bites set forth by politicians, and by entertainers posing as journalists. Those sound bites get absorbed by too many unthinking and uncritical people, and what should be mythical urban legend becomes the rallying cry of the unwashed masses, with full approval of those who want to sway their opinion and their vote.
Years ago Grover Norquist became famous for his stated desire to make government small enough so he could drown it in a bathtub. But not so drowned as to eliminate his own federal perks – his free health care, great salary, fine retirement. Neither would he want this drowning gubmint to stop the corporate welfare and bank bailout dollars headed for his big campaign contributors. That drowning government is really just the elitist Norquists of this country, elitists who want You to give up Your federal benefits, whilst They retain and even increase Their federal benefits, perks, fees, payments, tax rebates, etc They laugh all the way to their profitable bailed-out banks.
There’s more to it, including the remnant of Civil War diehards, but this is getting too long. Suffice it to say that the Fed Bad – States Good argument, even carried down to school board levels, is a creation of those who would influence opinion and votes. Big Fed is bad when it suits their purposes, but Good when it fills their pockets with corporate welfare. Same with States Rights – good when it goes their way, Bad when it doesn’t.
If the Federal gubmint is so bad, maybe the local town council should have to pay for the next multi-billion dollar aircraft carrier, or finance a few of the 800 military bases in 70 countries that the US maintains around the world. BTW, France, Britain, and Russia have about 30 foreign bases combined.
Any retiree depending on Social Security income, any disabled person depending on SSDI income, any indigent depending on hospitals to stabilize them when injured regardless of insurance, anyone who thinks the US Military should be maintained at a high level and should be fighting around the world (including 16 years and still counting in Afghanistan) – all of these people are in favor of Big Government. No single State can provide for the largest expenses of America, their tax base is simply too small.
But, made into a carefully crafted Sound Bite, it is easy to be led to believe that Fed is Bad, and States are Good.
See how it works?
So, let me put that question to you one more time: Would less federal intervention have resulted in a better outcome in, for example, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the fire-ravaged regions of Northern California?
There is one LONG term fact Harpoona. Building of residences in disaster (mostly flood & fire) prone areas increased and continues to increase when the FEMA started funding rebuilding of homes in those areas in violation of the Constitution.
Prior to that, insurance companies wouldn’t touch new construction in those areas and the home owners couldn’t afford to rebuild where buildings were destroyed a few times a century. It is ALWAYS easier to risk other peoples money. Basic econ fact that is unavoidable.
So, it is worse because of the Fed Gov? Yes, it that manner it is much worse. One cannot look at a discreet instance in time when evaluating this type of socio-economic situation.
N.B. States have also made situation worse in some areas by offering State (State citizen tax $ ) subsidized insurance for the same type of areas.
It is FAR better to have the market decide what to do. If that were the case you would have people, if they were to build in those areas, build flood, hurricane, tornado & fire proof houses. Which as it turns out, cost about the same as a “normal” house but are FAR cheaper to own over time than the disaster prone housing…
That seems very logical, Wynski.
Wow, big similarity in Australia with the building of residences in flood or fire prone areas. Brisbane has some devastating floods recently and countless new homes were literally washed away, heartbreaking it was, but history shows that area does that more or less regularly since colonisation. Same with bushfires. Areas I knew 30 – 40 years ago were ravaged regularly by fires when conditions were such in dry, hot summers. Yet couple of years ago another fire ripped through the same areas taking many new houses with it. To see new housing developments open up in certain areas and ignore the charcoal stained bases of old growth trees in gullies nearby is insane in eucalypt forests. Fire is actually part of the life cycle of some eucalypt trees/forests, it opens some species seed pods, cleans out the undergrowth and promotes fresh growth. Eucalypt trees are incredibly fire tolerant yet burn like the devil itself.
Development meet environment – the authorities at both state & fed levels are still employing lawyers and the insurance companies… well, many heartbreaks there too.
On the coast of Oregon there are signs that say: “You are entering a tsunami area.” a lot of the areas are whole towns. They have signs directing you where to go in case of a tsunami.
In the US (and Australia) people (and TONS of schools districts in Tornado Alley because FEMA pays for them) are building monolithic domes
One was finished two weeks before Irma hit the keys (the house was 50 yrds from the Straight) and suffered no damage.
EF5 tornadoes have no effect either. Nor forest fires.
