Unfortunately, this is not a joke.
Is there no limit to the depths of depravity to which they will sink?
They are actually PROMOTING this – KIDS selling bs leatherbound books for the Non Existence campaign for the oldest Ideal Org of all!! How’s that Ideal Org strategy working out for you David Miscavige? After 10 years they are just getting around to getting out of Non Existence? Providing of course enough kids sell books.
Thanks to one of our local Special Correspondents for sending this in (bit of a outpoint this person is not and never has been Buffalo public).
Read it and weep:
This mentality is why we have juvenile delinquents. Kids who want to contribute to some activity are allowed to and so the game becomes getting you. Why aren't kids allowed to contribute if they want to? Also, why the assumption that this local org promo means the org is in trouble? Non-existence just means that a stat is down. An Ideal Org would still need to do conditions and apply policy to stats. Are you so seriously in need of something to do with your life that you bash kids contributing to things they believe in?
It’s the kids selling books to kids because they are the only ones that have any cash left. Grandma’s Birthday Gift Accumulation Program was piloted up-lines and found to be extremely workable.
Having kids selling books is nothing new. They had the Boy Scouts out for the Birthday Game in 2002:
Notice that they’re competing in the Sea Org Divisional League. Is there a Merit Badge for that?
The Body Snatchers have struck again.
Hey calvin b. duffield,
Since I cannot reply to your questions directly, I will have to answer in a new comment.
How can you be sure of what I would and wouldn’t agree with? 🙂
My statement implies that the comparison of, for example, medium to extreme suffering tends to invalidate and belittle the severeness of medium suffering. Let’s stay with Saddam Hussein and Miscavige. If I object to a statement equalizing the magnitude of torture and abuse executed by Saddam Hussein to David Miscaviges wrongdoings, how would that make people feel who suffered under David Miscavige and are still marked by that experience? Comparison of adversity is tasteless.
But on the other side of the spectrum stand those people who have endured Saddam Hussein’s disregard of the life of children. I wouldn’t advise to tell a mother who had her child shield Hussein that Miscavige having kids sell leather-bound books is similar to that.
Because I prefer to write one sentence over writing a paragraph, I condensed this information in the above sentence: ‘Putting Miscavige on a level with Saddam Hussein or the Fuhrer, as has become fashion, calls for objection and the resulting comparison only belittles the suffering of church members.’. But I am of course happy to elaborate on your request.
Since I am not a clairvoyant, I cannot predict what Miscavige would or wouldn’t do if he was to command military forces. What I do know, though, is that there is no need to dramatize or embroider his depravities; the truth suffices.
On a side note, I also see that throwing around statements such as Miscavige being like Hitler, or Hussein in this case, has gotten out of hand and is done in what seems to me an unthinking habit, not ill will.
If my refusal to participate in exaggerations already breaks the rule of normative overstatements, we have an indication of a group defined linguistic barrier. While this strengthens the feeling of community, the upside of conventional use of language is that it opens the blog up to outsiders. Like present Scientologists, involved in the church.
So yes, I still gently object. First, because I do not agree with the content of the comparison, second because on a strategic level exaggerations only lessen the credibility of the original facts.
They really need to dial back to the right conditions. Co$ can’t be higher than Treason, If this Org thinks they are in Non-E for 10 yrs I would say actually in Confusion. At least the Individual fence sitters are in Doubt.
Dad: Timmy, are you ready for bed?
Timmy: Yes
Dad: Did you finish your homework?
Timmy: Yes
Dad: Did you brush your teeth?
Timmy: Yes
Dad: Did you meet your sales quota for leatherbound books for the Ideal Org?
Timmy: Umm, no.
Dad: Well, you know there’s no sleep until you do – go hit those phones.
I am horrified to even think that they might expect this child or any child to go door to door trying to sell these books. Besides the danger that could be lurking behind a strangers door, there are many people who’s opinion of Scientology is that it is a mindbending cult and they would think nothing of saying that to this child’s face. Where and to whom do they expect these children to sell these overpriced books?
