Here is the WUS OT Ambassador stat report for W/E 23 January 2014.
The key to explain what these stats are follow the first grids.
This is a remarkable picture.
All of WUS Public routed onto Div 6 Services is SIX.
Clears onto their next step is THREE.
Books sold to Raw Public is 33.
This is from 721 supposed “active” OTs in the field.
The Ideal Morgue fundraising is appropriately moribund — except for a single collection in Salt Lake City.
All the IAS money came from PAC, Pasadena and Valley.
This is the REAL state of affairs in Corporate Scientology. It is dead. (Click the image to see full size)
The next grid is a bit misleading as it is a screen grab of a spreadsheet and you only see the first weeks of the year that begins on June 6 2013. These weeks extend all the way to June 6 2014. But what is interesting is the comparison of “This Time Last Year” (Last Year To Date) to “This Time This Year” (This Year To Date) (Click the image to see full size)Remember, WUS is the Number One Continent in the Birthday Game and has more Ideal Orgs than any other continent — in fact there are 15 “Ideal Orgs” in WUS and only 24 in the rest of the WORLD.
And look at those comparatives.
Not a SINGLE stat is higher so far this year compared to the same time last year except money raised for the IAS. The FIRST TWO stats of people moving on the Bridge are CRASHED.
This is not an isolated org that is “out of step”. This is the entire continent of Western United States. The biggest, most “expanding” (according to the Birthday Game results) area of Scientology on earth.
The RCS is dead.
No surprise, the attempted defibrillation that was GAG II failed to revive the terminal patient. Seems to have just left some burn marks on the chest of the cadaver….
Here’s what I’ve always thought as regards the success of orgs, and I’m basing this on what was true for me and for others I knew who came into Scientology decades ago: We weren’t there because of the buildings. I read Dianetics and walked myself into an org because I was curious about what a Clear was. Someone talked to me, listened to me, acknowledged me, granted me beingness. I thought my surroundings were pleasant and acceptable. If the org had been dirty or disorganized it would have turned me off. It wasn’t. There was nothing fancy and the furniture was kind of old but everything was clean and neat and well cared for and, I thought, in good taste.
So much for my surroundings, people!
I was there because I was unhappy. I was stuck in a lot of grief and loss from which I could not seem to extricate myself, had not been able to do so for a long time. So, when I walked into this org, and this terminal duplicated me, it was quite a unique experience. First Dianetics, which I read several times, which sparked something in me, and then, this terminal, who just GOT what I was saying…quite an experience.
Like I said, the place, the org, was decent and acceptable, and it was near where I lived, but I’ll tell you, after several comm cycles with this terminal, after going back several times and being in comm with him/her, the PLACE kind of disappeared for me, because finally, I had found some real, honest to goodness HELP!
Thus, it is real for me, what LRH says (paraphrased here), that an org should be attractive enough to not repel its public. That’s all I ever needed and wanted. I don’t know or know of one single public who ever originated to me or to anyone that he/she walked into an org because the building was so grand.
People who are looking for beautiful buildings go on architectural tours or visit museums.
The public, the true public, for Dianetics and Scientology are NOT that public although they may well appreciate aesthetics and beautiful architecture, etc.
Point is, beautiful buildings is NOT the button to get raw public into the orgs.
To believe this, and, worse, to operate on this belief is just so tragically WRONG.
Spiritual enlightment and relief of mental pain and suffering can occur in all kinds of buildings or spaces.
But the buildings aren’t important! No matter how beautiful they are, they’re not going to do anything for you. No-one ever has ever gone Clear in the Louvre
The Dianetics book I read back then was not a large leatherbound with top quality paperwork and guilt bindings, but a paperback that I bought on a whim because I had nothing else to read at the time. It cost $3.00. And it did change my life.
You people lurking here; why did YOU get into Scientology?
You people lurking here, please, PLEASE – if you care about Scientology, if you care about others being able to benefit from LRH’s tech the way you have, if you really do give a damn about this -Please confront this.. Please pay attention to this. You KNOW its true, I know that you do.
Great post Aquamarine, well said!
Aquamarine, music to my ears! I started at a small mission, residing in a storefront in Redondo Beach. That same store now sells vacuum cleaners. I love beautiful old churches, walked through many while living in England. But they were dedicated to God I believe, where the designers and builders were in some way trying to get closer to God and to their eternity. It worked.
Ideal Orgs, sadly are nothing more than a manifestation of DM’s soullessness. Empty, echoing chambers of sadness; renovated reminders of his technical impotence as he desperately tries to make his size four footprint fit within LRH’s
These stats sure seem to evoke a great deal of intellectual and emotional discourse and rightfully so. I believe one reason this is the case, is that Stats within the RCS and more broadly within Scientology’s past, have become demonized. They represent the baser side of our religion and our blind thirst for useless pointless and misleading numbers. Numbers that in some twisted way, justify any and all actions taken by those zealots who believe they are forwarding the grand ideals of our crusade. Stats long ago became the “new products.” Getting paid starts to 18, or GI to $25,000 (even if half of it bounced) was all that mattered. At 2:01 pm Thursday, those stats were last week’s business and ceased to be regarded. If they were 38% false, oh well, we’ll do better this week and we’ll “cram the but Jesus out of those staff members who did this.”
From my perspective, these stats are useless, because on the face of it I simply don’t believe them. They might be 98% accurate or 8% accurate.
As a datum of comparable magnitude, after Watergate hit the news back in the early 1970s I ceased believing anything then Pres. Nixon said, said he said or thought he said. He lost all credibility.
Many staff members got sucked into this vortex and believed these stats actually represented great things. I thought that myself until mid-way through 1977, when the bubble for me collapsed. I saw firsthand, that one million man-hours per year was not making viable Orgs. I stressed about it, ached over it; spent many sleepless nights wondering why, but the stats simply were not a predictive element in determining how Orgs were REALLY doing or why they collapsed periodically.
Black Panther’s opinion of the public, while in my opinion, off the mark, is representative of the Them vs. Us mentality that bloomed in the 1970s. It became GO vs, SO, Staff vs. Public, Org vs. Mission. What the Fuck!! We were all on the same team, weren’t we?
Public provided the wherewithal that enabled Orgs to survive, promote and deliver the Tech. Without them spending 95% of their time creating viable lives, that promoted passionate giving, Org staff would all be on food stamps and standing outside supermarkets, cap in hand.
This divisive thinking IS part of the problem that has plagued SCN and contributed to its demise. Divide and conquer isn’t merely bumper sticker philosophy, it’s a statement of what people have done for centuries. Let’s all refrain from copying what Hasn’t Worked and instead focus on what can and will work again — delivering standard tech for the benefit of the people.
Sweet, sweet statistics Mike.
Not sure what’s more delicious….the stats themselves or knowing how apoplectic Daint Dave was when he found out you have them.
Is that too wicked of me?
I also am secretly tee heeing about which is worse, the stats themselves or knowing how apoplectic Davie will be when he finds out someone leaked these to you! You go Mike! Excellent article.
Those still in LOVE to harp on about “DATA.” Mike’s got your data right here, and all it shows is that the Church of Scientology is blatantly LYING to its members to keep them working for them, and to maintain David Miscavige’s position as ‘Pope.’
Stop feeding the beast. Use some of that CONFRONT you claim to have and confront the situation. The CoS is dead and has been killed, in part, by David Miscavige.
What will it take for one of the sheeple to whistleblow on this fucker?
33 books??? OMG. My local GIRL SCOUT GROUP blows you away when it comes to disseminating and selling. It’s an embarrassment. And it’s over. Because what you are still selling is toxic.
We are witnessing the death throes, people.
Hey Mike. Belated welcome back with all limbs hopefully still in the right place? T/admin did a sterling job in your absence. These stats while not surprising are still amazing. Seems to show a field that has basically secretly given up. Good. Now to the next step you “OTs” – LEAVE.