In one area downtown where homes were built over 75 years ago….the area flooded so badly it destroyed many homes & even the paved road. The area is in what is called a “flood plain” similar to New Orleans area. About two years ago the homeowners were more or less “bought out”…..they can’t get flood insurance any longer because of the continued worsening high risk with bigger storms…so the homes were razed & the area cleared & never to be built on again.
Well, FEMA federal disaster aid grants are pretty valuable to people who have lost absolutely everything except whatever they happen to be wearing in the middle of the night when they ran away from their burning neighborhoods. (Think about what you wear or don’t wear to bed at night.) And those U.S. Forest Service planes have been really helpful in slowing the spread of the fire. Homeland Security has agreed to suspend all ICE actions, with the exception of serious, violent criminals, in the fire impacted areas, so people will not be afraid to evacuate to shelters. The IRS has extended tax filings and payments until January. We don’t expect a presidential visit, nor really want the distraction. Generally, we are pleased that the current administration has not played politics and has been quick to respond with the help it has the power to provide. Believe me, the State, cities and counties and our communities are not sitting around, waiting for the federal government to step in and be in charge.
So,Joshua, if you and/or your family and friends – your children, your elderly or disabled parents, were because of a manmade or natural catastrophe all of a sudden made, hungry, needy, and destitute, and via people showed up with food, for you, with blankets, medicine, clean water, etc.,for you and your loved ones, you would simply refuse it, right? Because it was being given via a government agency, a Godless Entitiy, and not by Christians who love and worship Jesus Christ?
Respectfully, people like you should live for a while in a 3rd world country and get a really good look at whatt life is like for the poor and destitute, in countries where government cares not a whit if children go hungry and people die in the streets – people dependent upon the random kindness and charity of others.
Once again, Joshua, you are spot on!
You are interjecting a particular political point that is extremely polarizing and which many of us here will completely disagree with. I find that you wanting to make political hay with tragedy is just as off-puting as the $cientologists. What you want to call “big daddy government, federal interference” is what I call a “social safety net”. It is the moral use of my tax money I can think of.
Glen, save your breath. All it takes is one huge hurricane or earthquake, tornado or mass shooting to turn such people around. When the house roof blows off and everything is soaked and rotting and there’s no flood insurance; when the power is out for weeks…omg, I could go on with a long laundry list but I won’t. Suffice to say, when real disaster strikes, these people have their “Kumbaya/We Are The World” moment about government help. Real help is real help and they take it and thank God for it. Just ask the Houstonians. They’re going to need 100 billion in that area, and its going to come from our taxes. As well it should. Nor would I mind my tax dollars going to help the families of those innocents who were senselessly slaughtered in Las Vegas. I would consider it money well spent. Many Americans would, I’m sure of that. There’s such a big difference between utter laziness and dependency on government as opposed to being in dire need because of the weather or sustaining injuries and loss of loved ones because of senseless domestic terrorism.
Glen, everybody has an idea of what should be done with their tax $. Best to let each person decide rather than having it spent of stuff they don’t want. And best of all to follow the SUPREME law of the land which does NOT allow for such spending. That isn’t a political position. It is a de facto & de jure position.
‘Disaster capitalism’ like, ‘crony capitalism’, has nothing to do with an actual Free Market System.
So, Joshua, have you booked your flight to Las Vegas yet? Have you and your fellow Christians who love neighbors as you love yourselves organized into a working team yet to bring much needed help to those injured and suffering and grieving, courtesy of yet another of yet another American madman’s fun with a semi-automatic? Help that will be far superior to and entirely apart from any that will be forthcoming from that Godless Entity, the federal government? Feel free to keep us updated on all that you’re doing.for these people.
Here here, Aqua. People who continually preach abt Christ, proselytize to any available ear, become blinded to the man who came to teach us how to live. Walk the walk then talk the talk.
OT I know, but please bear with me. If you haven’t yet heard or read there is an article in WSJ about advertisers pulling some commercials from Aftermath. Jessica Bruell is the reporter’s name. I already wrote her a letter advising her of some facts she seems not to have been aware of. So it’s up to anyone else who may want to contact hrr.
So the COS’ harassment of those with ideas contrary to their own continues. Let’s make the puxxies that pull their ads aware that they are losing customers.
Here’s the link to the article. Add a comment.
The WSJ article said there were no ads taken off A&E because of the letters written by Scienmtologists. This is what it said:
“A person at an ad-buying firm said that some clients pulled ads from “Scientology and the Aftermath” because of the public controversy surrounding it—not necessarily as a result of the letters. “Sometimes any news around a particular show puts it under new light, and why take the risk?” this person said. Another said that the letters wouldn’t affect the company’s ad spending with the A&E show.
