Things are really rocking in the WUS! At least they are if you buy into their self-congratulatory hype….
Some of this stuff is just priceless.
The Austin Org has been located right across the street from the University of Texas for DECADES. Can these people really think that if they put nice furniture and install a bunch of FART Div 6 displays it is somehow going to magically take off? This is “Ideal Think” (a new sort of debilitating mental illness that CCHR is doing NOTHING about) to the last stop of the crazy train. Usually the hype is about how they are going to open a “new ideal org” (somewhere out in the boonies) and this is what will suddenly cause “planetary clearing” to “become a reality.” The sad thing about this drivel is that Austin has ALREADY been in the “ideal location” forever. So, they are not even going to “open a new Ideal Org” they are just going to make the current furniture “ideal”?
And according to the hype, Salt Lake City and Santa Barbara are going to “purchase their buildings” by MV. Right. And Battle Creek was going to be the next Ideal Org, soon followed by New Haven, Kansas City and let’s not forget Harlem. Sydney org was going to open in February according to their promo….
Love that up-to-date, and totally appropriate quote they are using about being in a world consisting of two and a half billion “wogs.” Love to know who selects these things… And what the other 4.5 billion are?
But the best line of all is this: “With Golden Age of Tech Phase II built right in the brick and steel of their buildings….” What? Not one of these buildings has had its ribbon yanked since GAG II was released, so how is it built right in? And how do you build it in anyway? With mechanical arms that reach out from the walls to grab purses and wallets?
Which is, of oourse, the perfect lead in to how “it’s all happening” with the “greatest surge in our history” “truly bringing to fruition that new civilization…” Somehow, it just isn’t visible to any of the two and half billion wogs (or the other 4.5 million either for that matter).
But it is commendable that the ideal orgs of WUS made 8 Clears — up from 1 in the previous 12 months.
Woohoo…. Maybe they have some robot auditors to go along with the robot arms?
lauraannw says
Austin had more going on in 1970 when it was in a little house on Burnet rd. Buildings are not the answer.
The Oracle says
Population in this town. 18,000. 15,000 turned out for this event.
Compare that to the few thousand if that, people showing up for an event in L.A. for David Miscavige.
The wogs have got it going on.
Kim Kardashian is throwing serious shade on Miscavige with over 20.7 M followers on twitter!
Mac Donald’s hamburgers are over China now, but not Scientology.
Yet he stands up at these events and attests to taking over the planet.
That man is really tripping.
Espiritu says
MJ, your post reminds me of a book, 1984, by the great George Orwell who created the character “Big Brother”. Big Brother supposedly controlled every aspect of the lives of the citizens of Earth. The book is actually written as a tragedy. When reading your post I thought of the last line in the book, referring to the main character who, after numerous attempts to escape the mental tyranny, finally caved in. It reads: “He loved Big Brother”. Yuck.
Reading that line made me want to puke.
Ditto for DM’s brainwashing of Scientologists and his purposeful destruction of the potential for goodness that the subject Scientology has to offer to the world.
MJ says
Espiritu, you made me think of a song that seems to describe Der Leader from The Wizard of Oz:
If I Only Had A Heart
(Tin Man)
When a man’s an empty kettle
He should be on his mettle
And yet I’m torn apart
Just because I’m presumin’
That I could be a human
If I only had a heart
I’d be tender, I’d be gentle
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art
I’d be friends with the sparrows
And the boy that shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart
Picture me a balcony
Above a voice sings low
(Snow White)
Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
(Tin Man)
I hear a beat, how sweet!
Just to register emotion, jealousy, devotion
And really feel the part
I could stay young and chipper
And I’d lock it with a zipper
If I only had a heart
Hallie Jane says
Great comment Joe. I realized that when I got to the point, where the totalitarian trip was impacting me that I started having to fight with a lot of people. It’s a different problem, sort of the flip side of giving in, but whenever I went into an org I had to gear up for a fight. Talk about intention/counter intention. I was exhausting and unnecessary.