The products that staff should be going for are the wins of pcs and preots and well trained auditors. NOT any random other activity that some random person dreams up. Certainly not completely off purpose, off policy, suppressive programs like the ideal org madness. It sounds like you bought into the “staff is better than anyone else” service fac, that the rcs operates on. I went OT (on staff btw) so that I could run my own life, and make my own decisions, not be dev-t’d to death by other peoples games and purposes that don’t align with mine. Forcing people to go off purpose, out integrity and to do things against their will, isn’t funny to me, and is the antithesis of real Scn.
I agree.
I agree.
I think that anybody who contributes anything beneficial to their community, their society, civilization, mankind or any part of life is contributing to Scientology.
If a medical researcher were to cure cancer, that would greatly benefit Scientology – by giving scientologists longer life spans to do the Bridge in and by making many people around the scientologists happier, more productive and easier for the scientologists to deal with.
If the planet were not in danger from pollution, destruction of the rain forests, possible global warming, future possible asteroid strikes, etc., etc., etc., then the average tone level of the homo sap species would be raised, making it easier for auditors and C/S’s to get results on their pc’s. The scientists and politicians who could solve some of these problems would be making huge contributions to Scientology.
Art tends to raise tone levels – making auditors’ and case supervisors’ jobs easier, so any great or even good artist is making a major contribution to Scientology.
I do think the public should be seen as customers and not forced onto the org board.
I’m tired of being “evil” and a bad Scientologist if I don’t go to an event, or if I do go to an event and don’t buy the release, or if I go to the event and buy the release but don’t make a donation.
Trying to make everybody the same is suppressive.
People who are making progress in their training and processing become more and more able to contribute to life and just do so automatically. There is no reason to expect everybody to make exactly the same contribution.
Exactly right Sophia 13. The game is FREEDOM. Freedom to realize your own purposes and then, to execute them in the way you choose and when you damn well please.
Those 721 OT Members could be auditing other people. But David Miscavige now has them programmed to do the work Missions used to do, before he shut down the mission network.
Clears onto next step? OT’s on to next step? They are doing the work Orgs used to do before he instant hatted everyone as beggar or an M.A.A. to do witch hunts on the customers!
Is there a functioning Org Board anywhere in the world anymore?
Since when did the definition of Scientology change?
New TV ad…..WTF?
As I understand it, these are the stats of the OTCs.
I’d be interested in what the overall actual org stats are. It would not tell a much better picture I’m sure, but many here seem to equate the OTC stats as the org totals, which I think is not the case.
Mike, any hope of getting the real stats for WUS or, better yet, International?
Glad to see my hometown of Dallas is almost Clear…of CO$.
Seven “active”, not a penny in income, and only 22 volunteer hours…hahahahaha! Enjoy those stats, Dave! Sucks to be you!
Really pathetic numbers.
Even a suicidal doomsday cult could do better new pulbic stats with minimal effort.
Jim Jones never seemed to hurt for new converts until he moved his whole cult out of the country. Probably he was still even doing better numbers than this until he killed everyone off.
Oops, better not give ol’ Davey any ideas.
People please get behind this ! Not another Lisa !
I really wouldn’t be surprised if they started posting false OTC stats just to make “the fringe” think they were really winning.
Not to derail the thread, but there an excellent article by Ryan Hogarth at the South African blog of back in comm. Read it! You’ll like it.
Thanks Jane. Excellent article it is.
Not to be a Debbie downer, but really, to me, having 5 years training outer org execs in the 1970s-1980s, and then 5 years in “middle management” where I diligently did my Org Flag Officer 5 hours a week filing of the management filing system called the “Data Files” for my “OFO Org” , I saw worse times, for staff in the orgs, compared to today.
The empty orgs, to me, are just upgraded McDonald’s Disney like locations to get the higher income bracketed Scientologists hooked.
The orgs have always been feeders to the whole system.
The bucks that support middle and top management, is Flag Service Org.
I think the Debbie downer cynical view of this whole massive multi hierarchy Scientology setup, is getting enough of the “got bucks” richer Scientologists funneled up to Flag.
Which also in my downer viewpoint, I’ve concluded that it’s all just sprucing up the feeder orgs, really, getting the same grosssly underpaid and hopelessly clueless undereducated staff duped enough with the “crusade” that staff life always is made out, when you restudy and restudy, again and again, the basic policies for staff, namely OEC Vol 0.
The bottom line is religions in the US can have volunteer status staff, who don’t have to be paid minimum wage. This was pointed out eons ago, on the old harsh critics sites.
This dodging of the minimum wage for the religious workers of a religion, suits the economics of how SCientology churches and the Sea Org is staffed with willing workers.
To pay the bills at the HGB (middled management) and at the Int Base, it just takes funneling enough of the richer Scientologists through the empty renovated Class 5 orgs up to Flag, where they get soaked for the bigger chunks of money to keep middle management and Int Base going.
And middle managment is Sea Org and their pay, is 45 bucks a week per person, same at int, unless pay is withheld for the many many reasons that pay is withheld from Sea Org members.
They run on a shoestring all the time, always have, with the exceptions of the hey day times at those more lucrative and better run Missions during the years when Missions ran well, and also during years when some of the orgs ran well. Cinncy Org has been running somewhat well under Jeannie Bogvad Franks Danilovich Sonnenfeld for quite a number of years now.
I heard Flag’s Sandcastle is full, at present, the AO course rooms, that is.
Even with the skads and skads of defecting (rightly) Scientologists who now more leisurely and sparingly do Scientology amongst themselves in the independent Scientology community, there still are enough richer Scientologists getting funneled to Flag and doing Flag services, to pay middle management (HGB) and Int Base weekly bills is all!
I wish to heck Karen Hvass and Curt Hahn would defect, and give us a worldwide stat briefing, all sectors.
I’d like to see the Financial Planning proposals for CSI from the HGB level and from the Int Base level, weekly, to see what money they are getting from the FSO weekly, the “FSO allocation” that the FLB gets itself each week.
Also the FPs for WUS weekly.
We need some defector from the Finance Office ranks, who is overall in the know of the overall worlwide continental finance scenes in the CLOs, Cont by Cont.
I’m sure there will be defectors coming out shortly, telling us about the Superpower building dramas behind the scenes.
It’s a constant hustle, this Scientology game.
Interesting. Check this article from South Africa.
Dear Ashaman, Yes, great link. my attention went to the point of having the deposition of Miscavige in court, and have a few of the senior in the know ex Sea Org members on hand to give live tips to Jeffrey as he deposes Miscavige, to keep Miscavige’s answering under control and on topic and actually get answers.
The Graham Berry deposition of Miscavige, or was it another lawyer, that text of that deposition is informative of what to expect of Miscavige.
Nice link to thoughtful commenting, thanks!
I believe the last screen shot was taken around Christmas 2013
But it is essentially a Split screen of Years on one “screen” (first 3 columns only and then a jump to ‘currently review of a few weeks in the past (part of 2013-2014 Birthday game)’.on from column 4 and beyond.
This is the only way this makes sense to me.
In the last screen shot, it appears that the ‘Last year’ = (March 2012 – March 2013) Total would be a tally from Just after LRH’s birthday March 2012 until March 2013. I get this by a few second mental calculation of approx $300+K per week of Stat 6, times 52 weeks approaching $18 million/year for year ending March 13th 2013.
The LastYTD would be March 2012 to approx December 2012 or approx $12Million or 3/4 of the 18Million
The This YTD would be March 2013 to approx December 2013 or the $11Million shown.
The remaining columns are in “scroll mode” as a snap shot of the June thru August 2013.
Either way, yes the stats are declining
I would also opine that and number of these stats of the OT Committee seem to overlap some of the org stats as I doubt (but maybe) this OT committee would be delivering the Academy levels or SNCCs as a separate action solely outside the orgs.
Does anyone else see it this way?
