Lauri Webster is back hunting the dwindling number of whales they have not yet harpooned and slaughtered for their blubber.
Tony Ortega mentioned the launch of the new Lauri Webster fundraising this morning on his blog with a copy of a letter (several people also sent copies of the same letter to me). But I also received another communication containing some further specifics on what the “Super Power” people are now up to.
Here is what Lauri had to say:
Your help has most definitely accelerated Scientology’s speed of expansion!!! And now we have officially launched the next phase to dramatically increase the size and power of our Religious Center here in Clearwater!!!!
The target is the creation of the L. Ron Hubbard Hall. Where all future International Management Events will be held!
We are asking all our loyal supporters to help us launch this special activity with a gift to their best friend ever & accomplish the 1st level of status, the Status of “A Friend Of Ron” with a gift of $1,000 this week.
Friend of Ron. Really? To construct a hall for “International Management Events” that Ron said should never be held?
Wonder what you get for $100,000 this week? A certificate proclaiming you “Ron’s close family friend”? For a million I wonder if they would give you one proclaiming you “Ron’s brother”?
They become more brazen as each day goes by.
To steal (and slightly alter) a famous statement from an entirely different context — but which seems so appropriate here: “Have you no sense of decency, madam, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”
$1,000 — Friend of Ron
$5,000 — Good Friend of Ron
$25,000 — Dear Friend of Ron
$50,000 — Very Dear Friend of Ron
$100,000 — Ron’s Research Assistant for Dianetics in Past Lifetime
$250,000 — Proofread “Original Thesis” for Ron in Past Lifetime
$500,000 — Ron’s Trusted Staff Member in Wichita in Past Lifetime
$1,000,000 — Ron’s Trusted Aide in Camden, New Jersey in Past Lifetime
$2,500,000 — Ron’s Best Staff Member in Phoenix in Past Lifetime
$5,000,000 — Ron’s Personal Best Friend in Last Lifetime
$8,000,000 — Ron’s Closest Confidante in Last Lifetime
$7,500,000 — Ron’s Best Friend in Last Lifetime
$10,000,000 Ron’s Wholetrack Best Friend
$12,500,000 Ron’s Wholetrack Best Friend + Ka Khan Status
$15,000,000 Ron’s First and Most Important Best Friend
$25,000,000 — Ron’s BFF in all Lifetimes on the Wholetrack
$30,000,000 Friend of COB RTC David Miscavige
And for $1million, you can be a friend of Davey.
I quote from above “Your help has most definitely accelerated Scientology’s speed of expansion!!! And now we have officially launched the next phase to dramatically increase the size and power of our Religious Center here in Clearwater!!!!”
As mentioned above by others, and Karen #1, the only expansion has been in the square footage of buildings. I suggest a new stat – “persons per square foot” or maybe better would be “students per square foot of total building space”.
I would assume that the enlightened ones would see the empty halls for what they are and compare to the ‘old days’.
Now the other part of the quote that is amazing to me is overused phrase – “the next phase”. The next phase should involve raising money for tar and feathers and a splintery rail.
David Lingenfelter
Thank you. Regarding what you said, I made the exact same observation in my dealings with SO members over the years and can understand how one could think that way, or come to think that way over time.
At first I thought you didn’t answer my question (in paragraph two) but after giving it some thought, I realized that you headed OSA and were probably made aware of all sorts of flaps with the public. You probably knew of many incidents where noisy public complained of abuse, wanted refunds, etc. So I guess that this was simply a of matter of “routine” for you while in the SO and when you came out it was no new “news”. Thanks again.
When I first saw the pic I thought “oh, are they taking down the big tent.” When I realized it was a dead whale, I thought it communicated the sadness of the approach to fund raising that the RCS employs. New recruits who are wealthy and unwilling to examine Scientology’s horrible abuses are really hard to come by. The Internet has taken care of that. The Whales are going to disappear by going broke, waking up or meat body death.
Several posts here make references to staff having no idea what it’s like for public to meet the demands made on them by the Church. Public who “live in the real world” and have to work to pay bills, take care of families, sick or elderly parents, etc. I myself have observed this same manifestation of staff to have no clue or empathy for public scns and just keep making their demands for more time, more money, more…
Similarly, I have been wondering about something recently. You were high up in the CoS for many years and now are living outside. When you got out and on the internet, and started reading stories from public about their experiences, did ANY of it surprise you? Were you ever shocked or surprised at some of the abuse the public may have experienced while you were in?