A few advertisers pulled out of the show but continued to advertise elsewhere on the network, according to an A&E spokesman.”
I agree. Very vague and really says nothing. Shoddy fluffernutter article.
Word o’ day. Fluffernutter!!
I Fluffernuttered once. It took my two years to get my mind backed. Part of it is still missing.
Dude, you are so silly. Reading you makes me smile. Thanks for you fluffernutteriness.
Sticky substance that marshmallow fluff…..not to mention the peanut butter that sticks to the roof of your mouth…..
Thank you Robert. I did read the full article. In my letter I asked the reporter if she did any research because she seemed to take at face value the cos claim of receiving “hundreds of threatening letters.” Although there were no commercials pulled as you pointed out, the fact that the advertisers see the show as something of a threat to their product or service disturbs me. I know profit is the bottom line (as it is with scientology) it might be a good thing for all of us to be aware of what affect the church (hah!) might have with publicly such as this. I also saw this reporter didn’t follow up with any questions about the veracity of claims that guests and contributors were paid. We all know the only paid people we see on screen are Leah and Mike, which is as it should be.That’s all. Sorry if you think I sent the wrong message.
What is WSJ?
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal. Safe guess ?
Wall Street Journal
I think everyone but you knows that WSJ is the Wall street Journal. Scientology has left youbeith some major blind spots in your base of knowledge.
C’mon, Espi. Lighten up. Please?
Really? This is your offering for the day Espiando?
Just couldn’t help rubbing it in that she was unfamiliar with WSJ.
Holy smokes.
That comment was a little uncalled for, don’t you think?
Yes, I do. To tell the truth, I had no idea what it meant also. Thought it might be another of the short cuts of the Scientology slang. Don’t read the WSJ.
That’s a little unkind Espi. Not everyone knows what an SLR is either, yet it has saved and has taken many lives, nor what being pissed is or worse, drinking piss. You can’t blame Scientology for everything, & hopefully not feel good about making unpleasant comments on someone’s ignorance of the Wall St Journal. I’ve never read one in my life and I’m not broke, but I know it’s a good tactic to bluff in poker sometimes.
BTW, SLR means self loading rifle. It is a British Commonwealth derivative of the Belgian FN FAL battle rifle. The L1A1 is produced under licence and has seen use in the Australian Army, Canadian Army, Indian Army, Jamaica Defence Force, Malaysian Army, New Zealand Army, Rhodesian Army, South African Defence Force and the British Arm… etc. It takes a 7.62mm (.308) projectile of 150 gns travelling at 823 metres a second muzzle velocity. Fundamentally, it uses a cut down version of the US famous 30.06 Garand rifle bullet. Very deadly indeed. It is now obsolete in many of those countries. They now use a lot smaller, lighter bulleted weapons travelling at greater velocity and have an auto fire option.
I’m just a not so pleasant trove of useless information.
Getting pissed or drinking piss is Aussie slang for drinking alcohol, usually vast quantities off, until “pissed”.
Wouldn’t want anyone to have any of those nasty, evil MUs would we?
Again, thanks for explaining what SLR means. Half the time (being that I never got hung up on the cult) I have to try to figure out “cult talk” that you folks who spent so many years in the cult can understand. Remember, the only stupid question is the one that is never asked.
I have written to Alexandra Bruell asking her to verify the person or persons who “claim that are Scientologist” etc. and told her to watch the videos, Mike’s Blog, “Aftermath” etc. and then write an article.
I plan on writing to Caralyn Percy also.
That’s common sense Lance. I can spot wanabe “experts” on Scientology in rapid time. Not that I’m proud of it, but once upon a time I believed what they said it would do. I spent many years studying the stuff and auditing others etc. Be objective with it if you can. Best to you & yours.
Espiando, interesting that others on the blog told me what WSJ meant but you were the only one who chose to add a big editorial comment which was invalidation of me along with your definition. Save it. I”ll just look up on sites that don’t take pleasure in making you wrong for asking.
I have to agree.
Your all good Cindy….he’s not.
Thank you, K Francis and Morticia and Peter Norton and others! I love Mike’s blog so we can all talk.
Cindy, please note that several other list members immediately took aim at Espiando who seems to have a permanent grudge against the world. Simply ignore and keep getting educated further regarding the deepening disaster of scientology. 🙂
Lighten up, Espi. Let’s keep this blog friendly.