PS The top two screen shots are adequately titled/dated
All of the totals and summaries are as of 23 January 2014. The excel spreadsheet for each one of these has columns that start on 6 June 2013 and end 6 June 2014. You just cannot fit the entire spreadsheet on a screenshot. So, it becomes a bit confusing.
But just stick to the stable datum that “This Year To Date” is from June 6 2013 to 23 Jan 2014 and “Last Year to This Date” was June 6 2012 to 23 Jan 2013 as a comprative.
These stats are the current stats, no matter if the “weeks” that are shown on any of the columns are from 2013.
Does this make it clear?
all clear mate, thanks
Nothing like real stats from the source, lol! Made my day
Wow, can we get these every week? This implosion is fun to watch!
Wow. But sadly, not surprising. In my different tenures on staff and helping the org at other times, I was often put in charge of gathering the troops to come help with various Div6 and other 3rd/4th Dynamic activities.
Some of THE most difficult people to get help from were OT Committee members. Sell books? Don a DMSMH T-Shirt and demean themselves in a shopping mall where some of their friends might spot them? You must be kidding! Only the lowly riff-raff staff and us pre-OT’s deserved those tasks. Hand out drug booklets at robots – not on your life! Come give assists in the VM Tent – are you joking????
I know this sounds like a generality, and there were SOME OT’s who were not beneath rolling up their sleeves and mucking in with the rest of us low-life – but not many. I had a long list of “don’t bother calling” names and a lot of those names were OT’s.
I did such a happy dance when the edict came down that OT’s were expected to help fundraise on Ideal Orgs – the looks on some of their faces were priceless. And the inventive excuses some of these guys came up with in squirming out of this activity was something to behold.
Sad, but true.
That’s because they were used to having their money buy them out of things they didn’t want to do, or buy them into higher conditions and thus make it through their ethics program.
And so many of them are “professional PCs” and never learned to confront another person and audit. Pussies.
Hey Jane. I was going to mention the money aspect of “buying” them out of having to actually work, but my post was getting too long. Glad you brought it up though – thanks “)
It is an outpoint that any customer should have to do something they don’t want to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Black Panther. Hmmm…I have to say, I felt like your comment was along the lines of something I have not agreed with, and that is the idea that “the field is out ethics” for not wanting to do the job that belongs to the Org. I DO understand wanting others to help. I was on staff for over 20 years. But I also think that it should be a choice for the public to take on a hat or not. And if they don’t want to, then, it is not something to criticize them for. In my opinion, the responsibility of the org rests with the staff and if the public help on something, it’s a bonus. And, as far as fundraising for a new building, everyone should have a priceless look of shock on their face because it is so friggin off policy to even suggest any one do that. Just my 2 cents of opinion here. I appreciate everything you guys are doing over in South Africa.
Hi Bela, I understand where you’re coming from. however, I have to correct you on the fact that public had a choice about whether they wanted to help or not.
if you take a look at the Div6 Org Board, ALL Scientologists fall in this division – and they have no choice on the issue. When one finishes a service and has done their success story (Dir Success), they are routed to Dir Clearing and are appointed as an FSM and then interviewed about which activity they will be taking responsibility for. The key here being (Field) STAFF MEMBER. This person is then EXPECTED to wear the hat of helping LRH and the org disseminate SCN to the rest of the world.
Even the OTC falls under and is run by Div6C, as are the VM’s, WTH Pgm, Missions, and all other “field” activities. Although headed up and co-ordinated by an I/C on staff, the actual activities are performed and manned up by the PUBLIC of the org.
I am not passing an opinion on whether this is right or wrong, just stating that this is PER LRH POLICY. So if a “public” (actually a Field Staff Member) was consistently refusing to assist with Div6 activities such as selling books or FSM’ing, then they were not doing their job.
As I said, not everyone was of this view (i.e.that the work should be done by the org staff only) and we did have a number of public who willingly helped – but we also had those who consistently refused to help – many of whom, sadly, were OT’s (and this was BEFORE they were instructed to assist with Ideal Org fundraising). I specifically recall one incident when I tried to get an OTV public to help sell books for just 2 hours, and she told me she couldn’t as “Saturdays are my hair-washing days”. This is no lie.
At one point I was single-manning the entire Div6C Division – how on earth was I supposed to do my job WITHOUT the help of the public?
Hello again Panther.
In answer to the question at the end of your post…someone should tell HCO to get off their butt and recruit some staff per the manning up an Org policy. Lack of staff is an internal problem and the public should not be made responsible for that. I don’t think anyone should even be made to feel they HAVE to help or are guilty of something if they don’t. And while I agree about someone taking responsibility for their group, each person may have their own way in doing so. There is also policy about going out and being the best housewife or teacher or neighbor as an example. We can agree to disagree on this point.
One other thing to add, Panther. (I wish we could edit posts. ) If the Org was not burdened with off policy orders and out tech crap, and if they were able to focus on doing their jobs, there would be a lot more people offering to join in and help. The FSMs would be disseminating…etc…
Great comments here by all of you. I also felt I was pressed into service on things I didn’t want to do as a public. We were told we had to go to our friends and reg money for Idle Morgues. I got nauseous at the thought of it. And on OT VII you have to get 2 (two) others on OT VII besides yourself. I felt that was the org’s job. I told the MAA that I wouldn’t reg for Idle Morgues but I would continue to wear my hat as a supervisor for Criminon and do that as my exchange. He said that was fine but that Idle Morgues were command intention and I should do that as well as the Criminon. (Not enough hrs in a day to do the volunteering, work 2 jobs to get money to stay on VII and then audit 4 to 6 sessions a day and attend OTC on top of that, reg friends for Idle Morgues, with a family to care for besides!)
“I did such a happy dance when the edict came down that OT’s were expected to help fundraise on Ideal Orgs – the looks on some of their faces were priceless.”
Probably because the customers didn’t expect to be ordered to beg. This is just GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Hubbard was on the lines customers were encourages to bring in other customers! That was their hat. It worked. Now they are ordered to beg from one another and give it to the org. That has NOTHING to do with auditing or training people or bringing new people into Scientology. They are basically ordered to cannibalize one another!
That’s it, in a nutshell.
Since the leadership of Scientology is NOT in the auditor/C/S valence, and instead the leader is in the business CEO/Salesman valance, the winning valance is thus this “Reg” attitude.
They ought to have a “Reg Day” in September, to replace “Auditor’s Day”!
Gross indeed!! The power of choice is senior to any supposed interpretation of policy that says all of us have to do the same things and acquiesce to random demands. How is this cause over your own life? This shift alone, of insisting everyone be/do the same, made the orgs an unsafe and hostile environment. “Now I’m supposed to” is the mantra of dm’s cult.
Straight down and vertical
A few years back, briefings were made over an over to an Org that was supposed to become ‘Ideal’ that the then existing Ideal Orgs were outproducing the total of the not-Ideal Orgs by many factors. I never could reconcile these statements with my own experience. In those decades of life as a staff member I personally had been responsible for hundreds of Raw Book Sales, First Service Starts, people moving from their Div 6 services onto actual Gradechart Services – far beyond in numbers than what I was observing at the hype of Ideal Org-push. Even in the 70’s we had more people in the different courserooms than what these speeches of Fundraisers seemed to claim about the state of production in Ideal Orgs.
Now, these statistics you are showing here – even if only the OT Committee statistics and not the actual, full Org statistics, again show that hype and the true scene of affairs are quite a different scene. It was the case when I started to wonder about the statements made at international events and by fundraisers, and it evidently is still the same picture. DM has truly lost sight of what is actually important within SCN. He will be the one responsible to the decline – not LRH (no disrespect to others believe).
As I mentioned in a post above, 5 guys at my old Mission sold more books in a week than all the OTs in PAC. Truly pathetic.
And this pathetic performance comes in the wake of the most important event ever – the release of GAG II and SuperPower, release that are supposed shoot Scientology into a whole new realm (well it has done that just not the realm Miscavige wanted). The staff at Int and ILO must be suffering horribly from the fallout of GAG II turning into the greatest lead balloon ever.