I realize that you were extremely busy with your post. You endured a lot of abuse yourself, although it was different from what the average public experiences. Does Int.Mgmt have any consideration about the public or the public’s hardships faced to keep going up the Bridge? Are the staff indoctrinated to think a certain way and kept in a bubble, with no regard for the public?
It may seem like a silly question but it’s a viewpoint that I would like to know about, and maybe others have wondered the same thing. Thank you.
Pepper — I dont think there is much reality. Certainly wasnt for me. I believe most SO members consider that public giving money or “going without a new car” is a small sacrifice compared with “going without a life” and thus there is not much understanding or sympathy.
It will be interesting to see how many seats they plan for this auditorium. I suppose if they make it too many, they can always hire more extras.
Betrayed friend
The focus was delivering a tech service to the public. Years ago before the takeover in 82 when you gave money to the church it was for a tech service – a course, co audit C/S time or auditing that was actually delivered to you. It was truly unimaginable to give money to the church without an actual course or auditing delivered in exchange for the funds given. The concept of taking money only for the delivery of a tech service was so basic, and the concept of taking money without delivering a service was known and undertood to be criminal. It was ingrained into the staff what would happen if money was taken but an actual tech service was not delivered. The focus was simple, it was on delivery. Gatherings were about services being delivered, and the concept of money for ‘status’ or focus on a building instead of public services being delivered would have been stomach turning, just not real. This concept had no reality and would be known to be the opposite of Scientology. The focus was on how much delivery of services could happen and this was communicated to all staff, and it was communicated what would happen if the delivery did not match funds coming in. The leadership stressed the ‘delivery’ of all services purchased because the flow was understood. This flow was even understood to beginning staff as a very basic concept. Public felt safe to purchase services because they knew they would be receiving a personal service that was well worth the funds. The end result of each service that I recieved was priceless to me and I couldn’t wait to sign up for the next service. These services were all taken in a small moderate building with every square inch being used. The focus was never on the building, status or anything but delivering a fantastic service to the public, which in turn people were so happy about this that the academy and auditing rooms were full 7 days a week. Students were encouraged to communicate and originations from students were handled by supervisors quickly by finding the tech and having the student read it, very simple and easy, instead of sending them up lines to endless ethics or blowing them out the door for an origination. Delivery of services. The upstat full missions were taken over and the focus on delivery disappeared.
You are right, the titles and honors achieved for new donations are just a parade.
In addition to getting ‘Ron’s Brother’ title for a substantial sum we can add ‘The Highest Loyal Glorious Meritorious Friend of LRH Ever in the universe”
And just for being able to say it, the cost will be 10,000.000…not much form their perspective.
This is SICK. Beyond obscene.
Pick any noted figure from History and become a Friend, get a cert.
Smacks of the scam of owning a Star, you get a cert claiming to own a Star, just send money.
I’d say Co$ is worse. I actually paid to have a star named for my daughter. It was WAY cheaper than being a friend of Ron, plus she was really into the whole space-interest phase all kids go through. They actually give you coordinates and instructions for finding it with a telescope, so that was worthwhile father/daughter thing and she still smiles about it. Way better, IMHO, than overpaying for an auditorium where she can be bored and lied to at INT briefings until they lock her in the engine room of a ship with a toothbrush. . .
It is now clear that Miscavige’s whales have become an endangered species and hopefully will soon be extint i.e the rich suckers will eventually stop paying for NOTHING :)))
” For a million I wonder if they would give you one proclaiming you “Ron’s brother”?”
Muaaaahhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaa 😀 😀 😀
Great Mike
Scientology Inc treats those out and getting case gain like Western governments historically treated 3rd world countries, such as Vietnam, Haiti, Detroit, and so on. We must not let them develop autonomy, or else. Now Scientology Inc’s treating its own staff and public like 3rd world denizens and it’s making a massive sucking sound.
Scientology was here to rescue you has inverted into money talks bullshit walks. If your not going to play a theta game then why bother working for free sweating over status. Not complicated even I can work this out.
J.R. Ewing (TV series Dallas) once said “you’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public”. Miscavige must have watched that same episode insomuch as he continues to operate on that basis. Miscavige might want to read the fable about the golden goose and what happens when you slaughter it. Then there is always the story of the pig that sticks his snout too deeply into the troth getting it smacked; but alas, I digress. I know how busy COB is with all this strait up and vertical expansion he has no time to learn the “technology of fraud”.
