Hi Mike,
Every New Year’s our org would promote that they were having a New Year’s Admin scale workshop. I dodged it for years and one year I found myself really in need of a new look at my business to just inspire me to start the new year.
So I called the person planning and I said if I go to this thing I want to do a admin scale for my business not for the ideal org or whatever.
She said oh that’s fine, no problem. So I got there and it was all about my goals and purposes for moving up the bridge and the ideal org and when I started working on one for my business in spite of all that they had said. I got major dirty looks and I could tell that I was probably on the road to getting a KR.
So I put away my business admin scale and made up one for my goals and purposes for the future on my bridge. And boy did that make me unhappy. That must be why I left soon thereafter.
When I read this promo, it reminded me of how predictable they are with their New Year’s events. It also made me wonder if you’ve done a blog lately about the bait and switch about goals, how they co opt your goals, like I have a goal to make my business better and the next thing you know, they’re making me write it up about my bridge goals and my freedom goals. Just a thought.
I have not done a post about co-opting goals, but I might find the time to do so in the near future.
In the meantime, I bet there are others who have had similar experiences to this and we will see them reflected in the comments.
There is virtually nothing that is said in these promotional pieces for “seminars” and “free meals” and “come in to admire our carpet” that is in fact stating what the real intention is. It is ALWAYS about getting your money. Always.
Scientology, the game where EVERYONE pays.
I am an SP and I live in St Louis, Missouri. We have an empty Org here, which I used to support.
A few years ago, some SP sent out a flyer to everyone at the Org that showed ( brochure produced by the Church of Scientology) on 1/2 of the flyer:
ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS with the young man jumping up and down.
On the other 1/2 – a copy of the billion year contract.
I must say – that worked. That hit me like a hammer and got thru my delusional bubble of implants and false data – compliments by L Ron Hubbard’s mind control trickery.
If you want to get people out – send them the truth. It IMPINGES!
I just pulled it out and looked at it to refresh my memory.
The top of the flyer said “BAIT AND SWITCH”
Someone put that in a SP hat write up of successful actions to get people to wake up and leave the Church of Scientology. It was a successful action.
I quietly left and then did my research on the Church of Scientology. I looked at everything they told me not to look at. I left and will never return.
Congratulations, Midwest SP! It’s always good to hear about someone who woke up and freed themselves. have a wonderful holiday free of Scientology!
Congratulations Midwest SP! Glad you are out of the trap. If only more would take the initiative to look at everything the CO$ tells them NOT to look at. Welcome aboard!
Have you ever heard of the term, “Zero Sum Game”?
I looked up, “Zero Sum Game ” in Wikipedia. It said that a “Zero Sum Game” meant …
“In game theory and economic theory, a zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant’s gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the utility of the other participants.”
So, if one participant loses say $300, then all the other participants’ wins and losses must total -$300 so that the entire sum equals zero.
If someone gets involved in some kind of game or investment that is NOT a “Zero sum game”, it means that someone is winning more or losing more than they should. I have always thought that meant that one or more people were cheating.
Wow. I hated that bait and switch when I had to god call in. Lie to the public No big deal. It’s really to get you to buy something but you never say that. You tell them how it’s all for their good. Cognitive dissonance! 🙌🤫
Need 17 more ex-COS-members to speak out to hit 3,000:
So if you’re ready to tell your story please see the link to find out how you can get on the list.
Or maybe Mike is willing to post your story. 😉
Time was mid 1970’s at AOLA and I was on OT3. I got a call at work on Wed afternoon by DofP ‘ordering’ me to get in 3.5 hours session that evening to get in 12.5 hours for the week. I told her that she knew that OT3 doesn’t work that way. She replied that these were the C/Ses orders. I plugged away for 1.3 hours and the TA soared on protest so I ended off. Thursday AM at work she called and wanted me go go into session to get 2+ more hours. I told her no.
Thursday evening, 10 PM, I turned in my folder with no session due to tiredness. DofP immediatly came out of C/S office with a written ‘Why no session? You had all day?’ So I wrote that: I had other third dynamic activities besides scientology: a full time job and running a scientology group house. DofP dutifully took the note into the C/Ses office, leaving the door open….
The DofP came out, closed the door, saw me and got embaarrased, saying: Just go do your routine sessions in the week. I softly said; “Sea Org?” She sighed and nodded. And away I went.
To hell with the individual, to hell with the tech, to hell with case gain, it’s sea org….uber alles, nothing else mattered. just get that stat. And THAT was 40+ years ago. When things were still good. We learned early on that the only one who was going to impove your ‘stat’ in life was…..yourself.
Do I need the Admin Scale to take a dump? What kind of Org Board would that entail? And can I still use 2-ply?
Zee Moo,
Here is a start to help you along.