When marketing replaces reality, the truth is lost
The Freezone, Independants and Ron’s Org are outcreating the Church of Scientology
It would be interesting to compare stats, but CSI doesn’t publish the ones that matter. Do any of the indipendent groups publish auditors trained, clears made or WDAH?
(Other than the org in Haifa?)
Max Hauri dosn’t keep exact stats. Rons Orgs stretch from brazil to Vladivostock
so its difficult to keep track of I expect. He says 50-100 class IV auditors,25 L’s auditors
and 1500-2000 active members.
Darkness is desending over little Davey’s empire. Goodnight…
I was looking at Seattle since it was the subject of a post a short time ago about the fund raising pracitces. 1 bridge step taken and 1 start on GAT II. 12 million for the building (that could have been built new for 8-9 million) and that’s what you get. Yeowch. I guess that’s what happens when you get your Be-Do-Have all screwed up.
I was there in there in the ’70s when The Old Man ran the show. It was a great time.
It was, especially if one was unaware of the coerced abortions, the chain lockered children, and other abuses, on the Royal Scotman/Apollo, was somehow oblivious to the crush sell practiced on Orgs by registrars (per Hubbard’s Hard Sell tech), was numb to Scientology’s Draconian system of “Ethics,” and clueless regarding Hubbard’s covert “dirty tricks” (Fair Game) tech used on people such as Paulette Cooper. It was a great time.
There was some very good reasons LRH
made the first policy ” We Deliver what we promise”
Also fundraising to “Have to Have so you can deliver” ( what nuts).
I mean what do you expect ? It’s worse than than imaginable.
Lets have the Funeral and after the Lawyers have sold off
D.M.real estate empire the real Scientology will emerge.
Very well done Mike
“the real Scientology will emerge” ?
What year did “the real Scientology” exist?
Just curious.
To Norwood Partz
During the 1970’s after the “L’s” were delivered to staff and public.
Stat graphs went up the wall and across the ceiling. Public auditing book one in stairs, halls. Misions were full and Orgs Jumping.
I think the real Scientology occurs when someone’s life is truly improved. In spite of some fatal flaws, souls do learn. It is our nature to learn.
Looking within to locate sources of personal trouble with a good auditor has done amazing things for people.
That’s what makes sorting out this dichotomous mess so difficult. There are brilliant moments for people in Scientology, and there is some crazy dark shit.
To Jose:
I remember that time.
Orgs were busy places.
The FBI raids – and the documents they revealed – and Armstrong vs. Church of Scientology – and the documents it revealed – had not yet occurred.
We were all very naive and energized.
And Scientology was, even then, very much a totalist mind-manipulation Cult with a robust mental-healing disguise/coating. That disguise/coating has grown thin under Miscavige.
To Brian:
That sounds good but, if we’re going to be intellectually honest, it wouldn’t be Scientology anymore, but another subject.
Norwood Partz: “And Scientology was, even then, very much a totalist mind-manipulation Cult with a robust mental-healing disguise/coating. That disguise/coating has grown thin under Miscavige.”
Perfect summation. As a former SO member and true believer, I have been very reluctant to confront this truth.
Although answering the often debated question, “Who originated that disguise/coating?”, is not the purpose of this blog, I beg for a little leeway in expressing my quandary over it.
I am now unsure of LRH’s goals & intentions, much less being able to reconcile them with the purported philosophy of Scientology and the actions of its organisations. One huge contradiction for me is that Hubbard apparently expended a great deal of effort to organize, codify and communicate knowledge of the spirit and its healing, yet his wisdom ultimately benefited neither him nor his family very much.
On the one hand, there are the first-hand observations of cruelty aboard the Apollo, such as the chain locker incident, that are reported to either directly involve Hubbard or that he must have known about. On the other hand, Mike Rinder was on the Apollo, had personal contact with LRH and, overall, seems to have a good opinion of him. Knowing how viewpoints can vary wildly amongst people observing the very same incident, I’m still unable to reach a conclusion about LRH.
Due to the nature and results of David Miscavige’s work, which I’ve personally observed, I have reached a conclusion about him. I am certain that he is a sociopath living out his goals to dominate and make less of all in his reach. That is why the OTC stats posted in this article, rather than waking up the OTC members, will be used to bludgeon them into further misery and submission, thus resulting in their increasingly irrational behaviour.
This is an unprecedented, monumental, never in the history of all the galaxies for multi billion eons in the universes DISASTER!!
Holy galaxies, Bat Man! You are right — it’s the worstest ever!
Oh, I see you are learning to speak Hyperbole.
Damn, if only Dan Sherman would blow, what beautiful poetry he would write here
I’ve noticed, like any longterm-ish ex member has already noticed, that the PR people form a trend already, of defecting and clearly speaking out.
John McMasters, before him Jack Horner, Reg Sharpe, then Laurel Watson (Gerry Armstrong as the biographer assistant archivist to the writer hired to do the Hubbard bio in the 1980s), then Vaughn Young, and when the BBC came looking for networking contacts, I told the BBC in 2007 to be nice to Mike Rinder, since Mike might soon “defect” and himself continue the traditional and pattern that already was going on through the decades in Scientology’s history.
So, I too have wished Danny Sherman be a next logical defector, with gobs of years of studying LRH’s life.
ON Clambake or EXSCN site, when Shelly Brit Corias was posting as FREE AT LAST? or similar label, she told of how much research Danny has done on LRH’s life, and how Danny and then Andy Lenarcic who was the one who took trips to interview LRH’s old colleagues and friends, how they learned essentially similar to what Gerry Armstrong learned, which is that LRH had a much more realistic life, unlike the glowing PR depiction of LRH, and how they had to edit out, of course, the unflattering history the two were digging up.
SO yes, either, Andy Lenarcic, and Danny Sherman, would be huge in terms of credible ex members who have spent years, decades, in Andy’s case, of researching lrh’s life and all the back stories to the tech history of Scientology and LRH.
Both would be my wish to defect and write honest expose books on what it was like doing their years of history digging up.
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 1975-2003
Chuck Beatty: “Both would be my wish to defect and write honest expose books on what it was like doing their years of history digging up.”
Having been an Admin lover myself, I also especially appreciate all that you’ve documented and published regarding your experiences.
Hubbard told Scientologists there were 15+ levels after OT 7. He lied, and left Miscavige with no Bridge to sell. Hubbard goofed the floof.
And Pat Broeker went with that Meme
Hubbard is presently working on Target 2: Clearing the next planet and continuing his research. When he’s finished those last OT Levels, he’s going to have them sent to COB via a spacecraft that look exactly like DC-8s, but without “fans.” You’ll see. COB will release them as GAT III.
If I reassume my gullible Scienotlogist knowledge based (on all the Hubbard writings, including the private despatch writings in the end, re INCOMM, re CST, and the training films like “Why TRs” starring Isaac Hayes as the narrator), and then remembering what LRH said in the “running program” traffic, and then listening and I believe Sarge Steven Pfauth’s public statements about what Hubbard told Sarge, that Hubbard is truly, in his mind, he meant to relay that he was going out, to indeed circle a star, as he told Sarge. This is running program background theory, which is that OTs in past advanced space civilizations did the OT version of the running program by circling stars or doing large ovals in outer space, as OT rehab.
That’s where Hubbard told Sarge he was planning.
So, that kind of makes sense.
This left all of Scientology, not just Miscavige, with this conundrum.
If the soul is real, as most Scientologists believe, and if Ron is indeed out doing the OT running program, then really, the best all OTs and Scientologists can do, is re-read all of LRH’s various long range thoughts about what he planned long range, and decide what actions would most benefit themselves.
I suppose, the freezone and indie Scientologists who have decent memories of the running program traffic could pool their memories, like have a meeting, hash over what they recall, try to accurately write it up, and share the details.