That’s very similar to an old piece of poker table wisdom- “you can shear a sheep 1000 times, but you can only skin it once.”
Will they have to get planning permission?
Will Clearwater just bend over and let Co$ build what they like?
An added bit of fun: in the space and location they have chosen, there is no way they will build an auditorium that seats more than 5,000.
It will probably even be smaller than that.
It’s so saddening to know that hundreds of rich church members won’t notice this obvious outpoint. A religion experiencing “explosive growth” should have events that are much bigger than ones 20 years ago… not much smaller.
Ove-under on how long it takes until this building is done? Never? 20 years? 10 years?
How many new “Ron’s Pals” will pay up?
I think the only status that any Church of Scientology victim is buying is that of “David Miscavige’s Lover.”
After all, they’re paying to get fucked by Dave, and nothing more.
Surely the “L. Ron Hubbard Hall” will finally clear the world. This is Supa Powerz Phase II.
It’s almost like David “Darth Midget” Miscavige is *trying* to give the sheeple epic hints to expose himself – and they STILL don’t get it!!
Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist
Gee, I thought the Pac Base was to hold all future events. That needs money too doesn’t it? Along with the perpetually-unfinished Valley Org? And the IAS? And the e-meters? And the GAT II release? And the Christmas bonus in that cool shiny silver wrapping paper? And, and, and…
But I have to give them credit for the clever guilt trip angle here. See, if you don’t give the $1000 for this oh-so-important project, you’re not “a friend of Ron’s”. Awwww. How could you say no to that?
Ditto to deElizabethan, Anon, David J Mudkips, and others above re the wonderful Friends of LRH website.
Long before this asinine new “Friend of Ron” status came out a few days ago, REAL friends of Ron such as myself had discovered and read in LRH’s own words what Miscavige had done to our church.
Also I remember Luis Garcia writing a post on Marty’s site a few years ago which very graciously acknowledged Friends of LRH as source material for much of his famous “Letter from Garcia”.
So, Miss Webster, please go right ahead and hand out all the Friend of Ron statuses you want. All I ask is one thing: Every applicant has to read the real “Friends of LRH” website first!
This is insulting – who the hell are they to bestow Ron’s friendship on anyone in exchange for money?
If I donate enough can I please be named as Ron’s BFF?
I think this is being misunderstood, or rather is misleading. You don’t become a friend of LRH for a paltry $1000, you become a friend of “Ron” the new auditorium. 😉
The Church spends at least $1M per year renting facilities for live Int events. What balls they have to ask for donations to build an event hall that will pay for itself rather quickly. And PAC is building their own event hall as well. The PAC Orgs pay a combined $200,000 for every single event, live or not. So the same applies there too.
For the paltry sum of $50,000, and for a limited time only, one can attain the hitherto unknown in this universe status of
Ron’s BFF,
which stands for
Ron’s Big Fat Funders.
Hip, Hip…
“Ron’s close family friend”? ………. uhm………… how are they all doing now? SURELY none you thought the SP Bldg was the end of the construction scam. (Yes, some of us did …. and don’t call me Shirley)
I know Shirley, I mean J.P… The arrogance is truly astounding.
Having to import a huge Tent gave “seed” to this new fund raising activity, note that the millions upon millions of dollars raised for the Super Power building that should have covered this but didn’t. They are on crack to think that future events will drive in enough people to justify building a stadium that is used at best 2-4X year to acquiesce David’s huge alter ego and sadly, it is widely known that under his leadership it’s been a huge failure, in fact a disaster that he has managed to cleverly hide to those drinking the Kool-Aid, poor fools, you’ll get what you pay for.
That man has never worked on staff in a mission. He has never worked on staff at an Org. He hasn’t had to say “Yes Sir” to anyone for 25 years. He doesn’t live with any of the threats other staff do. Pressures or stress. He has NEVER worked for and paid for a service, he has never been a PUBLIC! What is his experience? Why was he ever supposed to be a success over all of these people when he couldn’t possibly have a clue what it is they are doing and thinking? That man has never had to rent an apartment! He is half a century old and wholly dysfunctional. Why is this a surprise to us any longer? His “worldly experience” came to an abrupt halt at the age of 12.
That man may not know the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. 25 years on post and he has managed to get the books of Hubbard’s down to 12 year old reading level. What does that tell you?