Joe Pendleton says
Maybe my favorite of all of LRH writings is the section on creating universes in 8-8008. I never felt I fully understood it or how to do it, but it indicated to me as a great potential truth to always consider and to take on the challenge of creating one’s own universe WHILE AT THE SAME TIME remaining in ARC with others’ universes and THEIR right to create their own, and so forth. So … if an individual or a group wants to create a universe where they think that their dwindling small group is “clearing the planet” by renovating a few buildings around the world …. heck, I’ve got no problem with that. There are groups all over the world who have beliefs that seem completely looney (and sometimes very vicious and destructive) to the rest of us who have any sense of rationality. Again …. knock yourselves out if this is what gives your life pleasure and meaning.
My only gripe (in regards to the CoS) is when a group is not honest up front about what they’re doing and what they’re getting a person into. The CoS doesn’t say that along with exploring your own psyche and learning about life, you are also going to part of an ever increasing totalitarian, Soviet like organization, where you will eventually be allowed to have no freedom of speech, action or even thought. And that you will be continually at risk of losing any friendships you make in Scientology and indeed your immediate family, to say nothing of losing your job and/or customers to your business if you are thought to be opposed to church decisions.
That’s why I think this website is so important. Get the truth out so that people at least have it when they decide if they want to be involved in the CoS. As for the folks who are in who agree to not look at the internet, who are convinced that they are salvaging this sector of the universe and that stats are way up, and who say they are having great wins playing this game …… well, as the saying goes, you make your bed and ……
WhiteStar says
Steve Austin was the original ideal org. he was a man barely alive, but they had the technology.
they made him bigger, faster, stronger……….and they did it for only six million dollars!
Dave B. says
The “graphs” are interesting.
No actual numbers on them because $cientology management doesn’t want critics to know the real numbers. Which of course reflect the public staying away in droves, and the kults slow death.
Snazzy graph arrows pointing upwards is absurd. In a way it shows contempt for people’s intelligence.
TrevAnon says
Should they use the real numbers in graphs then everyone would see how bad stats are.
Should they use fake numers in graphs then a lot of critics would be cross checking these and calling them out.
So [totally made up] graphs without numbers are all they can use now.
Robert Almblad says
I stand corrected. I now remember the Purif was for LSD and PCP etc… which LHR never took.
richardgrant says
It’s kind of fascinating to imagine what Scientology would look like if LRH had tried acid or mescaline or peyote during the early days when such things were regarded as a means of spiritual exploration — before they became “recreational”.
Steve Jobs once remarked — sometime during the heyday of DOS, I think — that the world would be a better place if Bill Gates had ever done acid.
happychappie44 says
LRH did take drugs ‘during the early days’. According to Ron Jnr, he did do LSD. I’m not sure about all that he tooK but he was addicted to cocaine and heroin. But there was other stuff he took, and he was auditied in drugged states. This was early on and all throughout his life.
He fed Ron Jnr a drug at the age of 10, put it in his chewing gum. Ref – Messiah or Madman by Brent Corydon.
April Wheatley says
I work in in a store right across the street from the Santa Barbara building. Because of my interest in Scientology I have been paying close attention to what goes on over there. There are about 12 people who I call regulars. They aren’t there everyday but their faces are familiar and it’s my belief that they are staff or perhaps having sessions. Less than five of those are there everyday. Then there are what I call the stragglers, people who wander in and I never see again. There are times when a whole week goes by and there are no stragglers but then there might be two in one day. Very, very few people come and go from this building….it’s shocking that the staff doesn’t see this. When they have an event, it varies from around 12-30 people at the MOST. This hardly calls for a new building although I will say the one they’re in now has a delapitated appearance. One of the staff comes in our store and shops a couple of times a month. She seems nice and I have discussed their beliefs with her. I asked her about disconnection (I didn’t use that word) and she said that yes, people who are living contrary to church rules do lose contact with other church members and family. I think some of these people are lonely and clueless. They are wasting their lives and money because they simply can’t figure out how to be happy.
richardgrant says
April, thanks for this information!
I appreciate your feeling that some of these people are lonely and clueless, just trying to find a way to be happy. So much truth in that, I believe. The collapse of RCS probably won’t solve this problem for them. I’m imagining there will be quite a number of lost souls wandering around after the Miscavige empire has fallen. What I’ve seen of the ex-Scientology community tells me that there is a great amount of compassion and support out here for such people, if they can find their way to it.