The running program is a real ‘service’ and I believe Sarge that LRH told Sarge that LRH planned that as LRH’s next “case” action.
The whole lineup of the tech though, is really what I thought are the true valuable guts of Scientology, and if this tech had any value for people who just buried immortal souls.
But I’m an atheist, and not a soul believer so the theoretical descriptions that LRH last spoke, about his soul rehab plans for himself, I don’t believe, but I can understand what he’s saying, and I do think what he said is worth discussion amongst those that theoretically and factually believe what he said and wrote about the soul and his tech to improve the soul’s immortal capabilities.
The upper 15 levels of Scientology that Marty said is not there to be found, in what LRH left, to me is unresearched and unfinished homework.
I think LRH’s case folders, both his OT folders (solo) and any audited actions done on him, need full dissecting.
He’s got a huge huge boatload of folders. And Mary Sue’s folders’ also, there is just a roomful of case folders between them.
I’d say, if Ray Mitoff, and others as tech knowledgeable as Ray, were let loose for 2 years to paw through all of LRH’s case folders and Mary Sue’s, and any other folders where LRH might have C/Sed and noted in the margins, either to himself as notes, or to others, I’m pretty sure there will be a number of notations about avenues of processes to pursue further research.
To RTC (R Tech Comps, not Religious Technology Center), LRH wrote outlines of what he expected of them. In LRH’s countless “non existence” despatch answers to people in the tech positions like answers to the old CS-4 (Commodore’s Staff Aide for division 4) LRH would throw out general principles, which later those compilation and piloting principles have later been summarized.
I know when I trained on the “Compilations Officer Full Hat” at the Int Base, in fall of 1989, under the then RTRC (Micky Lipton was RTRC Dir, and Dan Koon, Russ Williams and Steve Cook are were then in RTRC), I diligently absorved all of the years of snippets of LRH’s regarding how to research, compile, pilot and release as HCOBs, his research note orders!
So, truly, I don’t buy the dismissive, there’s not 15 levels of OT levels still to be issued, like the cupboard is bare.
To me, the person who can rightfully say the cupboard is bare, alive, this moment, best, is Ray Mitoff, and anyone who’s spent the hundreds of hours pawing through LRH’s case folders, Marty Sue’s case folders, and other people’s case folders that LRH was C/Sing when LRH was doing “OT” like research!
This isn’t just a brushoff activity.
Scientology, to me, is mainly LRH’s research. And I admit all the arguments of how LRH borrowed constantly from other Scientologists (Alan Walter best wrote on what Alan witnessed and heard from the 1950s vintage Scientologists).
To me, I want to hear from Ray Mitoff, once Ray gets his ass OUT of the Miscavige prison life at Int, and do some interviewing of the tech from Mitoff’s exposure to LRH’s case folders, which hopefully Ray was granted access to study Hubbard’s case folders, and Mary Sue’s, etc, etc.
I’ll grant LRH was being highly PR about 15 more OT levels, likely those 15 could be paired down to way less than 15.
And that LRH didn’t himself succeed, as LRH admitted to Sarge when LRH told Sarge that LRH said he failed, is pretty bleak evidence that the upper 15 OT levels, if LRH tried parts of them on himself, it’s likely that these research avenues won’t be easily made into anything that advances people’s spiritual cases, that’s the bleak possibility also.
Anyways, to me, Hubbard is Scientology.
We need some real theoretical and experiences techies to go through Hubbard’s, Mary Sue’s and other people’s case folders that LRH was C/Sing when LRH was researching some experimental OT “upper levels” is all, and see if those avenues are really anything or not.
And I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in the worthwhileness of doing what I’m suggesting, but to me, to be absolutely fair with L. Ron Hubbard’s tech legacy, one has to think like the best of what LRH thought of his own offerings, and take into consideration he might have been fibbing, and over PRing himself, but that also, the hundreds and thousands of research commands he’s tried on himself, and the fact that tends of thousands of those commands ARE today official Scientology approved process commands, to me it gets very very thick into the details of what in fact, or not, those commands produce as spiritual improvement and the regaining of one’s immortal soul powers n the minds of the immortal souls that Hubbard and most Scientologists believe themselves to be.
to me, like other scholars of the monotheistic religions do, they make their manuscripts available to the public, online, for scholars to study.
Same ought be done.
To really judge Hubbard, it would be important to make his full manuscript library public.
Let the tech trained and let everyone paw through it like other long term traditional religions do.
Yes, Davie has a BIG problem due to LRH’s lies. Since Davie is a criminal he didn’t handle it correctly but continued the criminality. He should have came out and admitted that the processing side really ended at Grade 4 (clear is a known hoax also) and could have still made a fortune on all the material up to there and the early spiritual philosophic material. KTL and the like would have sold well also.
Enjoyed your thoughts Chuck
“So, truly, I don’t buy the dismissive, there’s not 15 levels of OT levels still to be issued, like the cupboard is bare.”
I believe it’s very likely at one time these levels were done and written up but that LRH finally got wind of what was occurring with the church and he simply withdrew them from sight. Whether by hiding them or more likely just destroying them outright he realized that they were simply too dangerous to leave behind. LRH warned in the PDC what could happen if Scientology was used against mankind. I think he thought better than to leave even more OT Levels here given what was occurring with the ones he had already gifted to the church.
It stands to reason that these OT Levels were very simple but powerful processes given that the main part of the case should have been handled by the time anyone was ready for these and simplicity should be the keynote of the case at those altitudes. If and when the time comes, LRH could simply reconstruct the whole lot of them in a safe environment.
I do think that LRH did NOT leave totally “wrapped up” OT levels, that is not how he operated the last many many years. Others, namely RTC (LRH Tech Comps) which reformed into RTRC (you know Dan Koon and Russ Williams, they can amply tell you the full behind the scenes years from 1982 onwards, and Micky Lipton, and Steve Cook, all must talk to people who can give absolutely credible firsthand observations of the final years of what LRH left, and what was to be compiled into issuable OT levels, or not).
LRH had a long internal history of organizing the Sea Org staffers up, into units, or these units were manned up and presented to LRH as solutions to his general orders to accomplish this or that. A whole sub history of complying with LRH’s final years of admin and tech orders, ought be done, just to show how organized all the efforts were, for the last couple 10-15 years around LRH, people in the Sea Org faithfully trying to comply with his orders.
And this includes tech bulletin and rundown issuance, which behind the scenes meant researching the case folders he meant to be researched, out of which his C/Snotes were to be all neatly excerpted and then followed via pilot issues, piloting done, tweaking done, then final compilation and issuance once it all proved workable case wise.
No, I don’t think any tech hierarchy biggies from Jack Horner, Reg Sharpe, John McMasters, Otto Roos, David Mayo would agree they ever saw any neatly stashed away written up in full Hubbard “OT upper levels” just waiting for later issuance.
It is way more detailed and messy, and LRH’s comments need be pulled from a variety of case folders, comments her and there, and the stream of tech orders from LRH to his top Sea Org tech guys/ladies need be all pulled together and dissected, out of which all these mainly hyped about 15 “upper OT levels” might (but likely NOT) be able to be compiled following his long stream of requirements to turn his research ideas (not yet fully tried and piloted, mind you) into final divided up OT levels.
My guess, is LRH, due to his difficulty with the body thetan(s) at the end of his life, concluded he needed another major go round, LRH was NOT complete, or rather he had to return to dealign with body thetans, that’s SOLO NOTs, today’s OT 7. And his own self C/S for himself was the OT running program as is discernable from Marty’s 3rd book, Chapter 24, “Meanwhile Back at the Ranch” that gives full the interview with Sarge Steven Pfauth, a totally vital chapter all highly trained Scientologists should read and re-read.
Ok thanks for this inside view Chuck.. My thoughts were entirely speculative of course and I am sure you saw them as such.
I’ll check out the chapter you referenced….
You could call me a wild eye cultist. I could fit into them modern church easily – I did for a few months. I bought into to Miscvage’s dream for a for few days.