I am pretty sure that Buffalo did a “Non-Existence” campaign back the first time they were proclaimed “Ideal” in 2003. The reality is that these “Non-Existence” campaigns in reality have very little to do with the formula for the condition. Rather than finding a comm line, the first step consists of Betrayal of their public by asking them to fork over to pay for the org’s promotional activities – a gross violation of every relevant LRH policy on Org finances and funding of org promotional activities. So it starts not with a Non-E step but by committing yet another Treasonous act against their public (no doubt especially against Joe Scgroi – sic?- the org sugar daddy). Even if they ever got to really finding out what the public do need and want, they would never do, produce or present it. What they do, produce or present are:
1) endless demands for donations for everything and anything – and even then most of the money collected will not go to the anything and everything it was demanded for.
2) incessant phone calls and emails demanding the time of people to attend an endless array of events and mini-events in the org to get bodies in the shop, do tasks for the org for free, etc.
3) Poor and indifferent service, if any.
4) The application of intimidation and duress to get people to think and act the way Miscavige demands people be made to think and act.
This campaign has nothing to do with Non-Existence but everything to do with Treason.
Betsy, I respectfully disagree with your statement “…I think the parents are untrained, unaudited, well meaning and clueless…” I know right now of a mid- OT VII parent who’s young child just joined the SO and who defended his decision saying, “He’s in the most uptone group on the planet…He is in the safest place he could be.. the SO is safe.” Wow! What is he smoking??? What planet is he on??? How much Kool Aid has he ingested over the years? Clubbed seal doesn’t even come close. I feel so bad for that kid and what he will face. I only hope he escapes at some point sooner rather than later. This parent is an interned classed auditor as well as mid OT VII and he still spouts “stuff” like this!!!!
Jane Doe,
Its Aquamarine. I said that, not Betsy. And I completely agree with you about any OTVII, Classed Auditor allowing their kid to join the SO. The theetie-weetieness, the smugness, the fatuous, self-righteousness ignorance of that is simply revolting and heartbreaking
My comment addressed the parents of the children being used to do the NON-E Ideal Org campaign in Buffalo. I have the sense that these parents are not OTs or trained as auditors. I have no data on these people. I could be just dubbing in something I’d like to believe.. If I am wrong and the parents pushing their kids out there are indeed OTs and trained auditors, well, so long to another delusion of mine, that’s all.
SSOA said, “This campaign has nothing to do with Non-Existence but everything to do with Treason.”
So true. You hit it spot on.
SSOA, thank you for this. You’ve cleared up my MU. Of course, they did NON-E ten years ago and were already doomed for being in Treason with their own Div II public because of the fundraising. So I guess doing the wrong formula put them permanently into Confusion. Wow.
And, Holy Cow, this means that EVERY Ideal Org with a building purchased and renovated and furnished with funds from their Div 2 public automatically de facto start out in Treason. They are doomed from the start because of this huge unhandled overt on their own existing public!! And on themselves for not knowing “that they are…” Forget about what any new potential public might think of them, they’re already doomed because they’ll never apply Treason! Wow!
This is simply BEGGING Co$-style with pushing the help button (in every sentence is the word “help” and in the headline “support”).
“Non-Existence Dissemination Campaign”? Sounds weird!
Will repost this (in French) on the French Independent blog.
“Ideal Org” in Non Existence? Certified “Ideal” in Non E? Are they tripping? Amazing how low the standards have fallen under DM. Staff haven’t made more than 25.00 a week since he took over the Church decades ago and he is labeling Orgs “Ideal”.
When Hubbard was the E.D. of Saint Hill, staff were making over 250.00 a week. Way back then! Now it is a given, that staff work for free like Sea Org members and that is Non E! More like serious fucking tripping condition at BEST! If the Org is only bleeding money time and energy from staff and customers that is not Non E.