Hallie Jane says
I noticed a continuation of the trend to make the “stills ins” feel heroic or special. That choice of LRH article about teamwork and dedication emphasizing that, we’re such a small number of people, compared to the rabble wogs, is a bit of psychological manipulation. I’ve noticed it more and more in the emails and promo. “We’re the special, brave few, who can confront the monumental task of saving the universe.” I feel it’s an effort to isolate further and then, make them proud of the fact that they’re isolated. It’s part of the method of delivery of the kool aid juice. It also makes their dwindling numbers plausible. Sneaky.
ThetaPotata says
I think the concept of Gat II being built into buildings is akin to Witch Doctors creating mystery magic to keep their tribe believing in their greatness. The Kool aid community will eat that shit up. Create the concept that Standard Tech isn’t possible unless it’s delivered in a new Gat II compliant building with the new Mark VIII meter. Kill the field, kill the missions and slowly kill all the Orgs and sell off the buildings. We’re witnessing long term planning here!
LDW says
An acquaintance was having some difficulties in life. He looked at doing services in an ideal scientology, org but decided to get a lobotomy instead.
MJ says
What’s the difference?
Taylor says
In Chris Shelton’s recent series, “What is Wrong with Scientology” Part 2, “Greed is Good”, is the name he gives to the second segment. He comments that as early as 1956 Hubbard spoke on the importance of money. As well as Hubbard writing countless policies on how to make money and what to do with it. While Hubbard on one hand said money was not important he set up a system that cost a Lot of money to reach any level of spiritual wisdom.
Such as the 2007 estimated $388,805 dollars to reach OTVII. Or $72,757 dollars in 1970 the Buddha does not operate or teach wisdom (the tech) to attain more MEST. The Eastern arts of meditation and enlightenment wish to rise above the 3rd Chakra aka money,power etc.
To rise on the wheel of “Khlor Ba” MEST and all of those trappings of the 3rd Chakra are the exact opposite of the Buddha’s teachings.
The Buddha or Lao Tzu along with their disciples would willingly teach wisdom and spiritual enlightenment for a small offering of rice. Their interest lay in raising one’s consciousness to live in the moment to rise to a higher level in the next life. To live within the moment is to live and breathe with no thought of the past future or present. For most this is a difficult state to achieve as is understanding the concept of, “Zen No Mind”. To see the tree you do not see the tree.
I don’t recall that LRH was a practitioner of the Buddha’s teaching and meditation. At least none of those who have written of him have ever written about it. The Buddha was interested in raising his Prana through the Chakras to higher states of consciousness. The Buddha’s interest was never in MEST nor was Lao Tzu.
All were and are welcome to raise their consciousness without regard to station or wealth. Only study, meditation and living a very frugal existence were and are needed. No meters, TR’s, processes which require monetary payment that is Scientology’s way.
I have no qualm with anyone studying whatever belief system they may wish to follow that is their choice. Scientology has it’s followers who derive benefits from LRH’s teachings this I do not doubt.
This mess that david miscavige has wrought is horrid and I do feel compassion for those who have been harned by his reign. Hopefully it will soon come to an end and should the adherents of LRH continue with Scientology I wish them the best.
However I believe that the teachings and lifestyles of the Buddha and Lao Tzu in comparison to LRH and by extension Scientology are as different as night and day.
richardgrant says
The last bit of that LRH quote — “a superiorly organized organization” — is just the sort of rock upon which all the editorial skills in the world crash and founder and all hope is lost.
And such timing! 1965 — the very year when the best-trained and organized military “team” the world was about to throw its full might against a rabble of wogs in the jungles of Vietnam.
DollarMorgue says
Hmm… the truth is dawning on somebody in the bubble. A subconscious cry for help?
cris says
Mike ya gotta stop giving Dave ideas… Next thing you know he’ll have those robot arms surgically implanted to everyone so he can remotely punch them from his blackberry… Sorry… I mean Lou can remotely punch them…
MJ says
How about some DM dolls with big heads for kids to beat up on to train them for useful life skills. Also parents could benefit by releasing pent up aggression. Anyone with entrepreneurial skills please contact Hasbro.
Mike Leopold says
I’m sure that the students and faculty at the University of Texas will happily surrender the unfettered access to the internet and their critical thinking skills, in order to become Scientologists.
Scientology is D-E-A-D.
remoteviewed says
No surprise that another Church of Scientology criminal is following in the hallowed foot steps of Reed Slatkin in creating another Ponzi Scheme.