But I ‘m a 100% Standard Tech no bullshit scientologist. I’m a total red on white guy, and auditor and an LRH guy to the core.
The one of the main difference between “the churchies” and me, is that I got started in 1973 and I’ve seen all the bad that scientology can offer
My ex-wife was G.O and.worked as a secretary at UCLA for that murderous bastard Jolly West. Psychiatry at it’s best. When the balloon went up in went up in 77 it was a scramble. Did the Old Man have his hand in it? Probably. It could have worked too. Took some balls to even try
You think it’s bad now, try ’86 to ’88. War of Roses and Gunfight at the OK coral, rolled into one. Davy boy and Marty on one side of street, Pat and Robert on the other.
We were slaughtered
There was no actually shots fired (that I know of) but there were casualties:
Jessie Prince. One of the coolest guys I have ever known went out of his mind.
The good doctor Denk? He’s dead.
Robert Vaughn Young, the most intelligent man I’ve ever known was a shell of himself after the RPF. He’s dead now. Rest in peace old friend.
And Annie. I can’t even think about Annie without my eyes tearing up.
Not to mention all the good Sea Org folk who blew, were RFP’d, died or went crazy.
And Sarge. We can’t forget Sarge.
So you can smirk, and be oh-so intellectual about how it’s all bullshit, like Hawkins was on Rathburn’s blog talking to Bunker(of all people) about how the ethics doesn’t work. Or OT3 and xemu, and it’s a fucking joke.
Have you ever thought for a second why people pay millions for this stuff. It’s because it works. (And as the Old Man warned many, many times it can be abused)
And about those other 15 OT levels, I know there’s one person you have’t talked to about it and that’s Pat Broeker. Good ‘ol Pat. There’s a reason the LRH called him 007.
So yeah, we’re a bunch of cultist brain-washed zombies in need to serious medication. So be it. We lost the battle — hell, we lost the war. But it’s not over. Because we come back, motherfucker, we come back.
Dear Ashaman,
I mentally fell out of Scientology, “intellectually”, on the RPF, after 5 years of umpteenth thousands of hours of FPRD, every single chain wholetrack. I’d run wholetrack from 1975, 60 pc folders of old AESPs on the Drug Rundown, then later NED, then ExDN, all chains wholetrack.
Until I in fall of 2001 began to finally conclude ALL of my pastlives tens of thousands of incidents, might just be all my plastic imagination. (Later reading the OT levels, and the mixing up that pc’s who are not OT 3 yet, can sometimes run their ‘body thetans'” past lives, and thus not get any gain, so I gave that a long thought, and wondered had I at some point really gone Clear in all my 20 years of Dianetics/NED, and was I at some point running body thetans’ engrams, not mine.
I gave it all a really good “intellectual” going over, and just did sort of an Occam’s Razor, choose the simplest explanation, and “my imagination” fit/suited me, and indicated to me, and that’s where my “case” has been ever since fall of 2001.
Now, I can do the thought experiment in favor of Scientologists’ viewpoint, quite well, I think.
But this philosophy about the soul, it’s been never scientifically proven.
All Scientology would need to do, is have one OT do some real normal out of the body fully exterior and causative activity, that convinces and is agreed upon, and becomes so real it’s legal!
Were past lives really real, they’d have entered out legal systems around the world, by now.
People would have been burying their last life’s stash of wealth, only known to themselves, and digging up their stashes.
And beyond treasure hunting our last lfetime wealth stashes, humans would have evolved legal protections for people’s last lifetime wealth.
The big points of Scientology are we’re immortal souls, we “come back” as you say, and I haven’t been convinced that the soul exists, so how we come back, to me, is not how Scientologists think it will be, is all.
I think over eternity, all the MEST of the universe is eternally recycled, so that everything becomes everything. I just don’t think there’s souls involved. I think the universe is just an eternal recycling machine on eternal auto pilot to recycle itself forever, into every possible outcome, so that everything does everything, forever.
Personally I today favor the attitude and behavior of the Ron’s Org people. Them praying, or doing their linked armed postulate circle, heads down, at the Int Base, on video, really struck me, they seem to be the best of “group” of Scientologists, today.
Squirreling, meaning like Captain Bill did, creating the additional “upper OT levels” that the Ron’s Org do, to me, is actually logical, overall, but I’d agree that likely if LRH knew Bill Robertson had made more OT levels and Bill R said he was channeling LRH to do so, that LRH if he’d been told this when he was alive, would have possibly written something up, and too bad he didn’t.
To me LRH had so many top tech people, and so many ultra dedicated people, I mean Bill Robertson was dedicated to LRH, and LRH ought to have somehow remained in touch with them.
There’s all sorts of interesting discussions to have about Scientology followers.
It can’t be kept dogmatically locked up by any of the various camps, as people should be free to discuss all parts of Scientology, and even LRH’s life, and discuss all the various angles to it all.
I’m liking most, probably LRH’s sci fi contemporaries, for my overall view of LRH (Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke).
But as a one time very nerdy admin Scientologist, I’ve enjoyed all the conversations I’ve had and discussions I’ve read about Scientology since getting out of official Scientology, and being free to discuss it.
I enjoy reading everyone’s views.
I apologize.I didn’t read you close enough and of kind lost it. I enoy reading everone’s view, too.
Not only are these stats terrible but I can guarantee that they are NOT accurate. Most likely exaggerated. If I ran my business like this, I wouldn’t have a business!
They are the customers, they are not supposed to be running the business! They are not supposed to even be doing these things! They are supposed to be disseminating and FSMing. You go to a restaurant to eat, do you expect to be told to go sell things to other customers on the menu while you are in the restaurant? That you can’t come back for another meal until you have worked a few shifts yourself?
@ oracle
Excellent comment! the paragon is exactly it and it is interesting that while online no one would dare to think of it that way much less to utter it for fear of being suspected of being critical
Right Oracle, forcing people to do things, against their will, has no place in the road to spiritual enlightenment. Unmocking the power of choice, has no place in developing OT abilities, it’s antipathetic.
wow. Those stat charts are a thing of beauty. Thanks to whoever sent. It’s as rotten as I thought.
Never fear. Captain Blackheart has since conjured up a brilliant new battleplan: Wholesale warehouse Declares here, there and everywhere!
It’s almost as if he’s in a hurry to retire. I can just hear his Bon Voyage speech: “I worked my fingers to the bone for you and all I got back was a few lousy billion.”
And maybe wholesale buy your way back in. “You were declared. It was a mistake. For $5,000 we will wipe your record clean and restore you to good standing.”
That’s a steal!
Well, it’s more like: “For $500,000 we will let you back in, but we will always secretly consider you not in good standing and will be waiting poised to declare you again at the drop of a pin.”
Bye bye, Baby bye bye
Do they still track the stats LRH wanted? You know, GI (gross income), NPI (new people in), etc.? I’ve never seen a recent stat report on those.
Great reporting and love the last line. You are one wordsmith extraordinaire! I’m noticing many new names appearing on your blog recently which pleases me greatly. As far as stats are concerned, you are the only one whose stats continue to climb. As Napoleon Hill would say, you give a new meaning to “going the extra mile” Mike. You are appreciated, for sure. Reading this blog is like one big false date stripping adventure and as many have said, the truth will set you free.
What you said, sister!
Very interesting. Thank you for posting this. I can see right now that the numbers for the org near me are most likely padded on the # of active OTC members. When the minutes from the OTC meetings are sent, there are always only a small handful of the same people who attend…usually 4-6. So, in seeing the number they report as “active”, I am certain there has got to be a lot of thinking like, “well, they mentioned Scientology in a conversation to a friend, so that makes them active”.
Hey, I did that. I mentioned to someone the word “Dianetics” and that made me an active OTC member. I really believe that most OTC members only talk amongst themselves…it would be an outrage to actually talk to the outside world. Oh my!