His biggest problem is probably gross ignorance. He doesn’t have a clue! He couldn’t possibly have a clue! He hasn’t “been there” on the same terms as ANYONE else. The “public” are his targets for allowance!
He is a 12 year old kid in a 50 year old body. And it has become a big problem.
The most significant statement in this letter IMHO is that all International Events will now be held at Flag. No longer in Los Angeles or Saint Hill, and not at any of the new Ideal Orgs supposedly popping up like mushrooms after a rain. His Shortness is consolidating his empire down to the single location that has been most lucrative for him. Just to emphasize the obvious, this is contraction, not expansion.
Agree with you. Flag is the only place that he knows he can get more money that all the conts combine. But he is loosing more people that before was his main source of income.
And by building a Hall to have events in, the ceiling will prevent Mike Rinder from flying over in a helicopter! That was the most brilliant coup in the whole year Mike. It is a best moment of 2013 for sure!
That’s right! The Hall is His solution to Helicopter Tech courtesy of Mike & Mike Apostate Air Lines! LOL! Oh, funny!
Sounds like He’s doing a Danger Condition: “Bypass habits and normal routines”. But, if so, a Danger Condition on what? Gross Income maybe?
Danger Condition comment pertained to DM now holding all Int Events at Flag.
I think the Church need to pay for that not asking money for that. Anyway they will do wherever they want, but I know that will help to more people open their eyes and go out of the Church of Scientology
I agree. Bring on the pressure. The more pressure, the faster the sheeple staff and public will blow or withdraw. It started getting out of control in 2004-5, IMO.
Dave and Laurie, Let’s use some Eighth Grade math to put some things into perspective. Something the green shades crowd from the canyons of Wall Street may not have explained to you with avalanches of analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations.
Investopedia defines a small cap organization as one with a market capitalization of about 300 thousand to 2 billion. Dave’s stash of real estate and slush funds is generously put at about 2 billion, making it a SMALL Cap organization.
Just for the sake of example, let’s compare this to a company such as Public Storage, listed on the NYSE as PSA. The stock price of PSA has gone from about 3.67 to well over 150.00 in the last 23 years (41X). This is about as straight up and vertical as it gets in the normal busniess world. At 26 billion, the company qualifies as a LARGE Cap business and is about 13X Dave’s stash.
A UCLA, MBA business assciate has built his own private equity business of self-storage facilities thourghout Southern and Central California over the past few years. New, ‘state of the art’ facilities include semi-permaeant partition walls that can be moved to meet demand for various sizes of storage units. If he decided to start taking over your vacant church properties, he could easily go national and international with great profitability (David: this means income, GI).
David’s stash, unlike the self-storage business, faces many headwinds: fraud, abuse, REFUNDS, back wages and benifits — both from individuals and class-action. Eminent Domain by cities, etc,etc.
Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if The Church of MEST was taken over as White Elephant Storage or Vatican Storage, Inc.?
OP: “Wonder what you get for $100,000 this week?”
They get the Horse’s Butt Medal.
(Which Mike already posted here. )
Do the people in the church have no idea how money is made in the real world? People can’t just pull money out of a hat.
And so close to Christmas. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Anon — to experience shame one must be willing to accept some form of feedback, even if it’s only from ourselves, in the form of guilt. Many still in the RCS have disabled this ability. They simply reach out, again and again and again, all the while believing that they are right in what they’re doing. To allow oneself the pleasures of self-reflection — will have to wait. But it will come soon enough.
Self reflection and remorse is something an SP does not and cannot afford to have. In fact one of the qualities of an SP is that they do not feel remorse for their actions and they can never even conceive that they could be doing an overt or that they are an SP. So each of the registrars is SP if only temporarily because they went into the SP valence of David Miscavage.
C of S #1 goal and purpose is to extract as much money they can out of the sheep using any and every conniving trick in the book all the while they denounce the apostates and people on the fringe of the internet for exposing their scam and cultish activities.
What balls!!!! When it come to getting money there is no trick in the book to low for the C of S to stoop to. They are professional con men and of course con women!!!
They do this as they bow and kiss King Davids feet!!! What a loser and as LRH called him a dangerous man!!!!
Donors wanted for more Real Estate, done by Status level.
These are pure donations.
Int Landlord then owns the property, a subsidiary of Church of Scientology International.
Rising stat ~~ more square footage ~
Now Int Landlord becomes a BANK ~~ it becomes a mortgage loan BANK. The L Ron Hubbard Hall if following the pattern of Ideal Orgs scam *RENTS* back monthly to Flag and money is skimmed off the top of their revenues to pay the rental !