Something I’ve noticed about the current breed of Churchie these days is that like a moth attracted to fire they have a big fixation on “easy money” so that they can “buy their bridge”.
The thought of sitting their fat and lazy sorry asses down in a course room and learning how to audit so they can coaudit which is by far cheaper then “buying the bridge” at the current over inflated rates never seems to occur to them.
So people like Reed, Franklin, Michelin and this guy Kingdon become local folk heroes to what’s left of the laity until they are busted by the SEC or some other regulatory agency or the FBI or sued by irate “investors” read *marks*.
Then they are forgotten and tossed down some memory hole. In other words *not-ised*. Until someone new promising “easy money” comes around and the cycle repeats.
Robert Almblad says
I stand corrected. I now remember the Purif was for LSD and PCP etc… which LHR never took.
remoteviewed says
Understandable Robert,
Personally I think many of the public these days mis-“C/Sed” to robotically do the Purif when all they have on their drug list is baby aspirin.
Then of course there are these endless “retreads” that are probably total overruns.
A process or action can seem to be “unflat” when in fact it has been overrun.
There is an HCOB which discusses auditing OTs that makes this point but it is unlikely anyone in the org has read this bulletin.
happychappie44 says
I heard, don’t know if or where it is written, that the Purif DOES NOT release LSD from the fatty cells or wherever; and that’s why if you’ve ever taken LSD or Angel Dust, you can’t join the SO.
Just saying.
one of those who see says
It is really so wonderful to be out of there. LFBD every time I think about it. It is amazing how off on lies and vias human beings can go. Boy, can we mock up bullsh*t or what?! Maybe it’s boredom and we are always creating complexities. So for those of us who have had the sense to step off the crazy train, we can look in on this and it’s just Wow!
LRH also contributed to the complexity, the Us and Them game, the doom and gloom thing with “the cinder” and “5 years left.” Very un Buddha of him with all due respect.
The solution is in Scientology itself which got so much from Buddha. Equanimity. LRH talked about being 3 feet behind society’s head. Cool. Then just do Truth. Truth. Truth. That calms everything down. You got a process that helps restore self determinism. Cool. Let people know you do and deliver it. Don’t claim what it doesn’t do. Only claim what you know it does. Be gentle. If you know that people have had a rough time on the track with violence and death then for god’s sake don’t harass them. Create a space where they can feel valued, respected, liked. A place where they can be the free-est. Free to say who they are, say what is bothering them, what they think about anything, including Scientology. People will flock to such a place.
In Scientology, I learned about “not going into agreement” with existing aberrations , not being “reasonable.” To me, a great example would be this. OK. So you think that you have the way out of the trap and you think that the future on this planet could get pretty bad if your information doesn’t get to the masses. Even though, you believe that (right or wrong)- you don’t go into a frantic mode, full of force, full of must have. That would mean you are leaving the subject to disseminate the subject. No. You are calm, you continue to operate with ARC, knowing that’s the only thing that works. You continue to elevate the people’s self determinism and freedom. You don’t stomp on it. People are only coming to Scientology for Truth, Freedom, Equanimity etc… If you take those results away. You have empty buildings, Mest – which is what the Church is ending up with. From Lao Tzu: “The natural person desires without craving and acts without excess. By not doing, everything is done.” There is a statement about “not going into agreement.”
I remember the simplicity of Scientology. It was the idea that LRH searched for truth. He found much of it in eastern thought. From Buddha, Lao Tzu. Then he applied a scientific method to come up with processes that can help man achieve the ideals as stated by these earlier great men. It makes sense that in fully confronting past trauma, it no longer will affect you. In doing that, you are freer to think and live in present time ( or as Buddha would say in Mindfulness). The goal, it seems to me is the Bliss of Present Time. Along with that is the idea of being Cause instead of effect. And with that free of the birth and death cycle – if you want to be.
If our aberrated state leads us to complexity. Then shouldn’t Scientology “not go into agreement” and stay simple. The idea of “simple” is also in Scientology.
I believe it was Jason Beghe who said to Marty that you can use Scientology to solve Scientology. I think that may be true. I think that is where Indies are going. Strip it down. Bring back the simplicity. Only deal in Truth. Keep the purpose in mind at all times, which is restoring freedom and self determinism and the playing of a better game.