How much does it cost to run those 15 Ideal Orgs? Does anybody have information we could extrapolate from? A rough estimate for at least one org, or from memory if you were at Finance meetings, would be a good start. I’m basically wondering if their cash/bills is crossed yet.
Won’t get that from the Scilon empire, but there are pretty good industry standards on the internet, cost per square foot or room to maintain office buildings, hotels, health spas (purif areas).
Here is an example:
There will be differences, # bodies per square foot of an ideal org will likely be much less than any other practical building of that quality, dropping some costs down. Environmental components, insulated pains, high efficiency heating and cooling are not in any ideal org I have ever seen (Dallas, hot as hell in summer has massive single pained windows), etc. driving energy costs over modern building norms. I just saw Berlin ideal org a few weeks ago, there were no bodies, elevator did not work (hasn’t worked for years), and phones were disconnected except for incoming calls, staff made calls on their own cell phones.
Here is a 2004 example;
Space Metrics
Space Utilization 430 Gross Square Feet per Occupant
Cost Metrics
Utilities $2.17 / GSF
Custodial $1.33 / Cleanable SF
Maintenance $1.69 / GSF
Parking and Paving $1529 / Acre
Groundskeeping $3405 / Acre
Security $0.73 / GSF
Mail Services $0.22 / GSF
Environmental Health and Safety $0.35 / GSF
Fixed Costs (Includes: Building, Leasehold Improvements, Furniture/Equipment) $ 3.71 / GSF
I would guess, just a wild guess, facility maintenance with slave labor would run somewhere between $30-50,000 per month per ideal org, or should be.
We developed four our business a matrix of 10% of facility cost as average annual (10 year) maintenance. It is very expensive to maintain stuff, heat and cool it, and keep it in optimum condition. So we learned to not have more facility than we need, lol.
When I interviewed Jason Barclay last year he had blown the SO, iirc, 6-8 months earlier. Not that long. He told me he was given about $400 per week to maintain the 60,000 square foot Complex here in Los Angeles.
This is .006 cents per sf, a massive $3.704 less per sf than industry norms. Jason was paying for replacement light bulbs and other maintenance items out of his own pocket lest he be written up and/or eventually RPF’d for not maintaining the facility properly. He worked in the canteen at night after his long workday in order to make extra money. Jason is such a good-hearted young man and yet RCS forced him into slavery, penury, and cruelty. He blew, in what was an escape planned to the exact minute.
Miscavige spent something like $10,000,000 to renovate the Complex and there is often no toilet paper. Who does this? Imagine buying a $10,000,000 mansion and then scrimping on toilet paper, light bulbs, and cleaning supplies? Only RCS FP could result in this sort of idiotic disjunct.
The interior construction work continues on “Ideal Pacifica” and the Cult is fundraising to build its Pacific Events Center in the parking lot that faces Sunset Blvd. This facility will also be under-maintained per FP.
Yeh I’ve driven by the Pacifica Ideal Fuckup several times and they’re doing more renos once again.
What for?
You hardly see any public over there any more.
Probably the “why” found by the Magic Kingdom AKA Int Base was the place wasn’t upstat enough so the “bright idea” was to renovate the PAC Orgs once again.
Maybe they should try actually auditing and training people……
Oh My God….the toilet paper rundown…. :o) You reminded me of the charge I was experiencing in St Hill particularly when there would not be toilet paper or when those bloody toilets were always Out of Order. It’s funny I forgot about this, and if I look at the way I used to think at that time it had to be the fault of the direct staff involved. I never thought of the fact that it was cause of management being so incompetent or purposefully evil. The viewpoint of a Publlic would not trace the cause beyond the staff incharge. How naive I was!
Pasadena Ideal Org is said to spend $8000/month on their electric bill alone!
Something I find super indicative of them having shit stats are that their raw book sales are at 33 for those 27 cities. For an entire half a continent to do 33 books in a week, no matter what week(for the fastest growing religion on Earth) is quite horrible. A few years ago, selling 90 books from our Test Center in a week wasn’t too much of a hurdle.
Realize this is ONLY the stats of the OTA/OTC people. There may well be more books sold by org staff. Though this is a pretty good indication of where things are at….
Can you make an educated guess on on a ball park figure what the
stats of the combined WUS Orgs would be.
I would be very surprised if the orgs are averaging more than 50 hours of auditing a week. Or GI of more than $5,000 per week for books and services. Or more than 10 REAL new people started on a first service. Or average staff pay greater than $50. This is averaged across ALL orgs in WUS. Lower figures if averaged across all orgs in the world.
When I was at my old Mission, some of the guys there sold Dianetics door to door and at malls – face to face, smile to frown. Five of them could and did sell 33 books in a week. From one little teeny tiny mission! This is absolutely dismal! Thanks for the stats, Mike, it really puts today’s scene in perspective.
“The RCS is dead”
Well, since it’s official at this point I guess Dave can pour himself a double over some fresh ice cubes, raise his glass high in the air and say out loud, “Ahhh… work is done here! My goodness it has been a long and fascinating thirty years of tyranny. I really hate to see it all come to an end. I had a lot of people beaten and I beat a lot folks myself. Men fell on their knees before me and kissed my shoes…what idiots. They all had it coming one way or the other I guess. It was just my lot in life to see that they got what they deserved. I didn’t really think I could pull off the takeover of this church so easily but once I had David declared and on the run the rest was pretty easy. I rolled over Pat and Annie like a pick-up truck on a rooster…..gawd that was fun! I am going to miss the tears, begging and pleas for mercy these cocksuckers always dumped in my direction. Fuck them…fuck em all….they’re luck I gave them a minute of my attention. So much pain to celebrate… but I’ve got a plane to catch…fuck it….. I’m out of here!”
Congrats on hitting his tonelevel so well!
He might get out of here or get caught at which point he is likely to use his jail time to write his memoirs
and make some more dough that way.
I guess you could say that the WUS is a bunch of WUSSIES.
Mike – It cracks me up how you manage to get these communications from within the bubble. It must drive Captain Kim-Miscavige crazy and into a real ranty fit.
Most excellent work!
By the way, what would the CoS DO without Pasadena, PAC or the Valley? The public is seriously drying up in those areas, except for the usual suspects, die hard, old-timers. No new, young blood in coming in. Good Luck.
WOW….indeed crashing; even if misleading, they are going down. I alone handled two Intro new pcs, one person back on OT Levels and one back on Solo NOTs. This just within 2 weeks period. I know of other field auditors having 17 persons on OT Levels and other actions.
We do it to assist in helping others to get better and have no intention to just rip off people ‘to make money’ So, there you have it…
Rock on, MyViews!
VWD on your stats, “Myviews.” And I have to ask, without any antagonism, simply curiosity, why you don’t use your real name? If you’re auditing in the field as it appears, wouldn’t you get more pcs if you used your real name so that people can find you and come to you for auditing?
Am I correct that the absence of WDAHs on this chart is unusual and/or significant?
No Rod — these are stats of the OT Ambassadors and OT Committees. These are not the stats of the ORGS. The stats of the orgs themselves are more closely guarded than nuclear launch codes. Wouldnt want anyone finding out how much the “Ideal Orgs” are ACTUALLY producing.
Roger that Mike.
Last time I was there in ’05 ASHO’s OIC was hidden in a SCIF.
They probably added a cycling pass code, finger print and retina scan plus ID check and a full body search to now enter the Stat Vault
Mike: That they are closely guarded and hidden really tells the tale, doesn’t it? If the stats were worth anything at all, they’d be blaring them to the world!
One way to look at it is they make about a steady 30 Mio US $ for non service donations each year in WUS. Which means US tax payers subsidize fraud and deception with about 10 Mio US $ every year.
The tax payers money hard at work.
in 1985, in Tel Aviv, we used to have more than 600 people coming from body routing a WEEK, and we had much more then 11 new starts and 33 books sold per week. Gee… this is unfuckingbelievable!