PURPOSE: Move poop in the tube to poop in the bowl
POLICY: Keep a steady flow of poop to allow recent beans and rice to work through
PLANS: Schedule same time of day and toilet to keep regular
PROGRAMS: locate toilet without cameras, find toilet paper, settle down, calmly let it rip, flush as needed, wipe in a pinser motion, use fresh toilet paper (if you have it) or use both sides ( carefully), wait for poop tube to calm down, get up and flush, put the lid down (keeps the girls happy), wash hands and check fingernails, go back on post
VALUEABLE FINAL PRODUCT: Poop tube relief and clean hands
A toiletpaper portraited with LRH make the visit extra nice.
O/T. 12/21-22/19: Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad hosts a Scientology Repair of the Black Family Event at the Church of Scientology Community Center in Los Angeles.
Clams without any human emotions and reactions can’t hit their goals. In an attempt they made Clear Water to Muddy Water
Yes, this obsessive control over everybody’s life. Like Mary Kahn’s comment where she was not allowed what was beneficial to her.
The very well indoctrinated staff and public ,that blindly follows what they are told, causes each of them to NOT listen to the person in front of them.
They have a fixed idea that this or that should be done, and anything that departs from it is invalidated, evaluated, threatened to be ugly if you don’t comply and all this happens because they are stuck on indoctrinated commands and behavior from this cult.
Fortunately, for us that left, this obsession can be analyzed, blown and, in turn, we are free to decide, act and lead a very nice life.
“Stupid is as stupid does!” This actually bodes well for Valerie’s case. One just hopes that she doesn’t get that same dreary judge regarding having to get back into scio in order for them to screw you.
In any case, Valerie, you’ve got a LOT of support.
Wow a criminal featured by WISE. So fitting.
Wynski, my thoughts exactly when I saw Kevin Wilson’s face and name on this promo.
That’s funny, “the game where everybody pays”.
Off the top of my head, this harkens me to when I was reassured before I went to the ship, I could fly from Cartegna to Aruba. (I have an inner ear thing and a big problem with sailing and I knew that the 24-hour sail would be horrible.) I had been on the ship long enough to start my sec check that everyone gets before being approved for 8. When it came time to sail I was disapproved by the C/S to fly instead of sail. So, I spent the night on deck following some star to try to stay stable and not barf in my cabin. I made it without barfing but within a few hours after docking, I got really sea sick (it appears I found my sea legs but now we were docked) and for the next 5 days, I got to get a dose of NOTS to “handle” my sea sickness. For those who don’t know, NOTS is an auditing action that can address specific issues that cost mega bucks on the ship.
And for the record, I still have the inner ear “thing.”
Sounds like a dramamine would have been for effective, and cost a lot less, than NOTS auditing.
Anything would have been better. It was a horrendous experience.
Mary Kahn,
I suffer seasickness too. Have tried all the various solutions but the only thing that ever worked was chewing and swallowing a slice of ginger root. I do this at the first sign of trouble and then every couple hours after until all is better. Works like a charm. Drugs, wrist bands and other stuff never helped. A friend who suffered car sickness tried this and was amazed how it handled her problem driving on twisty-turny roads.
Another good remedy for sea sickness is to avoid going out on ships and boats – especially any such vessel that is full of reges who will suck your blood.
Also ginger tea and ginger ale work too.
Ginger root sounds like a good idea. I have had increasing trouble with indigestion in the past few years (aging is so much fun) and started taking cider vinegar caps before meals. Haven’t had trouble since – sometimes the old fashioned remedies are the best.
Speaking of ‘bait & switch’, last night Tony posted some letters from $cientology’s attorneys Scheper, Kim & Harris LLP, to Valerie Haney’s legal team.
One of them contained this tid-bit, which appears to be lifted directly from a STAAD piece, or maybe the other way around. At any rate they had this to say about Valerie:
“She is merely doing Leah Remini’s bidding – Remini is the real Jane Doe – who is still smarting after her staged departure from the Church. Remini is in collusion with Mike Rinder and The Aftermath Foundation, a so-called non-profit, used to pay disgraced ex-Scientologists for material for Remini’s false TV show. The modus operandi of Remini and Rinder goes back years and is likely unknown to you. Now that their show apparently has been canceled, they are clearly desperate to devise other ways to spread religious hate and to harm the Church and its leadership. Valeri Haney is just the latest stage-managed departure and “victim.” Remini staged her own departure from the Church to position herself as a “victim.” Did Remini and Rinder relate that history? Are you aware that their guru is Marty Rathbun who has exposed this scam publiicly?”
Considering you’re not even parties to Valerie’s case, it seems strange for these guys to be dragging yourself, Leah and the Aftermath Foundation into it like this. It’s especially odd that they should be opening their firm up to a potential libel suit, and possible Bar Association complaint, totally seperate from Valerie’s case, by putting this crap in writing on their firms letterhead.
It reads like it was dictated by Defendant David Miscavige, but I find it hard to believe any so called lawyer would include it in a letter in an attempt to bully a plantiff’s legal team.
Of course it can´t be dictated by the Highly Ethical COB; he would have inflicted something with Michael Myers:-)