Regarding Clearing the Planet…. If people, one by one are truly helped by the tech. If while being helped by the tech – they are only helped by the tech, not bankrupted, stressed out, invalidated etc…Well then, more and more people will avail themselves of the tech and we will end up with a world of happy, prosperous people having a hell of a lot of fun. A world, Ron would like to come back to.
MJ says
Very nicely expressed.
Cindy says
Leonore says
Nice post – much needed balance.
gato rojo says
Madora P says
No building or piece of furniture can compensate for the fact that Scientology as the WORST, CREEPIEST, SCARIEST, TOTALLY HORRIFYING WIDESPREAD REPUTATION.
Sandy Duncan says
After getting dimwitted fools to donate a half million bucks, they used all that money to fix two broken light bulbs so now it’s “Ideal.”
There’s a dozen suckers born every minute, one or two of which hand their money to Scientology.
Robert Almblad says
Re: OT VIII’s re-doing the Purif and running around a pole… Does anyone know if LRH did either of these 2 things?
Mike Rinder says
Neither that I am aware of….
Robert Almblad says
LRH had a body, took drugs and received as much environment pollution as anyone else.
I presume LRH did not throw himself overboard when he made a mistake either.
It looks like DM has figured out how to use this auditor-less tech: keep people doing it, pay money for it and and don’t think about what you are doing. If it doesn’t work, then it’s your fault, so re-do it and pay again. A true mind f–k.
remoteviewed says
According to an Xdn Lecture though I’m not sure which one. Ron said he had attained several levels above what then was OT VII.
Also if you remember Ron’s Clear number was eight I believe plus he himself had been audited on the various procedures and processes he developed by Mary Sue and others.
So unlike Miscavige he *did* partake of the Technology he developed as recently as the late ’70’s and early ’80’s when Paulette then David (Mayo) audited him on what became NOTs.
As far as running around a pole or doing a purif.
Personally I doubt it.
The purif was originally developed for LSD cases and the RP was actually developed for lower level cases who didn’t respond well to objectives.
Mike Rinder says
I didnt respond to anything other than whether he had done the Purif or the Running Program. He may have claimed to have attained several levels above OT VII in an XDn lecture, but he developed NOTs and Solo NOTs well after that and he DEFINITELY audited that a lot, all the way to the very end. He was still concerned with trying to handle NOT’s phenomena. Make of that what you will.
remoteviewed says
The only reason that I added my comment was lest anyone get the impression that Ron never had the Tech he developed applied him.
My opinion was that he developed NOTs because as he says it was the omitted step prior to OT VIII as covered in HCOB 1 October 1969.
Just as he considered OT IIIX or OT expansion was an omitted step to full Original VII.
Why he spent so much time handling NOT’s which is New Era *Dianetics* for OTs phenomena is also covered in the same lecture about engrams and OTs which is the one on “Illness” I believe.
My *opinion*.
canspeakatlast says
This whole palavar of running round polls and OTs redoing the Purif and everyone else redoing the Purif; and everyone having to redo Objectives, Student Hat, PRO TRs Clay Table; and to pay AGAIN for Solo 1 because you were ORDERED to take time out to study the Basics (for the second time) is so absurd, I’m astounded that ANYone can fall for it. Astounded. I’m nonplussed that there are people who just suck it all up and pay and redo. I have NO respect for ANYone who buys all this crazy, insane garbage.
And when I see the wins gushing from people about Super Power, I had those ‘wins’ a long, long ago in the ’90s probably and realise that I don’t need Super Power! So thanks guys for those waffling, four page success stories that end up saying absolutely NOTHing. Thanks for sharing.
FOTF2012 says
Well, the two and a half billion population was probably about right for the time it was stated in 1965. wouldn’t it be funny though if people who are in actually think that still is Earth’s population — because Ron said so!
I am still struck by their graphic for the first clear continent. The US is not a continent — and besides, the graphic cuts out the eastern US anyway. They are clearly talking about the western _region_ of the US, which itself is _not_ the whole North American continent. Why does the graphic say continent instead of region? Does someone need to word clear “continent”?
And do the graphic designers understand how US-centric and offensive their graphic is? What, if I’m a Mexican or a Canadian, I’m not in the continent of North America?
Who runs their ads and graphics departments? You would think they had no training at all other than (a) use hyperbole, (b) use meaningless clip art graphs with no scales or context, and (c) copy the most garish crap you can from places like Trinity Broadcasting. And then brace yourself for the floods that will be pounding down your doors!