Did David ever do a non e? “Hi! I am the new (and first) Chairman of the Board, what is wanted and needed from you?” “Hi! I have just made myself leader of this religion. What is wanted and need from you?” “Hi! I do not have any official Sea Org Org Board Title, but I am boss over all of the Sea Org. What is wanted and needed from you?”
He wouldn’t dare today.
“DONATE” to help us get out of Non E? Where is that on that formula? Aren’t you supposed to DO something? NO, It isn’t sell books or give away books…let’s see, Oh! I remember! You FIND OUT WHAT IS WANTED AND NEEDED AND YOU ACTUALLY COUGH IT UP!
Did they actually find out what is wanted and needed from the community? Because if they , did against the backdrop of all of the out PR of DM and Court have managed, the community probably told them, “What we want and need is for you to get the fuck out of this neighborhood.”
They would AT BEST make the community happy by vanishing!
Oracle, Thank you for that. I was always wondering myself and thought I just probably missed it since I only joined in 1994. You know that in Gold conditions -like for a new post- don’t even come out to the rest of the staff, but they are absolutely HAVE to be approved by DM. I guess he is THE comm line.
The byline of the Church of Radical Scientology should be:
“We are not too proud to use child slave labor; it’s been a proven, time-tested method of productivity when resources are scarce or are otherwise too expensive. Besides, children are just old thetans in young bodies. They’ll get their high school diploma in the next lifetime anyways, so quit your whining!”
Another tactic of hungry IAS regges is to extort from loving parents, Patron $50,000 status for their 1 year old !
As I noted just the other day, I stand in awe and bow down to Miscavige’s brilliance in taking money from Scientologists. Buffalo “ideal” org goes straight down and vertical and so NOW the public have to reward them with donations that of course they do not have to exchange anything for. (see HCOPL Bean Theory of Finance, especially about “cap in hand”). Heck, why don’t they just donate for services and get on them, wouldn’t that take the org out of Non-E? Makes too much sense.
So, let’s say this whole campaign “works.” Next up? You got it, kids. Contribute to the Buffalo “ideal” org’s Danger Campaign. Then you can give some moolah to the Buffalo “ideal” Org’s Emergency Campaign. Oh, no ….. what if they then fall back into Non-E? No problem. Donate. If they get to Affluence? Donate. It’s the added new step to all of the conditions formulas when an org applies them – Step 0. Get condition campaign donations from public and any staff who still have money.
And when a public is applying any condition now? You guessed it. Step 0. Donate to your local “ideal” org’s condition campaign.
The fun never stops in clearing the planet.
The formula for elevating oneself or one’s group from a condition of non-existence is:
1. Find a communication line
2. Make yourself known
3. Discover what is needed or wanted
4. Do, produce and/or present it.
It does not say anything in the Non-E formula about a fund-raising step. It says what it says.
So, since they claim to be in that condition, yet admit that they have not yet begun to apply the non-existence formula, they should simply apply it “by the book”.
OR……..they might honestly determine which condition they actually ARE in and apply the formula for that condition.
In any event, this fundraising is an additive to the Non-E formula and is squirreling.
What would a trained Ethics Officer say to someone who he was helping to apply the non-existence formula if they said that they had to go out and get a bunch of money first in order to be able to apply the formula? Gimme a break.
And these people can’t even “Find a comm line” without the public’s money!
And LRH does state that it isn’t anyone else responsibility to round up one’s comm lines when one is applying NON – E. But then, this is the RCS, and we are on the Planet Of The Dwarf, so guess again, Buffalo Org public, as it IS your responsibility to ensure that your org’s omm lines are rounded up and gotten onto. God.