INT Landlord Office is a TAX FREE BANK. Orgs continue to paying back the rental of the property.This comes right off the top before the staff get their pay.
The Church of COURSE grabs its $$$$$ ahead of any poor staff member limping along barely making ends meet.
Nothing is what it seems like in Scientology. BUT it is hard corps business.
With Charity Tax Exemption.
Charity indeed. It’s *Ecclesiastical !*
Thank you Karen, you are so smart, clever, positive & brilliant – it’s too bad you don’t work for the Gov. so you could shut this sideshow down. peace/love
Instead of selling ever higher levels of “spiritual awareness” they switched it to ever higher levels of status by donation! Get to that first level status, it’s only $1,000!
Karen, thanks for the low down to us. Re the Idle Morgue Real Estate Scam, if the donors buy the building outright so that there is no mortgage on it and they pay for the rennos themselves, does it then belong to them? In other words, does the church rent it back to them even if they paid for it all in full themselves?
A real Friend Of Ron would leave the cult in protest at what RCS has done to The Tech.
Oddly enough, when researching Scientology from an Anon perspective in 2008, the ‘Friends of LRH’ website was the first Freezone site I came across. I still cite some of their references when engaging with Org staff, in the hope that actual Ron quotes have a better chance of breaking the “I’m not listening” shell
I’ve previously wondered why they didn’t reduce fundraising as a method to reduce the flow of people from the CO$. For example they could have earned themselves much needed good will by selling the new e-meters at close to cost. I’m suspecting that the CO$ sees fundraising as a way of keeping their field on the defensive and therefore more docile. If you are always looking for the next buck to give the church, you might not have the will nor the time to look for THEIR outpoints.
Good point N-S — In my opinion they actually do see or most certainly “feel” the outpoint as soon as it presents itself. It’s instinctual. But like denying grief, they simply cannot accept the first, in what will inevitably become a cascading effect of outpoints. If they let that first one get through, they’ve lost. That’s one of our jobs in the Indie field – to get them to acceptance.
Has anyone else ever noticed, the beggars that spend their lives on the road begging for donations, never ever do the service they work for years to get others to pay for?
Do you notice how unrewarded they go? All of the regges that worked to put the Freewinds on the ocean, even the OTVll’s, have not yet been encouraged or invited to do OT8.
Why aren’t the beggars who made the Super Power Building even possible on Super Power?
David is such an ingrate. He stands and takes the applause for making everything happen, never ONCE inviting a staff member who REALLY made the impossible possible, to share in any applause. Never once, seeing that the staff who worked miracles, are invited to any feast they have prepared.
Isn’t it very odd that these people INSIST everyone else have this vital service to change their eternity forever, yet they themselves feel the service really isn’t necessary for them?
How many Sea Org members are OT8?
How many Sea Org member have done their L’s? Do you know there are class Xll’s at the base that have been auditing others on the L’s for decades and they have never had the L’s themselves?
Sea Org staff receive out tech service, (read it drill it do it) as PUNISHMENT on the RPF.
It is as strange as inviting someone for dinner, and watching them sit down and eat with out ever lifting up a fork ones self. Or putting a cup to ones lip.
Brilliant O
Thank you for that. 🙂
Well, hell, that asshole isn’t even a Class IV auditor, so why does anyone else need to get anything??
So true, Oracle.
And I would like to put the following question to anyone on lines at the Church of Mi$cavology: If this has been DM’s level of exchange with his most loyal and dedicated “teammates” and closest “friends”, what do you think ultimately will be his level of exchange for YOUR efforts and contributions? You tell me.
(The scale of exchange starts at “exchange in abundance” and descends to “rip-off”.)
DING!!! You’ve inspired tweet material for me!! Thank you! —I’ll give you credit when I post my tweets on The Bunker! 🙂
Well, the thing that is very BIZARRE, is that these people sell stuff they have never done themselves! They REALLY have no idea what they are selling people! And they convince other people to buy it! What the f$%k is that all about?
Show me ONE, just ONE reg at the the base that has been been selling the L’as for YEARS that has done the L’s them self. You won’t find one! They have NO IDEA what the L’s are! But they sure can tell other people how great the L’s are! And SELL this stuff!
David takes home a HUGE paycheck, doesn’t even pay gift tax on all of his perks. How much money has HE donated? ZERO! He is f*^&*ng SPONGE.