In most businesses — which Scientology clearly — it is wise to underpromise and overdeliver. Scientology consistently does the opposite. It promises too much and predictably fails to deliver it. It even continues to promise states of health and abilities that it has never once been credibly documented to provide (cure for cancer, cure for arthritis, past life memory, state of clear, operating thetan abilities, total recall, at cause over MEST, etc.).
When your overpromising hits the pinnacle reached by Scientology — promising things that are impossible to achieve — well, then your delivery of the product is going to tank. It’s fine for religions to believe in an unverifiable and perhaps undeliverable product, but for a business like Scientology to do so is fatal.
If I were still in, I think I’d express how I felt using this old Jackson Browne song:
Mike Rinder says
“Continent” is a term in Scientology management used to designate a management “area” controlled by a Continental Liaison Office (CLO). There is a CLO in LA for Scientology west of the Mississippi and one in NY for east of the Mississippi. There is also on in Milano for the “Italian Continent” and Mexico City for the “Latin AMerican continent”
Taylor says
More often I’m reading that after this summer’s numbers ($$) come in at gag II that the end will be getting quite close. DM can hold on or flee he has the cash and all of the decaying empty buildings.
Will Flag become COB’s bunker where he will hold up to the last minutes like Adolph?
I’m torn glad that the end is approaching yet profoundly sad for the disillusioned public and especially the Sea-Org. The SO who know nothing of the outside world with no real life experience. I know it will work out in the end yet I feel so deeply for those young kids and the inevitable end as it draws closer.
1subgenius says
Its hard to believe Austin isn’t booming.
What with all them unsophisticated, pea-pickin’, hillbilly schoolkids who don’t even know what the internet is..
hgc10 says
Terrific, graphs without gradations on either axis. As long as the rump CoS is testing the limits of insider credulity, they ought to start publishing graphs without even any reference to what the stat is measuring … just to see if anyone goes all CI and notices out loud. It’s a good way to weed out broke SPs.
Deana Holmes says
The only way the “church” of Scientology could make an impact on Austin is if it dynamited the building it’s currently in and replaced it with something else. Generations of students have passed by that building and it’s still just “there”–to be avoided. We students knew that decades ago. –Signed, University of Texas, class of 1984
1subgenius says
Then I hope you get the sarcasm in my subsequent post.
gato rojo says
Wow–since 1984, charming publicity and local PR area control. Not. This is just stupidity to the Nth degree. 30 years of it in Austin. I’m sure the Ideal Morgue will make everything lots better!
Robert Almblad says
GAG II could only be produced if you are totally disconnected from the field. There are at least 6 bubbles that DM is inside: Bubble 1) surrounded by a dozen sycophants in constant fear of getting disappeared 2) surrounded by 3,000 cowered sea org members living in fear of telling the truth that GAG II was a piece of shit and it hit the fan the day it was released to the public 3) surrounded by 2,000 koolaid drinking public “clapping seals” that are gleeful and in fear because they might not be allowed to go up to OT levels 4) surrounded by 10,000 under the radar that will not tell DM what they think of his bullshit, for one reason or another. 5) surrounded by 500 million people that think Scientology is nuts 6) surrounded by 6.5 billion that never heard of Scientology and when they do hear about it, they research it and think it is nuts.
GAG II is the doomsday bomb for Scientology. Go OT VII. Then rinse and repeat. Yeah, right. That’s gonna work great… kaboom.
Old Surfer Dude says
Outstanding post, Robert! Very well thought out.
Narapoid says
Robert, that is perfection.
Zephyr says
Very well spotted.
And then add on top of all that as step 0) DM’s own out-of-valenceness.
Cindy says
Great post Robert. Your prediction is spot on.
Carol says
Robert I’d say you covered it all!!!! Those few keeping this alive will never change!!!!!
Al Brown says
Very true Robert. If you google Warren Buffett’s house in Omaha it’s easy to see Mr. Buffett as one of the richest men in the world but has no fence around his house and in some pictures his garage door is open. Compare that to Miscavige’s fearful lifestyle of living in bunkers and such.
GTBO says
Those graphs are pure Miscavamatics
Just like him, looks impressive but with no substance. The future has to be bleak because with NO expansion there are no new people to fleece.