More like out straight and horizontal….at the extreme bottom of the scale where it can’t get any lower
That is how conditions are done. I am new, gimme money, so I can overcome it. I would say this will get indeed old really fast. 🙂
This is the most pathetic insanity from the Miscavige cult since quite a while. Hillarious if it weren’t so sad so many are caught up in this lunacy calling itself the COS.
And this also begs the question: What conditions, if any HAVE they been applying for the past 10 years?
Oh, man!!
Aquamarine – both your comments are very well stated.
Non – E? In their dreams.
Buffalo Org staff really have to be clueless to believe they have to “make themselves known”. Did it occur to anyone to survey their public before applying this condition? Guess not, or they’d know that never has the t RCS and its cult leader/dwarf been more well known, and shall we say not in a good way.
Even leaving aside the huge TomKat divorce news of this past summer, leaving aside the buzz about The Master with one of the principal actor nominated for an Oscar – anyone who surfs the Net, watches TV News, reads newspapers, People and Us Magazine, the New Yorker, Janice Reitmans’ book, Lawrence Wright’s book, Jenna’s book with all the appearances of these authors on The View, Oprah, then the supermarket tabloids – hell, you don’t even have to read the tabloids, the Cruise and Cult were right there on the cover while the cashier is checking out your groceries. How many kids and adults up there watch South Park? Non – E, huh? Oh, brother!!
What a waste of the energy of good people and their innocent children. What a betrayal of magnitude of their good will and good intentions and how shocked to the core would they be to know that from a PR standpoint with raw public, their highest possible condition would be Doubt.
Shame on you, Mr. Miscavige. I don’t know how you live with yourself. I really don’t.
You are absolutely right. If anything it will scare people away. On the other hand there may still be some blind people out there.
Buffalo can’t even “Find a comm line” without the public’s money! And LRH does state that it isn’t anyone’s responsibility to round up one’s comm lines except the person or group doing the Non-E. So there’s another violation. God.
Simply revolting. These people can not help or minister anybody. They are a bunch of blood sucking parasites, even to their own children!
“Is there no limit to the depths of depravity to which they will sink?”
That is very sad and to think the parents have allowed their depths of depravity to fall over on to their son who knows no better is a complete shame. It reminds me of those images I saw of child labor back in the early 1900’s before child labor laws went into effect, the kid is doing what he is told to do and has no clue that he’s being used in selling unnecessary expensively overpriced books that IAS could literally give away with their treasure chest for the betterment of mankind.
Mreppen, I respectfully disagree. I don’t believe these Buffalo parents are depraved. I think they are untrained, unaudited, well meaning and clueless, and I think that they think that using their kids for this is someone’s really brite idea that they fervently hope is going to work and turn things around and handle their failed purposes.
I’ll bet you a ten spot right now that says the parents are on OT VII (and probably Cl V auditors as well).
Joe, Pendleton,
I’ll take that bet.
Maybe I’m being naive. I’m prepared to re-classify some more illusions as delusions. 10 bucks very well spent if you’re right.
But how do we find this stuff out?
This reminds me of Sadam Hussein using kids as human sheilds.
It’s probably a method of trying to introvert adults into giving more since even “the children” are helping.
They will stoop to any level.
If this reminds you of Saddam Hussein, we can all be glad of the enormous distance you must have had to his oppressive regime.
Putting Miscavige on a level with Saddam Hussein or the Fuhrer, as has become fashion, calls for objection and the resulting comparison only belittles the suffering of church members. This serves no one.
I get the theatrics, though 😉
Perhaps. However, I’m sure that you would agree with the assertion of all three
being nothing less than hateful, cruel, dictators.–Thus the comparison! Did you
see any inference that “belittles the suffering of Church members? I certainly
did not. I saw Tony express real concern that children are being abused in a
shameful and despicable perversion ” that they are helping.” I think that exposing
the depths to which the “church” will stoop, will AT LEAST help the Children!