Yes, I agree. A few have responded to this comment. I should not have let it through. Been traveling and its hard on my phone sometimes. It was mean and uncalled for. Though I have recommended to Cindy in the past to use Google. It’s easier than writing a comment on the blog and waiting for an answer!
Dude, What ever happened to the cassette tape: ‘Can We Ever Be Friends?’
That really is a nasty thing to say. I had no idea either and yet I consider myself intelligent – and I is edumacated. Plus, I have never picked up a copy of ‘WSJ’ in my life.
I didn’t know what WSJ meant either.
Wall Street Journal.
When I went to the Scientology site to see how many thousands of people were pouring through their doors, (none), they had a small table set outside on the sidewalk with copies of “The Way to Happiness” and other cult items on the table (for free). I got a copy to read, and in reality it sounds too much like the 10 commandments, just twists in the wording. I am sure you have all read this pamphlet.
It goes on to say on page-29 chapter-10 “Support a Government Designed and Run For All The People.” “Unscrupulous and evil men and groups can usurp the power of government and use it to their own ends.” Talk about a line that LRH and DM would (and does) use.
On the back in fine print it says: “This may be the first NONRELIGIOUS moral code based wholly on common sense. It was written by L. Ron Hubbard as an individual work and is not part of ANY RELIGIOUS doctrine.
Bottom line is: How is such zingers as “Take care of Yourself: Get care when ill, Keep your body clean, preserve your teeth, and eat properly, going to help those poor people who were injured and the families of those people who were killed.
What morons, and it just shows that the cult has no shame at all. You can bet though that those in the cult will have to pay for copies to “send to the victims,” and perhaps a photo shot of 4 or 5 in their yellow shirts with big smiles handing the copies to people as they walk by, or even better to the victims laying in their hospital beds.
Yes, good comment Lance. Imagine for a moment with all the victims of Scientology itself out in the world what their solution for them would be for them, apart from repeatedly attacking them if they dare say anything = give them a newly donated WTH booklet! That’s Scientology for you.
Lance, WTH is going to help those poor people who were injured and the families of those people who were killed by helping them to understand just exactly why and how “they pulled in” this tragedy. For example, its possible they hadn’t been brushing their teeth properly. WTH can now help them cognite on how they need to floss as well as brush.
And, by the way, for anyone put off by my brand of humor, the above was said in bitter sarcasm against the cult, while at the same time in fierce defense of and empathy with the Las Vegas victims, both dead and alive.
It just dawned on me. I hope that the yellow shirts don’t stand on the sidewalk in Las Vegas handing out WTH to the good people in Vegas. We could hear about another round of shootings, this time by the citizens themselves. The cult needs all the members that they can get, but would most likely sell the yellow shirts bullet holes and all.
I get so pissed when they do this. And other idiotic / opportunistic money grabs.
“When you tell someone that the reason why you are giving them this book is because ‘Your survival is important to me’, that sets the stage for peace, understanding and well… common sense.”
Let me hit you with a dose of reality: When you approach someone in Las Vegas who may or may not be unsettled by the recent horrific scene of a deranged lunatic shooting a bunch of people from a hotel window, and you say that you’re foisting on them a pamphlet full of trite aphorisms because their survival is important to you, that sets off their bullshit alarms. If they were concerned with their survival to start with, they sure wouldn’t expect a flopsy little book to stop any bullets. Oh, you mean the Scientology definition of survival? That’s the problem — when you go out into public, people speak English, not Scilon. They don’t know what the f— you mean by “survival.” That’s, well… common sense.
My letter to Caralyn this morning though I doubt it will be read in its entirety…..
Dear Caralyn,
I love the WTH booklet and support its message. I’m afraid though that as long as David Miscavige continues as the church leader your arm of the church is going to struggle to have any real effective reach into society.
Today your asking for money. That is nearly all the church is involved in these days. IAS, Planetary Desemination, Ideal Orgs. and on and on with donations.
Whatever happened to making auditors and well and happy PC’s? You may have noticed that SHSBC and the Class 8 course rooms have been shuttered and therefore the auditor training line has been severely cut. When was the last time you saw a piece of promo pushing auditor training? Today it’s all about free money into the church with only a promise that the money wil be used to correct society’s ills. This has been going on for decades and still I don’t see clearly how the millions in donations have honestly made a difference.
Caralyn, I think if you look around you will see that the Orgs have emptied out, auditor training has has come to a near halt and stats have crashed worldwide. David Miscavige was in charge for most of it and I can’t see how it rebounds with him in control.
I appreciate your desire to help.