He is running the most efficient recycling program ever……. Everyone is recycled again and again.
plainoldthetan says
A statistic is supposed to represent Quantity, Quality, and Viability. I can’t tell any of that from the “graphs” presented. (The 8x’d number of Clears presentation also has TIME omitted, so we can’t tell the viability and can’t predict the future.)
MJ says
Picky, picky.
Ms. B. Havin says
Greg Kingdon and the Church of Scientology of Utah might want to crawl out from under the lawsuit in which he is a defendant (along with many other scientologists in the area) before that building is purchased. I’m no lawyer, but real estate seems to me to be an “ideal” asset for a plaintiff to go after if they prevail in court.
Jose Chung says
NO such thing as free money, NO free lunch, NO free ride, etc, etc,etc.
Back in the Day there was a condition that admonished not to purchase anything with a future liability attached to it. There was a reason for this that it looks like some bubble OTC will discover. It’s a crying shame, all those fake happy faces in the photos will
become David Miscavige haters for life.
MJ says
I believe that DM is the future
Listen well and let him lead the way
Show him all the money that you have inside
Forego your sense of pride to make it easier
Let the tyrant’s anger remind us what we might receive
Everybody’s searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to love COB
I decided long ago, never to talk to any of the doubters
And I can’t fail, I’ll succeed
I drink the kool-aid, I believe
Whatever Mike and Marty preach
I know that they are all SPs
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
For our own COB
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love this man
It is the greatest love of all
And if, by chance, that Ideal Org
That you’ve been dreaming of
Leads you to an empty space
You haven’t done enough!
Ron says
And a VERYwell done to YOU! LOL!
MJ says
Dave brings it right out of me.
The Oracle says
MJ says
Good for the soul. Wish there were more of it in Cof$. Somehow Dave doesn’t seem to like it; shows people aren’t taking him seriously. (NB – use of semicolon) 😉
Aquamarine says
Awesome parody, MJ.
MJ says
Thanks Aquamarine.
Potpie says
They certainly do have robot auditors.
Doug Parent says
Agreed about the auditors being robotic, and I consider the MAA’s to be in a really strange low toned valence or copy of Miscavige.
racingintheblood39 says
Mike, you are an absolute master, at using one of the most effective, legit counters to these pathetic outpourings of useless drivel.
Of course, you have had ample opportunity to sharpen the craft to a fine point, IMHO.
Yeah, what a tool… accentuate a fool…….RIDICULE!
Gail Paige says
It’s amusing to see the faces of the people in the photos of the OT Committees. They’re all smiling and posing like they’re having a great time. Everyone looking at this promo knows it’s fake. Why don’t they show the hunted, deer-in-the-headlights look that’s really on their faces as they’re calling the same few people begging for money. A CF that’s so cannibalized there isn’t a scrap of meat left on the bone.
I always laughed when Flag would promote itself as the friendliest place in the world. I was around Flag a lot in those days and people were serious, scared or stressed about money or getting home.
Doug Parent says
yes Gail, re: “Flag friendliest place in the world” I could not agree more. And just wait for the expression on the faces of those who arrive at Flag only to find out that their PC folders have been gone through and all the more notable O/W’s they “got off in session” are now new reasons why the have to jump through endless arbitrary hoops in order to “qualify as Flag public”. (Something the Reg’s won’t tell you as they sell you advance services at Flag.) Right Barbara Dews?
Simple says
All of the orgs including Flag are only too happy to sell you services and then tell you that you don’t qualify. Then they give you a long study program. Then if you manage to finish that they give you another long study program and refuse to say at any point why they are requiring the program or what they think is “wrong” with you. Amazingly suppressive.
Gail Paige says
Doug, I don’t know when you left the church but I can remember many years ago a friend of mine was deemed not qualified for Flag. Quickly their money was transferred to AOLA so they could continue service there. (I guess whoever that “SP” in treasury at Flag who was actually trying to service the public got rewarded with a nice UD off post and a trip to the RPF, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.) Was your cycle a Flag only action?
clergyman says
“… A CF that’s so cannibalized there isn’t a scrap of meat left on the bone. ”
Welcome to the CoS where we make allusion reality!
Doug Parent says
Hi Gail, yes it was at Flag only that I was promised, sold and the had services withheld. Actually I was referred to Tampa Org instead of the AO. Best favor they ever did was give me a good enough reason to walk.