Good that you got “the theatrics, though.” . It’s just a pity that you didn’t manage to
weigh into your comment, the appreciation that, given the opportunity to rise to
the command of a national military machine, david miscavige would have gone
ahead and committed similar acts of genocide.
Still feel the need to object?
How can you be sure of what I would and wouldn’t agree with? 🙂
My statement implies that the comparison of, for example, medium to extreme suffering tends to invalidate and belittle the severeness of medium suffering. Let’s stay with Saddam Hussein and Miscavige. If I object to a statement equalizing the magnitude of torture and abuse executed by Saddam Hussein to David Miscaviges wrongdoings, how would that make people feel who suffered under David Miscavige and are still marked by that experience? Comparison of adversity is tasteless.
But on the other side of the spectrum stand those people who have endured Saddam Hussein’s disregard of the life of children. I wouldn’t advise to tell a mother who had her child shield Hussein that Miscavige having kids sell leather-bound books is similar to that.
Because I prefer to write one sentence over writing a paragraph, I condensed this information in the above sentence: ‘Putting Miscavige on a level with Saddam Hussein or the Fuhrer, as has become fashion, calls for objection and the resulting comparison only belittles the suffering of church members.’. But I am of course happy to elaborate on your request.
Since I am not a clairvoyant, I cannot predict what Miscavige would or wouldn’t do if he was to command military forces. What I do know, though, is that there is no need to dramatize or embroider his depravities; the truth suffices.
On a side note, I also see that throwing around statements such as Miscavige being like Hitler, or Hussein in this case, has gotten out of hand and is done in what seems to me an unthinking habit, not ill will.
If my refusal to participate in exaggerations already breaks the rule of normative overstatements, we have an indication of a group defined linguistic barrier. While this strengthens the feeling of community, the upside of conventional use of language is that it opens the blog up to outsiders. Like present Scientologists, involved in the church.
So yes, I still gently object. First, because I do not agree with the content of the comparison, second because on a strategic level exaggerations only lessen the credibility of the original facts.
T. Marianne. It Is clear that you hold strongly to your views. I accept and thank you
for sharing them. It is, after all, possible to do that in THIS particular forum.
Non-E is a condition for applying its formula and getting through, should not be used a campaign name. This sounds like Buffalo has never got through Non-E (or completed), or it would achieve Non-E after this campaign — which means Buffalo admits that it has been in lower conditions for too long. Just by the campaign name it looks silly.
As usual, having to have before they can do. But having to raise funds to launch a Non-E campaign? After 10 years they are, by their own admission, in Non-E? And no hope of starting a “campaign” until they get some money. Desperate situation.
As far as “once the campaign launches it will let people know we are here and to come in for help,” this reminds me of a very bad science fiction movie I once saw, where an alien would grab people and solemnly say “I come in peace,” and then would proceed to extract the endorphins from the victims’ different glands.
Could someone explain what a non-existence campaign is?
When a person first starts out on a job or an activity begins, they are considered to be in “Non-Existence”, meaning that others don’t know that they are there or what they are doing. By telling others, advertising, etc, that they are “open for business”, the person or activity can thus get going.
Thank you!
Several years ago I posted a similar piece of Miscavige Cult propaganda that used a fourteen year old to sell the Basics. This teenager was being promoted as the youngest ever Basics completion.
This advertisement was mailed to my home as part of the 1,000+ pieces of Cult junk mail I was deluged with each year.
OSAbot SuzanneMarie promptly posted a reply stating I should be arrested for endangering a child by posting the Cult advertisement online.
My reply to her was that I welcomed an investigation into David Miscavige and the teenager’s parents by the California Dept of Child Protective Services for exploiting a teenager in this manner.
While the way in which Miscavige uses children to shamelessly raise money for his failed Cult of Nonsense is morally reprehensible, my bigger concern is that this child will be “recruited” into a life of utter misery and suffering in the Sea Org.