Sincerely, Kevin
Great letter, Kevin!
Kevin, I agree. Not only will Miscavige not turn Scientology around, he will continue to run the entire subject into the ground. No one can do it faster than him. He is the master of disaster.
It is already done, the subject of Scientology is mud, doesn’t work organisationally or technically as presented or marketed and has been dissected like a poor unfortunate frog in a 1960’s biology class.
If there has been or is any value in Scientology it purely rests with the individual who assesses it for themselves. As it is it’s been so butchered and hacked to death for so long in the pursuit of money for nothing, the task of acquiring an unbiased view of the subject would equate to attaining the 9th wonder of the world.
Miscavige, the whole RTC ethos and the management systems of Scientology require some serious justice applied. After that, well… there’s Old Surfer’s Dude beach bash! Then there’s tomorrow’s tomorrow.
Robert, you mean that DM is the M of D?
Beautiful letter, KFrancis but you’re wasting your time. WTH is a money grab and the the Sheep fall for it every time. Its their fault, largely. They enable Miscavige to fleece and con them. He’s a con man and not even that clever. He succeeds because they’re dumb, not because he’s smart. He could never get away with what he does without their express permission, agreement and cooperation. And, yes, yes, “prison of belief”, yes, its real, but then, we all saw it for what it was and walked away, didn’t we? Why can’t they?
you are right, DM is just one guy. He cannot do anything alone. It takes a whole lot of others willing to spend their time, and money to keep this corrupt cult going. They should get a clue when they reach the higher levels after buying all the books, and then find out that they have to buy them all over again because there was a sentence that was either left out or added to a now new book. The rank and file are the ones who must eventually say to themselves, “something is not right about this whole situation, nothing is happening to change the world, and I need to walk away from all of this.”
Lance, I hear you. I tend to frequently express myself in a cynical fashion but I’m an optimist at heart. Always have been. Its real for me that anyone trapped in the cult can, in his or her own time, wake up and leave. “Nothing is over until its over”…”where there is life, there is hope”. I’m not in my own or anyone else’s fools paradise, but i like living in hope, Hope is not delusion. Its just an awareness that life is nothing if not replete with possibilities.
Great letter, Kevin, although I forsee a non-mailed Suppressive Person Declare in your future.
Ha ha…you’re so right!
Actually my Declare arrived in the mail in 2012 after I wrote a somewhat similar letter to my auditor (a very nice woman) at Flag.
It was out of her hands once I wrote and sent it …I was shown the exit right after that.
And when you ask ’em, “How much should we give?”
Ooh, they only answer “More! More! More!”,
Creedence Clearwater Revival
“Fortunate Son”
The next target has become Santa Rosa, CA and the raging fires there. Here’s the text of an email sent out the other day.
Due to the fires in Santa Rosa and the surrounding areas, there is a call to action for VMs.
If you are able to help, please contact Dave Ingram at 650-400-2317
Yep, any calamity is good for yellow shirt photo ops.
They can come and help relieve people manning the shelters – cooking, serving, doing laundry, entertaining really bored kids, but forget the big yellow tent thing offering very little in the way of actual help.
Any weak link and they( COS) is on it.
It’s vile.
They under the guise of “help” want the victims to feel they have the answer… I hear chanting..” give you money. Give me your soul, give me your money, give me your soul.” Unbelievable.
Compare to Zappos, a Las Vegas based company, donating actual money for burial expenses, instead of panhandling, and littering the wreckage with STOOPIT propaganda.
CO$ = Community Outreach Sucks.
Unbelievable!!! They’re preying on their vulnerabilities!!! Sickening!!!
The WTF Foundation or The Way To Hell is more like it.
As for the Vegas Massacre.. No, among people burying their loved ones — most don’t live there and probably none have an interest in reading a stupid booklet anyway.
However, I am sure the cult looks at this with their usual, insatiable greed: motive being: “Maybe there’s a chance that a few grief stricken people who read this crap are getting some inheritance money and need to ‘handle their losses’.”
Maybe… Just maybe… Cha ching!
Plus, the photo-ops always help with the second most important thing to the cult–after money–it’s PR…
To: Caralyn Percy
Subject: Help bring calm to Las Vegas
Yo Caralyn,
Close the Org in Las Vegas. That will help bring more calm in a shorter period of time than anything else you could do.
Yo Dave,
Speaking of shorter periods …………….. just sayin …… seems like everything $cientology is getting shorter these days including the amount of time You have left micromanaging the shortness of it all.