Poet13c says
“…built right in the brick and steel of their buildings…” must refer to the discreet cctv.
Cindy says
Yep, the cctv is the only thing built into the walls. But I cracked up reading Mike’s,
“And how do you build it in anyway? With mechanical arms that reach out from the walls to grab purses and wallets?”
Ann says
What is with the graphs at the end? There are no numbers! So, Total Student Points increases could be in increments of 1,10,100 or any number you would like to imagine on the graph. Same with Total Services Delivered and Total Grade Chart Releases. Seeing that I am a lowly wog, I must not have the powers of an OT to discern the true hidden numbers. Anyway, at least Mike’s new picture make it all worthwhile (very handsome)! 🙂
remoteviewed says
You’re pretty perceptive there.
Coming from someone who knows a little about how these graphs are scaled. You can actually make a decrease look like an increase by just changing its scale which is probably why none of these graphs come with any numbers.
Another thing is eight clears made in the whole West US sucks big time.
Like putting lipstick on a pig to quote our Prez.
Another thing is that a student point graph which goes up without an accompanying graph of Student completions likely means a bottle neck in the course room.
Or when it shoots up in a steep “affluence” like this one could mean that the Course Supers are having “everybody do TRs” or something like that in the final stretch of whatever game they’re playing.
Unfortunately the Church of Scientology these days is now engaged in Perception Management instead of honest stats and actual products.
zemooo says
Of those eight clears, how many are redoing that level because of the flawed ‘tech’ previously used? $cientology doesn’t understand mathematics, and certainly not graphing.
Will the next step in the charade will be GAT 3 or ‘Ideal minivans’? Each org should be able to fit all the public and staff in a minivan by next year.
remoteviewed says
Good question zemooo.
Probably all of ’em are Clear “retreads”.
Boy are they going to be surprised when they find out their next step will probably be the Purif ,SRD and Running around a pole for hours on end in neat little uniforms designed for space cadets 😉
Screw the non interference zone. Seems there ain’t no such thing in the Church these days.
Cindy says
Noninterference Zone nowadays means get the hell out of the way so the galloping reges and IAS vultures can swoop down and take all their money with no interference from you of any kind.
remoteviewed says
It also applies to fact that no one is allowed to interfere RTC’s constant squirreling of the Tech either.
Cindy says
+ 1
Miss Tia says
Instead of building it into the brick and steel, wouldn’t it be better to infuse it into the beans and rice so people could more easily partake of it? 😉
T. says
They would never just give it away like that, Miss Tia. Unless they can come up with a way to get the people to pay big for beans and rice that is..LOL
Miss Tia says
Well of course!! MAGIC beans and rice!
MJ says
Ideal salt and pepper shakers to follow. Stay tuned.
The pictures posted have an average of 35-40 people. Once the sheeple empty their accounts and complete the unbelievable indoctrination services the Orgs will slump to unprecedented ideal lowest evers and Dear Leader is going to have to dream more ‘goals’ to be achieved in order to save the planet and continue with surges never seen before in history.
By early next year the evidence, even at Flag, will be felt unfortunately, by the staff that has decided to endure this madness.
No matter how much they chant on their promo the fact is that the shrinkage is inevitable. It does suck to be the “ideal” Miscavige.
Bob says
The 40 or so people in the Santa Barbara photo would more than likely, be the TOTAL non active, semi-active and active public including maybe 8 – 10 staff, in that Org. Boom must be a little delayed getting to SB, ’cause it looks to me, like the same folks are still there from when I was on lines…about 10 years ago.
Bela says
you are absolutely right!
Bela says
ok, wait…I spoke too soon. Bob, most of them are the same faces you saw 30 years ago.
clergyman says
“… Dear Leader is going to have to dream more ‘goals”…”
That will be the “Ideal OCA test” which will FINALLY,…CORRECTLY!!!… find your true, actual ruin that “up to this point in history has never been accurately found…!!!” (add DM fanfare) and NOW, finally you will be able to be properly programmed for full handling of YOUR ruin, just as LRH wanted!!!! (all stand and applaud)
Alex Castillo says
Great, but the Ideal OCA will have to find an Ideal Ruin or else it will be considered Squirrel OCA by Finder of Lost Tech!!!!!!! 🙂