I just thought I would quote some of the NON E text from the ethics book
“Sometimes he assumes he knows what is needed or wanted when it is only a fixed idea with him and it only his idea and not true at all and so he fails at his job”.
Sometimes he doesnt bother to find out what is really needed or wanted and simply assumes it or thinks he knows when he doesn’t. He soon becomes unsuccessful”.
“so it is a long way from power that one starts his new appointment and if he doesnt go up the scale from where he really is at the start he of course will FAIL.”
And one for you Davey boy,
“Executives sometimes wonder why certain staff personnel never seem to be able to do anything right and out of exasperation go into a phase 1 and wind up handling the whole area themselves.”
Its because you cannot apply any real tech and your bullshit ideal org program was never needed and wanted.
Yeah right, forget about doing a service, JUST GIVE US MONEY. Church of Radical Scientology MUST BE CONTRIBUTED TO. Way to go Miscavige for driving the Orgs out of the business of freeing beings.
Wow–can’t help but say this to Luke’s mom and dad….Stop it right now. Luke may help you or pose for photos now, and it’s very cute, but that’s just the beginning. Do not let or make Luke join the Sea Org. You will be approached to do so. You have noooooo idea what he will encounter. And when you do get a clue as to what happens at “senior sea org locations” you will be horrified that you let him go. Read up on the stuff. The church is the defendant in many many lawsuits right now that are completely valid. Make yourself aware.
A kid. Is that the best they could do?
(You wouldn’t believe how many people are “flying under the radar.” I could tell you some stories.)
Pepsi Cat, you said: “(You wouldn’t believe how many people are “flying under the radar.” I could tell you some stories.)”
Yes I would, I believe it’s a majority. I just wished more of them would realize how wonderful it is just to be OUT and Totally Free FROM ANY CONNECTIONS. After they do, they”ll wonder why they waited so long.
Pepsi Cat, DO tell us stories of the under the radar! I want to hear.
I can say this, in talking to recent OT VIII completions and some on VII who “fell off the level” when they ran out of money, one for one they all have said the same thing to me: “It was such a release and relief not to have to keep auditing every day and missing out on so much of my life cuz I had to be in session or sleeping to get sessionable.” How is that for a “Good Indicator!” They were actually glad to not have to audit anymore. And this is the TOP of the Bridge? What a surprise those lower on the Bridge have in store for them!
Hey, don’t laugh. That kid is the PES because all the other staff left because of the bad conditions; no pay, no study time, no auditing and no pay.
I used to stand outside the Albuquerque org body routing at 9. Actually, I used to body route people in to the OC org to watch films at 7. So unfortunately I am not surprised or phased at all. His parents are probably so proud of him too. I know people were all “proud” of me for such, gets you all in the mind set to join the SO at an insanely young age and be formed into a robot.
Parents, the best ones, are outwardly proud and encouraging of their kids for whatever they’re doing. It’s a part of loving and naturally nurturing kids self esteem. Imagine kids of parents who belittle and carp about everything they’re doing. A “ruin” like that could likely send those kids running to the Sea Org to get out of a miserable home life. Scientology’s vulture culture of life has an answer (hook) for everyone.
And I can see how this kids selling books campaign might be someone’s “bright idea” not just to raise money, but also to borrow a “successful action” of other mainstream organizations like Girl Scouts selling cookies, schools selling candy or wrapping paper, etc., and help legitimatize them….”see, we’re not any different from any other religious or social group”. Look around here and see what’s being done that’s acceptable and working for others in society. Copy it and pretend you’re doing the same thing. Trouble is, it rightly comes across as what it really is; disingenuous, or comical, or creepy and sinister, or all of these and more.
Non E!
More like treason or confusion.
Oh, for Gawd’s sake. Non-Existence campaign??? WTF about all the “straight up and vertical” and “expansion” and all that garbage? And this org that’s had I think two grand openings and Ideal-izements is still in Non-E? Are Scientologists really so blind? Wow. Just wow.