And about your petition on the A&E series ……….. whatsup with the stall on signatures when You have millions of cult members? Get on it! Whackamole today Dave! Make a difference as only You can do.
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: what you just said
Lishen here (hic), nobody talksh to me zhat way!(hic). Now you shtop zhat en shupport (hic) my way to happinesh (hic) by giving me (hic) all zha money in your (hic) wallet!
M (hic)L
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: what an ass you are
Okay, Dave, lay off Newcomer and lay off the scotch while you’re at it!
Hey! Caralyn Percy was part of the Boston org when I was getting my money (repayment) back. Too bad she’s still promoting such vile stuff that helps nobody. Wondering if she’s still part of Boston or is “Moving On Up a Little Higher” (sorry Marty) and relocated to L.A. or Clearwater.
They were in CA last I saw them, which was about 10 years ago.
Wow. That’s all I can say. They have no shame at all.
I knew Bernard and Caralyn Percy before they became the delusional loons of today. Public school teachers by occupation, it’s genuinely sad to observe the sacrifice of logic and the abandonment of critical thinking in their embrace of Hubbard’s “moral code” …but after a half century of Scientology indoctrination, Hubbard’s banal words are the residue of the positive change they’d originally intended to leave on the world.
Scientology’s corruption of good people is among its greatest sins, and its utter selfishness, as embodied in Hubbard’s prime directive, “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Entirety Of The Law” leaves no doubt what its ultimate legacy will be.
Wow. Your last paragraph is so spot on!!
The idiocy of this, to me, is that they want to hand out this pamphlet to the victims. The victims were already happy. They were at a concert, dancing and laughing. The rest of Vegas was just doing it’s Vegas thing. There doesn’t need to be thousands of pamphlets handed out to help calm people or lead them to happiness. Further, the victims are all separated from the event at this point. They are each on their roads to healing, physically and emotionally. The LAST thing I would need/want right now would be someone preaching peace at me. They want to hand these out to the choir. The person who needs help is the mentally ill person who, because of limited education, lack of resources and a health care system filled with holes, is walking around untreated with firearms. This is NOT a political statement about guns. I am talking about untreated mental illness. The innocent victim who was minding her/his business and having a good time doesn’t need to be taught the way to happiness.
Finally, some common sense. Thank you, azhlynne. You’re spot on: The innocents who were out enjoying a concert don’t need WTH. What a mindfuck for them, someone handing them this booklet! And of course the lunatic who COULD have used it is dead now.
One would think that anyone with a functioning brain would want guns in the hands of the sane individuals who want or need them while at the same time kept out of the hands of the mentally ill. One would think.
Oh, well, give it time, and soon this situation will be in hand. The NRA has the solution. We’ll just revert to how it was in the Old West. Everyone will have an equalizer. Driving to work, shopping at the mall, soccer moms picking their kids up from school – we’ll all be packing 🙂
Scientology is just so….stupid. *sigh*
“You are reeling from a horrible tragedy? Here, have a pamphlet and SMILE!”
All in the name of making Scientology feel good from the inside. It’s like spiritual masterbation. And they’re definitely going blind…
Why doesn’t Mr. Cruise or Ms. Moss just cut a cheque, instead of begging for $$ from the average working poor schlep of the “church”.
Are they SERIOUSLY trying to scam ppl out of money for these books? Are they that desperate?
They will REALLY take advantage of this tragedy & try to MAKE money off it?
I’m floored.
Usually donations are what is in order when a tragedy happens. How disgusting.
Livid again, these victims of violence are in need of being left the fuck alone by Scientology, A Cult is not the answer, hey Dave,give them $$$$$$$ they won’t be able to work, pay bills feed kids, keep paying their house payments, medical bills ,rehab,and a whole lot of funerals,shit Dave you’ve already proven you’re a heartless son of a bitch don’t worry keep your billions and go have a play date with your God Tom,He makes you look weak, have you never thought of that ? Chasing him around like a little schoolboy have a great day everyone you too DAVE!!!
Best people ever,Mike Rinder, LEAH Remini,and all exscientologist God Bless the Victims!!!!!!
There were over 22,000 people at the concert, more in area hotels. Most were not from Vegas, and don’t live here now. This is TOTAL money grab!!!!
Of course it is!!! Just like if you tell the cult you have a college fund for your son or daughter, they’ll tell you higher education is worthless and to hand over the college fund.