Wow. The HGB is full of CICS. It has to be a bad day there. I wonder if you can hear the screaming from the 10th floor all the way to the sidewalk.
Yep, I just drove down HB, and there were indeed a lot of Cs getting Sd
Why didn’t He Who Must Not Be Named, the Prophet of Scientology, Chairman of the Board Mr. David Miscavige run these stats down at His big events last month? Oh.
I’m a never-in–it’s interesting to look at the stats for my own city.
Pretty much the only thing happening here is #8 and #12, the OT Committee volunteer hours and active members–can someone tell me what those OTs might be doing on the “OT Ambassador Program or Projects”?
(Before hearing the answer, my guesses are spamming Craigslist, downvoting commenters on Disqus, and sitting by the phone at the local org.)
Sitting around talking to each other. Washing the dishes. Taking a dump.
And bring their own toiletpaper
Brilliant Mike. LOL.
While I quite agree with Mike’s answer, the other thing they do is filing. They file papers and make folders for the papers they file…files that will never be entered into a computer or ever used for anything other than to report “volunteer hours”.
I was on one of those those OTC committees for a short time. I could never figure out what were doing. We planned a big book-a-thon at the local Walmart. This offended some Whales. “Walmart is so downstat and will attract the wrong kind of pubic”. But we persevered. A big snow storm hit the day of our book-a-thon. The few folks who showed up stood aound freezing. I don’t think we sold a lot of books.
Welcome Lila! I was on the OT Committee and nothing gets done…it was one of the most insane groups I ever experienced…more time reporting stats than doing anything… and the stats are embellished.
“Volunteer Hours” would include asking the OT Committee member -“how many hours did you work this week”?
The answer: “I worked 5 hours….(including driving to the Org, getting coffee, calling a newspaper to find out they refuse to do any advertising for the cult, even if the advertising is paid up front – go to the ED and find out this needs to be investigated to find out who at the newspaper is connected to THE PSYCHS, writing up a CSW to get money from the Org for flyers to be printed up to pass out at Baseball games for a seminar on how to get rich using Scamonology only to have to wait one week to read “CSW DENIED” – “read the Policy on “Taking Responsibility by LRH so the OT Committee member pays for everything…going into apathy and then talking to a few friends and staff members and driving home).
This took from 1-5pm and that is 5 hours…nothing got accomplished but those are the stats.
Quite shocking to see the Ideal Orgs failing so hugely!! Hip Hip Hooray!!
These stats are really poor. I think the bad PR in the US (at least) is actually palpable. I’ve seen the SCN new ad shown around here in Tampa Bay a few times. It’s an interesting ad, but I’ve been tracking traffic on And, it has barely moved in the last month, despite people being directed to in the ad.
You gotta figure there is a lot of distention in the ranks. GAG II has been out for 2 months and everyone has had ample time to race down to their local “ideal org” and sign up for their student hat redo at 1500. I can see how that would not be too exciting considering many did the Primary Rundown, which was like student hat on steroids, and it was thrown in for free after paying only 1300 for the Dianetics course and all Academy levels.
Miscavige’s problems are certainly becoming insurmountable. The case in Texas truly threatens to take him down. I think he will try any maneuver known or not known to man to keep himself from being deposed. Especially if it were in the courtroom as the judge has threatened. He will have to lie like the proverbial rug and pray he doesn’t get caught. I can see the IRS watching that deposition very closely.
I’ve always been impressed by his ability to wax hyperbolically in the face of imminent disaster. We’ll see how long he can keep that act going. As for me, I hope it ends pretty soon.
Using Alexa to compare/analyze Scn TV ads with Scn online visits is a great investigative technique Sheldon… brilliant
If Co$ has ANY PR left, the Super Bowl TV ads have GOT to be a big bump in those Alexa numbers.
Wow, incredible coup to get these stats. They show the real picture. If I counted correctly there are a total 30 full size Scientology Churches in the WUS area, All the “OTs” managed to sell 33 books to new public and start 11 new people on intro services. This makes one incredible statement I GOT TO THE VERY TOP OF THE SCIENTOLOGY BRIDGE AND I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND IT TO SOMEONE ELSE TO SAVE MY LIFE. GOING OT IS A NIGHTMARE, STAY AWAY! This is what these OTs are saying about Miscavology. Now it all makes sense. When Randy Tobin said that listening to a massively edited LRH lecture was better than an OT level, it was NOT hyperbole. It was the HONEST TRUTH. Between the sec checking, crush regging, MAA thought control interviews and 3 swing FNs, I bet he had WAY more wins listening to a tape than doing NOTs. Now if he had done NOTs with one of the Indy NOTs auditors he would probably not be saying that.
The results of the stats proves you correct with your predictions Mike! Love it! Straight up and vertical is now straight down and done!! Yipee!
3200 hours of volunteer work and 13 books sold!! That is truly pathetic.
I am really enjoying watching this death slide of cob’s.
I guess some men do live lives of quiet desperation!
Or blustering bullshit…
That would be 3199 hours of noses in central files trying to pretend that they are making some sort of difference in getting the names and addresses of long gone people to somehow want to return for more.
And one hour attending the most god forsaken boring meeting in the universe, the OTC meeting.
McFly!!! Hello McFly …… anybody home?
The only group in the universe that produces lower stats, lower morale and lower obnosis the longer you participate. Welcome one and all to the Cult of Scientology. We are here to get your ethics IN-IN-IN and we do mean business.
Oh man!!!! How embarrassing!
Proves that not only is COB lying out his ass to the flock at events but that all the OT Committee members KNOW IT.
This speaks to the cult mentality within the bubble.
The probably think “of course he has to lie to keep the PR in, but it’s only because WE are not backing him up.”
It’s okay though, I’m sure the Super Bowl ads will turn everything around.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this info.
Burn marks on the chest of the cadaver. That’s funny.
+ 100
How naughty of you to share this. I was in charge of stats for Austin at one time and it brings back such memories.. I’m sure someone will be assigned the task of making sure information like this isn’t leaked again. Let’s see – we can forbid that computers be used to report stats; the data must be accumulated manually using pen and paper then hand carried to the person receiving the stats. That way cofs can make certain the information doesn’t get in the “wrong hands”.
And your conclusion is very valid. The cofs is TOAST. I bet the few “new public” they are getting are the children of members and maybe a handful of employees or vendors who are propitiating by signing for a class. Not really someone walking in off the street looking to improve their understanding of life.
Toast, you say?
I know just the toaster then: The Hello Kitty Mark 8!
That’s epic ! and as the easy bake oven more usefull and cute
Mike – You are fricken awesome to get this information. I am confident it will shake a few more lurkers out of the cult…just look at the Ideal Org locations that have been open for years….straight down and down – total flunk…nothing is getting done and no new people are coming in to the bright shiny huge and expensive buildings.
Captain David Miscavige gets a big FLUNK!!
We should send in our blogging hours and give them a hand.
I believe there will soon be a brilliant new auditing rundown for all OTC members. It comes from some recently discovered LRH advices that were found hidden a secret hole just a few meters away from Ron’s Bluebird.
The rundown is called the super duper truth rundown. The purpose of the rundown ( which all OTC members will agree is a vital step to world clearing) is to find out who the F… is leaking these god-damned stats.
Hahaha! Brilliant!
Dave, And your schedule is busy and full? No time to fix things in Texas?
Oh, yes, He is just soooo busy…
Thanks for the uncooked data, Mike!
I like my popcorn very fresh with butter and salt, and there will be a pitcher of Grape Koolaid to toast farewell to the Dwarf.
We are witnessing the implosion of a vicious, greedy, cult.
Oh, those are just the “shore stats”! The real stats are foo the charts!
“The real stats are foo the charts!”
Sorry for the mispelling. Should read: “foo the roof!”
Sounds like you just goofed the floof!
Thank you for these inside numbers. The numbers do not lie. It makes the cognizant dissonance even clearer. Great reporting.