Isn’t it a miracle that people who do not do Scientology, train or audit or get auditing, sell this stuff to others? And a guy who has quite a stash built up does not donate? The leader of the Church is blown off the f^*$%@g bridge, and he is selling “Golden Age Of Tech”! The staff don’t buy it! The staff don’t get it! The staff don’t learn it! The staff don’t even use the shit! But they want everyone else to! Right now! Today! Or the world is coming to an end!
I mean really, just think about it.
O.K. if you go to buy a Cadillac the salesman doesn’t have to own one for you see how good it is. There is nothing to guess about, the car sits right in front of you and what you see is what what you get. But in Scientology NOTHING tangible is given to the public, only ideas and concepts.
The regges take money from people having NO CLUE what is being delivered, where the money goes, why, how. The FAITH starts at the regges desk. The staff are forced to produce based on FAITH. All the way in every arena. They are FORCED into FAITH. And FAITH is a very wobbly foundation to stand on. They do not KNOW in an activity where the goal and rights promised are to KNOW.
How many car salesmen are put to work to sell a car they have never seen?
Right on Oracle! And I have a friend who is a travel agent. They sent the agents on wonderful vacations just so they can have first hand knowledge about the accommodations, ship, airlines, country etc that they are selling. Our SO members should be so lucky. David Miscavage is running a can’t have on his most loyal staff: you cant’ have the Bridge and you can’t have any exchange from me. If he treats his most trust and loyal this way, imagine how he would treat his enemies. Oh, wait, I don’t have to imagine. I just read Mosey’s testimony in her court case and look at the dildo they sent her up close and vertical.
TO, yes what you point out is true and sad at the same time. But I have noticed the SO have a service fac saying that they tell themselves to make it OK that they don’t get to partake of the auditing or training or Super Power Bldg or even the good food that they prepare and sell to others. It is a quote taken out of context to make themselves right for never getting to enjoy the fruits of their labor, “Competence is above case gain.” And they sneer at “public pcs” and “professional pcs” and act like they don’t need auditing and don’t need the training because they are so elite and tough by being in the SO. And again it is, “competence is above case gain.” Yet I have seen some SO members once out and they are in very bad case shape and worse physical shape from the neglect and abuses and poor sleep and nutrition they endured.
Jane Doe, that’s called “making it go right” or “no case on post” or “you have to be OT to go OT” too! What a load-o-crap!
You guys just don’t get it 🙂 David Miscavige got genetically short changed.. He is (he thinks) a HUGE, big-being personality FORCED to present this little, insignificant body which doesn’t match his personality. He’s furious about this. See, nothing will make him taller, ever, and he can’t grant beingness TO HIMSELF, so how can he grant beingness to others? And of course, the fact that he can’t grant beingness to himself spots him on the Tone Scale. Plenty of short men are charismatic but they accept their physical limitations. David Miscavige is actually a crude, simple-minded, literal-minded, mesty kind of guy who is cunning and calculating but not intelligent. He wants to be able to walk into a room and make an IMPACT because of his SIZE. He wants to be Dirty Harry and he can’t ever be and this bothers him, probably a lot. If he would/could only just grant himself beingness and relax about himself..people would just forget that he’s short and like him.When you get to know someone, he or she can become beautiful to you, or handsome, when their good qualities start to penetrate. Conversely, someone who is initially handsome or pretty can become unattractive if you don’t like their personality. We ALL know this. We’ve ALL learned this. Well, not him. So, its all compensation. We must all grovel to him, be subject to him, to convince him that he really is someone, really is a big being. The problem is that he’ll never be convinced, not ever, because he is looking for others to give to him what he should be giving himself.
In another life DM would have been a three card monte hustler.
Hey David !
Friends of Ron was one of the first sites I looked into after I left. Maybe others may feel safe to look at it now as “a friend of Ron” and hopefully before giving the thousand dollars.
Luis Garcia’s letter to DM was my first, and scary, reading. Friends of LRH was my second. And in reading Debbie Cook’s letter I was out for good.
Laughter! This really kept me going until my gut hurt! What will us that do not run with herd be called? Red headed step child of Ron?
Disowned second wife or daughter.
One night stands!
BTW, muktuk is a treat and quite tasty. That’s my first reaction to your picture. (Muktuk: the skin and blubber of a whale, typically the narwhal or the beluga, used as food by the Inuit.)