With the cult, it’s only about one thing: Your money. Nothing else matters…
On the other hand, why not just make the booklet as a FREE DOWNLOAD for all those 600,000 people who ALL are on the internet! The average person <40 doesn't read dead tree books. They use their tablets.
???????? This!
C’mon, Mike, you know that would be out exchange. Free is a dirty word in the cult. Probably the worst word you can utter.
Except when the cult asks you to give your money to them, somehow that is not out exchange, because you receive a ‘status’ in return. Yeah, yeah, and you get the privilege of helping salvage this sector of the galaxy…good deal huh.
No it’s two words, Leah Remini.
That’s the perfect solution…that is, if the cult’s actual intent was to do as much good as possible, and they truly believed that getting these words of wizdumb out to everyone could accomplish that.
The money would be much better spent in creating and promoting a website where folks could download TWTH; they could reach millions more for a whole lot less! Or, if that’s just too high tech for the cult, they could at least print them up and sell them at cost to $cilon volunteers who could distribute them for free.
Come to think of it, I wonder why $cilons themselves haven’t put forward these obvious and very workable solutions? Could it be that everyone in the cult who actually would like to be helpful are all just too cowardly and craven to speak up with such simple solutions themselves?
Or is it that participating in cult activities over time has the very unfortunate effect of making you stupider and less able to think critically about such things?
My bet is that it’s both, acting synergistically to make still-in $cilons some of the most duped and cognitively disabled folks on the planet!
“A FREE DOWNLOAD” of WTH. Wow, now I know you’re an SP, Wynski. No more doubt 🙂
Ok Aqua but I want my Goldenrod! 🙂
Send your money by email transfer to [email protected]. It will do more good than wasting it on WTH booklets! The CoS has a lot of gall to say that they are helping families and want people look at people as part of the Family of Man when they force disconnection on so many families! How about they start with cancelling their own forced disconnections…… in every way shape or form!
Disconnect from your Family of Man. Huh. Another moronic Scientology oxymoron.
Morning mike -that’s disgusting & so obviously self gaining on their part. They use a catastrophe as a means 2 get money, using the human empathy factor 2 collect. If they truly believed their product could actually help people in times of crisis why not distribute a free copy 2 those who wanted it!! I can assure u they’d b lucky to receive 100 requests – not they’re ballooned 200,000 copies – but wait – every donation will b 1 billion years worth lol
Scientology is such a frustrating intricate operation.
Making such immense profit off their Hubbard good behavior tips pamphlet.
Money making is the irreducible minimum part of the movement.
I love this old article, from the Saturday Evening Post, which praises Hubbard’s ability to solve the movement’s problems, way back in the early 60s.
LRH spent decades making something out of this whole operation, building it up, so it stays going, on it’s own, today.
Sometimes life as a clam sounds really good…
Whoa! I need to wrap my mind around your post…
Nope! I couldn’t do it. Way too strange for me.
Sounds like an open and shut case to me.
Yup. Just let bivalves be bivalves
Now that’s some funny shit!
With the amount of $$ this cult has, they don’t need to ask for donations. Even if someone donated money, what’s the guarantee that anything would be done to help others? Just more $$ for them, that’s all. Sad.
I think you are on to them Anita!
You just described Scientology perfectly, Anita. Scientology is a business cult.
Just wondering if “the whales” realize that the cherch requests donations for these booklets? If whales are donating millions of dollars, does it even dawn on them the abuses of the cherch in asking for donations for the overly simplified advice in these booklets?? IF they do not realize this, (not to mention Sea Org. members living in poverty conditions) what will they think when they find out their monetary donations are only serving the personal, GREEDY wants of the turnip man.
The majority of the people at the event weren’t even from Las Vegas – they went there for the concert. Then the survivors went home to the support of their friends, communities – and churches! Real churches.
So the best way to help people is not by having a discussion about enacting some sensible gun laws to possibly prevent, or at least make more difficult, the ability for people to get these types of weapons.
It’s not by analyzing mental illness in way that might give us a better understanding of these individuals in a way that can throw up a red flag where we can try to detect the possibility of this happening again so we might be able to prevent more death and destruction.
It’s not by providing counseling for the survivors who experienced this trauma or the family members who are suffering in their grief.
No, that’s not the answer. The only way to truly help these people is to……give them a pamphlet (using other people’s money to pay for it, plus profit) that tells them they just need to “be happy”? Ok, got it……
Mick, you said what I was thinking while reading this ridiculous propaganda!
Excellent analysis. Spot on!
If Scientology shared its doctrine on why bad things happen to good people (they pulled it in! WOGs aren’t good people!), they would get the same reaction as the Westboro Baptists.
The NRA would now doubt try to block any attempt at “sensible gun laws” since it is “our right to bear arms”. Those bump stock devices, once the word came out…were SOLD OUT in many areas so fast your head would spin….sold out because they possibly could be taken off the market & everyone who wanted one for themselves bought one now.
Best way to the “Way To Happiness” is NOT to fall for this trap……
Here is a tip: Please review this link before donating to ANY group:
It will give you information on legit charities & how they rate…..the headings at the top once clicked on will show you drop down boxes where you can find a wealth of info.
Balletlady, the NRA wants guns in the hands of the insane not because the insane are any kind of “market share”. The NRA has a problem: .not enough people hunt anymore. So the knowledge that guns and in particular semi automatic weapons are in the hands of lunatics drives sales of guns to normal people.
People can differ on sensible gun laws. That does not mean that they differ in their goal of reducing unlawful shootings. My father is ardently pro-gun control. I am quite in favor of more open gun ownership – especially among the urban poor / working class who live in tough neighborhoods. We both want some controls on gun and want to stop atrocities like Las Vegas – we just differ on the best method.
Fair enough, Omega.
Add to that guns get stolen every day, young men are able to buy a gun for a few dollars or a drug trade……so many of the youth murdered over territory….as in “you’re in OUT street”…..or because someone is wearing a color that is gang related…..sick sick sick.
Great comment, Mick.
Good comment. What is required for those affected by the murderous use of firearms and violence in general (even the officially sanctioned use of weapons & violence by Govt agencies) is compassion, sympathy, understanding of another’s pain and acting humanely to assist them without thought of recompense. All those human qualities in the previous sentence are taboo in Scientology and are punishable offences within the insanely monitored ethos of the Cof$.
With gun laws… geezers, now that’s a problem. Guns are pretty much effectively banned in Australia and tight control applied to obtaining them and ownership, yet death by firearms continues to rise, especially in Sth eastern Sydney. There exists a black market in weapons and it will prosper with further legislation banning them. I’m not against tightening gun laws, I know what weapons do but I sort of put it in the same category as trying to contain the illegal drug trade – a tough ask.
Wow. Several points that stick out.
TWTH booklet tells people how to act in a moral, decent way. Is Mrs. Percy saying that this catastrophe reigned down on Las Vegas because they were all immoral and the booklet will put their ethics in? That’s certainly in keeping with Hubbards view of WOGS.
What about the thousands of people who did not live in Vegas? How is SCN going to help them?
Mike you hit the nail on the head.
Let’s get our stats up. Oooh a disaster over there. Great now we can ask for more donations. The SO slaves can print more booklets and now more profit is made.
And of course then we all help mankind.
I love Caralyn’s logic, “if we all look at people as part of the family of man(and woman) then each of us did have a family member at the concert”. I have yet to see a cult member view anyone outside Scientology in that way. Does that also mean Psychs and SPs?
In that case Mrs. Percy should route herself to ethics as she is PTS. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Crazy disaster capitalism alright!
“Never miss an opportunity to take advantage of a crisis” Rahm Emanuel Mayor of Chicago.
Bwahahaha! That’s hilarious! Thank you for this! I’m dying!
Dear Joan, RIGHT ON! It’s a wonder cos hasn’t asked harvey weinstein for some CA$H !
H’s “looking” for some friends!
That’s actually fake news. Things found on the internet need to be fact-checked.
What was really said, was rather different:
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel
That’s unfortunately a rather apt description of our crisis-driven political culture, where the will to get things done, or even to implement measures that probably long would have made sense, all too often doesn’t coalesce until something goes terribly wrong.
Thanks for the correct quote. Yes, we do not want to get down to the level of the cult and send off a miss quote or take something out of text to make it sound like someone has done a crime or has lied. For example: Nathan Rich’s aunt was interviewed and said that “Nathan was headed for a life of crime, and had to be sent to the ranch.” Nathan I believe was 8 years old at the time.
Let the cult tell lies, let us tell the truth.
Yes! We can’t fight lies with more lies!
Aqua, lies are often fought by turning a mirror upon the liar to highlight the original lie This is LONG standing literary practice. It is not as simple & obvious a tactic as denial and takes some sophistication amongst the audience.
Sad, because this cult has seepage. The time is coming when the economies end the secret societies, the man behind the idiocy, once was founded on pyramid schemes is now becoming apparent. This Legacy will cease to exist as the age of awareness becomes full prophecy.